1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
4   for details about the license.
5  *****************************************************************************
7   Author: Mattias Gaertner
9   Abstract:
10     TComponentTreeView is a component to show the child components of a
11     TComponent. TControls are shown in a hierachic view.
12     It supports
13       - multi selecting components
14       - editing the creation order
15       - editing the TControl.Parent hierachy
16     For an usage example, see the object inspector.
17 }
18 unit ComponentTreeView;
20 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
22 {off $DEFINE VerboseComponentTVWalker}
24 interface
26 uses
27   Classes, SysUtils, TypInfo, Laz_AVL_Tree,
28   // LazUtils
29   LazLoggerBase,
30   // LCL
31   LCLProc, Dialogs, Forms, Controls, ComCtrls, Graphics,
32   // IdeIntf
33   ObjInspStrConsts, PropEdits, PropEditUtils, ComponentEditors, IDEImagesIntf;
35 type
36   TCTVGetImageIndexEvent = procedure(APersistent: TPersistent;
37     var AIndex: integer) of object;
39   { TComponentTreeView }
41   TComponentTreeView = class(TCustomTreeView)
42   private
43     FComponentList: TBackupComponentList;
44     FOnComponentGetImageIndex: TCTVGetImageIndexEvent;
45     FOnModified: TNotifyEvent;
46     FPropertyEditorHook: TPropertyEditorHook;
CollectionCaptionnull47     function CollectionCaption(ACollection: TCollection; DefaultName: string): string;
CollectionItemCaptionnull48     function CollectionItemCaption(ACollItem: TCollectionItem): string;
ComponentCaptionnull49     function ComponentCaption(AComponent: TComponent): String;
GetSelectionnull50     function GetSelection: TPersistentSelectionList;
51     procedure SetPropertyEditorHook(AValue: TPropertyEditorHook);
52     procedure SetSelection(NewSelection: TPersistentSelectionList);
53     procedure UpdateSelected;
CreateNodeCaptionnull54     function CreateNodeCaption(APersistent: TPersistent; DefaultName: string = ''): string;
55   protected
56     procedure DoSelectionChanged; override;
GetImageFornull57     function GetImageFor(APersistent: TPersistent):integer;
58     procedure DragOver(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState;
59                        var Accept: Boolean); override;
60     procedure DragCanceled; override;
61     procedure MouseLeave; override;
62     procedure GetComponentInsertMarkAt(X, Y: Integer;
63                               out AnInsertMarkNode: TTreeNode;
64                               out AnInsertMarkType: TTreeViewInsertMarkType);
65     procedure DoModified;
66   public
67     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
68     destructor Destroy; override;
69     procedure DragDrop(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); override;
70     procedure RebuildComponentNodes; virtual;
71     procedure UpdateComponentNodesValues; virtual;
72   public
73     ImgIndexForm: Integer;
74     ImgIndexComponent: Integer;
75     ImgIndexControl: Integer;
76     ImgIndexBox: Integer;
77     ImgIndexCollection: Integer;
78     ImgIndexItem: Integer;
79     property Selection: TPersistentSelectionList read GetSelection
80                                                  write SetSelection;
81     property PropertyEditorHook: TPropertyEditorHook
82                            read FPropertyEditorHook write SetPropertyEditorHook;
83     property OnSelectionChanged;
84     property OnModified: TNotifyEvent read FOnModified write FOnModified;
85     property OnComponentGetImageIndex : TCTVGetImageIndexEvent
86                            read FOnComponentGetImageIndex write FOnComponentGetImageIndex;
87   end;
89 implementation
91 {$R ../../images/componenttreeview.res}
93 type
94   TCollectionAccess = class(TCollection);
96   TComponentCandidate = class
97   public
98     APersistent: TPersistent;
99     Parent: TComponent;
100     Added: boolean;
101   end;
103   { TComponentWalker }
105   TComponentWalker = class
106   private
107     FComponentTV: TComponentTreeView;
108     FCandidates: TAvlTree;
109     FLookupRoot: TComponent;
110     FNode: TTreeNode;
111     procedure AddCollection(AColl: TCollection; AParentNode: TTreeNode);
112     procedure AddOwnedPersistent(APers: TPersistent; APropName: String;
113       AParentNode: TTreeNode);
114     procedure GetOwnedPersistents(APers: TPersistent; AParentNode: TTreeNode);
PersistentFoundInNodenull115     function PersistentFoundInNode(APers: TPersistent): Boolean;
116     procedure Walk(AComponent: TComponent);
117   public
118     constructor Create(
119       ATreeView: TComponentTreeView; ACandidates: TAvlTree;
120       ALookupRoot: TComponent; ANode: TTreeNode);
121   end;
123   TComponentAccessor = class(TComponent);
CompareComponentCandidatesnull125 function CompareComponentCandidates(
126   Candidate1, Candidate2: TComponentCandidate): integer;
127 begin
128   Result := ComparePointers(Candidate1.APersistent, Candidate2.APersistent);
129 end;
ComparePersistentWithComponentCandidatenull131 function ComparePersistentWithComponentCandidate(
132   APersistent: TPersistent; Candidate: TComponentCandidate): integer;
133 begin
134   Result := ComparePointers(APersistent, Candidate.APersistent);
135 end;
137 { TComponentWalker }
139 constructor TComponentWalker.Create(ATreeView: TComponentTreeView;
140   ACandidates: TAvlTree; ALookupRoot: TComponent; ANode: TTreeNode);
141 begin
142   {$IFDEF VerboseComponentTVWalker}
143   DebugLn(['TComponentWalker.Create ALookupRoot=',DbgSName(ALookupRoot)]);
144   {$ENDIF}
145   FComponentTV := ATreeView;
146   FCandidates := ACandidates;
147   FLookupRoot := ALookupRoot;
148   FNode := ANode;
149 end;
151 procedure TComponentWalker.AddCollection(AColl: TCollection; AParentNode: TTreeNode);
152 var
153   ItemNode: TTreeNode;
154   Item: TCollectionItem;
155   i: integer;
156 begin
157   for i := 0 to AColl.Count - 1 do
158   begin
159     Item := AColl.Items[i];
160     {$IFDEF VerboseComponentTVWalker}
161     DebugLn(['TComponentWalker.AddCollection, Adding CollectionItem ',
162              Item.DisplayName, ':', Item.ClassName]);
163     {$ENDIF}
164     ItemNode := FComponentTV.Items.AddChild(AParentNode,
165                                        FComponentTV.CollectionItemCaption(Item));
166     ItemNode.Data := Item;
167     ItemNode.ImageIndex := FComponentTV.GetImageFor(Item);
168     ItemNode.SelectedIndex := ItemNode.ImageIndex;
169     ItemNode.MultiSelected := FComponentTV.Selection.IndexOf(Item) >= 0;
170     // Collections can be nested. Add possible Collections under a CollectionItem.
171     GetOwnedPersistents(Item, ItemNode);
172   end;
173 end;
175 procedure TComponentWalker.AddOwnedPersistent(APers: TPersistent;
176   APropName: String; AParentNode: TTreeNode);
177 var
178   TVNode: TTreeNode;
179   TheRoot: TPersistent;
180 begin
181   if (APers is TComponent)
182   and (csDestroying in TComponent(APers).ComponentState) then Exit;
183   TheRoot := GetLookupRootForComponent(APers);
184   {$IFDEF VerboseComponentTVWalker}
185   DebugLn(['TComponentWalker.AddOwnedPersistent'+
186            ' PropName=',APropName,' Persistent=',DbgSName(APers),
187            ' its root=',DbgSName(TheRoot),' FLookupRoot=',DbgSName(FLookupRoot)]);
188   {$ENDIF}
189   if TheRoot <> FLookupRoot then Exit;
190   if PersistentFoundInNode(APers) then Exit;
191   TVNode := FComponentTV.Items.AddChild(AParentNode,
192                           FComponentTV.CreateNodeCaption(APers, APropName));
193   TVNode.Data := APers;
194   TVNode.ImageIndex := FComponentTV.GetImageFor(APers);
195   TVNode.SelectedIndex := TVNode.ImageIndex;
196   TVNode.MultiSelected := FComponentTV.Selection.IndexOf(APers) >= 0;
197   if APers is TCollection then
198     AddCollection(TCollection(APers), TVNode);
199   //AParentNode.Expanded := True;
200 end;
