1 {*****************************************************}
2 {                                                     }
3 {               FastReport v2.3                       }
4 {          RoundRect plus Add-in object               }
5 {       (C) Guilbaud Olivier for FR 2.3x              }
6 {    Some corrections by Alexander Tzyganenko         }
7 {     For question mail to : golivier@free.fr         }
8 {*****************************************************}
9 {Histo :                                              }
10 { 29/04/99 : Cr�ation                                 }
11 { 30/04/99 : Corrections minueurs                     }
12 {            Changer le TButton en TImage             }
13 {            pour le choix de la couleur              }
14 {            de l'ombre.                              }
15 {            Initialis� avec mots entiers             }
16 {            par defaut                               }
17 { 22/06/99 : Ajout� la possibilit� de d�grad�         }
18 {            mais dans ce cas, c'est un rectangle     }
19 { 10/11/99 : Update for the FR 2.31 version           }
20 {                                                     }
22 unit LR_RRect;
24 interface
26 {$I lr_vers.inc}
27 {$if (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20701)}
28 {$Packset 1}
29 {$endif}
31 uses
32   Classes, SysUtils, LResources, GraphMath,
33   Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,Buttons,
34   StdCtrls, Menus,ClipBrd,
36   LCLType,LR_Class, ExtCtrls,LCLIntf,LCLProc;
38 type
39   {These are the six different gradient styles available.}
40   TGradientStyle = (gsHorizontal, gsVertical, gsElliptic, gsRectangle,
41                     gsVertCenter, gsHorizCenter);
43   { TfrRoundRectObject }
45   TfrRoundRectObject = class(TComponent)
46   public
47     Constructor Create(aOwner : TComponent); override;
48   end;
50   TCorner = (ctTopLeft,ctBottomLeft,ctBottomRight,ctTopRight);
51   TCornerSet = set of TCorner;
53   // Pour enregistrer les param�tres
54   TfrRoundRect = packed record
55     SGradian  : Boolean;   //ShowGradian
56     GradStyle : TGradientStyle;
58     SdColor   : TColor;    // Color of Shadow
59     wShadow   : Integer;   // Width of shadow
60     sCurve    : Boolean;   // RoundRect On/Off
61     wCurve    : Integer;   // Curve size
62     Corners   : TCornerSet; // Set of squared corners
63   end;
65   { TfrRoundRectView }
67   TfrRoundRectView = class(TfrMemoView)
68   private
69     fCadre: TfrRoundRect;
GetGradStylenull71     function GetGradStyle: TGradientStyle;
GetRoundRectnull72     function GetRoundRect: boolean;
GetRoundRectCurvenull73     function GetRoundRectCurve: Integer;
GetShadowColornull74     function GetShadowColor: TColor;
GetShadowWidthnull75     function GetShadowWidth: Integer;
GetShowGradnull76     function GetShowGrad: Boolean;
77     procedure SetCorners(AValue: TCornerSet);
78     procedure SetGradStyle(const AValue: TGradientStyle);
79     procedure SetRoundRect(const AValue: boolean);
80     procedure SetRoundRectCurve(const AValue: Integer);
81     procedure SetShadowColor(const AValue: TColor);
82     procedure SetShadowWidth(const AValue: Integer);
83     procedure SetShowGrad(const AValue: Boolean);
GetCornersnull84     function  GetCorners: TCornerSet;
85   public
86     constructor Create(AOwnerPage:TfrPage); override;
87     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
88     procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
89     procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
90     procedure LoadFromXML(XML: TLrXMLConfig; const Path: String); override;
91     procedure SaveToXML(XML: TLrXMLConfig; const Path: String); override;
93     procedure ShowFrame; override;
94     procedure ShowBackGround; override;
95   published
96     property ShowGradian : Boolean read GetShowGrad write SetShowGrad;
97     property GradianStyle: TGradientStyle read GetGradStyle write SetGradStyle;
98     property ShadowColor : TColor read GetShadowColor write SetShadowColor;
99     property ShadowWidth : Integer read GetShadowWidth write SetShadowWidth;
100     property RoundRect   : boolean read GetRoundRect write SetRoundRect;
101     property RoundRectCurve : Integer read GetRoundRectCurve write SetRoundRectCurve;
102     property SquaredCorners: TCornerSet read GetCorners write SetCorners;
103   end;
105   // Editeur de propri�t�s
107   { TfrRoundRectForm }
109   TfrRoundRectForm = class(TfrObjEditorForm)
110     chkTL: TCheckBox;
111     chkTR: TCheckBox;
112     chkBL: TCheckBox;
113     chkBR: TCheckBox;
114     lblSqrCorners: TLabel;
115     M1: TMemo;
116     Button5: TButton;
117     Button6: TButton;
118     lblSample: TLabel;
119     colorDlg: TColorDialog;
120     bOk: TButton;
121     bCancel: TButton;
122     Image1: TImage;
123     imgSample: TImage;
124     cbGradian: TCheckBox;
125     panCurve: TPanel;
126     cmShadow: TCheckBox;
127     sCurve: TEdit;
128     lblSWidth: TLabel;
129     ShWidth: TEdit;
130     lblSColor: TLabel;
131     bcolor: TImage;
132     cbCadre: TCheckBox;
133     panGrad: TPanel;
134     Label1: TLabel;
135     bcolor3: TImage;
136     Label2: TLabel;
137     bColor2: TImage;
138     cbStyle: TComboBox;
139     Label3: TLabel;
140     procedure Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
141     procedure Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
142     procedure bColorClick(Sender: TObject);
143     procedure chkTLClick(Sender: TObject);
144     procedure ShWidthChange(Sender: TObject);
145     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
146     procedure cbCadreClick(Sender: TObject);
147     procedure cbGradianChange(Sender: TObject);
148     procedure cmShadowClick(Sender: TObject);
149     procedure M1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
150       Shift: TShiftState);
151     procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
152       Shift: TShiftState);
153     procedure cbGradianClick(Sender: TObject);
154     procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
155   private
156     { D�clarations priv�es }
157     fShadowColor: TColor;
158     fNormalColor: TColor;
160     procedure ChgColorButton(S: TObject; C: TColor);
161     procedure SetCorners(AValue: TCornerSet);
162     procedure UpdateSample;
GetCornersnull163     function  GetCorners: TCornerSet;
164   public
165     { D�clarations publiques }
166     procedure ShowEditor(t: TfrView); override;
167     property Corners: TCornerSet read GetCorners write SetCorners;
168   end;
170 implementation
172 uses LR_Const, LR_Var, LR_Flds;
174 {$R *.lfm}
176 var
177   frRoundRectForm: TfrRoundRectForm;
RGBnull179 function RGB(R,G,B : Byte): TColor;
180 begin
181   Result:=(R or (G shl 8) or (B shl 16));
182 end;
185 procedure PaintGrad(Cv: TCanvas; X, Y, X1, Y1: Word;
186   FBeginClr, FEndClr: TColor; FGradientStyle: TGradientStyle);
187 var
188   FromR, FromG, FromB: Integer; //These are the separate color values for RGB
189   DiffR, DiffG, DiffB: Integer; // of color values.
190   bm: TBitMap;
192   {To speed things up and reduce flicker, I use a Bitmap to draw the button in
193    its entirety, ten BitBlt it to the canvas of the control.}
194   procedure DoHorizontal(fr, fg, fb, dr, dg, db: Integer);
195   var
196     ColorRect: TRect;
197     I: Integer;
198     R, G, B: Byte;
199   begin
200     DebugLn('DoHorizontal');
201     ColorRect.Top := 0;                        //Set rectangle top
202     ColorRect.Bottom := bm.Height;
203     for I := 0 to 255 do
204     begin         //Make lines (rectangles) of color
205       ColorRect.Left := MulDiv (I, bm.Width, 256);    //Find left for this color
206       ColorRect.Right := MulDiv (I + 1, bm.Width, 256);   //Find Right
207       R := fr + MulDiv(I, dr, 255);            //Find the RGB values
208       G := fg + MulDiv(I, dg, 255);
209       B := fb + MulDiv(I, db, 255);
210       bm.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R, G, B);   //Plug colors into brush
211       bm.Canvas.FillRect(ColorRect);           //Draw on Bitmap
212     end;
213   end;
215   procedure DoVertical(fr, fg, fb, dr, dg, db: Integer);
216   var
217     ColorRect: TRect;
218     I: Integer;
219     R, G, B: Byte;
220   begin
221     DebugLn('DoVertical');
223     ColorRect.Left := 0;                //Set rectangle left&right
224     ColorRect.Right := bm.Width;
225     for I := 0 to 255 do
226     begin                               //Make lines (rectangles) of color
227       ColorRect.Top := MulDiv (I, bm.Height, 256);    //Find top for this color
228       ColorRect.Bottom := MulDiv (I + 1, bm.Height, 256);   //Find Bottom
229       R := fr + MulDiv(I, dr, 255);    //Find the RGB values
230       G := fg + MulDiv(I, dg, 255);
231       B := fb + MulDiv(I, db, 255);
232       bm.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R, G, B);   //Plug colors into brush
233       bm.Canvas.FillRect(ColorRect);           //Draw on Bitmap
234     end;
235   end;
237   procedure DoElliptic(fr, fg, fb, dr, dg, db: Integer);
238   var
239     I: Integer;
240     R, G, B: Byte;
241     Pw, Ph: Double;
242     x1, y1, x2, y2: Double;
243   {The elliptic is a bit different, since I had to use real numbers. I cut down
244    on the number (to 155 instead of 255) of iterations in an attempt to speed
245    things up, to no avail.  I think it just takes longer for windows to draw an
246    ellipse as opposed to a rectangle.}
247   begin
248     DebugLn('DoElliptic');
250     bm.Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear;
251     bm.Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
252     x1 := 0 - (bm.Width / 4);
253     x2 := bm.Width + (bm.Width / 4);
254     y1 := 0 - (bm.Height / 4);
255     y2 := bm.Height + (bm.Height / 4);
256     Pw := ((bm.Width / 4) + (bm.Width / 2)) / 155;
257     Ph := ((bm.Height / 4) + (bm.Height / 2)) / 155;
258     for I := 0 to 155 do
259     begin                              //Make ellipses of color
260       x1 := x1 + Pw;
261       x2 := X2 - Pw;
262       y1 := y1 + Ph;
263       y2 := y2 - Ph;
264       R := fr + MulDiv(I, dr, 155);    //Find the RGB values
265       G := fg + MulDiv(I, dg, 155);
266       B := fb + MulDiv(I, db, 155);
267       bm.Canvas.Brush.Color := R or (G shl 8) or (b shl 16);   //Plug colors into brush
268       bm.Canvas.Ellipse(Trunc(x1), Trunc(y1), Trunc(x2), Trunc(y2));
269     end;
270     bm.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
271   end;
273   procedure DoRectangle(fr, fg, fb, dr, dg, db: Integer);
274   var
275     I: Integer;
276     R, G, B: Byte;
277     Pw, Ph: Real;
278     x1, y1, x2, y2: Double;
279   begin
280     DebugLn('DoRectangle');
282     bm.Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear;
283     bm.Canvas.Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
284     x1 := 0;
285     x2 := bm.Width;
286     y1 := 0;
287     y2 := bm.Height;
288     Pw := (bm.Width / 2) / 255;
289     Ph := (bm.Height / 2) / 255;
290     for I := 0 to 255 do
291     begin                              //Make rectangles of color
292       x1 := x1 + Pw;
293       x2 := X2 - Pw;
294       y1 := y1 + Ph;
295       y2 := y2 - Ph;
296       R := fr + MulDiv(I, dr, 255);    //Find the RGB values
297       G := fg + MulDiv(I, dg, 255);
298       B := fb + MulDiv(I, db, 255);
299       bm.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R, G, B);   //Plug colors into brush
300       bm.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(Trunc(x1), Trunc(y1), Trunc(x2), Trunc(y2)));
301     end;
302     bm.Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
303   end;
305   procedure DoVertCenter(fr, fg, fb, dr, dg, db: Integer);
306   var
307     ColorRect: TRect;
308     I: Integer;
309     R, G, B: Byte;
310     Haf: Integer;
311   begin
312     DebugLn('DoVertCenter');
314     Haf := bm.Height Div 2;
315     ColorRect.Left := 0;
316     ColorRect.Right := bm.Width;
317     for I := 0 to Haf do
318     begin
319       ColorRect.Top := MulDiv(I, Haf, Haf);
320       ColorRect.Bottom := MulDiv(I + 1, Haf, Haf);
321       R := fr + MulDiv(I, dr, Haf);
322       G := fg + MulDiv(I, dg, Haf);
323       B := fb + MulDiv(I, db, Haf);
324       bm.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R, G, B);
325       bm.Canvas.FillRect(ColorRect);
326       ColorRect.Top := bm.Height - (MulDiv (I, Haf, Haf));
327       ColorRect.Bottom := bm.Height - (MulDiv (I + 1, Haf, Haf));
328       bm.Canvas.FillRect(ColorRect);
329     end;
330   end;
332   procedure DoHorizCenter(fr, fg, fb, dr, dg, db: Integer);
333   var
334     ColorRect: TRect;
335     I: Integer;
336     R, G, B: Byte;
337     Haf: Integer;
338   begin
339     DebugLn('DoHorizCenter');
341     Haf := bm.Width Div 2;
342     ColorRect.Top := 0;
343     ColorRect.Bottom := bm.Height;
344     for I := 0 to Haf do
345     begin
346       ColorRect.Left := MulDiv(I, Haf, Haf);
347       ColorRect.Right := MulDiv(I + 1, Haf, Haf);
348       R := fr + MulDiv(I, dr, Haf);
349       G := fg + MulDiv(I, dg, Haf);
350       B := fb + MulDiv(I, db, Haf);
351       bm.Canvas.Brush.Color := RGB(R, G, B);
352       bm.Canvas.FillRect(ColorRect);
353       ColorRect.Left := bm.Width - (MulDiv (I, Haf, Haf));
354       ColorRect.Right := bm.Width - (MulDiv (I + 1, Haf, Haf));
355       bm.Canvas.FillRect(ColorRect);
356     end;
357   end;
359 begin
360   DebugLn('PaintGrad');
361   try
362     bm := TBitMap.Create;
363     if Cv = nil then Exit;
364     bm.Width := X1 - X;          //Set BMP dimensions to match control's
365     bm.Height :=Y1 - Y;
366     FromR := FBeginClr and $000000ff;  //Strip out separate RGB values
367     FromG := (FBeginClr shr 8) and $000000ff;
368     FromB := (FBeginClr shr 16) and $000000ff;
369     DiffR := (FEndClr and $000000ff) - FromR;   //Find the difference
370     DiffG := ((FEndClr shr 8) and $000000ff) - FromG;
371     DiffB := ((FEndClr shr 16) and $000000ff) - FromB;
372     //Depending on gradient style selected, go draw it on the Bitmap canvas.
