1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
5   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
6   for details about the license.
7  *****************************************************************************
9   Author: Michael Fuchs
11   Abstract:
12      Shows a time input popup for a TTimeEdit
13 }
15 unit TimePopup;
17 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
19 interface
21 uses
22   Classes, SysUtils, DateUtils, FileUtil, LCLType, Forms, Controls,
23   Graphics, Dialogs, Grids, ExtCtrls, Buttons, StdCtrls, ActnList, WSForms;
25 type
26   TReturnTimeEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; const ATime: TDateTime) of object;
28   { TTimePopupForm }
30   TTimePopupForm = class(TForm)
31     Bevel1: TBevel;
32     MainPanel: TPanel;
33     HoursGrid: TStringGrid;
34     MinutesGrid: TStringGrid;
35     MoreLessBtn: TBitBtn;
36     procedure GridsDblClick(Sender: TObject);
37     procedure GridsKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
38     procedure GridPrepareCanvas(sender: TObject; aCol, aRow: Integer;
39       aState: TGridDrawState);
40     procedure MoreLessBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
41   private
42     FClosed: Boolean;
43     FOnReturnTime: TReturnTimeEvent;
44     FSimpleLayout: Boolean;
45     FPopupOrigin: TPoint;
46     FCaller: TControl;
47     procedure ActivateDoubleBuffered;
48     procedure CalcGridHeights;
GetTimenull49     function GetTime: TDateTime;
50     procedure Initialize(const PopupOrigin: TPoint; ATime: TDateTime);
51     procedure KeepInView(const PopupOrigin: TPoint);
52     procedure ReturnTime;
53     procedure SetLayout(SimpleLayout: Boolean);
54     procedure SetTime(ATime: TDateTime);
55   published
56     procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
57     procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
58     procedure FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject);
59   end;
61 procedure ShowTimePopup(const Position: TPoint; ATime: TDateTime; const DoubleBufferedForm: Boolean;
62                         const OnReturnTime: TReturnTimeEvent; const OnShowHide: TNotifyEvent = nil;
63                         SimpleLayout: Boolean = True; ACaller: TControl = nil);
65 implementation
67 {$R *.lfm}
69 procedure ShowTimePopup(const Position: TPoint; ATime: TDateTime; const DoubleBufferedForm: Boolean;
70                         const OnReturnTime: TReturnTimeEvent; const OnShowHide: TNotifyEvent;
71                         SimpleLayout: Boolean; ACaller: TControl);
72 var
73   NewForm: TTimePopupForm;
74   P: TPoint;
75 begin
76   NewForm := TTimePopupForm.Create(nil);
77   NewForm.FCaller := ACaller;
78   NewForm.Initialize(Position, ATime);
79   NewForm.FOnReturnTime := OnReturnTime;
80   NewForm.OnShow := OnShowHide;
81   NewForm.OnHide := OnShowHide;
82   if DoubleBufferedForm then
83     NewForm.ActivateDoubleBuffered;
84   NewForm.SetLayout(SimpleLayout);
85   if not SimpleLayout then
86     NewForm.SetTime(ATime); //update the row and col in the grid;
87   NewForm.Show;
88   if Assigned(ACaller) then
89     P := ACaller.ControlToScreen(Point(0, ACaller.Height))
90   else
91     P := Position;
92   NewForm.KeepInView(P);
93 end;
95 procedure TTimePopupForm.SetTime(ATime: TDateTime);
96 var
97   Hour, Minute: Integer;
98 begin
99   Hour := HourOf(ATime);
100   Minute := MinuteOf(ATime);
101   HoursGrid.Col := Hour mod 12;
