1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     Dialog for the Extract Proc feature.
25     Allows user choose what kind of procedure/function to create and
26     shows missing identifiers.
27 }
28 unit ExtractProcDlg;
30 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
32 interface
34 uses
35   Classes, SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
36   // LCL
37   Forms, Controls, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, ButtonPanel, LCLProc,
38   // Codetools
39   BasicCodeTools, CodeTree, CodeCache, CodeToolManager, ExtractProcTool,
40   // IdeIntf
41   IDEHelpIntf, IDEDialogs,
42   // IDE
43   LazarusIDEStrConsts, MiscOptions;
45 type
47   { TExtractProcDialog }
49   TExtractProcDialog = class(TForm)
50     ButtonPanel: TButtonPanel;
51     FuncVariableComboBox: TComboBox;
52     CreateFunctionCheckBox: TCheckBox;
53     FunctionGroupBox: TGroupBox;
54     FuncVariableLabel: TLabel;
55     MissingIdentifiersListBox: TListBox;
56     MissingIdentifiersGroupBox: TGroupBox;
57     NameEdit: TEdit;
58     NameGroupbox: TGroupBox;
59     TypeRadiogroup: TRadioGroup;
60     procedure CreateFunctionCheckBoxChange(Sender: TObject);
61     procedure HelpButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
62     procedure ExtractProcDialogCreate(Sender: TObject);
63     procedure ExtractProcDialogClose(Sender: TObject;
64       var {%H-}CloseAction: TCloseAction);
65     procedure OkButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
66   private
67     FMethodPossible: boolean;
68     FMissingIdentifiers: TAVLTree;
69     FSubProcPossible: boolean;
70     FSubProcSameLvlPossible: boolean;
71     FVariables: TAVLTree;
72     procedure SetMissingIdentifiers(const AValue: TAVLTree);
73     procedure SetVariables(const AValue: TAVLTree);
VarNodeToStrnull74     function VarNodeToStr(Variable: TExtractedProcVariable): string;
75   public
76     procedure UpdateAvailableTypes;
77     procedure UpdateFunction;
GetProcTypenull78     function GetProcType: TExtractProcType;
GetProcNamenull79     function GetProcName: string;
GetFunctionNodenull80     function GetFunctionNode: TCodeTreeNode;
82     property MethodPossible: boolean read FMethodPossible write FMethodPossible;
83     property SubProcPossible: boolean read FSubProcPossible write FSubProcPossible;
84     property SubProcSameLvlPossible: boolean read FSubProcSameLvlPossible write FSubProcSameLvlPossible;
85     property MissingIdentifiers: TAVLTree read FMissingIdentifiers write SetMissingIdentifiers;
86     property Variables: TAVLTree read FVariables write SetVariables;// tree of TExtractedProcVariable
87   end;
ShowExtractProcDialognull89 function ShowExtractProcDialog(Code: TCodeBuffer;
90   const BlockBegin, BlockEnd: TPoint;
91   out NewSource: TCodeBuffer;
92   out NewX, NewY, NewTopLine, BlockTopLine, BlockBottomLine: integer): TModalResult;
94 implementation
96 {$R *.lfm}
ShowExtractProcDialognull98 function ShowExtractProcDialog(Code: TCodeBuffer; const BlockBegin,
99   BlockEnd: TPoint; out NewSource: TCodeBuffer; out NewX, NewY, NewTopLine,
100   BlockTopLine, BlockBottomLine: integer): TModalResult;
101 var
102   ExtractProcDialog: TExtractProcDialog;
103   MethodPossible: Boolean;
104   SubProcSameLvlPossible: boolean;
105   ProcName: String;
106   ProcType: TExtractProcType;
107   MissingIdentifiers: TAVLTree;
108   VarTree: TAVLTree;
109   FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode;
110   FunctionResultVariableStartPos: Integer;
111   SubProcPossible: boolean;
112 begin
113   Result:=mrCancel;
114   NewSource:=nil;
115   NewX:=0;
116   NewY:=0;
117   NewTopLine:=0;
118   BlockTopLine:=0;
119   BlockBottomLine:=0;
120   if CompareCaret(BlockBegin,BlockEnd)<=0 then begin
121     IDEMessageDialog(lisNoCodeSelected,
122       lisPleaseSelectSomeCodeToExtractANewProcedureMethod,
123       mtInformation,[mbCancel]);
124     exit;
125   end;
127   MissingIdentifiers:=nil;
128   VarTree:=nil;
129   try
130     VarTree:=CreateExtractProcVariableTree;
131     // check if selected statements can be extracted
132     if not CodeToolBoss.CheckExtractProc(Code,BlockBegin,BlockEnd,MethodPossible,
133       SubProcPossible,SubProcSameLvlPossible,MissingIdentifiers,VarTree)
134     then begin
135       if CodeToolBoss.ErrorMessage='' then begin
136         IDEMessageDialog(lisInvalidSelection,
137           Format(lisThisStatementCanNotBeExtractedPleaseSelectSomeCode, [LineEnding]),
138         mtInformation,[mbCancel]);
139       end;
140       exit;
141     end;
143     // ask user how to extract
144     ExtractProcDialog:=TExtractProcDialog.Create(nil);
145     try
146       ExtractProcDialog.MethodPossible:=MethodPossible;
147       ExtractProcDialog.SubProcPossible:=SubProcPossible;
148       ExtractProcDialog.SubProcSameLvlPossible:=SubProcSameLvlPossible;
149       ExtractProcDialog.MissingIdentifiers:=MissingIdentifiers;
150       ExtractProcDialog.UpdateAvailableTypes;
151       ExtractProcDialog.Variables:=VarTree;
152       Result:=ExtractProcDialog.ShowModal;
153       if Result<>mrOk then exit;
154       ProcName:=ExtractProcDialog.GetProcName;
155       ProcType:=ExtractProcDialog.GetProcType;
156       FuncNode:=ExtractProcDialog.GetFunctionNode;
157       FunctionResultVariableStartPos:=0;
158       if (FuncNode<>nil) then
159         FunctionResultVariableStartPos:=FuncNode.StartPos;
160     finally
161       ExtractProcDialog.Free;
162     end;
164     // extract procedure/method
165     if not CodeToolBoss.ExtractProc(Code,BlockBegin,BlockEnd,ProcType,ProcName,
166       MissingIdentifiers,NewSource,NewX,NewY,NewTopLine, BlockTopLine, BlockBottomLine,
167       FunctionResultVariableStartPos)
168     then begin
169       Result:=mrCancel;
170       exit;
171     end;
172     Result:=mrOk;
173   finally
174     ClearExtractProcVariableTree(VarTree,true);
175     CodeToolBoss.FreeTreeOfPCodeXYPosition(MissingIdentifiers);
176   end;
177 end;
179 { TExtractProcDialog }
181 procedure TExtractProcDialog.ExtractProcDialogCreate(Sender: TObject);
182 begin
183   Caption:=lisExtractProcedure;
184   NameGroupbox.Caption:=lisNameOfNewProcedure;
185   TypeRadiogroup.Caption:=dlgEnvType;
186   NameEdit.Text:=MiscellaneousOptions.ExtractProcName;
187   MissingIdentifiersGroupBox.Caption:=lisMissingIdentifiers;
189   FunctionGroupBox.Caption:=lisFunction;
CreateFunctionCheckBox.Captionnull190   CreateFunctionCheckBox.Caption:=lisCreateFunction;
191   FuncVariableLabel.Caption:=lisResult2;
193   ButtonPanel.OkButton.Caption:=lisExtract;
194 end;
196 procedure TExtractProcDialog.HelpButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
197 begin
198   LazarusHelp.ShowHelpForIDEControl(Self);
199 end;
201 procedure TExtractProcDialog.CreateFunctionCheckBoxChange(Sender: TObject);
202 begin
203   FuncVariableComboBox.Enabled:=CreateFunctionCheckBox.Checked;
204   FuncVariableLabel.Enabled:=FuncVariableComboBox.Enabled;
205 end;
207 procedure TExtractProcDialog.ExtractProcDialogClose(Sender: TObject;
208   var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
209 begin
210   MiscellaneousOptions.ExtractProcName:=NameEdit.Text;
211 end;
213 procedure TExtractProcDialog.OkButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
214 var
215   ProcName: String;
216 begin
217   ProcName:=GetProcName;
218   if not IsValidIdent(ProcName) then begin
219     IDEMessageDialog(lisInvalidProcName,
220       Format(lisSVUOisNotAValidIdentifier, [ProcName]), mtError,[mbCancel]);
221     ModalResult:=mrNone;
222     exit;
223   end;
224   ModalResult:=mrOk;
225 end;
227 procedure TExtractProcDialog.SetMissingIdentifiers(const AValue: TAVLTree);
228 var
229   Node: TAVLTreeNode;
230   CodePos: PCodeXYPosition;
231   p: integer;
232   Identifier: string;
233   s: String;
234 begin
235   if AValue=FMissingIdentifiers then exit;
236   FMissingIdentifiers:=AValue;
237   MissingIdentifiersListBox.Items.BeginUpdate;
238   MissingIdentifiersListBox.Items.Clear;
239   if FMissingIdentifiers<>nil then begin
240     Node:=FMissingIdentifiers.FindLowest;
241     while Node<>nil do begin
242       CodePos:=PCodeXYPosition(Node.Data);
243       CodePos^.Code.LineColToPosition(CodePos^.Y,CodePos^.X,p);
244       if p>=1 then
245         Identifier:=GetIdentifier(@CodePos^.Code.Source[p])
246       else
247         Identifier:='?';
248       s:=Identifier+' at '+IntToStr(CodePos^.Y)+','+IntToStr(CodePos^.X);
249       MissingIdentifiersListBox.Items.Add(s);
250       Node:=FMissingIdentifiers.FindSuccessor(Node);
251     end;
252   end;
253   MissingIdentifiersListBox.Items.EndUpdate;
255   // show/hide the MissingIdentifiersGroupBox
256   MissingIdentifiersGroupBox.Visible:=MissingIdentifiersListBox.Items.Count>0;
257 end;
259 procedure TExtractProcDialog.SetVariables(const AValue: TAVLTree);
260 begin
261   if FVariables=AValue then exit;
262   FVariables:=AValue;
263   UpdateFunction;
endnull264 end;
TExtractProcDialog.VarNodeToStrnull266 function TExtractProcDialog.VarNodeToStr(Variable: TExtractedProcVariable
267   ): string;
268 begin
269   if Variable.Node.Desc=ctnVarDefinition then
270     Result:=Variable.Tool.ExtractDefinitionName(Variable.Node)
271             +' : '+Variable.Tool.ExtractDefinitionNodeType(Variable.Node)
272   else
273     Result:='';
274 end;
276 procedure TExtractProcDialog.UpdateAvailableTypes;
277 begin
278   with TypeRadiogroup.Items do begin
279     BeginUpdate;
280     Clear;
281     if MethodPossible then begin
282       Add(lisPublicMethod);
283       Add(lisPrivateMethod);
284       Add(lisProtectedMethod);
285       Add(lisPublishedMethod);
286       TypeRadiogroup.Columns:=2;
287     end else begin
288       TypeRadiogroup.Columns:=1;
289     end;
290     Add(lisProcedureWithInterface);
291     Add(lisProcedure);
292     if SubProcPossible then begin
293       Add(lisSubProcedure);
294       if SubProcSameLvlPossible then
295         Add(lisSubProcedureOnSameLevel);
296     end;
297     EndUpdate;
298     TypeRadiogroup.ItemIndex:=Count-1;
299   end;
300 end;
302 procedure TExtractProcDialog.UpdateFunction;
303 var
304   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
305   Variable: TExtractedProcVariable;
306   sl: TStringList;
307 begin
308   FuncVariableComboBox.Items.BeginUpdate;
309   FuncVariableComboBox.Items.Clear;
310   if Variables<>nil then begin
311     sl:=TStringList.Create;
312     try
313       AVLNode:=Variables.FindLowest;
314       while AVLNode<>nil do begin
315         Variable:=TExtractedProcVariable(AVLNode.Data);
316         if Variable.WriteInSelection then begin
317           //DebugLn(['TExtractProcDialog.UpdateFunction ',Variable.Node.DescAsString]);
318           if Variable.Node.Desc=ctnVarDefinition then begin
319             sl.Add(VarNodeToStr(Variable));
320           end;
321         end;
322         AVLNode:=Variables.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
323       end;
324       sl.Sort;
325       FuncVariableComboBox.Items.Assign(sl);
326       if FuncVariableComboBox.Items.Count>0 then
327         FuncVariableComboBox.Text:=FuncVariableComboBox.Items[0];
328       FuncVariableComboBox.ItemIndex:=0;
329     finally
330       sl.Free;
331     end;
332   end;
333   FuncVariableComboBox.Items.EndUpdate;
334   FuncVariableComboBox.Enabled:=CreateFunctionCheckBox.Checked;
335   FuncVariableLabel.Enabled:=FuncVariableComboBox.Enabled;
336   FunctionGroupBox.Visible:=FuncVariableComboBox.Items.Count>0;
337 end;
GetProcTypenull339 function TExtractProcDialog.GetProcType: TExtractProcType;
340 var
341   Item: string;
342 begin
343   Result:=eptSubProcedure;
344   if TypeRadiogroup.ItemIndex>=0 then begin
345     Item:=TypeRadiogroup.Items[TypeRadiogroup.ItemIndex];
346     if Item=lisPublicMethod then Result:=eptPublicMethod
347     else if Item=lisPrivateMethod then Result:=eptPrivateMethod
348     else if Item=lisProtectedMethod then Result:=eptProtectedMethod
349     else if Item=lisPublishedMethod then Result:=eptPublishedMethod
350     else if Item=lisProcedure then Result:=eptProcedure
351     else if Item=lisProcedureWithInterface then Result:=eptProcedureWithInterface
352     else if Item=lisSubProcedure then Result:=eptSubProcedure
353     else if Item=lisSubProcedureOnSameLevel then Result:=eptSubProcedureSameLvl;
354   end;
355 end;
TExtractProcDialog.GetProcNamenull357 function TExtractProcDialog.GetProcName: string;
358 begin
359   Result:=NameEdit.Text;
360 end;
TExtractProcDialog.GetFunctionNodenull362 function TExtractProcDialog.GetFunctionNode: TCodeTreeNode;
363 var
364   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
365   s: String;
366   Find: String;
367   Variable: TExtractedProcVariable;
368 begin
369   Result:=nil;
370   if (Variables=nil) or (not CreateFunctionCheckBox.Checked) then exit;
371   Find:=FuncVariableComboBox.Text;
372   AVLNode:=Variables.FindLowest;
373   while AVLNode<>nil do begin
374     Variable:=TExtractedProcVariable(AVLNode.Data);
375     if Variable.WriteInSelection then begin
376       //DebugLn(['TExtractProcDialog.UpdateFunction ',Variable.Node.DescAsString]);
377       if Variable.Node.Desc=ctnVarDefinition then begin
378         s:=VarNodeToStr(Variable);
379         if s=Find then begin
380           Result:=Variable.Node;
381           exit;
382         end;
383       end;
384     end;
385     AVLNode:=Variables.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
386   end;
387 end;
389 end.