202 procedure TComponentWalker.GetOwnedPersistents(APers: TPersistent; AParentNode: TTreeNode);
203 var
204   PropList: PPropList;
205   PropCount, i: Integer;
206   PropInfo: PPropInfo;
207   PropPers: TPersistent;
208 begin
209   PropCount := GetPropList(APers, PropList);
210   try
211     for i := 0 to PropCount - 1 do begin
212       PropInfo:=PropList^[i];
213       if (PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind <> tkClass) then Continue;
214       {$IFDEF ShowOwnedObjectsOI}
215       PropPers := TPersistent(GetObjectProp(APers, PropInfo, TPersistent));
216       {$ELSE}
217       PropPers := TPersistent(GetObjectProp(APers, PropInfo, TCollection));
218       {$ENDIF}
219       if PropPers=nil then Continue;
220       if GetEditorClass(PropInfo, APers)=nil then Continue;
221       {$IFDEF VerboseComponentTVWalker}
222       DebugLn(['TComponentWalker.GetOwnedPersistents Persistent=',DbgSName(APers),
223                ' PropName=',PropInfo^.Name,' FLookupRoot=',DbgSName(FLookupRoot)]);
224       {$ENDIF}
225       AddOwnedPersistent(PropPers, PropInfo^.Name, AParentNode);
226     end;
227   finally
228     FreeMem(PropList);
229   end;
230 end;
PersistentFoundInNodenull232 function TComponentWalker.PersistentFoundInNode(APers: TPersistent): Boolean;
233 var
234   i: Integer;
235 begin
236   for i:=0 to FNode.Count-1 do
237     if TObject(FNode[i].Data) = APers then
238       Exit(True);
239   Result := False;
240 end;
242 procedure TComponentWalker.Walk(AComponent: TComponent);
243 var
244   OldNode: TTreeNode;
245   Candidate: TComponentCandidate;
246   AVLNode: TAvlTreeNode;
247   Root: TComponent;
248 begin
249   if csDestroying in AComponent.ComponentState then exit;
250   if GetLookupRootForComponent(AComponent) <> FLookupRoot then Exit;
252   AVLNode := FCandidates.FindKey(AComponent, TListSortCompare(@ComparePersistentWithComponentCandidate));
253   if AVLNode = nil then Exit;
255   Candidate := TComponentCandidate(AVLNode.Data);
256   if Candidate.Added then Exit;
257   Candidate.Added := True;
259   OldNode := FNode;
260   FNode := FComponentTV.Items.AddChild(FNode, FComponentTV.ComponentCaption(AComponent));
261   FNode.Data := AComponent;
262   FNode.ImageIndex := FComponentTV.GetImageFor(AComponent);
263   FNode.SelectedIndex := FNode.ImageIndex;
264   FNode.MultiSelected := FComponentTV.Selection.IndexOf(AComponent) >= 0;
266   GetOwnedPersistents(AComponent, FNode);
268   if (csInline in AComponent.ComponentState) or (AComponent.Owner = nil) then
269     Root := AComponent
270   else
271     Root := AComponent.Owner;
273   if not ( (Root is TControl)
274        and (csOwnedChildrenNotSelectable in TControl(Root).ControlStyle) )
275   then
276     TComponentAccessor(AComponent).GetChildren(@Walk, Root);
277   FNode := OldNode;
278   FNode.Expanded := True;
279 end;
281 { TComponentTreeView }
283 procedure TComponentTreeView.SetSelection(NewSelection: TPersistentSelectionList);
284 begin
285   if (PropertyEditorHook = nil) then
286   begin
287     if (FComponentList.LookupRoot = nil) then
288       Exit;
289     FComponentList.Clear;
290   end
291   else if not NewSelection.ForceUpdate
292      and FComponentList.IsEqual(PropertyEditorHook.LookupRoot, NewSelection) then
293   begin
294     // nodes ok, but maybe node values need update
295     //DebugLn('TComponentTreeView.SetSelection: Updating component node values.');
296     UpdateComponentNodesValues;
297     Exit;
298   end;
299   FComponentList.LookupRoot := PropertyEditorHook.LookupRoot;
300   FComponentList.Selection.Assign(NewSelection);
301   if NewSelection.ForceUpdate then
302   begin
303     //DebugLn('TComponentTreeView.SetSelection: Selection.ForceUpdate encountered.');
304     NewSelection.ForceUpdate:=false;
305   end;
306   UpdateSelected;
307 end;
309 procedure TComponentTreeView.DoSelectionChanged;
310 var
311   ANode: TTreeNode;
312   APersistent: TPersistent;
313   NewSelection: TPersistentSelectionList;
