1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3                               editbtn.pas
4                               -----------
5                Component Library Extended dialogs Controls
8  ***************************************************************************
10  *****************************************************************************
11  *                                                                           *
12  *  This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)                 *
13  *  See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,    *
14  *  for details about the copyright.                                         *
15  *                                                                           *
16  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          *
17  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           *
19  *                                                                           *
20  *****************************************************************************
23 }
24 unit EditBtn;
26 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
28 {$I lcl_defines.inc}
30 interface
32 uses
33   Classes, SysUtils, LCLProc, LResources, LCLStrConsts, Types, LCLType,
34   LMessages, Graphics, Controls, Forms, LazFileUtils, LazUTF8, Dialogs,
35   StdCtrls, Buttons, Calendar, ExtDlgs, GroupedEdit, CalendarPopup, MaskEdit,
36   Menus, StrUtils, DateUtils, TimePopup, CalcForm, ImgList;
38 const
39   NullDate: TDateTime = 0;
41 type
43   { TEbEdit }
45   TEbEdit = class(TGEEdit)
46   protected
47     procedure DoEnter; override;
48     procedure DoExit; override;
49   end;
51   TEditSpeedButton = class(TSpeedButton)
52   protected
53     procedure GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject); override;
54   end;
56   { TCustomEditButton }
58   TCustomEditButton = class(TCustomAbstractGroupedEdit)
59   private
60     FButtonOnlyWhenFocused: Boolean;
61     FFlat: Boolean;
62     //Forwarded events from Button
63     //Forwarded events from Edit
GetFocusOnButtonClicknull65     function GetFocusOnButtonClick: Boolean;
GetOnButtonClicknull66     function GetOnButtonClick: TNotifyEvent;
GetButtonnull67     function GetButton: TSpeedButton;
GetGlyphnull68     function GetGlyph: TBitmap;
GetNumGlypsnull69     function GetNumGlyps: Integer;
GetEditnull70     function GetEdit: TEbEdit;
71     procedure SetFocusOnButtonClick(AValue: Boolean);
72     procedure SetOnButtonClick(AValue: TNotifyEvent);
74     procedure SetButtonOnlyWhenFocused(AValue: Boolean);
75     procedure SetFlat(AValue: Boolean);
76     procedure SetGlyph(AValue: TBitmap);
77     procedure SetNumGlyphs(AValue: Integer);
GetImagesnull78     function GetImages: TCustomImageList;
79     procedure SetImages(const aImages: TCustomImageList);
GetImageIndexnull80     function GetImageIndex: TImageIndex;
81     procedure SetImageIndex(const aImageIndex: TImageIndex);
GetImageWidthnull82     function GetImageWidth: Integer;
83     procedure SetImageWidth(const aImageWidth: Integer);
84   protected
85     procedure ButtonClick; virtual;
86     procedure BuddyClick; override;
GetEditorClassTypenull87     function GetEditorClassType: TGEEditClass; override;
GetBuddyClassTypenull88     function GetBuddyClassType: TControlClass; override;
GetControlClassDefaultSizenull89     class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
CalcButtonVisiblenull90     function CalcButtonVisible: Boolean; virtual;
GetDefaultGlyphNamenull91     function GetDefaultGlyphName: string; virtual;
93     procedure CalculatePreferredSize(var PreferredWidth,
94                                      PreferredHeight: integer;
95                                      WithThemeSpace: Boolean); override;
96     procedure CheckButtonVisible;
97     procedure LoadDefaultGlyph;
98     procedure GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
100     property Button: TSpeedButton read GetButton;
101     property ButtonCaption: TCaption read GetBuddyCaption write SetBuddyCaption;
102     property ButtonCursor: TCursor read GetBuddyCursor write SetBuddyCursor default crDefault;
103     property ButtonHint: TTranslateString read GetBuddyHint write SetBuddyHint;
104     property ButtonOnlyWhenFocused: Boolean read FButtonOnlyWhenFocused write SetButtonOnlyWhenFocused default False;
105     property ButtonWidth: Integer read GetBuddyWidth write SetBuddyWidth;
106     property Edit: TEbEdit read GetEdit;
107     property Flat: Boolean read FFlat write SetFlat default False;
108     property FocusOnButtonClick: Boolean read GetFocusOnButtonClick write SetFocusOnButtonClick default False;
109     property Glyph: TBitmap read GetGlyph write SetGlyph;
110     property NumGlyphs: Integer read GetNumGlyps write SetNumGlyphs;
111     property Images: TCustomImageList read GetImages write SetImages;
112     property ImageIndex: TImageIndex read GetImageIndex write SetImageIndex default -1;
113     property ImageWidth: Integer read GetImageWidth write SetImageWidth default 0;
114     property Spacing default 4;
116     property OnButtonClick: TNotifyEvent read GetOnButtonClick write SetOnButtonClick;
117   public
118     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
119     destructor Destroy; override;
120   end;
122  { TEditButton }
124   TEditButton = class(TCustomEditButton)
125   public
126     property AutoSelected;
127     property Button;
128   published
129     property NumbersOnly;
130     property Action;
131     property AutoSelect;
132     property AutoSize default True;
133     property Align;
134     property Alignment;
135     property Anchors;
136     property BiDiMode;
137     property BorderSpacing;
138     property BorderStyle default bsNone;
139     property ButtonCaption;
140     property ButtonCursor;
141     property ButtonHint;
142     property ButtonOnlyWhenFocused;
143     property ButtonWidth;
144     property CharCase;
145     property Color;
146     property Constraints;
147     property Cursor;
148     property DirectInput;
149     property EchoMode;
150     property Enabled;
151     property Flat;
152     property FocusOnButtonClick;
153     property Font;
154     property Glyph;
155 //    property HideSelection;
156     property Hint;
157     property Images;
158     property ImageIndex;
159     property ImageWidth;
160     property Layout;
161     property MaxLength;
162     property NumGlyphs;
163     property OnButtonClick;
164     property OnChange;
165     property OnClick;
166     property OnDblClick;
167     property OnDragDrop;
168     property OnDragOver;
169     property OnContextPopup;
170     property OnEditingDone;
171     property OnEndDrag;
172     property OnEnter;
173     property OnExit;
174     property OnKeyDown;
175     property OnKeyPress;
176     property OnKeyUp;
177     property OnMouseDown;
178     property OnMouseEnter;
179     property OnMouseLeave;
180     property OnMouseMove;
181     property OnMouseUp;
182     property OnMouseWheel;
183     property OnMouseWheelDown;
184     property OnMouseWheelUp;
185     property OnStartDrag;
186     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
187     property ParentBiDiMode;
188     property ParentColor;
189     property ParentFont;
190     property ParentShowHint;
191     property PasswordChar;
192     property PopupMenu;
193     property ReadOnly;
194     property ShowHint;
195     property Spacing;
196     property TabOrder;
197     property TabStop;
198     property Text;
199     property TextHint;
200     property Visible;
201   end;
203   TFilterStringOption = (fsoCaseSensitive, fsoMatchOnlyAtStart);
204   TFilterStringOptions = set of TFilterStringOption;
206   // Called when an item is filtered. Returns true if the item passes the filter.
207   // Done=False means the data should also be filtered by its title string.
208   // Done=True means no other filtering is needed.
209   TFilterItemEvent = function (ItemData: Pointer; out Done: Boolean): Boolean of object;
210   TFilterItemExEvent = function (const ACaption: string; ItemData: Pointer;
211                                  out Done: Boolean): Boolean of object;
213   // Can be used only for items that have a checkbox. Returns true if checked.
214   TCheckItemEvent = function (Item: TObject): Boolean of object;
216   { TCustomControlFilterEdit }
218   // An abstract base class for edit controls which filter data in
219   // visual controls like TListView and TTreeView.
220   TCustomControlFilterEdit = class(TCustomEditButton)
221   private
222     fFilter: string;
223     fFilterLowercase: string;
224     fFilterOptions: TFilterStringOptions;
225     fIdleConnected: Boolean;
226     fSortData: Boolean;             // Data needs to be sorted.
227     fIsFirstSetFormActivate: Boolean;
228     fOnAfterFilter: TNotifyEvent;
229     procedure SetFilter(const AValue: string);
230     procedure SetIdleConnected(const AValue: Boolean);
231     procedure OnIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
IsTextHintStorednull232     function IsTextHintStored: Boolean;
233   protected
234     fNeedUpdate: Boolean;
235     fIsFirstUpdate: Boolean;
236     fSelectedPart: TObject;         // Select this node on next update
237     fOnFilterItem: TFilterItemEvent;
238     fOnFilterItemEx: TFilterItemExEvent;
239     fOnCheckItem: TCheckItemEvent;
240     procedure DestroyWnd; override;
DoDefaultFilterItemnull241     function DoDefaultFilterItem(const ACaption: string;
242       const ItemData: Pointer): Boolean; virtual;
DoFilterItemnull243     function DoFilterItem(const ACaption, AFilter: string;
244       ItemData: Pointer): Boolean; virtual;
245     procedure EditKeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
246     procedure EditChange; override;
247     procedure BuddyClick; override;
248     procedure SortAndFilter; virtual; abstract;
249     procedure ApplyFilter(Immediately: Boolean = False);
250     procedure ApplyFilterCore; virtual; abstract;
251     procedure MoveNext(ASelect: Boolean = False); virtual; abstract;
252     procedure MovePrev(ASelect: Boolean = False); virtual; abstract;
253     procedure MovePageUp(ASelect: Boolean = False); virtual; abstract;
254     procedure MovePageDown(ASelect: Boolean = False); virtual; abstract;
255     procedure MoveHome(ASelect: Boolean = False); virtual; abstract;
256     procedure MoveEnd(ASelect: Boolean = False); virtual; abstract;
ReturnKeyHandlednull257     function ReturnKeyHandled: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
GetDefaultGlyphNamenull258     function GetDefaultGlyphName: string; override;
259   public
260     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
261     destructor Destroy; override;
262     procedure InvalidateFilter;
263     procedure ResetFilter;
ForceFilternull264     function ForceFilter(AFilter: String) : String;
265     procedure StoreSelection; virtual; abstract;
266     procedure RestoreSelection; virtual; abstract;
267   public
268     property Filter: string read fFilter write SetFilter;
269     property IdleConnected: Boolean read fIdleConnected write SetIdleConnected;
270     property SortData: Boolean read fSortData write fSortData;
271     property SelectedPart: TObject read fSelectedPart write fSelectedPart;
272   published
273     property CharCase default ecLowerCase;
274     property FilterOptions: TFilterStringOptions read fFilterOptions write fFilterOptions default [];
275     property OnAfterFilter: TNotifyEvent read fOnAfterFilter write fOnAfterFilter;
276     property OnFilterItem: TFilterItemEvent read fOnFilterItem write fOnFilterItem;
277       deprecated 'Use OnFilterItemEx with a caption parameter instead.';
278     property OnFilterItemEx: TFilterItemExEvent read fOnFilterItemEx write fOnFilterItemEx;
279     property OnCheckItem: TCheckItemEvent read fOnCheckItem write fOnCheckItem;
280     // TEditButton properties.
