1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4  *
5  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8  *
9  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10  *
11  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17  *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
18  */
21 #include <propertyids.hxx>
23 namespace dbtools
24 {
OPropertyMap()25     OPropertyMap::OPropertyMap()
26     {
27         // MSVC complains about ambiguous operator=
28         m_aPropertyMap.insert({
29                 {PROPERTY_ID_QUERYTIMEOUT,         "QueryTimeOut"},
30                 {PROPERTY_ID_MAXFIELDSIZE,         "MaxFieldSize"},
31                 {PROPERTY_ID_MAXROWS,              "MaxRows"},
32                 {PROPERTY_ID_CURSORNAME,           "CursorName"},
33                 {PROPERTY_ID_RESULTSETCONCURRENCY, "ResultSetConcurrency"},
35                 {PROPERTY_ID_RESULTSETTYPE,        "ResultSetType"},
36                 {PROPERTY_ID_FETCHDIRECTION,       "FetchDirection"},
37                 {PROPERTY_ID_FETCHSIZE,            "FetchSize"},
38                 {PROPERTY_ID_ESCAPEPROCESSING,     "EscapeProcessing"},
39                 {PROPERTY_ID_USEBOOKMARKS,         "UseBookmarks"},
40                 // Column
41                 {PROPERTY_ID_NAME,                 "Name"},
42                 {PROPERTY_ID_TYPE,                 "Type"},
43                 {PROPERTY_ID_TYPENAME,             "TypeName"},
44                 {PROPERTY_ID_PRECISION,            "Precision"},
45                 {PROPERTY_ID_SCALE,                "Scale"},
46                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISNULLABLE,           "IsNullable"},
47                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISAUTOINCREMENT,      "IsAutoIncrement"},
48                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISROWVERSION,         "IsRowVersion"},
49                 {PROPERTY_ID_DESCRIPTION,          "Description"},
50                 {PROPERTY_ID_DEFAULTVALUE,         "DefaultValue"},
52                 {PROPERTY_ID_REFERENCEDTABLE,      "ReferencedTable"},
53                 {PROPERTY_ID_UPDATERULE,           "UpdateRule"},
54                 {PROPERTY_ID_DELETERULE,           "DeleteRule"},
55                 {PROPERTY_ID_CATALOG,              "Catalog"},
56                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISUNIQUE,             "IsUnique"},
57                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISPRIMARYKEYINDEX,    "IsPrimaryKeyIndex"},
58                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISCLUSTERED,          "IsClustered"},
59                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISASCENDING,          "IsAscending"},
60                 {PROPERTY_ID_SCHEMANAME,           "SchemaName"},
61                 {PROPERTY_ID_CATALOGNAME,          "CatalogName"},
63                 {PROPERTY_ID_COMMAND,              "Command"},
64                 {PROPERTY_ID_CHECKOPTION,          "CheckOption"},
65                 {PROPERTY_ID_PASSWORD,             "Password"},
66                 {PROPERTY_ID_RELATEDCOLUMN,        "RelatedColumn"},
68                 {PROPERTY_ID_FUNCTION,             "Function"},
69                 {PROPERTY_ID_AGGREGATEFUNCTION,    "AggregateFunction"},
70                 {PROPERTY_ID_TABLENAME,            "TableName"},
71                 {PROPERTY_ID_REALNAME,             "RealName"},
72                 {PROPERTY_ID_DBASEPRECISIONCHANGED,"DbasePrecisionChanged"},
73                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISCURRENCY,           "IsCurrency"},
74                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISBOOKMARKABLE,       "IsBookmarkable"},
75                 {PROPERTY_ID_HY010,                "HY010"}, // error messages
76                 {PROPERTY_ID_DELIMITER,            "/"},
77                 {PROPERTY_ID_FORMATKEY,            "FormatKey"},
78                 {PROPERTY_ID_LOCALE,               "Locale"},
79                 {PROPERTY_ID_AUTOINCREMENTCREATION, "AutoIncrementCreation"},
80                 {PROPERTY_ID_PRIVILEGES,           "Privileges"},
81                 {PROPERTY_ID_HAVINGCLAUSE,         "HavingClause"},
82                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISSIGNED,             "IsSigned"},
83                 {PROPERTY_ID_ISSEARCHABLE,         "IsSearchable"},
84                 {PROPERTY_ID_LABEL,                "Label"},
85                 {PROPERTY_ID_APPLYFILTER,          "ApplyFilter"},
86                 {PROPERTY_ID_FILTER,               "Filter"},
87                 {PROPERTY_ID_MASTERFIELDS,         "MasterFields"},
88                 {PROPERTY_ID_DETAILFIELDS,         "DetailFields"},
89                 {PROPERTY_ID_FIELDTYPE,            "FieldType"},
90                 {PROPERTY_ID_VALUE,                "Value"},
91                 {PROPERTY_ID_ACTIVE_CONNECTION,    "ActiveConnection"},
92             } );
93     }
getNameByIndex(sal_Int32 _nIndex) const95     const OUString& OPropertyMap::getNameByIndex(sal_Int32 _nIndex) const
96     {
97         std::map<sal_Int32, OUString>::const_iterator aIter = m_aPropertyMap.find(_nIndex);
98         return aIter->second;
99     }
100 }
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