1 unit TestHelperClasses;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 uses
8   Classes, SysUtils, FpImgReaderBase, FpDbgDwarfConst, FpDbgLoader, FpDbgInfo,
9   DbgIntfBaseTypes, FpdMemoryTools;
11 const
12   TestAddrSize = sizeof(Pointer);
14 type
16   { TTestMemReader }
18   TTestMemReader = class(TFpDbgMemReaderBase)
19   public
20     RegisterValues: array[0..30] of TDbgPtr;
21     RegisterSizes: array[0..30] of Integer;
22     constructor Create;
ReadMemorynull23     function ReadMemory(AnAddress: TDbgPtr; ASize: Cardinal; ADest: Pointer): Boolean; override;
ReadMemoryExnull24     function ReadMemoryEx({%H-}AnAddress, {%H-}AnAddressSpace: TDbgPtr; {%H-}ASize: Cardinal; {%H-}ADest: Pointer): Boolean; override;
ReadRegisternull25     function ReadRegister(ARegNum: Cardinal; out AValue: TDbgPtr;
26       AContext: TFpDbgAddressContext): Boolean; override;
RegisterSizenull27     function RegisterSize(ARegNum: Cardinal): Integer; override;
28   end;
30   TTestDwarfAbbrev = class;
31   TTestDwarfInfoEntry = class;
33   { TTestDummySection }
35   TTestDummySection = class
36   public
37     Section: TDbgImageSection;
38     procedure CreateSectionData; virtual;
39   end;
41   { TTestDummyFileSource }
43   TTestDummyFileSource = class(TDbgImageReader)
44   private
45     FSections: TStringList;
GetTestSectionnull46     function GetTestSection(const AName: String): TTestDummySection;
47   protected
GetSectionnull48     function GetSection(const AName: String): PDbgImageSection; override;
49     //procedure LoadSections;
50   public
isValidnull51     class function isValid({%H-}ASource: TDbgFileLoader): Boolean; override;
UserNamenull52     class function UserName: AnsiString; override;
53   public
54     constructor Create; overload;
55     destructor Destroy; override;
56     property TestSection[const AName: String]: TTestDummySection read GetTestSection;
57   end;
59   { TTestDummyImageLoader }
61   TTestDummyImageLoader = class(TDbgImageLoader)
62   private
63     FImgReader: TTestDummyFileSource;
64   protected
65   public
66     constructor Create; override;
67     property TestImgReader: TTestDummyFileSource read FImgReader;
68   end;
69   TTestDummyImageLoaderClass = class of TTestDummyImageLoader;
71   { TTestDummySectionAbbrevs }
73   TTestDummySectionAbbrevs = class(TTestDummySection)
74   private
75     FCurrentID: Cardinal;
76     FList: TList;
GetNextIDnull77     function GetNextID: Cardinal;
78   public
79     constructor Create;
80     destructor Destroy; override;
GetNewAbbrevObjnull81     function GetNewAbbrevObj: TTestDwarfAbbrev;
82     procedure CreateSectionData; override;
83   end;
85   { TTestDummySectionInfoEntries }
87   TTestDummySectionInfoEntries = class(TTestDummySection)
88   private
89     FAddrSize: Byte;
90     FFirstEntry: TTestDwarfInfoEntry;
91     FVersion: Word;
92   protected
CreateInfoEntryObjnull93     function CreateInfoEntryObj: TTestDwarfInfoEntry;
94   public
95     AbbrevSection: TTestDummySectionAbbrevs;
96     constructor Create;
97     destructor Destroy; override;
98     property Version: Word read FVersion write FVersion;
99     property AddrSize: Byte read FAddrSize write FAddrSize;
GetFirstInfoEntryObjnull100     function GetFirstInfoEntryObj: TTestDwarfInfoEntry;
101     procedure CreateSectionData; override;
102   end;
104   { TTestDwarfAbbrev }
106   TTestDwarfAbbrev = class
107   private
108     FSection: TTestDummySectionAbbrevs;
109     FChildren: Byte;
110     FId: Cardinal;
111     FTag: Cardinal;
112     FData: Array of Cardinal;
113     FEncoded: Array of Byte;
114     procedure Encode;
115   public
116     property Id: Cardinal read FId write FId;
117     property Tag: Cardinal read FTag write FTag;
118     property Children: Byte read FChildren write FChildren;
119     procedure Add(ATag, AForm: Cardinal);
DataLengthnull120     function DataLength: Integer;
Datanull121     function Data: Pointer;
122   end;
124   { TTestDwarfInfoEntry }
126   PTestDwarfInfoEntry = ^TTestDwarfInfoEntry;
127   TTestDwarfInfoEntry = class
128   private
129     FAbbrevObj: TTestDwarfAbbrev;
130     FSection: TTestDummySectionInfoEntries;
131     FChildren: TList;
132     FEncoded: Array of Byte;
133     FRefList: array of record
134         Index, FSize: Integer;
135         AData: TTestDwarfInfoEntry;
136         ADataRef: PTestDwarfInfoEntry;
137       end;
GetChildrennull138     function GetChildren: Byte;
GetTagnull139     function GetTag: Cardinal;
140     procedure InitEncoded;
141     procedure SetChildren(AValue: Byte);
142     procedure SetTag(AValue: Cardinal);
143   protected
144     FWrittenAtIndex: Integer;
DataLengthInclnull145     function DataLengthIncl: Integer; // with Children
146     procedure WriteToSection(ASectionMem: PByte; AIndex: Integer);
147     procedure WriteToSectionFIxRef(ASectionMem: PByte);
148   public
149     constructor Create;
150     destructor Destroy; override;
151     property Tag: Cardinal read GetTag write SetTag;
152     property Children: Byte read GetChildren write SetChildren;
154     procedure Add(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: Array of Byte);
155     procedure Add(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: String);
156     procedure AddSLEB(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: Int64);
157     procedure AddULEB(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: QWord);
158     procedure AddAddr(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: QWord);
159     procedure Add(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: QWord); // ULEB
AddRefnull160     function AddRef(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: TTestDwarfInfoEntry): Integer;
AddRefnull161     function AddRef(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: PTestDwarfInfoEntry): Integer;
163     procedure SetRef(AIndex: Integer; AData: TTestDwarfInfoEntry);
GetNewChildnull165     function GetNewChild: TTestDwarfInfoEntry;
DataLengthnull166     function DataLength: Integer; // Exclude Children
Datanull167     function Data: Pointer;
168   end;
ULEBnull170 function ULEB(ANum: QWord): TBytes;
SLEBnull171 function SLEB(ANum: Int64): TBytes;
AddrBnull172 function AddrB(ANum: Int64): TBytes;
AddrBnull173 function AddrB(ANum: Pointer): TBytes;
NumSnull174 function NumS(ANum: Int64; ASize: Integer): TBytes;
NumUnull175 function NumU(ANum: QWord; ASize: Integer): TBytes;
Bytesnull177 function Bytes(a: Array of TBytes): TBytes;
BytesLen1null178 function BytesLen1(a: Array of TBytes): TBytes;
BytesLen2null179 function BytesLen2(a: Array of TBytes): TBytes;
BytesLen4null180 function BytesLen4(a: Array of TBytes): TBytes;
BytesLen8null181 function BytesLen8(a: Array of TBytes): TBytes;
BytesLenUnull182 function BytesLenU(a: Array of TBytes): TBytes;