373     if FGradientStyle = gsHorizontal then
374       DoHorizontal(FromR, FromG, FromB, DiffR, DiffG, DiffB);
375     if FGradientStyle = gsVertical then
376       DoVertical(FromR, FromG, FromB, DiffR, DiffG, DiffB);
377     if FGradientStyle = gsElliptic then
378       DoElliptic(FromR, FromG, FromB, DiffR, DiffG, DiffB);
379     if FGradientStyle = gsRectangle then
380       DoRectangle(FromR, FromG, FromB, DiffR, DiffG, DiffB);
381     if FGradientStyle = gsVertCenter then
382       DoVertCenter(FromR, FromG, FromB, DiffR, DiffG, DiffB);
383     if FGradientStyle = gsHorizCenter then
384       DoHorizCenter(FromR, FromG, FromB, DiffR, DiffG, DiffB);
385     //By setting the Brush style to Clear, it will draw without overlaying bkgrnd
386     bm.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;  //Gradient is done, time for Hilite-Shadow
387     {Finally, the button is all painted on the bitmap canvas. Now we just need
388      to copy it to the canvas of our control.  BitBlt is one method; there are
389      several others.}
390     BitBlt(Cv.Handle, X, Y, bm.Width, bm.Height, bm.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
391   finally
392     bm.Free;
393   end;
394 end;
396 procedure MixedRoundRect(Canvas:TCanvas; X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer; RX, RY: integer;
397   SqrCorners: TCornerSet);
398 var
399   Pts: PPoint;
400   c: Integer;
401   Mx,My: Integer;
403   procedure Corner(Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy:Integer);
404   begin
405     ReallocMem(Pts, SizeOf(TPoint)*(c+3));
406     Pts[c].x:=ax; Pts[c].y:=ay; inc(c);
407     Pts[c].x:=bx; Pts[c].y:=by; inc(c);
408     Pts[c].x:=cx; Pts[c].y:=cy; inc(c);
409   end;
411 begin
413   X2 := X2-1;
414   Y2 := Y2-1;
416   // basic checks
417   if X1>X2 then
418   begin
419     c :=X2;
420     X2 := X1;
421     X1 := c;
422   end;
423   if Y1>Y2 then
424   begin
425     c := Y2;
426     Y2 := Y1;
427     Y1 := c;
428   end;
429   if RY>(Y2-Y1) then
430     RY:=(Y2-Y1);
431   if RX>(X2-X1) then
432     RX :=(X2-X1);
434   MX := RX div 2;
435   MY := RY div 2;
437   c := 0;
438   Pts := nil;
439   if ctTopLeft in SqrCorners then
440     Corner(X1+MX,Y1, X1,Y1, X1,Y1+MY)
441   else
442     BezierArcPoints(X1,Y1,RX,RY, 90*16, 90*16, 0, Pts, c);
443   if ctBottomLeft in SqrCorners then
444     Corner(X1,Y2-MY,X1,Y2,X1+MX,Y2)
445   else
446     BezierArcPoints(X1,Y2-RY,RX,RY, 180*16, 90*16, 0, Pts, c);
447   if ctBottomRight in SqrCorners then
448     Corner(X2-MX,Y2, X2,Y2, X2, Y2-MY)
449   else
450     BezierArcPoints(X2-RX,Y2-RY,RX,RY, 270*16, 90*16, 0, Pts, c);
451   if ctTopRight in SqrCorners then
452     Corner(X2,Y1+MY, X2,Y1, X2-MX,Y1)
453   else
454     BezierArcPoints(X2-RX,Y1,RX,RY, 0, 90*16, 0, Pts, c);
456   Canvas.Polygon(Pts, c);
457   ReallocMem(Pts, 0);
458 end;
GetRoundRectnull460 function TfrRoundRectView.GetRoundRect: boolean;
461 begin
462   Result:=fCadre.sCurve;
463 end;
GetGradStylenull465 function TfrRoundRectView.GetGradStyle: TGradientStyle;
466 begin
467   Result:=fCadre.GradStyle;
468 end;
GetRoundRectCurvenull470 function TfrRoundRectView.GetRoundRectCurve: Integer;
471 begin
472   Result:=fCadre.wCurve;
473 end;
GetShadowColornull475 function TfrRoundRectView.GetShadowColor: TColor;
476 begin
477   Result:=fCadre.SdColor;
478 end;
GetShadowWidthnull480 function TfrRoundRectView.GetShadowWidth: Integer;
481 begin
482   Result:=fCadre.wShadow;
483 end;
GetShowGradnull485 function TfrRoundRectView.GetShowGrad: Boolean;
486 begin
487   Result:=fCadre.SGradian;
488 end;
490 procedure TfrRoundRectView.SetCorners(AValue: TCornerSet);
491 begin
492   BeforeChange;
493   fCadre.Corners := Avalue;
494   AfterChange;
495 end;
497 procedure TfrRoundRectView.SetGradStyle(const AValue: TGradientStyle);
498 begin
499   BeforeChange;
500   fCadre.GradStyle:=aValue;
501   AfterChange;
502 end;
504 procedure TfrRoundRectView.SetRoundRect(const AValue: boolean);
505 begin
506   BeforeChange;
507   fCadre.sCurve:=aValue;
508   AfterChange;
509 end;
511 procedure TfrRoundRectView.SetRoundRectCurve(const AValue: Integer);