314 begin
315   NewSelection := TPersistentSelectionList.Create;
316   try
317     if (PropertyEditorHook<>nil) and
318        (PropertyEditorHook.LookupRoot<>nil) and
319        (not (csDestroying in ComponentState)) then
320     begin
321       ANode := GetFirstMultiSelected;
322       while ANode <> nil do
323       begin
324         APersistent := TPersistent(ANode.Data);
325         if APersistent = nil then
326           RaiseGDBException('TComponentTreeView.DoSelectionChanged ANode.Data=nil');
327         if GetLookupRootForComponent(APersistent) = PropertyEditorHook.LookupRoot then
328           NewSelection.Add(APersistent);
329         ANode := ANode.GetNextMultiSelected;
330       end;
331       NewSelection.SortLike(FComponentList.Selection);
332     end;
333     if NewSelection.IsEqual(FComponentList.Selection) then
334       Exit;
335     FComponentList.Selection.Assign(NewSelection);
337     inherited DoSelectionChanged;
338   finally
339     NewSelection.Free;
340   end;
341 end;
343 procedure TComponentTreeView.DragDrop(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
344 var
345   Node, ParentNode, SelNode: TTreeNode;
346   ACollection: TCollection;
347   AContainer, OldContainer: TWinControl;
348   AControl: TControl;
349   InsertType: TTreeViewInsertMarkType;
350   RootDesigner: TIDesigner;
351   CompEditDsg: TComponentEditorDesigner;
352   NewIndex, AIndex: Integer;
353   ok: Boolean;
354 begin
355   GetComponentInsertMarkAt(X, Y, Node, InsertType);
356   SetInsertMark(nil, tvimNone);
357   if InsertType in [tvimAsNextSibling, tvimAsPrevSibling] then
358     ParentNode := Node.Parent
359   else
360     ParentNode := Node;
361   if Assigned(ParentNode) then
362   begin
363     // Find designer for Undo actions.
364     Assert(Assigned(FPropertyEditorHook), 'TComponentTreeView.DragDrop: PropertyEditorHook=Nil.');
365     RootDesigner := FindRootDesigner(FPropertyEditorHook.LookupRoot);
366     if (RootDesigner is TComponentEditorDesigner) then
367       CompEditDsg := TComponentEditorDesigner(RootDesigner) //if CompEditDsg.IsUndoLocked then Exit;
368     else
369       CompEditDsg := nil;
371     if TObject(ParentNode.Data) is TWinControl then
372     begin
373       AContainer := TWinControl(ParentNode.Data);
374       SelNode := GetFirstMultiSelected;
375       while Assigned(SelNode) do
376       begin
377         if TObject(SelNode.Data) is TControl then
378         begin
379           AControl := TControl(SelNode.Data);
380           ok:=false;
381           try
382             OldContainer := AControl.Parent;
383             AControl.Parent := AContainer;
384             if Assigned(CompEditDsg) then
385               CompEditDsg.AddUndoAction(AControl, uopChange, True, 'Parent',
386                                         OldContainer.Name, AContainer.Name);
387             ok:=true;
388             DoModified;
389           except
390             on E: Exception do
391               MessageDlg(oisError,
392                 Format(oisUnableToChangeParentOfControlToNewParent,
393                        [DbgSName(AControl), DbgSName(AContainer), LineEnding, E.Message]),
394                 mtError, [mbOk], 0);
395           end;
396           if not ok then break;
397         end;
398         SelNode := SelNode.GetNextMultiSelected;
399       end;
400     end
401     else
402     if TObject(Node.Data) is TCollectionItem then
403     begin
404       ACollection := TCollectionItem(Node.Data).Collection;
405       ACollection.BeginUpdate;
406       case InsertType of
407         tvimAsNextSibling:
408           NewIndex := TCollectionItem(Node.Data).Index + 1;
409         tvimAsPrevSibling:
410           NewIndex := TCollectionItem(Node.Data).Index;
411       end;
412       SelNode := GetLastMultiSelected;
413       while Assigned(SelNode) do
414       begin
415         if (TObject(SelNode.Data) is TCollectionItem) and