184 operator := (a: Smallint) b: TBytes;
186 implementation
188 operator := (a: Smallint)b: TBytes;
189 begin
190   assert( (a>= -128) and (a<=255));
191   SetLength(b, 1);
192   b[0] := Byte(a and 255);
193 end;
Bytesnull195 function Bytes(a: array of TBytes): TBytes;
196 var
197   i, l, p: Integer;
198 begin
199   l := 0;
200   for i := low(a) to high(a) do
201     l := l + Length(a[i]);
202   SetLength(Result, l);
203   p := 0;
204   for i := low(a) to high(a) do begin
205     l := Length(a[i]);
206     if l > 0 then
207       move(a[i][0], Result[p], l*SizeOf(Result[0]));
208     inc(p, l);
209   end;
210 end;
BytesLen1null212 function BytesLen1(a: array of TBytes): TBytes;
213 var
214   l: Integer;
215   d: TBytes;
216 begin
217   d := Bytes(a);
218   l := Length(d);
219   assert(l <= $ff);
220   Result := Bytes([Byte(l), d]);
221 end;
BytesLen2null223 function BytesLen2(a: array of TBytes): TBytes;
224 var
225   l: Integer;
226   b: array[0..1] of Byte;
227   d: TBytes;
228 begin
229   d := Bytes(a);
230   l := Length(d);
231   assert(l <= $ffff);
232   PWord(@b[0])^ := Word(l);
233   Result := Bytes([b[0], b[1], Bytes(d)]);
234 end;
BytesLen4null236 function BytesLen4(a: array of TBytes): TBytes;
237 var
238   l: Integer;
239   b: array[0..3] of Byte;
240   d: TBytes;
241 begin
242   d := Bytes(a);
243   l := Length(d);
244   assert(l <= $ffff);
245   PDWord(@b[0])^ := DWord(l);
246   Result := Bytes([b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], Bytes(d)]);
247 end;
BytesLen8null249 function BytesLen8(a: array of TBytes): TBytes;
250 var
251   l: Integer;
252   b: array[0..7] of Byte;
253   d: TBytes;
254 begin
255   d := Bytes(a);
256   l := Length(d);
257   assert(l <= $ffff);
258   PQWord(@b[0])^ := QWord(l);
259   Result := Bytes([b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5], b[6], b[7], Bytes(d)]);
260 end;
BytesLenUnull262 function BytesLenU(a: array of TBytes): TBytes;
263 var
264   l: Integer;
265 begin
266   l := Length(a);
267   Result := Bytes([ULEB(l), Bytes(a)]);
268 end;
270 procedure WriteULEB128(ANum: QWord; var ADest: TBytes; ADestIdx: Integer);
271   procedure AddByte(AByte: Byte);
272   begin
273     if ADestIdx >= Length(ADest) then SetLength(ADest, ADestIdx + 1);
274     ADest[ADestIdx] := AByte;
275     inc(ADestIdx);
276   end;
277 begin
278   if ANum = 0 then begin
279     AddByte(0);
280     exit;
281   end;;
283   while ANum <> 0 do begin
284     if ANum > $7f then
285       AddByte((ANum and $7f) + $80)
286     else
287       AddByte((ANum and $7f));
288     ANum := ANum shr 7;
289   end;
290 end;
292 procedure WriteSLEB128(ANum: Int64; var ADest: TBytes; ADestIdx: Integer);
293   procedure AddByte(AByte: Byte);
294   begin
295     if ADestIdx >= Length(ADest) then SetLength(ADest, ADestIdx + 1);
296     ADest[ADestIdx] := AByte;
297     inc(ADestIdx);
298   end;
299 var
300   n: Integer;
301   c: Boolean;
302   UNum: QWord;
303 begin
304   if ANum = 0 then begin
305     AddByte(0);
306     exit;
307   end;
309   if ANum < 0 then begin
310     UNum := QWord(ANum);
311     n := 9*7;
312     while n > 0 do begin
313       if ( (UNum and (QWord($7f) shl n)) = (high(QWord) and (QWord($7f) shl n)) ) and
314          ( (UNum and (QWord(1) shl (n-1))) <> 0 )
315       then
316         UNum := UNum and not(high(QWord) shl n)
317       else
318         break;
319       dec(n, 7);
320     end;
322     while UNum <> 0 do begin
323       if UNum > $7f then
324         AddByte((UNum and $7f) + $80)
325       else
326         AddByte((UNum and $7f));
327       UNum := UNum shr 7;
328     end;
330   end
331   else begin
333     c := False;
334     while (ANum <> 0) or c do begin
335       c := (ANum and $40) <> 0; // write extra 0, to prevent sign extend
336       if c or (ANum > $7f) then
337         AddByte((ANum and $7f) + $80)
338       else
339         AddByte((ANum and $7f));
340       ANum := ANum shr 7;
341     end;
343   end;
344 end;
ULEBnull346 function ULEB(ANum: QWord): TBytes;
347 begin
348   SetLength(Result, 0);
349   WriteULEB128(ANum, Result, 0);
350 end;
SLEBnull352 function SLEB(ANum: Int64): TBytes;
353 begin
354   SetLength(Result, 0);
355   WriteSLEB128(ANum, Result, 0);
356 end;
AddrBnull358 function AddrB(ANum: Int64): TBytes;
359 begin
360   SetLength(Result, TestAddrSize);
361   if TestAddrSize = 4
362   then PInteger(@Result[0])^ := Integer(ANum)
363   else PInt64(@Result[0])^ := Int64(ANum);
364 end;
AddrBnull366 function AddrB(ANum: Pointer): TBytes;
367 begin
368   Result := AddrB(Int64(ANum));
369 end;
NumSnull371 function NumS(ANum: Int64; ASize: Integer): TBytes;
372 begin
373   SetLength(Result, ASize);
374   case ASize of
375     1: PShortInt(@Result[0])^ := ShortInt(ANum);
376     2: PSmallInt(@Result[0])^ := SmallInt(ANum);
377     4: PInteger(@Result[0])^ := Integer(ANum);
378     8: PInt64(@Result[0])^ := Int64(ANum);
379   end;
380 end;
NumUnull382 function NumU(ANum: QWord; ASize: Integer): TBytes;
383 begin
384   SetLength(Result, ASize);
385   case ASize of
386     1: PByte(@Result[0])^ := Byte(ANum);
387     2: PWord(@Result[0])^ := Word(ANum);
388     4: PDWord(@Result[0])^ := DWord(ANum);
389     8: PQWord(@Result[0])^ := QWord(ANum);
390   end;
391 end;
393 { TTestMemReader }
395 constructor TTestMemReader.Create;
396 var
397   i: Integer;
398 begin
399   inherited Create;
400   for i := 0 to length(RegisterSizes) - 1 do RegisterSizes[i] := 4;
401 end;
TTestMemReader.ReadMemorynull403 function TTestMemReader.ReadMemory(AnAddress: TDbgPtr; ASize: Cardinal;
404   ADest: Pointer): Boolean;
405 begin
406   Result := AnAddress > 1000; // avoid reading at 0x0000
407   if not Result then exit;
408   Move(Pointer(AnAddress)^, ADest^, ASize);
409 end;
ReadMemoryExnull411 function TTestMemReader.ReadMemoryEx(AnAddress, AnAddressSpace: TDbgPtr;
412   ASize: Cardinal; ADest: Pointer): Boolean;
413 begin
414   Result := False;
415 end;
TTestMemReader.ReadRegisternull417 function TTestMemReader.ReadRegister(ARegNum: Cardinal; out AValue: TDbgPtr;
418   AContext: TFpDbgAddressContext): Boolean;
419 begin
420   Result := True;
421   AValue := RegisterValues[ARegNum];
422 end;
RegisterSizenull424 function TTestMemReader.RegisterSize(ARegNum: Cardinal): Integer;
425 begin
426   Result := RegisterSizes[ARegNum];
427 end;
429 { TTestDwarfInfoEntry }
431 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.InitEncoded;
432 begin
433   SetLength(FEncoded, 0);
434   WriteULEB128(FAbbrevObj.Id, FEncoded, length(FEncoded));
435 end;
TTestDwarfInfoEntry.GetChildrennull437 function TTestDwarfInfoEntry.GetChildren: Byte;
438 begin
439   Result := FAbbrevObj.Children;
440 end;
GetTagnull442 function TTestDwarfInfoEntry.GetTag: Cardinal;
443 begin
444   Result := FAbbrevObj.Tag;
445 end;