512 begin
513   BeforeChange;
514   fCadre.wCurve:=aValue;
515   AfterChange;
516 end;
518 procedure TfrRoundRectView.SetShadowColor(const AValue: TColor);
519 begin
520   BeforeChange;
521   fCadre.SdColor:=aValue;
522   AfterChange;
523 end;
525 procedure TfrRoundRectView.SetShadowWidth(const AValue: Integer);
526 begin
527   BeforeChange;
528   fCadre.wShadow:=aValue;
529   AfterChange;
530 end;
532 procedure TfrRoundRectView.SetShowGrad(const AValue: Boolean);
533 begin
534   BeforeChange;
535   fCadre.SGradian:=aValue;
536   AfterChange;
537 end;
GetCornersnull539 function TfrRoundRectView.GetCorners: TCornerSet;
540 begin
541   result := fCadre.Corners;
542 end;
544 (********************************************************)
545 constructor TfrRoundRectView.Create(AOwnerPage: TfrPage);
546 begin
547   inherited Create(AOwnerPage);
548   BeginUpdate;
549   try
550     //Initialization
551     Typ      := gtAddIn;
552     Frames   := frAllFrames;
553     BaseName := 'RoundRect';
555     //Default values
556     fCadre.SGradian:=False;
557     fCadre.GradStyle:=gsHorizontal;
558     fCadre.SdColor := clGray;
559     fCadre.wShadow := 6;
560     fCadre.sCurve := True;
561     fCadre.wCurve := 10;
562     fCadre.Corners := [];
563   finally
564     Endupdate;
565   end;
566 end;
568 procedure TfrRoundRectView.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
569 begin
570   inherited Assign(Source);
572   if Source is TfrRoundRectView then
573     fCadre := TfrRoundRectView(Source).fCadre
574   else
575   begin
576     fCadre.wCurve:=10;
577     fCadre.sCurve:=true;
578     fCadre.SGradian:=false;
579     fCadre.wShadow:=0;
580     fCadre.Corners:=[ctTopLeft,ctBottomLeft,ctBottomRight,ctTopRight];
581   end;
582 end;
584 procedure TfrRoundRectView.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
585 begin
586   inherited LoadFromStream(Stream);
587   Stream.Read(fCadre, SizeOf(fCadre));
588 end;
590 procedure TfrRoundRectView.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
591 begin
592   inherited SaveToStream(Stream);
593   Stream.Write(fCadre, SizeOf(fCadre));
594 end;
596 procedure TfrRoundRectView.LoadFromXML(XML: TLrXMLConfig; const Path: String);
597 begin
598   inherited LoadFromXML(XML, Path);
600   RestoreProperty('GradianStyle',XML.GetValue(Path+'Data/GradianStyle/Value',''));
601   RestoreProperty('ShowGradian',XML.GetValue(Path+'Data/ShowGradian/Value',''));
602   RestoreProperty('ShadowColor',XML.GetValue(Path+'Data/ShadowColor/Value',''));
603   RestoreProperty('ShadowWidth',XML.GetValue(Path+'Data/ShadowWidth/Value',''));
604   RestoreProperty('RoundRect',XML.GetValue(Path+'Data/RoundRect/Value',''));
605   RestoreProperty('RoundRectCurve',XML.GetValue(Path+'Data/RoundRectCurve/Value',''));
606   RestoreProperty('SquaredCorners',XML.GetValue(Path+'Data/SquaredCorners/Value',''));
607 end;
609 procedure TfrRoundRectView.SaveToXML(XML: TLrXMLConfig; const Path: String);
610 begin
611   inherited SaveToXML(XML, Path);
613   XML.SetValue(Path+'Data/ShowGradian/Value', GetSaveProperty('ShowGradian'));
614   XML.SetValue(Path+'Data/GradianStyle/Value', GetSaveProperty('GradianStyle'));
615   XML.SetValue(Path+'Data/ShadowColor/Value', GetSaveProperty('ShadowColor'));
616   XML.SetValue(Path+'Data/ShadowWidth/Value', GetSaveProperty('ShadowWidth'));
617   XML.SetValue(Path+'Data/RoundRect/Value', GetSaveProperty('RoundRect'));
618   XML.SetValue(Path+'Data/RoundRectCurve/Value', GetSaveProperty('RoundRectCurve'));
619   XML.SetValue(Path+'Data/SquaredCorners/Value', GetSaveProperty('SquaredCorners'));
620 end;
622 procedure TfrRoundRectView.ShowBackGround;
623 var
624   OldDRect: TRect;
625   OldFill: TColor;
626 begin
627   // prevent screen garbage in designer
628   if (DocMode <> dmDesigning) or fCadre.SGradian then Exit;
629   BeginUpdate;
630   try
631     OldDRect := DRect;
632     OldFill := FillColor;
633     DRect := Rect(x, y, x + dx + 1, y + dy + 1);
634     FillColor := clWhite;
635   inherited;
636     DRect := OldDRect;
637     FillColor := OldFill;
638   Finally