416            (TCollectionItem(SelNode.Data).Collection = ACollection) then
417         begin
418           ok := False;
419           try
420             AIndex := TCollectionItem(SelNode.Data).Index;
421             if AIndex < NewIndex then
422               TCollectionItem(SelNode.Data).Index := NewIndex - 1
423             else
424               TCollectionItem(SelNode.Data).Index := NewIndex;
425             ok := True;
426             DoModified;
427           except
428             on E: Exception do
429               MessageDlg(E.Message, mtError, [mbOk], 0);
430           end;
431           if not ok then break;
432         end;
433         SelNode := SelNode.GetPrevMultiSelected;
434       end;
435       ACollection.EndUpdate;
436     end;
437     RebuildComponentNodes;
438   end;
439   inherited DragDrop(Source, X, Y);
440 end;
442 procedure TComponentTreeView.DragOver(Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
443   State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
444 var
445   Node: TTreeNode;
446   AnObject: TObject;
447   AControl: TControl absolute AnObject;
448   AContainer: TPersistent;
449   AcceptControl, AcceptContainer: Boolean;
450   InsertType: TTreeViewInsertMarkType;
451   ParentNode: TTreeNode;
452   aLookupRoot: TPersistent;
453 begin
454   //debugln('TComponentTreeView.DragOver START ',dbgs(Accept));
456   AcceptContainer := False;
457   AcceptControl := True;
459   GetComponentInsertMarkAt(X, Y, Node, InsertType);
460   SetInsertMark(Node, InsertType);
462   if PropertyEditorHook<>nil then
463     aLookupRoot := PropertyEditorHook.LookupRoot
464   else
465     aLookupRoot := nil;
467   // check new parent
468   ParentNode := Node;
469   if InsertType in [tvimAsNextSibling, tvimAsPrevSibling] then
470     ParentNode := ParentNode.Parent;
471   if Assigned(ParentNode) and Assigned(ParentNode.Data) then
472   begin
473     AnObject := TObject(ParentNode.Data);
474     if (AnObject is TWinControl) then
475     begin
476       if ControlAcceptsStreamableChildComponent(TWinControl(AControl),
477          TComponentClass(AnObject.ClassType),aLookupRoot)
478       then begin
479         AContainer := TPersistent(AnObject);
480         //DebugLn(['TComponentTreeView.DragOver AContainer=',DbgSName(AContainer)]);
481         AcceptContainer := True;
482       end;
483     end
484     else
485     if (AnObject is TCollection) then
486     begin
487       // it is allowed to move container items inside the container
488       AContainer := TPersistent(AnObject);
489       AcceptContainer := True;
490     end;
491   end;
493   if AcceptContainer then
494   begin
495     Node := GetFirstMultiSelected;
496     while Assigned(Node) and AcceptControl do
497     begin
498       AnObject := TObject(Node.Data);
499       // don't allow to move ancestor components
500       if (AnObject is TComponent) and
501          (csAncestor in TComponent(AnObject).ComponentState) then break;
502       if (AnObject is TControl) then
503       begin
504         if AnObject = AContainer then break;
505         if not (AContainer is TWinControl) then break;
506         //DebugLn(['TComponentTreeView.DragOver AControl=',DbgSName(AControl),' Parent=',DbgSName(AControl.Parent),' OldAccepts=',csAcceptsControls in AControl.Parent.ControlStyle]);
507         // check if new parent allows this control class
508         if not TWinControl(AContainer).CheckChildClassAllowed(AnObject.ClassType, False) then
509           break;
510         // check if one of the parent of the container is the control itself
511         if AControl.IsParentOf(TWinControl(AContainer)) then break;
512         // do not move children of a restricted parent to another parent
513         // e.g. TPage of TPageControl
514         if (AControl.Parent <> nil) and (AControl.Parent <> AContainer) and
515             (not (csAcceptsControls in AControl.Parent.ControlStyle)) then
516           break;
517       end
518       else