447 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.SetChildren(AValue: Byte);
448 begin
449   FAbbrevObj.Children := AValue;
450 end;
452 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.SetTag(AValue: Cardinal);
453 begin
454   FAbbrevObj.Tag := AValue;
455 end;
TTestDwarfInfoEntry.DataLengthInclnull457 function TTestDwarfInfoEntry.DataLengthIncl: Integer;
458 var
459   i: Integer;
460 begin
461   Result := DataLength;
462   for i := 0 to FChildren.Count - 1 do
463     Result := Result + TTestDwarfInfoEntry(FChildren[i]).DataLengthIncl;
464 end;
466 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.WriteToSection(ASectionMem: PByte; AIndex: Integer);
467 var
468   i: Integer;
469 begin
470   FWrittenAtIndex := AIndex;
471   Move(FEncoded[0], (ASectionMem+AIndex)^, Length(FEncoded));
473   AIndex := AIndex + Length(FEncoded);
474   if FAbbrevObj.Children <> 0 then begin
475     for i := 0 to FChildren.Count - 1 do begin
476       TTestDwarfInfoEntry(FChildren[i]).WriteToSection(ASectionMem, AIndex);
477       AIndex := AIndex + TTestDwarfInfoEntry(FChildren[i]).DataLengthIncl;
478     end;
479     PByte(ASectionMem+AIndex)^ := 0;
480     AIndex := AIndex + 1;
481   end
482   else
483     Assert(FChildren.Count = 0);
485   WriteToSectionFIxRef(ASectionMem);
486 end;
488 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.WriteToSectionFIxRef(ASectionMem: PByte);
489 var
490   i: Integer;
491   v: Integer;
492   o: TTestDwarfInfoEntry;
493 begin
494   for i := 0 to Length(FRefList) - 1 do begin
495     assert((FRefList[i].AData <> nil) xor (FRefList[i].ADataRef <> nil));
496     o := FRefList[i].AData;
497     if (o = nil) then
498       o := FRefList[i].ADataRef^;
499     v := o.FWrittenAtIndex;
500     case FRefList[i].FSize of
501       1:  PByte(ASectionMem + FWrittenAtIndex + FRefList[i].Index)^ := v;
502       2:  PWord(ASectionMem + FWrittenAtIndex + FRefList[i].Index)^ := v;
503       4:  PCardinal(ASectionMem + FWrittenAtIndex + FRefList[i].Index)^ := v;
504       8:  PQWord(ASectionMem + FWrittenAtIndex + FRefList[i].Index)^ := v;
505     end;
506   end;
509   for i := 0 to FChildren.Count - 1 do
510     TTestDwarfInfoEntry(FChildren[i]).WriteToSectionFIxRef(ASectionMem);
511 end;
513 constructor TTestDwarfInfoEntry.Create;
514 begin
515   FChildren := TList.Create;
516 end;
518 destructor TTestDwarfInfoEntry.Destroy;
519 var
520   i: Integer;
521 begin
522   for i := 0 to FChildren.Count - 1 do
523     TObject(FChildren[i]).Free;
524   FreeAndNil(FChildren);
525   inherited Destroy;
526 end;
528 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.Add(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: array of Byte);
529 var
530   c: Integer;
531 begin
532   if Length(FEncoded) = 0 then InitEncoded;
533   FAbbrevObj.Add(AnAttrib, AForm);
534   if Length(AData) = 0 then exit;
535   c := Length(FEncoded);
536   SetLength(FEncoded, c + Length(AData));
537   Move(AData[0], FEncoded[c], Length(AData));
538 end;
540 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.Add(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: String);
541 var
542   c: Integer;
543 begin
544   if Length(FEncoded) = 0 then InitEncoded;
545   FAbbrevObj.Add(AnAttrib, AForm);
546   if Length(AData) = 0 then exit;
547   c := Length(FEncoded);
548   SetLength(FEncoded, c + Length(AData));
549   Move(AData[1], FEncoded[c], Length(AData));
550 end;
