1 {
2 /***************************************************************************
3 lclproc.pas
4 -----------
5 Component Library Code
8 ***************************************************************************/
10 *****************************************************************************
11 This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
13 See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
14 for details about the license.
15 *****************************************************************************
17 Useful lower level helper functions and classes.
18 }
19 unit LCLProc;
21 {$MODE ObjFPC}{$H+}
22 {$I lcl_defines.inc}
23 {$inline on}
25 interface
27 uses
28 {$IFDEF Darwin}MacOSAll, {$ENDIF}
29 Classes, SysUtils, Math, TypInfo, Types, Laz_AVL_Tree,
30 // LazUtils
31 FPCAdds, LazFileUtils, LazUtilities, LazMethodList, LazUTF8, LazUTF8Classes,
32 LazLoggerBase, LazTracer,
33 // LCL
34 LCLStrConsts, LCLType;
36 type
37 TMethodList = LazMethodList.TMethodList;
39 { TDebugLCLItemInfo }
41 TDebugLCLItemInfo = class
42 public
43 Item: Pointer;
44 IsDestroyed: boolean;
45 Info: string;
46 CreationStack: TStackTracePointers; // stack trace at creationg
47 DestructionStack: TStackTracePointers;// stack trace at destruction
AsStringnull48 function AsString(WithStackTraces: boolean): string;
49 destructor Destroy; override;
50 end;
52 { TDebugLCLItems }
54 TDebugLCLItems = class
55 private
56 FItems: TAvlTree;// tree of TDebugLCLItemInfo
57 FName: string;
58 public
59 constructor Create(const TheName: string);
60 destructor Destroy; override;
FindInfonull61 function FindInfo(p: Pointer; CreateIfNotExists: boolean = false
62 ): TDebugLCLItemInfo;
IsDestroyednull63 function IsDestroyed(p: Pointer): boolean;
IsCreatednull64 function IsCreated(p: Pointer): boolean;
MarkCreatednull65 function MarkCreated(p: Pointer; const InfoText: string): TDebugLCLItemInfo;
66 procedure MarkDestroyed(p: Pointer);
GetInfonull67 function GetInfo(p: Pointer; WithStackTraces: boolean): string;
68 property Name: string read FName;
69 end;
71 {$IFDEF DebugLCLComponents}
72 var
73 DebugLCLComponents: TDebugLCLItems = nil;
74 {$ENDIF}
CompareDebugLCLItemInfosnull76 function CompareDebugLCLItemInfos(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
CompareItemWithDebugLCLItemInfonull77 function CompareItemWithDebugLCLItemInfo(Item, DebugItemInfo: Pointer): integer;
80 type
onstnull81 TStringsSortCompare = function(const Item1, Item2: string): Integer;
83 procedure MergeSort(List: TFPList; const OnCompare: TListSortCompare); overload;// sort so that for each i is OnCompare(List[i],List[i+1])<=0
84 procedure MergeSort(List: TFPList; StartIndex, EndIndex: integer; const OnCompare: TListSortCompare); overload;// sort so that for each i is OnCompare(List[i],List[i+1])<=0
85 procedure MergeSort(List: TStrings; const OnCompare: TStringsSortCompare); overload;// sort so that for each i is OnCompare(List[i],List[i+1])<=0
GetEnumValueDefnull87 function GetEnumValueDef(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Name: string;
88 const DefaultValue: Integer): Integer;
KeyAndShiftStateToKeyStringnull90 function KeyAndShiftStateToKeyString(Key: word; ShiftState: TShiftState): String;
KeyStringIsIrregularnull91 function KeyStringIsIrregular(const s: string): boolean;
ShortCutToTextnull92 function ShortCutToText(ShortCut: TShortCut): string;// localized output
ShortCutToTextRawnull93 function ShortCutToTextRaw(ShortCut: TShortCut): string;// NOT localized output
TextToShortCutnull94 function TextToShortCut(const ShortCutText: string): TShortCut;// localized input
TextToShortCutRawnull95 function TextToShortCutRaw(const ShortCutText: string): TShortCut;// NOT localized input
GetCompleteTextnull97 function GetCompleteText(const sText: string; iSelStart: Integer;
98 bCaseSensitive, bSearchAscending: Boolean; slTextList: TStrings): string;
IsEditableTextKeynull99 function IsEditableTextKey(Key: Word): Boolean;
101 // Hooks used to prevent unit circles
102 type
103 TSendApplicationMessageFunction =
104 function(Msg: Cardinal; WParam: WParam; LParam: LParam):Longint;
105 TOwnerFormDesignerModifiedProc =
106 procedure(AComponent: TComponent);
109 var
TSendApplicationMessageFunctionnull110 SendApplicationMessageFunction: TSendApplicationMessageFunction=nil;
111 OwnerFormDesignerModifiedProc: TOwnerFormDesignerModifiedProc=nil;
SendApplicationMessagenull113 function SendApplicationMessage(Msg: Cardinal; WParam: WParam; LParam: LParam):Longint;
114 procedure OwnerFormDesignerModified(AComponent: TComponent);
115 procedure FreeThenNil(var obj);
117 { the LCL interfaces finalization sections are called before the finalization
118 sections of the LCL. Those parts, that should be finalized after the LCL, can
119 be registered here. }
120 procedure RegisterInterfaceInitializationHandler(p: TProcedure);
121 procedure CallInterfaceInitializationHandlers;
122 procedure RegisterInterfaceFinalizationHandler(p: TProcedure);
123 procedure CallInterfaceFinalizationHandlers;
OffsetRectnull125 function OffsetRect(var ARect: TRect; dx, dy: Integer): Boolean;
126 procedure MoveRect(var ARect: TRect; x, y: Integer);
127 procedure MoveRectToFit(var ARect: TRect; const MaxRect: TRect);
128 procedure MakeMinMax(var i1, i2: integer);
129 procedure CalculateLeftTopWidthHeight(X1,Y1,X2,Y2: integer;
130 out Left,Top,Width,Height: integer);
DeleteAmpersandsnull132 function DeleteAmpersands(var Str : String) : Longint;
ComparePointersnull134 function ComparePointers(p1, p2: Pointer): integer; inline;
CompareHandlesnull135 function CompareHandles(h1, h2: THandle): integer;
CompareRectnull136 function CompareRect(R1, R2: PRect): Boolean;
ComparePointsnull137 function ComparePoints(const p1, p2: TPoint): integer;
CompareCaretnull138 function CompareCaret(const FirstCaret, SecondCaret: TPoint): integer;
CompareMethodsnull139 function CompareMethods(const m1, m2: TMethod): boolean; inline;
RoundToIntnull141 function RoundToInt(const e: Extended): integer;
RoundToCardinalnull142 function RoundToCardinal(const e: Extended): cardinal;
TruncToIntnull143 function TruncToInt(const e: Extended): integer;
TruncToCardinalnull144 function TruncToCardinal(const e: Extended): cardinal;
StrToDoublenull145 function StrToDouble(const s: string): double;
147 // Call debugging procedure in LazLoggerBase.
148 procedure RaiseGDBException(const Msg: string); inline;
150 {$IFnDEF WithOldDebugln}
151 procedure DbgOut(const s: string = ''); inline; overload;
152 procedure DbgOut(Args: array of const); {inline;} overload;
153 procedure DbgOut(const S: String; Args: array of const); {inline;} overload;// similar to Format(s,Args)
154 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
155 const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
156 const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
157 const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
158 const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
159 const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); inline; overload;
161 procedure DebugLn(const s: string = ''); inline; overload;
162 procedure DebugLn(Args: array of const); {inline;} overload;
163 procedure DebugLn(const S: String; Args: array of const); {inline;} overload;// similar to Format(s,Args)
164 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
165 const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
166 const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
167 const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
168 const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
169 const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); inline; overload;
171 procedure DebugLnEnter(const s: string = ''); inline; overload;
172 procedure DebugLnEnter(Args: array of const); {inline;} overload;
173 procedure DebugLnEnter(s: string; Args: array of const); {inline;} overload;
174 procedure DebugLnEnter(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
175 const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
176 const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
177 const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
178 const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
179 const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); inline; overload;
181 procedure DebugLnExit(const s: string = ''); inline; overload;
182 procedure DebugLnExit(Args: array of const); {inline;} overload;
183 procedure DebugLnExit(s: string; Args: array of const); {inline;} overload;
184 procedure DebugLnExit (const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
185 const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
186 const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
187 const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
188 const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
189 const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); inline; overload;
191 procedure CloseDebugOutput;
192 {$ELSE}
193 procedure DebugLn(Args: array of const); overload;
194 procedure DebugLn(const S: String; Args: array of const); overload;// similar to Format(s,Args)
195 procedure DebugLn; overload;
196 procedure DebugLn(const s: string); overload;
197 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2: string); overload;
198 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3: string); overload;
199 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4: string); overload;
200 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5: string); overload;
201 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6: string); overload;
202 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7: string); overload;
203 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8: string); overload;
204 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9: string); overload;
205 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10: string); overload;
206 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11: string); overload;
207 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12: string); overload;
208 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13: string); overload;
209 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13,s14: string); overload;
210 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13,s14,s15: string); overload;
211 procedure DebugLn(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13,s14,s15,s16: string); overload;
213 procedure DebugLnEnter(const s: string = ''); overload;
214 procedure DebugLnEnter(Args: array of const); overload;
215 procedure DebugLnEnter(s: string; Args: array of const); overload;
216 procedure DebugLnEnter(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
217 const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
218 const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
219 const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
220 const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
221 const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); overload;
222 procedure DebugLnExit(const s: string = ''); overload;
223 procedure DebugLnExit(Args: array of const); overload;
224 procedure DebugLnExit(s: string; Args: array of const); overload;
225 procedure DebugLnExit (const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
226 const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
227 const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
228 const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
229 const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
230 const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); overload;
232 procedure DbgOut(const S: String; Args: array of const); overload;
233 procedure DbgOut(const s: string); overload;
234 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2: string); overload;
235 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3: string); overload;
236 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4: string); overload;
237 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5: string); overload;
238 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6: string); overload;
239 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7: string); overload;
240 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8: string); overload;
241 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9: string); overload;
242 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10: string); overload;
243 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11: string); overload;
244 procedure DbgOut(const s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12: string); overload;
246 procedure CloseDebugOutput;
247 {$ENDIF}
DbgSnull249 function DbgS(const c: cardinal): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull250 function DbgS(const i: longint): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull251 function DbgS(const i: int64): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull252 function DbgS(const q: qword): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull253 function DbgS(const r: TRect): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull254 function DbgS(const p: TPoint): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull255 function DbgS(const p: pointer): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull256 function DbgS(const e: extended; MaxDecimals: integer = 999): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull257 function DbgS(const b: boolean): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull258 function DbgS(const s: TComponentState): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull259 function DbgS(const m: TMethod): string; overload; inline;
DbgSNamenull260 function DbgSName(const p: TObject): string; overload; inline;
DbgSNamenull261 function DbgSName(const p: TClass): string; overload; inline;
DbgStrnull262 function DbgStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: string): string; overload; inline;
DbgWideStrnull263 function DbgWideStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: widestring): string; overload; inline;
dbgMemRangenull264 function dbgMemRange(P: PByte; Count: integer; Width: integer = 0): string; overload; inline;
dbgMemStreamnull265 function dbgMemStream(MemStream: TCustomMemoryStream; Count: integer): string; overload; inline;
dbgObjMemnull266 function dbgObjMem(AnObject: TObject): string; overload; inline;
dbgHexnull267 function dbgHex(i: Int64): string; overload; inline;
DbgSWindowPosFlagsnull268 function DbgSWindowPosFlags(Flags: UInt): String;
DbgSnull270 function DbgS(const i1,i2,i3,i4: integer): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull271 function DbgS(const Shift: TShiftState): string; overload; inline;
DbgsVKCodenull272 function DbgsVKCode(c: word): string;
DbgSnull274 function DbgS(const ASize: TSize): string; overload; inline;
DbgSnull275 function DbgS(const ATM: TTextMetric): string; overload;
DbgSnull276 function DbgS(const AScrollInfo: TScrollInfo): string; overload;
DbgSnull277 function DbgS(const AVariant: Variant): string; overload;
279 procedure DbgOutThreadLog(const Msg: string); overload;
280 procedure DebuglnThreadLog(const Msg: string); overload;
281 procedure DebuglnThreadLog(Args: array of const); overload;
282 procedure DebuglnThreadLog; overload;
283 procedure DbgSaveData(FileName: String; AData: PChar; ADataSize: PtrUInt);
284 procedure DbgAppendToFile(FileName, S: String);
285 procedure DbgAppendToFileWithoutLn(FileName, S: String);
287 // some string manipulation functions
StripLNnull288 function StripLN(const ALine: String): String;
GetPartnull289 function GetPart(const ASkipTo, AnEnd: String; var ASource: String;
290 const AnIgnoreCase: Boolean = False; const AnUpdateSource: Boolean = True): String; overload;
GetPartnull291 function GetPart(const ASkipTo, AnEnd: array of String; var ASource: String;
292 const AnIgnoreCase: Boolean = False; const AnUpdateSource: Boolean = True): String; overload;
TextToSingleLinenull293 function TextToSingleLine(const AText: string): string;
SwapCasenull294 function SwapCase(Const S: String): String;
296 // case..of utility functions
StringCasenull297 function StringCase(const AString: String; const ACase: array of String {; const AIgnoreCase = False, APartial = false: Boolean}): Integer; overload;
StringCasenull298 function StringCase(const AString: String; const ACase: array of String; const AIgnoreCase, APartial: Boolean): Integer; overload;
ClassCasenull299 function ClassCase(const AClass: TClass; const ACase: array of TClass {; const ADescendant: Boolean = True}): Integer; overload;
ClassCasenull300 function ClassCase(const AClass: TClass; const ACase: array of TClass; const ADecendant: Boolean): Integer; overload;
302 // MWE: define (missing) UTF16string similar to UTF8
303 // strictly spoken, a widestring <> utf16string
304 // todo: use it in existing functions
305 type
306 UTF16String = type UnicodeString;
307 PUTF16String = ^UTF16String;
309 // Felipe: Don't substitute with calls to lazutf16 because lazutf16 includes
310 // some initialization code and tables, which are not necessary for the LCL
311 function UTF16CharacterLength(p: PWideChar): integer;
312 function UTF16Length(const s: UTF16String): PtrInt;
313 function UTF16Length(p: PWideChar; WordCount: PtrInt): PtrInt;
314 function UTF16CharacterToUnicode(p: PWideChar; out CharLen: integer): Cardinal;
315 function UnicodeToUTF16(u: cardinal): UTF16String;
317 // identifier
318 function CreateFirstIdentifier(const Identifier: string): string;
319 function CreateNextIdentifier(const Identifier: string): string;
320 // Font
321 function IsFontNameDefault(const AName: string): boolean; inline;
323 {$IFDEF WithOldDebugln}
324 type
325 TDebugLnProc = procedure (s: string) of object;
327 var
328 DebugLnMaxNestPrefixLen: Integer = 15;
329 DebugLnNestLvlIndent: Integer = 2;
330 DebugText: ^Text;
332 DebugLnProc: TDebugLnProc = nil;
333 DebugOutProc: TDebugLnProc = nil;
334 {$ENDIF}
336 implementation
338 uses gettext;
340 const
341 {$IFDEF WithOldDebugln}
342 Str_LCL_Debug_File = 'lcldebug.log';
343 {$ENDIF}
344 UNKNOWN_VK_PREFIX = 'Word(''';
347 var
348 InterfaceInitializationHandlers: TFPList = nil;
349 InterfaceFinalizationHandlers: TFPList = nil;
350 {$IFDEF WithOldDebugln}
351 DebugTextAllocated: boolean;
352 DebugNestLvl: Integer = 0;
353 DebugNestPrefix: PChar = nil;
354 DebugNestAtBOL: Boolean;
355 {$ENDIF}
357 function DeleteAmpersands(var Str : String) : Longint;
358 // Replace all &x with x
359 // and return the position of the first ampersand letter in the resulting Str.
360 // double ampersands && are converted to a single & and are ignored.
361 var
362 SrcPos, DestPos, SrcLen: Integer;
363 begin
364 Result:=-1;
365 SrcLen:=length(Str);
366 SrcPos:=1;
367 DestPos:=1;
368 while SrcPos<=SrcLen do begin
369 if (Str[SrcPos]='&') and (SrcPos<SrcLen) then begin
370 // & found
371 inc(SrcPos); // skip &
372 if (Str[SrcPos]<>'&') and (Result<1) then
373 Result:=DestPos;
374 end;
375 if DestPos<SrcPos then
376 Str[DestPos]:=Str[SrcPos];
377 inc(SrcPos);
378 inc(DestPos);
379 end;
380 if DestPos<SrcPos then
381 SetLength(Str,DestPos-1);
382 end;
384 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
385 // Keys and shortcuts
387 const
388 // MS documentation:
389 // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375731(v=vs.85).aspx
390 //
391 // Note: ShortcutToText must ignore single key Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Win,
392 // so these items have empty str here
393 //
394 KeyCodeStrings: array[0..$FF] of string = (
395 'Unknown',
396 'Mouse_Left', // 0x1 - VK_LBUTTON
397 'Mouse_Right', // 0x2 - VK_RBUTTON
398 'Cancel', // 0x3 - VK_CANCEL - generated by Ctrl+Break
399 'Mouse_Middle', // 0x4 - VK_MBUTTON
400 'Mouse_X1', // 0x5 - VK_XBUTTON1
401 'Mouse_X2', // 0x6 - VK_XBUTTON2
402 '', // 0x7
403 'Backspace', // 0x8 - VK_BACK
404 'Tab', // 0x9 - VK_TAB
405 '', // 0xa
406 '', // 0xb
407 'NumClear', // 0xc - VK_CLEAR - generated by Num5 (NumLock off)
408 'Enter', // 0xd - VK_RETURN
409 '', // 0xe
410 '', // 0xf
411 '', //'Shift', // 0x10 - VK_SHIFT
412 '', //'Ctrl', // 0x11 - VK_CONTROL
413 '', //'Alt', // 0x12 - VK_MENU
414 'Break', // 0x13 - VK_PAUSE - Pause/Break key
415 'CapsLock', // 0x14 - VK_CAPITAL
416 'IME_Kana', // 0x15 - VK_KANA
417 '', // 0x16
418 'IME_Junja', // 0x17 - VK_JUNJA
419 'IME_final', // 0x18 - VK_FINAL
420 'IME_Hanja', // 0x19 - VK_HANJA
421 '', // 0x1a
422 'Esc', // 0x1b - VK_ESCAPE
423 'IME_convert', // 0x1c - VK_CONVERT
424 'IME_nonconvert', // 0x1d - VK_NONCONVERT
425 'IME_accept', // 0x1e - VK_ACCEPT
426 'IME_mode_change', // 0x1f - VK_MODECHANGE
427 'Space', // 0x20 - VK_SPACE
428 'PgUp', // 0x21 - VK_PRIOR
429 'PgDown', // 0x22 - VK_NEXT
430 'End', // 0x23 - VK_END
431 'Home', // 0x24 - VK_HOME
432 'Left', // 0x25 - VK_LEFT
433 'Up', // 0x26 - VK_UP
434 'Right', // 0x27 - VK_RIGHT
435 'Down', // 0x28 - VK_DOWN
436 'Select', // 0x29 - VK_SELECT
437 'Print', // 0x2a - VK_PRINT
438 'Execute', // 0x2b - VK_EXECUTE
439 'PrintScreen', // 0x2c - VK_SNAPSHOT
440 'Ins', // 0x2d - VK_INSERT
441 'Del', // 0x2e - VK_DELETE
442 'Help', // 0x2f - VK_HELP
443 '0', // 0x30
444 '1', // 0x31
445 '2', // 0x32
446 '3', // 0x33
447 '4', // 0x34
448 '5', // 0x35
449 '6', // 0x36
450 '7', // 0x37
451 '8', // 0x38
452 '9', // 0x39
453 '', // 0x3a
454 '', // 0x3b
455 '', // 0x3c
456 '', // 0x3d
457 '', // 0x3e
458 '', // 0x3f
459 '', // 0x40
460 'A', // 0x41
461 'B', // 0x42
462 'C', // 0x43
463 'D', // 0x44
464 'E', // 0x45
465 'F', // 0x46
466 'G', // 0x47
467 'H', // 0x48
468 'I', // 0x49
469 'J', // 0x4a
470 'K', // 0x4b
471 'L', // 0x4c
472 'M', // 0x4d
473 'N', // 0x4e
474 'O', // 0x4f
475 'P', // 0x50
476 'Q', // 0x51
477 'R', // 0x52
478 'S', // 0x53
479 'T', // 0x54
480 'U', // 0x55
481 'V', // 0x56
482 'W', // 0x57
483 'X', // 0x58
484 'Y', // 0x59
485 'Z', // 0x5a
486 '', //'LWindows', // 0x5b - VK_LWIN
487 '', //'RWindows', // 0x5c - VK_RWIN
488 'PopUp', // 0x5d - VK_APPS - PC, key near right Ctrl
489 '', // 0x5e
490 'Sleep', // 0x5f - VK_SLEEP
491 'Num0', // 0x60 - VK_NUMPAD0
492 'Num1', // 0x61
493 'Num2', // 0x62
494 'Num3', // 0x63
495 'Num4', // 0x64
496 'Num5', // 0x65
497 'Num6', // 0x66
498 'Num7', // 0x67
499 'Num8', // 0x68
500 'Num9', // 0x69 - VK_NUMPAD9
501 'NumMul', // 0x6a - VK_MULTIPLY
502 'NumPlus', // 0x6b - VK_ADD
503 'NumSepar', // 0x6c - VK_SEPARATOR
504 'NumMinus', // 0x6d - VK_SUBTRACT
505 'NumDot', // 0x6e - VK_DECIMAL
506 'NumDiv', // 0x6f - VK_DIVIDE
507 'F1', // 0x70 - VK_F1
508 'F2', // 0x71
509 'F3', // 0x72
510 'F4', // 0x73
511 'F5', // 0x74
512 'F6', // 0x75
513 'F7', // 0x76
514 'F8', // 0x77
515 'F9', // 0x78
516 'F10', // 0x79
517 'F11', // 0x7a
518 'F12', // 0x7b
519 'F13', // 0x7c
520 'F14', // 0x7d
521 'F15', // 0x7e
522 'F16', // 0x7f
523 'F17', // 0x80
524 'F18', // 0x81
525 'F19', // 0x82
526 'F20', // 0x83
527 'F21', // 0x84
528 'F22', // 0x85
529 'F23', // 0x86
530 'F24', // 0x87 - VK_F24
531 '', // 0x88
532 '', // 0x89
533 '', // 0x8a
534 '', // 0x8b
535 '', // 0x8c
536 '', // 0x8d
537 '', // 0x8e
538 '', // 0x8f
539 'NumLock', // 0x90 - VK_NUMLOCK
540 'ScrollLock', // 0x91 - VK_SCROLL
541 'OEM_0x92', // 0x92
542 'OEM_0x93', // 0x93
543 'OEM_0x94', // 0x94
544 'OEM_0x95', // 0x95
545 'OEM_0x96', // 0x96
546 '', // 0x97
547 '', // 0x98
548 '', // 0x99
549 '', // 0x9a
550 '', // 0x9b
551 '', // 0x9c
552 '', // 0x9d
553 '', // 0x9e
554 '', // 0x9f
555 '', //'LShift', // 0xa0 - VK_LSHIFT
556 '', //'RShift', // 0xa1 - VK_RSHIFT
557 '', //'LCtrl', // 0xa2 - VK_LCONTROL
558 '', //'RCtrl', // 0xa3 - VK_RCONTROL
559 '', //'LAlt', // 0xa4 - VK_LMENU
560 '', //'RAlt', // 0xa5 - VK_RMENU
561 'BrowserBack', // 0xa6 - VK_BROWSER_BACK
562 'BrowserForward', // 0xa7 - VK_BROWSER_FORWARD
563 'BrowserRefresh', // 0xa8 - VK_BROWSER_REFRESH
564 'BrowserStop', // 0xa9 - VK_BROWSER_STOP
565 'BrowserSearch', // 0xaa - VK_BROWSER_SEARCH
566 'BrowserFav', // 0xab - VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES
567 'BrowserHome', // 0xac - VK_BROWSER_HOME
568 'VolumeMute', // 0xad - VK_VOLUME_MUTE
569 'VolumeDown', // 0xae - VK_VOLUME_DOWN
570 'VolumeUp', // 0xaf - VK_VOLUME_UP
571 'MediaNext', // 0xb0 - VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK
572 'MediaPrev', // 0xb1 - VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK
573 'MediaStop', // 0xb2 - VK_MEDIA_STOP
574 'MediaPlayPause', // 0xb3 - VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE
575 'LaunchMail', // 0xb4 - VK_LAUNCH_MAIL
576 'LaunchMedia', // 0xb5 - VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT
577 'LaunchApp1', // 0xb6 - VK_LAUNCH_APP1
578 'LaunchApp2', // 0xb7 - VK_LAUNCH_APP2
579 '', // 0xb8
580 '', // 0xb9
581 ';', // 0xba - VK_OEM_1 - Can vary by keyboard, US keyboard, the ';:' key
582 '+', // 0xbb - VK_OEM_PLUS - For any country/region, the '+' key
583 ',', // 0xbc - VK_OEM_COMMA - For any country/region, the ',' key
584 '-', // 0xbd - VK_OEM_MINUS - For any country/region, the '-' key
585 '.', // 0xbe - VK_OEM_PERIOD - For any country/region, the '.' key
586 '/', // 0xbf - VK_OEM_2 - Can vary by keyboard, US keyboard, the '/?' key
587 '`', // 0xc0 - VK_OEM_3 - Can vary by keyboard, US keyboard, the '`~' key
588 '', // 0xc1
589 '', // 0xc2
590 '', // 0xc3
591 '', // 0xc4
592 '', // 0xc5
593 '', // 0xc6
594 '', // 0xc7
595 '', // 0xc8
596 '', // 0xc9
597 '', // 0xca
598 '', // 0xcb
599 '', // 0xcc
600 '', // 0xcd
601 '', // 0xce
602 '', // 0xcf
603 '', // 0xd0
604 '', // 0xd1
605 '', // 0xd2
606 '', // 0xd3
607 '', // 0xd4
608 '', // 0xd5
609 '', // 0xd6
610 '', // 0xd7
611 '', // 0xd8
612 '', // 0xd9
613 '', // 0xda
614 '[', // 0xdb - VK_OEM_4 - Can vary by keyboard, US keyboard, the '[{' key
615 '\', // 0xdc - VK_OEM_5 - Can vary by keyboard, US keyboard, the '\|' key
616 ']', // 0xdd - VK_OEM_6 - Can vary by keyboard, US keyboard, the ']}' key
617 '''', // 0xde - VK_OEM_7 - Can vary by keyboard, US keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key
618 'OEM_8', // 0xdf - VK_OEM_8
619 '', // 0xe0
620 'OEM_0xE1', // 0xe1
621 '\', // 0xe2 - VK_OEM_102 - Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard
622 'OEM_0xE3', // 0xe3
623 'OEM_0xE4', // 0xe4
624 'IME_process', // 0xe5 - VK_PROCESSKEY
625 'OEM_0xE6', // 0xe6
626 'UnicodePacket', // 0xe7 - VK_PACKET
627 '', // 0xe8
628 'OEM_0xE9', // 0xe9
629 'OEM_0xEA', // 0xea
630 'OEM_0xEB', // 0xeb
631 'OEM_0xEC', // 0xec
632 'OEM_0xED', // 0xed
633 'OEM_0xEE', // 0xee
634 'OEM_0xEF', // 0xef
635 'OEM_0xF0', // 0xf0
636 'OEM_0xF1', // 0xf1
637 'OEM_0xF2', // 0xf2
638 'OEM_0xF3', // 0xf3
639 'OEM_0xF4', // 0xf4
640 'OEM_0xF5', // 0xf5
641 'Attn', // 0xf6 - VK_ATTN
642 'CrSel', // 0xf7 - VK_CRSEL
643 'ExSel', // 0xf8 - VK_EXSEL
644 'EraseEOF', // 0xf9 - VK_EREOF
645 'Play', // 0xfa - VK_PLAY
646 'Zoom', // 0xfb - VK_ZOOM
647 '', // 0xfc
648 'PA1', // 0xfd - VK_PA1
649 'OEM_Clear', // 0xfe - VK_OEM_CLEAR
650 '' // 0xff
651 );
654 function CompareDebugLCLItemInfos(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
655 begin
656 Result:=ComparePointers(TDebugLCLItemInfo(Data1).Item,
657 TDebugLCLItemInfo(Data2).Item);
658 end;
660 function CompareItemWithDebugLCLItemInfo(Item, DebugItemInfo: Pointer): integer;
661 begin
662 Result:=ComparePointers(Item,TDebugLCLItemInfo(DebugItemInfo).Item);
663 end;
665 function GetEnumValueDef(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Name: string;
666 const DefaultValue: Integer): Integer;
667 begin
668 Result:=GetEnumValue(TypeInfo,Name);
669 if Result<0 then
670 Result:=DefaultValue;
671 end;
673 function KeyCodeToKeyString(Key: TShortCut; Localized: boolean): string;
674 begin
675 if Key <= High(KeyCodeStrings) then
676 begin
677 if Localized then
678 case Key of
679 VK_UNKNOWN: Result:=ifsVK_UNKNOWN;
680 VK_BACK: Result:=SmkcBkSp;
681 VK_TAB: Result:=SmkcTab;
682 VK_ESCAPE: Result:=SmkcEsc;
683 VK_RETURN: Result:=SmkcEnter;
684 VK_SPACE: Result:=SmkcSpace;
685 VK_PRIOR: Result:=SmkcPgUp;
686 VK_NEXT: Result:=SmkcPgDn;
687 VK_END: Result:=SmkcEnd;
688 VK_HOME: Result:=SmkcHome;
689 VK_LEFT: Result:=SmkcLeft;
690 VK_UP: Result:=SmkcUp;
691 VK_RIGHT: Result:=SmkcRight;
692 VK_DOWN: Result:=SmkcDown;
693 VK_INSERT: Result:=SmkcIns;
694 VK_DELETE: Result:=SmkcDel;
695 VK_HELP: Result:=ifsVK_HELP;
696 // must ignore single Shift, Alt, Ctrl in KeyCodeStrings
697 //VK_SHIFT: Result:=SmkcShift;
698 //VK_CONTROL: Result:=SmkcCtrl;
699 //VK_MENU: Result:=SmkcAlt;
700 otherwise
701 Result := KeyCodeStrings[Key];
702 end
703 else
704 Result := KeyCodeStrings[Key];
705 end
706 else
707 case Key of
708 scMeta: if Localized then Result:=SmkcMeta else Result:='Meta+';
709 scShift: if Localized then Result:=SmkcShift else Result:='Shift+';
710 scCtrl: if Localized then Result:=SmkcCtrl else Result:='Ctrl+';
711 scAlt: if Localized then Result:=SmkcAlt else Result:='Alt+';
712 otherwise
713 Result:='';
714 end;
715 end;
717 // Used also by TWidgetSet.GetAcceleratorString
718 function KeyAndShiftStateToKeyString(Key: word; ShiftState: TShiftState): String;
720 procedure AddPart(const APart: string);
721 begin
722 if Result <> '' then
723 Result := Result + '+';
724 Result := Result + APart;
725 end;
727 var
728 s: string;
729 begin
730 Result := '';
731 if ssCtrl in ShiftState then AddPart(ifsCtrl);
732 if ssAlt in ShiftState then AddPart(ifsAlt);
733 if ssShift in ShiftState then AddPart(ifsVK_SHIFT);
734 if ssMeta in ShiftState then
735 {$IFDEF LCLcarbon}
736 AddPart(ifsVK_CMD);
737 {$ELSE}
738 AddPart(ifsVK_META);
739 {$ENDIF}
740 if ssSuper in ShiftState then AddPart(ifsVK_SUPER);
742 s := KeyCodeToKeyString(Key, true);
743 // function returned "Word(nnn)" previously, keep this
744 if s = '' then
746 AddPart(s);
747 end;
749 function KeyStringIsIrregular(const s: string): boolean;
750 begin
751 Result:=(length(UNKNOWN_VK_PREFIX)<length(s)) and
752 (AnsiStrLComp(PChar(s),PChar(UNKNOWN_VK_PREFIX),length(UNKNOWN_VK_PREFIX))=0);
753 end;
755 function ShortCutToTextGeneric(ShortCut: TShortCut; Localized: boolean): string;
756 var
757 Name: string;
758 begin
759 Result := '';
760 Name := KeyCodeToKeyString(ShortCut and $FF, Localized);
761 if Name <> '' then
762 begin
763 if ShortCut and scShift <> 0 then Result := Result + KeyCodeToKeyString(scShift, Localized);
764 if ShortCut and scCtrl <> 0 then Result := Result + KeyCodeToKeyString(scCtrl, Localized);
765 if ShortCut and scMeta <> 0 then Result := Result + KeyCodeToKeyString(scMeta, Localized);
766 if ShortCut and scAlt <> 0 then Result := Result + KeyCodeToKeyString(scAlt, Localized);
767 Result := Result + Name;
768 end;
769 end;
771 function ShortCutToText(ShortCut: TShortCut): string;
772 begin
773 Result:=ShortCutToTextGeneric(ShortCut, true);
774 end;
776 function ShortCutToTextRaw(ShortCut: TShortCut): string;
777 begin
778 Result:=ShortCutToTextGeneric(ShortCut, false);
779 end;
781 function TextToShortCutGeneric(const ShortCutText: string; Localized: boolean): TShortCut;
783 function CompareFront(var StartPos: integer; const Front: string): Boolean;
784 begin
785 if (Front<>'') and (StartPos+length(Front)-1<=length(ShortCutText))
786 and (AnsiStrLIComp(@ShortCutText[StartPos], PChar(Front), Length(Front))= 0)
787 then begin
788 Result:=true;
789 inc(StartPos,length(Front));
790 end else
791 Result:=false;
792 end;
794 var
795 Key: TShortCut;
796 Shift: TShortCut;
797 StartPos: integer;
798 Name: string;
799 begin
800 Result := 0;
801 if ShortCutText = '' then Exit;
802 Shift := 0;
803 StartPos := 1;
804 while True do
805 begin
806 if CompareFront(StartPos, KeyCodeToKeyString(scShift, Localized)) then
807 Shift := Shift or scShift
808 else if CompareFront(StartPos, '^') then
809 Shift := Shift or scCtrl
810 else if CompareFront(StartPos, KeyCodeToKeyString(scCtrl, Localized)) then
811 Shift := Shift or scCtrl
812 else if CompareFront(StartPos, KeyCodeToKeyString(scAlt, Localized)) then
813 Shift := Shift or scAlt
814 else if CompareFront(StartPos, KeyCodeToKeyString(scMeta, Localized)) then
815 Shift := Shift or scMeta
816 else
817 Break;
818 end;
820 for Key := Low(KeyCodeStrings) to High(KeyCodeStrings) do
821 begin
822 Name := KeyCodeToKeyString(Key, Localized);
823 if (Name<>'') and (length(Name)=length(ShortCutText)-StartPos+1)
824 and (AnsiStrLIComp(@ShortCutText[StartPos], PChar(Name), length(Name)) = 0)
825 then begin
826 Result := Key or Shift;
827 Exit;
828 end;
829 end;
830 end;
832 function TextToShortCut(const ShortCutText: string): TShortCut;
833 begin
834 Result:=TextToShortCutGeneric(ShortCutText, true);
835 end;
837 function TextToShortCutRaw(const ShortCutText: string): TShortCut;
838 begin
839 Result:=TextToShortCutGeneric(ShortCutText, false);
840 end;
842 function GetCompleteText(const sText: string; iSelStart: Integer;
843 bCaseSensitive, bSearchAscending: Boolean; slTextList: TStrings): string;
845 function IsSamePrefix(const sCompareText, sPrefix: string; iStart: Integer;
846 var ResultText: string): Boolean;
847 var
848 sTempText: string;
849 begin
850 Result := False;
851 sTempText := UTF8Copy(sCompareText, 1, iStart);
852 if not bCaseSensitive then
853 sTempText := UTF8UpperCase(sTempText);
854 if (sTempText = sPrefix) then
855 begin
856 ResultText := sCompareText;
857 Result := True;
858 end;
859 end;
861 var
862 i: Integer;
863 sPrefixText: string;
864 begin
865 //DebugLn(['GetCompleteText sText=',sText,' iSelStart=',iSelStart,' bCaseSensitive=',bCaseSensitive,' bSearchAscending=',bSearchAscending,' slTextList.Count=',slTextList.Count]);
866 Result := sText;//Default to return original text if no identical text are found
867 if (sText = '') then Exit;//Everything is compatible with nothing, Exit.
868 if (iSelStart = 0) then Exit;//Cursor at beginning
869 if (slTextList.Count = 0) then Exit;//No text list to search for idtenticals, Exit.
870 sPrefixText := UTF8Copy(sText, 1, iSelStart);//Get text from beginning to cursor position.
871 if not bCaseSensitive then
872 sPrefixText := UTF8UpperCase(sPrefixText);
873 if bSearchAscending then
874 begin
875 for i := 0 to slTextList.Count - 1 do
876 if IsSamePrefix(slTextList[i], sPrefixText, iSelStart, Result) then
877 break;
878 end else
879 begin
880 for i := slTextList.Count - 1 downto 0 do
881 if IsSamePrefix(slTextList[i], sPrefixText, iSelStart, Result) then
882 break;
883 end;
884 end;
886 function IsEditableTextKey(Key: Word): Boolean;
887 begin
888 Result := (((Key >= VK_A) and (Key <= VK_Z)) or
889 ((Key >= VK_NUMPAD0) and (Key <= VK_DIVIDE)) or
890 ((Key >= VK_0) and (Key <= VK_9)) or
891 ((Key >= 186) and (Key <= 188)) or
892 ((Key >= 190) and (Key <= 192)) or
893 ((Key >= 219) and (Key <= 222)));
894 end;
896 function SendApplicationMessage(Msg: Cardinal; WParam: WParam; LParam: LParam
897 ): Longint;
898 begin
899 if SendApplicationMessageFunction<>nil then
900 Result:=SendApplicationMessageFunction(Msg, WParam, LParam)
901 else
902 Result:=0;
903 end;
905 procedure OwnerFormDesignerModified(AComponent: TComponent);
906 begin
907 if ([csDesigning,csLoading,csDestroying]*AComponent.ComponentState
908 =[csDesigning])
909 then begin
910 if OwnerFormDesignerModifiedProc<>nil then
911 OwnerFormDesignerModifiedProc(AComponent);
912 end;
913 end;
915 function OffSetRect(var ARect: TRect; dx,dy: Integer): Boolean;
916 Begin
917 with ARect do
918 begin
919 Left := Left + dx;
920 Right := Right + dx;
921 Top := Top + dy;
922 Bottom := Bottom + dy;
923 end;
924 Result := (ARect.Left >= 0) and (ARect.Top >= 0);
925 end;
927 procedure FreeThenNil(var obj);
928 begin
929 LazUtilities.FreeThenNil(obj);
930 end;
932 procedure RegisterInterfaceInitializationHandler(p: TProcedure);
933 begin
934 InterfaceInitializationHandlers.Add(p);
935 end;
937 procedure CallInterfaceInitializationHandlers;
938 var
939 i: Integer;
940 begin
941 for i:=0 to InterfaceInitializationHandlers.Count-1 do
942 TProcedure(InterfaceInitializationHandlers[i])();
943 end;
945 procedure RegisterInterfaceFinalizationHandler(p: TProcedure);
946 begin
947 InterfaceFinalizationHandlers.Add(p);
948 end;
950 procedure CallInterfaceFinalizationHandlers;
951 var
952 i: Integer;
953 begin
954 for i:=InterfaceFinalizationHandlers.Count-1 downto 0 do
955 TProcedure(InterfaceFinalizationHandlers[i])();
956 end;
958 procedure MoveRect(var ARect: TRect; x, y: Integer);
959 begin
960 inc(ARect.Right,x-ARect.Left);
961 inc(ARect.Bottom,y-ARect.Top);
962 ARect.Left:=x;
963 ARect.Top:=y;
964 end;
966 procedure MoveRectToFit(var ARect: TRect; const MaxRect: TRect);
967 // move ARect, so it fits into MaxRect
968 // if MaxRect is too small, ARect is resized.
969 begin
970 if ARect.Left<MaxRect.Left then begin
971 // move rectangle right
972 ARect.Right:=Min(ARect.Right+MaxRect.Left-ARect.Left,MaxRect.Right);
973 ARect.Left:=MaxRect.Left;
974 end;
975 if ARect.Top<MaxRect.Top then begin
976 // move rectangle down
977 ARect.Bottom:=Min(ARect.Bottom+MaxRect.Top-ARect.Top,MaxRect.Bottom);
978 ARect.Top:=MaxRect.Top;
979 end;
980 if ARect.Right>MaxRect.Right then begin
981 // move rectangle left
982 ARect.Left:=Max(ARect.Left-ARect.Right+MaxRect.Right,MaxRect.Left);
983 ARect.Right:=MaxRect.Right;
984 end;
985 if ARect.Bottom>MaxRect.Bottom then begin
986 // move rectangle left
987 ARect.Top:=Max(ARect.Top-ARect.Bottom+MaxRect.Bottom,MaxRect.Top);
988 ARect.Bottom:=MaxRect.Bottom;
989 end;
990 end;
992 procedure MakeMinMax(var i1, i2: integer);
993 var
994 h: Integer;
995 begin
996 if i1>i2 then begin
997 h:=i1;
998 i1:=i2;
999 i2:=h;
1000 end;
1001 end;
1003 procedure CalculateLeftTopWidthHeight(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: integer;
1004 out Left, Top, Width, Height: integer);
1005 begin
1006 if X1 <= X2 then
1007 begin
1008 Left := X1;
1009 Width := X2 - X1;
1010 end
1011 else
1012 begin
1013 Left := X2;
1014 Width := X1 - X2;
1015 end;
1016 if Y1 <= Y2 then
1017 begin
1018 Top := Y1;
1019 Height := Y2 - Y1;
1020 end
1021 else
1022 begin
1023 Top := Y2;
1024 Height := Y1 - Y2;
1025 end;
1026 end;
1028 function ComparePointers(p1, p2: Pointer): integer;
1029 begin
1030 Result:=LazUtilities.ComparePointers(p1, p2);
1031 end;
1033 function CompareHandles(h1, h2: THandle): integer;
1034 begin
1035 if h1>h2 then
1036 Result:=1
1037 else if h1<h2 then
1038 Result:=-1
1039 else
1040 Result:=0;
1041 end;
1043 function CompareRect(R1, R2: PRect): Boolean;
1044 begin
1045 Result:=(R1^.Left=R2^.Left) and (R1^.Top=R2^.Top) and
1046 (R1^.Bottom=R2^.Bottom) and (R1^.Right=R2^.Right);
1047 {if not Result then begin
1048 DebugLn(' DIFFER: ',R1^.Left,',',R1^.Top,',',R1^.Right,',',R1^.Bottom
1049 ,' <> ',R2^.Left,',',R2^.Top,',',R2^.Right,',',R2^.Bottom);
1050 end;}
1051 end;
1053 function ComparePoints(const p1, p2: TPoint): integer;
1054 begin
1055 if p1.Y>p2.Y then
1056 Result:=1
1057 else if p1.Y<p2.Y then
1058 Result:=-1
1059 else if p1.X>p2.X then
1060 Result:=1
1061 else if p1.X<p2.X then
1062 Result:=-1
1063 else
1064 Result:=0;
1065 end;
1067 function CompareCaret(const FirstCaret, SecondCaret: TPoint): integer;
1068 begin
1069 if (FirstCaret.Y<SecondCaret.Y) then
1070 Result:=1
1071 else if (FirstCaret.Y>SecondCaret.Y) then
1072 Result:=-1
1073 else if (FirstCaret.X<SecondCaret.X) then
1074 Result:=1
1075 else if (FirstCaret.X>SecondCaret.X) then
1076 Result:=-1
1077 else
1078 Result:=0;
1079 end;
1081 function CompareMethods(const m1, m2: TMethod): boolean;
1082 begin
1083 Result:=LazMethodList.CompareMethods(m1, m2);
1084 end;
1086 function RoundToInt(const e: Extended): integer;
1087 begin
1088 Result:=integer(Round(e));
1089 {$IFDEF VerboseRound}
1090 DebugLn('RoundToInt ',e,' ',Result);
1091 {$ENDIF}
1092 end;
1094 function RoundToCardinal(const e: Extended): cardinal;
1095 begin
1096 Result:=cardinal(Round(e));
1097 {$IFDEF VerboseRound}
1098 DebugLn('RoundToCardinal ',e,' ',Result);
1099 {$ENDIF}
1100 end;
1102 function TruncToInt(const e: Extended): integer;
1103 begin
1104 Result:=integer(Trunc(e));
1105 {$IFDEF VerboseRound}
1106 DebugLn('TruncToInt ',e,' ',Result);
1107 {$ENDIF}
1108 end;
1110 function TruncToCardinal(const e: Extended): cardinal;
1111 begin
1112 Result:=cardinal(Trunc(e));
1113 {$IFDEF VerboseRound}
1114 DebugLn('TruncToCardinal ',e,' ',Result);
1115 {$ENDIF}
1116 end;
1118 function StrToDouble(const s: string): double;
1119 begin
1120 {$IFDEF VerboseRound}
1121 DebugLn('StrToDouble "',s,'"');
1122 {$ENDIF}
1123 Result:=Double(StrToFloat(s));
1124 end;
1126 procedure MergeSort(List: TFPList; const OnCompare: TListSortCompare);
1127 begin
1128 if List=nil then exit;
1129 MergeSort(List,0,List.Count-1,OnCompare);
1130 end;
1132 procedure MergeSort(List: TFPList; StartIndex, EndIndex: integer;
1133 const OnCompare: TListSortCompare);
1134 // sort so that for each i is OnCompare(List[i],List[i+1])<=0
1135 var
1136 MergeList: PPointer;
1138 procedure SmallSort(StartPos, EndPos: PtrInt);
1139 // use insertion sort for small lists
1140 var
1141 i: PtrInt;
1142 Best: PtrInt;
1143 j: PtrInt;
1144 Item: Pointer;
1145 begin
1146 for i:=StartPos to EndPos-1 do begin
1147 Best:=i;
1148 for j:=i+1 to EndPos do
1149 if OnCompare(List[Best],List[j])>0 then
1150 Best:=j;
1151 if Best>i then begin
1152 Item:=List[i];
1153 List[i]:=List[Best];
1154 List[Best]:=Item;
1155 end;
1156 end;
1157 end;
1159 procedure Merge(Pos1, Pos2, Pos3: PtrInt);
1160 // merge two sorted arrays
1161 // the first array ranges Pos1..Pos2-1, the second ranges Pos2..Pos3
1162 var Src1Pos,Src2Pos,DestPos,cmp,a:PtrInt;
1163 begin
1164 while (Pos3>=Pos2) and (OnCompare(List[Pos2-1],List[Pos3])<=0) do
1165 dec(Pos3);
1166 if (Pos1>=Pos2) or (Pos2>Pos3) then exit;
1167 Src1Pos:=Pos2-1;
1168 Src2Pos:=Pos3;
1169 DestPos:=Pos3;
1170 while (Src2Pos>=Pos2) and (Src1Pos>=Pos1) do begin
1171 cmp:=OnCompare(List[Src1Pos],List[Src2Pos]);
1172 if cmp>0 then begin
1173 MergeList[DestPos]:=List[Src1Pos];
1174 dec(Src1Pos);
1175 end else begin
1176 MergeList[DestPos]:=List[Src2Pos];
1177 dec(Src2Pos);
1178 end;
1179 dec(DestPos);
1180 end;
1181 while Src2Pos>=Pos2 do begin
1182 MergeList[DestPos]:=List[Src2Pos];
1183 dec(Src2Pos);
1184 dec(DestPos);
1185 end;
1186 for a:=DestPos+1 to Pos3 do
1187 List[a]:=MergeList[a];
1188 end;
1190 procedure Sort(StartPos, EndPos: PtrInt);
1191 // sort an interval in List. Use MergeList as work space.
1192 var
1193 mid: integer;
1194 begin
1195 if EndPos-StartPos<6 then begin
1196 SmallSort(StartPos,EndPos);
1197 end else begin
1198 mid:=(StartPos+EndPos) shr 1;
1199 Sort(StartPos,mid);
1200 Sort(mid+1,EndPos);
1201 Merge(StartPos,mid+1,EndPos);
1202 end;
1203 end;
1205 var
1206 Cnt: Integer;
1207 begin
1208 if (List=nil) then exit;
1209 Cnt:=List.Count;
1210 if StartIndex<0 then StartIndex:=0;
1211 if EndIndex>=Cnt then EndIndex:=Cnt-1;
1212 if StartIndex>=EndIndex then exit;
1213 MergeList:=GetMem(List.Count*SizeOf(Pointer));
1214 Sort(StartIndex,EndIndex);
1215 Freemem(MergeList);
1216 end;
1218 procedure MergeSort(List: TStrings; const OnCompare: TStringsSortCompare);
1219 // sort so that for each i is OnCompare(List[i],List[i+1])<=0
1220 var
1221 MergeList: PAnsiString;
1223 procedure SmallSort(StartPos, EndPos: PtrInt);
1224 // use insertion sort for small lists
1225 var
1226 i: PtrInt;
1227 Best: PtrInt;
1228 j: PtrInt;
1229 Item: string;
1230 begin
1231 for i:=StartPos to EndPos-1 do begin
1232 Best:=i;
1233 for j:=i+1 to EndPos do
1234 if OnCompare(List[Best],List[j])>0 then
1235 Best:=j;
1236 if Best>i then begin
1237 Item:=List[i];
1238 List[i]:=List[Best];
1239 List[Best]:=Item;
1240 end;
1241 end;
1242 end;
1244 procedure Merge(Pos1, Pos2, Pos3: PtrInt);
1245 // merge two sorted arrays
1246 // the first array ranges Pos1..Pos2-1, the second ranges Pos2..Pos3
1247 var Src1Pos,Src2Pos,DestPos,cmp,a:integer;
1248 begin
1249 while (Pos3>=Pos2) and (OnCompare(List[Pos2-1],List[Pos3])<=0) do
1250 dec(Pos3);
1251 if (Pos1>=Pos2) or (Pos2>Pos3) then exit;
1252 Src1Pos:=Pos2-1;
1253 Src2Pos:=Pos3;
1254 DestPos:=Pos3;
1255 while (Src2Pos>=Pos2) and (Src1Pos>=Pos1) do begin
1256 cmp:=OnCompare(List[Src1Pos],List[Src2Pos]);
1257 if cmp>0 then begin
1258 MergeList[DestPos]:=List[Src1Pos];
1259 dec(Src1Pos);
1260 end else begin
1261 MergeList[DestPos]:=List[Src2Pos];
1262 dec(Src2Pos);
1263 end;
1264 dec(DestPos);
1265 end;
1266 while Src2Pos>=Pos2 do begin
1267 MergeList[DestPos]:=List[Src2Pos];
1268 dec(Src2Pos);
1269 dec(DestPos);
1270 end;
1271 for a:=DestPos+1 to Pos3 do
1272 List[a]:=MergeList[a];
1273 end;
1275 procedure Sort(StartPos, EndPos: PtrInt);
1276 // sort an interval in List. Use MergeList as work space.
1277 var
1278 mid: integer;
1279 begin
1280 if EndPos-StartPos<6 then begin
1281 SmallSort(StartPos,EndPos);
1282 end else begin
1283 mid:=(StartPos+EndPos) shr 1;
1284 Sort(StartPos,mid);
1285 Sort(mid+1,EndPos);
1286 Merge(StartPos,mid+1,EndPos);
1287 end;
1288 end;
1290 var
1291 CurSize: PtrInt;
1292 i: PtrInt;
1293 begin
1294 if (List=nil) or (List.Count<=1) then exit;
1295 CurSize:=PtrInt(List.Count)*SizeOf(Pointer);
1296 MergeList:=GetMem(CurSize);
1297 FillChar(MergeList^,CurSize,0);
1298 Sort(0,List.Count-1);
1299 for i:=0 to List.Count-1 do MergeList[i]:='';
1300 Freemem(MergeList);
1301 end;
1304 // Debug funcs :
1306 procedure RaiseGDBException(const Msg: string);
1307 begin
1308 LazTracer.RaiseGDBException(Msg);
1309 end;
1311 {$IFnDEF WithOldDebugln}
1312 procedure CloseDebugOutput;
1313 begin
1314 DebugLogger.Finish;
1315 end;
1317 procedure DbgOut(const s: string);
1318 begin
1319 DebugLogger.DbgOut(s);
1320 end;
1322 procedure DbgOut(Args: array of const);
1323 begin
1324 DebugLogger.DbgOut(Args);
1325 end;
1327 procedure DbgOut(const S: String; Args: array of const);
1328 begin
1329 DebugLogger.DbgOut(S, Args);
1330 end;
1332 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string; const s4: string; const s5: string;
1333 const s6: string; const s7: string; const s8: string; const s9: string; const s10: string;
1334 const s11: string; const s12: string; const s13: string; const s14: string;
1335 const s15: string; const s16: string; const s17: string; const s18: string);
1336 begin
1337 DebugLogger.DbgOut(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18);
1338 end;
1340 procedure DebugLn(const s: string);
1341 begin
1342 DebugLogger.DebugLn(s);
1343 end;
1345 procedure DebugLn(Args: array of const);
1346 begin
1347 DebugLogger.DebugLn(Args);
1348 end;
1350 procedure DebugLn(const S: String; Args: array of const);
1351 begin
1352 DebugLogger.DebugLn(S, Args);
1353 end;
1355 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string; const s4: string; const s5: string;
1356 const s6: string; const s7: string; const s8: string; const s9: string; const s10: string;
1357 const s11: string; const s12: string; const s13: string; const s14: string;
1358 const s15: string; const s16: string; const s17: string; const s18: string);
1359 begin
1360 DebugLogger.DebugLn(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18);
1361 end;
1363 procedure DebugLnEnter(const s: string);
1364 begin
1365 DebugLogger.DebugLnEnter(s);
1366 end;
1368 procedure DebugLnEnter(Args: array of const);
1369 begin
1370 DebugLogger.DebugLnEnter(Args);
1371 end;
1373 procedure DebugLnEnter(s: string; Args: array of const);
1374 begin
1375 DebugLogger.DebugLnEnter(s, Args);
1376 end;
1378 procedure DebugLnEnter(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string; const s4: string;
1379 const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string; const s8: string; const s9: string;
1380 const s10: string; const s11: string; const s12: string; const s13: string;
1381 const s14: string; const s15: string; const s16: string; const s17: string;
1382 const s18: string);
1383 begin
1384 DebugLogger.DebugLnEnter(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18);
1385 end;
1387 procedure DebugLnExit(const s: string);
1388 begin
1389 DebugLogger.DebugLnExit(s);
1390 end;
1392 procedure DebugLnExit(Args: array of const);
1393 begin
1394 DebugLogger.DebugLnExit(Args);
1395 end;
1397 procedure DebugLnExit(s: string; Args: array of const);
1398 begin
1399 DebugLogger.DebugLnExit(s, Args);
1400 end;
1402 procedure DebugLnExit(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string; const s4: string;
1403 const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string; const s8: string; const s9: string;
1404 const s10: string; const s11: string; const s12: string; const s13: string;
1405 const s14: string; const s15: string; const s16: string; const s17: string;
1406 const s18: string);
1407 begin
1408 DebugLogger.DebugLnExit(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18);
1409 end;
1412 {$ELSE}
1414 procedure InitializeDebugOutput;
1415 var
1416 DebugFileName: string;
1418 function GetDebugFileName: string;
1419 const
1420 DebugLogStart = '--debug-log=';
1421 DebugLogStartLength = length(DebugLogStart);
1422 var
1423 i: integer;
1424 EnvVarName: string;
1425 begin
1426 Result := '';
1427 // first try to find the log file name in the command line parameters
1428 for i:= 1 to Paramcount do begin
1429 if copy(ParamStrUTF8(i),1, DebugLogStartLength)=DebugLogStart then begin
1430 Result := copy(ParamStrUTF8(i), DebugLogStartLength+1,
1431 Length(ParamStrUTF8(i))-DebugLogStartLength);
1432 end;
1433 end;
1434 // if not found yet, then try to find in the environment variables
1435 if (length(result)=0) then begin
1436 EnvVarName:= ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)),'') + '_debuglog';
1437 Result := GetEnvironmentVariableUTF8(EnvVarName);
1438 end;
1439 if (length(result)>0) then
1440 Result := ExpandFileNameUTF8(Result);
1441 end;
1443 var
1444 fm: Byte;
1445 begin
1446 DebugText := nil;
1447 DebugFileName := GetDebugFileName;
1448 if (length(DebugFileName)>0) and
1449 (DirPathExists(ExtractFileDir(DebugFileName))) then
1450 begin
1451 fm:=Filemode;
1452 new(DebugText);
1453 try
1454 Filemode:=fmShareDenyNone;
1455 Assign(DebugText^, DebugFileName);
1456 if FileExistsUTF8(DebugFileName) then
1457 Append(DebugText^)
1458 else
1459 Rewrite(DebugText^);
1460 except
1461 Freemem(DebugText);
1462 DebugText := nil;
1463 // Add extra line ending: a dialog will be shown in windows gui application
1464 writeln(StdOut, 'Cannot open file: ', DebugFileName+LineEnding);
1465 end;
1466 Filemode:=fm;
1467 end;
1468 if DebugText=nil then
1469 begin
1470 if TextRec(Output).Mode=fmClosed then
1471 DebugText := nil
1472 else
1473 DebugText := @Output;
1474 DebugTextAllocated := false;
1475 end else
1476 DebugTextAllocated := true;
1477 end;
1479 procedure CloseDebugOutput;
1480 begin
1481 if DebugTextAllocated then begin
1482 Close(DebugText^);
1483 Dispose(DebugText);
1484 DebugTextAllocated := false;
1485 end;
1486 DebugText := nil;
1487 end;
1489 procedure FinalizeDebugOutput;
1490 begin
1491 CloseDebugOutput;
1492 end;
1494 procedure DebugLnNestCreatePrefix;
1495 const
1496 CurrentLen: Integer = 0;
1497 var
1498 s: String;
1499 NewLen: Integer;
1500 begin
1501 NewLen := DebugNestLvl * DebugLnNestLvlIndent;
1502 if NewLen < 0 then NewLen := 0;
1503 if (NewLen >= DebugLnMaxNestPrefixLen) then begin
1504 NewLen := DebugLnMaxNestPrefixLen;
1505 s := IntToStr(DebugNestLvl);
1506 if length(s)+1 > NewLen then
1507 NewLen := length(s)+1;
1508 end else
1509 s := '';
1511 if NewLen > CurrentLen then
1512 ReAllocMem(DebugNestPrefix, NewLen+21);
1513 CurrentLen := NewLen+20;
1515 FillChar(DebugNestPrefix^, NewLen, ' ');
1516 if s <> '' then
1517 System.Move(s[1], DebugNestPrefix[0], length(s));
1519 if (NewLen >= DebugLnMaxNestPrefixLen) then
1520 DebugNestPrefix[DebugLnMaxNestPrefixLen] := #0
1521 else
1522 DebugNestPrefix[NewLen] := #0;
1523 end;
1525 procedure DebugLnNestFreePrefix;
1526 begin
1527 if DebugNestPrefix <> nil then
1528 ReAllocMem(DebugNestPrefix, 0);
1529 end;
1531 procedure DumpStack;
1532 begin
1533 if Assigned(DebugText) then
1534 Dump_Stack(DebugText^, get_frame);
1535 end;
1537 procedure DebugLn(Args: array of const);
1538 var
1539 i: Integer;
1540 begin
1541 for i:=Low(Args) to High(Args) do begin
1542 case Args[i].VType of
1543 vtInteger: DbgOut(dbgs(Args[i].vinteger));
1544 vtInt64: DbgOut(dbgs(Args[i].VInt64^));
1545 vtQWord: DbgOut(dbgs(Args[i].VQWord^));
1546 vtBoolean: DbgOut(dbgs(Args[i].vboolean));
1547 vtExtended: DbgOut(dbgs(Args[i].VExtended^));
1548 {$ifdef FPC_CURRENCY_IS_INT64}
1549 // MWE:
1550 // fpc 2.x has troubles in choosing the right dbgs()
1551 // so we convert here
1552 vtCurrency: DbgOut(dbgs(int64(Args[i].vCurrency^)/10000, 4));
1553 {$else}
1554 vtCurrency: DbgOut(dbgs(Args[i].vCurrency^));
1555 {$endif}
1556 vtString: DbgOut(Args[i].VString^);
1557 vtAnsiString: DbgOut(AnsiString(Args[i].VAnsiString));
1558 vtChar: DbgOut(Args[i].VChar);
1559 vtPChar: DbgOut(Args[i].VPChar);
1560 vtPWideChar: DbgOut(Args[i].VPWideChar);
1561 vtWideChar: DbgOut(AnsiString(Args[i].VWideChar));
1562 vtWidestring: DbgOut(AnsiString(WideString(Args[i].VWideString)));
1563 vtUnicodeString: DbgOut(AnsiString(UnicodeString(Args[i].VUnicodeString)));
1564 vtObject: DbgOut(DbgSName(Args[i].VObject));
1565 vtClass: DbgOut(DbgSName(Args[i].VClass));
1566 vtPointer: DbgOut(Dbgs(Args[i].VPointer));
1567 else
1568 DbgOut('?unknown variant?');
1569 end;
1570 end;
1571 DebugLn;
1572 end;
1574 procedure DebugLn(const S: String; Args: array of const);
1575 begin
1576 DebugLn(Format(S, Args));
1577 end;
1579 procedure DebugLn;
1580 begin
1581 DebugLn('');
1582 end;
1584 procedure DebugLn(const s: string);
1585 begin
1586 {$ifdef WinCE}
1587 if DebugNestAtBOL and (s <> '') then
1588 DbgAppendToFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + Str_LCL_Debug_File, DebugNestPrefix+s)
1589 else
1590 DbgAppendToFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + Str_LCL_Debug_File, s);
1591 {$else}
1592 // First of all verify if a widgetset has override DebugLn
1593 if DebugLnProc <> nil then
1594 begin
1595 DebugLnProc(s);
1596 Exit;
1597 end;
1599 // Now the default code
1600 if not Assigned(DebugText) then exit;
1601 if DebugNestAtBOL and (s <> '') then
1602 write(DebugText^, DebugNestPrefix);
1603 writeln(DebugText^, ConvertLineEndings(s));
1604 {$endif}
1605 DebugNestAtBOL := True;
1606 end;
1608 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2: string);
1609 begin
1610 DebugLn(s1+s2);
1611 end;
1613 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3: string);
1614 begin
1615 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3);
1616 end;
1618 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4: string);
1619 begin
1620 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4);
1621 end;
1623 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5: string);
1624 begin
1625 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5);
1626 end;
1628 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6: string);
1629 begin
1630 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6);
1631 end;
1633 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7: string);
1634 begin
1635 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7);
1636 end;
1638 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8: string);
1639 begin
1640 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8);
1641 end;
1643 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9: string);
1644 begin
1645 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9);
1646 end;
1648 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10: string);
1649 begin
1650 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10);
1651 end;
1653 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11: string);
1654 begin
1655 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11);
1656 end;
1658 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11,
1659 s12: string);
1660 begin
1661 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12);
1662 end;
1664 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12,
1665 s13: string);
1666 begin
1667 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13);
1668 end;
1670 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13,
1671 s14: string);
1672 begin
1673 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14);
1674 end;
1676 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13,
1677 s14, s15: string);
1678 begin
1679 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15);
1680 end;
1682 procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13,
1683 s14, s15, s16: string);
1684 begin
1685 DebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16);
1686 end;
1688 procedure DebugLnEnter(const s: string);
1689 begin
1690 if not DebugNestAtBOL then
1691 DebugLn;
1692 if s <> '' then
1693 DebugLn(s);
1694 inc(DebugNestLvl);
1695 DebugLnNestCreatePrefix;
1696 end;
1698 procedure DebugLnEnter(Args: array of const);
1699 begin
1700 if not DebugNestAtBOL then
1701 DebugLn;
1702 DebugLn(Args);
1703 inc(DebugNestLvl);
1704 DebugLnNestCreatePrefix;
1705 end;
1707 procedure DebugLnEnter(s: string; Args: array of const);
1708 begin
1709 DebugLnEnter(Format(s, Args));
1710 end;
1712 procedure DebugLnEnter(const s1: string; const s2: string; const s3: string;
1713 const s4: string; const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string;
1714 const s8: string; const s9: string; const s10: string; const s11: string;
1715 const s12: string; const s13: string; const s14: string; const s15: string;
1716 const s16: string; const s17: string; const s18: string);
1717 begin
1718 DebugLnEnter(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16+s17+s18);
1719 end;
1721 procedure DebugLnExit(const s: string);
1722 begin
1723 dec(DebugNestLvl);
1724 if DebugNestLvl < 0 then DebugNestLvl := 0;
1725 DebugLnNestCreatePrefix;
1726 if not DebugNestAtBOL then
1727 DebugLn;
1728 if s <> '' then
1729 DebugLn(s);
1730 end;
1732 procedure DebugLnExit(Args: array of const);
1733 begin
1734 dec(DebugNestLvl);
1735 if DebugNestLvl < 0 then DebugNestLvl := 0;
1736 DebugLnNestCreatePrefix;
1737 if not DebugNestAtBOL then
1738 DebugLn;
1739 DebugLn(Args);
1740 end;
1742 procedure DebugLnExit(s: string; Args: array of const);
1743 begin
1744 DebugLnExit(Format(s, Args));
1745 end;
1747 procedure DebugLnExit(const s1: string; const s2: string; const s3: string;
1748 const s4: string; const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string;
1749 const s8: string; const s9: string; const s10: string; const s11: string;
1750 const s12: string; const s13: string; const s14: string; const s15: string;
1751 const s16: string; const s17: string; const s18: string);
1752 begin
1753 DebugLnExit(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16+s17+s18);
1754 end;
1756 procedure DbgOut(const S: String; Args: array of const);
1757 begin
1758 DbgOut(Format(S, Args));
1759 end;
1761 procedure DBGOut(const s: string);
1762 begin
1763 {$ifdef WinCE}
1764 if DebugNestAtBOL and (s <> '') then
1765 DbgAppendToFileWithoutLn(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + Str_LCL_Debug_File, DebugNestPrefix);
1766 DbgAppendToFileWithoutLn(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + Str_LCL_Debug_File, s);
1767 {$else}
1768 if DebugOutProc <> nil then
1769 begin
1770 DebugOutProc(s);
1771 Exit;
1772 end;
1774 if Assigned(DebugText) then begin
1775 if DebugNestAtBOL and (s <> '') then
1776 write(DebugText^, DebugNestPrefix);
1777 write(DebugText^, s);
1778 end;
1779 {$endif}
1780 DebugNestAtBOL := (s = '') or (s[length(s)] in [#10,#13]);
1781 end;
1783 procedure DBGOut(const s1, s2: string);
1784 begin
1785 DbgOut(s1+s2);
1786 end;
1788 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3: string);
1789 begin
1790 DbgOut(s1+s2+s3);
1791 end;
1793 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4: string);
1794 begin
1795 DbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4);
1796 end;
1798 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5: string);
1799 begin
1800 DbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5);
1801 end;
1803 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6: string);
1804 begin
1805 DbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6);
1806 end;
1808 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7: string);
1809 begin
1810 DbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7);
1811 end;
1813 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8: string);
1814 begin
1815 DbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8);
1816 end;
1818 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9: string);
1819 begin
1820 DbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9);
1821 end;
1823 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10: string);
1824 begin
1825 DbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10);
1826 end;
1828 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11: string);
1829 begin
1830 DbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11);
1831 end;
1833 procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12: string);
1834 begin
1835 DbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12);
1836 end;
1837 {$ENDIF}
1839 function DbgS(const c: cardinal): string;
1840 begin
1841 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(c);
1842 end;
1844 function DbgS(const i: longint): string;
1845 begin
1846 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(i);
1847 end;
1849 function DbgS(const i: int64): string;
1850 begin
1851 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(i);
1852 end;
1854 function DbgS(const q: qword): string;
1855 begin
1856 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(q);
1857 end;
1859 function DbgS(const r: TRect): string;
1860 begin
1861 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(r);
1862 end;
1864 function DbgS(const p: TPoint): string;
1865 begin
1866 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(p);
1867 end;
1869 function DbgS(const p: pointer): string;
1870 begin
1871 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(p);
1872 end;
1874 function DbgS(const e: extended; MaxDecimals: integer): string;
1875 begin
1876 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(e,MaxDecimals);
1877 end;
1879 function DbgS(const b: boolean): string;
1880 begin
1881 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(b);
1882 end;
1884 function DbgS(const s: TComponentState): string;
1885 begin
1886 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(s);
1887 end;
1889 function DbgS(const m: TMethod): string;
1890 begin
1891 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(m);
1892 end;
1894 function DbgSName(const p: TObject): string;
1895 begin
1896 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgSName(p);
1897 end;
1899 function DbgSName(const p: TClass): string;
1900 begin
1901 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgSName(p);
1902 end;
1904 function DbgStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: string): string;
1905 begin
1906 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgStr(StringWithSpecialChars);
1907 end;
1909 function DbgWideStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: widestring): string;
1910 begin
1911 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgWideStr(StringWithSpecialChars);
1912 end;
1914 function dbgMemRange(P: PByte; Count: integer; Width: integer): string;
1915 begin
1916 Result:=LazLoggerBase.dbgMemRange(P,Count,Width);
1917 end;
1919 function dbgMemStream(MemStream: TCustomMemoryStream; Count: integer): string;
1920 begin
1921 Result:=LazLoggerBase.dbgMemStream(MemStream,Count);
1922 end;
1924 function dbgObjMem(AnObject: TObject): string;
1925 begin
1926 Result:=LazLoggerBase.dbgObjMem(AnObject);
1927 end;
1929 function dbghex(i: Int64): string;
1930 begin
1931 Result:=LazLoggerBase.dbghex(i);
1932 end;
1934 function DbgSWindowPosFlags(Flags: UInt): String;
1935 begin
1936 Result := '';
1937 if (SWP_NOSIZE and Flags) <> 0 then
1938 Result := Result + 'SWP_NOSIZE, ';
1939 if (SWP_NOMOVE and Flags) <> 0 then
1940 Result := Result + 'SWP_NOMOVE, ';
1941 if (SWP_NOZORDER and Flags) <> 0 then
1942 Result := Result + 'SWP_NOZORDER, ';
1943 if (SWP_NOREDRAW and Flags) <> 0 then
1944 Result := Result + 'SWP_NOREDRAW, ';
1945 if (SWP_NOACTIVATE and Flags) <> 0 then
1946 Result := Result + 'SWP_NOACTIVATE, ';
1947 if (SWP_DRAWFRAME and Flags) <> 0 then
1948 Result := Result + 'SWP_DRAWFRAME, ';
1949 if (SWP_SHOWWINDOW and Flags) <> 0 then
1950 Result := Result + 'SWP_SHOWWINDOW, ';
1951 if (SWP_HIDEWINDOW and Flags) <> 0 then
1952 Result := Result + 'SWP_HIDEWINDOW, ';
1953 if (SWP_NOCOPYBITS and Flags) <> 0 then
1954 Result := Result + 'SWP_NOCOPYBITS, ';
1955 if (SWP_NOOWNERZORDER and Flags) <> 0 then
1956 Result := Result + 'SWP_NOOWNERZORDER, ';
1957 if (SWP_NOSENDCHANGING and Flags) <> 0 then
1958 Result := Result + 'SWP_NOSENDCHANGING, ';
1959 if (SWP_DEFERERASE and Flags) <> 0 then
1960 Result := Result + 'SWP_DEFERERASE, ';
1961 if (SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS and Flags) <> 0 then
1962 Result := Result + 'SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS, ';
1963 if (SWP_STATECHANGED and Flags) <> 0 then
1964 Result := Result + 'SWP_STATECHANGED, ';
1965 if (SWP_SourceIsInterface and Flags) <> 0 then
1966 Result := Result + 'SWP_SourceIsInterface, ';
1967 if Result <> '' then
1968 Delete(Result, Length(Result) - 1, 2);
1969 end;
1971 function DbgS(const i1, i2, i3, i4: integer): string;
1972 begin
1973 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(i1,i2,i3,i4);
1974 end;
1976 function DbgS(const Shift: TShiftState): string;
1977 begin
1978 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(Shift);
1979 end;
1981 function DbgsVKCode(c: word): string;
1982 begin
1983 case c of
1984 VK_UNKNOWN: Result:='VK_UNKNOWN';
1985 VK_LBUTTON: Result:='VK_LBUTTON';
1986 VK_RBUTTON: Result:='VK_RBUTTON';
1987 VK_CANCEL: Result:='VK_CANCEL';
1988 VK_MBUTTON: Result:='VK_MBUTTON';
1989 VK_BACK: Result:='VK_BACK';
1990 VK_TAB: Result:='VK_TAB';
1991 VK_CLEAR: Result:='VK_CLEAR';
1992 VK_RETURN: Result:='VK_RETURN';
1993 VK_SHIFT: Result:='VK_SHIFT';
1994 VK_CONTROL: Result:='VK_CONTROL';
1995 VK_MENU: Result:='VK_MENU';
1996 VK_PAUSE: Result:='VK_PAUSE';
1997 VK_CAPITAL: Result:='VK_CAPITAL';
1998 VK_KANA: Result:='VK_KANA';
1999 VK_JUNJA: Result:='VK_JUNJA';
2000 VK_FINAL: Result:='VK_FINAL';
2001 VK_HANJA: Result:='VK_HANJA';
2002 VK_ESCAPE: Result:='VK_ESCAPE';
2003 VK_CONVERT: Result:='VK_CONVERT';
2005 VK_ACCEPT: Result:='VK_ACCEPT';
2007 VK_SPACE: Result:='VK_SPACE';
2008 VK_PRIOR: Result:='VK_PRIOR';
2009 VK_NEXT: Result:='VK_NEXT';
2010 VK_END: Result:='VK_END';
2011 VK_HOME: Result:='VK_HOME';
2012 VK_LEFT: Result:='VK_LEFT';
2013 VK_UP: Result:='VK_UP';
2014 VK_RIGHT: Result:='VK_RIGHT';
2015 VK_DOWN: Result:='VK_DOWN';
2016 VK_SELECT: Result:='VK_SELECT';
2017 VK_PRINT: Result:='VK_PRINT';
2018 VK_EXECUTE: Result:='VK_EXECUTE';
2020 VK_INSERT: Result:='VK_INSERT';
2021 VK_DELETE: Result:='VK_DELETE';
2022 VK_HELP: Result:='VK_HELP';
2024 VK_0: Result:='VK_0';
2025 VK_1: Result:='VK_1';
2026 VK_2: Result:='VK_2';
2027 VK_3: Result:='VK_3';
2028 VK_4: Result:='VK_4';
2029 VK_5: Result:='VK_5';
2030 VK_6: Result:='VK_6';
2031 VK_7: Result:='VK_7';
2032 VK_8: Result:='VK_8';
2033 VK_9: Result:='VK_9';
2035 VK_A: Result:='VK_A';
2036 VK_B: Result:='VK_B';
2037 VK_C: Result:='VK_C';
2038 VK_D: Result:='VK_D';
2039 VK_E: Result:='VK_E';
2040 VK_F: Result:='VK_F';
2041 VK_G: Result:='VK_G';
2042 VK_H: Result:='VK_H';
2043 VK_I: Result:='VK_I';
2044 VK_J: Result:='VK_J';
2045 VK_K: Result:='VK_K';
2046 VK_L: Result:='VK_L';
2047 VK_M: Result:='VK_M';
2048 VK_N: Result:='VK_N';
2049 VK_O: Result:='VK_O';
2050 VK_P: Result:='VK_P';
2051 VK_Q: Result:='VK_Q';
2052 VK_R: Result:='VK_R';
2053 VK_S: Result:='VK_S';
2054 VK_T: Result:='VK_T';
2055 VK_U: Result:='VK_U';
2056 VK_V: Result:='VK_V';
2057 VK_W: Result:='VK_W';
2058 VK_X: Result:='VK_X';
2059 VK_Y: Result:='VK_Y';
2060 VK_Z: Result:='VK_Z';
2062 VK_LWIN: Result:='VK_LWIN';
2063 VK_RWIN: Result:='VK_RWIN';
2064 VK_APPS: Result:='VK_APPS';
2065 VK_SLEEP: Result:='VK_SLEEP';
2067 VK_NUMPAD0: Result:='VK_NUMPAD0';
2068 VK_NUMPAD1: Result:='VK_NUMPAD1';
2069 VK_NUMPAD2: Result:='VK_NUMPAD2';
2070 VK_NUMPAD3: Result:='VK_NUMPAD3';
2071 VK_NUMPAD4: Result:='VK_NUMPAD4';
2072 VK_NUMPAD5: Result:='VK_NUMPAD5';
2073 VK_NUMPAD6: Result:='VK_NUMPAD6';
2074 VK_NUMPAD7: Result:='VK_NUMPAD7';
2075 VK_NUMPAD8: Result:='VK_NUMPAD8';
2076 VK_NUMPAD9: Result:='VK_NUMPAD9';
2078 VK_ADD: Result:='VK_ADD';
2081 VK_DECIMAL: Result:='VK_DECIMAL';
2082 VK_DIVIDE: Result:='VK_DIVIDE';
2083 VK_F1: Result:='VK_F1';
2084 VK_F2: Result:='VK_F2';
2085 VK_F3: Result:='VK_F3';
2086 VK_F4: Result:='VK_F4';
2087 VK_F5: Result:='VK_F5';
2088 VK_F6: Result:='VK_F6';
2089 VK_F7: Result:='VK_F7';
2090 VK_F8: Result:='VK_F8';
2091 VK_F9: Result:='VK_F9';
2092 VK_F10: Result:='VK_F10';
2093 VK_F11: Result:='VK_F11';
2094 VK_F12: Result:='VK_F12';
2095 VK_F13: Result:='VK_F13';
2096 VK_F14: Result:='VK_F14';
2097 VK_F15: Result:='VK_F15';
2098 VK_F16: Result:='VK_F16';
2099 VK_F17: Result:='VK_F17';
2100 VK_F18: Result:='VK_F18';
2101 VK_F19: Result:='VK_F19';
2102 VK_F20: Result:='VK_F20';
2103 VK_F21: Result:='VK_F21';
2104 VK_F22: Result:='VK_F22';
2105 VK_F23: Result:='VK_F23';
2106 VK_F24: Result:='VK_F24';
2108 VK_NUMLOCK: Result:='VK_NUMLOCK';
2109 VK_SCROLL: Result:='VK_SCROLL';
2111 VK_LSHIFT: Result:='VK_LSHIFT';
2112 VK_RSHIFT: Result:='VK_RSHIFT';
2115 VK_LMENU: Result:='VK_LMENU';
2116 VK_RMENU: Result:='VK_RMENU';
2127 VK_VOLUME_UP: Result:='VK_VOLUME_UP';
2134 VK_LAUNCH_APP1: Result:='VK_LAUNCH_APP1';
2135 VK_LAUNCH_APP2: Result:='VK_LAUNCH_APP2';
2136 // New keys in 0.9.31+
2137 VK_LCL_EQUAL: Result:='VK_LCL_EQUAL';
2138 VK_LCL_COMMA: Result:='VK_LCL_COMMA';
2139 VK_LCL_POINT: Result:='VK_LCL_POINT';
2140 VK_LCL_SLASH: Result:='VK_LCL_SLASH';
2142 VK_LCL_MINUS :Result:='VK_LCL_MINUS';
2146 VK_LCL_TILDE :Result:='VK_LCL_TILDE';
2147 VK_LCL_QUOTE :Result:='VK_LCL_QUOTE';
2148 //
2149 VK_LCL_POWER: Result:='VK_LCL_POWER';
2150 VK_LCL_CALL: Result:='VK_LCL_CALL';
2152 VK_LCL_AT: Result:='VK_LCL_AT';
2153 else
2154 Result:='VK_('+dbgs(c)+')';
2155 end;
2156 end;
2158 function DbgS(const ASize: TSize): string;
2159 begin
2160 Result:=LazLoggerBase.DbgS(ASize);
2161 end;
2163 function DbgS(const ATM: TTextMetric): string;
2164 begin
2165 with ATM do
2166 Result :=
2167 'tmHeight: ' + DbgS(tmHeight) +
2168 ' tmAscent: ' + DbgS(tmAscent) +
2169 ' tmDescent: ' + DbgS(tmDescent) +
2170 ' tmInternalLeading: ' + DbgS(tmInternalLeading) +
2171 ' tmExternalLeading: ' + DbgS(tmExternalLeading) +
2172 ' tmAveCharWidth: ' + DbgS(tmAveCharWidth) +
2173 ' tmMaxCharWidth: ' + DbgS(tmMaxCharWidth) +
2174 ' tmWeight: ' + DbgS(tmWeight) +
2175 ' tmOverhang: ' + DbgS(tmOverhang) +
2176 ' tmDigitizedAspectX: ' + DbgS(tmDigitizedAspectX) +
2177 ' tmDigitizedAspectY: ' + DbgS(tmDigitizedAspectY) +
2178 ' tmFirstChar: ' + tmFirstChar +
2179 ' tmLastChar: ' + tmLastChar +
2180 ' tmDefaultChar: ' + tmDefaultChar +
2181 ' tmBreakChar: ' + tmBreakChar +
2182 ' tmItalic: ' + DbgS(tmItalic) +
2183 ' tmUnderlined: ' + DbgS(tmUnderlined) +
2184 ' tmStruckOut: ' + DbgS(tmStruckOut) +
2185 ' tmPitchAndFamily: ' + DbgS(tmPitchAndFamily) +
2186 ' tmCharSet: ' + DbgS(tmCharSet);
2187 end;
2189 function DbgS(const AScrollInfo: TScrollInfo): string;
2190 begin
2191 Result := '';
2193 if (SIF_POS and AScrollInfo.fMask) > 0 then
2194 Result := 'Pos: ' + DbgS(AScrollInfo.nPos);
2195 if (SIF_RANGE and AScrollInfo.fMask) > 0 then
2196 Result := Result + ' Min: ' + DbgS(AScrollInfo.nMin) + ' Max: ' +
2197 DbgS(AScrollInfo.nMax);
2198 if (SIF_PAGE and AScrollInfo.fMask) > 0 then
2199 Result := Result + ' Page: ' + DbgS(AScrollInfo.nPage);
2200 if (SIF_TRACKPOS and AScrollInfo.fMask) > 0 then
2201 Result := Result + ' TrackPos: ' + DbgS(AScrollInfo.nTrackPos);
2203 if Result = '' then Result := '(no scrollinfo)';
2204 end;
2206 function DbgS(const AVariant: Variant): string;
2207 begin
2208 if TVarData(AVariant).VType = varEmpty then
2209 result := '<empty>'
2210 else
2211 if TVarData(AVariant).vtype = varNull then
2212 result := '<null>'
2213 else
2214 result := AVariant;
2215 end;
2217 procedure DbgOutThreadLog(const Msg: string);
2218 var
2219 PID: PtrInt;
2220 fs: TFileStreamUTF8;
2221 Filename: string;
2222 begin
2223 PID:=PtrInt(GetThreadID);
2224 Filename:='Log'+IntToStr(PID);
2225 if FileExistsUTF8(Filename) then
2226 fs:=TFileStreamUTF8.Create(Filename,fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyNone)
2227 else
2228 fs:=TFileStreamUTF8.Create(Filename,fmCreate);
2229 fs.Position:=fs.Size;
2230 fs.Write(Msg[1], length(Msg));
2231 fs.Free;
2232 end;
2234 procedure DebuglnThreadLog(const Msg: string);
2235 var
2236 PID: PtrInt;
2237 begin
2238 PID:=PtrInt(GetThreadID);
2239 DbgOutThreadLog(IntToStr(PtrInt(PID))+' : '+Msg+LineEnding);
2240 end;
2242 procedure DebuglnThreadLog(Args: array of const);
2243 var
2244 i: Integer;
2245 s: String;
2246 begin
2247 s:='';
2248 for i:=Low(Args) to High(Args) do begin
2249 case Args[i].VType of
2250 vtInteger: s:=s+dbgs(Args[i].vinteger);
2251 vtInt64: s:=s+dbgs(Args[i].VInt64^);
2252 vtQWord: s:=s+dbgs(Args[i].VQWord^);
2253 vtBoolean: s:=s+dbgs(Args[i].vboolean);
2254 vtExtended: s:=s+dbgs(Args[i].VExtended^);
2255 {$ifdef FPC_CURRENCY_IS_INT64}
2256 // MWE:
2257 // ppcppc 2.0.2 has troubles in choosing the right dbgs()
2258 // so we convert here (i don't know about other versions
2259 vtCurrency: s:=s+dbgs(int64(Args[i].vCurrency^)/10000, 4);
2260 {$else}
2261 vtCurrency: s:=s+dbgs(Args[i].vCurrency^);
2262 {$endif}
2263 vtString: s:=s+Args[i].VString^;
2264 vtAnsiString: s:=s+AnsiString(Args[i].VAnsiString);
2265 vtChar: s:=s+Args[i].VChar;
2266 vtPChar: s:=s+Args[i].VPChar;
2267 vtPWideChar: s:=AnsiString(WideString(s)+Args[i].VPWideChar);
2268 vtWideChar: s:=AnsiString(WideString(s)+Args[i].VWideChar);
2269 vtWidestring: s:=AnsiString(WideString(s)+WideString(Args[i].VWideString));
2270 {$IF FPC_FULLVERSION>=20701}
2271 vtUnicodeString: s:=AnsiString(UnicodeString(s)+UnicodeString(Args[i].VUnicodeString));
2272 {$endif}
2273 vtObject: s:=s+DbgSName(Args[i].VObject);
2274 vtClass: s:=s+DbgSName(Args[i].VClass);
2275 vtPointer: s:=s+Dbgs(Args[i].VPointer);
2276 else
2277 DbgOutThreadLog('?unknown variant?');
2278 end;
2279 end;
2280 DebuglnThreadLog(s);
2281 end;
2283 procedure DebuglnThreadLog;
2284 begin
2285 DebuglnThreadLog('');
2286 end;
2288 procedure DbgSaveData(FileName: String; AData: PChar; ADataSize: PtrUInt);
2289 var
2290 S: TStream;
2291 begin
2292 S := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(FileName, fmCreate);
2293 S.Write(AData^, ADataSize);
2294 S.Free;
2295 end;
2297 procedure DbgAppendToFile(FileName, S: String);
2298 var
2299 F: TextFile;
2300 begin
2301 AssignFile(F, FileName);
2302 {$I-}
2303 Append(F);
2304 if IOResult <> 0 then
2305 Rewrite(F);
2306 {$I+}
2307 WriteLn(F, S);
2308 CloseFile(F);
2309 end;
2311 procedure DbgAppendToFileWithoutLn(FileName, S: String);
2312 var
2313 F: TextFile;
2314 begin
2315 AssignFile(F, FileName);
2316 {$I-}
2317 Append(F);
2318 if IOResult <> 0 then
2319 Rewrite(F);
2320 {$I+}
2321 Write(F, S);
2322 CloseFile(F);
2323 end;
StripLNnull2325 function StripLN(const ALine: String): String;
2326 var
2327 idx: Integer;
2328 begin
2329 Result := ALine;
2330 idx := Pos(#10, Result);
2331 if idx = 0
2332 then begin
2333 idx := Pos(#13, Result);
2334 if idx = 0 then Exit;
2335 end
2336 else begin
2337 if (idx > 1)
2338 and (Result[idx - 1] = #13)
2339 then Dec(idx);
2340 end;
2341 SetLength(Result, idx - 1);
2342 end;
GetPartnull2344 function GetPart(const ASkipTo, AnEnd: String; var ASource: String;
2345 const AnIgnoreCase, AnUpdateSource: Boolean): String;
2346 begin
2347 Result := GetPart([ASkipTo], [AnEnd], ASource, AnIgnoreCase, AnUpdateSource);
2348 end;
GetPartnull2350 function GetPart(const ASkipTo, AnEnd: array of String; var ASource: String;
2351 const AnIgnoreCase: Boolean = False; const AnUpdateSource: Boolean = True): String;
2352 var
2353 n, i, idx: Integer;
2354 S, Source, Match: String;
2355 HasEscape: Boolean;
2356 begin
2357 Source := ASource;
2359 if High(ASkipTo) >= 0
2360 then begin
2361 idx := 0;
2362 Match := '';
2363 HasEscape := False;
2364 if AnIgnoreCase
2365 then S := UpperCase(Source)
2366 else S := Source;
2367 for n := Low(ASkipTo) to High(ASkipTo) do
2368 begin
2369 if ASkipTo[n] = ''
2370 then begin
2371 HasEscape := True;
2372 Continue;
2373 end;
2374 if AnIgnoreCase
2375 then i := Pos(UpperCase(ASkipTo[n]), S)
2376 else i := Pos(ASkipTo[n], S);
2377 if i > idx
2378 then begin
2379 idx := i;
2380 Match := ASkipTo[n];
2381 end;
2382 end;
2383 if (idx = 0) and not HasEscape
2384 then begin
2385 Result := '';
2386 Exit;
2387 end;
2388 if idx > 0
2389 then Delete(Source, 1, idx + Length(Match) - 1);
2390 end;
2392 if AnIgnoreCase
2393 then S := UpperCase(Source)
2394 else S := Source;
2395 idx := MaxInt;
2396 for n := Low(AnEnd) to High(AnEnd) do
2397 begin
2398 if AnEnd[n] = '' then Continue;
2399 if AnIgnoreCase
2400 then i := Pos(UpperCase(AnEnd[n]), S)
2401 else i := Pos(AnEnd[n], S);
2402 if (i > 0) and (i < idx) then idx := i;
2403 end;
2405 if idx = MaxInt
2406 then begin
2407 Result := Source;
2408 Source := '';
2409 end
2410 else begin
2411 Result := Copy(Source, 1, idx - 1);
2412 Delete(Source, 1, idx - 1);
2413 end;
2415 if AnUpdateSource
2416 then ASource := Source;
2417 end;
2419 {
2420 Ensures the covenient look of multiline string
2421 when displaying it in the single line
2422 * Replaces CR and LF with spaces
2423 * Removes duplicate spaces
2424 }
TextToSingleLinenull2425 function TextToSingleLine(const AText: string): string;
2426 var
2427 str: string;
2428 i, wstart, wlen: Integer;
2429 begin
2430 str := Trim(AText);
2431 wstart := 0;
2432 wlen := 0;
2433 i := 1;
2434 while i < Length(str) - 1 do
2435 begin
2436 if (str[i] in [' ', #13, #10]) then
2437 begin
2438 if (wstart = 0) then
2439 begin
2440 wstart := i;
2441 wlen := 1;
2442 end else
2443 Inc(wlen);
2444 end else
2445 begin
2446 if wstart > 0 then
2447 begin
2448 str[wstart] := ' ';
2449 Delete(str, wstart+1, wlen-1);
2450 Dec(i, wlen-1);
2451 wstart := 0;
2452 end;
2453 end;
2454 Inc(i);
2455 end;
2456 Result := str;
2457 end;
SwapCasenull2459 function SwapCase(Const S: String): String;
2460 // Inverts the character case. Like LowerCase and UpperCase combined.
2461 var
2462 i : Integer;
2463 P : PChar;
2464 begin
2465 Result := S;
2466 if not assigned(pointer(result)) then exit;
2467 UniqueString(Result);
2468 P:=Pchar(pointer(Result));
2469 for i := 1 to Length(Result) do begin
2470 if (P^ in ['a'..'z']) then
2471 P^ := char(byte(p^) - 32)
2472 else if (P^ in ['A'..'Z']) then
2473 P^ := char(byte(p^) + 32);
2474 Inc(P);
2475 end;
2476 end;
StringCasenull2478 function StringCase(const AString: String; const ACase: array of String {; const AIgnoreCase = False, APartial = false: Boolean}): Integer;
2479 begin
2480 Result := StringCase(AString, ACase, False, False);
2481 end;
StringCasenull2483 function StringCase(const AString: String; const ACase: array of String; const AIgnoreCase, APartial: Boolean): Integer;
2484 var
2485 Search, S: String;
2486 begin
2487 if High(ACase) = -1
2488 then begin
2489 Result := -1;
2490 Exit;
2491 end;
2493 if AIgnoreCase
2494 then Search := UpperCase(AString)
2495 else Search := AString;
2497 for Result := Low(ACase) to High(ACase) do
2498 begin
2499 if AIgnoreCase
2500 then S := UpperCase(ACase[Result])
2501 else S := ACase[Result];
2503 if Search = S then Exit;
2504 if not APartial then Continue;
2505 if Length(Search) >= Length(S) then Continue;
2506 if StrLComp(PChar(Search), PChar(S), Length(Search)) = 0 then Exit;
2507 end;
2509 Result := -1;
2510 end;
ClassCasenull2512 function ClassCase(const AClass: TClass; const ACase: array of TClass {; const ADecendant: Boolean = True}): Integer;
2513 begin
2514 Result := ClassCase(AClass, ACase, True);
2515 end;
ClassCasenull2517 function ClassCase(const AClass: TClass; const ACase: array of TClass; const ADecendant: Boolean): Integer;
2518 begin
2519 for Result := Low(ACase) to High(ACase) do
2520 begin
2521 if AClass = ACase[Result] then Exit;
2522 if not ADecendant then Continue;
2523 if AClass.InheritsFrom(ACase[Result]) then Exit;
2524 end;
2526 Result := -1;
2527 end;
UTF16CharacterLengthnull2529 function UTF16CharacterLength(p: PWideChar): integer;
2530 // returns length of UTF16 character in number of words
2531 // The endianess of the machine will be taken.
2532 begin
2533 if p<>nil then begin
2534 if (ord(p[0]) < $D800) or (ord(p[0]) > $DFFF) then
2535 Result:=1
2536 else
2537 Result:=2;
2538 end else begin
2539 Result:=0;
2540 end;
2541 end;
UTF16Lengthnull2543 function UTF16Length(const s: UTF16String): PtrInt;
2544 begin
2545 Result:=UTF16Length(PWideChar(s),length(s));
2546 end;
UTF16Lengthnull2548 function UTF16Length(p: PWideChar; WordCount: PtrInt): PtrInt;
2549 var
2550 CharLen: LongInt;
2551 begin
2552 Result:=0;
2553 while (WordCount>0) do begin
2554 inc(Result);
2555 CharLen:=UTF16CharacterLength(p);
2556 inc(p,CharLen);
2557 dec(WordCount,CharLen);
2558 end;
2559 end;
UTF16CharacterToUnicodenull2561 function UTF16CharacterToUnicode(p: PWideChar; out CharLen: integer): Cardinal;
2562 var
2563 w1: cardinal;
2564 w2: Cardinal;
2565 begin
2566 if p<>nil then begin
2567 w1:=ord(p[0]);
2568 if (w1 < $D800) or (w1 > $DFFF) then begin
2569 // is 1 word character
2570 Result:=w1;
2571 CharLen:=1;
2572 end else begin
2573 // could be 2 word character
2574 w2:=ord(p[1]);
2575 if (w2>=$DC00) then begin
2576 // is 2 word character
2577 Result:=(w1-$D800) shl 10 + (w2-$DC00) + $10000;
2578 CharLen:=2;
2579 end else begin
2580 // invalid character
2581 Result:=w1;
2582 CharLen:=1;
2583 end;
2584 end;
2585 end else begin
2586 Result:=0;
2587 CharLen:=0;
2588 end;
2589 end;
UnicodeToUTF16null2591 function UnicodeToUTF16(u: cardinal): UTF16String;
2592 begin
2593 // u should be <= $10FFFF to fit into UTF-16
2595 if u < $10000 then
2596 // Note: codepoints $D800 - $DFFF are reserved
2597 Result:=system.widechar(u)
2598 else
2599 Result:=system.widechar($D800+((u - $10000) shr 10))+system.widechar($DC00+((u - $10000) and $3ff));
2600 end;
CreateFirstIdentifiernull2602 function CreateFirstIdentifier(const Identifier: string): string;
2603 // example: Ident59 becomes Ident1
2604 var
2605 p: Integer;
2606 begin
2607 p:=length(Identifier);
2608 while (p>=1) and (Identifier[p] in ['0'..'9']) do dec(p);
2609 Result:=copy(Identifier,1,p)+'1';
2610 end;
CreateNextIdentifiernull2612 function CreateNextIdentifier(const Identifier: string): string;
2613 // example: Ident59 becomes Ident60
2614 var
2615 p: Integer;
2616 begin
2617 p:=length(Identifier);
2618 while (p>=1) and (Identifier[p] in ['0'..'9']) do dec(p);
2619 Result:=copy(Identifier,1,p)
2620 +IntToStr(1+StrToIntDef(copy(Identifier,p+1,length(Identifier)-p),0));
2621 end;
IsFontNameDefaultnull2623 function IsFontNameDefault(const AName: string): boolean;
2624 begin
2625 Result := CompareText(AName, 'default') = 0;
2626 end;
2628 { TDebugLCLItems }
2630 constructor TDebugLCLItems.Create(const TheName: string);
2631 begin
2632 FName:=TheName;
2633 FItems:=TAvlTree.Create(@CompareDebugLCLItemInfos);
2634 end;
2636 destructor TDebugLCLItems.Destroy;
2637 begin
2638 FItems.FreeAndClear;
2639 FreeAndNil(FItems);
2640 inherited Destroy;
2641 end;
TDebugLCLItems.FindInfonull2643 function TDebugLCLItems.FindInfo(p: Pointer; CreateIfNotExists: boolean): TDebugLCLItemInfo;
2644 var
2645 ANode: TAvlTreeNode;
2646 begin
2647 ANode:=FItems.FindKey(p,@CompareItemWithDebugLCLItemInfo);
2648 if ANode<>nil then
2649 Result:=TDebugLCLItemInfo(ANode.Data)
2650 else begin
2651 // does not yet exists
2652 if CreateIfNotExists then begin
2653 Result:=MarkCreated(p,'TDebugLCLItems.FindInfo');
2654 end else begin
2655 Result:=nil;
2656 end;
2657 end;
2658 end;
TDebugLCLItems.IsDestroyednull2660 function TDebugLCLItems.IsDestroyed(p: Pointer): boolean;
2661 var
2662 Info: TDebugLCLItemInfo;
2663 begin
2664 Info:=FindInfo(p);
2665 if Info=nil then
2666 Result:=false
2667 else
2668 Result:=Info.IsDestroyed;
2669 end;
TDebugLCLItems.IsCreatednull2671 function TDebugLCLItems.IsCreated(p: Pointer): boolean;
2672 var
2673 Info: TDebugLCLItemInfo;
2674 begin
2675 Info:=FindInfo(p);
2676 if Info=nil then
2677 Result:=false
2678 else
2679 Result:=not Info.IsDestroyed;
2680 end;
2682 procedure TDebugLCLItems.MarkDestroyed(p: Pointer);
2683 var
2684 Info: TDebugLCLItemInfo;
2686 procedure RaiseNotCreated;
2687 begin
2688 DebugLn('TDebugLCLItems.MarkDestroyed not created: p=',dbgs(p));
2689 DumpStack;
2690 RaiseGDBException('TDebugLCLItems.MarkDestroyed');
2691 end;
2693 procedure RaiseDoubleDestroyed;
2694 begin
2695 debugLn('TDebugLCLItems.MarkDestroyed Double destroyed:');
2696 debugln(Info.AsString(true));
2697 debugln('Now:');
2698 DebugLn(GetStackTrace(true));
2699 RaiseGDBException('RaiseDoubleDestroyed');
2700 end;
2702 begin
2703 Info:=FindInfo(p);
2704 if Info=nil then
2705 RaiseNotCreated;
2706 if Info.IsDestroyed then
2707 RaiseDoubleDestroyed;
2708 Info.IsDestroyed:=true;
2709 GetStackTracePointers(Info.DestructionStack);
2710 //DebugLn(['TDebugLCLItems.MarkDestroyed ',dbgs(p)]);
2711 end;
TDebugLCLItems.GetInfonull2713 function TDebugLCLItems.GetInfo(p: Pointer; WithStackTraces: boolean): string;
2714 var
2715 Info: TDebugLCLItemInfo;
2716 begin
2717 Info:=FindInfo(p,false);
2718 if Info<>nil then
2719 Result:=Info.AsString(WithStackTraces)
2720 else
2721 Result:='';
2722 end;
MarkCreatednull2724 function TDebugLCLItems.MarkCreated(p: Pointer;
2725 const InfoText: string): TDebugLCLItemInfo;
2726 var
2727 Info: TDebugLCLItemInfo;
2729 procedure RaiseDoubleCreated;
2730 begin
2731 debugLn('TDebugLCLItems.MarkCreated CREATED TWICE. Old:');
2732 debugln(Info.AsString(true));
2733 debugln(' New=',dbgs(p),' InfoText="',InfoText,'"');
2734 DebugLn(GetStackTrace(true));
2735 RaiseGDBException('RaiseDoubleCreated');
2736 end;
2738 begin
2739 Info:=FindInfo(p);
2740 if Info=nil then begin
2741 Info:=TDebugLCLItemInfo.Create;
2742 Info.Item:=p;
2743 FItems.Add(Info);
2744 end else if not Info.IsDestroyed then begin
2745 RaiseDoubleCreated;
2746 end;
2747 Info.IsDestroyed:=false;
2748 Info.Info:=InfoText;
2749 GetStackTracePointers(Info.CreationStack);
2750 SetLength(Info.DestructionStack,0);
2751 //DebugLn(['TDebugLCLItems.MarkCreated ',Name,' ',dbgs(p),' ',FItems.Count]);
2752 //DebugLn(GetStackTrace(true));
2753 Result:=Info;
2754 end;
2756 { TDebugLCLItemInfo }
AsStringnull2758 function TDebugLCLItemInfo.AsString(WithStackTraces: boolean): string;
2759 begin
2760 Result:='Item='+Dbgs(Item)+LineEnding
2761 +'Info="'+DbgStr(Info)+LineEnding;
2762 if WithStackTraces then
2763 Result:=Result+'Creation:'+LineEnding+StackTraceAsString(CreationStack,true);
2764 if IsDestroyed then begin
2765 Result:=Result+'Destroyed:'+LineEnding;
2766 if WithStackTraces then
2767 Result:=Result+StackTraceAsString(DestructionStack,true);
2768 end;
2769 end;
2771 destructor TDebugLCLItemInfo.Destroy;
2772 begin
2773 SetLength(CreationStack,0);
2774 SetLength(DestructionStack,0);
2775 inherited Destroy;
2776 end;
2778 initialization
2779 {$IFDEF WithOldDebugln} InitializeDebugOutput; {$ENDIF}
2780 {$ifdef WinCE}
crashesnull2781 // The stabs based back trace function crashes on wince,
2782 // see http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=14330
2783 // To prevent crashes, replace it with the default system back trace function
2784 // that just outputs addresses and not source and line number
2785 BackTraceStrFunc := @SysBackTraceStr;
2786 {$endif}
2787 {$ifdef AROS}
2788 {$if FPC_FULLVERSION>=30101}
2789 EnableBackTraceStr;
2790 {$endif}
2791 {$endif}
2792 InterfaceInitializationHandlers := TFPList.Create;
2793 InterfaceFinalizationHandlers := TFPList.Create;
2794 {$IFDEF DebugLCLComponents}
2795 DebugLCLComponents:=TDebugLCLItems.Create('LCLComponents');
2796 {$ENDIF}
2797 finalization
2798 InterfaceInitializationHandlers.Free;
2799 InterfaceInitializationHandlers:=nil;
2800 InterfaceFinalizationHandlers.Free;
2801 InterfaceFinalizationHandlers:=nil;
2802 {$IFDEF DebugLCLComponents}
2803 DebugLCLComponents.Free;
2804 DebugLCLComponents:=nil;
2805 {$ENDIF}
2806 {$IFDEF WithOldDebugln}
2807 FinalizeDebugOutput;
2808 DebugLnNestFreePrefix;
2809 {$ENDIF}
2811 end.