1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4  *
5  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8  *
9  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10  *
11  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17  *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
18  */
23 #include "rtl/ustring.h"
24 #include "osl/time.h"
26 #ifdef __cplusplus
27 extern "C" {
28 #endif
30 /* error returns */
31 #define OSL_INADDR_NONE             0xffffffff
32 #define OSL_INVALID_PORT (-1)
34 /**
35     Opaque datatype SocketAddr.
36 */
37 typedef struct oslSocketAddrImpl * oslSocketAddr;
39 /**
40     Represents the address-family of a socket
41 */
42 typedef enum {
43     osl_Socket_FamilyInet,          /*!< IP (AF_INET)                           */
44     osl_Socket_FamilyIpx,           /*!< Novell IPX/SPX (AF_IPX)                */
45     osl_Socket_FamilyInvalid,       /*!< always last entry in enum!             */
46     osl_Socket_Family_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM
47 } oslAddrFamily;
49 /**
50     represent a specific protocol within an address-family
51 */
52 typedef enum {
53     osl_Socket_ProtocolIp,          /*!< for all af_inet                        */
54     osl_Socket_ProtocolIpx,         /*!< af_ipx datagram sockets (IPX)          */
55     osl_Socket_ProtocolSpx,         /*!< af_ipx seqpacket or stream for SPX     */
56     osl_Socket_ProtocolSpxII,       /*!< af_ipx seqpacket or stream for SPX II  */
57     osl_Socket_ProtocolInvalid,     /*!< always last entry in enum              */
58     osl_Socket_Protocol_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM
59 } oslProtocol;
61 /**
62     Represents the type of a socket
63 */
64 typedef enum {
65     osl_Socket_TypeStream,          /*!< stream socket                          */
66     osl_Socket_TypeDgram,           /*!< datagram socket                        */
67     osl_Socket_TypeRaw,             /*!< raw socket                             */
68     osl_Socket_TypeRdm,             /*!< connectionless, message-oriented,
69                                          reliably delivered message (RDM)
70                                          sockets                                */
71     osl_Socket_TypeSeqPacket,       /*!< connection-oriented and reliable
72                                          two-way transport of ordered byte
73                                          streams                                */
74     osl_Socket_TypeInvalid,         /*!< always last entry in enum              */
75     osl_Socket_Type_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM
76 } oslSocketType;
79 /**
80     Represents socket-options
81 */
82 typedef enum {
83     osl_Socket_OptionDebug,         /*!< record debugging info                  */
84     osl_Socket_OptionAcceptConn,    /*!< listen for connection                  */
85     osl_Socket_OptionReuseAddr,     /*!< bind to address already in use         */
86     osl_Socket_OptionKeepAlive,     /*!< use keep-alive                         */
87     osl_Socket_OptionDontRoute,     /*!< do not route packet, send direct to
88                                          interface addresses                    */
89     osl_Socket_OptionBroadcast,     /*!< send broadcast message                 */
90     osl_Socket_OptionUseLoopback,   /*!< socket receives copy of everything
91                                          sent on the socket                     */
92     osl_Socket_OptionLinger,        /*!< don't immediately close - "linger"
93                                          a while to allow for graceful
94                                          connection closure                     */
95     osl_Socket_OptionOOBinLine,     /*!< out-of-band (OOB) data placed in
96                                          normal input queue (i.e. OOB inline)   */
97     osl_Socket_OptionSndBuf,        /*!< send buffer                            */
98     osl_Socket_OptionRcvBuf,        /*!< receive buffer                         */
99     osl_Socket_OptionSndLowat,      /*!< send "low-water" mark - amount of
100                                          available space in send buffer for
101                                          select() to return "writable"          */
102     osl_Socket_OptionRcvLowat,      /*!< receive "low-water" mark - amount of
103                                          available space in receive buffer
104                                          for select() to receive "readable"     */
105     osl_Socket_OptionSndTimeo,      /*!< send timeout                           */
106     osl_Socket_OptionRcvTimeo,      /*!< receive timeout                        */
107     osl_Socket_OptionError,         /*!< socket error                           */
108     osl_Socket_OptionType,          /*!< returns socket type (e.g. datagram,
109                                          stream).                               */
110     osl_Socket_OptionTcpNoDelay,    /*!< disable TCP Nagle algorithm            */
111     osl_Socket_OptionInvalid,       /*!< always last entry in enum              */
112     osl_Socket_Option_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM
113 } oslSocketOption;
115 /**
116     Represents the different socket-option levels
117 */
118 typedef enum  {
119     osl_Socket_LevelSocket,
120     osl_Socket_LevelTcp,
121     osl_Socket_LevelInvalid,        /*!< always last entry in enum              */
122     osl_Socket_Level_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM
123 } oslSocketOptionLevel;
