2 /***************************************************************************
3                               stdctrls.pp
4                               -----------
6                   Initial Revision : Tue Oct 19 CST 1999
8 ***************************************************************************/
10 *****************************************************************************
11  This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
13  See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
14  for details about the license.
15 *****************************************************************************
18unit StdCtrls;
20{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
21{$I lcl_defines.inc}
27  Classes, SysUtils, types,
28  // LCL
29  LCLStrConsts, LCLType, LCLProc, LCLIntf, LMessages, LResources, Graphics,
30  ActnList, Controls, Forms, Menus, Themes,
31  // LazUtils
32  TextStrings, ExtendedStrings, LazUTF8, LazMethodList, LazLoggerBase, LazUtilities;
36  { TCustomEdit Options}
38  TEditCharCase = (ecNormal, ecUppercase, ecLowerCase);
39  TEchoMode = (emNormal, emNone, emPassword);
41  { TScrollBar }
43  TScrollStyle = (ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssBoth,
44    ssAutoHorizontal, ssAutoVertical, ssAutoBoth);
46  TScrollCode = (
47    // !!! Beware. The position of these enums must correspond to the SB_xxx
48    // values in LCLType  (Delphi compatibility, not our decision)
49    // MWE: Don't know if this still is a requirement
50    //      afaik have I removed all casts from the LCL
51    scLineUp,   // = SB_LINEUP
52    scLineDown, // = SB_LINEDOWN
53    scPageUp,   // = SB_PAGEUP
54    scPageDown, // = SB_PAGEDOWN
55    scPosition, // = SB_THUMBPOSITION
56    scTrack,    // = SB_THUMBTRACK
57    scTop,      // = SB_TOP
58    scBottom,   // = SB_BOTTOM
59    scEndScroll // = SB_ENDSCROLL
60    );
62  TScrollEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ScrollCode: TScrollCode;
63                           var ScrollPos: Integer) of object;
65  { TCustomScrollBar }
67  TCustomScrollBar = class(TWinControl)
68  private
69    FKind: TScrollBarKind;
70    FPosition: Integer;
71    FMin: Integer;
72    FMax: Integer;
73    FPageSize: Integer;
74    FRTLFactor: Integer;
75    FSmallChange: TScrollBarInc;
76    FLargeChange: TScrollBarInc;
77    FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
78    FOnScroll: TScrollEvent;
79    procedure DoScroll(var Message: TLMScroll);
80    function NotRightToLeft: Boolean;
81    procedure SetKind(Value: TScrollBarKind);
82    procedure SetMax(Value: Integer);
83    procedure SetMin(Value: Integer);
84    procedure SetPosition(Value: Integer);
85    procedure SetPageSize(Value: Integer);
86    procedure CNHScroll(var Message: TLMHScroll); message LM_HSCROLL;
87    procedure CNVScroll(var Message: TLMVScroll); message LM_VSCROLL;
88    procedure CNCtlColorScrollBar(var Message: TLMessage); message CN_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR;
89    procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var Message: TLMEraseBkgnd); message LM_ERASEBKGND;
90  protected
91    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
92    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
93    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
94    procedure CreateWnd; override;
95    procedure Change; virtual;
96    procedure Scroll(ScrollCode: TScrollCode; var ScrollPos: Integer); virtual;
97    procedure CalculatePreferredSize(var PreferredWidth,
98      PreferredHeight: integer; WithThemeSpace: Boolean); override;
99  public
100    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
101    procedure SetParams(APosition, AMin, AMax, APageSize: Integer);
102    procedure SetParams(APosition, AMin, AMax: Integer);
103  public
104    property Kind: TScrollBarKind read FKind write SetKind default sbHorizontal;
105    property LargeChange: TScrollBarInc read FLargeChange write FLargeChange default 1;
106    property Max: Integer read FMax write SetMax default 100;
107    property Min: Integer read FMin write SetMin default 0;
108    property PageSize: Integer read FPageSize write SetPageSize;
109    property Position: Integer read FPosition write SetPosition default 0;
110    property SmallChange: TScrollBarInc read FSmallChange write FSmallChange default 1;
111    property TabStop default true;
112    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
113    property OnScroll: TScrollEvent read FOnScroll write FOnScroll;
114  end;
117  { TScrollBar }
119  TScrollBar = class(TCustomScrollBar)
120  published
121    property Align;
122    property Anchors;
123    property BidiMode;
124    property BorderSpacing;
125    property Constraints;
126    property DoubleBuffered;
127    property DragCursor;
128    property DragKind;
129    property DragMode;
130    property Enabled;
131    property Kind;
132    property LargeChange;
133    property Max;
134    property Min;
135    property PageSize;
136    property ParentBidiMode;
137    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
138    property ParentShowHint;
139    property PopupMenu;
140    property Position;
141    property ShowHint;
142    property SmallChange;
143    property TabOrder;
144    property TabStop;
145    property Visible;
146    property OnChange;
147    property OnContextPopup;
148    property OnDragDrop;
149    property OnDragOver;
150    property OnEndDrag;
151    property OnEnter;
152    property OnExit;
153    property OnKeyDown;
154    property OnKeyPress;
155    property OnKeyUp;
156    property OnScroll;
157    property OnStartDrag;
158    property OnUTF8KeyPress;
159  end;
162  { TCustomGroupBox }
164  TCustomGroupBox = class(TWinControl)
165  protected
166    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
167    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
168    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
169  public
170    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
171  end;
174  { TGroupBox }
176  TGroupBox = class(TCustomGroupBox)
177  published
178    property Align;
179    property Anchors;
180    property AutoSize;
181    property BidiMode;
182    property BorderSpacing;
183    property Caption;
184    property ChildSizing;
185    property ClientHeight;
186    property ClientWidth;
187    property Color;
188    property Constraints;
189    property DockSite;
190    property DoubleBuffered;
191    property DragCursor;
192    property DragKind;
193    property DragMode;
194    property Enabled;
195    property Font;
196    property ParentBidiMode;
197    property ParentColor;
198    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
199    property ParentFont;
200    property ParentShowHint;
201    property PopupMenu;
202    property ShowHint;
203    property TabOrder;
204    property TabStop;
205    property Visible;
206    property OnChangeBounds;
207    property OnClick;
208    property OnContextPopup;
209    property OnDblClick;
210    property OnDragDrop;
211    property OnDockDrop;
212    property OnDockOver;
213    property OnDragOver;
214    property OnEndDock;
215    property OnEndDrag;
216    property OnEnter;
217    property OnExit;
218    property OnGetSiteInfo;
219    property OnKeyDown;
220    property OnKeyPress;
221    property OnKeyUp;
222    property OnMouseDown;
223    property OnMouseEnter;
224    property OnMouseLeave;
225    property OnMouseMove;
226    property OnMouseUp;
227    property OnMouseWheel;
228    property OnMouseWheelDown;
229    property OnMouseWheelUp;
230    property OnResize;
231    property OnStartDock;
232    property OnStartDrag;
233    property OnUnDock;
234    property OnUTF8KeyPress;
235  end;
237  { TCustomComboBox }
238  TComboBoxAutoCompleteTextOption = (
239    cbactEnabled,             //Enable Auto-Completion Feature
240    cbactEndOfLineComplete,   //Perform Auto-Complete only when cursor is at end of line
241    cbactRetainPrefixCase,    //Retains the case of characters user has typed if is cbactEndOfLineComplete