102   HoursGrid.Row := Hour div 12;
103   HoursGrid.TopRow := 0;  // Avoid morning hours scrolling out of view if time is > 12:00
104   if FSimpleLayout then
105   begin
106     Minute := Minute - (Minute mod 5);
107     MinutesGrid.Col := (Minute mod 30) div 5;
108     MinutesGrid.Row := Minute div 30;
109   end
110   else
111   begin
112     MinutesGrid.Col := Minute  mod 5;
113     MinutesGrid.Row := Minute div 5;
114   end;
115 end;
117 procedure TTimePopupForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
118 begin
119   FClosed := true;
120   Application.RemoveOnDeactivateHandler(@FormDeactivate);
121   CloseAction := caFree;
122 end;
124 procedure TTimePopupForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
125 begin
126   FClosed := False;
127   FSimpleLayout := True;
128   Application.AddOnDeactivateHandler(@FormDeactivate);
129   SetLayout(FSimpleLayout);
130 end;
132 procedure TTimePopupForm.FormDeactivate(Sender: TObject);
133 begin
134   //Immediately hide the form, otherwise it stays visible while e.g. user is draging
135   //another form (Issue 0028441)
136   Hide;
137   if (not FClosed) then
138     Close;
139 end;
141 procedure TTimePopupForm.GridsDblClick(Sender: TObject);
142 begin
143   ReturnTime;
144 end;
146 procedure TTimePopupForm.GridsKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
147 var
148   Handled: Boolean;
149 begin
150   if Shift=[] then begin
151     Handled := True;
152     case Key of
153       VK_ESCAPE          : Close;
154       VK_RETURN, VK_SPACE: ReturnTime;
155     else
156       Handled := False;
157     end;
158     if Handled then
159       Key := 0;
160   end;
161 end;
163 procedure TTimePopupForm.GridPrepareCanvas(sender: TObject;
164   aCol, aRow: Integer; aState: TGridDrawState);
165 var
166   ts: TTextStyle;
167 begin
168   ts := (Sender as TStringGrid).Canvas.TextStyle;
169   ts.Layout := tlCenter;
170   ts.Alignment := taCenter;
171   (Sender as TStringGrid).Canvas.TextStyle := ts;
172 end;
174 procedure TTimePopupForm.MoreLessBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
175 var
176   OldMin: Integer;
177 begin
178   if FSimpleLayout then
179   begin
180     OldMin := (MinutesGrid.Row * 30) + (MinutesGrid.Col * 5);
181     if (OldMin < 0) then OldMin := 0;
182     if (OldMin > 59) then OldMin := 59;
183     SetLayout(False);
185     MinutesGrid.Col := OldMin mod 5;
186     MinutesGrid.Row := OldMin div 5;
187     MoreLessBtn.Caption := '<<';
188   end
189   else
190   begin
191     OldMin := (MinutesGrid.Row * 5) + (MinutesGrid.Col);
192     if (OldMin < 0) then OldMin := 0;
193     if (OldMin > 59) then OldMin := 59;
194     OldMin := OldMin - (OldMin mod 5);
195     SetLayout(True);
196     MinutesGrid.Col := (OldMin mod 30) div 5;
197     MinutesGrid.Row := OldMin div 30;
198     MoreLessBtn.Caption := '>>';
199   end;
200 end;
202 procedure TTimePopupForm.SetLayout(SimpleLayout: Boolean);
203 var
204   r, c: Integer;
205 begin
206   MinutesGrid.BeginUpdate;
207   try
208   if SimpleLayout then
209   begin
210     MoreLessBtn.Caption := '>>';
211     MinutesGrid.RowCount := 2;
212     MinutesGrid.ColCount := 6;
213     for r := 0 to MinutesGrid.RowCount - 1 do
214       for c := 0 to MinutesGrid.ColCount - 1 do
215         begin
216           //debugln(Format('[%.2d,%.2d]: %.2d',[r,c,(r*30) + (c*5)]));
217           MinutesGrid.Cells[c,r] := Format('%s%.2d',[DefaultFormatSettings.TimeSeparator,(r*30) + (c*5)]);
218         end;
219   end
220   else
221   begin
222     MoreLessBtn.Caption := '<<';
223     MinutesGrid.RowCount := 12;
224     MinutesGrid.ColCount := 5;
225     for r := 0 to MinutesGrid.RowCount - 1 do
226       for c := 0 to MinutesGrid.ColCount - 1 do
227         begin
228           //debugln(Format('[%.2d,%.2d]: %.2d',[r,c,(r*5) + (c)]));
229           MinutesGrid.Cells[c,r] := Format('%s%.2d',[DefaultFormatSettings.TimeSeparator,(r*5) + (c)]);
230         end;
231   end;
232   CalcGridHeights;
233   FSimpleLayout := SimpleLayout;
234   KeepInView(FPopupOrigin);
235   finally
236     MinutesGrid.EndUpdate(True);
237   end;
238 end;
240 procedure TTimePopupForm.ActivateDoubleBuffered;
241 begin
242   DoubleBuffered := TWSCustomFormClass(WidgetSetClass).GetDefaultDoubleBuffered;
243 end;
245 procedure TTimePopupForm.CalcGridHeights;
246 var
247   i, RowHeightsSum: Integer;
248 begin
249   RowHeightsSum := 0;
250   for i := 0 to HoursGrid.RowCount - 1 do
251     RowHeightsSum := RowHeightsSum + HoursGrid.RowHeights[i] + 1;
252   HoursGrid.Constraints.MinHeight := RowHeightsSum;
253   RowHeightsSum := 0;
254   for i := 0 to MinutesGrid.RowCount - 1 do
255     RowHeightsSum := RowHeightsSum + MinutesGrid.RowHeights[i] + 1;
256   MinutesGrid.Constraints.MinHeight := RowHeightsSum;
257   MinutesGrid.Height := RowHeightsSum;
258 end;
TTimePopupForm.GetTimenull260 function TTimePopupForm.GetTime: TDateTime;
261 var
262   Hour, Minute: Integer;
263 begin
264   Hour := (HoursGrid.Row * 12) + (HoursGrid.Col);
265   if FSimpleLayout then
266     Minute := (MinutesGrid.Row * 30) + (MinutesGrid.Col * 5)
267   else
268     Minute := (MinutesGrid.Row * 5) + (MinutesGrid.Col);
269   Result := EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, 0, 0);
270 end;
272 procedure TTimePopupForm.Initialize(const PopupOrigin: TPoint; ATime: TDateTime);
273 begin
274   FPopupOrigin := PopupOrigin;
275   KeepInView(PopupOrigin);
276   SetTime(ATime);
277 end;
279 {
280  Try to put the form on a "nice" place on the screen and make sure the entire form is visible.
281  Caller typically wil be a TTimeEdit
282  - first try to place it right under Caller, if that does not fit
283  - try to fit it just above Caller, if that also does not fit (Top < 0) then
284  - simply set Top to zero (in which case it will partially cover Caller
285 }
286 procedure TTimePopupForm.KeepInView(const PopupOrigin: TPoint);
287 var
288   ABounds: TRect;
289 begin
290   ABounds := Screen.MonitorFromPoint(PopupOrigin).WorkAreaRect; // take care of taskbar
291   if PopupOrigin.X + Width > ABounds.Right then
292     Left := ABounds.Right - Width
293   else if PopupOrigin.X < ABounds.Left then
294     Left := ABounds.Left
295   else
296     Left := PopupOrigin.X;
297   if PopupOrigin.Y + Height > ABounds.Bottom then
298   begin
299     if Assigned(FCaller) then
300       Top := PopupOrigin.Y - FCaller.Height - Height
301     else
302       Top := ABounds.Bottom - Height;
303   end else if PopupOrigin.Y < ABounds.Top then
304     Top := ABounds.Top
305   else
306     Top := PopupOrigin.Y;
307   if Left < ABounds.Left then Left := 0;
308   if Top < ABounds.Top then Top := 0;
309 end;
311 procedure TTimePopupForm.ReturnTime;
312 begin
313   if Assigned(FOnReturnTime) then
314     FOnReturnTime(Self, Self.GetTime);
315   if not FClosed then
316     Close;
317 end;
319 end.