1 {
2  /***************************************************************************
3                               idecmdline.pas
4                              --------------------
5                A unit to manage command lines issue used inside the ide
7  ***************************************************************************/
9  ***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
17  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
19  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
20  *                                                                         *
21  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
22  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
23  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
24  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
25  *                                                                         *
26  ***************************************************************************
28  Author: Ido Kanner
30   This unit manages the commandline utils that are used across Lazarus.
31   It was created for avoding duplicates and easier access for commandline utils
32   that are required by the IDE.
33 }
34 unit IDECmdLine;
36 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
38 interface
40 uses
41   Classes, SysUtils,
42   // LazUtils
43   FileUtil, LazFileUtils, LazUTF8, LazUTF8Classes, LazLogger,
44   // IDE
45   LazConf;
47 const
48   // IDE cmd line options
49   ShowSetupDialogOptLong='--setup';
50   PrimaryConfPathOptLong='--primary-config-path=';
51   PrimaryConfPathOptShort='--pcp=';
52   SecondaryConfPathOptLong='--secondary-config-path=';
53   SecondaryConfPathOptShort='--scp=';
54   NoSplashScreenOptLong='--no-splash-screen';
55   NoSplashScreenOptShort='--nsc';
56   StartedByStartLazarusOpt='--started-by-startlazarus';
57   ForceNewInstanceOpt='--force-new-instance';
58   SkipLastProjectOpt='--skip-last-project';
59   DebugLogOpt='--debug-log=';
60   DebugLogOptEnable='--debug-enable=';
61   LanguageOpt='--language=';
62   LazarusDirOpt ='--lazarusdir=';
63 const
64   // startlazarus options
65   StartLazarusPidOpt   = '--lazarus-pid=';
66   StartLazarusDebugOpt = '--debug';
68 procedure ParseCommandLine(aCmdLineParams: TStrings; out IDEPid : Integer;
69             out ShowSplashScreen: boolean);
GetCommandLineParametersnull70 function GetCommandLineParameters(aCmdLineParams: TStrings;
71             isStartLazarus: Boolean = False) : string;
ExtractPrimaryConfigPathnull72 function ExtractPrimaryConfigPath(aCmdLineParams: TStrings): string;
ExpandParamFilenull73 function ExpandParamFile(const s: string): string;
IsHelpRequestednull75 function IsHelpRequested : Boolean;
IsVersionRequestednull76 function IsVersionRequested : boolean;
GetLanguageSpecifiednull77 function GetLanguageSpecified : string;
ParamIsOptionnull78 function ParamIsOption(ParamIndex : integer; const Option : string) : boolean;
ParamIsOptionPlusValuenull79 function ParamIsOptionPlusValue(ParamIndex : integer;
80             const Option : string; out AValue : string) : boolean;
82 procedure ParseNoGuiCmdLineParams;
ExtractCmdLineFilenamesnull84 function ExtractCmdLineFilenames : TStrings;
86 // options from CFG file
GetCfgFileContentnull87 function GetCfgFileContent: TStrings;
GetParamsAndCfgFilenull88 function GetParamsAndCfgFile: TStrings;
ParamsAndCfgCountnull89 function ParamsAndCfgCount: Integer;
ParamsAndCfgStrnull90 function ParamsAndCfgStr(Idx: Integer): String;
91 procedure ResetParamsAndCfg;
93 implementation
95 var
96   CfgFileName: String = '';
97   CfgFileDone: Boolean = False;
98   CfgFileContent: TStrings = nil;
99   ParamsAndCfgFileContent: TStrings = nil;
GetCfgFileContentnull101 function GetCfgFileContent: TStrings;
102 begin
103   Result := CfgFileContent;
104   if CfgFileDone then
105     exit;
106   CfgFileDone := True;
107   CfgFileName := AppendPathDelim(ProgramDirectory) + 'lazarus.cfg';
108   if FileExistsUTF8(CfgFileName) then begin
109     DebugLn(['using config file ', CfgFileName]);
110     CfgFileContent := TStringListUTF8.Create;
111     CfgFileContent.LoadFromFile(CfgFileName);
112   end;
113   Result := CfgFileContent;
114 end;
GetParamsAndCfgFilenull116 function GetParamsAndCfgFile: TStrings;
117   procedure CleanDuplicates(ACurParam, AMatch, AClean: String);
118   var
119     i: Integer;
120   begin
121     if LowerCase(copy(ACurParam, 1, Length(AMatch))) = LowerCase(AMatch) then begin
122       i := ParamsAndCfgFileContent.Count - 1;
123       while i >= 0 do begin
124         if LowerCase(copy(ParamsAndCfgFileContent[i], 1, Length(AClean))) = LowerCase(AClean) then
125           ParamsAndCfgFileContent.Delete(i);
126         dec(i);
127       end;
128     end;
129   end;
130 var
131   Cfg: TStrings;
132   i: Integer;
133   s: String;
134   Warn: String;
135 begin
136   Result := ParamsAndCfgFileContent;
137   if Result <> nil then
138     exit;
139   ParamsAndCfgFileContent := TStringList.Create;
140   ParamsAndCfgFileContent.Add(ParamStrUTF8(0));
142   Cfg := GetCfgFileContent;
143   if Cfg <> nil then begin
144     Warn := '';
145     // insert Cfg at start. For duplicates the latest occurence takes precedence
146     for i := 0 to Cfg.Count - 1 do begin
147       s := Cfg[i];
148       if (s <> '') and (s[1] = '-') then
149         begin
150           s := Trim(s);
151           {$ifdef windows}
152           //cfg file is made by Windows installer and probably is Windows default codepage
153           if FindInvalidUTF8Codepoint(PChar(s), Length(s), True) > 0 then
154             s := WinCPToUtf8(s);
155           {$endif windows}
156           ParamsAndCfgFileContent.Add(s)
157         end
158       else
159       if (Trim(s) <> '') and (s[1] <> '#') then
160         Warn := Warn + IntToStr(i)+': ' + s + LineEnding;
161     end;
162     if Warn<>'' then begin
163       debugln('WARNING: invalid lines in lazarus.cfg:');
164       debugln(Warn);
165     end;
166   end;
168   for i := 1 to Paramcount do begin
169     s := ParamStrUTF8(i);
170     CleanDuplicates(s, PrimaryConfPathOptLong, PrimaryConfPathOptLong);
171     CleanDuplicates(s, PrimaryConfPathOptLong, PrimaryConfPathOptShort);
172     CleanDuplicates(s, PrimaryConfPathOptShort, PrimaryConfPathOptLong);
173     CleanDuplicates(s, PrimaryConfPathOptShort, PrimaryConfPathOptShort);
174     CleanDuplicates(s, SecondaryConfPathOptLong, SecondaryConfPathOptLong);
175     CleanDuplicates(s, SecondaryConfPathOptLong, SecondaryConfPathOptShort);
176     CleanDuplicates(s, SecondaryConfPathOptShort, SecondaryConfPathOptLong);
177     CleanDuplicates(s, SecondaryConfPathOptShort, SecondaryConfPathOptShort);
178     CleanDuplicates(s, LanguageOpt, LanguageOpt);
179     CleanDuplicates(s, LazarusDirOpt, LazarusDirOpt);
180     ParamsAndCfgFileContent.Add(s);
181   end;
183   Result := ParamsAndCfgFileContent;
184 end;
ParamsAndCfgCountnull186 function ParamsAndCfgCount: Integer;
187 begin
188   Result := GetParamsAndCfgFile.Count;
189 end;
ParamsAndCfgStrnull191 function ParamsAndCfgStr(Idx: Integer): String;
192 begin