552 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.AddSLEB(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: Int64);
553 begin
554   if Length(FEncoded) = 0 then InitEncoded;
555   FAbbrevObj.Add(AnAttrib, AForm);
556   WriteSLEB128(AData, FEncoded, length(FEncoded));
557 end;
559 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.AddULEB(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: QWord);
560 begin
561   if Length(FEncoded) = 0 then InitEncoded;
562   FAbbrevObj.Add(AnAttrib, AForm);
563   WriteULEB128(AData, FEncoded, length(FEncoded));
564 end;
566 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.AddAddr(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: QWord);
567 var
568   c: Integer;
569 begin
570   if Length(FEncoded) = 0 then InitEncoded;
571   FAbbrevObj.Add(AnAttrib, AForm);
572   if FSection.FAddrSize = 4 then begin
573     c := Length(FEncoded);
574     SetLength(FEncoded, c + 4);
575     PCardinal(@FEncoded[c])^ := AData;
576   end else begin
577     c := Length(FEncoded);
578     SetLength(FEncoded, c + 8);
579     PQWord(@FEncoded[c])^ := AData;
580   end;
581 end;
583 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.Add(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: QWord);
584 begin
585   AddULEB(AnAttrib, AForm, AData);
586 end;
AddRefnull588 function TTestDwarfInfoEntry.AddRef(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal;
589   AData: TTestDwarfInfoEntry): Integer;
590 var
591   c: Integer;
592   l: Integer;
593 begin
594   if Length(FEncoded) = 0 then InitEncoded;
595   FAbbrevObj.Add(AnAttrib, AForm);
597   Result := length(FRefList);
598   SetLength(FRefList, Result + 1);
600   l := TestAddrSize;
601   case AForm of
602     DW_FORM_ref1: l := 1;
603     DW_FORM_ref2: l := 2;
604     DW_FORM_ref4: l := 4;
605     DW_FORM_ref8: l := 8;
606     DW_FORM_ref_addr: l := FSection.AddrSize;
607     //DW_FORM_ref_udata: l := 1;
608     else Assert(false);
609   end;
611   FRefList[Result].AData := AData;
612   FRefList[Result].FSize := l;
613   FRefList[Result].Index := length(FEncoded);
615   c := Length(FEncoded);
616   SetLength(FEncoded, c + l);
617   case l of
618     1:  PByte(@FEncoded[c])^ := 0;
619     2:  PWord(@FEncoded[c])^ := 0;
620     4:  PCardinal(@FEncoded[c])^ := 0;
621     8:  PQWord(@FEncoded[c])^ := 0;
622   end;
623 end;
AddRefnull625 function TTestDwarfInfoEntry.AddRef(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal;
626   AData: PTestDwarfInfoEntry): Integer;
627 var
628   c: Integer;
629   l: Integer;
630 begin
631   if Length(FEncoded) = 0 then InitEncoded;
632   FAbbrevObj.Add(AnAttrib, AForm);
634   Result := length(FRefList);
635   SetLength(FRefList, Result + 1);
637   l := TestAddrSize;
638   case AForm of
639     DW_FORM_ref1: l := 1;
640     DW_FORM_ref2: l := 2;
641     DW_FORM_ref4: l := 4;
642     DW_FORM_ref8: l := 8;
643     DW_FORM_ref_addr: l := FSection.AddrSize;
644     //DW_FORM_ref_udata: l := 1;
645     else Assert(false);
646   end;
648   FRefList[Result].ADataRef := AData;
649   FRefList[Result].FSize := l;
650   FRefList[Result].Index := length(FEncoded);
652   c := Length(FEncoded);
653   SetLength(FEncoded, c + l);
654   case l of
655     1:  PByte(@FEncoded[c])^ := 0;
656     2:  PWord(@FEncoded[c])^ := 0;
657     4:  PCardinal(@FEncoded[c])^ := 0;
658     8:  PQWord(@FEncoded[c])^ := 0;
659   end;
660 end;