519       if (AnObject is TCollectionItem) then
520       begin
521         if AnObject = AContainer then break;
522         if not (AContainer is TCollection) then
523           break;
524         if TCollectionItem(AnObject).Collection <> TCollection(AContainer) then
525           break;
526       end;
527       Node := Node.GetNextMultiSelected;
528     end;
529     AcceptControl := (Node = nil);
530   end;
532   Accept := AcceptContainer and AcceptControl;
533   //debugln('TComponentTreeView.DragOver A ',dbgs(Accept));
534   inherited DragOver(Source, X, Y, State, Accept);
535   //debugln('TComponentTreeView.DragOver B ',dbgs(Accept));
537   Accept := AcceptContainer and AcceptControl and ((OnDragOver=nil) or Accept);
538 end;
540 procedure TComponentTreeView.DragCanceled;
541 begin
542   SetInsertMark(nil, tvimNone);
543   inherited DragCanceled;
544 end;
546 procedure TComponentTreeView.MouseLeave;
547 begin
548   SetInsertMark(nil,tvimNone);
549   inherited MouseLeave;
550 end;
552 procedure TComponentTreeView.GetComponentInsertMarkAt(X, Y: Integer; out
553   AnInsertMarkNode: TTreeNode; out AnInsertMarkType: TTreeViewInsertMarkType);
554 var
555   Node: TTreeNode;
556 begin
557   Node := GetFirstMultiSelected;
558   if (Node <> nil) and (TObject(Node.Data) is TControl) then
559   begin
560     // TWinControl allows only to add/remove children, but not at a specific position
561     AnInsertMarkNode := GetNodeAt(X,Y);
562     AnInsertMarkType := tvimAsFirstChild;
563   end
564   else
565   begin
566     GetInsertMarkAt(X, Y, AnInsertMarkNode, AnInsertMarkType);
567     if (Node <> nil) and (TObject(Node.Data) is TCollectionItem) then
568       if AnInsertMarkType = tvimAsFirstChild then
569         AnInsertMarkType := tvimAsPrevSibling;
570   end;
571 end;
573 procedure TComponentTreeView.DoModified;
574 begin
575   if Assigned(PropertyEditorHook) then
576     PropertyEditorHook.RefreshPropertyValues;
577   if Assigned(FOnModified) then
578     OnModified(Self);
579 end;
GetImageFornull581 function TComponentTreeView.GetImageFor(APersistent: TPersistent): integer;
582 begin
583   Result := -1;
584   if Assigned(APersistent) then
585   begin
586     if (APersistent is TControl)
587     and (csAcceptsControls in TControl(APersistent).ControlStyle) then
588       Result := ImgIndexBox
589     else
590     if (APersistent is TControl) then
591       Result := ImgIndexControl
592     else
593     if (APersistent is TComponent) then
594       Result := ImgIndexComponent
595     else
596     if (APersistent is TCollection) then
597       Result := ImgIndexCollection
598     else
599     if (APersistent is TCollectionItem) then
600       Result := ImgIndexItem;
601   end;
602   // finally, ask the designer such as TDesignerMediator to override it, if any
603   if Assigned(OnComponentGetImageIndex) then
604     OnComponentGetImageIndex(APersistent, Result);
605 end;
607 procedure TComponentTreeView.SetPropertyEditorHook(AValue: TPropertyEditorHook);
608 begin
609   if FPropertyEditorHook=AValue then exit;
610   FPropertyEditorHook:=AValue;
611   RebuildComponentNodes;
612 end;
GetSelectionnull614 function TComponentTreeView.GetSelection: TPersistentSelectionList;
615 begin
616   Result:=FComponentList.Selection;
617 end;
619 constructor TComponentTreeView.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
620 begin
621   inherited Create(TheOwner);
622   DragMode := dmAutomatic;
623   FComponentList:=TBackupComponentList.Create;
624   Options := Options + [tvoAllowMultiselect, tvoAutoItemHeight, tvoKeepCollapsedNodes, tvoReadOnly];
625   MultiSelectStyle := MultiSelectStyle + [msShiftSelect];
626   ImgIndexForm := IDEImages.GetImageIndex('oi_form');
627   ImgIndexComponent := IDEImages.GetImageIndex('oi_comp');
628   ImgIndexControl := IDEImages.GetImageIndex('oi_control');
629   ImgIndexBox := IDEImages.GetImageIndex('oi_box');
630   ImgIndexCollection := IDEImages.GetImageIndex('oi_collection');