125 /**
126     Represents flags to be used with send/recv-calls.
127 */
128 typedef enum {
129     osl_Socket_MsgNormal,
130     osl_Socket_MsgOOB,
131     osl_Socket_MsgPeek,
132     osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute,
133     osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen,
134     osl_Socket_MsgInvalid,          /*!< always last entry in enum              */
135     osl_Socket_Msg_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM
136 } oslSocketMsgFlag;
138 /**
139     Used by shutdown to denote which end of the socket to "close".
140 */
141 typedef enum {
142     osl_Socket_DirRead,
143     osl_Socket_DirWrite,
144     osl_Socket_DirReadWrite,
145     osl_Socket_DirInvalid,          /*!< always last entry in enum              */
146     osl_Socket_Dir_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM
147 } oslSocketDirection;
149 /** Describes the various error socket error conditions, which may
150     occur */
151 typedef enum {
152     osl_Socket_E_None,              /*!< no error                               */
153     osl_Socket_E_NotSocket,         /*!< Socket operation on non-socket         */
154     osl_Socket_E_DestAddrReq,       /*!< Destination address required           */
155     osl_Socket_E_MsgSize,           /*!< Message too long                       */
156     osl_Socket_E_Prototype,         /*!< Protocol wrong type for socket         */
157     osl_Socket_E_NoProtocol,        /*!< Protocol not available                 */
158     osl_Socket_E_ProtocolNoSupport, /*!< Protocol not supported                 */
159     osl_Socket_E_TypeNoSupport,     /*!< Socket type not supported              */
160     osl_Socket_E_OpNotSupport,      /*!< Operation not supported on socket      */
161     osl_Socket_E_PfNoSupport,       /*!< Protocol family not supported          */
162     osl_Socket_E_AfNoSupport,       /*!< Address family not supported by        */
163                                     /*!< protocol family                        */
164     osl_Socket_E_AddrInUse,         /*!< Address already in use                 */
165     osl_Socket_E_AddrNotAvail,      /*!< Can't assign requested address         */
166     osl_Socket_E_NetDown,           /*!< Network is down                        */
167     osl_Socket_E_NetUnreachable,    /*!< Network is unreachable                 */
168     osl_Socket_E_NetReset,          /*!< Network dropped connection because
169                                        of reset                                 */
170     osl_Socket_E_ConnAborted,       /*!< Software caused connection abort       */
171     osl_Socket_E_ConnReset,         /*!< Connection reset by peer               */
172     osl_Socket_E_NoBufferSpace,     /*!< No buffer space available              */
173     osl_Socket_E_IsConnected,       /*!< Socket is already connected            */
174     osl_Socket_E_NotConnected,      /*!< Socket is not connected                */
175     osl_Socket_E_Shutdown,          /*!< Can't send after socket shutdown       */
176     osl_Socket_E_TooManyRefs,       /*!< Too many references: can't splice      */
177     osl_Socket_E_TimedOut,          /*!< Connection timed out                   */
178     osl_Socket_E_ConnRefused,       /*!< Connection refused                     */
179     osl_Socket_E_HostDown,          /*!< Host is down                           */
180     osl_Socket_E_HostUnreachable,   /*!< No route to host                       */
181     osl_Socket_E_WouldBlock,        /*!< call would block on non-blocking socket */
182     osl_Socket_E_Already,           /*!< operation already in progress          */
183     osl_Socket_E_InProgress,        /*!< operation now in progress              */
184     osl_Socket_E_InvalidError,      /*!< unmapped error: always last entry in enum */
185     osl_Socket_E_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM
186 } oslSocketError;
188 /** Common return codes of socket related functions.
189  */
190 typedef enum {
191     osl_Socket_Ok,                  /*!< successful completion                  */
192     osl_Socket_Error,               /*!< error occurred, check
193                                          osl_getLastSocketError() for details   */
194     osl_Socket_TimedOut,            /*!< blocking operation timed out           */
195     osl_Socket_Interrupted,         /*!< blocking operation was interrupted     */
196     osl_Socket_InProgress,          /*!< nonblocking operation is in progress   */
197     osl_Socket_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE = SAL_MAX_ENUM
198 } oslSocketResult;
200 typedef sal_uInt8 oslSocketIpxNetNumber[4];
201 typedef sal_uInt8 oslSocketIpxNodeNumber[6];
203 /**@} end section types
204 */
206 /**@{ begin section oslSocket
207 */
209 typedef struct oslSocketImpl * oslSocket;
211 /** Create a socket of the specified Family and Type. The semantic of
212     the Protocol parameter depends on the given family and type.
214     @returns 0 if socket could not be created, otherwise you get a handle
215              to the allocated socket-datastructure.
216 */
217 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocket SAL_CALL osl_createSocket(
218                             oslAddrFamily Family,
219                             oslSocketType Type,
220                             oslProtocol Protocol);
222 /** increases the refcount of the socket handle by one
223  */
224 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_acquireSocket(oslSocket Socket);
226 /** decreases the refcount of the socket handle by one.
228     If the refcount drops to zero, the underlying socket handle
229     is destroyed and becomes invalid.
230  */
231 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_releaseSocket(oslSocket Socket);
233 /** Retrieves the Address of the local end of the socket.
234     Note that a socket must be bound or connected before
235     a valid address can be returned.
237     @returns 0 if socket-address could not be created, otherwise you get
238              the created Socket-Address.
239 */
240 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketAddr SAL_CALL osl_getLocalAddrOfSocket(oslSocket Socket);
242 /** Retrieves the Address of the remote end of the socket.
243     Note that a socket must be connected before
244     a valid address can be returned.
245     @retval 0 if socket-address could not be created, otherwise you get
246     the created Socket-Address.
247 */
248 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketAddr SAL_CALL osl_getPeerAddrOfSocket(oslSocket Socket);
250 /** Binds the given address to the socket.
251     @param[in] Socket
252     @param[in] Addr
253     @retval sal_False if the bind failed
254     @retval sal_True if bind is successful
255     @see osl_getLastSocketError()
256 */
257 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_bindAddrToSocket(
258                            oslSocket Socket,
259                            oslSocketAddr Addr);
261 /** Connects the socket to the given address.
263     @param[in] Socket a bound socket.
264     @param[in] Addr the peer address.
265     @param pTimeout Timeout value or NULL for blocking.
267     @retval osl_Socket_Ok on successful connection,
268     @retval osl_Socket_TimedOut if operation timed out,
269     @retval osl_Socket_Interrupted if operation was interrupted
270     @retval osl_Socket_Error if the connection failed.
271 */
272 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketResult SAL_CALL osl_connectSocketTo(
273                               oslSocket Socket,
274                               oslSocketAddr Addr,
275                               const TimeValue* pTimeout);
278 /** Prepares the socket to act as an acceptor of incoming connections.
279     You should call "listen" before you use "accept".
280     @param[in] Socket The socket to listen on.
281     @param[in] MaxPendingConnections denotes the length of the queue of
282     pending connections for this socket. If MaxPendingConnections is
283     -1, the systems default value will be used (Usually 5).
284     @retval sal_False if the listen failed.
285 */
286 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_listenOnSocket(
287                             oslSocket Socket,
288                             sal_Int32 MaxPendingConnections);
291 /** Waits for an ingoing connection on the socket.
292     This call blocks if there is no incoming connection present.
293     @param[in] Socket The socket to accept the connection on.
294     @param[in] pAddr if pAddr is != 0, the peers address is returned.
295     @retval 0 if the accept-call failed, otherwise you get a socket
296     representing the new connection.
297 */
298 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocket SAL_CALL osl_acceptConnectionOnSocket(
299                             oslSocket Socket,
300                             oslSocketAddr* pAddr);
302 /** Tries to receive BytesToRead data from the connected socket,
303     if no error occurs. Note that incomplete recvs due to
304     packet boundaries may occur.
306     @param[in] Socket A connected socket to be used to listen on.
307     @param[out] pBuffer Points to a buffer that will be filled with the received
308     data.
309     @param[in] BytesToRead The number of bytes to read. pBuffer must have at least
310     this size.
311     @param[in] Flag Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
312     osl_Socket_MsgNormal
313     osl_Socket_MsgOOB
314     osl_Socket_MsgPeek
315     osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute
316     osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen
318     @return the number of received bytes.
319 */
320 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_receiveSocket(
321                             oslSocket Socket,
322                             void* pBuffer,
323                             sal_uInt32 BytesToRead,
324                             oslSocketMsgFlag Flag);
326 /** Tries to receives BufferSize data from the (usually unconnected)
327     (datagram-)socket, if no error occurs.
329     @param[in] Socket A bound socket to be used to listen for a datagram.
330     @param[out] SenderAddr A pointer to a created oslSocketAddr handle
331     or to a null handle. After the call, it will contain the constructed
332     oslSocketAddr of the datagrams sender. If pSenderAddr itself is 0,
333     it is ignored.
334     @param[out] pBuffer Points to a buffer that will be filled with the received
335     datagram.
336     @param[in] BufferSize The size of pBuffer.
337     @param[in] Flag Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
338     osl_Socket_MsgNormal
339     osl_Socket_MsgOOB
340     osl_Socket_MsgPeek
341     osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute
342     osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen
344     @return the number of received bytes.
345 */
346 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_receiveFromSocket(
347                             oslSocket Socket,
348                             oslSocketAddr SenderAddr,
349                             void* pBuffer,
350                             sal_uInt32 BufferSize,
351                             oslSocketMsgFlag Flag);
353 /** Tries to send BytesToSend data from the connected socket,
354     if no error occurs.
356     @param[in] Socket A connected socket.
357     @param[in] pBuffer Points to a buffer that contains the send-data.
358     @param[in] BytesToSend The number of bytes to send. pBuffer must have at least
359     this size.
360     @param[in] Flag Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
361     @li osl_Socket_MsgNormal
362     @li osl_Socket_MsgOOB
363     @li osl_Socket_MsgPeek
364     @li osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute
365     @li osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen
367     @return the number of transferred bytes.
368 */
369 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_sendSocket(
370                             oslSocket Socket,
371                             const void* pBuffer,
372                             sal_uInt32 BytesToSend,
373                             oslSocketMsgFlag Flag);
375 /** Tries to send one datagram with BytesToSend data to the given ReceiverAddr
376     via the (implicitly unconnected) datagram-socket.
377     Since there is only sent one packet, the function sends the data always complete
378     even with incomplete packet boundaries.
380     @param[in] Socket A bound or unbound socket. Socket will be bound
381     after a successful call.
383     @param[in] ReceiverAddr An initialized oslSocketAddress that contains
384     the destination address for this send.
386     @param[in] pBuffer Points to a buffer that contains the send-data.
387     @param[in] BytesToSend The number of bytes to send. pBuffer must have at least
388     this size.
389     @param[in] Flag
390     @parblock
391         Modifier for the call. Valid values are:
392         @li osl_Socket_MsgNormal
393         @li osl_Socket_MsgOOB
394         @li osl_Socket_MsgPeek
395         @li osl_Socket_MsgDontRoute
396         @li osl_Socket_MsgMaxIOVLen
397     @endparblock
399     @return the number of transferred bytes.
400 */
401 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_sendToSocket(
402                             oslSocket Socket,
403                             oslSocketAddr ReceiverAddr,
404                             const void* pBuffer,
405                             sal_uInt32 BytesToSend,
406                             oslSocketMsgFlag Flag);
408 /** Checks if read operations will block.
410     You can specify a timeout-value in seconds/microseconds that denotes
411     how long the operation will block if the Socket is not ready.
413     @param Socket the Socket to perform the operation on.
414     @param pTimeout if NULL, the operation will block without a timeout.
416     @retval sal_True if read operations (recv, recvFrom, accept) on the Socket
417         will NOT block;
418     @retval sal_False if it would block or if an error occurred.
419 */
420 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_isReceiveReady(
421                             oslSocket Socket,
422                             const TimeValue* pTimeout);
424 /** Checks if send operations will block.
425     You can specify a timeout-value in seconds/microseconds that denotes
426     how long the operation will block if the Socket is not ready.
428     @param Socket the Socket to perform the operation on.
429     @param pTimeout if NULL, the operation will block without a timeout. Otherwise
430         the time define by timeout value.
432     @retval sal_True if send operations (send, sendTo) on the Socket
433     will NOT block
434     @retval sal_False if it would block or if an error occurred.
435 */
436 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_isSendReady(
437                             oslSocket Socket,
438                             const TimeValue* pTimeout);
440 /** Checks if a request for out-of-band data will block.
441     You can specify a timeout-value in seconds/microseconds that denotes
442     how long the operation will block if the Socket has no pending OOB data.
444     @param Socket the Socket to perform the operation on.
445     @param pTimeout if NULL, the operation will block without a timeout.
447     @retval sal_True if OOB-request operations (recv with appropriate flags)
448         on the Socket will NOT block
449     @retval sal_False if it would block or if an error occurred.