281     property ButtonCaption;
282     property ButtonCursor;
283     property ButtonHint;
284     property ButtonOnlyWhenFocused;
285     property ButtonWidth;
286     property Constraints;
287     property DirectInput;
288     property Flat;
289     property FocusOnButtonClick;
290     // Other properties
291     property Align;
292     property Anchors;
293     property BidiMode;
294     property BorderSpacing;
295     property BorderStyle;
296     property AutoSize;
297     property AutoSelect;
298     property Color;
299     property DragCursor;
300     property DragMode;
301     property Enabled;
302     property Font;
303     property Glyph;
304     property NumGlyphs;
305     property Images;
306     property ImageIndex;
307     property ImageWidth;
308     property Layout;
309     property MaxLength;
310     property ParentBidiMode;
311     property ParentColor;
312     property ParentFont;
313     property ParentShowHint;
314     property PopupMenu;
315     property ReadOnly;
316     property ShowHint;
317     property Spacing;
318     property TabOrder;
319     property TabStop;
320     property Visible;
321     property OnButtonClick;
322     property OnChange;
323     property OnClick;
324     property OnContextPopup;
325     property OnDblClick;
326     property OnDragDrop;
327     property OnDragOver;
328     property OnEditingDone;
329     property OnEndDrag;
330     property OnEnter;
331     property OnExit;
332     property OnKeyDown;
333     property OnKeyPress;
334     property OnKeyUp;
335     property OnMouseDown;
336     property OnMouseEnter;
337     property OnMouseLeave;
338     property OnMouseMove;
339     property OnMouseUp;
340     property OnMouseWheel;
341     property OnMouseWheelDown;
342     property OnMouseWheelUp;
343     property OnStartDrag;
344     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
345     property Text;
346     property TextHint stored IsTextHintStored;
347   end;
349   { TFileNameEdit }
351   TAcceptFileNameEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; Var Value : String) of Object;
352   TDialogKind = (dkOpen,dkSave,dkPictureOpen,dkPictureSave);
354   TFileNameEdit = class(TCustomEditButton)
355   private
356     FDialogOptions: TOpenOptions;
357     FFileName : String;
358     FDialogFiles : TStrings;
359     FDialogKind: TDialogKind;
360     FDialogTitle: String;
361     FFilter: String;
362     FFilterIndex: Integer;
363     FDefaultExt: String;
364     FHideDirectories: Boolean;
365     FInitialDir: String;
366     FOnAcceptFileName: TAcceptFileNameEvent;
367     FOnFolderChange: TNotifyEvent;
368     FFileNameChangeLock: Integer;
369     procedure SetFileName(const AValue: String);
370   protected
GetDefaultGlyphNamenull371     function GetDefaultGlyphName: string; override;
CreateDialognull372     function CreateDialog(AKind: TDialogKind): TCommonDialog; virtual;
373     procedure SaveDialogResult(AKind: TDialogKind; D: TCommonDialog); virtual;
374     procedure ButtonClick; override;
375     procedure EditChange; override;
376     procedure DoFolderChange(Sender:TObject); virtual;
377   public
378     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
379     destructor Destroy; override;
380     procedure RunDialog; virtual;
381     property AutoSelected;
382     property DialogFiles: TStrings read FDialogFiles;
383   published
384     // TFileName properties.
385     property FileName: String read FFileName write SetFileName;
386     property InitialDir: String read FInitialDir write FInitialDir;
387     property OnAcceptFileName: TAcceptFileNameEvent read FOnAcceptFileName write FOnAcceptFileName;
388     property OnFolderChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnFolderChange write FOnFolderChange;
389     property DialogKind: TDialogKind read FDialogKind write FDialogKind default dkOpen;
390     property DialogTitle: String read FDialogTitle write FDialogTitle;
391     property DialogOptions: TOpenOptions read FDialogOptions write FDialogOptions default DefaultOpenDialogOptions;
392     property Filter: String read FFilter write FFilter;
393     property FilterIndex: Integer read FFilterIndex write FFIlterIndex;
394     property DefaultExt: String read FDefaultExt write FDefaultExt;
395     property HideDirectories: Boolean read FHideDirectories write FHideDirectories;
396     // TEditButton properties.
397     property ButtonCaption;
398     property ButtonCursor;
399     property ButtonHint;
400     property ButtonOnlyWhenFocused;
401     property ButtonWidth;
402     property Constraints;
403     property DirectInput;
404     property Glyph;
405     property NumGlyphs;
406     property Images;
407     property ImageIndex;
408     property ImageWidth;
409     property Flat;
410     property FocusOnButtonClick;
411     // Other properties
412     property Align;
413     property Alignment;
414     property Anchors;
415     property AutoSelect;
416     property BidiMode;
417     property BorderSpacing;
418     property BorderStyle;
419     property AutoSize;
420     property Color;
421     property DragCursor;
422     property DragMode;
423     property Enabled;
424     property Font;
425     property Layout;
426     property MaxLength;
427     property ParentBidiMode;
428     property ParentColor;
429     property ParentFont;
430     property ParentShowHint;
431     property PopupMenu;
432     property ReadOnly;
433     property ShowHint;
434     property Spacing;
435     property TabOrder;
436     property TabStop;
437     property Visible;
438     property OnButtonClick;
439     property OnChange;
440     property OnClick;
441     property OnContextPopup;
442     property OnDblClick;
443     property OnDragDrop;
444     property OnDragOver;
445     property OnEditingDone;
446     property OnEndDrag;
447     property OnEnter;
448     property OnExit;
449     property OnKeyDown;
450     property OnKeyPress;
451     property OnKeyUp;
452     property OnMouseDown;
453     property OnMouseEnter;
454     property OnMouseLeave;
455     property OnMouseMove;
456     property OnMouseUp;
457     property OnMouseWheel;
458     property OnMouseWheelDown;
459     property OnMouseWheelUp;
460     property OnStartDrag;
461     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
462     property Text;
463     property TextHint;
464   end;
467   { TDirectoryEdit }
469   TDirectoryEdit = class(TCustomEditButton)
470   private
471     FDialogTitle: String;
472     FRootDir: String;
473     FOnAcceptDir: TAcceptFileNameEvent;
474     FShowHidden: Boolean;
475     FDialogOptions: TOpenOptions;
GetDirectorynull476     function GetDirectory: String;
477     procedure SetDirectory(const AValue: String);
478   protected
GetDefaultGlyphNamenull479     function GetDefaultGlyphName: string; override;
CreateDialognull480     function CreateDialog: TCommonDialog; virtual;
GetDialogResultnull481     function GetDialogResult(D : TCommonDialog) : String; virtual;
482     procedure ButtonClick; override;
483   public
484     property AutoSelected;
485     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
486     procedure RunDialog; virtual;
487   published
488     // TDirectory properties.
489     property Directory: String read GetDirectory write SetDirectory;
490     property RootDir: String read FRootDir write FRootDir;
491     property OnAcceptDirectory: TAcceptFileNameEvent read FOnAcceptDir write FonAcceptDir;
492     property DialogTitle: String read FDialogTitle write FDialogTitle;
493     property DialogOptions: TOpenOptions read FDialogOptions write FDialogOptions default DefaultOpenDialogOptions;
494     property ShowHidden: Boolean read FShowHidden write FShowHidden;
495     // TEditButton properties.
