1 { $Id: lclmessageglue.pas 57496 2018-03-10 16:32:56Z mattias $ }
2 {
3  *****************************************************************************
4  *                              LCLMessageGlue.pas                           *
5  *                              ------------------                           *
6  *                                                                           *
7  *                                                                           *
8  *****************************************************************************
10  *****************************************************************************
11   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
13   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
14   for details about the license.
15  *****************************************************************************
17  Abstract:
18   A Unit to make the passing of messages to the LCL from the different
19   widgetsets easier. Your mileage will vary if you try to use these procs
20   from within your program.
22 }
23 unit LCLMessageGlue;
25 {$MODE objfpc}{$H+}
27 interface
29 uses
30   Classes, Forms, LCLClasses, LCLProc, Controls, Messages, LMessages, LCLType;
DeliverMessagenull32 function DeliverMessage(const Target: TObject; var AMessage): PtrInt;
SendSimpleMessagenull33 function SendSimpleMessage(const Target: TControl; Msg: Cardinal): PtrInt;
LCLSendActivateMsgnull35 function LCLSendActivateMsg(const Target: TControl; Active: Word; Minimized: Boolean; ActiveWindow: HWND = 0): PtrInt;
LCLSendSetFocusMsgnull36 function LCLSendSetFocusMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendKillFocusMsgnull37 function LCLSendKillFocusMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendShowWindowMsgnull38 function LCLSendShowWindowMsg(const Target: TControl; Show: Boolean; Status: LPARAM = 0): PtrInt;
LCLSendSizeMsgnull39 function LCLSendSizeMsg(const Target: TControl; Width, Height: Word; SizeType: Longint; FromInterface: Boolean = True): PtrInt;
LCLSendMoveMsgnull40 function LCLSendMoveMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos: SmallInt; MoveType: PtrInt = Move_Default; FromInterface: Boolean = True): PtrInt;
LCLSendMouseMoveMsgnull41 function LCLSendMouseMoveMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos: SmallInt; ShiftState: TShiftState = []): PtrInt;
LCLSendMouseDownMsgnull42 function LCLSendMouseDownMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos: SmallInt; Button: TMouseButton; ShiftState: TShiftState = []): PtrInt;
LCLSendMouseUpMsgnull43 function LCLSendMouseUpMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos: SmallInt; Button: TMouseButton; ShiftState: TShiftState = []): PtrInt;
LCLSendMouseWheelMsgnull44 function LCLSendMouseWheelMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos, WheelDelta: SmallInt; ShiftState: TShiftState = []): PtrInt;
LCLSendCaptureChangedMsgnull45 function LCLSendCaptureChangedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendSelectionChangedMsgnull46 function LCLSendSelectionChangedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendDestroyMsgnull47 function LCLSendDestroyMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendChangedMsgnull48 function LCLSendChangedMsg(const Target: TControl; ItemIndex: WPARAM = 0): PtrInt;
LCLSendClickedMsgnull49 function LCLSendClickedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendMouseEnterMsgnull50 function LCLSendMouseEnterMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendMouseLeaveMsgnull51 function LCLSendMouseLeaveMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendSetEditableMsgnull52 function LCLSendSetEditableMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendMoveWordMsgnull53 function LCLSendMoveWordMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendMovePageMsgnull54 function LCLSendMovePageMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendMoveToRowMsgnull55 function LCLSendMoveToRowMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendMoveToColumnMsgnull56 function LCLSendMoveToColumnMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendKillCharMsgnull57 function LCLSendKillCharMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendKillWordMsgnull58 function LCLSendKillWordMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendKillLineMsgnull59 function LCLSendKillLineMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendCutToClipboardMsgnull60 function LCLSendCutToClipboardMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendCopyToClipboardMsgnull61 function LCLSendCopyToClipboardMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendPasteFromClipboardMsgnull62 function LCLSendPasteFromClipboardMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendConfigureEventMsgnull63 function LCLSendConfigureEventMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendPaintMsgnull64 function LCLSendPaintMsg(const Target: TControl;const  DC: HDC; const PaintStruct: PPaintStruct): PtrInt;
LCLSendEraseBackgroundMsgnull65 function LCLSendEraseBackgroundMsg(const Target: TWinControl;const  DC: HDC): PtrInt;
LCLSendKeyDownEventnull66 function LCLSendKeyDownEvent(const Target: TControl; var CharCode: Word; KeyData: PtrInt; BeforeEvent, IsSysKey: Boolean): PtrInt;
LCLSendKeyUpEventnull67 function LCLSendKeyUpEvent(const Target: TControl; var CharCode: Word; KeyData: PtrInt; BeforeEvent, IsSysKey: Boolean): PtrInt;
LCLSendCharEventnull68 function LCLSendCharEvent(const Target: TControl; var CharCode: Word; KeyData: PtrInt; BeforeEvent, IsSysKey, ANotifyUserInput: Boolean): PtrInt;
LCLSendUTF8KeyPressnull69 function LCLSendUTF8KeyPress(const Target: TWinControl; AUTF8Char: TUTF8Char; IsSysKey: Boolean): PtrInt;
LCLSendTimerMsgnull70 function LCLSendTimerMsg(const Target: TControl; TimerID: WParam; TimerProc: LParam): PtrInt;
LCLSendExitMsgnull71 function LCLSendExitMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendCloseQueryMsgnull72 function LCLSendCloseQueryMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendDragStartMsgnull73 function LCLSendDragStartMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendMonthChangedMsgnull74 function LCLSendMonthChangedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendYearChangedMsgnull75 function LCLSendYearChangedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendDayChangedMsgnull76 function LCLSendDayChangedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendMouseMultiClickMsgnull77 function LCLSendMouseMultiClickMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos: SmallInt; Button: TMouseButton; ClickCount: Byte = 2; ShiftState: TShiftState = []): PtrInt;
LCLSendDrawListItemMsgnull78 function LCLSendDrawListItemMsg(const Target: TControl; const DrawListItemStruct: PDrawListItemStruct): PtrInt;
LCLSendDropDownMsgnull79 function LCLSendDropDownMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
LCLSendCloseUpMsgnull80 function LCLSendCloseUpMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
82 implementation
84 type
85   TWinControlAccess = class(TWinControl)
86   end;
DeliverMessagenull88 function DeliverMessage(const Target: TObject; var AMessage): PtrInt;
89 var
90   RefCounted: Boolean;
91 begin
92   if Target=nil then DebugLn('[DeliverMessage] Target = nil');
93   {$IFDEF VerboseDeliverMessage}
94   if  (TLMessage(AMessage).Msg <>LM_MOUSEMOVE)
95     and (TLMessage(AMessage).Msg <>LM_PAINT)
96     and (TLMessage(AMessage).Msg <>LM_KEYDOWN)
97     and (TLMessage(AMessage).Msg <>LM_KEYUP)
98     and (TLMessage(AMessage).Msg <> CN_KEYDOWN ) then
99     DebugLn('DeliverMessage ',DbgS(Target),
100     ' ',TComponent(Target).Name,':',TObject(Target).ClassName,
101     ' Message=',GetMessageName(TLMessage(AMessage).Msg));
102   {$ENDIF}
103   RefCounted := False;
104   try
105     try
106       if Target is TLCLComponent then
107       begin
108         TLCLComponent(Target).IncLCLRefCount;
109         RefCounted := True;
110       end;
111       if Target is TControl then
112         TControl(Target).WindowProc(TLMessage(AMessage))
113       else
114         Target.Dispatch(TLMessage(AMessage));
115     except
116       Application.HandleException(nil);
117     end;
118   finally
119     if RefCounted then
120       TLCLComponent(Target).DecLCLRefCount;
121   end;
122   Result := TLMessage(AMessage).Result;
123 end;
125 {******************************************************************************
126  *                                                                            *
127  *  SendSimpleMessage                                                         *
128  *                                                                            *
129  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
130  *                                                                            *
131  *  Params                                                                    *
132  *                                                                            *
133  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the simple message            *
134  *  Msg         : Message type constant                                       *
135  *                                                                            *
136  ******************************************************************************}
SendSimpleMessagenull137 function SendSimpleMessage(const Target: TControl; Msg: Cardinal): PtrInt;
138 var
139   Mess : TLMessage;
140 begin
141   FillChar(Mess,SizeOf(Mess),0);
142   Mess.Msg := Msg;
143   Result := DeliverMessage(Target,  Mess);
144 end;
147 {******************************************************************************
148  *                                                                            *
149  *  LCLSendActivateMsg                                                        *
150  *                                                                            *
151  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
152  *                                                                            *
153  *  Params                                                                    *
154  *                                                                            *
155  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_ACTIVATE       *
156  *  Active      : Set to True.  This is currently ignored                     *
157  *  Minimized   : Set to False. This is currently ignored                     *
158  *  ActiveWindow: Optional. Pass the handle of the currently or newly         *
159  *                active window                                               *
160  *                                                                            *
161  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendActivateMsgnull162 function LCLSendActivateMsg(const Target: TControl; Active: Word; Minimized: Boolean; ActiveWindow: HWND = 0): PtrInt;
163 var
164   Mess: TLMActivate;
165 begin
166   Result := 0;
167   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
168   Mess.Msg := LM_ACTIVATE;
169   Mess.Active := Active;
170   Mess.Minimized := Minimized;
171   Mess.ActiveWindow := ActiveWindow;
172   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
173 end;
176 {******************************************************************************
177  *                                                                            *
178  *  LCLSendSetFocusMessage                                                    *
179  *                                                                            *
180  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
181  *                                                                            *
182  *  Params                                                                    *
183  *                                                                            *
184  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_SETFOCUS       *
185  *                                                                            *
186  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendSetFocusMsgnull187 function LCLSendSetFocusMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
188 begin
189   Result:=SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_SETFOCUS);
190 end;
192 {******************************************************************************
193  *                                                                            *
194  *  LCLSendKillFocusMessage                                                   *
195  *                                                                            *
196  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
197  *                                                                            *
198  *  Params                                                                    *
199  *                                                                            *
200  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_KILLFOCUS      *
201  *                                                                            *
202  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendKillFocusMsgnull203 function LCLSendKillFocusMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
204 begin
205   Result:=SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_KILLFOCUS);
206 end;
208 {******************************************************************************
209  *                                                                            *
210  *  LCLSendShowWindowMsg                                                      *
211  *                                                                            *
212  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
213  *                                                                            *
214  *  Params                                                                    *
215  *                                                                            *
216  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_SHOWWINDOW     *
217  *  Show        : Set to True if Showing the window False otherwise           *
218  *  Status      : Usually zero. Set to non-zero if the message was generated  *
219  *                by another window showing or hiding.                        *
220  *                                                                            *
221  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendShowWindowMsgnull222 function LCLSendShowWindowMsg(const Target: TControl; Show: Boolean;
223   Status: LPARAM = 0): PtrInt;
224 var
225    Mess : TLMShowWindow;
226 begin
227   FillChar(Mess,SizeOf(Mess),0);
228   Mess.Msg := LM_SHOWWINDOW;
229   Mess.Show := True;
231   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
232 end;
234 {******************************************************************************
235  *                                                                            *
236  * LCLSendSizeMsg                                                             *
237  *                                                                            *
238  * Returns       : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message    *
239  *                                                                            *
240  * Params                                                                     *
241  *                                                                            *
242  * Target        : The Control that will recieve the message LM_SIZE          *
243  * Width, Height : The new Width and Height for the control                   *
244  * SizeType      : SIZE_RESTORED, SIZE_MINIMIZED, SIZE_MAXIMIZED,...          *
245  * FromInterface : True if this message was sent from the widgetset to notify *
246  *                 the LCL of a change.  False to make the widgetset change   *
247  *                 the size of the control. Default = True                    *
248  *                                                                            *
249  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendSizeMsgnull250 function LCLSendSizeMsg(const Target: TControl; Width, Height: Word;
251   SizeType: Longint; FromInterface: Boolean = True): PtrInt;
252 var
253   Mess: TLMSize;
254 begin
255   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
256   Mess.Msg := LM_SIZE;
257   Mess.Width := Width;
258   Mess.Height := Height;
259   Mess.SizeType := SizeType;
260   if FromInterface then
261     Mess.SizeType := Mess.SizeType or Size_SourceIsInterface;
263   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
264 end;
267 {******************************************************************************
268  *                                                                            *
269  * LCLSendMoveMsg                                                             *
270  *                                                                            *
271  * Returns       : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message    *
272  *                                                                            *
273  * Params                                                                     *
274  *                                                                            *
275  * Target        : The Control that will recieve the message LM_MOVE          *
276  * XPos, YPos    : The new Top and Left for the control                       *
277  * MoveType      : Move_Default = update, 1 = force RequestAlign              *
278  * FromInterface : True if this message was sent from the widgetset to notify *
279  *                 the LCL of a change.  False to make the widgetset change   *
280  *                 the position of the control. Default = True                *
281  *                                                                            *
282  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMoveMsgnull283 function LCLSendMoveMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos: SmallInt;
284   MoveType: PtrInt = Move_Default; FromInterface: Boolean = True): PtrInt;
285 var
286   Mess: TLMMove;
287 begin
288   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
289   Mess.Msg := LM_MOVE;
290   Mess.XPos := XPos;
291   Mess.YPos := YPos;
292   Mess.MoveType := MoveType;
293   if FromInterface then
294     Mess.MoveType := Mess.MoveType or Move_SourceIsInterface;
296   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
297 end;
300 {******************************************************************************
301  *                                                                            *
302  * LCLSendMouseMoveMsg                                                        *
303  *                                                                            *
304  * Returns       : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message    *
305  *                                                                            *
306  * Params                                                                     *
307  *                                                                            *
308  * Target        : The Control that will recieve the message LM_SIZE          *
309  * XPos, YPos    : The Mouses X and Y position relative to the control.       *
310  * ShiftState    : Modifier keys that are pressed at the time of the event    *
311  *                                                                            *
312  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMouseMoveMsgnull313 function LCLSendMouseMoveMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos: SmallInt;
314   ShiftState: TShiftState = []): PtrInt;
315 var
316   Mess: TLMMouseMove;
317 begin
318   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
319   Mess.Msg := LM_MouseMove;
320   Mess.XPos := XPos;
321   Mess.YPos := YPos;
323   Mess.Keys := ShiftStateToKeys(ShiftState);
325   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
326 end;
329 {******************************************************************************
330  *                                                                            *
331  * LCLSendMouseDownMsg                                                        *
332  *                                                                            *
333  * Returns       : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message    *
334  *                                                                            *
335  * Params                                                                     *
336  *                                                                            *
337  * Target        : The Control that will recieve the message LM_xBUTTONDOWN   *
338  * XPos, YPos    : The Mouses X and Y position relative to the control.       *
339  * Button        : TMouseButton (mbLeft, mbMiddle, mbRight)                   *
340  * ShiftState    : Modifier keys that are pressed at the time of the event    *
341  *                                                                            *
342  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMouseDownMsgnull343 function LCLSendMouseDownMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos: SmallInt;
344   Button: TMouseButton; ShiftState: TShiftState = []): PtrInt;
345 var
346   Mess: TLMMouse;
347 begin
348   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
349   case Button of
350     mbLeft   : Mess.Msg := LM_LBUTTONDOWN;
351     mbMiddle : Mess.Msg := LM_MBUTTONDOWN;
352     mbRight  : Mess.Msg := LM_RBUTTONDOWN;
353     mbExtra1 : Mess.Msg := LM_XBUTTONDOWN;
354     mbExtra2 : Mess.Msg := LM_XBUTTONDOWN;
355   end;
357   Mess.XPos := XPos;
358   Mess.YPos := YPos;
360   Mess.Keys := ShiftStateToKeys(ShiftState);
362   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
363 end;
365 {******************************************************************************
366  *                                                                            *
367  * LCLSendMouseUpMsg                                                          *
368  *                                                                            *
369  * Returns       : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message    *
370  *                                                                            *
371  * Params                                                                     *
372  *                                                                            *
373  * Target        : The Control that will recieve the message LM_xBUTTONUP     *
374  * XPos, YPos    : The Mouses X and Y position relative to the control.       *
375  * Button        : TMouseButton (mbLeft, mbMiddle, mbRight)                   *
376  * ShiftState    : Modifier keys that are pressed at the time of the event    *
377  *                                                                            *
378  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMouseUpMsgnull379 function LCLSendMouseUpMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos: SmallInt;
380   Button: TMouseButton; ShiftState: TShiftState): PtrInt;
381 var
382   Mess: TLMMouse;
383 begin
384   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
385   case Button of
386     mbLeft   : Mess.Msg := LM_LBUTTONUP;
387     mbMiddle : Mess.Msg := LM_MBUTTONUP;
388     mbRight  : Mess.Msg := LM_RBUTTONUP;
389     mbExtra1 : Mess.Msg := LM_XBUTTONUP;
390     mbExtra2 : Mess.Msg := LM_XBUTTONUP;
391   end;
393   Mess.XPos := XPos;
394   Mess.YPos := YPos;
396   Mess.Keys := ShiftStateToKeys(ShiftState);
398   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
399 end;
401 {******************************************************************************
402  *                                                                            *
403  * LCLSendMouseWheelMsg                                                       *
404  *                                                                            *
405  * Returns       : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message    *
406  *                                                                            *
407  * Params                                                                     *
408  *                                                                            *
409  * Target        : The Control that will recieve the message LM_xBUTTONUP     *
410  * XPos, YPos    : The Mouses X and Y position relative to the control.       *
411  * WheelDelta    : -1 for Up, 1 for Down                                      *
412  * ShiftState    : Modifier keys that are pressed at the time of the event    *
413  *                                                                            *
414  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMouseWheelMsgnull415 function LCLSendMouseWheelMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos,
416   WheelDelta: SmallInt; ShiftState: TShiftState): PtrInt;
417 var
418   Mess: TLMMouseEvent;
419 begin
420   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
422   Mess.Msg := LM_MOUSEWHEEL;
423   Mess.X := XPos;
424   Mess.Y := YPos;
425   Mess.WheelDelta := WheelDelta;
426   Mess.State := ShiftState;
428   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
429 end;
431 {******************************************************************************
432  *                                                                            *
433  *  LCLSendCaptureChangedMsg                                                  *
434  *                                                                            *
435  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
436  *                                                                            *
437  *  Params                                                                    *
438  *                                                                            *
439  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_CAPTURECHANGED *
440  *                                                                            *
441  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendCaptureChangedMsgnull442 function LCLSendCaptureChangedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
443 begin
444   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_CAPTURECHANGED);
445 end;
447 {******************************************************************************
448  *                                                                            *
449  *  LCLSendSelectionChangedMsg                                                *
450  *                                                                            *
451  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
452  *                                                                            *
453  *  Params                                                                    *
454  *                                                                            *
455  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_SELCHANGE      *
456  *                                                                            *
457  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendSelectionChangedMsgnull458 function LCLSendSelectionChangedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
459 begin
460   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_SELCHANGE);
461 end;
463 {******************************************************************************
464  *                                                                            *
465  *  LCLSendSelectionChangedMsg                                                *
466  *                                                                            *
467  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
468  *                                                                            *
469  *  Params                                                                    *
470  *                                                                            *
471  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_DESTROY        *
472  *                                                                            *
473  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendDestroyMsgnull474 function LCLSendDestroyMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
475 begin
476   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_DESTROY);
477 end;
479 {******************************************************************************
480  *                                                                            *
481  *  LCLSendChangedMsg                                                         *
482  *                                                                            *
483  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
484  *                                                                            *
485  *  Params                                                                    *
486  *                                                                            *
487  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_CHANGED        *
488  *  ItemIndex   : Only used by Listviews and CheckBoxes. The Index of         *
489  *                the Item that has changed.                                  *
490  *                                                                            *
491  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendChangedMsgnull492 function LCLSendChangedMsg(const Target: TControl; ItemIndex: WPARAM = 0): PtrInt;
493 var
494   Mess: TLMessage;
495 begin
496   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
497   Mess.Msg := LM_CHANGED;
498   Mess.WParam := ItemIndex;
499   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
500 end;
502 {******************************************************************************
503  *                                                                            *
504  *  LCLSendClickedMsg                                                         *
505  *                                                                            *
506  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
507  *                                                                            *
508  *  Params                                                                    *
509  *                                                                            *
510  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_CLICKED        *
511  *                                                                            *
512  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendClickedMsgnull513 function LCLSendClickedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
514 begin
515   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_CLICKED);
516 end;
518 {******************************************************************************
519  *                                                                            *
520  *  LCLSendMouseEnterMsg                                                      *
521  *                                                                            *
522  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
523  *                                                                            *
524  *  Params                                                                    *
525  *                                                                            *
526  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message CM_MOUSEENTER     *
527  *                                                                            *
528  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMouseEnterMsgnull529 function LCLSendMouseEnterMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
530 begin
531   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, CM_MOUSEENTER);
532 end;
534 {******************************************************************************
535  *                                                                            *
536  *  LCLSendMouseLeaveMsg                                                      *
537  *                                                                            *
538  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
539  *                                                                            *
540  *  Params                                                                    *
541  *                                                                            *
542  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message CM_MOUSELEAVE     *
543  *                                                                            *
544  *                                                                            *
545  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMouseLeaveMsgnull546 function LCLSendMouseLeaveMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
547 begin
548   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, CM_MOUSELEAVE);
549 end;
552 {******************************************************************************
553  *                                                                            *
554  *  LCLSendSetEditableMsg                                                     *
555  *                                                                            *
556  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
557  *                                                                            *
558  *  Params                                                                    *
559  *                                                                            *
560  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_SETEDITABLE    *
561  *                                                                            *
562  *  Not used by the LCL                                                       *
563  *                                                                            *
564  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendSetEditableMsgnull565 function LCLSendSetEditableMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
566 begin
567   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_SETEDITABLE);
568 end;
570 {******************************************************************************
571  *                                                                            *
572  *  LCLSendMoveWordMsg                                                        *
573  *                                                                            *
574  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
575  *                                                                            *
576  *  Params                                                                    *
577  *                                                                            *
578  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_MOVEWORD       *
579  *                                                                            *
580  *  Not used by the LCL                                                       *
581  *                                                                            *
582  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMoveWordMsgnull583 function LCLSendMoveWordMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
584 begin
585   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_MOVEWORD);
586 end;
588 {******************************************************************************
589  *                                                                            *
590  *  LCLSendMovePageMsg                                                        *
591  *                                                                            *
592  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
593  *                                                                            *
594  *  Params                                                                    *
595  *                                                                            *
596  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_MOVEPAGE       *
597  *                                                                            *
598  *  Not used by the LCL                                                       *
599  *                                                                            *
600  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMovePageMsgnull601 function LCLSendMovePageMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
602 begin
603   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_MOVEPAGE);
604 end;
606 {******************************************************************************
607  *                                                                            *
608  *  LCLSendMoveToRowMsg                                                       *
609  *                                                                            *
610  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
611  *                                                                            *
612  *  Params                                                                    *
613  *                                                                            *
614  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_MOVETOROW      *
615  *                                                                            *
616  *  Not used by the LCL                                                       *
617  *                                                                            *
618  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMoveToRowMsgnull619 function LCLSendMoveToRowMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
620 begin
621   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_MOVETOROW);
622 end;
624 {******************************************************************************
625  *                                                                            *
626  *  LCLSendMoveToColumnMsg                                                    *
627  *                                                                            *
628  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
629  *                                                                            *
630  *  Params                                                                    *
631  *                                                                            *
632  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_MOVETOCOLUMN   *
633  *                                                                            *
634  *  Not used by the LCL                                                       *
635  *                                                                            *
636  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMoveToColumnMsgnull637 function LCLSendMoveToColumnMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
638 begin
639   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_MOVETOCOLUMN);
640 end;
642 {******************************************************************************
643  *                                                                            *
644  *  LCLSendKillCharMsg                                                        *
645  *                                                                            *
646  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
647  *                                                                            *
648  *  Params                                                                    *
649  *                                                                            *
650  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_KILLCHAR       *
651  *                                                                            *
652  *  Not used by the LCL                                                       *
653  *                                                                            *
654  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendKillCharMsgnull655 function LCLSendKillCharMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
656 begin
657   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_KILLCHAR);
658 end;
660 {******************************************************************************
661  *                                                                            *
662  *  LCLSendKillWordMsg                                                        *
663  *                                                                            *
664  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
665  *                                                                            *
666  *  Params                                                                    *
667  *                                                                            *
668  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_KILLWORD       *
669  *                                                                            *
670  *  Not used by the LCL                                                       *
671  *                                                                            *
672  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendKillWordMsgnull673 function LCLSendKillWordMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
674 begin
675   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_KILLWORD);
676 end;
678 {******************************************************************************
679  *                                                                            *
680  *  LCLSendKillLineMsg                                                        *
681  *                                                                            *
682  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
683  *                                                                            *
684  *  Params                                                                    *
685  *                                                                            *
686  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_KILLLINE       *
687  *                                                                            *
688  *  Not used by the LCL                                                       *
689  *                                                                            *
690  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendKillLineMsgnull691 function LCLSendKillLineMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
692 begin
693   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_KILLLINE);
694 end;
696 {******************************************************************************
697  *                                                                            *
698  *  LCLSendCutToClipboardMsg                                                  *
699  *                                                                            *
700  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
701  *                                                                            *
702  *  Params                                                                    *
703  *                                                                            *
704  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_CUT            *
705  *                                                                            *
706  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendCutToClipboardMsgnull707 function LCLSendCutToClipboardMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
708 begin
709   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_CUT);
710 end;
712 {******************************************************************************
713  *                                                                            *
714  *  LCLSendCopyToClipboardMsg                                                 *
715  *                                                                            *
716  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
717  *                                                                            *
718  *  Params                                                                    *
719  *                                                                            *
720  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_COPY           *
721  *                                                                            *
722  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendCopyToClipboardMsgnull723 function LCLSendCopyToClipboardMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
724 begin
725   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_COPY);
726 end;
728 {******************************************************************************
729  *                                                                            *
730  *  LCLSendPasteFromClipboardMsg                                              *
731  *                                                                            *
732  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
733  *                                                                            *
734  *  Params                                                                    *
735  *                                                                            *
736  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_COPY           *
737  *                                                                            *
738  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendPasteFromClipboardMsgnull739 function LCLSendPasteFromClipboardMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
740 begin
741   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_PASTE);
742 end;
744 {******************************************************************************
745  *                                                                            *
746  *  LCLSendConfigureEventMsg                                                  *
747  *                                                                            *
748  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
749  *                                                                            *
750  *  Params                                                                    *
751  *                                                                            *
752  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_CONFIGUREEVENT *
753  *                                                                            *
754  *  Not used by the LCL                                                       *
755  *                                                                            *
756  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendConfigureEventMsgnull757 function LCLSendConfigureEventMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
758 begin
759   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_CONFIGUREEVENT);
760 end;
762 {******************************************************************************
763  *                                                                            *
764  *  LCLSendPaintMsg                                                           *
765  *                                                                            *
766  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
767  *                                                                            *
768  *  Params                                                                    *
769  *                                                                            *
770  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_PAINT          *
771  *  DC          : This is the Device Context                                  *
772  *  PaintStruct : PaintStruct                                                 *
773  *                                                                            *
774  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendPaintMsgnull775 function LCLSendPaintMsg(const Target: TControl;const  DC: HDC; const PaintStruct: PPaintStruct): PtrInt;
776 var
777   Mess: TLMPaint;
778 begin
779   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
780   Mess.Msg := LM_PAINT;
781   Mess.DC := DC;
782   Mess.PaintStruct := PaintStruct;
784   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
785 end;
LCLSendEraseBackgroundMsgnull787 function LCLSendEraseBackgroundMsg(const Target: TWinControl; const DC: HDC): PtrInt;
788 var
789   Mess: TLMEraseBkgnd;
790 begin
791   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
792   Mess.Msg := LM_ERASEBKGND;
793   Mess.DC := DC;
795   Include(TWinControlAccess(Target).FWinControlFlags, wcfEraseBackground);
796   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
797   Exclude(TWinControlAccess(Target).FWinControlFlags, wcfEraseBackground);
798 end;
800 {******************************************************************************
801  *                                                                            *
802  *  LCLSendKeyDownEvent                                                       *
803  *                                                                            *
804  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
805  *                                                                            *
806  *  Params                                                                    *
807  *                                                                            *
808  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message xx_xxKEYDOWN      *
809  *  CharCode    : This is the VK Key code. Check if this has changed after    *
810  *                sending the message.                                        *
811  *  KeyData     : Bitwise or'ed combination of the KF_xxxx constants.         *
812  *  BeforeEvent : True if we are sending the message before the widgetset     *
813  *                has handled the keystroke. False otherwise                  *
814  *  IsSysKey    : True if the Alt Key was also pressed.                       *
815  *                                                                            *
816  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendKeyDownEventnull817 function LCLSendKeyDownEvent(const Target: TControl; var CharCode: Word;
818   KeyData: PtrInt; BeforeEvent, IsSysKey: Boolean): PtrInt;
819 var
820   Mess: TLMKeyDown;
821 begin
822   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
823   if BeforeEvent then begin
824     if IsSysKey then
825       Mess.Msg := CN_SYSKEYDOWN
826     else Mess.Msg := CN_KEYDOWN;
827   end
828   else begin
829     if IsSysKey then
830       Mess.Msg := LM_SYSKEYDOWN
831     else Mess.Msg := LM_KEYDOWN;
832   end;
833   Mess.CharCode := CharCode;
834   Mess.KeyData := KeyData;
835   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
836   CharCode := Mess.CharCode;
837 end;
839 {******************************************************************************
840  *                                                                            *
841  *  LCLSendKeyUpEvent                                                         *
842  *                                                                            *
843  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
844  *                                                                            *
845  *  Params                                                                    *
846  *                                                                            *
847  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message xx_xxKEYUP        *
848  *  CharCode    : This is the VK Key code. Check if this has changed after    *
849  *                sending the message.                                        *
850  *  KeyData     : Bitwise or'ed combination of the KF_xxxx constants.         *
851  *  BeforeEvent : True if we are sending the message before the widgetset     *
852  *                has handled the keystroke. False otherwise.                 *
853  *  IsSysKey    : True if the Alt Key was also pressed.                       *
854  *                                                                            *
855  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendKeyUpEventnull856 function LCLSendKeyUpEvent(const Target: TControl; var CharCode: Word;
857   KeyData: PtrInt; BeforeEvent, IsSysKey: Boolean): PtrInt;
858 var
859   Mess: TLMKeyUp;
860 begin
861   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
862   if BeforeEvent then begin
863     if IsSysKey then
864       Mess.Msg := CN_SYSKEYUP
865     else Mess.Msg := CN_KEYUP;
866   end
867   else begin
868     if IsSysKey then
869       Mess.Msg := LM_SYSKEYUP
870     else Mess.Msg := LM_KEYUP;
871   end;
872   Mess.CharCode := CharCode;
873   Mess.KeyData := KeyData;
874   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
875   CharCode := Mess.CharCode;
876 end;
LCLSendCharEventnull878 function LCLSendCharEvent(const Target: TControl; var CharCode: Word;
879   KeyData: PtrInt; BeforeEvent, IsSysKey, ANotifyUserInput: Boolean): PtrInt;
880 var
881   Mess: TLMChar;
882 begin
883   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
884   if BeforeEvent then begin
885     if IsSysKey then
886       Mess.Msg := CN_SYSCHAR
887     else Mess.Msg := CN_CHAR;
888   end
889   else begin
890     if IsSysKey then
891       Mess.Msg := LM_SYSCHAR
892     else Mess.Msg := LM_CHAR;
893   end;
894   Mess.CharCode := CharCode;
895   Mess.KeyData := KeyData;
896   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
897   CharCode := Mess.CharCode;
899   if ANotifyUserInput then NotifyApplicationUserInput(Target, Mess.Msg);
900 end;
LCLSendUTF8KeyPressnull902 function LCLSendUTF8KeyPress(const Target: TWinControl; AUTF8Char: TUTF8Char;
903   IsSysKey: Boolean): PtrInt;
904 begin
905   {if not IsControlKey then}
906   Target.IntfUTF8KeyPress(AUTF8Char, 1, IsSysKey);
907   Result := 1;
908 end;
910 {******************************************************************************
911  *                                                                            *
912  *  LCLSendTimerMsg                                                           *
913  *                                                                            *
914  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to allow the message to   *
915  *                continue to process.                                        *
916  *                                                                            *
917  *  Params                                                                    *
918  *                                                                            *
919  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_TIMER          *
920  *  TimerID     : ID of the timer.                                            *
921  *  TimerProc   : The procedure to call.                                      *
922  *                                                                            *
923  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendTimerMsgnull924 function LCLSendTimerMsg(const Target: TControl; TimerID: WParam;
925   TimerProc: LParam): PtrInt;
926 var
927   Mess: TLMessage;
928 begin
929   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
930   Mess.Msg := LM_TIMER;
931   Mess.WParam := TimerID;
932   Mess.LParam := TimerProc;
933   Result:=DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
934 end;
936 {******************************************************************************
937  *                                                                            *
938  *  LCLSendExitMsg                                                            *
939  *                                                                            *
940  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
941  *                                                                            *
942  *  Params                                                                    *
943  *                                                                            *
944  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_EXIT           *
945  *                                                                            *
946  *  Not used by the LCL                                                       *
947  *                                                                            *
948  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendExitMsgnull949 function LCLSendExitMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
950 begin
951   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_EXIT);
952 end;
954 {******************************************************************************
955  *                                                                            *
956  *  LCLSendCloseQueryMsg                                                      *
957  *                                                                            *
958  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
959  *                                                                            *
960  *  Params                                                                    *
961  *                                                                            *
962  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_CLOSEQUERY     *
963  *                                                                            *
964  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendCloseQueryMsgnull965 function LCLSendCloseQueryMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
966 begin
967   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_CLOSEQUERY);
968 end;
970 {******************************************************************************
971  *                                                                            *
972  *  LCLSendDragStartMsg                                                       *
973  *                                                                            *
974  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
975  *                                                                            *
976  *  Params                                                                    *
977  *                                                                            *
978  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_DRAGSTART      *
979  *                                                                            *
980  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendDragStartMsgnull981 function LCLSendDragStartMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
982 begin
983   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_DRAGSTART);
984 end;
986 {******************************************************************************
987  *                                                                            *
988  *  LCLSendMonthChangedMsg                                                    *
989  *                                                                            *
990  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
991  *                                                                            *
992  *  Params                                                                    *
993  *                                                                            *
994  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_MONTHCHANGED   *
995  *                                                                            *
996  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMonthChangedMsgnull997 function LCLSendMonthChangedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
998 begin
999   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_MONTHCHANGED);
1000 end;
1002 {******************************************************************************
1003  *                                                                            *
1004  *  LCLSendYearChangedMsg                                                     *
1005  *                                                                            *
1006  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
1007  *                                                                            *
1008  *  Params                                                                    *
1009  *                                                                            *
1010  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_YEARCHANGED    *
1011  *                                                                            *
1012  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendYearChangedMsgnull1013 function LCLSendYearChangedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
1014 begin
1015   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_YEARCHANGED);
1016 end;
1018 {******************************************************************************
1019  *                                                                            *
1020  *  LCLSendDayChangedMsg                                                      *
1021  *                                                                            *
1022  *  Returns     : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message     *
1023  *                                                                            *
1024  *  Params                                                                    *
1025  *                                                                            *
1026  *  Target      : The Control that will recieve the message LM_DAYCHANGED     *
1027  *                                                                            *
1028  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendDayChangedMsgnull1029 function LCLSendDayChangedMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
1030 begin
1031   Result := SendSimpleMessage(Target, LM_DAYCHANGED);
1032 end;
1034 {******************************************************************************
1035  *                                                                            *
1036  * LCLSendMouseMultiClickMsg                                                  *
1037  *                                                                            *
1038  * Returns       : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message    *
1039  *                                                                            *
1040  * Params                                                                     *
1041  *                                                                            *
1042  * Target        : The Control that will recieve the message LM_xBUTTONxxxCLK *
1043  * XPos, YPos    : The Mouses X and Y position relative to the control.       *
1044  * Button        : TMouseButton (mbLeft, mbMiddle, mbRight)                   *
1045  * ClickCount    : 2 = LM_xBUTTONDBLCLK, 3 = LM_xBUTTONTRIPLECLK,             *
1046  *                 4 = LM_xBUTTONQUADCLK                                      *
1047  * ShiftState    : Modifier keys that are pressed at the time of the event    *
1048  *                                                                            *
1049  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendMouseMultiClickMsgnull1050 function LCLSendMouseMultiClickMsg(const Target: TControl; XPos, YPos: SmallInt;
1051   Button: TMouseButton; ClickCount: Byte = 2; ShiftState: TShiftState = []): PtrInt;
1052 var
1053   Mess: TLMMouse;
1054 begin
1055   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
1056   Mess.Msg := LM_UNKNOWN;
1057   case ClickCount of
1058     2:
1059     case Button of
1060       mbLeft   : Mess.Msg := LM_LBUTTONDBLCLK;
1061       mbMiddle : Mess.Msg := LM_MBUTTONDBLCLK;
1062       mbRight  : Mess.Msg := LM_RBUTTONDBLCLK;
1063       mbExtra1 : Mess.Msg := LM_XBUTTONDBLCLK;
1064       mbExtra2 : Mess.Msg := LM_XBUTTONDBLCLK;
1065     end;
1066     3:
1067     case Button of
1068       mbLeft   : Mess.Msg := LM_LBUTTONTRIPLECLK;
1069       mbMiddle : Mess.Msg := LM_MBUTTONTRIPLECLK;
1070       mbRight  : Mess.Msg := LM_RBUTTONTRIPLECLK;
1071       mbExtra1 : Mess.Msg := LM_XBUTTONTRIPLECLK;
1072       mbExtra2 : Mess.Msg := LM_XBUTTONTRIPLECLK;
1073     end;
1074     4:
1075     case Button of
1076       mbLeft   : Mess.Msg := LM_LBUTTONQUADCLK;
1077       mbMiddle : Mess.Msg := LM_MBUTTONQUADCLK;
1078       mbRight  : Mess.Msg := LM_RBUTTONQUADCLK;
1079       mbExtra1 : Mess.Msg := LM_XBUTTONQUADCLK;
1080       mbExtra2 : Mess.Msg := LM_XBUTTONQUADCLK;
1081     end;
1082   end;
1084   Mess.XPos := XPos;
1085   Mess.YPos := YPos;
1087   Mess.Keys := ShiftStateToKeys(ShiftState);
1089   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
1090 end;
1092 {******************************************************************************
1093  *                                                                            *
1094  * LCLSendDrawListItemMsg                                                     *
1095  *                                                                            *
1096  * Returns       : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message    *
1097  *                                                                            *
1098  * Params                                                                     *
1099  *                                                                            *
1100  * Target        : The Control that will recieve the message LM_DRAWLISTITEM  *
1101  * DrawListItemStruct : Pointer to a TDrawListItemStruct                      *
1102  *                                                                            *
1103  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendDrawListItemMsgnull1104 function LCLSendDrawListItemMsg(const Target: TControl; const DrawListItemStruct: PDrawListItemStruct): PtrInt;
1105 var
1106   Mess: TLMDrawListItem;
1107 begin
1108   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
1109   Mess.Msg := LM_DRAWLISTITEM;
1110   Mess.DrawListItemStruct := DrawListItemStruct;
1112   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
1113 end;
1115 {******************************************************************************
1116  *                                                                            *
1117  * LCLSendDropDownMsg                                                         *
1118  *                                                                            *
1119  * Returns       : 0 to accept the message, non-zero to reject the message    *
1120  *                                                                            *
1121  * Params                                                                     *
1122  *                                                                            *
1123  * Target        : The Control that will recieve the message CN_Command       *
1124  *                                                                            *
1125  * Used to notify a combo that the combobox is popping down                   *
1126  *                                                                            *
1127  ******************************************************************************}
LCLSendDropDownMsgnull1128 function LCLSendDropDownMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
1129 var
1130   Mess : TLMCommand;
1131 begin
1132   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
1133   Mess.Msg := CN_Command;
1134   Mess.NotifyCode := CBN_DROPDOWN;
1136   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
1137 end;
LCLSendCloseUpMsgnull1139 function LCLSendCloseUpMsg(const Target: TControl): PtrInt;
1140 var
1141   Mess : TLMCommand;
1142 begin
1143   FillChar(Mess, SizeOf(Mess), 0);
1144   Mess.Msg := CN_Command;
1145   Mess.NotifyCode := CBN_CLOSEUP;
1147   Result := DeliverMessage(Target, Mess);
1148 end;
1151 // Remove these lines as you implement the function
1153 {
1155   LM_FOCUS           // NOT USED
1158   LM_SHOW            // NOT USED
1160   LM_DRAW            // NOT USED
1163 }
1166 end.