662 procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.SetRef(AIndex: Integer; AData: TTestDwarfInfoEntry);
663 begin
664   FRefList[AIndex].AData := AData;
665 end;
TTestDwarfInfoEntry.GetNewChildnull667 function TTestDwarfInfoEntry.GetNewChild: TTestDwarfInfoEntry;
668 begin
669   Result := FSection.CreateInfoEntryObj;
670   FChildren.Add(Result);
671 end;
DataLengthnull673 function TTestDwarfInfoEntry.DataLength: Integer;
674 begin
675   if Length(FEncoded) = 0 then InitEncoded;
676   Result := Length(FEncoded);
677   if Children <> 0 then Result := Result + 1;
678 end;
TTestDwarfInfoEntry.Datanull680 function TTestDwarfInfoEntry.Data: Pointer;
681 begin
682   if Length(FEncoded) = 0 then InitEncoded;
683   Result := @FEncoded;
684 end;
686 { TTestDummySectionInfoEntries }
CreateInfoEntryObjnull688 function TTestDummySectionInfoEntries.CreateInfoEntryObj: TTestDwarfInfoEntry;
689 begin
690   Result := TTestDwarfInfoEntry.Create;
691   Result.FSection := Self;
692   assert(AbbrevSection <> nil);
693   Result.FAbbrevObj := AbbrevSection.GetNewAbbrevObj;
694 end;
696 constructor TTestDummySectionInfoEntries.Create;
697 begin
698   FVersion := 2;
699   FAddrSize := TestAddrSize;
700 end;
702 destructor TTestDummySectionInfoEntries.Destroy;
703 begin
704   FreeAndNil(FFirstEntry);
705   if Section.RawData <> nil then
706     Freemem(Section.RawData);
707   inherited Destroy;
708 end;
GetFirstInfoEntryObjnull710 function TTestDummySectionInfoEntries.GetFirstInfoEntryObj: TTestDwarfInfoEntry;
711 begin
712   if FFirstEntry= nil then
713     FFirstEntry := CreateInfoEntryObj;
714   Result := FFirstEntry;
715 end;
717 procedure TTestDummySectionInfoEntries.CreateSectionData;
718 var
719   l: Integer;
720 begin
721   l := FFirstEntry.DataLengthIncl + 11;  // 32 bit 4,2,4,1
723   Section.Size := l;
724   Section.RawData := AllocMem(l);
726   PCardinal(Section.RawData)^ := l - 4;
727   PWord(Section.RawData+4)^ := FVersion;
728   PCardinal(Section.RawData+6)^ := 0;
729   PByte(Section.RawData+10)^ := FAddrSize;
731   FFirstEntry.WriteToSection(Section.RawData, 11);
732 end;
734 { TTestDwarfAbbrev }
736 procedure TTestDwarfAbbrev.Encode;
737 var
738   i: Integer;
739 begin
740   if length(FEncoded) > 0 then
741     exit;
742   WriteULEB128(FId, FEncoded, 0);
743   WriteULEB128(FTag, FEncoded, length(FEncoded));
744   WriteULEB128(FChildren, FEncoded, length(FEncoded)); // 0 or 1 / 1 byte
745   for i := 0 to Length(FData)-1 do
746     WriteULEB128(FData[i], FEncoded, length(FEncoded));
747   WriteULEB128(0, FEncoded, length(FEncoded));
748   WriteULEB128(0, FEncoded, length(FEncoded));
749 end;
751 procedure TTestDwarfAbbrev.Add(ATag, AForm: Cardinal);
752 var
753   c: Integer;
754 begin
755   c := Length(FData);
756   SetLength(FData, c + 2);
757   FData[c] := ATag;
758   FData[c+1] := AForm;
759 end;
TTestDwarfAbbrev.DataLengthnull761 function TTestDwarfAbbrev.DataLength: Integer;
762 begin
763   Encode;
764   Result := Length(FEncoded);
765 end;
TTestDwarfAbbrev.Datanull767 function TTestDwarfAbbrev.Data: Pointer;
768 begin
769   Encode;
770   Result := @FEncoded[0];
771 end;
774 { TTestDummySection }
776 procedure TTestDummySection.CreateSectionData;
777 begin
778   //
779 end;
781 { TTestDummyFileSource }
GetTestSectionnull783 function TTestDummyFileSource.GetTestSection(const AName: String): TTestDummySection;
784 var
785   i: Integer;
786   t: TTestDummySectionInfoEntries;