496     property ButtonCaption;
497     property ButtonCursor;
498     property ButtonHint;
499     property ButtonOnlyWhenFocused;
500     property ButtonWidth;
501     property Constraints;
502     property DirectInput;
503     property Glyph;
504     property NumGlyphs;
505     property Images;
506     property ImageIndex;
507     property ImageWidth;
508     property Flat;
509     property FocusOnButtonClick;
510     // Other properties
511     property Align;
512     property Anchors;
513     property AutoSize;
514     property AutoSelect;
515     property BidiMode;
516     property BorderSpacing;
517     property BorderStyle;
518     property Color;
519     property DragCursor;
520     property DragMode;
521     property Enabled;
522     property Font;
523     property Layout;
524     property MaxLength;
525     property ParentBidiMode;
526     property ParentColor;
527     property ParentFont;
528     property ParentShowHint;
529     property PopupMenu;
530     property ReadOnly;
531     property ShowHint;
532     property TabOrder;
533     property Spacing;
534     property TabStop;
535     property Visible;
536     property OnButtonClick;
537     property OnChange;
538     property OnClick;
539     property OnContextPopup;
540     property OnDblClick;
541     property OnDragDrop;
542     property OnDragOver;
543     property OnEditingDone;
544     property OnEndDrag;
545     property OnEnter;
546     property OnExit;
547     property OnKeyDown;
548     property OnKeyPress;
549     property OnKeyUp;
550     property OnMouseDown;
551     property OnMouseEnter;
552     property OnMouseLeave;
553     property OnMouseMove;
554     property OnMouseUp;
555     property OnMouseWheel;
556     property OnMouseWheelDown;
557     property OnMouseWheelUp;
558     property OnStartDrag;
559     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
560     property Text;
561     property TextHint;
562   end;
565   { TDateEdit }
567   TAcceptDateEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; var ADate : TDateTime;
568     var AcceptDate: Boolean) of object;
569   TCustomDateEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; var ADate : string) of object;
570   TDateOrder = (doNone,doMDY,doDMY,doYMd);
572   TDateEdit = class(TCustomEditButton)
573   private
574     FDateOrder: TDateOrder;
575     FDefaultToday: Boolean;
576     FDisplaySettings: TDisplaySettings;
577     FDroppedDown: Boolean;
578     FOnAcceptDate: TAcceptDateEvent;
579     FOnCustomDate: TCustomDateEvent;
580     FFixedDateFormat: string; //used when DateOrder <> doNone
581     FFreeDateFormat: String;  //used when DateOrder = doNone
582     FDate: TDateTime;
583     FUpdatingDate: Boolean;
584     procedure SetFreeDateFormat(AValue: String);
TextToDatenull585     function TextToDate(AText: String; ADefault: TDateTime): TDateTime;
GetDatenull586     function GetDate: TDateTime;
587     procedure SetDate(Value: TDateTime);
588     procedure CalendarPopupReturnDate(Sender: TObject; const ADate: TDateTime);
589     procedure CalendarPopupShowHide(Sender: TObject);
590     procedure SetDateOrder(const AValue: TDateOrder);
DateToTextnull591     function DateToText(Value: TDateTime): String;
592   protected
GetDefaultGlyphNamenull593     function GetDefaultGlyphName: string; override;
594     procedure ButtonClick; override;
595     procedure EditDblClick; override;
596     procedure EditEditingDone; override;
597     procedure SetDirectInput(AValue: Boolean); override;
598     procedure RealSetText(const AValue: TCaption); override;
599     procedure SetDateMask; virtual;
600     procedure Loaded; override;
601   public
602     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
GetDateFormatnull603     function GetDateFormat: string;
604     property AutoSelected;
605     property Date: TDateTime read GetDate write SetDate;
606     property Button;
607     property DroppedDown: Boolean read FDroppedDown;
608   published
609     property CalendarDisplaySettings: TDisplaySettings read FDisplaySettings write FDisplaySettings;
610     property OnAcceptDate: TAcceptDateEvent read FOnAcceptDAte write FOnAcceptDate;
611     property OnCustomDate: TCustomDateEvent read FOnCustomDate write FOnCustomDate;
612     property ReadOnly;
613     property DefaultToday: Boolean read FDefaultToday write FDefaultToday default False;
614     Property DateOrder : TDateOrder Read FDateOrder Write SetDateOrder;
615     property DateFormat: String read FFreeDateFormat write SetFreeDateFormat;
616     property ButtonOnlyWhenFocused;
617     property ButtonCaption;
618     property ButtonCursor;
619     property ButtonHint;
620     property ButtonWidth;
621     property Action;
622     property Align;
623     property Anchors;
624     property AutoSize;
625     property AutoSelect;
626     property BidiMode;
627     property BorderSpacing;
628     property BorderStyle;
629     property CharCase;
630     property Color;
631     property Constraints;
632     property DirectInput;
633     property Glyph;
634     property NumGlyphs;
635     property Images;
636     property ImageIndex;
637     property ImageWidth;
638     property DragMode;
639     property EchoMode;
640     property Enabled;
641     property Flat;
642     property FocusOnButtonClick;
643     property Font;
644     property Layout;
645     property MaxLength;
646     property OnButtonClick;
647     property OnChange;
648     property OnChangeBounds;
649     property OnClick;
650     property OnContextPopup;
651     property OnDblClick;
652     property OnEditingDone;
653     property OnEnter;
654     property OnExit;
655     property OnKeyDown;
656     property OnKeyPress;
657     property OnKeyUp;
658     property OnMouseDown;
659     property OnMouseEnter;
660     property OnMouseLeave;
661     property OnMouseMove;
662     property OnMouseUp;
663     property OnMouseWheel;
664     property OnMouseWheelDown;
665     property OnMouseWheelUp;
666     property OnResize;
667     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
668     property ParentBidiMode;
669     property ParentColor;
670     property ParentFont;
671     property ParentShowHint;
672     property PopupMenu;
673     property ShowHint;
674     property TabStop;
675     property TabOrder;
676     property Spacing;
677     property Visible;
678     property Text;
679     property TextHint;
680   end;
682   { TTimeEdit }
684   TAcceptTimeEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; var ATime : TDateTime; var AcceptTime: Boolean) of object;
685   TCustomTimeEvent = procedure (Sender : TObject; var ATime : TDateTime) of object;
687   TTimeEdit = class(TCustomEditButton)
688     private
689       FTime: TTime;
690       IsEmptyTime: Boolean;
691       FDefaultNow: Boolean;
692       FDroppedDown: Boolean;
693       FSimpleLayout: Boolean;
694       FOnAcceptTime: TAcceptTimeEvent;
695       FOnCustomTime: TCustomTimeEvent;
GetTimenull696       function GetTime: TDateTime;
697       procedure SetTime(AValue: TDateTime);
698       procedure SetEmptyTime;
GetLayoutnull699       function GetLayout: Boolean;
700       procedure SetLayout(AValue: Boolean);
701       procedure TimePopupReturnTime(Sender: TObject; const ATime: TDateTime);
702       procedure TimePopupShowHide(Sender: TObject);
703       procedure OpenTimePopup;
704       procedure ParseInput;
TryParseInputnull705       function TryParseInput(AInput: String; out ParseResult: TDateTime): Boolean;
706     protected
GetDefaultGlyphNamenull707       function GetDefaultGlyphName: string; override;
708       procedure ButtonClick; override;
709       procedure EditDblClick; override;
710       procedure EditEditingDone; override;
711     public
712       constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
713       property Time: TDateTime read GetTime write SetTime;
714       property Button;
715       property DroppedDown: Boolean read FDroppedDown;
716     published
717       property DefaultNow: Boolean read FDefaultNow write FDefaultNow default False;
718       property OnAcceptTime: TAcceptTimeEvent read FOnAcceptTime write FOnAcceptTime;
719       property OnCustomTime: TCustomTimeEvent read FOnCustomTime write FOnCustomTime;
720       property ReadOnly;
721       property ButtonCaption;
722       property ButtonCursor;
723       property ButtonHint;
724       property ButtonOnlyWhenFocused;
725       property ButtonWidth;
726       property Action;
727       property Align;
728       property Anchors;
729       property AutoSize;
730       property AutoSelect;
731       property BidiMode;
732       property BorderSpacing;
733       property BorderStyle;
734       property CharCase;
735       property Color;
736       property Constraints;
737       property DirectInput;
738       property Glyph;
739       property NumGlyphs;
740       property Images;
741       property ImageIndex;
742       property ImageWidth;
743       property DragMode;
744       property EchoMode;
745       property Enabled;
746       property Flat;
747       property FocusOnButtonClick;
748       property Font;
749       property MaxLength;
750       property OnButtonClick;
751       property OnChange;
752       property OnChangeBounds;
753       property OnClick;
754       property OnDblClick;
755       property OnContextPopup;
756       property OnEditingDone;
757       property OnEnter;
758       property OnExit;
759       property OnKeyDown;
760       property OnKeyPress;
761       property OnKeyUp;
762       property OnMouseDown;
763       property OnMouseEnter;
764       property OnMouseLeave;
765       property OnMouseMove;
766       property OnMouseUp;
767       property OnMouseWheel;
768       property OnMouseWheelDown;
769       property OnMouseWheelUp;
770       property OnResize;
771       property OnUTF8KeyPress;
772       property ParentBidiMode;
773       property ParentColor;
774       property ParentFont;
775       property ParentShowHint;
776       property PopupMenu;
777       property ShowHint;
778       property SimpleLayout: Boolean read GetLayout write SetLayout default True;
779       property Spacing;
780       property TabStop;
781       property TabOrder;
782       property Visible;
783       property Text;
784       property TextHint;
785   end;
788   { TCalcEdit }
790   TAcceptValueEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var AValue: Double; var Accept: Boolean) of object;
792   TCalcEdit = class(TCustomEditButton)
793   private
794     FDialogTitle: String;
795     FCalculatorLayout: TCalculatorLayout;
796     FOnAcceptValue: TAcceptValueEvent;
797     FDialogPosition: TPosition;
798     FDialogLeft: Integer;
799     FDialogTop: Integer;
GetAsFloatnull800     function GetAsFloat: Double;
GetAsIntegernull801     function GetAsInteger: Integer;
802     procedure SetAsFloat(const AValue: Double);
803     procedure SetAsInteger(const AValue: Integer);
TitleStorednull804     function TitleStored: boolean;
805   protected
806     FCalcDialog : TForm;
GetDefaultGlyphNamenull807     function GetDefaultGlyphName: string; override;
808     procedure ButtonClick; override;
809   public
810     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
811     procedure RunDialog; virtual;
812     property AutoSelected;
813   published
814     // CalcEdit properties
815     property CalculatorLayout : TCalculatorLayout read FCalculatorLayout write FCalculatorLayout;
816     property AsFloat : Double read GetAsFloat write SetAsFloat;
817     property AsInteger : Integer read GetAsInteger write SetAsInteger;
818     property OnAcceptValue : TAcceptValueEvent read FOnAcceptValue write FOnAcceptValue;
819     property DialogTitle : String read FDialogTitle write FDialogTitle stored TitleStored;
820     // TEditButton properties.