639     EndUpdate;
640   end;
641 end;
643 procedure TfrRoundRectView.ShowFrame;
644 var
645   FSW, FCU: Integer;
647   procedure Line(x, y, dx, dy: Integer);
648   begin
649     Canvas.MoveTo(x, y);
650     Canvas.LineTo(x + dx, y + dy);
651   end;
653   procedure FrameLine(i: Integer);
654   begin
655     Canvas.Pen.Width := Round(FrameWidth);
656     case i of
657       0: Line(x + dx, y, 0, dy);
658       1: Line(x, y, 0, dy);
659       2: Line(x, y + dy, dx, 0);
660       3: Line(x, y, dx, 0);
661     end;
662   end;
664 begin
665   if DisableDrawing then Exit;
666   with Canvas do
667   begin
668     if fCadre.SGradian then
669     begin
670       if fCadre.wCurve < 0 then
671         fCadre.wCurve := 0;
672       PaintGrad(Canvas, X, Y, X + DX, Y + DY, FillColor, fCadre.SdColor,fCadre.GradStyle);
673       Pen.Width := Round(FrameWidth);
674       Pen.Color := FrameColor;
676       //(frbLeft, frbTop, frbRight, frbBottom)
677       if (frbRight in Frames) then FrameLine(0);
678       if (frbLeft in Frames) then FrameLine(1);
679       if (frbBottom in Frames) then FrameLine(2);
680       if (frbTop in Frames) then FrameLine(3);
682       Exit;
683     end;
685     // Trace l'ombre
686     Pen.Style := psSolid;
687     if FillColor=clNone then
688       Brush.Style := bsClear
689     else
690       Brush.Style := bsSolid;
691     Pen.Color := fCadre.SdColor;
692     Pen.Width := Round(FrameWidth);
693     Brush.Color := fCadre.SdColor;
695     FSW := Round(fCadre.wShadow * ScaleY);
696     FCU := Round(fCadre.wCurve * ScaleY);
698     if fCadre.sCurve then
699     begin
700       MixedRoundRect(Canvas, x + FSW, y + FSW, x + dx + 1, y + dy + 1, FCu, Fcu, GetCorners);
701     end
702     else
703       Rectangle(x + FSW, y + FSW, x + dx + 1, y + dy + 1);
705     // Trace la zone de texte
706     Pen.Width := Round(FrameWidth);
708     if (Frames=[]) then
709       Pen.Color := FillColor
710     else
711       Pen.Color := FrameColor; // Trace le cadre
713     Brush.Color := FillColor;
714     if fCadre.sCurve then
715     begin
716       MixedRoundRect(Canvas, x, y, x + dx + 1 - FSW, y + dy + 1 - FSW, FCu, Fcu, GetCorners);
717     end
718     else
719       Rectangle(x, y, x + dx + 1 - FSW, y + dy + 1 - FSW);
721     Brush.Style := bsSolid;
722   end;
723 end;
726 (****************************************************)
727 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
728 var
729   i: Integer;
730   s: String;
731 begin
732   if sender=nil then ;
733   Caption := sRoundRectFormCaption;
734   LblSample.Caption := sRoundRectFormSample;
735   Button5.Caption   := sRoundRectFormVar;
736   Button6.Caption   := sRoundRectFormData;
737   cbGradian.Caption := sRoundRectFormGradient;
738   lblSWidth.Caption := sRoundRectFormShadow;
739   LblSColor.Caption := sRoundRectFormColor;
740   cmShadow.Caption  := sRoundRectFormCurve;
741   cbCadre.Caption   := sRoundRectFormFramed;
742   Label1.Caption    := sRoundRectFormEndColor;
743   Label2.Caption    := sRoundRectFormBeginColor;
744   Label3.Caption    := sRoundRectFormStyle;
745   bColor.Hint       := sRoundRectFormHint;
746   bColor2.Hint      := bColor.Hint;
747   bColor3.Hint      := bColor3.Hint;
748   BOk.Caption       := sOk;
749   bCancel.Caption   := sCancel;
750   lblSqrCorners.Caption := sRoundRectSqrCorners;
752   cbStyle.Items.CommaText := sRoundRectFormStyleDif;
753   for i := 0 to cbStyle.Items.Count - 1 do
754   begin
755     s := cbStyle.Items.Strings[i];
756     if Pos('_', s) <> 0 then
757     begin
758       s[Pos('_', s)] := ' ';
759       cbStyle.Items.Strings[i] := s;
760     end;
761   end;
763   panGrad.Left := panCurve.Left;
764   panGrad.Top := panCurve.Top;
765   panGrad.Visible := False;
766 end;
768 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
769 begin
770   if sender=nil then ;
771   frVarForm := TfrVarForm.Create(nil);
772   with frVarForm do
773   if ShowModal = mrOk then
774   begin
775     ClipBoard.Clear;
776     if SelectedItem <> '' then
777     Begin
778       ClipBoard.Clear;
779       ClipBoard.AsText := '[' + SelectedItem + ']';
780       M1.PasteFromClipboard;
781     end;
782   end;
783   frVarForm.Free;
784   M1.SetFocus;
785 end;
787 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.Button6Click(Sender: TObject);
788 begin
789   if sender=nil then ;
790   frFieldsForm := TfrFieldsForm.Create(nil);
791   with frFieldsForm do
792   if ShowModal = mrOk then
793     if DBField <> '' then
794     begin
795       ClipBoard.Clear;
796       ClipBoard.AsText := '[' + DBField + ']';
797       M1.PasteFromClipboard;
798     end;
799   frFieldsForm.Free;
800   M1.SetFocus;
801 end;
803 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.ChgColorButton(S: TObject; C: TColor);
804 var
805   BM: TBitmap;
806   Bc: TImage;
807 begin
808   BM := TBitmap.Create;
809   Bc := S as TImage;
810   BM.Height := bC.Height;
811   BM.Width := bC.Width;
813   with BM.Canvas do
814   begin
815     Pen.Color := clBlack;
816     Brush.Color := C;
817     Rectangle(0, 0, bC.Width, bC.Height);
818   end;
820   if Bc.Tag = 0 then
821     fShadowColor := C
822   else
823     fNormalColor := C;
825   bC.Picture.Assign(BM);
826   BM.Free;
827 end;
829 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.SetCorners(AValue: TCornerSet);
830 begin
831   chkTL.Checked := ctTopLeft in AValue;
832   chkBL.Checked := ctBottomLeft in AValue;
833   chkBR.Checked := ctBottomRight in AValue;
834   chkTR.Checked := ctTopRight in AValue;
835 end;
837 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.UpdateSample;
838 var
839   CC: TCanvas;
840   FsW: Integer;
841   FCu: Integer;
842   BM: TBitmap;
843 begin
844   try
845     FsW := StrToInt(ShWidth.Text);
846   except
847     FsW := 10;
848   end;
850   try
851     FCu := StrToInt(SCurve.Text);
852   except
853     FCu := 10;
854   end;
856   BM := TBitmap.Create;
857   BM.Height := imgSample.Height;
858   BM.Width := imgSample.Width;
860   CC := BM.Canvas;
862   if cbGradian.Checked then
863   begin
864     FsW := cbStyle.ItemIndex;
865     if FsW < 0 then FsW:=0;
866     PaintGrad(CC, 0, 0, bm.Width, bm.Height, fNormalColor, fShadowColor,
867       TGradientStyle(FsW));
868   end
869   else
870   begin
871     // R�initialise le panel
872     CC.Pen.Color := clBtnFace;
873     CC.Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
874     CC.Rectangle(0, 0, imgSample.Width, imgSample.Height);
876     // Trace l'ombre
877     CC.Pen.Color := fShadowColor;
878     CC.Brush.Color := fShadowColor;
880     if cmShadow.Checked then
881       MixedRoundRect(CC,0 + FSW, 0 + FSW, imgSample.Width, imgSample.Height,
882         FCu, FCu, GetCorners)
883     else
884       CC.Rectangle(0 + FSW, 0 + FSW, imgSample.Width, imgSample.Height);
886     // Trace la zone de texte
887     if not cbCadre.Checked then
888       CC.Pen.Color := fNormalColor
889     else
890       CC.Pen.Color := clBlack; // Trace le cadre
892     CC.Brush.Color := fNormalColor;
893     if cmShadow.Checked then
894       MixedRoundRect(CC,0, 0, imgSample.Width - FSW, imgSample.Height - FSW,
895         FCu, FCu, GetCorners)
896     else
897       CC.Rectangle(0, 0, imgSample.Width - FSW, imgSample.Height - FSW);
898   end;
900   imgSample.Picture.Assign(BM);
901   BM.Free;
902 end;
GetCornersnull904 function TfrRoundRectForm.GetCorners: TCornerSet;
905 begin
906   result := [];
907   if chkTL.Checked then Include(result, ctTopLeft);
908   if chkBL.Checked then Include(result, ctBottomLeft);
909   if chkBR.Checked then Include(result, ctBottomRight);
910   if chkTR.Checked then Include(result, ctTopRight);
911 end;
913 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.bColorClick(Sender: TObject);
914 begin
915   if sender=nil then ;
916   ColorDlg.Color := fShadowColor;
917   if ColorDlg.Execute then
918   begin
919     ChgColorButton(Sender, ColorDlg.Color);
920     UpdateSample;
921   end;
922 end;
924 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.chkTLClick(Sender: TObject);
925 begin
926   //
927   UpdateSample;
928 end;
930 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.ShWidthChange(Sender: TObject);
931 begin
932   if Sender is TEdit then
933     if TEdit(Sender).Text = '' then Exit;
934   UpdateSample;
935 end;
937 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.cbCadreClick(Sender: TObject);
938 begin
939   if sender=nil then ;
940   UpdateSample;
941 end;
943 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.cbGradianChange(Sender: TObject);
944 begin
945   if sender=nil then ;
946 end;
948 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.cmShadowClick(Sender: TObject);
949 begin
950   if sender=nil then ;
951   UpdateSample;
952 end;
954 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.cbGradianClick(Sender: TObject);
955 begin
956   if sender=nil then ;
957   panGrad.Visible := cbGradian.Checked;
958   panCurve.Visible := not panGrad.Visible;
959   if panGrad.Visible then
960   begin
961     sCurve.Text := '0';
962     cbStyle.ItemIndex := 0;
963   end
964   else
965     sCurve.Text := '10';
966 end;
968 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.M1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
969   Shift: TShiftState);
970 begin
971   if sender=nil then ;
972   if (Key = vk_Insert) and (Shift = []) then Button5Click(Self);
973   if Key = vk_Escape then ModalResult := mrCancel;
974 end;
976 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
977   Shift: TShiftState);
978 begin
979   if sender=nil then ;
980   if (Key = vk_Return) and (ssCtrl in Shift) then
981   begin
982     ModalResult := mrOk;
983     Key := 0;
984   end;
985 end;
987 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.ShowEditor(t:TfrView);
988 begin
989   M1.Lines.Assign(t.Memo);
990   with t as TfrRoundRectView do
991   begin
992     shWidth.Text := IntToStr(fCadre.wShadow);
993     if not fCadre.SGradian then
994     begin // RoundRect
995       cbGradian.Checked := False;
996       fShadowColor := fCadre.sdColor;
997       fNormalColor := FillColor;
998       cbCadre.Checked := (t.Frames<>[]);
999       cmShadow.Checked := fCadre.sCurve;
1000       sCurve.Text := IntToStr(fCadre.wCurve);
1001       Corners := fCadre.Corners;
1002     end
1003     else
1004     begin //Gradian
1005       cbGradian.Checked := True;
1006       fShadowColor := fCadre.sdColor;
1007       fNormalColor := FillColor;
1008       if fCadre.wCurve > cbStyle.Items.Count - 1 then
1009         fCadre.wCurve := 0;
1010       cbStyle.ItemIndex :=Ord(fCadre.GradStyle);
1011     end;
1013     if ShowModal = mrOk then
1014     begin
1015       Memo.Assign(M1.Lines);
1016       fCadre.sdColor := fShadowColor;
1017       FillColor := fNormalColor;
1018       fCadre.sCurve := cmShadow.Checked;
1019       if cbCadre.Checked then
1020         Frames:=frAllFrames
1021       else
1022         Frames:=[];
1023       try
1024         fCadre.wShadow := StrToInt(shWidth.Text);
1025       except
1026         fCadre.wShadow := 6;
1027       end;
1029       fCadre.Corners := Corners;
1031       fCadre.SGradian:=cbGradian.checked;
1033       try
1034         fCadre.wCurve := StrToInt(sCurve.Text);
1035         if fCadre.SGradian then
1036           fCadre.GradStyle:=TGradientStyle(cbStyle.ItemIndex);
1037       except
1038         fCadre.wCurve := 10;
1039       end;
1040     end;
1041   end;
1042 end;
1044 procedure TfrRoundRectForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
1045 begin
1046   if sender=nil then ;
1047   M1.SetFocus;
1048   UpdateSample;
1049   ChgColorButton(bColor, fShadowColor);
1050   ChgColorButton(bColor2, fNormalColor);
1051   ChgColorButton(bColor3, fShadowColor);
1052 end;
1055 { TfrRoundRectObject }
1057 constructor TfrRoundRectObject.Create(aOwner: TComponent);
1058 begin
1059   inherited Create(aOwner);
1061   if not assigned(frRoundRectForm) {and not (csDesigning in ComponentState)} then
1062   begin
1063     frRoundRectForm := TfrRoundRectForm.Create(nil);
1064     frRegisterObject(TfrRoundRectView, frRoundRectForm.Image1.Picture.Bitmap,
1065       sInsRoundRect, frRoundRectForm);
1066   end;
1067 end;
1069 initialization
1071   frRoundRectForm:=nil;
1073 finalization
1075   if Assigned(frRoundRectForm) then
1076     frRoundRectForm.Free;
1078 end.