787 begin
788   Result := nil;
789   i := FSections.IndexOf(AName);
790   if i < 0 then begin
791     if AName = '.debug_abbrev' then
792       i := FSections.AddObject(AName, TTestDummySectionAbbrevs.Create)
793     else
794     if AName = '.debug_info' then begin
795       t := TTestDummySectionInfoEntries.Create;
796       t.AbbrevSection := GetTestSection('.debug_abbrev') as TTestDummySectionAbbrevs;
797       i := FSections.AddObject(AName, t);
798     end
799     else
800       i := FSections.AddObject(AName, TTestDummySection.Create);
801   end;
802   Result := TTestDummySection(FSections.Objects[i]);
803 end;
GetSectionnull805 function TTestDummyFileSource.GetSection(const AName: String): PDbgImageSection;
806 var
807   i: Integer;
808   tmp: TTestDummySection;
809 begin
810   Result := nil;
811   i := FSections.IndexOf(AName);
812   if i < 0 then
813     exit;
814   tmp := TTestDummySection(FSections.Objects[i]);
815   Result := @tmp.Section;
816 end;
TTestDummyFileSource.isValidnull818 class function TTestDummyFileSource.isValid(ASource: TDbgFileLoader): Boolean;
819 begin
820   Result := True;
821 end;
TTestDummyFileSource.UserNamenull823 class function TTestDummyFileSource.UserName: AnsiString;
824 begin
825   Result := 'Test Source';
826 end;
828 constructor TTestDummyFileSource.Create;
829 begin
830   inherited Create(nil, nil, False);
831   FSections := TStringList.Create;
832 end;
834 destructor TTestDummyFileSource.Destroy;
835 var
836   i: Integer;
837 begin
838   for i := 0 to FSections.Count - 1 do
839     FSections.Objects[i].Free;
840   FreeAndNil(FSections);
841   inherited Destroy;
842 end;
844 { TTestDummyImageLoader }
846 constructor TTestDummyImageLoader.Create;
847 begin
848   FImgReader := TTestDummyFileSource.Create;
849   ImgReader := FImgReader; // vill be destroyed by base
850   inherited Create;
851 end;
853 { TTestDummySectionAbbrevs }
GetNextIDnull855 function TTestDummySectionAbbrevs.GetNextID: Cardinal;
856 begin
857   Result := FCurrentID;
858   inc(FCurrentID);
859 end;
861 constructor TTestDummySectionAbbrevs.Create;
862 begin
863   FList := TList.Create;
864   Section.Size := 0;
865   Section.RawData := nil;
866   FCurrentID := 1;;
867 end;
869 destructor TTestDummySectionAbbrevs.Destroy;
870 begin
871   while FList.Count > 0 do begin
872     TObject(FList[0]).Free;
873     FList.Delete(0);
874   end;
875   FreeAndNil(FList);
876   if Section.RawData <> nil then
877     Freemem(Section.RawData);
878   inherited Destroy;
879 end;
GetNewAbbrevObjnull881 function TTestDummySectionAbbrevs.GetNewAbbrevObj: TTestDwarfAbbrev;
882 begin
883   Result := TTestDwarfAbbrev.Create;
884   Result.FSection := Self;
885   Result.Id := GetNextID;
886   FList.Add(Result);
887 end;
889 procedure TTestDummySectionAbbrevs.CreateSectionData;
890 var
891   i, j, l: Integer;
892 begin
893   l := 1;  // one for zero at end
894   for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do
895     l := l + TTestDwarfAbbrev(FList[i]).DataLength;
897   Section.Size := l;
898   Section.RawData := AllocMem(l);
900   j := 0;
901   for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin
902     l := TTestDwarfAbbrev(FList[i]).DataLength;
903     move(TTestDwarfAbbrev(FList[i]).Data^, (Section.RawData+j)^, l);
904     j := j + l;
905   end;
907   PByte(Section.RawData+j)^ := 0;
908   assert(j < Section.Size);
909 end;
911 end.