193   if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= GetParamsAndCfgFile.Count) then
194     Result := ''
195   else
196     Result := GetParamsAndCfgFile[Idx];
197 end;
199 procedure ResetParamsAndCfg;
200 begin
201   FreeAndNil(ParamsAndCfgFileContent);
202 end;
204 procedure ParseCommandLine(aCmdLineParams: TStrings; out IDEPid: Integer; out
205   ShowSplashScreen: boolean);
206 var
207   i     : Integer;
208   Param : string;
209   HasDebugLog: Boolean;
210 begin
211   IDEPid := 0;
212   HasDebugLog := False;
213   for i := 1 to ParamsAndCfgCount do begin
214     Param := ParamsAndCfgStr(i);
215     if Param='' then continue;
216     if SysUtils.CompareText(LeftStr(Param, length(DebugLogOpt)), DebugLogOpt) = 0 then
217       HasDebugLog := HasDebugLog or (length(Param) > length(DebugLogOpt));
218     if (Param=StartLazarusDebugOpt) and (not HasDebugLog) then begin
219       aCmdLineParams.Add('--debug-log=' +
220                          AppendPathDelim(UTF8ToSys(GetPrimaryConfigPath)) + 'debug.log');
221     end;
222     if LeftStr(Param,length(StartLazarusPidOpt))=StartLazarusPidOpt then begin
223       try
224         IDEPid :=
225           StrToInt(RightStr(Param,Length(Param)-Length(StartLazarusPidOpt)));
226       except
227         DebugLn('Failed to parse %s',[Param]);
228         IDEPid := 0;
229       end;
230     end
231     else if ParamIsOption(i, NoSplashScreenOptLong) or
232             ParamIsOption(i, NoSplashScreenOptShort) then
233     begin
234       ShowSplashScreen := false;
235     end
236     else begin
237       // Do not add file to the parameter list
238       if not (Copy(Param,1,1) = '-') and (FileExistsUTF8(ExpandFileNameUTF8(Param))) then
239       begin
240         DebugLn('%s is a file', [Param]);
241         continue;
242       end;
244       // pass these parameters to Lazarus
245       DebugLn('Adding "%s" as a parameter', [Param]);
246       aCmdLineParams.Add(Param);
247     end;
248   end;
249 end;
GetCommandLineParametersnull251 function GetCommandLineParameters(aCmdLineParams : TStrings; isStartLazarus : Boolean = False) : String;
252 var
253   i: Integer;
254   s: String;
255 begin
256   if isStartLazarus then
257     Result := ' --no-splash-screen --started-by-startlazarus'
258   else
259     Result := '';
260   for i := 0 to aCmdLineParams.Count - 1 do begin
261     s := aCmdLineParams[i];
262     // make sure that command line parameters are still
263     // double quoted, if they contain spaces
264     if pos(' ', s) > 0 then
265       s := '"' + s + '"';
266     Result := Result + ' ' + s;
267   end;
268 end;
ExtractPrimaryConfigPathnull270 function ExtractPrimaryConfigPath(aCmdLineParams: TStrings): string;
272   procedure GetParam(Param, Prefix: string; var Value: string);
273   begin
274     if LeftStr(Param,length(Prefix))=Prefix then
275       Value:=copy(Param,length(Prefix)+1,length(Param));
276   end;
278 var
279   i: Integer;
280 begin
281   Result:='';
282   for i:=0 to aCmdLineParams.Count-1 do
283   begin
284     GetParam(aCmdLineParams[i],PrimaryConfPathOptLong,Result);
285     GetParam(aCmdLineParams[i],PrimaryConfPathOptShort,Result);
286   end;
287 end;
ExpandParamFilenull289 function ExpandParamFile(const s: string): string;
290 const
291   a: array[1..5] of string = (
292     PrimaryConfPathOptLong,PrimaryConfPathOptShort,
293     SecondaryConfPathOptLong,SecondaryConfPathOptShort,
294     LazarusDirOpt
295   );
296 var
297   p: string;
298 begin
299   Result:=s;
300   for p in a do
301     if LeftStr(Result,length(p))=p then
302     begin
303     Result:=LeftStr(Result,length(p))+ExpandFileNameUTF8(copy(Result,length(p)+1,length(Result)));
304     exit;
305     end;
306 end;
IsHelpRequestednull308 function IsHelpRequested : Boolean;
309 var
310   i: integer;
311 begin
312   Result := false;
313   i:=1;
314   while (i <= ParamsAndCfgCount) and (Result = false) do
315   begin
316     Result := ParamIsOption(i, '--help') or
317               ParamIsOption(i, '-help')  or
318               ParamIsOption(i, '-?')     or
319               ParamIsOption(i, '-h');
320     inc(i);
321   end;
322 end;
IsVersionRequestednull324 function IsVersionRequested: boolean;
325 begin
326   //Don't use ParamsAndCfgCount here, because ATM (2019-03-24) GetParamsAndCfgFile adds
327   //ParamStrUtf8(0) to it and may add more in the future
328   Result := (ParamCount=1) and
329             ((ParamStr(1)='--version') or
330             (ParamStr(1)='-v'));
331 end;
333 function GetLanguageSpecified : string;
334 var
335   i: integer;
336   AValue: string;
337 begin
338   // return language specified in command line (empty string if no language specified)
339   Result := '';
340   AValue := '';
341   i := 1;
342   while i <= ParamsAndCfgCount do
343   begin
344     if ParamIsOptionPlusValue(i, LanguageOpt, AValue) = true then
345     begin
346       Result := AValue;
347       exit;
348     end;
349     inc(i);
350   end;
351 end;
353 function ParamIsOption(ParamIndex : integer; const Option : string) : boolean;
354 begin
355   Result:=SysUtils.CompareText(ParamsAndCfgStr(ParamIndex),Option) = 0;
356 end;
358 function ParamIsOptionPlusValue(ParamIndex : integer;
359     const Option : string; out AValue : string) : boolean;
360 var
361   p : String;
362 begin
363  p      := ParamsAndCfgStr(ParamIndex);
364  Result := SysUtils.CompareText(LeftStr(p, length(Option)), Option) = 0;
365  if Result then
366    AValue := copy(p, length(Option) + 1, length(p))
367  else
368    AValue := '';
369 end;
371 procedure ParseNoGuiCmdLineParams;
372 var
373   i      : integer;
374   AValue : String;
375 begin
376   for i:=1 to ParamsAndCfgCount do
377   begin
378     //DebugLn(['ParseNoGuiCmdLineParams ',i,' "',ParamsAndCfgStr(i),'"']);
379     if ParamIsOptionPlusValue(i, PrimaryConfPathOptLong, AValue) then
380       SetPrimaryConfigPath(AValue)
381     else if ParamIsOptionPlusValue(i, PrimaryConfPathOptShort, AValue) then
382       SetPrimaryConfigPath(AValue)
383     else if ParamIsOptionPlusValue(i, SecondaryConfPathOptLong, AValue) then
384       SetSecondaryConfigPath(AValue)
385     else if ParamIsOptionPlusValue(i, SecondaryConfPathOptShort, AValue) then
386       SetSecondaryConfigPath(AValue);
387   end;
388 end;
390 function ExtractCmdLineFilenames : TStrings;
391 var
392   i        : LongInt;
393   Filename : String;
395 begin
396   Result := nil;
397   for i := 1 to ParamsAndCfgCount do
398    begin
399      Filename := ParamsAndCfgStr(i);
400      if (Filename = '') or (Filename[1] = '-') then
401        continue;
402      if Result = nil then
403        Result := TStringList.Create;
404      Result.Add(Filename);
405     end;
406 end;
408 procedure InitLogger;
409 var
410   i      : integer;
411   AValue : String;
412 begin
413   for i:= 1 to ParamsAndCfgCount do
414   begin
415     if ParamIsOptionPlusValue(i, DebugLogOpt, AValue) then
416       LazLogger.DebugLogger.LogName := AValue;
417   end;
418 end;
420 initialization
421   InitLogger;
422 finalization
423   FreeAndNil(CfgFileContent);
424   FreeAndNil(ParamsAndCfgFileContent);
425 end.