821     property ButtonCaption;
822     property ButtonCursor;
823     property ButtonHint;
824     property ButtonOnlyWhenFocused;
825     property ButtonWidth;
826     property Constraints;
827     property DialogPosition: TPosition read FDialogPosition write FDialogPosition default poScreenCenter;
828     property DialogTop: Integer read FDialogTop write FDialogTop;
829     property DialogLeft: Integer read FDialogLeft write FDialogLeft;
830     property DirectInput;
831     property Glyph;
832     property NumGlyphs;
833     property Images;
834     property ImageIndex;
835     property ImageWidth;
836     property Flat;
837     property FocusOnButtonClick;
838     // Other properties
839     property Align;
840     property Anchors;
841     property BidiMode;
842     property BorderSpacing;
843     property BorderStyle;
844     property AutoSize;
845     property AutoSelect;
846     property Color;
847     property DragCursor;
848     property DragMode;
849     property Enabled;
850     property Font;
851     property Layout;
852     property MaxLength;
853     property ParentBidiMode;
854     property ParentColor;
855     property ParentFont;
856     property ParentShowHint;
857     property PopupMenu;
858     property ReadOnly;
859     property ShowHint;
860     property Spacing;
861     property TabOrder;
862     property TabStop;
863     property Visible;
864     property OnButtonClick;
865     property OnChange;
866     property OnClick;
867     property OnContextPopup;
868     property OnDblClick;
869     property OnDragDrop;
870     property OnDragOver;
871     property OnEditingDone;
872     property OnEndDrag;
873     property OnEnter;
874     property OnExit;
875     property OnKeyDown;
876     property OnKeyPress;
877     property OnKeyUp;
878     property OnMouseDown;
879     property OnMouseEnter;
880     property OnMouseLeave;
881     property OnMouseMove;
882     property OnMouseUp;
883     property OnMouseWheel;
884     property OnMouseWheelDown;
885     property OnMouseWheelUp;
886     property OnStartDrag;
887     property OnUTF8KeyPress;
888     property Text;
889     property TextHint;
890   end;
892 const
893   ResBtnListFilter = 'btnfiltercancel';
894   ResBtnFileOpen   = 'btnselfile';
895   ResBtnSelDir     = 'btnseldir';
896   ResBtnCalendar   = 'btncalendar';
897   ResBtnCalculator = 'btncalculator';
898   ResBtnTime       = 'btntime';
900 procedure Register;
902 implementation
904 {$R lcl_edbtnimg.res}
906 { TEditSpeedButton }
908 procedure TEditSpeedButton.GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject);
909 begin
910   inherited GlyphChanged(Sender);
911   if (Owner is TCustomEditButton) then TCustomEditButton(Owner).GlyphChanged(Sender);
912 end;
914 { TEbEdit }
916 procedure TEbEdit.DoEnter;
917 begin
918   if (Owner is TCustomEditButton) then TCustomEditButton(Owner).CheckButtonVisible;
919   inherited DoEnter;
920 end;
922 procedure TEbEdit.DoExit;
923 begin
924   if (Owner is TCustomEditButton) then TCustomEditButton(Owner).CheckButtonVisible;
925   inherited DoExit;
926 end;
929 { TCustomEditButton }
931 procedure TCustomEditButton.CalculatePreferredSize(var PreferredWidth,
932   PreferredHeight: integer; WithThemeSpace: Boolean);
933 begin
934   inherited CalculatePreferredSize(PreferredWidth, PreferredHeight, WithThemeSpace);
935   PreferredWidth := 0;
936 end;
938 procedure TCustomEditButton.SetFocusOnButtonClick(AValue: Boolean);
939 begin
940   FocusOnBuddyClick := AValue;
941 end;
943 procedure TCustomEditButton.SetOnButtonClick(AValue: TNotifyEvent);
944 begin
945   OnBuddyClick := AValue;
946 end;
948 procedure TCustomEditButton.SetButtonOnlyWhenFocused(AValue: Boolean);
949 begin
950   if FButtonOnlyWhenFocused <> AValue then
951   begin
952     FButtonOnlyWhenFocused := AValue;
953     CheckButtonVisible;
954   end;
955 end;
GetGlyphnull957 function TCustomEditButton.GetGlyph: TBitmap;
958 begin
959   Result := Button.Glyph;
960 end;
GetImageIndexnull962 function TCustomEditButton.GetImageIndex: TImageIndex;
963 begin
964   Result := Button.ImageIndex;
965 end;
TCustomEditButton.GetImagesnull967 function TCustomEditButton.GetImages: TCustomImageList;
968 begin
969   Result := Button.Images;
970 end;
GetImageWidthnull972 function TCustomEditButton.GetImageWidth: Integer;
973 begin
974   Result := Button.ImageWidth;
975 end;
GetButtonnull977 function TCustomEditButton.GetButton: TSpeedButton;
978 begin
979   Result := TSpeedButton(Buddy);
980 end;
TCustomEditButton.GetOnButtonClicknull982 function TCustomEditButton.GetOnButtonClick: TNotifyEvent;
983 begin
984   Result := OnBuddyClick;
985 end;
987 procedure TCustomEditButton.GlyphChanged(Sender: TObject);
988 begin
989   if ((Button.Glyph=nil) or (Button.Glyph.Empty))
990   and (Button.Images=nil) and (Button.ImageIndex=-1) then
991     LoadDefaultGlyph;
992 end;
994 procedure TCustomEditButton.LoadDefaultGlyph;
995 var
996   N: string;
997 begin
998   N := GetDefaultGlyphName;
999   if N <> '' then
1000     (Button as TEditSpeedButton).ButtonGlyph.LCLGlyphName := N;
1001 end;
TCustomEditButton.GetFocusOnButtonClicknull1003 function TCustomEditButton.GetFocusOnButtonClick: Boolean;
1004 begin
1005   Result := FocusOnBuddyClick;
1006 end;
TCustomEditButton.GetNumGlypsnull1008 function TCustomEditButton.GetNumGlyps: Integer;
1009 begin
1010   Result := Button.NumGlyphs;
1011 end;
TCustomEditButton.GetEditnull1013 function TCustomEditButton.GetEdit: TEbEdit;
1014 begin
1015   Result := TEbEdit(BaseEditor);
1016 end;
TCustomEditButton.GetControlClassDefaultSizenull1019 class function TCustomEditButton.GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize;
1020 begin
1021   Result.CX := 80 + 23; //as TCustomEdit + TCustomSpeedButton
1022   Result.CY := 23;  //as TCustomEdit
1023 end;
TCustomEditButton.GetDefaultGlyphNamenull1025 function TCustomEditButton.GetDefaultGlyphName: string;
1026 begin
1027   Result := '';
1028 end;
1030 procedure TCustomEditButton.SetFlat(AValue: Boolean);
1031 begin
1032   if FFlat = AValue then
1033     Exit;
1034   FFlat := AValue;
1035   Button.Flat := AValue;
1036 end;
1038 procedure TCustomEditButton.SetNumGlyphs(AValue: Integer);
1039 begin
1040   Button.NumGlyphs := AValue;
1041 end;
CalcButtonVisiblenull1043 function TCustomEditButton.CalcButtonVisible: Boolean;
1044 begin
1045   Result := (csdesigning in ComponentState) or
1046             (Visible and (Edit.Focused or not FButtonOnlyWhenFocused));
1047 end;
1049 procedure TCustomEditButton.CheckButtonVisible;
1050 begin
1051   if Assigned(Button) then
1052   begin
1053     Button.Visible := CalcButtonVisible;
1054     UpdateSpacing;
1055   end;
1056 end;
1058 procedure TCustomEditButton.ButtonClick;
1059 begin
1060   //debugln(['TCustomEditButton.ButtonClick']);
1061   {Don't remove, even if this is an empty method!}
1062 end;
1064 procedure TCustomEditButton.BuddyClick;
1065 begin
1066   inherited BuddyClick;
1067   ButtonClick;
1068 end;
1070 procedure TCustomEditButton.SetGlyph(AValue: TBitmap);
1071 begin
1072   Button.Glyph := AValue;
1073   if AValue=nil then
1074     LoadDefaultGlyph;
1075   Invalidate;
1076 end;
1078 procedure TCustomEditButton.SetImageIndex(const aImageIndex: TImageIndex);
1079 begin
1080   Button.ImageIndex := aImageIndex;
1081 end;
1083 procedure TCustomEditButton.SetImages(const aImages: TCustomImageList);
1084 begin
1085   Button.Images := aImages;
1086 end;
1088 procedure TCustomEditButton.SetImageWidth(const aImageWidth: Integer);
1089 begin
1090   Button.ImageWidth := aImageWidth;
1091 end;
TCustomEditButton.GetEditorClassTypenull1093 function TCustomEditButton.GetEditorClassType: TGEEditClass;
1094 begin
1095   Result := TEbEdit;
1096 end;
TCustomEditButton.GetBuddyClassTypenull1098 function TCustomEditButton.GetBuddyClassType: TControlClass;
1099 begin
1100   Result := TEditSpeedButton;
1101 end;
1103 constructor TCustomEditButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1104 begin
1105   inherited Create(AOwner);
1106   FButtonOnlyWhenFocused := False;
1107   FocusOnButtonClick := False;
1109   SetInitialBounds(0, 0, GetControlClassDefaultSize.CX, GetControlClassDefaultSize.CY);
1111   LoadDefaultGlyph;
1112   Spacing := 4;
1113 end;
1115 destructor TCustomEditButton.Destroy;
1116 begin
1117   inherited Destroy;
1118 end;
1121 { TCustomControlFilterEdit }
1123 constructor TCustomControlFilterEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1124 begin
1125   inherited Create(AOwner);
1126   CharCase:=ecLowerCase;
1127   Button.Enabled:=False;
1128   fFilterOptions:=[];
1129   fIsFirstUpdate:=True;
1130   fIsFirstSetFormActivate:=True;
1131   TextHint:=rsFilter;
1132 end;
1134 destructor TCustomControlFilterEdit.Destroy;
1135 begin
1136   inherited Destroy;
1137 end;
1139 procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.DestroyWnd;
1140 begin
1141   IdleConnected:=false;
1142   inherited DestroyWnd;
1143 end;
DoDefaultFilterItemnull1145 function TCustomControlFilterEdit.DoDefaultFilterItem(const ACaption: string;
1146   const ItemData: Pointer): Boolean;
1147 var
1148   NPos: integer;
1149 begin
1150   if fFilter='' then
1151     exit(True);
1153   if fsoCaseSensitive in fFilterOptions then
1154     NPos := Pos(fFilter, ACaption)
1155   else
1156     NPos := Pos(fFilterLowercase, UTF8LowerCase(ACaption));
1158   if fsoMatchOnlyAtStart in fFilterOptions then
1159     Result := NPos=1
1160   else
1161     Result := NPos>0;
1162 end;
DoFilterItemnull1164 function TCustomControlFilterEdit.DoFilterItem(const ACaption,
1165   AFilter: string; ItemData: Pointer): Boolean;
1166 var
1167   Done: Boolean;
1168 begin
1169   Done := False;
1170   Result := False;
1172   // Filter with event handler if there is one.
1173   if Assigned(fOnFilterItemEx) then
1174     Result := fOnFilterItemEx(ACaption, ItemData, Done);
1176   // Support also the old filter event without a caption.
1177   if (not (Result and Done)) and Assigned(fOnFilterItem) then
1178     Result := fOnFilterItem(ItemData, Done);
1180   // Filter by item's caption text if needed.
1181   if not (Result or Done) then
1182     Result := DoDefaultFilterItem(ACaption, ItemData);
1183 end;
1185 procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.OnIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
1186 begin
1187   if fNeedUpdate then
1188     ApplyFilter(true);
1189   IdleConnected:=false;
1190   if Assigned(fOnAfterFilter) then
1191     fOnAfterFilter(Self);
1192 end;
1194 procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.SetFilter(const AValue: string);
1195 begin
1196   Button.Enabled:=AValue<>'';
1197   if fFilter=AValue then
1198     Exit;
1199   fFilter:=AValue;
1200   fFilterLowercase:=UTF8LowerCase(fFilter);
1201   ApplyFilter;
1202 end;
1204 procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.SetIdleConnected(const AValue: Boolean);
1205 begin
1206   if fIdleConnected=AValue then exit;
1207   fIdleConnected:=AValue;
1208   if fIdleConnected then
1209     Application.AddOnIdleHandler(@OnIdle)
1210   else
1211     Application.RemoveOnIdleHandler(@OnIdle);
1212 end;
1214 procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.EditKeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
1215 var
1216   Handled: Boolean;
1217 begin
1218   Handled:=False;
1219   if Shift = [] then
1220     case Key of
1221       VK_RETURN: Handled:=ReturnKeyHandled;
1222     end;
1224   if (Shift = []) or (Shift = [ssShift]) then
1225   begin
1226     case Key of
1227       VK_UP:     begin MovePrev(ssShift in Shift); Handled:=True; end;
1228       VK_DOWN:   begin MoveNext(ssShift in Shift); Handled:=True; end;
1229       VK_PRIOR:  begin MovePageUp(ssShift in Shift); Handled:=True; end;
1230       VK_NEXT:   begin MovePageDown(ssShift in Shift); Handled:=True; end;
1231     end;
1232   end;
1233   if (Shift = [ssCtrl]) or (Shift = [ssCtrl, ssShift]) then
1234   begin
1235     case Key of
1236       VK_HOME:   begin MoveHome(ssShift in Shift); Handled:=True; end;
1237       VK_END:    begin MoveEnd(ssShift in Shift); Handled:=True; end;
1238     end;
1239   end;
1240   if Handled then
1241     Key:=VK_UNKNOWN
1242   else
1243     inherited EditKeyDown(Key, Shift);
1244 end;
1246 procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.EditChange;
1247 begin
1248   Filter:=Text;
1249   inherited;
1250 end;
1252 procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.BuddyClick;
1253 begin
1254   Text:='';
1255   Filter:='';
1256   if FocusOnButtonClick then
1257     Edit.SetFocus; //don't SelectAll here
1258   inherited;
1259 end;
1261 procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.ApplyFilter(Immediately: Boolean);
1262 begin
1263   if Immediately then begin
1264     fNeedUpdate := False;
1265     SortAndFilter;
1266     if (fSelectedPart=Nil) and not fIsFirstUpdate then
1267       StoreSelection;      // At first round the selection is from caller
1268     fIsFirstUpdate:=False;
1270     ApplyFilterCore;       // The actual filtering implemented by inherited class.
1272     fSelectedPart:=Nil;
1273     RestoreSelection;
1274   end
1275   else if [csDestroying,csDesigning]*ComponentState=[] then
1276     InvalidateFilter;
1277 end;
1279 procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.InvalidateFilter;
1280 begin
1281   fNeedUpdate:=true;
1282   IdleConnected:=true;
1283 end;
TCustomControlFilterEdit.IsTextHintStorednull1285 function TCustomControlFilterEdit.IsTextHintStored: Boolean;
1286 begin
1287   Result := TextHint <> rsFilter;
1288 end;
1290 procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.ResetFilter;
1291 begin
1292   Filter := '';
1293 end;
ForceFilternull1295 function TCustomControlFilterEdit.ForceFilter(AFilter: String): String;
1296 // Apply a new filter immediately without waiting for idle. Returns the previous filter.
1297 begin
1298   Result := FFilter;
1299   if fFilter <> AFilter then begin
1300     FFilter := AFilter;
1301     ApplyFilter(True);
1302   end;
1303 end;
GetDefaultGlyphNamenull1305 function TCustomControlFilterEdit.GetDefaultGlyphName: string;
1306 begin
1307   Result := ResBtnListFilter;
1308 end;
1310 { TFileNameEdit }
1312 constructor TFileNameEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1313 begin
1314   inherited Create(AOwner);
1315   FDialogFiles := TStringList.Create;
1316   FDialogKind := dkOpen;
1317   FDialogOptions := DefaultOpenDialogOptions;
1318 end;
1320 destructor TFileNameEdit.Destroy;
1321 begin
1322   FreeAndNil(FDialogFiles);
1323   inherited Destroy;
1324 end;
1326 procedure TFileNameEdit.SetFileName(const AValue: String);
1327 begin
1328   if FFileNameChangeLock > 0 then
1329     Exit;
1330   FFileName := AValue;
1331   Inc(FFileNameChangeLock);
1332   try
1333     if FHideDirectories then
1334       Text:=ExtractFileName(AValue) //Originally used inherited RealSetText()
1335     else
1336       Text:=AValue
1337   finally
1338     Dec(FFileNameChangeLock);
1339   end;
1340 end;
TFileNameEdit.CreateDialognull1342 function TFileNameEdit.CreateDialog(AKind: TDialogKind): TCommonDialog;
1343 var
1344   O: TOpenDialog;
1345   S: TSaveDialog;
1346   Dir: String;
1347 begin
1348   case AKind of
1349     dkOpen, dkPictureOpen:
1350     begin
1351       if AKind = dkPictureOpen then
1352         O := TOpenPictureDialog.Create(Self)
1353       else
1354         O := TOpenDialog.Create(Self);
1355       Result := O;
1356     end;
1357     dkSave, dkPictureSave:
1358     begin
1359       S:=TSaveDialog.Create(Self);
1360       S.DefaultExt := FDefaultExt;
1361       Result := S;
1362     end;
1363   end;
1364   if Result is TOpenDialog then
1365   begin
1366     O:=TOpenDialog(Result);
1367     Dir:=ExtractFilePath(Filename);
1368     if (Dir<>'') and DirPathExists(Dir) then
1369       // setting a FileName with path disables InitialDir
1370       O.FileName := FileName
1371     else begin
1372       // do not use path, so that InitialDir works
1373       O.FileName := ExtractFileName(Filename);
1374     end;
1375     O.Options := DialogOptions;
1376     O.Filter := Filter;
1377     O.FilterIndex := FilterIndex;
1378     O.InitialDir := CleanAndExpandDirectory(InitialDir);
1379   end;
1380   // Set some common things.
1381   Result.Title := DialogTitle;
1382 end;
1384 procedure TFileNameEdit.SaveDialogResult(AKind: TDialogKind; D: TCommonDialog);
1385 var
1386   FN: String;
1387 begin
1388   case AKind of
1389     dkOpen, dkPictureOpen :
1390     begin
1391       FilterIndex := TOpenDialog(D).FilterIndex;
1392       FN := TOpenDialog(D).FileName;
1393       if (FN <> '') then
1394       begin
1395         if Assigned(OnAcceptFileName) then
1396           OnAcceptFileName(Self, FN);
1397       end;
1398       if (FN <> '') then
1399       begin
1400         // set FDialogFiles first since assigning of FileName trigger events
1401         FDialogFiles.Text := TOpenDialog(D).Files.Text;
1402         FileName := FN;
1403       end;
1404     end;
1405     dkSave, dkPictureSave :
1406     begin
1407       FileName := TSaveDialog(D).FileName;
1408       FilterIndex := TSaveDialog(D).FilterIndex;
1409       FDialogFiles.Clear;
1410     end;
1411   end;
1412 end;
1414 procedure TFileNameEdit.ButtonClick;
1415 begin
1416   inherited ButtonClick;
1417   RunDialog;
1418   //Do this after the dialog, otherwise it just looks silly
1419   if FocusOnButtonClick then FocusAndMaybeSelectAll;
1420 end;
TFileNameEdit.GetDefaultGlyphNamenull1422 function TFileNameEdit.GetDefaultGlyphName: string;
1423 begin
1424   Result := ResBtnFileOpen;
1425 end;
1427 procedure TFileNameEdit.RunDialog;
1428 var
1429   D: TCommonDialog;
1430 begin
1431   D := CreateDialog(DialogKind);
1432   try
1433     if D.Execute then
1434       SaveDialogResult(DialogKind, D);
1435   finally
1436     D.Free;
1437   end
1438 end;
1440 procedure TFileNameEdit.EditChange;
1441 begin
1442   if FFileNameChangeLock <= 0 then
1443   begin
1444     Inc(FFileNameChangeLock);
1445     try
1446       if FHideDirectories and (ExtractFilePath(Text) = '') then
1447         FFileName := ExtractFilePath(FFileName) + Text
1448       else
1449         FFileName := Text;
1450     finally
1451       Dec(FFileNameChangeLock);
1452     end;
1453   end;
1454   inherited EditChange; //do this _after_ we have updated FFileName
1455 end;
1457 procedure TFileNameEdit.DoFolderChange(Sender: TObject);
1458 begin
1459   if Assigned(FOnFolderChange) then
1460     FOnFolderChange(Self);
1461 end;
1463 { TDirectoryEdit }
1465 constructor TDirectoryEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1466 begin
1467   inherited Create(AOwner);
1468   FDialogOptions := DefaultOpenDialogOptions;
1469 end;
1471 procedure TDirectoryEdit.SetDirectory(const AValue: String);
1472 begin
1473   if (Text<>AValue) then
1474     Text:=AValue;
1475 end;
TDirectoryEdit.CreateDialognull1477 function TDirectoryEdit.CreateDialog: TCommonDialog;
1478 begin
1479   Result:=TSelectDirectoryDialog.Create(Self);
1480   if DirPathExists(Directory) then
1481   begin
1482     TSelectDirectoryDialog(Result).InitialDir:=Directory;
1483     TSelectDirectoryDialog(Result).FileName:='';
1484   end
1485   else
1486   begin
1487     TSelectDirectoryDialog(Result).InitialDir:=RootDir;
1488     TSelectDirectoryDialog(Result).FileName:=Directory;
1489   end;
1490   // Set some common things.
1491   TSelectDirectoryDialog(Result).Options := DialogOptions;
1492   Result.Title := DialogTitle;
1493 end;
TDirectoryEdit.GetDialogResultnull1495 function TDirectoryEdit.GetDialogResult(D: TCommonDialog) : String;
1496 begin
1497   Result:=TSelectDirectoryDialog(D).FileName;
1498 end;
1500 procedure TDirectoryEdit.ButtonClick;
1501 begin
1502   inherited ButtonClick;
1503   RunDialog;
1504   //Do this after the dialog, oterwise it just looks silly
1505   if FocusOnButtonClick then FocusAndMaybeSelectAll;
1506 end;
GetDefaultGlyphNamenull1508 function TDirectoryEdit.GetDefaultGlyphName: string;
1509 begin
1510   Result := ResBtnSelDir;
1511 end;
1513 procedure TDirectoryEdit.RunDialog;
1514 var
1515   D: String;
1516   Dlg: TCommonDialog;
1517   B: Boolean;
1518 begin
1519   Dlg:=CreateDialog;
1520   try
1521     B:=Dlg.Execute;
1522     if B then
1523       D:=GetDialogResult(Dlg);
1524   finally
1525     Dlg.Free;
1526   end;
1527   if B then
1528   begin
1529     if Assigned(FOnAcceptDir) then
1530     begin
1531       FOnAcceptdir(Self,D);
1532       if (D<>'') then
1533         Directory:=D;
1534     end
1535     else
1536       Directory:=D;
1537   end;
1538 end;
TDirectoryEdit.GetDirectorynull1540 function TDirectoryEdit.GetDirectory: String;
1541 begin
1542   Result:=Text;
1543 end;
1545 { TDateEdit }
StrToDateDefnull1547 function StrToDateDef(cDate: String; dDefault: TDateTime): TDateTime;
1548 begin
1549   try
1550     Result := StrToDate(cDate)
1551   except
1552     Result := dDefault;
1553   end;
1554 end;
1556 constructor TDateEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
1557 begin
1558   inherited Create(AOwner);
1559   FDate := NullDate;
1560   FUpdatingDate := False;
1561   FDefaultToday := False;
1562   FDisplaySettings := [dsShowHeadings, dsShowDayNames];
1563 end;
GetDateFormatnull1566 function TDateEdit.GetDateFormat: string;
1567 begin
1568   Result := FFixedDateFormat;
1569 end;
TDateEdit.GetDefaultGlyphNamenull1571 function TDateEdit.GetDefaultGlyphName: string;
1572 begin
1573   Result := ResBtnCalendar;
1574 end;
1576 procedure TDateEdit.ButtonClick;//or onClick
1577 var
1578   PopupOrigin: TPoint;
1579   ADate: TDateTime;
1580 begin
1581   inherited ButtonClick;
1583   PopupOrigin := ControlToScreen(Point(0, Height));
1584   ADate := GetDate;
1585   if ADate = NullDate then
1586     ADate := SysUtils.Date;
1587   ShowCalendarPopup(PopupOrigin, ADate, CalendarDisplaySettings,
1588                     @CalendarPopupReturnDate, @CalendarPopupShowHide, self);
1589   //Do this after the dialog, otherwise it just looks silly
1590   if FocusOnButtonClick then FocusAndMaybeSelectAll;
1591 end;
1594 procedure TDateEdit.EditDblClick;
1595 begin
1596   inherited EditDblClick;
1597   if not ReadOnly then
1598     ButtonClick;
1599 end;
1601 procedure TDateEdit.EditEditingDone;
1602 var
1603   AText: String;
1604 begin
1605   inherited EditEditingDone;
1606   if DirectInput then
1607   begin
1608     AText := DateToText(GetDate);
1609     if AText <> Text then //avoid unneccesary recalculation FDate
1610       Text := AText;
1611   end;
1612 end;
1614 procedure TDateEdit.SetDirectInput(AValue: Boolean);
1615 var
1616   Def: TDateTime;
1617 begin
1618   inherited SetDirectInput(AValue);
1619   //Synchronize FDate
1620   FDate := TextToDate(Text, NullDate);
1621   //Force a valid date in the control, but not if Text was empty in designmode
1622   if not ((csDesigning in ComponentState) and FDefaultToday and (FDate = NullDate)) then
1623     SetDate(FDate);
1624 end;
1626 procedure TDateEdit.RealSetText(const AValue: TCaption);
1627 begin
1628   if (not DirectInput) and not FUpdatingDate then
1629   begin
1630     //force a valid date and set FDate
1631     //debugln('TDateEdit.SetText: DirectInput = False');
1632     if FDefaultToday then
1633       FDate := TextToDate(AValue, SysUtils.Date)
1634     else
1635       FDate := TextToDate(AValue, NullDate);
1636     //Allow to clear Text in Designer (Issue #0030425)
1637     if (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (AValue = '') then
1638       inherited RealSetText('')
1639     else
1640       inherited RealSetText(DateToText(FDate));
1641   end else
1642     inherited RealSetText(AValue);
1643 end;
1645 procedure TDateEdit.SetDateMask;
1647 Var
1648   S : String;
1649   D : TDateTime;
1650 begin
1651   Case DateOrder of
1652     doNone :
1653        begin
1654        S:=''; // no mask
1655        FFixedDateFormat:='';
1656        end;
1657     doDMY,
1658     doMDY  :
1659       begin
1660       S:='99/99/9999;1;_';
1661       if DateOrder=doMDY then
1662         FFixedDateFormat:='mm/dd/yyyy'
1663       else
1664         FFixedDateFormat:='dd/mm/yyyy';
1665       end;
1666     doYMD  :
1667       begin
1668       S:='9999/99/99;1;_';
1669       FFixedDateFormat:='yyyy/mm/dd';
1670       end;
1671   end;
1672   D:=GetDate;
1673   EditMask:=S;
1674   SetDate(D);
1675 end;
1677 procedure TDateEdit.Loaded;
1678 begin
1679   inherited Loaded;
1680   //Forces a valid Text in the control
1681   if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
1682     SetDate(FDate);
1683 end;
ParseDatenull1685 Function ParseDate(S : String; Order : TDateOrder; Def: TDateTime) : TDateTime;
1687 Var
1688   P,N1,N2,N3 : Integer;
1689   B : Boolean;
1691 begin
1692   Result:=Def;
1693   P:=Pos(DefaultFormatSettings.DateSeparator,S);
1694   If (P=0) then
1695     Exit;
1696   N1:=StrToIntDef(Copy(S,1,P-1),-1);
1697   If (N1=-1) then Exit;
1698   Delete(S,1,P);
1699   P:=Pos(DefaultFormatSettings.DateSeparator,S);
1700   If (P=0) then
1701     Exit;
1702   N2:=StrToIntDef(Copy(S,1,P-1),-1);
1703   If (N1=0) then Exit;
1704   Delete(S,1,P);
1705   N3:=StrToIntDef(S,-1);
1706   If (N3=-1) then
1707     exit;
1708   Case Order of
1709     doYMD : B:=TryEncodeDate(N1,N2,N3,Result);
1710     doMDY : B:=TryEncodeDate(N3,N1,N2,Result);
1711     doDMY : B:=TryEncodeDate(N3,N2,N1,Result);
1712     else B:=false;
1713   end;
1714   If not B then // Not sure if TryEncodeDate touches Result.
1715     Result:=Def;
1716 end;
1718 // Tries to parse string when DateOrder = doNone when string maybe contains
1719 // literal day or monthnames. For example when ShortDateFormat = 'dd-mmm-yyy'
1720 // Returns NullDate upon failure.
ParseDateNoPredefinedOrdernull1721 function ParseDateNoPredefinedOrder(SDate: String; FS: TFormatSettings): TDateTime;
1722 var
1723   Fmt: String;
1724   DPos, MPos, YPos: SizeInt;
1725   DStr, MStr, YStr: String;
1726   LD, LM, LY: LongInt;
1727   DD, MM, YY: Word;
1728 const
1729   Digits = ['0'..'9'];
1731   procedure GetPositions(out DPos, MPos, YPos: SizeInt);
1732   begin
1733     DStr := '';
1734     MStr := '';
1735     YStr := '';
1736     DPos := Pos('D', Fmt);
1737     MPos := Pos('M', Fmt);
1738     YPos := Pos('Y', Fmt);
1739     if (YPos = 0) or (MPos = 0) or (DPos = 0) then Exit;
1740     if (YPos > DPos) then YPos := 3 else YPos := 1;
1741     if (DPos < MPos) then
1742     begin
1743       if (YPos = 3) then
1744       begin
1745         DPos := 1;
1746         MPos := 2;
1747       end
1748       else
1749       begin
1750         DPos := 2;
1751         MPos := 3;
1752       end;
1753     end
1754     else
1755     begin
1756       if (YPos = 3) then
1757       begin
1758         DPos := 2;
1759         MPos := 1;
1760       end
1761       else
1762       begin
1763         DPos := 3;
1764         MPos := 2;
1765       end;
1766     end;
1767   end;
1769   procedure ReplaceLiterals;
1770   var
1771     i, P: Integer;
1772     Sub: String;
1773   begin
1774     if (Pos('MMMM',Fmt) > 0) then
1775     begin //long monthnames
1776       //writeln('Literal monthnames');
1777       for i := 1 to 12 do
1778       begin
1779         Sub := FS.LongMonthNames[i];
1780         P := Pos(Sub, SDate);
1781         if (P > 0) then
1782         begin
1783           Delete(SDate, P, Length(Sub));
1784           Insert(IntToStr(i), SDate, P);
1785           Break;
1786         end;
1787       end;
1788     end
1789     else
1790     begin
1791       if (Pos('MMM',Fmt) > 0) then
1792       begin //short monthnames
1793         for i := 1 to 12 do
1794         begin
1795           Sub := FS.ShortMonthNames[i];
1796           P := Pos(Sub, SDate);
1797           if (P > 0) then
1798           begin
1799             Delete(SDate, P, Length(Sub));
1800             Insert(IntToStr(i), SDate, P);
1801             Break;
1802           end;
1803         end;
1804       end;
1805     end;
1807     if (Pos('DDDD',Fmt) > 0) then
1808     begin  //long daynames
1809       //writeln('Literal daynames');
1810       for i := 1 to 7 do
1811       begin
1812         Sub := FS.LongDayNames[i];
1813         P := Pos(Sub, SDate);
1814         if (P > 0) then
1815         begin
1816           Delete(SDate, P, Length(Sub));
1817           Break;
1818         end;
1819       end;
1820     end
1821     else
1822     begin
1823       if (Pos('DDD',Fmt) > 0) then
1824       begin //short daynames
1825         for i := 1 to 7 do
1826         begin
1827           Sub := FS.ShortDayNames[i];
1828           P := Pos(Sub, SDate);
1829           if (P > 0) then
1830           begin
1831             Delete(SDate, P, Length(Sub));
1832             Break;
1833           end;
1834         end;
1835       end;
1836     end;
1837     SDate := Trim(SDate);
1838     //writeln('ReplaceLiterals -> ',SDate);
1839   end;
1841   procedure Split(out DStr, MStr, YStr: String);
1842   var
1843     i, P: Integer;
1844     Sep: Set of Char;
1845     Sub: String;
1846   begin
1847     DStr := '';
1848     MStr := '';
1849     YStr := '';
1850     Sep := [];
1851     for i :=  1 to Length(Fmt) do
1852       if not (Fmt[i] in Digits) then Sep := Sep + [Fmt[i]];
1853     //get fist part
1854     P := 1;
1855     while (P <= Length(SDate)) and (SDate[P] in Digits) do Inc(P);
1856     Sub := Copy(SDate, 1, P-1);
1857     Delete(SDate, 1, P);
1858     if (DPos = 1) then DStr := Sub else if (MPos = 1) then MStr := Sub else YStr := Sub;
1859     //get second part
1860     if (SDate = '') then Exit;
1861     while (Length(SDate) > 0) and (SDate[1] in Sep) do Delete(SDate, 1, 1);
1862     if (SDate = '') then Exit;
1863     P := 1;
1864     while (P <= Length(SDate)) and (SDate[P] in Digits) do Inc(P);
1865     Sub := Copy(SDate, 1, P-1);
1866     Delete(SDate, 1, P);
1867     if (DPos = 2) then DStr := Sub else if (MPos = 2) then MStr := Sub else YStr := Sub;
1868     //get thirdpart
1869     if (SDate = '') then Exit;
1870     while (Length(SDate) > 0) and (SDate[1] in Sep) do Delete(SDate, 1, 1);
1871     if (SDate = '') then Exit;
1872     Sub := SDate;
1873     if (DPos = 3) then DStr := Sub else if (MPos = 3) then MStr := Sub else YStr := Sub;
1874   end;
1876   procedure AdjustYear(var YY: Word);
1877   var
1878     CY, CM, CD: Word;
1879   begin
1880     DecodeDate(Date, CY, CM, CD);
1881     LY := CY Mod 100;
1882     CY := CY - LY;
1883     if ((YY - LY) <= 50) then
1884       YY := CY + YY
1885     else
1886       YY := CY + YY - 100;
1887   end;
1889 begin
1890   Result := NullDate;  //assume failure
1891   if (Length(SDate) < 5) then Exit; //y-m-d is minimum we support
1892   Fmt := UpperCase(FS.ShortDateFormat); //only care about y,m,d so this will do
1893   GetPositions(DPos, MPos, YPos);
1894   ReplaceLiterals;
1895   if (not (SDate[1] in Digits)) or (not (SDate[Length(SDate)] in Digits)) then Exit;
1896   Split(Dstr, MStr, YStr);
1897   if not TryStrToInt(DStr, LD) or
1898      not TryStrToInt(Mstr, LM) or
1899      not TryStrToInt(YStr, LY) then Exit;
1900   DD := LD;
1901   MM := LM;
1902   YY := LY;
1903   if (YY < 100) and (Pos('YYYY', UpperCase(Fmt)) = 0) then
1904   begin
1905     AdjustYear(YY);
1906   end;
1907   if not TryEncodeDate(YY, MM, DD, Result) then
1908     Result := NullDate;
1909 end;
TDateEdit.TextToDatenull1911 function TDateEdit.TextToDate(AText: String; ADefault: TDateTime): TDateTime;
1912 var
1913   FS: TFormatSettings;
1914 begin
1915   if Assigned(FOnCustomDate) then
1916     FOnCustomDate(Self, AText);
1917   if (DateOrder = doNone) then
1918   begin
1919     FS := DefaultFormatSettings;
1920     if (FFreeDateFormat <> '') then
1921       FS.ShortDateFormat := FFreeDateFormat;
1922     if not TryStrToDate(AText, Result, FS) then
1923     begin
1924       Result := ParseDateNoPredefinedOrder(AText, FS);
1925       if (Result = NullDate) then Result := ADefault;
1926     end;
1927   end
1928   else
1929     Result := ParseDate(AText,DateOrder,ADefault)
1930 end;
1932 procedure TDateEdit.SetFreeDateFormat(AValue: String);
1933 var
1934   D: TDateTime;
1935 begin
1936   if FFreeDateFormat = AValue then Exit;
1937   if (Text <> '') and (FDateOrder = doNone) and (not (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then
1938   begin
1939     D := GetDate;
1940     FFreeDateFormat := AValue;
1941     SetDate(D); //will update the text
1942   end
1943   else
1944     FFreeDateFormat := AValue;
1945 end;
GetDatenull1947 function TDateEdit.GetDate: TDateTime;
1948 var
1949   ADate: string;
1950   Def: TDateTime;
1951 begin
1952   //debugln(['TDateEdit.GetDate: FDate = ',DateToStr(FDate)]);
1953   if (FDate = NullDate) and FDefaultToday then
1954     Def := SysUtils.Date
1955   else
1956     Def := FDate;
1957   ADate := Trim(Text);
1958   //if not DirectInput then FDate matches the Text, so no need to parse it
1959   if {(ADate <> '') and} DirectInput then
1960   begin
1961     if (ADate = '') then
1962     begin
1963       if FDefaultToday then
1964         Result := SysUtils.Date
1965       else
1966         Result := NullDate;
1967     end
1968     else
1969     begin
1970       Result := TextToDate(ADate, Def);
1971       FDate := Result;
1972     end;
1973   end
1974   else
1975     Result := Def;
1976 end;
1978 procedure TDateEdit.SetDate(Value: TDateTime);
1979 begin
1980   FUpdatingDate := True;
1981   try
1982     if {not IsValidDate(Value) or }(Value = NullDate) then
1983     begin
1984       if DefaultToday then
1985         Value := SysUtils.Date
1986       else
1987         Value := NullDate;
1988     end;
1989     FDate := Value;
1990     Text := DateToText(FDate);
1991   finally
1992     FUpdatingDate := False;
1993   end;
1994 end;
1996 procedure TDateEdit.CalendarPopupReturnDate(Sender: TObject;
1997   const ADate: TDateTime);
1998 var
1999   B: Boolean;
2000   D: TDateTime;
2001 begin
2002   try
2003     B := True;
2004     D := ADate;
2005     if Assigned(FOnAcceptDate) then
2006       FOnAcceptDate(Self, D, B);
2007     if B then
2008       Self.Date := D;
2009   except
2010     on E:Exception do
2011       MessageDlg(E.Message, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
2012   end;
2013 end;
2015 procedure TDateEdit.CalendarPopupShowHide(Sender: TObject);
2016 begin
2017   FDroppedDown := (Sender as TForm).Visible;
2018 end;
2020 procedure TDateEdit.SetDateOrder(const AValue: TDateOrder);
2021 begin
2022   if FDateOrder=AValue then exit;
2023   FDateOrder:=AValue;
2024   SetDateMask;
2025 end;
TDateEdit.DateToTextnull2027 function TDateEdit.DateToText(Value: TDateTime): String;
2028 var
2029   FS: TFormatSettings;
2030 begin
2031   if Value = NullDate then
2032     Result := ''
2033   else
2034   begin
2035     if (FDateOrder = doNone) or (FFixedDateFormat = '') then
2036     begin
2037       FS := DefaultFormatSettings;
2038       if (FFreeDateFormat <> '') then
2039         FS.ShortDateFormat := FFreeDateFormat;
2040       Result := DateToStr(Value, FS)
2041     end
2042     else
2043       Result := FormatDateTime(FFixedDateFormat, Value)
2044   end;
2045 end;
2047 { TTimeEdit }
TTimeEdit.GetTimenull2049 function TTimeEdit.GetTime: TDateTime;
2050 var
2051   TmpResult: TDateTime;
2052 begin
2053   if DirectInput and TryParseInput(Text, TmpResult) then
2054     FTime := TmpResult;
2055   Result := FTime;
2056   if IsEmptyTime then begin
2057     if FDefaultNow then
2058       Result := TimeOf(Now);
2059   end else begin
2060     if Assigned(FOnCustomTime) then
2061       FOnCustomTime(Self, Result);
2062   end;
2063 end;
GetLayoutnull2065 function TTimeEdit.GetLayout: Boolean;
2066 begin
2067   Result := FSimpleLayout;
2068 end;
2070 procedure TTimeEdit.SetLayout(AValue: Boolean);
2071 begin
2072   FSimpleLayout := AValue;
2073 end;
2075 procedure TTimeEdit.SetTime(AValue: TDateTime);
2076 var
2077   Output: String;
2078 begin
2079   DateTimeToString(Output, DefaultFormatSettings.ShortTimeFormat, AValue);
2080   Text := Output;
2081   FTime := AValue;
2082   IsEmptyTime := False;
2083 end;
2085 procedure TTimeEdit.SetEmptyTime;
2086 begin
2087   Text := EmptyStr;
2088   FTime := NullDate;
2089   IsEmptyTime := True;
2090 end;
2092 procedure TTimeEdit.TimePopupReturnTime(Sender: TObject; const ATime: TDateTime);
2093 var
2094   AcceptResult: Boolean;
2095   ReturnedTime: TDateTime;
2096 begin
2097   try
2098     AcceptResult := True;
2099     ReturnedTime := ATime;
2100     if Assigned(FOnAcceptTime) then
2101       FOnAcceptTime(Self, ReturnedTime, AcceptResult);
2102     if AcceptResult then
2103       Self.Time := ReturnedTime;
2104   except
2105     on E:Exception do
2106       MessageDlg(E.Message, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
2107   end;
2108 end;
2110 procedure TTimeEdit.TimePopupShowHide(Sender: TObject);
2111 begin
2112   FDroppedDown := (Sender as TForm).Visible;
2113 end;
2115 procedure TTimeEdit.OpenTimePopup;
2116 var
2117   PopupOrigin: TPoint;
2118   ATime: TDateTime;
2119 begin
2120   ParseInput;
2121   PopupOrigin := ControlToScreen(Point(0, Height));
2122   ATime := GetTime;
2123   if ATime = NullDate then
2124     ATime := SysUtils.Time;
2125   ShowTimePopup(PopupOrigin, ATime, Self.DoubleBuffered,
2126     @TimePopupReturnTime, @TimePopupShowHide, FSimpleLayout, self);
2127 end;
TryParseInputnull2129 function TTimeEdit.TryParseInput(AInput: String; out ParseResult: TDateTime): Boolean;
2130 begin
2131   AInput := Trim(AInput);
2132   if (Length(AInput) in [3..4]) and (not AnsiContainsStr(AInput, DefaultFormatSettings.TimeSeparator)) then begin
2133     Insert(DefaultFormatSettings.TimeSeparator, AInput, Length(AInput) - 1);
2134   end;
2135   Result := TryStrToTime(AInput, ParseResult);
2136 end;
2138 procedure TTimeEdit.ParseInput;
2139 var
2140   TmpResult: TDateTime;
2141 begin
2142   if Trim(Text) = EmptyStr then
2143     SetEmptyTime
2144   else if TryParseInput(Self.Text, TmpResult) then
2145     SetTime(TmpResult)
2146   else
2147     SetTime(FTime);
2148 end;
GetDefaultGlyphNamenull2150 function TTimeEdit.GetDefaultGlyphName: string;
2151 begin
2152   Result := ResBtnTime;
2153 end;
2155 procedure TTimeEdit.ButtonClick;
2156 begin
2157   inherited ButtonClick;
2158   OpenTimePopup;
2159 end;
2161 procedure TTimeEdit.EditDblClick;
2162 begin
2163   inherited EditDblClick;
2164   OpenTimePopup;
2165 end;
2167 procedure TTimeEdit.EditEditingDone;
2168 begin
2169   ParseInput;
2170   inherited EditEditingDone;
2171 end;
2173 constructor TTimeEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
2174 begin
2175   inherited Create(AOwner);
2176   SetEmptyTime;
2177   FSimpleLayout := True;
2178 end;
2180 { TCalcEdit }
GetAsFloatnull2182 function TCalcEdit.GetAsFloat: Double;
2183 begin
2184   Result := StrToFloatDef(Trim(Text), 0.0);
2185 end;
TCalcEdit.GetAsIntegernull2187 function TCalcEdit.GetAsInteger: Integer;
2188 begin
2189   Result:=StrToIntDef(Text,0);
2190 end;
TCalcEdit.GetDefaultGlyphNamenull2192 function TCalcEdit.GetDefaultGlyphName: string;
2193 begin
2194   Result := ResBtnCalculator;
2195 end;
2197 procedure TCalcEdit.SetAsFloat(const AValue: Double);
2198 begin
2199   Text:=FloatToStr(AValue);
2200 end;
2202 procedure TCalcEdit.SetAsInteger(const AValue: Integer);
2203 begin
2204   Text:=IntToStr(AValue);
2205 end;
TitleStorednull2207 function TCalcEdit.TitleStored: boolean;
2208 begin
2209   Result:=FDialogTitle<>rsCalculator;
2210 end;
2212 procedure TCalcEdit.ButtonClick;
2213 begin
2214   inherited ButtonClick;
2215   RunDialog;
2216   //Do this after the dialog, otherwise it just looks silly
2217   if FocusOnButtonClick then FocusAndMaybeSelectAll;
2218 end;
2220 procedure TCalcEdit.RunDialog;
2221 var
2222   D : Double;
2223   B : Boolean;
2224   Dlg: TCalculatorForm;
2225 begin
2226   D:=AsFloat;
2227   Dlg := CreateCalculatorForm(Self,FCalculatorLayout,0);
2228   with Dlg do
2229     try
2230       Caption:=DialogTitle;
2231       Value:=D;
2232       Dlg.Top := FDialogTop;
2233       Dlg.Left := FDialogLeft;
2234       Dlg.Position := FDialogPosition;
2235       if (ShowModal=mrOK) then
2236       begin
2237         D:=Value;
2238         B:=True;
2239         If Assigned(FOnAcceptValue) then
2240           FOnAcceptValue(Self,D,B);
2241         if B then
2242           AsFloat:=D;
2243       end;
2244     finally
2245       Free;
2246     end;
2247 end;
2249 constructor TCalcEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
2250 begin
2251   inherited Create(AOwner);
2252   FDialogTitle:=rsCalculator;
2253   FDialogPosition := poScreenCenter;
2254 end;
2257 procedure Register;
2258 begin
2259   RegisterComponents('Misc', [TEditButton,TFileNameEdit,TDirectoryEdit,
2260                               TDateEdit,TTimeEdit,TCalcEdit]);
2261 end;
2263 Initialization
2264   RegisterPropertyToSkip(TDateEdit, 'OKCaption', 'Property streamed in older Lazarus revision','');
2265   RegisterPropertyToSkip(TDateEdit, 'CancelCaption', 'Property streamed in older Lazarus revision','');
2266   RegisterPropertyToSkip(TCustomControlFilterEdit, 'UseFormActivate', 'Property streamed in older Lazarus revision','');
2268 end.