631   ImgIndexItem := IDEImages.GetImageIndex('oi_item');
632   Images := IDEImages.Images_16;
633 end;
635 destructor TComponentTreeView.Destroy;
636 begin
637   FreeThenNil(FComponentList);
638   inherited Destroy;
639 end;
641 procedure TComponentTreeView.RebuildComponentNodes;
642 var
643   Candidates: TAvlTree; // tree of TComponentCandidate sorted for aPersistent (CompareComponentCandidates)
644   RootObject: TPersistent;
645   RootComponent: TComponent absolute RootObject;
647   procedure AddChildren(AComponent: TComponent; ANode: TTreeNode);
648   var
649     Walker: TComponentWalker;
650     Root: TComponent;
651   begin
652     if csDestroying in AComponent.ComponentState then exit;
653     //debugln(['AddChildren ',DbgSName(AComponent),' ',AComponent.ComponentCount]);
654     Walker := TComponentWalker.Create(Self, Candidates, RootComponent, ANode);
655     try
656       // add inline components children
657       if csInline in AComponent.ComponentState then
658         Root := AComponent
659       else
660         Root := RootComponent;
661       TComponentAccessor(AComponent).GetChildren(@Walker.Walk, Root);
662     finally
663       Walker.Free;
664     end;
665   end;
667   procedure AddCandidates(OwnerComponent: TComponent);
668   var
669     AComponent: TComponent;
670     Candidate: TComponentCandidate;
671     i: Integer;
672   begin
673     //debugln(['AddCandidates OwnerComponent=',DbgSName(OwnerComponent)]);
674     if OwnerComponent = nil then Exit;
675     if csDestroying in OwnerComponent.ComponentState then exit;
676     for i := 0 to OwnerComponent.ComponentCount - 1 do
677     begin
678       AComponent := OwnerComponent.Components[i];
679       if csDestroying in AComponent.ComponentState then continue;
680       Candidate := TComponentCandidate.Create;
681       Candidate.APersistent := AComponent;
682       if Candidates.Find(Candidate)<>nil then
683       begin
684         DebugLn('WARNING: TComponentTreeView.RebuildComponentNodes doppelganger found ', AComponent.Name);
685         Candidate.Free;
686       end
687       else
688       begin
689         Candidates.Add(Candidate);
690         if csInline in AComponent.ComponentState then
691           AddCandidates(AComponent);
692       end;
693     end;
694   end;
696 var
697   RootNode: TTreeNode;
698   Candidate: TComponentCandidate;
699 begin
700   BeginUpdate;
701   Items.Clear;
702   RootObject := nil;
703   if PropertyEditorHook<>nil then
704     RootObject := PropertyEditorHook.LookupRoot;
705   if (RootObject is TComponent)
706   and (csDestroying in TComponent(RootObject).ComponentState) then
707     RootObject:=nil;
708   if RootObject <> nil then
709   begin
710     Candidates:=TAvlTree.Create(TListSortCompare(@CompareComponentCandidates));
711     try
712       // first add the lookup root
713       RootNode := Items.Add(nil, CreateNodeCaption(RootObject));
714       RootNode.Data := RootObject;
715       RootNode.ImageIndex := ImgIndexForm;
716       RootNode.SelectedIndex := RootNode.ImageIndex;
717       RootNode.MultiSelected := Selection.IndexOf(RootObject) >= 0;
719       // create candidate nodes for every child
720       Candidate := TComponentCandidate.Create;
721       Candidate.APersistent := RootObject;
722       Candidate.Added := True;
723       Candidates.Add(Candidate);
725       // add components in creation order and TControl.Parent relationship
726       if RootObject is TComponent then
727       begin
728         AddCandidates(RootComponent);
729         AddChildren(RootComponent,RootNode);
730       end;
731     finally
732       Candidates.FreeAndClear;
733       Candidates.Free;
734     end;
736     RootNode.Expand(true);
737   end;
738   MakeSelectionVisible;
739   EndUpdate;
740 end;
742 procedure TComponentTreeView.UpdateComponentNodesValues;
743 // Could be optimised by adding a PropName parameter and searching a node by name.
745   procedure UpdateComponentNode(ANode: TTreeNode);
746   var
747     APersistent: TPersistent;
748   begin
749     if ANode = nil then Exit;
750     APersistent := TPersistent(ANode.Data);
751     if APersistent is TComponent then
752       ANode.Text := ComponentCaption(TComponent(APersistent))
753     else if APersistent is TCollectionItem then
754       ANode.Text := CollectionItemCaption(TCollectionItem(APersistent));
755     // Note: Collection name does not change, don't update.
757     UpdateComponentNode(ANode.GetFirstChild);    // Recursive call.
758     UpdateComponentNode(ANode.GetNextSibling);
759   end;
761 begin
762   BeginUpdate;
763   UpdateComponentNode(Items.GetFirstNode);
764   EndUpdate;
765 end;
767 procedure TComponentTreeView.UpdateSelected;
769   procedure UpdateComponentNode(ANode: TTreeNode);
770   var
771     APersistent: TPersistent;
772   begin
773     if ANode = nil then Exit;
774     APersistent := TPersistent(ANode.Data);
775     ANode.MultiSelected := Selection.IndexOf(APersistent) >= 0;
776     UpdateComponentNode(ANode.GetFirstChild);
777     UpdateComponentNode(ANode.GetNextSibling);
778   end;
780 begin
781   BeginUpdate;
782   Selected := Nil;
783   UpdateComponentNode(Items.GetFirstNode);
784   EndUpdate;
785 end;
TComponentTreeView.CollectionCaptionnull787 function TComponentTreeView.CollectionCaption(ACollection: TCollection; DefaultName: string): string;
788 var
789   PropList: PPropList;
790   i, PropCount: Integer;
791 begin
792   Result := '';
793   if Result <> '' then
794     Result := TCollectionAccess(ACollection).PropName
795   else if DefaultName<>'' then
796     Result := DefaultName  // DefaultName is the property name.
797   else if ACollection.Owner <> nil then
798   begin
799     PropCount := GetPropList(ACollection.Owner, PropList);
800     try                 // Find the property name where ACollection can be found.
801       for i := 0 to PropCount - 1 do
802         if (PropList^[i]^.PropType^.Kind = tkClass) then
803           if GetObjectProp(ACollection.Owner, PropList^[i], ACollection.ClassType) = ACollection then
804           begin
805             Result := PropList^[i]^.Name;
806             Break;
807           end;
808     finally
809       FreeMem(PropList);
810     end;
811   end;
812   if Result = '' then
813     Result := '<unknown collection>';
814   Result := Result + ': ' + ACollection.ClassName;
815 end;
CollectionItemCaptionnull817 function TComponentTreeView.CollectionItemCaption(ACollItem: TCollectionItem): string;
818 begin
819   Result := IntToStr(ACollItem.Index)+' - '+ACollItem.DisplayName+': '+ACollItem.ClassName;
820 end;
ComponentCaptionnull822 function TComponentTreeView.ComponentCaption(AComponent: TComponent): String;
823 begin
824   Result := AComponent.Name + ': ' + AComponent.ClassName;
825 end;
CreateNodeCaptionnull827 function TComponentTreeView.CreateNodeCaption(APersistent: TPersistent; DefaultName: string): string;
828 begin
829   Result := APersistent.ClassName;
830   if APersistent is TComponent then
831     Result := ComponentCaption(TComponent(APersistent))
832   else if APersistent is TCollection then
833     Result := CollectionCaption(TCollection(APersistent), DefaultName)
834   else if APersistent is TCollectionItem then
835     Result := CollectionItemCaption(TCollectionItem(APersistent))
836   else if DefaultName<>'' then
837     Result := DefaultName + ':' + Result;
838 end;
840 end.