242    cbactSearchCaseSensitive, //Search Text with CaseSensitivity
243    cbactSearchAscending      //Search Text from top of the list
244  );
245  TComboBoxAutoCompleteText = set of TComboBoxAutoCompleteTextOption;
247  DefaultComboBoxAutoCompleteText = [cbactEndOfLineComplete, cbactSearchAscending];
250  TComboBoxStyle = (
251    csDropDown,         // like an TEdit plus a button to drop down the list, default
252    csSimple,           // like an TEdit plus a TListBox
253    csDropDownList,     // like TLabel plus a button to drop down the list
254    csOwnerDrawFixed,   // like csDropDownList, but custom drawn
255    csOwnerDrawVariable,// like csDropDownList, but custom drawn and with each item can have another height
256    csOwnerDrawEditableFixed,// like csOwnerDrawFixed, but with TEdit
257    csOwnerDrawEditableVariable// like csOwnerDrawVariable, but with TEdit
258  );
260  TOwnerDrawState = LCLType.TOwnerDrawState;
262  TDrawItemEvent = procedure(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;
263                             ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState) of object;
264  TMeasureItemEvent = procedure(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;
265                                var AHeight: Integer) of object;
267  { TCustomComboBox }
269  TCustomComboBox = class(TWinControl)
270  private
271    FCharCase: TEditCharCase;
272    FAutoCompleteText: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText;
273    FAutoSelect: Boolean;
274    FAutoSelected: Boolean;
275    FAutoDropDown: Boolean;
276    FCanvas: TCanvas;
277    FDropDownCount: Integer;
278    FDroppedDown: boolean;
279    FDroppingDown: Boolean;
280    FItemHeight: integer;
281    FItemIndex: integer;
282    FItemWidth: integer;
283    FItems: TStrings;
284    FMaxLength: integer;
285    FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
286    FOnCloseUp: TNotifyEvent;
287    FOnDrawItem: TDrawItemEvent;
288    FOnDropDown: TNotifyEvent;
289    FOnGetItems: TNotifyEvent;
290    FOnMeasureItem: TMeasureItemEvent;
291    FOnSelect: TNotifyEvent;
292    FSelLength: integer;
293    FSelStart: integer;
294    FSorted: boolean;
295    FStyle: TComboBoxStyle;
296    FArrowKeysTraverseList: Boolean;
297    FReturnArrowState: Boolean; //used to return the state of arrow keys from termporary change
298    function GetAutoComplete: boolean;
299    function GetDroppedDown: Boolean;
300    function GetItemWidth: Integer;
301    function GetReadOnly: Boolean;
302    procedure SetAutoComplete(const AValue: boolean);
303    procedure SetItemWidth(const AValue: Integer);
304    procedure LMDrawListItem(var TheMessage: TLMDrawListItem); message LM_DrawListItem;
305    procedure LMMeasureItem(var TheMessage: TLMMeasureItem); message LM_MeasureItem;
306    procedure LMSelChange(var TheMessage); message LM_SelChange;
307    procedure CNCommand(var TheMessage: TLMCommand); message CN_Command;
308    procedure SetReadOnly(const AValue: Boolean);
309    procedure UpdateSorted;
310    procedure SetArrowKeysTraverseList(Value: Boolean);
311    procedure WMChar(var Message: TLMChar); message LM_CHAR;
312    procedure SetCharCase(eccCharCase: TEditCharCase);
313  protected
314    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
315    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
316    procedure InitializeWnd; override;
317    procedure DestroyWnd; override;
318    procedure DoEnter; override;
319    procedure DoExit; override;
320    procedure DrawItem(Index: Integer; ARect: TRect;
321                       State: TOwnerDrawState); virtual;
322    procedure KeyUpAfterInterface(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
323    procedure MeasureItem(Index: Integer; var TheHeight: Integer); virtual;
324    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
325    procedure LMChanged(var Msg); message LM_CHANGED;
326    procedure CMWantSpecialKey(var Message: TCMWantSpecialKey); message CM_WANTSPECIALKEY;
327    procedure Change; virtual;
328    procedure Select; virtual;
329    procedure DropDown; virtual;
330    procedure GetItems; virtual;
331    procedure SetItems(const Value: TStrings); virtual;
332    procedure CloseUp; virtual;
333    procedure AdjustDropDown; virtual;
334    procedure DoAutoAdjustLayout(const AMode: TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy;
335      const AXProportion, AYProportion: Double); override;
337    function GetItemCount: Integer; //override;
338    function GetItemHeight: Integer; virtual;
339    function GetSelLength: integer; virtual;
340    function GetSelStart: integer; virtual;
341    function GetSelText: string; virtual;
342    function GetItemIndex: integer; virtual;
343    function GetMaxLength: integer; virtual;
344    procedure SetDropDownCount(const AValue: Integer); virtual;
345    procedure SetDroppedDown(const AValue: Boolean); virtual;
346    procedure SetItemHeight(const AValue: Integer); virtual;
347    procedure SetItemIndex(const Val: integer); virtual;
348    procedure SetMaxLength(AValue: integer); virtual;
349    procedure SetSelLength(Val: integer); virtual;
350    procedure SetSelStart(Val: integer); virtual;
351    procedure SetSelText(const Val: string); virtual;
352    procedure SetSorted(Val: boolean); virtual;
353    procedure SetStyle(Val: TComboBoxStyle); virtual;
354    procedure RealSetText(const AValue: TCaption); override;
355    procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
356    procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
357    procedure UTF8KeyPress(var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char); override;
358    procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift:TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
359    function SelectItem(const AnItem: String): Boolean;
360    procedure ShouldAutoAdjust(var AWidth, AHeight: Boolean); override;
362    property ItemHeight: Integer read GetItemHeight write SetItemHeight;
363    property ItemWidth: Integer read GetItemWidth write SetItemWidth default 0;
364    property MaxLength: integer read GetMaxLength write SetMaxLength default 0;
365    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
366    property OnCloseUp: TNotifyEvent read FOnCloseUp write FOnCloseUp;
367    property OnDrawItem: TDrawItemEvent read FOnDrawItem write FOnDrawItem;
368    property OnDropDown: TNotifyEvent read FOnDropDown write FOnDropDown;
369    property OnGetItems: TNotifyEvent read FOnGetItems write FOnGetItems;
370    property OnMeasureItem: TMeasureItemEvent
371      read FOnMeasureItem write FOnMeasureItem;
372    property OnSelect: TNotifyEvent read FOnSelect write FOnSelect;
373    property ParentColor default false;
374    property Sorted: boolean read FSorted write SetSorted default False;
375  public
376    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
377    destructor Destroy; override;
378    procedure IntfGetItems;
379    procedure AddItem(const Item: String; AnObject: TObject); virtual;
380    procedure AddHistoryItem(const Item: string; MaxHistoryCount: integer;
381                             SetAsText, CaseSensitive: boolean);
382    procedure AddHistoryItem(const Item: string; AnObject: TObject;
383                   MaxHistoryCount: integer; SetAsText, CaseSensitive: boolean);
384    procedure Clear; virtual;
385    procedure ClearSelection; //override;
386    property CharCase: TEditCharCase read FCharCase write SetCharCase default ecNormal;
387    property DroppedDown: Boolean read GetDroppedDown write SetDroppedDown;
388    property DroppingDown: Boolean read FDroppingDown write FDroppingDown; deprecated 'Will be removed in 2.2';
389    procedure SelectAll;
390    property AutoComplete: boolean
391      read GetAutoComplete write SetAutoComplete default False;
392    property AutoCompleteText: TComboBoxAutoCompleteText
393                           read FAutoCompleteText write FAutoCompleteText
394                           default DefaultComboBoxAutoCompleteText;
395    property AutoDropDown: Boolean
396                           read FAutoDropDown write FAutoDropDown default False;
397    property AutoSelect: Boolean read FAutoSelect write FAutoSelect default True;
398    property AutoSelected: Boolean read FAutoSelected write FAutoSelected;
399    property AutoSize default True; // Overrides default value
400    property ArrowKeysTraverseList: Boolean read FArrowKeysTraverseList
401                                    write SetArrowKeysTraverseList default True;
402    property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;
403    property DropDownCount: Integer read FDropDownCount write SetDropDownCount default 8;
404    property Items: TStrings read FItems write SetItems;
405    property ItemIndex: integer read GetItemIndex write SetItemIndex default -1;
406    property ReadOnly: Boolean read GetReadOnly write SetReadOnly stored False;
407    property SelLength: integer read GetSelLength write SetSelLength;// UTF-8 length
408    property SelStart: integer read GetSelStart write SetSelStart;// UTF-8 position
409    property SelText: String read GetSelText write SetSelText;
410    property Style: TComboBoxStyle read FStyle write SetStyle default csDropDown;
411    property TabStop default true;
412    property Text;
413  end;
416  { TComboBox }
418  TComboBox = class(TCustomComboBox)
419  published
420    property Align;
421    property Anchors;
422    property ArrowKeysTraverseList;
423    property AutoComplete;
424    property AutoCompleteText;
425    property AutoDropDown;
426    property AutoSelect;
427    property AutoSize;// Note: windows has a fixed height in some styles
428    property BidiMode;
429    property BorderSpacing;
430    property BorderStyle;
431    property CharCase;
432    property Color;
433    property Constraints;
434    property DoubleBuffered;
435    property DragCursor;
436    property DragKind;
437    property DragMode;
438    property DropDownCount;
439    property Enabled;
440    property Font;
441    property ItemHeight;
442    property ItemIndex;
443    property Items;
444    property ItemWidth;
445    property MaxLength;
446    property OnChange;
447    property OnChangeBounds;
448    property OnClick;
449    property OnCloseUp;
450    property OnContextPopup;
451    property OnDblClick;
452    property OnDragDrop;
453    property OnDragOver;
454    property OnDrawItem;
455    property OnEndDrag;
456    property OnDropDown;
457    property OnEditingDone;
458    property OnEnter;
459    property OnExit;
460    property OnGetItems;
461    property OnKeyDown;
462    property OnKeyPress;
463    property OnKeyUp;
464    property OnMeasureItem;
465    property OnMouseDown;
466    property OnMouseEnter;
467    property OnMouseLeave;
468    property OnMouseMove;
469    property OnMouseUp;
470    property OnMouseWheel;
471    property OnMouseWheelDown;
472    property OnMouseWheelUp;
473    property OnSelect;
474    property OnStartDrag;
475    property OnUTF8KeyPress;
476    property ParentBidiMode;
477    property ParentColor;
478    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
479    property ParentFont;
480    property ParentShowHint;
481    property PopupMenu;
482    property ReadOnly; deprecated 'Will be removed in 2.2 - use extended Style values instead.';
483    property ShowHint;
484    property Sorted;
485    property Style;
486    property TabOrder;
487    property TabStop;
488    property Text;
489    property Visible;
490  end;
493  { TCustomListBox }
495  TListBoxStyle = (lbStandard, lbOwnerDrawFixed, lbOwnerDrawVariable, lbVirtual);
496  TSelectionChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; User: boolean) of object;
497  TListBoxOption = (
498    lboDrawFocusRect // draw focus rect in case of owner drawing
499    );
500  TListBoxOptions = set of TListBoxOption;
502  { TCustomListBox }
504  TCustomListBox = class(TWinControl)
505  private const
506    DefOptions = [lboDrawFocusRect];
507  private
508    FCacheValid: Boolean;
509    FCanvas: TCanvas;
510    FClickOnSelChange: boolean;
511    FClickTriggeredBySelectionChange: Boolean;
512    FColumns: Integer;
513    FExtendedSelect: boolean;
514    FIntegralHeight: boolean;
515    FItemHeight: Integer;
516    FItemIndex: integer;
517    FItems: TStrings;
518    FLockSelectionChange: integer;
519    FMultiSelect: boolean;
520    FOnDrawItem: TDrawItemEvent;
521    FOnMeasureItem: TMeasureItemEvent;
522    FOnSelectionChange: TSelectionChangeEvent;
523    FOptions: TListBoxOptions;
524    FScrollWidth: Integer;
525    FSorted: boolean;
526    FStyle: TListBoxStyle;
527    FTopIndex: integer;
528    function GetCount: Integer;
529    function GetScrollWidth: Integer;
530    function GetTopIndex: Integer;
531    procedure RaiseIndexOutOfBounds(AIndex: integer);
532    procedure SetColumns(const AValue: Integer);
533    procedure SetScrollWidth(const AValue: Integer);
534    procedure SetTopIndex(const AValue: Integer);
535    procedure UpdateSelectionMode;
536    procedure UpdateSorted;
537    procedure LMDrawListItem(var TheMessage: TLMDrawListItem); message LM_DrawListItem;
538    procedure LMMeasureItem(var TheMessage: TLMMeasureItem); message LM_MeasureItem;
539    procedure LMSelChange(var TheMessage); message LM_SelChange;
540    procedure WMLButtonUp(Var Message: TLMLButtonUp); message LM_LBUTTONUP;
541    procedure SendItemSelected(Index: integer; IsSelected: boolean);
542  protected
543    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
544    procedure AssignItemDataToCache(const AIndex: Integer; const AData: Pointer); virtual; // called to store item data while the handle isn't created
545    procedure AssignCacheToItemData(const AIndex: Integer; const AData: Pointer); virtual; // called to restore the itemdata after a handle is created
546    procedure BeforeDragStart; override;
547    procedure BeginAutoDrag; override;
548    function CalculateStandardItemHeight: Integer;
549    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
550    procedure InitializeWnd; override;
551    procedure DestroyWnd; override;
552    procedure FinalizeWnd; override;
553    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
554    procedure CheckIndex(const AIndex: Integer);
555    function GetItemHeight: Integer;
556    function GetItemIndex: integer; virtual;
557    function GetSelCount: integer;
558    function GetSelected(Index: integer): boolean;
559    function GetCachedDataSize: Integer; virtual; // returns the amount of data needed per item
560    function GetCachedData(const AIndex: Integer): Pointer;
561    procedure SetExtendedSelect(Val: boolean); virtual;
562    procedure SetItemIndex(AIndex: integer); virtual;
563    procedure SetItems(Value: TStrings); virtual;
564    procedure SetItemHeight(Value: Integer);
565    procedure SetMultiSelect(Val: boolean); virtual;
566    procedure SetSelected(Index: integer; Val: boolean);
567    procedure SetSorted(Val: boolean); virtual;
568    procedure SetStyle(Val: TListBoxStyle); virtual;
569    procedure DrawItem(Index: Integer; ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); virtual;
570    procedure DoAutoAdjustLayout(const AMode: TLayoutAdjustmentPolicy;
571      const AXProportion, AYProportion: Double); override;
572    procedure DoSelectionChange(User: Boolean); virtual;
573    procedure SendItemIndex;
574    procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Message: TLMNoParams); message LM_GETDLGCODE;
575  public
576    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
577    destructor Destroy; override;
578    procedure AddItem(const Item: String; AnObject: TObject);
579    procedure Click; override; // make it public
580    procedure Clear; virtual;
581    procedure ClearSelection;
582    function GetIndexAtXY(X, Y: integer): integer;
583    function GetIndexAtY(Y: integer): integer;
584    function GetSelectedText: string;
585    function ItemAtPos(const Pos: TPoint; Existing: Boolean): Integer;
586    function ItemRect(Index: Integer): TRect;
587    function ItemVisible(Index: Integer): boolean;
588    function ItemFullyVisible(Index: Integer): boolean;
589    procedure LockSelectionChange;
590    procedure MakeCurrentVisible;
591    procedure MeasureItem(Index: Integer; var TheHeight: Integer); virtual;
592    procedure SelectAll; virtual;
593    procedure DeleteSelected; virtual;
594    procedure UnlockSelectionChange;
595  public
596    property Align;
597    property Anchors;
598    property BorderStyle default bsSingle;
599    property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;
600    property ClickOnSelChange: boolean read FClickOnSelChange
601               write FClickOnSelChange default true; // true is Delphi behaviour
602    property Columns: Integer read FColumns write SetColumns default 0;
603    property Constraints;
604    property Count: Integer read GetCount; // for Delphi compatability
605    property ExtendedSelect: boolean read FExtendedSelect write SetExtendedSelect default true;
606    property Font;
607    property IntegralHeight: boolean read FIntegralHeight write FIntegralHeight default False; // not implemented
608    property ItemHeight: Integer read GetItemHeight write SetItemHeight;
609    property ItemIndex: integer read GetItemIndex write SetItemIndex default -1;
610    property Items: TStrings read FItems write SetItems;
611    property MultiSelect: boolean read FMultiSelect write SetMultiSelect default False;
612    property OnChangeBounds;
613    property OnClick;
614    property OnDblClick;
615    property OnDrawItem: TDrawItemEvent read FOnDrawItem write FOnDrawItem;
616    property OnEnter;
617    property OnExit;
618    property OnKeyDown;
619    property OnKeyPress;
620    property OnKeyUp;
621    property OnMeasureItem: TMeasureItemEvent read FOnMeasureItem write FOnMeasureItem;
622    property OnMouseDown;
623    property OnMouseEnter;
624    property OnMouseLeave;
625    property OnMouseMove;
626    property OnMouseUp;
627    property OnMouseWheel;
628    property OnMouseWheelDown;
629    property OnMouseWheelUp;
630    property OnResize;
631    property OnSelectionChange: TSelectionChangeEvent read FOnSelectionChange
632                                                      write FOnSelectionChange;
633    property OnUTF8KeyPress;
634    property Options: TListBoxOptions read FOptions write FOptions default DefOptions;
635    property ParentColor default False;
636    property ParentFont;
637    property ParentShowHint;
638    property PopupMenu;
639    property ScrollWidth: Integer read GetScrollWidth write SetScrollWidth default 0;
640    property SelCount: integer read GetSelCount;
641    property Selected[Index: integer]: boolean read GetSelected write SetSelected;
642    property ShowHint;
643    property Sorted: boolean read FSorted write SetSorted default False;
644    property Style: TListBoxStyle read FStyle write SetStyle default lbStandard;
645    property TabOrder;
646    property TabStop default true;
647    property TopIndex: Integer read GetTopIndex write SetTopIndex default 0;
648    property Visible;
649  end;
652  { TListBox }
654  TListBox = class(TCustomListBox)
655  published
656    property Align;
657    property Anchors;
658    property BidiMode;
659    property BorderSpacing;
660    property BorderStyle;
661    property ClickOnSelChange;
662    property Color;
663    property Columns;
664    property Constraints;
665    property DoubleBuffered;
666    property DragCursor;
667    property DragKind;
668    property DragMode;
669    property ExtendedSelect;
670    property Enabled;
671    property Font;
672    property IntegralHeight;
673    property Items;
674    property ItemHeight;
675    property ItemIndex;
676    property MultiSelect;
677    property OnChangeBounds;
678    property OnClick;
679    property OnContextPopup;
680    property OnDblClick;
681    property OnDragDrop;
682    property OnDragOver;
683    property OnDrawItem;
684    property OnEnter;
685    property OnEndDrag;
686    property OnExit;
687    property OnKeyPress;
688    property OnKeyDown;
689    property OnKeyUp;
690    property OnMeasureItem;
691    property OnMouseDown;
692    property OnMouseEnter;
693    property OnMouseLeave;
694    property OnMouseMove;
695    property OnMouseUp;
696    property OnMouseWheel;
697    property OnMouseWheelDown;
698    property OnMouseWheelUp;
699    property OnResize;
700    property OnSelectionChange;
701    property OnShowHint;
702    property OnStartDrag;
703    property OnUTF8KeyPress;
704    property Options;
705    property ParentBidiMode;
706    property ParentColor;
707    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
708    property ParentShowHint;
709    property ParentFont;
710    property PopupMenu;
711    property ScrollWidth;
712    property ShowHint;
713    property Sorted;
714    property Style;
715    property TabOrder;
716    property TabStop;
717    property TopIndex;
718    property Visible;
719  end;
722  { TCustomEdit }
724  TCustomEdit = class(TWinControl)
725  private
726    FAlignment: TAlignment;
727    FAutoSelect: Boolean;
728    FAutoSelected: Boolean;
729    FCharCase: TEditCharCase;
730    fCaretPos: TPoint;
731    FEchoMode: TEchoMode;
732    FHideSelection: Boolean;
733    FMaxLength: Integer;
734    FModified: Boolean;
735    FOnChangeHandler: TMethodList;
736    FPasswordChar: Char;
737    FReadOnly: Boolean;
738    FNumbersOnly: Boolean;
739    FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
740    FSelLength: integer;
741    FSelStart: integer;
742    FTextChangedByRealSetText: Boolean;
743    FTextChangedLock: Boolean;
744    FTextHint: TTranslateString;
745    procedure ShowEmulatedTextHint(const ForceShow: Boolean = False);
746    procedure HideEmulatedTextHint;
747    procedure SetAlignment(const AValue: TAlignment);
748    function GetCanUndo: Boolean;
749    function GetModified: Boolean;
750    procedure SetCharCase(Value: TEditCharCase);
751    procedure SetHideSelection(const AValue: Boolean);
752    procedure SetMaxLength(Value: Integer);
753    procedure SetModified(Value: Boolean);
754    procedure SetPasswordChar(const AValue: Char);
755  protected type
756    TEmulatedTextHintStatus = (thsHidden, thsShowing, thsChanging);
757  protected
758    FEmulatedTextHintStatus: TEmulatedTextHintStatus;
760    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
761    function CanShowEmulatedTextHint: Boolean; virtual;
762    function CreateEmulatedTextHintFont: TFont; virtual;
763    procedure CalculatePreferredSize(var PreferredWidth, PreferredHeight: integer;
764                                     WithThemeSpace: Boolean); override;
765    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
766    procedure InitializeWnd; override;
767    procedure TextChanged; override;
768    procedure FontChanged(Sender: TObject); override;
769    procedure Change; virtual;
770    procedure DoEnter; override;
771    procedure DoExit; override;
772    procedure EditingDone; override;
773    function GetCaretPos: TPoint; virtual;
774    function GetNumbersOnly: Boolean; virtual;
775    function GetReadOnly: Boolean; virtual;
776    function GetSelLength: integer; virtual;
777    function GetSelStart: integer; virtual;
778    function GetSelText: string; virtual;
779    function GetTextHint: TTranslateString; virtual;
780    procedure SetCaretPos(const Value: TPoint); virtual;
781    procedure SetEchoMode(Val: TEchoMode); virtual;
782    procedure SetNumbersOnly(Value: Boolean); virtual;
783    procedure SetReadOnly(Value: Boolean); virtual;
784    procedure SetSelLength(Val: integer); virtual;
785    procedure SetSelStart(Val: integer); virtual;
786    procedure SetSelText(const Val: string); virtual;
787    procedure SetTextHint(const AValue: TTranslateString); virtual;
788    function ChildClassAllowed(ChildClass: TClass): boolean; override;
789    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
790    procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift:TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
791    procedure RealSetText(const AValue: TCaption); override;
792    function  RealGetText: TCaption; override;
793    procedure KeyUpAfterInterface(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
794    procedure WMChar(var Message: TLMChar); message LM_CHAR;
795    procedure CMWantSpecialKey(var Message: TCMWantSpecialKey); message CM_WANTSPECIALKEY;
796    procedure WndProc(var Message: TLMessage); override;
797    procedure ShouldAutoAdjust(var AWidth, AHeight: Boolean); override;
798    procedure WMSetFocus(var Message: TLMSetFocus); message LM_SETFOCUS;
799    procedure WMKillFocus(var Message: TLMKillFocus); message LM_KILLFOCUS;
801    property AutoSelect: Boolean read FAutoSelect write FAutoSelect default True;
802    property AutoSelected: Boolean read FAutoSelected write FAutoSelected;
803    property ParentColor default False;
804  public
805    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
806    destructor Destroy; override;
807    procedure Clear;
808    procedure SelectAll;
809    procedure ClearSelection; virtual;
810    procedure CopyToClipboard; virtual;
811    procedure CutToClipboard; virtual;
812    procedure PasteFromClipboard; virtual;
813    procedure Undo; virtual;
815    procedure RemoveAllHandlersOfObject(AnObject: TObject); override;
816    procedure AddHandlerOnChange(const AnOnChangeEvent: TNotifyEvent;
817      AsFirst: Boolean = False);
818    procedure RemoveHandlerOnChange(const AnOnChangeEvent: TNotifyEvent);
819  public
820    property Alignment: TAlignment read FAlignment write SetAlignment default taLeftJustify;
821    property AutoSize default True;
822    property BorderStyle default bsSingle;
823    property CanUndo: Boolean read GetCanUndo;
824    property CaretPos: TPoint read GetCaretPos write SetCaretPos;
825    property CharCase: TEditCharCase read FCharCase write SetCharCase default ecNormal;
826    property EchoMode: TEchoMode read FEchoMode write SetEchoMode default emNormal;
827    property HideSelection: Boolean read FHideSelection write SetHideSelection default True;
828    property MaxLength: Integer read FMaxLength write SetMaxLength default 0;
829    property Modified: Boolean read GetModified write SetModified;
830    property NumbersOnly: Boolean read GetNumbersOnly write SetNumbersOnly default false;
831    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
832    property PasswordChar: Char read FPasswordChar write SetPasswordChar default #0;
833    property PopupMenu;
834    property ReadOnly: Boolean read GetReadOnly write SetReadOnly default false;
835    property SelLength: integer read GetSelLength write SetSelLength;
836    property SelStart: integer read GetSelStart write SetSelStart;
837    property SelText: String read GetSelText write SetSelText;
838    property TabOrder;
839    property TabStop default true;
840    property Text;
841    property TextHint: TTranslateString read GetTextHint write SetTextHint;
842  end;
845  { TMemoScrollbar }
847  TMemoScrollbar = class(TControlScrollBar)
848  protected
849    function GetHorzScrollBar: TControlScrollBar; override;
850    function GetVertScrollBar: TControlScrollBar; override;
851  public
852    property Increment;
853    property Page;
854    property Smooth;
855    property Position;
856    property Range;
857    property Size;
858    property Visible;
859  end;
862  { TCustomMemo }
864  TCustomMemo = class(TCustomEdit)
865  private
866    FHorzScrollBar: TMemoScrollBar;
867    FLines: TStrings;
868    FScrollBars: TScrollStyle;
869    FVertScrollBar: TMemoScrollBar;
870    FWantReturns: Boolean;
871    FWantTabs: boolean;
872    FWordWrap: Boolean;
873    procedure SetHorzScrollBar(const AValue: TMemoScrollBar);
874    procedure SetVertScrollBar(const AValue: TMemoScrollBar);
875  protected
876    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
877    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
878    procedure InitializeWnd; override;
879    procedure FinalizeWnd; override;
880    function  RealGetText: TCaption; override;
881    procedure RealSetText(const Value: TCaption); override;
882    function GetCachedText(var CachedText: TCaption): boolean; override;
883    function GetCaretPos: TPoint; override;
884    procedure KeyUpAfterInterface(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
885    procedure SetCaretPos(const Value: TPoint); override;
886    procedure SetLines(const Value: TStrings);
887    procedure SetWantReturns(const AValue: Boolean);
888    procedure SetWantTabs(const NewWantTabs: boolean);
889    procedure SetWordWrap(const Value: boolean);
890    procedure SetScrollBars(const Value: TScrollStyle);
891    procedure Loaded; override;
892    procedure CMWantSpecialKey(var Message: TCMWantSpecialKey); message CM_WANTSPECIALKEY;
893    procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Message: TLMGetDlgCode); message LM_GETDLGCODE;
894    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
895    procedure UTF8KeyPress(var UTF8Key: TUTF8Char); override;
896    function CanShowEmulatedTextHint: Boolean; override;
897  public
898    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
899    destructor Destroy; override;
900    procedure Append(const Value: String);
901    procedure ScrollBy(DeltaX, DeltaY: Integer); override;
902  public
903    property Lines: TStrings read FLines write SetLines;
904    property HorzScrollBar: TMemoScrollBar read FHorzScrollBar write SetHorzScrollBar;
905    property VertScrollBar: TMemoScrollBar read FVertScrollBar write SetVertScrollBar;
906    property ScrollBars: TScrollStyle read FScrollBars write SetScrollBars default ssNone;
907    property WantReturns: Boolean read FWantReturns write SetWantReturns default true;
908    property WantTabs: Boolean read FWantTabs write SetWantTabs default false;
909    property WordWrap: Boolean read FWordWrap write SetWordWrap default true;
910  end;
913  { TEdit }
915  TEdit = class(TCustomEdit)
916  public
917    property AutoSelected;
918  published
919    property Align;
920    property Alignment;
921    property Anchors;
922    property AutoSize;
923    property AutoSelect;
924    property BidiMode;
925    property BorderSpacing;
926    property BorderStyle;
927    property CharCase;
928    property Color;
929    property Constraints;
930    property DoubleBuffered;
931    property DragCursor;
932    property DragKind;
933    property DragMode;
934    property EchoMode;
935    property Enabled;
936    property Font;
937    property HideSelection;
938    property MaxLength;
939    property NumbersOnly;
940    property ParentBidiMode;
941    property OnChange;
942    property OnChangeBounds;
943    property OnClick;
944    property OnContextPopup;
945    property OnDblClick;
946    property OnDragDrop;
947    property OnDragOver;
948    property OnEditingDone;
949    property OnEndDrag;
950    property OnEnter;
951    property OnExit;
952    property OnKeyDown;
953    property OnKeyPress;
954    property OnKeyUp;
955    property OnMouseDown;
956    property OnMouseEnter;
957    property OnMouseLeave;
958    property OnMouseMove;
959    property OnMouseUp;
960    property OnMouseWheel;
961    property OnMouseWheelDown;
962    property OnMouseWheelUp;
963    property OnResize;
964    property OnStartDrag;
965    property OnUTF8KeyPress;
966    property ParentColor;
967    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
968    property ParentFont;
969    property ParentShowHint;
970    property PasswordChar;
971    property PopupMenu;
972    property ReadOnly;
973    property ShowHint;
974    property TabStop;
975    property TabOrder;
976    property Text;
977    property TextHint;
978    property Visible;
979  end;
982  { TMemo }
984  TMemo = class(TCustomMemo)
985  published
986    property Align;
987    property Alignment;
988    property Anchors;
989    property BidiMode;
990    property BorderSpacing;
991    property BorderStyle;
992    property CharCase;
993    property Color;
994    property Constraints;
995    property DoubleBuffered;
996    property DragCursor;
997    property DragKind;
998    property DragMode;
999    property Enabled;
1000    property Font;
1001    property HideSelection;
1002    property Lines;
1003    property MaxLength;
1004    property OnChange;
1005    property OnClick;
1006    property OnContextPopup;
1007    property OnDblClick;
1008    property OnDragDrop;
1009    property OnDragOver;
1010    property OnEditingDone;
1011    property OnEndDrag;
1012    property OnEnter;
1013    property OnExit;
1014    property OnKeyDown;
1015    property OnKeyPress;
1016    property OnKeyUp;
1017    property OnMouseDown;
1018    property OnMouseEnter;
1019    property OnMouseLeave;
1020    property OnMouseMove;
1021    property OnMouseUp;
1022    property OnMouseWheel;
1023    property OnMouseWheelDown;
1024    property OnMouseWheelUp;
1025    property OnResize;
1026    property OnStartDrag;
1027    property OnUTF8KeyPress;
1028    property ParentBidiMode;
1029    property ParentColor;
1030    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
1031    property ParentFont;
1032    property PopupMenu;
1033    property ParentShowHint;
1034    property ReadOnly;
1035    property ScrollBars;
1036    property ShowHint;
1037    property TabOrder;
1038    property TabStop;
1039    property Visible;
1040    property WantReturns;
1041    property WantTabs;
1042    property WordWrap;
1043  end;
1046  { TCustomStaticText }
1048  TStaticBorderStyle = (sbsNone, sbsSingle, sbsSunken);
1050  TCustomStaticText = class(TWinControl)
1051  private
1052    FAlignment: TAlignment;
1053    FFocusControl: TWinControl;
1054    FShowAccelChar: boolean;
1055    FStaticBorderStyle: TStaticBorderStyle;
1056    function GetTransparent: Boolean;
1057    procedure SetAlignment(Value: TAlignment);
1058    procedure SetStaticBorderStyle(Value: TStaticBorderStyle);
1059    procedure SetTransparent(const AValue: Boolean);
1060    procedure WMActivate(var Message: TLMActivate); message LM_ACTIVATE;
1061  protected
1062    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
1063    function GetLabelText: String ; virtual;
1064    procedure RealSetText(const AValue: TCaption); override;
1065    procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
1066    procedure SetFocusControl(Val: TWinControl); virtual;
1067    procedure SetShowAccelChar(Val: boolean); virtual;
1068    function DialogChar(var Message: TLMKey): boolean; override;
1069    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
1070  public
1071    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
1072    property Alignment: TAlignment read FAlignment write SetAlignment default taLeftJustify;
1073    property BorderStyle: TStaticBorderStyle read FStaticBorderStyle write SetStaticBorderStyle default sbsNone;
1074    property FocusControl: TWinControl read FFocusControl write SetFocusControl;
1075    property ShowAccelChar: boolean read FShowAccelChar write SetShowAccelChar default true;
1076    property Transparent: Boolean read GetTransparent write SetTransparent default True;
1077  end;
1080  { TStaticText }
1082  TStaticText = class(TCustomStaticText)
1083  published
1084    property Align;
1085    property Alignment;
1086    property Anchors;
1087    property AutoSize;
1088    property BidiMode;
1089    property BorderSpacing;
1090    property BorderStyle;
1091    property Caption;
1092    property Color nodefault;
1093    property Constraints;
1094    property DoubleBuffered;
1095    property DragCursor;
1096    property DragKind;
1097    property DragMode;
1098    property Enabled;
1099    property FocusControl;
1100    property Font;
1101    property OnChangeBounds;
1102    property OnClick;
1103    property OnContextPopup;
1104    property OnDblClick;
1105    property OnDragDrop;
1106    property OnDragOver;
1107    property OnEndDrag;
1108    property OnMouseDown;
1109    property OnMouseEnter;
1110    property OnMouseLeave;
1111    property OnMouseMove;
1112    property OnMouseUp;
1113    property OnMouseWheel;
1114    property OnMouseWheelDown;
1115    property OnMouseWheelUp;
1116    property OnResize;
1117    property OnStartDrag;
1118    property ParentBidiMode;
1119    property ParentFont;
1120    property ParentColor;
1121    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
1122    property ParentShowHint;
1123    property PopupMenu;
1124    property ShowAccelChar;
1125    property ShowHint;
1126    property TabOrder;
1127    property TabStop;
1128    property Transparent;
1129    property Visible;
1130  end;
1133  { TButtonControl }
1135  TButtonControl = class(TWinControl)
1136  private
1137    FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
1138    FClicksDisabled: Boolean;
1139    function IsCheckedStored: boolean;
1140    procedure WMDefaultClicked(var Message: TLMessage); message LM_CLICKED;
1141  protected
1142    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
1143    function GetActionLinkClass: TControlActionLinkClass; override;
1144    function GetChecked: Boolean; virtual;
1145    procedure SetChecked(Value: Boolean); virtual;
1146    procedure DoOnChange; virtual;
1147    procedure Click; override;
1148  protected
1149    property Checked: Boolean read GetChecked write SetChecked stored IsCheckedStored default False;
1150    property ClicksDisabled: Boolean read FClicksDisabled write FClicksDisabled;
1151    property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
1152  public
1153    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1154  end;
1156  { TButtonActionLink - Finish me }
1158  TButtonActionLink = class(TWinControlActionLink)
1159  protected
1160    FClientButton: TButtonControl;
1161    procedure AssignClient(AClient: TObject); override;
1162    procedure SetChecked(Value: Boolean); override;
1163  public
1164    function IsCheckedLinked: Boolean; override;
1165  end;
1167  TButtonActionLinkClass = class of TButtonActionLink;
1170  { TCustomButton }
1172  TCustomButton = class(TButtonControl)
1173  private
1174    FModalResult: TModalResult;
1175    FShortCut: TShortcut;
1176    FShortCutKey2: TShortcut;
1177    FCancel: Boolean;
1178    FDefault: Boolean;
1179    FActive: boolean;
1180    FRolesUpdateLocked: Boolean;
1181    procedure SetCancel(NewCancel: boolean);
1182    procedure SetDefault(Value: Boolean);
1183    procedure SetModalResult(const AValue: TModalResult);
1184    procedure CMUIActivate(var Message: TLMessage); message CM_UIACTIVATE;
1185    procedure WMSetFocus(var Message: TLMSetFocus); message LM_SETFOCUS;
1186    procedure WMKillFocus(var Message: TLMKillFocus); message LM_KILLFOCUS;
1187    procedure UpdateFocus(AFocused: Boolean);
1188  protected
1189    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
1190    procedure CreateWnd; override;
1191    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
1192    procedure ControlKeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
1193    procedure ControlKeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
1194    function DialogChar(var Message: TLMKey): boolean; override;
1195    function ChildClassAllowed(ChildClass: TClass): boolean; override;
1196    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
1197    property ParentColor default false;
1198    procedure WSSetDefault;
1199    procedure WSSetText(const AText: String); override;
1200    procedure TextChanged; override;
1201    procedure Loaded; override;
1202    procedure UpdateDefaultCancel;
1203  public
1204    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1205    procedure Click; override;
1206    procedure ExecuteDefaultAction; override;
1207    procedure ExecuteCancelAction; override;
1208    procedure ActiveDefaultControlChanged(NewControl: TControl); override;
1209    procedure UpdateRolesForForm; override;
1210    function UseRightToLeftAlignment: Boolean; override;
1211  public
1212    property Active: boolean read FActive stored false;
1213    property Default: Boolean read FDefault write SetDefault default false;
1214    property ModalResult: TModalResult read FModalResult write SetModalResult default mrNone;
1215    property ShortCut: TShortcut read FShortCut;
1216    property ShortCutKey2: TShortcut read FShortCutKey2;
1217    property Cancel: Boolean read FCancel write SetCancel default false;
1218    property Color default {$ifdef UseCLDefault}clDefault{$else}clBtnFace{$endif};
1219    property TabStop default true;
1220  end;
1223  { TButton }
1225  TButton = class(TCustomButton)
1226  published
1227    property Action;
1228    property Align;
1229    property Anchors;
1230    property AutoSize;
1231    property BidiMode;
1232    property BorderSpacing;
1233    property Cancel;
1234    property Caption;
1235    property Color;
1236    property Constraints;
1237    property Default;
1238    property DoubleBuffered;
1239    property DragCursor;
1240    property DragKind;
1241    property DragMode;
1242    property Enabled;
1243    property Font;
1244    property ParentBidiMode;
1245    property ModalResult;
1246    property OnChangeBounds;
1247    property OnClick;
1248    property OnContextPopup;
1249    property OnDragDrop;
1250    property OnDragOver;
1251    property OnEndDrag;
1252    property OnEnter;
1253    property OnExit;
1254    property OnKeyDown;
1255    property OnKeyPress;
1256    property OnKeyUp;
1257    property OnMouseDown;
1258    property OnMouseEnter;
1259    property OnMouseLeave;
1260    property OnMouseMove;
1261    property OnMouseUp;
1262    property OnMouseWheel;
1263    property OnMouseWheelDown;
1264    property OnMouseWheelUp;
1265    property OnResize;
1266    property OnStartDrag;
1267    property OnUTF8KeyPress;
1268    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
1269    property ParentFont;
1270    property ParentShowHint;
1271    property PopupMenu;
1272    property ShowHint;
1273    property TabOrder;
1274    property TabStop;
1275    property Visible;
1276  end;
1278  { TCustomCheckBox }
1280  TCheckBoxState = (cbUnchecked, cbChecked, cbGrayed);
1282  { TCustomCheckBox }
1284  TCustomCheckBox = class(TButtonControl)
1285  private
1286    FAlignment: TLeftRight;
1287    FAllowGrayed: Boolean;
1288    FState: TCheckBoxState;
1289    FShortCut: TShortcut;
1290    FShortCutKey2: TShortcut;
1291    function GetAlignment: TLeftRight;
1292    procedure SetAlignment(AValue: TLeftRight);
1293    procedure SetState(Value: TCheckBoxState);
1294    function GetState: TCheckBoxState;
1295    procedure DoChange(var Msg); message LM_CHANGED;
1296  protected
1297    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
1298    procedure Click; override;
1299    procedure DoClickOnChange; virtual;
1300    function RetrieveState: TCheckBoxState;
1301    procedure InitializeWnd; override;
1302    procedure Toggle; virtual;
1303    function DialogChar(var Message: TLMKey): boolean; override;
1304    function GetChecked: Boolean; override;
1305    procedure SetChecked(Value: Boolean); override;
1306    procedure RealSetText(const Value: TCaption); override;
1307    procedure ApplyChanges; virtual;
1308    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
1309    procedure Loaded; override;
1310    procedure WSSetText(const AText: String); override;
1311    procedure TextChanged; override;
1312    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
1313  public
1314    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1315  public
1316    property Alignment: TLeftRight read GetAlignment write SetAlignment default taRightJustify;
1317    property AllowGrayed: Boolean read FAllowGrayed write FAllowGrayed default false;
1318    property State: TCheckBoxState read GetState write SetState default cbUnchecked;
1319    property ShortCut: TShortcut read FShortCut;
1320    property ShortCutKey2: TShortcut read FShortCutKey2;
1321    property OnChange;
1322  end;
1324  // Normal checkbox
1326  { TCheckBox }
1328  TCheckBox = class(TCustomCheckBox)
1329  public
1330    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1331  published
1332    property Action;
1333    property Align;
1334    property Alignment;
1335    property AllowGrayed;
1336    property Anchors;
1337    property AutoSize default True;
1338    property BidiMode;
1339    property BorderSpacing;
1340    property Caption;
1341    property Checked;
1342    property Color nodefault;
1343    property Constraints;
1344    property DoubleBuffered;
1345    property DragCursor;
1346    property DragKind;
1347    property DragMode;
1348    property Enabled;
1349    property Font;
1350    property Hint;
1351    property OnChange;
1352    property OnChangeBounds;
1353    property OnClick;
1354    property OnContextPopup;
1355    property OnDragDrop;
1356    property OnDragOver;
1357    property OnEditingDone;
1358    property OnEndDrag;
1359    property OnEnter;
1360    property OnExit;
1361    property OnKeyPress;
1362    property OnKeyDown;
1363    property OnKeyUp;
1364    property OnMouseDown;
1365    property OnMouseEnter;
1366    property OnMouseLeave;
1367    property OnMouseMove;
1368    property OnMouseUp;
1369    property OnMouseWheel;
1370    property OnMouseWheelDown;
1371    property OnMouseWheelUp;
1372    property OnResize;
1373    property OnStartDrag;
1374    property OnUTF8KeyPress;
1375    property ParentColor;
1376    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
1377    property ParentFont;
1378    property ParentShowHint;
1379    property ParentBidiMode;
1380    property PopupMenu;
1381    property ShowHint;
1382    property State;
1383    property TabOrder;
1384    property TabStop default True;
1385    property Visible;
1386  end;
1388  { TToggleBox }
1390  TToggleBox = class(TCustomCheckBox)
1391  protected
1392    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
1393    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
1394    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
1395    property ParentColor default false;
1396  public
1397    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1398  published
1399    property AllowGrayed;
1400    property Align;
1401    property Anchors;
1402    property AutoSize;
1403    property BidiMode;
1404    property BorderSpacing;
1405    property Caption;
1406    property Checked;
1407    property Color;
1408    property Constraints;
1409    property DoubleBuffered;
1410    property DragCursor;
1411    property DragKind;
1412    property DragMode;
1413    property Enabled;
1414    property Font;
1415    property Hint;
1416    property OnChange;
1417    property OnClick;
1418    property OnContextPopup;
1419    property OnDragDrop;
1420    property OnDragOver;
1421    property OnEndDrag;
1422    property OnEnter;
1423    property OnExit;
1424    property OnMouseDown;
1425    property OnMouseEnter;
1426    property OnMouseLeave;
1427    property OnMouseMove;
1428    property OnMouseUp;
1429    property OnMouseWheel;
1430    property OnMouseWheelDown;
1431    property OnMouseWheelUp;
1432    property OnResize;
1433    property OnStartDrag;
1434    property ParentBidiMode;
1435    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
1436    property ParentFont;
1437    property ParentShowHint;
1438    property PopupMenu;
1439    property ShowHint;
1440    property State;
1441    property TabOrder;
1442    property TabStop default True;
1443    property Visible;
1444  end;
1447  { TRadioButton }
1449  TRadioButton = class(TCustomCheckBox)
1450  protected
1451    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
1452    procedure ApplyChanges; override;
1453    function DialogChar(var Message: TLMKey): boolean; override;
1454    procedure RealSetText(const Value: TCaption); override;
1455    procedure DoClickOnChange; override;
1456    procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
1457  public
1458    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1459  published
1460    property Align;
1461    property Alignment;
1462    property Anchors;
1463    property AutoSize default True;
1464    property BidiMode;
1465    property BorderSpacing;
1466    property Caption;
1467    property Checked;
1468    property Color;
1469    property Constraints;
1470    property DoubleBuffered;
1471    property DragCursor;
1472    property DragKind;
1473    property DragMode;
1474    property Enabled;
1475    property Font;
1476    property Hint;
1477    property OnChange;
1478    property OnChangeBounds;
1479    property OnClick;
1480    property OnContextPopup;
1481    property OnDragDrop;
1482    property OnDragOver;
1483    property OnEndDrag;
1484    property OnEnter;
1485    property OnExit;
1486    property OnKeyDown;
1487    property OnKeyPress;
1488    property OnKeyUp;
1489    property OnMouseDown;
1490    property OnMouseEnter;
1491    property OnMouseLeave;
1492    property OnMouseMove;
1493    property OnMouseUp;
1494    property OnMouseWheel;
1495    property OnMouseWheelDown;
1496    property OnMouseWheelUp;
1497    property OnResize;
1498    property OnStartDrag;
1499    property ParentBidiMode;
1500    property ParentColor;
1501    property ParentDoubleBuffered;
1502    property ParentFont;
1503    property ParentShowHint;
1504    property PopupMenu;
1505    property ShowHint;
1506    property TabOrder;
1507    property TabStop default False;
1508    property Visible;
1509  end;
1512  { TCustomLabel }
1514  TCustomLabel = class(TGraphicControl)
1515  private
1516    FAlignment: TAlignment;
1517    FFocusControl: TWinControl;
1518    FOptimalFill: Boolean;
1519    FShowAccelChar: Boolean;
1520    FWordWrap: Boolean;
1521    FLayout: TTextLayout;
1522    FInternalSetBounds: Boolean;
1523    procedure SetAlignment(Value: TAlignment);
1524    procedure SetOptimalFill(const AValue: Boolean);
1525  protected
1526    class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;
1527    function  CanTab: boolean; override;
1528    procedure DoMeasureTextPosition(var TextTop: integer;
1529      var TextLeft: integer); virtual;
1530    function  HasMultiLine : boolean;
1531    procedure CalculatePreferredSize(
1532                         var PreferredWidth, PreferredHeight: integer;
1533                         WithThemeSpace: Boolean); override;
1534    procedure CalculateSize(MaxWidth: integer;
1535                            var NeededWidth, NeededHeight: integer);
1536    procedure DoAutoSize; override;
1537    function  DialogChar(var Message: TLMKey): boolean; override;
1538    procedure TextChanged; override;
1539    procedure DoSetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer); override;
1540    procedure FontChanged(Sender: TObject); override;
1541    class function GetControlClassDefaultSize: TSize; override;
1543    procedure WMActivate(var Message: TLMActivate); message LM_ACTIVATE;
1544    procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
1546    function  GetLabelText: string; virtual;
1547    function  GetTransparent: boolean;
1548    procedure SetColor(NewColor: TColor); override;
1549    procedure SetFocusControl(Value: TWinControl);
1550    procedure SetLayout(Value: TTextLayout);
1551    procedure SetShowAccelChar(Value: Boolean);
1552    procedure SetTransparent(NewTransparent: boolean);
1553    procedure SetWordWrap(Value: Boolean);
1554    procedure Loaded; override;
1555    procedure UpdateSize;
1557    property Alignment: TAlignment read FAlignment write SetAlignment default taLeftJustify;
1558    property FocusControl: TWinControl read FFocusControl write SetFocusControl;
1559    property Layout: TTextLayout read FLayout write SetLayout default tlTop;
1560    property ShowAccelChar: Boolean read FShowAccelChar write SetShowAccelChar default true;
1561    property Transparent: boolean read GetTransparent write SetTransparent default true;
1562    property WordWrap: Boolean read FWordWrap write SetWordWrap default false;
1563    property OptimalFill: Boolean read FOptimalFill write SetOptimalFill default false;
1564  public
1565    constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
1566    function CalcFittingFontHeight(const TheText: string;
1567      MaxWidth, MaxHeight: Integer;
1568      out FontHeight, NeededWidth, NeededHeight: Integer): Boolean;
1569    function ColorIsStored: boolean; override;
1570    function AdjustFontForOptimalFill: Boolean;
1571    procedure Paint; override;
1572    procedure SetBounds(aLeft, aTop, aWidth, aHeight: integer); override;
1573    property AutoSize default True;
1574    property Color default clNone;
1575  end;
1578  { TLabel }
1580  TLabel = class(TCustomLabel)
1581  published
1582    property Align;
1583    property Alignment;
1584    property Anchors;
1585    property AutoSize;
1586    property BidiMode;
1587    property BorderSpacing;
1588    property Caption;
1589    property Color;
1590    property Constraints;
1591    property DragCursor;
1592    property DragKind;
1593    property DragMode;
1594    property Enabled;
1595    property FocusControl;
1596    property Font;
1597    property Layout;
1598    property ParentBidiMode;
1599    property ParentColor;
1600    property ParentFont;
1601    property ParentShowHint;
1602    property PopupMenu;
1603    property ShowAccelChar;
1604    property ShowHint;
1605    property Transparent;
1606    property Visible;
1607    property WordWrap;
1608    property OnChangeBounds;
1609    property OnClick;
1610    property OnContextPopup;
1611    property OnDblClick;
1612    property OnDragDrop;
1613    property OnDragOver;
1614    property OnEndDrag;
1615    property OnMouseDown;
1616    property OnMouseEnter;
1617    property OnMouseLeave;
1618    property OnMouseMove;
1619    property OnMouseUp;
1620    property OnMouseWheel;
1621    property OnMouseWheelDown;
1622    property OnMouseWheelUp;
1623    property OnResize;
1624    property OnStartDrag;
1625    property OptimalFill;
1626  end;
1628procedure Register;
1633  WSControls, WSStdCtrls, interfacebase; // Widgetset uses circle is allowed
1637  TMemoStrings = class(TStrings)
1638  private
1639    FMemo: TCustomMemo;
1640    FMemoWidgetClass: TWSCustomMemoClass;
1641  protected
1642    function Get(Index: Integer): String; override;
1643    function GetCount: Integer; override;
1644  public
1645    constructor Create(AMemo: TCustomMemo);
1646    procedure Clear; override;
1647    procedure Delete(index: Integer); override;
1648    procedure Insert(index: Integer; const S: String); override;
1650    property MemoWidgetClass: TWSCustomMemoClass read FMemoWidgetClass write FMemoWidgetClass;
1651  end;
1653procedure Register;
1655  RegisterComponents('Standard',[TButton, TLabel,TEdit,TMemo,TToggleBox,TCheckBox,
1656       TRadioButton,TListBox,TComboBox,TScrollBar,TGroupBox]);
1657  RegisterComponents('Additional',[TStaticText]);
1660procedure InternalDrawItem(Control:TControl; Canvas: TCanvas; ARect:TRect; const Text: string);
1662  OldBrushStyle: TBrushStyle;
1663  OldTextStyle: TTextStyle;
1664  NewTextStyle: TTextStyle;
1666  OldBrushStyle := Canvas.Brush.Style;
1667  Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
1669  OldTextStyle := Canvas.TextStyle;
1670  NewTextStyle := OldTextStyle;
1671  NewTextStyle.Layout := tlCenter;
1672  NewTextStyle.RightToLeft := Control.UseRightToLeftReading;
1673  if Control.UseRightToLeftAlignment then
1674  begin
1675    NewTextStyle.Alignment := taRightJustify;
1676    ARect.Right := ARect.Right - 2;
1677  end
1678  else
1679  begin
1680    NewTextStyle.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
1681    ARect.Left := ARect.Left + 2;
1682  end;
1684  Canvas.TextStyle := NewTextStyle;
1686  Canvas.TextRect(ARect, ARect.Left, ARect.Top, Text);
1687  Canvas.Brush.Style := OldBrushStyle;
1688  Canvas.TextStyle := OldTextStyle;
1691{$I customgroupbox.inc}
1692{$I customcombobox.inc}
1693{$I customlistbox.inc}
1694{$I custommemo.inc}
1695{$I customedit.inc}
1696{$I customlabel.inc}
1697{$I customcheckbox.inc}
1699{$I scrollbar.inc}
1700{$I memoscrollbar.inc}
1701{$I memostrings.inc}
1703{$I buttoncontrol.inc}
1704{$I buttons.inc}
1706{$I checkbox.inc}
1707{$I radiobutton.inc}
1708{$I togglebox.inc}
1710{$I customstatictext.inc}
1713  RegisterPropertyToSkip(TCustomEdit, 'TextHintFontColor','Used in a previous version of Lazarus','');
1714  RegisterPropertyToSkip(TCustomEdit, 'TextHintFontStyle','Used in a previous version of Lazarus','');