450 */
451 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_isExceptionPending(
452                             oslSocket Socket,
453                             const TimeValue* pTimeout);
455 /** Shuts down communication on a connected socket.
456     @param[in] Socket the Socket to perform the operation on.
457     @param[in] Direction
458     @parblock
459         Direction denotes which end of the socket should be closed:
460         @li osl_Socket_DirRead - closes read operations.
461         @li osl_Socket_DirReadWrite - closes write operations.
462         @li osl_Socket_DirWrite - closes read and write operations.
463     @endparblock
465     @retval sal_True if the socket could be closed down.
466 */
467 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_shutdownSocket(
468                             oslSocket Socket,
469                             oslSocketDirection Direction);
471 /** Retrieves attributes associated with the socket.
473     @param Socket is the socket to query.
474     @param Level
475     @parblock
476         Selects the level for which an option should be queried.
477         Valid values are:
478         @li osl_sol_socket - Socket Level
479         @li osl_sol_tcp - Level of Transmission Control Protocol
480     @endparblock
482     @param Option
483     @parblock
484         Denotes the option to query.  Valid values (depending on the Level) are:
485         @li osl_Socket_Option_Debug - (sal_Bool) Socket debug flag 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
486         @li osl_Socket_OptionAcceptConn
487         @li osl_Socket_OptionReuseAddr - (sal_Bool) Allows the socket to be bound to an address that is
488             already in use. 1 = multiple bound allowed, 0 = no multiple bounds allowed
489         @li osl_Socket_OptionKeepAlive (sal_Bool) Keepalive packets are sent by the underlying socket.
490             1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
491         @li osl_Socket_OptionDontRoute - (sal_Bool) Do not route: send directly to interface.
492             1 = do not route , 0 = routing possible
493         @li osl_Socket_OptionBroadcast - (sal_Bool) Transmission of broadcast messages are allowed on the socket.
494             1 = transmission allowed, 0 = transmission disallowed
495         @li osl_Socket_OptionUseLoopback
496         @li osl_Socket_OptionLinger (sal_Int32) Linger on close if unsent data is present.
497             0 = linger is off, > 0  = timeout in seconds.
498         @li osl_Socket_OptionOOBinLine
499         @li osl_Socket_OptionSndBuf (sal_Int32) Size of the send buffer in bytes. Data is sent after
500             SndTimeo or when the buffer is full. This allows faster writing to the socket.
501         @li osl_Socket_OptionRcvBuf (sal_Int32) Size of the receive buffer in bytes. Data is sent after
502         SndTimeo or when the buffer is full. This allows faster writing to the socket and larger packet sizes.
503         @li osl_Socket_OptionSndLowat
504         @li osl_Socket_OptionRcvLowat
505         @li osl_Socket_OptionSndTimeo (sal_Int32) Data is sent after this timeout. This allows gathering
506             of data to send larger packages but increases latency times.
507         @li osl_Socket_OptionRcvTimeo
508         @li osl_Socket_OptionError
509         @li osl_Socket_OptionType
510         @li osl_Socket_OptionTcpNoDelay Disables the Nagle algorithm for send coalescing. (Do not
511             collect data until a packet is full, instead send immediately.  This increases network traffic
512             but might improve latency-times.)
513             1 = disables the algorithm, 0 = keeps it enabled.
515         If not above mentioned otherwise, the options are only valid for level osl_Socket_LevelSocket.
516     @endparblock
517     @param pBuffer Pointer to a buffer large enough to take the desired attribute-value.
518     @param BufferLen contains the length of the Buffer.
520     @return -1 if an error occurred or else the size of the data copied into pBuffer.
522     @see osl_setSocketOption()
523 */
524 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_getSocketOption(
525                             oslSocket Socket,
526                             oslSocketOptionLevel Level,
527                             oslSocketOption Option,
528                             void* pBuffer,
529                             sal_uInt32 BufferLen);
531 /** Sets the sockets attributes.
533     @param Socket is the socket to modify.
534     @param Level
535     @parblock
536         selects the level for which an option should be changed.
537         Valid values are:
538         @li osl_sol_socket - Socket Level
539         @li osl_sol_tcp - Level of Transmission Control Protocol
540     @endparblock
541     @param Option denotes the option to modify. See osl_setSocketOption() for more
542         details.
543     @param pBuffer Pointer to a Buffer which contains the attribute-value.
544     @param BufferLen contains the length of the Buffer.
546     @retval True if the option could be changed.
547 */
548 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_setSocketOption(
549                             oslSocket Socket,
550                             oslSocketOptionLevel Level,
551                             oslSocketOption Option,
552                             void* pBuffer,
553                             sal_uInt32 BufferLen);
555 /** Enables/disables non-blocking-mode of the socket.
557     @param Socket Change mode for this socket.
558     @param On sal_True enables non-blocking mode, sal_False disables non-blocking mode.
560     @retval sal_True if mode could be changed.
561 */
562 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_enableNonBlockingMode(
563                             oslSocket Socket,
564                             sal_Bool On);
567 /** Query state of non-blocking-mode of the socket.
569     @param Socket Query mode for this socket.
571     @retval True if non-blocking-mode is enabled.
572 */
573 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_isNonBlockingMode(oslSocket Socket);
575 /** Queries the socket for its type.
577     @param[in] Socket The socket to query.
579     @retval osl_Socket_TypeStream
580     @retval osl_Socket_TypeDgram
581     @retval osl_Socket_TypeRaw
582     @retval osl_Socket_TypeRdm
583     @retval osl_Socket_TypeSeqPacket
584     @retval osl_invalid_SocketType if an error occurred
585 */
586 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketType SAL_CALL osl_getSocketType(oslSocket Socket);
588 /** returns  a string which describes the last socket error.
590     @param[in] Socket The socket to query.
591     @param[out] strError The string that receives the error message.
592 */
593 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_getLastSocketErrorDescription(
594                             oslSocket Socket,
595                             rtl_uString **strError);
597 /** Returns a constant describing the last error for the socket system.
599     @retval osl_Socket_E_NONE if no error occurred
600     @retval osl_invalid_SocketError if an unknown (unmapped)
601             error occurred, otherwise an enum describing the error.
602 */
603 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketError SAL_CALL osl_getLastSocketError(
604                             oslSocket Socket);
606 /** Type for the representation of socket sets.
607 */
608 typedef struct oslSocketSetImpl * oslSocketSet;
610 /** Creates a set of sockets to be used with osl_demultiplexSocketEvents().
612     @return A oslSocketSet or 0 if creation failed.
613 */
614 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketSet SAL_CALL osl_createSocketSet(void);
616 /** Destroys an oslSocketSet.
617 */
618 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_destroySocketSet(oslSocketSet Set);
620 /** Clears the set from all previously added sockets.
622     @param Set the set to be cleared.
623 */
624 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_clearSocketSet(oslSocketSet Set);
627 /** Adds a socket to the set.
629     @param Set the set were the socket is added.
630     @param Socket the socket to be added.
631 */
632 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_addToSocketSet(oslSocketSet Set, oslSocket Socket);
634 /** Removes a socket from the set.
636     @param Set the set were the socket is removed from.
637     @param Socket the socket to be removed.
638 */
639 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_removeFromSocketSet(oslSocketSet Set, oslSocket Socket);
641 /** Checks if socket is in the set.
643     @param Set the set to be checked.
644     @param Socket check if this socket is in the set.
646     @retval sal_True if socket is in the set.
647 */
648 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_isInSocketSet(oslSocketSet Set, oslSocket Socket);
650 /** Checks multiple sockets for events.
652     @param IncomingSet Checks the sockets in this set for incoming events (read, accept). If the set is 0,
653         it is just skipped.
654     @param OutgoingSet Checks the sockets in this set for outgoing events (write, connect). If the set is 0,
655         it is just skipped.
656     @param OutOfBandSet Checks the sockets in this set for out-of-band events. If the set is 0, it is just
657         skipped.
658     @param pTimeout Address of the number of milliseconds to wait for events. If *pTimeout is -1, the call
659         will block until an event or an error occurs.
661     @return -1 on errors, otherwise the number of sockets with pending events. In case of timeout, the
662         number might be 0.
663 */
664 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_demultiplexSocketEvents(
665                             oslSocketSet IncomingSet,
666                             oslSocketSet OutgoingSet,
667                             oslSocketSet OutOfBandSet,
668                             const TimeValue* pTimeout);
670 /** Closes the socket terminating any ongoing dataflow.
672     @param[in] Socket The socket to close.
673  */
674 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_closeSocket(oslSocket Socket);
677 /** Retrieves n bytes from the stream and copies them into pBuffer.
678     The function avoids incomplete reads due to packet boundaries.
680     @param[in] Socket The socket to read from.
681     @param[out] pBuffer receives the read data.
682     @param[out] nSize the number of bytes to read. pBuffer must be large enough
683         to hold the n bytes!
685     @return the number of read bytes. The number will only be smaller than
686         n if an exceptional condition (e.g. connection closed) occurs.
687 */
688 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_readSocket(
689                             oslSocket Socket,
690                             void *pBuffer,
691                             sal_Int32 nSize);
694 /** Writes n bytes from pBuffer to the stream. The method avoids
695     incomplete writes due to packet boundaries.
697     @param[out] Socket The socket to write to.
698     @param[in] pBuffer contains the data to be written.
699     @param[in] nSize the number of bytes to write.
701     @return the number of written bytes. The number will only be smaller than
702         nSize if an exceptional condition (e.g. connection closed) occurs.
703 */
704 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_writeSocket(
705                             oslSocket Socket,
706                             const void *pBuffer,
707                             sal_Int32 nSize);
709 /**@} end section oslSocket
710 */
711 /**@{ begin section oslSocketAddr
712 */
714 /** Creates a socket-address for the given family.
715     @param Family If family == osl_Socket_FamilyInet the address is
716                   set to INADDR_ANY port 0.
717     @return 0 if address could not be created.
718 */
719 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketAddr SAL_CALL osl_createEmptySocketAddr(
720         oslAddrFamily Family);
723 /** Creates a new SocketAddress and fills it from Addr.
724 */
725 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketAddr SAL_CALL osl_copySocketAddr(
726         oslSocketAddr Addr);
728 /** Compares the values of two SocketAddresses.
729     @retval sal_True if both addresses denote the same socket address.
730     @retval sal_False if both addresses do not denote the same socket address.
731 */
732 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_isEqualSocketAddr(
733     oslSocketAddr Addr1, oslSocketAddr Addr2);
735 /** Uses the systems name-service interface to find an address for strHostname.
736     @param[in] strHostname The name for which you search for an address.
737     @return The desired address if one could be found, otherwise 0.
738     Don't forget to destroy the address if you don't need it any longer.
739 */
740 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketAddr SAL_CALL osl_resolveHostname(
741         rtl_uString *strHostname);
743 /** Create an internet address usable for sending broadcast datagrams.
744     To limit the broadcast to your subnet, pass your hosts IP address
745     in dotted decimal notation as first argument.
746     @see    osl_sendToSocket()
747     @see    oslSocketAddr
748     @param[in]  strDottedAddr dotted decimal internet address, may be 0.
749     @param[in]  Port port number in host byte order.
750     @retval 0 if address could not be created.
751 */
752 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketAddr SAL_CALL osl_createInetBroadcastAddr(
753     rtl_uString *strDottedAddr, sal_Int32 Port);
756 /** Create an internet-address, consisting of host address and port.
757     We interpret strDottedAddr as a dotted-decimal inet-addr
758     (e.g. "").
759     @param[in] strDottedAddr  String with dotted address.
760     @param[in] Port  portnumber in host byte order.
761     @retval 0 if address could not be created.
762 */
763 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketAddr SAL_CALL osl_createInetSocketAddr (
764     rtl_uString *strDottedAddr, sal_Int32 Port);
767 /** Frees all resources allocated by Addr. The handle Addr must not
768     be used after the call anymore.
769 */
770 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_destroySocketAddr(
771         oslSocketAddr Addr);
773 /** Looks up the port-number designated to the specified service/protocol-pair.
774     (e.g. "ftp" "tcp").
775     @retval OSL_INVALID_PORT if no appropriate entry was found, otherwise the port-number.
776 */
777 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_getServicePort(
778         rtl_uString *strServicename, rtl_uString *strProtocol);
782 /** Retrieves the address-family from the Addr.
783     @return the family of the socket-address.
784     In case of an unknown family you get osl_Socket_FamilyInvalid.
785 */
786 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslAddrFamily SAL_CALL osl_getFamilyOfSocketAddr(
787         oslSocketAddr Addr);
790 /** Retrieves the internet port-number of Addr.
791     @return the port-number of the address in host-byte order. If Addr
792     is not an address of type osl_Socket_FamilyInet, it returns OSL_INVALID_PORT
793 */
794 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Int32 SAL_CALL osl_getInetPortOfSocketAddr(
795         oslSocketAddr Addr);
798 /** Sets the Port of Addr.
799     @param[in] Addr the SocketAddr to perform the operation on.
800     @param[in] Port is expected in host byte-order.
801     @retval sal_False if Addr is not an inet-addr.
802 */
803 SAL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool SAL_CALL osl_setInetPortOfSocketAddr(
804         oslSocketAddr Addr, sal_Int32 Port);
807 /** Returns the hostname represented by Addr.
808     @param[in] Addr The socket address from which to extract the hostname.
809     @param[out] strHostname The hostname represented by the address. If
810     there is no hostname to be found, it returns 0.
811 */
812 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketResult SAL_CALL osl_getHostnameOfSocketAddr(
813         oslSocketAddr Addr, rtl_uString **strHostname);
816 /** Gets the address in dotted decimal format.
818     @param[in] Addr The socket address from which to extract the dotted decimal address.
819     @param[out] strDottedInetAddr Contains the dotted decimal address
820     (e.g. represented by the address.
822     @retval If the address is invalid or not of type osl_Socket_FamilyInet, it returns 0.
823     @retval osl_Socket_Ok
824     @retval osl_Socket_Error
825 */
826 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketResult SAL_CALL osl_getDottedInetAddrOfSocketAddr(
827         oslSocketAddr Addr, rtl_uString **strDottedInetAddr);
829 /** Sets the addr field in the struct sockaddr with pByteSeq. pByteSeq must be in network byte order.
830  */
831 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketResult SAL_CALL osl_setAddrOfSocketAddr(
832         oslSocketAddr Addr, sal_Sequence *pByteSeq );
834 /** Returns the addr field in the struct sockaddr.
835     @param[in] Addr The socket address from which to extract the ipaddress.
836     @param[out] ppByteSeq After the call, *ppByteSeq contains the ipaddress
837                      in network byte order. *ppByteSeq may be 0 in case of an invalid socket handle.
838     @retval osl_Socket_Ok
839     @retval osl_Socket_Error
840  */
841 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketResult SAL_CALL osl_getAddrOfSocketAddr(
842         oslSocketAddr Addr, sal_Sequence **ppByteSeq );
844 /*
845     Opaque datatype HostAddr.
846 */
847 typedef struct oslHostAddrImpl * oslHostAddr;
850 /** Create an oslHostAddr from given hostname and socket address.
851     @param[in] strHostname The hostname to be stored.
852     @param[in] Addr The socket address to be stored.
853     @return The created address or 0 upon failure.
854 */
855 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslHostAddr SAL_CALL osl_createHostAddr(
856         rtl_uString *strHostname, const oslSocketAddr Addr);
859 /** Create an oslHostAddr by resolving the given strHostname.
860     Successful name resolution should result in the fully qualified
861     domain name (FQDN) and its address as hostname and socket address
862     members of the resulting oslHostAddr.
863     @param[in] strHostname The hostname to be resolved.
864     @return The resulting address or 0 upon failure.
865 */
866 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslHostAddr SAL_CALL osl_createHostAddrByName(rtl_uString *strHostname);
869 /** Create an oslHostAddr by reverse resolution of the given Addr.
870     Successful name resolution should result in the fully qualified
871     domain name (FQDN) and its address as hostname and socket address
872     members of the resulting oslHostAddr.
873     @param[in] Addr The socket address to be reverse resolved.
874     @return The resulting address or 0 upon failure.
875 */
876 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslHostAddr SAL_CALL osl_createHostAddrByAddr(const oslSocketAddr Addr);
879 /** Create a copy of the given Addr.
880     @return The copied address or 0 upon failure.
881 */
882 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslHostAddr SAL_CALL osl_copyHostAddr(const oslHostAddr Addr);
885 /** Frees all resources allocated by Addr. The handle Addr must not
886     be used after the call anymore.
887 */
888 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_destroyHostAddr(oslHostAddr Addr);
891 /** Get the hostname member of Addr.
892     @return The hostname or 0 upon failure.
893 */
894 SAL_DLLPUBLIC void SAL_CALL osl_getHostnameOfHostAddr(const oslHostAddr Addr, rtl_uString **strHostname);
897 /** Get the socket address member of Addr.
898     @return The socket address or 0 upon failure.
899 */
900 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketAddr SAL_CALL osl_getSocketAddrOfHostAddr(const oslHostAddr Addr);
902 /** Retrieve this machines hostname.
903     May not always be a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
904     @param  strLocalHostname out-parameter. The string that receives the local host name.
905     @retval sal_True upon success
906     @retval sal_False
907 */
908 SAL_DLLPUBLIC oslSocketResult SAL_CALL osl_getLocalHostname(rtl_uString **strLocalHostname);
911 /**@} end section oslHostAddr
912 */
914 #ifdef __cplusplus
915 }
916 #endif
920 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */