1 unit HeapTrcView;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 uses
8   Classes, SysUtils, XMLConf, DOM, contnrs, Clipbrd, LCLProc, LCLType,
9   LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls,
10   // LazUtils
11   FileUtil, LazFileUtils,
12   // IDEIntf
13   LazIDEIntf, MenuIntf, ToolBarIntf, IDECommands,
14   // LeakView
15   LeakInfo;
17 type
18   TJumpProc = procedure (Sender: TObject; const SourceName: string;
19                          Line, Column: integer) of object;
21   { THeapTrcViewForm }
23   THeapTrcViewForm = class(TForm)
24     btnUpdate: TButton;
25     btnBrowse: TButton;
26     btnClipboard: TButton;
27     BtnResolve: TButton;
28     chkUseRaw: TCheckBox;
29     chkStayOnTop: TCheckBox;
30     edtTrcFileName:TComboBox;
31     lblTrcFile: TLabel;
32     ctrlPanel: TPanel;
33     memoSummary: TMemo;
34     OpenDialog: TOpenDialog;
35     splitter: TSplitter;
36     trvTraceInfo: TTreeView;
37     procedure btnClipboardClick(Sender: TObject);
38     procedure BtnResolveClick(Sender: TObject);
39     procedure btnUpdateClick(Sender: TObject);
40     procedure btnBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
41     procedure chkStayOnTopChange(Sender: TObject);
42     procedure chkUseRawChange(Sender: TObject);
43     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
44     procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
45     procedure trvTraceInfoDblClick(Sender: TObject);
46   private
47     Finfo  : TLeakInfo;
48     fItems  : TStackTraceList;
50     procedure DoUpdateLeaks(FromClip: Boolean = False);
52     procedure ItemsToTree;
53     procedure ChangeTreeText;
55     procedure ClearItems;
56     procedure DoJump;
GetStackTraceTextnull58     function GetStackTraceText(trace: TStackTrace; useRaw: Boolean): string;
GetStackLineTextnull59     function GetStackLineText(const Line: TStackLine; useRaw: Boolean): string;
61     procedure SaveState(cfg: TXMLConfig);
62     procedure LoadState(cfg: TXMLConfig);
64     procedure AddFileToList(const FileName: AnsiString);
65   protected
66     procedure LazarusJump(Sender: TObject; const SourceFile: string;
67                           Line, Column: Integer);
68   public
69     destructor Destroy; override;
70   public
71     OnJumpProc : TJumpProc; //= procedure (Sender: TObject; const SourceName: string; Line: integer) of object;
72   end;
74 resourcestring
75   StackTraceFormat         = 'Leak: %d bytes x %d times'; // number of bytes leaked, leaks count
76   StackTraceFormatSingle   = 'Leak: %d bytes';            // number of bytes leaked
77   StackLineFormatWithFile  = '%s file: %s : %d; ';        // stack addr, filename (no path), line number
78   StackLineFormat          = '%s';                        // stack addr
80   strTotalMemAlloc      = 'Total Mem allocated: %d';
81   strLeakingMemSize     = 'Leaking Mem Size: %d';
82   strLeakingBlocksCount = 'Leaking Blocks Count: %d';
83   //
84   rsErrorParse = 'Error while parsing trace file';
85   rsDTimes = ' (%d times)';
86   rsLeakView = 'Leaks and Traces';
87   //
88   slblTrace = '.trc file';
89   sbtnUpdate = 'Update';
90   sbtnClipBrd = 'Paste Clipboard';
91   sbtnResolve = 'Resolve';
92   schkRaw = 'Raw leak data';
93   schkTop = 'Stay on top';
94   sfrmCap = 'Leaks and Traces - HeapTrc and GDB backtrace output viewer';
95   sfrmSelectFileWithDebugInfo = 'Select file with debug info';
96   sfrmSelectTrcFile = 'Select file with trace log';
98 var
99   HeapTrcViewForm: THeapTrcViewForm = nil;
101 // JumpProc is the callback that is called everytime user double clicks
102 // on the leak line. It's legal to pass nil, then LazarusIDE is used to peform a jump
103 procedure ShowHeapTrcViewForm(JumpProc: TJumpProc = nil);
105 procedure Register;
107 implementation
109 {$R *.lfm}
111 procedure ShowHeapTrcViewForm(JumpProc: TJumpProc);
112 begin
113   if not Assigned(HeapTrcViewForm) then
114     HeapTrcViewForm := THeapTrcViewForm.Create(Application);
115   if Assigned(JumpProc) then
116     HeapTrcViewForm.OnJumpProc := JumpProc
117   else
118     HeapTrcViewForm.OnJumpProc := @HeapTrcViewForm.LazarusJump;
119   HeapTrcViewForm.Show;
120 end;
122 { THeapTrcViewForm }
124 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.btnUpdateClick(Sender: TObject);
125 begin
126   DoUpdateLeaks;
127   AddFileToList(edtTrcFileName.Text);
128 end;
130 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.btnClipboardClick(Sender: TObject);
131 begin
132   DoUpdateLeaks(True);
133 end;
135 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.BtnResolveClick(Sender: TObject);
136 begin
137   if Finfo = nil then exit;
139   OpenDialog.FileName := '';
140   OpenDialog.Filter := '';
141   OpenDialog.Title := sfrmSelectFileWithDebugInfo;
142   if not OpenDialog.Execute then Exit;
144   Finfo.ResolveLeakInfo(OpenDialog.FileName, fItems);
145   ChangeTreeText;
146 end;
148 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.btnBrowseClick(Sender: TObject);
149 begin
150   OpenDialog.FileName := '';
151   OpenDialog.Filter := slblTrace + '|*.trc';
152   OpenDialog.Title := sfrmSelectTrcFile;
153   if not OpenDialog.Execute then Exit;
155   edtTrcFileName.Text := OpenDialog.FileName;
156   DoUpdateLeaks;
157   AddFileToList(edtTrcFileName.Text);
158 end;
160 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.chkStayOnTopChange(Sender: TObject);
161 begin
162   if chkStayOnTop.Checked then Self.formStyle := fsStayOnTop
163   else Self.formStyle := fsNormal;
164 end;
166 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.chkUseRawChange(Sender: TObject);
167 begin
168   ChangeTreeText;
169   trvTraceInfo.Invalidate;
170 end;
172 var
173   ConfigFileName : AnsiString = '';
174 function CreateXMLConfig: TXMLConfig;
175 begin
176   Result:=TXMLConfig.Create(nil);
177   Result.RootName:='config';
178   if (ConfigFileName='') and Assigned(LazarusIDE) then
179     ConfigFileName:=AppendPathDelim(LazarusIDE.GetPrimaryConfigPath)+'leakview.xml';
180   Result.FileName:=ConfigFileName;
181 end;
183 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
184 var
185   cfg   : TXMLConfig;
186 begin
187   Caption:=sfrmCap;
188   lblTrcFile.Caption:=slblTrace;
189   btnUpdate.Caption:=sbtnUpdate;
190   btnClipboard.Caption:=sbtnClipBrd;
191   BtnResolve.Caption:=sbtnResolve;
192   chkUseRaw.Caption:=schkRaw;
193   chkStayOnTop.Caption:=schkTop;
194   fItems:=TStackTraceList.Create;
195   try
196     cfg:=CreateXMLConfig;
197     try
198       LoadState(cfg);
199     finally
200       cfg.Free;
201     end;
202   except
203   end;
204 end;
206 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
207 var
208   cfg : TXMLConfig;
209 begin
210   ClearItems;
211   fItems.Free;
212   try
213     cfg:=CreateXMLConfig;
214     try
215       SaveState(cfg);
216     finally
217       cfg.Free;
218     end;
219   except
220   end;
221   HeapTrcViewForm:=nil;
222 end;
224 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.trvTraceInfoDblClick(Sender: TObject);
225 begin
226   DoJump;
227 end;
229 //note: to range check performed
230 procedure HexInt64ToStr(i64: Int64; var s: string; ofs: Integer);
231 var
232   i : Integer;
233   j : Integer;
234 const
235   Hexes: array [0..$F] of char = ('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F');
236 begin
237   j := ofs + 15;
238   for i := 0 to 7 do begin
239     s[j] := Hexes[ i64 and $F ]; dec(j);
240     s[j] := Hexes[ ((i64 and $F0) shr 4) and $F ]; dec(j);
241     i64 := i64 shr 8;
242   end;
243 end;
245 function GetHashString(trace: TStackTrace): string;
246 var
247   i   : integer;
248   sz  : Integer;
249 begin
250   sz := 32 + trace.Count * 16; // 8 hex digits for Size + 8 hex digits for Size
251   SetLength(Result, sz);
252   HexInt64ToStr(trace.BlockSize, Result, 1);
253   HexInt64ToStr(hash(trace.RawStackData), Result, 17);
254   for i := 0 to trace.Count - 1 do
255     if trace.lines[i].Addr <> 0
256     then HexInt64ToStr(trace.lines[i].Addr, Result, 33 + i * 16)
257     else HexInt64ToStr(Hash(trace.lines[i].RawLineData), Result, 17 + i * 16);
258 end;
260 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.ItemsToTree;
261 var
262   i      : Integer;
263   j      : Integer;
264   trace  : TStackTrace;
265   nd     : TTreeNode;
266   hash   : TFPObjectHashTable;
267   hashed : TStackTrace;
268   s      : string;
269 begin
270   hash := TFPObjectHashTable.Create(false);
271   try
272     // removing duplicates
273     for i := 0 to fItems.Count - 1 do begin
274       trace := TStackTrace(fItems[i]);
275       if trace = nil then
276         continue;
277       s := GetHashString(trace);
278       hashed := TStackTrace(hash.Items[s]);
279       if Assigned(hashed) then begin
280         inc(hashed.LeakCount);
281         fItems[i] := nil; // this call destroy on the old trace object
282       end else
283         hash.Add(s, trace)
284     end;
285     fItems.Pack;
287     // filling the tree
288     for i := 0 to fItems.Count - 1 do begin
289       trace := TStackTrace(fItems[i]);
290       nd := trvTraceInfo.Items.AddChildObject(nil, '+', trace);
291       for j := 0 to trace.Count - 1 do begin
292         trvTraceInfo.Items.AddChildObject(nd, '-', {%H-}Pointer(PtrInt(j)));
293       end;
294     end;
296     // updating tree text
297     ChangeTreeText;
299   finally
300     hash.free;
301   end;
302 end;
304 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.ClearItems;
305 var
306   i : integer;
307 begin
308   fItems.Clear;
309 end;
311 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.DoUpdateLeaks(FromClip: Boolean = False);
312 var
313   data  : TLeakStatus;
314   txt: String;
315 begin
316   FreeAndNil(Finfo);
317   trvTraceInfo.BeginUpdate;
318   try
319     ClearItems;
320     trvTraceInfo.Items.Clear;
321     if FromClip then begin
322       txt := Clipboard.AsText;
323       if txt = '' then exit;
324       Finfo := AllocHeapTraceInfoFromText(txt);
325     end else begin
326       if (not FileExistsUTF8(edtTrcFileName.Text)) or FromClip then Exit;
327       Finfo := AllocHeapTraceInfo(edtTrcFileName.Text);
328     end;
330     if Finfo.GetLeakInfo(data, fItems) then ItemsToTree
331     else trvTraceInfo.Items.Add(nil, rsErrorParse);
333     memoSummary.Clear;
334     with memoSummary.Lines do begin
335       Add( Format(strTotalMemAlloc, [data.TotalMem]));
336       Add( Format(strLeakingMemSize, [data.LeakedMem]));
337       Add( Format(strLeakingBlocksCount, [data.LeakCount]));
338     end;
340   finally
341     trvTraceInfo.EndUpdate;
342   end;
343   if trvTraceInfo.Items.TopLvlCount = 1 then
344     trvTraceInfo.Items.TopLvlItems[0].Expand(False);
345 end;
347 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.DoJump;
348 var
349   nd         : TTreeNode;
350   searchFile : string;
351   idx        : Integer;
352   trace      : TStackTrace;
353   StackLine: TStackLine;
354 begin
355   if not Assigned(@OnJumpProc) then Exit;
356   nd := trvTraceInfo.Selected;
358   if not Assigned(nd) then Exit;
359   if nd.Parent = nil then Exit;
361   idx := Integer({%H-}PtrInt(nd.Data));
362   trace := TStackTrace(nd.Parent.Data);
363   if not Assigned(trace) or (idx >= trace.Count) then Exit;
365   searchFile := trace.Lines[idx].FileName;
366   if searchFile = '' then Exit;
368   StackLine:= trace.Lines[idx];
369   OnJumpProc(Self,  searchFile, StackLine.LineNum, StackLine.Column);
370 end;
372 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.ChangeTreeText;
373 var
374   i, j    : Integer;
375   useRaw  : Boolean;
376   nd      : TTreeNode;
377   trace   : TStackTrace;
378 begin
379   trvTraceInfo.Items.BeginUpdate;
380   try
381     useRaw := chkUseRaw.Checked;
382     for i := 0 to trvTraceInfo. Items.Count - 1 do begin
383       nd := TTreeNode(trvTraceInfo.Items[i]);
384       if Assigned(nd.Parent) or not Assigned(nd.Data) then Continue;
385       trace := TStackTrace(nd.Data);
386       nd.Text := GetStackTraceText(trace, useRaw);
387       for j := 0 to nd.Count - 1 do begin
388         nd.Items[j].Text := GetStackLineText(  trace.Lines[j], useRaw );
389       end;
390     end;
391   finally
392     trvTraceInfo.Items.EndUpdate;
393   end;
394 end;
GetStackTraceTextnull396 function THeapTrcViewForm.GetStackTraceText(trace: TStackTrace; useRaw: boolean): string;
397 begin
398   if useRaw then begin
399     Result := trace.RawStackData;
400     if (Result <> '') and (trace.LeakCount > 1) then Result := Result + Format(
401       rsDTimes, [trace.LeakCount]);
402   end;
404   if not useRaw or (Result = '') then begin
405     if trace.LeakCount > 1
406       then Result := Format(StackTraceFormat, [trace.BlockSize, trace.LeakCount])
407       else Result := Format(StackTraceFormatSingle, [trace.BlockSize]);
408   end;
410 end;
GetStackLineTextnull412 function THeapTrcViewForm.GetStackLineText(const Line: TStackLine; useRaw: boolean): string;
413 begin
414   if useRaw then
415     Result := Line.RawLineData;
417   if (not useRaw) or (Result = '') or
418      ( (Pos(' ', Trim(Result)) < 1) and (Pos(':', Trim(Result)) < 1) and
419        ( (copy(Trim(Result),1,1) = '$') or (copy(Trim(Result),1,2) = '0x') )
420      ) // Rawdata may be address only
421   then
422     with Line do
423       if FileName <> ''
424         then Result := Format(StackLineFormatWithFile, ['$'+IntToHex(Addr, sizeof(Pointer)*2), ExtractFileName(FileName), LineNum])
425         else Result := Format(StackLineFormat, ['$'+IntToHex(Addr, sizeof(Pointer)*2)]);
426 end;
428 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.SaveState(cfg:TXMLConfig);
429 var
430   b : TRect;
431   i : Integer;
432 begin
433   cfg.SetValue('isStayOnTop',FormStyle=fsStayOnTop);
434   b:=BoundsRect;
435   cfg.OpenKey('bounds');
436   cfg.SetValue('left', b.Left);
437   cfg.SetValue('top', b.Top);
438   cfg.SetValue('right', b.Right);
439   cfg.SetValue('bottom', b.Bottom);
440   cfg.CloseKey;
441   for i:=0 to edtTrcFileName.Items.Count-1 do
442     cfg.SetValue(DOMString('path'+IntToStr(i)), UTF8Decode(edtTrcFileName.Items[i]) );
443 end;
445 function PointInRect(p: TPoint; const r: TRect): Boolean;
446 begin
447   Result:=(p.X>=r.Left) and (p.X<=r.Right) and (p.y>=r.Top) and (p.y<=r.Bottom);
448 end;
450 procedure inAnyMonitor(var b: TRect);
451 var
452   m: TMonitor;
453   mb: TRect;
454 const
455   MinOverLap = 40;
456 begin
457   m := Screen.MonitorFromRect(b); // Nearest Monitor
458   if assigned(m)
459   then mb := m.BoundsRect
460   else mb := Screen.WorkAreaRect;
462   // make sure top(window-bar) is visible
463   if b.Top < mb.Top then OffsetRect(b, 0, mb.Top-b.Top);
464   if b.Top + MinOverLap > mb.Bottom then OffsetRect(b, 0, mb.Top-b.Top-MinOverLap);
465   // move left/right
466   if b.Left + MinOverLap > mb.Right then OffsetRect(b, mb.Right-b.Left-MinOverLap, 0);
467   if b.Right - MinOverLap < mb.Left then OffsetRect(b, mb.Left-b.Right+MinOverLap, 0);
468 end;
470 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.LoadState(cfg:TXMLConfig);
471 var
472   b     : TRect;
473   isTop : Boolean;
474   st    : TStringList;
475   s     : WideString;
476   i     : Integer;
477 const
478   InitFormStyle: array [Boolean] of TFormStyle = (fsNormal, fsStayOnTop);
479 begin
480   isTop:=True;
481   b:=BoundsRect;
482   st:=TStringList.Create;
483   try
484     istop:=cfg.GetValue('isStayOnTop',isTop);
485     cfg.OpenKey('bounds');
486     b.Left:=cfg.GetValue('left', b.Left);
487     b.Top:=cfg.GetValue('top', b.Top);
488     b.Right:=cfg.GetValue('right', b.Right);
489     b.Bottom:=cfg.GetValue('bottom', b.Bottom);
490     cfg.CloseKey;
492     if b.Right-b.Left<=0 then b.Right:=b.Left+40;
493     if b.Bottom-b.Top<=0 then b.Bottom:=b.Top+40;
495     for i:=0 to 7 do begin
496       s:=cfg.GetValue(DOMString('path'+IntToStr(i)), '');
497       if s<>'' then st.Add(UTF8Encode(s));
498     end;
500   except
501   end;
502   inAnyMonitor(b);
504   FormStyle:=InitFormStyle[isTop];
505   BoundsRect:=b;
506   chkStayOnTop.Checked := isTop;
507   if st.Count>0 then begin
508     edtTrcFileName.Items.AddStrings(st);
509     edtTrcFileName.ItemIndex:=0;
510   end;
512   st.Free;
513 end;
515 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.AddFileToList(const FileName:AnsiString);
516 var
517   i : Integer;
518 begin
519   i:=edtTrcFileName.Items.IndexOf(FileName);
520   if (i<0) then begin
521     if edtTrcFileName.Items.Count=8 then
522       edtTrcFileName.Items.Delete(7);
523   end else
524     edtTrcFileName.Items.Delete(i);
525   edtTrcFileName.Items.Insert(0, FileName);
526 end;
528 procedure THeapTrcViewForm.LazarusJump(Sender: TObject;
529   const SourceFile: string; Line, Column: Integer);
530 var
531   nm  : string;
532 begin
533   if not FileExistsUTF8(SourceFile) then begin
534     nm := LazarusIDE.FindSourceFile(SourceFile, '', [fsfUseIncludePaths] );
535     if nm = '' then
536       nm := SourceFile;
537   end else
538     nm := SourceFile;
539   LazarusIDE.DoOpenFileAndJumpToPos(nm, Point(Column, Line), -1, -1, -1, [ofOnlyIfExists, ofRegularFile]);
540 end;
542 destructor THeapTrcViewForm.Destroy;
543 begin
544   FreeAndNil(Finfo);
545   inherited Destroy;
546 end;
548 procedure IDEMenuClicked(Sender: TObject);
549 begin
550   ShowHeapTrcViewForm(nil);
551 end;
553 procedure Register;
554 var
555   IDEShortCutX: TIDEShortCut;
556   IDECommandCategory: TIDECommandCategory;
557   IDECommand: TIDECommand;
558   IDEButtonCommand: TIDEButtonCommand;
559 begin
560   RegisterIDEMenuCommand(itmViewMainWindows, 'mnuLeakView', rsLeakView, nil, @IDEMenuClicked);
562   IDEShortCutX := IDEShortCut(VK_UNKNOWN, [], VK_UNKNOWN, []);
563   IDECommandCategory := IDECommandList.FindCategoryByName(CommandCategoryViewName);
564   if IDECommandCategory <> nil then
565   begin
566     IDECommand := RegisterIDECommand(IDECommandCategory, 'Leaks and Traces', rsLeakView, IDEShortCutX, nil, @IDEMenuClicked);
567     if IDECommand <> nil then
568     begin
569       IDEButtonCommand := RegisterIDEButtonCommand(IDECommand);
570       if IDEButtonCommand=nil then ;
571     end;
572   end;
573 end;
575 end.