1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4  *
5  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8  *
9  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10  *
11  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17  *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
18  */
20 #pragma once
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <string_view>
25 #include "worksheethelper.hxx"
27 namespace oox { class AttributeList; }
28 namespace oox { class PropertySet; }
29 namespace oox::core { class Relations; }
31 namespace oox::xls {
33 class HeaderFooterParser;
35 /** Holds page style data for a single sheet. */
36 struct PageSettingsModel
37 {
38     css::uno::Reference<css::graphic::XGraphic> mxGraphic; /// Background Graphic
39     OUString     maBinSettPath;          /// Relation identifier of binary printer settings.
40     OUString     maOddHeader;            /// Header string for odd pages.
41     OUString     maOddFooter;            /// Footer string for odd pages.
42     OUString     maEvenHeader;           /// Header string for even pages.
43     OUString     maEvenFooter;           /// Footer string for even pages.
44     OUString     maFirstHeader;          /// Header string for first page of the sheet.
45     OUString     maFirstFooter;          /// Footer string for first page of the sheet.
46     double              mfLeftMargin;           /// Margin between left edge of page and begin of sheet area.
47     double              mfRightMargin;          /// Margin between end of sheet area and right edge of page.
48     double              mfTopMargin;            /// Margin between top edge of page and begin of sheet area.
49     double              mfBottomMargin;         /// Margin between end of sheet area and bottom edge of page.
50     double              mfHeaderMargin;         /// Margin between top edge of page and begin of header.
51     double              mfFooterMargin;         /// Margin between end of footer and bottom edge of page.
52     sal_Int32           mnPaperSize;            /// Paper size (enumeration).
53     sal_Int32           mnPaperWidth;           /// Paper width in twips
54     sal_Int32           mnPaperHeight;          /// Paper height in twips
55     sal_Int32           mnCopies;               /// Number of copies to print.
56     sal_Int32           mnScale;                /// Page scale (zoom in percent).
57     sal_Int32           mnFirstPage;            /// First page number.
58     sal_Int32           mnFitToWidth;           /// Fit to number of pages in horizontal direction.
59     sal_Int32           mnFitToHeight;          /// Fit to number of pages in vertical direction.
60     sal_Int32           mnHorPrintRes;          /// Horizontal printing resolution in DPI.
61     sal_Int32           mnVerPrintRes;          /// Vertical printing resolution in DPI.
62     sal_Int32           mnOrientation;          /// Landscape or portrait.
63     sal_Int32           mnPageOrder;            /// Page order through sheet area (to left or down).
64     sal_Int32           mnCellComments;         /// Cell comments printing mode.
65     sal_Int32           mnPrintErrors;          /// Cell error printing mode.
66     bool                mbUseEvenHF;            /// True = use maEvenHeader/maEvenFooter.
67     bool                mbUseFirstHF;           /// True = use maFirstHeader/maFirstFooter.
68     bool                mbValidSettings;        /// True = use imported settings.
69     bool                mbUseFirstPage;         /// True = start page numbering with mnFirstPage.
70     bool                mbBlackWhite;           /// True = print black and white.
71     bool                mbDraftQuality;         /// True = print in draft quality.
72     bool                mbFitToPages;           /// True = Fit to width/height; false = scale in percent.
73     bool                mbHorCenter;            /// True = horizontally centered.
74     bool                mbVerCenter;            /// True = vertically centered.
75     bool                mbPrintGrid;            /// True = print grid lines.
76     bool                mbPrintHeadings;        /// True = print column/row headings.
78     explicit            PageSettingsModel();
80     /** Sets the BIFF print errors mode. */
81     void                setBiffPrintErrors( sal_uInt8 nPrintErrors );
82 };
84 class PageSettings : public WorksheetHelper
85 {
86 public:
87     explicit            PageSettings( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper );
89     /** Imports printing options from a printOptions element. */
90     void                importPrintOptions( const AttributeList& rAttribs );
91     /** Imports pageMarings element containing page margins. */
92     void                importPageMargins( const AttributeList& rAttribs );
93     /** Imports pageSetup element for worksheets. */
94     void                importPageSetup( const ::oox::core::Relations& rRelations, const AttributeList& rAttribs );
95     /** Imports pageSetup element for chart sheets. */
96     void                importChartPageSetup( const ::oox::core::Relations& rRelations, const AttributeList& rAttribs );
97     /** Imports header and footer settings from a headerFooter element. */
98     void                importHeaderFooter( const AttributeList& rAttribs );
99     /** Imports header/footer characters from a headerFooter element. */
100     void                importHeaderFooterCharacters(
101         std::u16string_view rChars, sal_Int32 nElement );
102     /** Imports the picture element. */
103     void                importPicture( const ::oox::core::Relations& rRelations, const AttributeList& rAttribs );
105     /** Imports the PRINTOPTIONS record from the passed stream. */
106     void                importPrintOptions( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
107     /** Imports the PAGEMARGINS record from the passed stream. */
108     void                importPageMargins( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
109     /** Imports the PAGESETUP record from the passed stream. */
110     void                importPageSetup( const ::oox::core::Relations& rRelations, SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
111     /** Imports the CHARTPAGESETUP record from the passed stream. */
112     void                importChartPageSetup( const ::oox::core::Relations& rRelations, SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
113     /** Imports the HEADERFOOTER record from the passed stream. */
114     void                importHeaderFooter( SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
115     /** Imports the PICTURE record from the passed stream. */
116     void                importPicture( const ::oox::core::Relations& rRelations, SequenceInputStream& rStrm );
118     /** Sets whether percentual scaling or fit to width/height scaling is used. */
119     void                setFitToPagesMode( bool bFitToPages );
121     /** Creates a page style for the spreadsheet and sets all page properties. */
122     void                finalizeImport();
124 private:
125     /** Imports the binary picture data from the fragment with the passed identifier. */
126     void                importPictureData( const ::oox::core::Relations& rRelations, const OUString& rRelId );
128 private:
129     PageSettingsModel   maModel;
130 };
132 class PageSettingsConverter : public WorkbookHelper
133 {
134 public:
135     explicit            PageSettingsConverter( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper );
136     virtual             ~PageSettingsConverter() override;
138     /** Writes all properties to the passed property set of a page style object. */
139     void                writePageSettingsProperties(
140                             PropertySet& rPropSet,
141                             const PageSettingsModel& rModel,
142                             WorksheetType eSheetType );
144 private:
145     struct HFHelperData
146     {
147         sal_Int32           mnLeftPropId;
148         sal_Int32           mnRightPropId;
149         sal_Int32           mnFirstPropId;
150         sal_Int32           mnHeight;
151         sal_Int32           mnBodyDist;
152         bool                mbHasContent;
153         bool                mbShareOddEven;
154         bool                mbShareFirst;
155         bool                mbDynamicHeight;
157         explicit            HFHelperData( sal_Int32 nLeftPropId, sal_Int32 nRightPropId, sal_Int32 nFirstPropId );
158     };
160 private:
161     void                convertHeaderFooterData(
162                             PropertySet& rPropSet,
163                             HFHelperData& orHFData,
164                             const OUString& rOddContent,
165                             const OUString& rEvenContent,
166                             const OUString& rFirstContent,
167                             bool bUseEvenContent,
168                             bool bUseFirstContent,
169                             double fPageMargin,
170                             double fContentMargin );
172     sal_Int32           writeHeaderFooter(
173                             PropertySet& rPropSet,
174                             sal_Int32 nPropId,
175                             const OUString& rContent );
177 private:
178     typedef ::std::unique_ptr< HeaderFooterParser > HeaderFooterParserPtr;
179     HeaderFooterParserPtr mxHFParser;
180     HFHelperData        maHeaderData;
181     HFHelperData        maFooterData;
182 };
184 } // namespace oox::xls
186 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */