1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4  *
5  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8  *
9  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10  *
11  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17  *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
18  */
23 #include <filter/msfilter/msdffimp.hxx>
24 #include <vcl/graph.hxx>
25 #include "xlescher.hxx"
26 #include "xiroot.hxx"
27 #include <oox/ole/olehelper.hxx>
28 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
29 #include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
30 #include <map>
31 #include <memory>
32 #include <vector>
34 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
35     namespace drawing { class XShape; }
36     namespace form { class XForm; }
37 } } }
39 namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace container { class XNameContainer; } } } }
41 class SdrObjList;
42 class ScfProgressBar;
43 class ScfPropertySet;
44 class ScRangeList;
45 class XclImpChart;
46 class XclImpDffConverter;
47 class XclImpDrawing;
49 // Drawing objects ============================================================
51 class XclImpDrawObjBase;
52 typedef std::shared_ptr< XclImpDrawObjBase > XclImpDrawObjRef;
54 /** Base class for drawing objects (OBJ records). */
55 class XclImpDrawObjBase : protected XclImpRoot
56 {
57 public:
58     explicit            XclImpDrawObjBase( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
59     virtual             ~XclImpDrawObjBase() override;
61     /** Reads the BIFF3 OBJ record, returns a new drawing object. */
62     static XclImpDrawObjRef ReadObj3( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, XclImpStream& rStrm );
63     /** Reads the BIFF4 OBJ record, returns a new drawing object. */
64     static XclImpDrawObjRef ReadObj4( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, XclImpStream& rStrm );
65     /** Reads the BIFF5 OBJ record, returns a new drawing object. */
66     static XclImpDrawObjRef ReadObj5( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, XclImpStream& rStrm );
67     /** Reads the BIFF8 OBJ record, returns a new drawing object. */
68     static XclImpDrawObjRef ReadObj8( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, XclImpStream& rStrm );
70     /** Sets whether this is an area object (then its width and height must be greater than 0). */
SetAreaObj(bool bAreaObj)71     void         SetAreaObj( bool bAreaObj ) { mbAreaObj = bAreaObj; }
72     /** If set to true, a new SdrObject will be created while in DFF import. */
SetSimpleMacro(bool bMacro)73     void         SetSimpleMacro( bool bMacro ) { mbSimpleMacro = bMacro; }
75     /** Sets the object anchor explicitly. */
76     void                SetAnchor( const XclObjAnchor& rAnchor );
77     /** Sets shape data from DFF stream. */
78     void                SetDffData(
79         const DffObjData& rDffObjData, const OUString& rObjName, const OUString& rHyperlink,
80         bool bVisible, bool bAutoMargin );
82     /** If set to false, the SdrObject will not be created, processed, or inserted into the draw page. */
SetProcessSdrObj(bool bProcess)83     void         SetProcessSdrObj( bool bProcess ) { mbProcessSdr = bProcess; }
84     /** If set to false, the SdrObject will be created or processed, but not be inserted into the draw page. */
SetInsertSdrObj(bool bInsert)85     void         SetInsertSdrObj( bool bInsert ) { mbInsertSdr = bInsert; }
86     /** If set to true, a new SdrObject will be created while in DFF import. */
SetCustomDffObj(bool bCustom)87     void         SetCustomDffObj( bool bCustom ) { mbCustomDff = bCustom; }
89     /** Returns the sheet index and Excel object identifier from OBJ record. */
GetObjId() const90     sal_uInt16   GetObjId() const { return mnObjId; }
91     /** Returns the Excel object type from OBJ record. */
GetObjType() const92     sal_uInt16   GetObjType() const { return mnObjType; }
93     /** Returns the name of this object, may generate a default name. */
94     virtual OUString GetObjName() const;
95     /** Returns associated macro name, if set, otherwise zero length string. */
GetMacroName() const96     const OUString& GetMacroName() const { return maMacroName; }
98     /** Returns the shape identifier used in the DFF stream. */
GetDffShapeId() const99     sal_uInt32   GetDffShapeId() const { return mnDffShapeId; }
100     /** Returns the shape flags from the DFF stream. */
GetDffFlags() const101     ShapeFlag    GetDffFlags() const { return mnDffFlags; }
103     /** Returns true, if the object is hidden. */
IsHidden() const104     bool         IsHidden() const { return mbHidden; }
105     /** Returns true, if the object is visible. */
IsVisible() const106     bool         IsVisible() const { return mbVisible; }
107     /** Returns true, if the object is printable. */
IsPrintable() const108     bool         IsPrintable() const { return mbPrintable; }
110     /** Returns the object anchor if existing, null otherwise. */
111     const XclObjAnchor* GetAnchor() const;
112     /** Returns true, if the passed size is valid for this object. */
113     bool                IsValidSize( const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const;
114     /** Returns the range in the sheet covered by this object. */
115     ScRange             GetUsedArea( SCTAB nScTab ) const;
117     /** Returns true, if the object is valid and will be processed. */
IsProcessSdrObj() const118     bool         IsProcessSdrObj() const { return mbProcessSdr && !mbHidden; }
119     /** Returns true, if the SdrObject will be created or processed, but not be inserted into the draw page. */
IsInsertSdrObj() const120     bool         IsInsertSdrObj() const { return mbInsertSdr; }
122     /** Returns the needed size on the progress bar (calls virtual DoGetProgressSize() function). */
123     std::size_t         GetProgressSize() const;
124     /** Creates and returns an SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
125     SdrObjectUniquePtr        CreateSdrObject( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect, bool bIsDff ) const;
126     /** Additional processing for the passed SdrObject before insertion into
127         the drawing page (calls virtual DoPreProcessSdrObj() function). */
128     void                PreProcessSdrObject( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrObject& rSdrObj );
129     /** Additional processing for the passed SdrObject after insertion into the
130         drawing page (calls virtual DoPostProcessSdrObj() function). */
131     void                PostProcessSdrObject( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrObject& rSdrObj ) const;
GetTab() const132     SCTAB               GetTab() const { return mnTab; }
134 protected:
135     /** Reads the object name in a BIFF5 OBJ record. */
136     void                ReadName5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen );
137     /** Reads the macro link in a BIFF3 OBJ record. */
138     void                ReadMacro3( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize );
139     /** Reads the macro link in a BIFF4 OBJ record. */
140     void                ReadMacro4( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize );
141     /** Reads the macro link in a BIFF5 OBJ record. */
142     void                ReadMacro5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize );
143     /** Reads the contents of the ftMacro sub structure in an OBJ record. */
144     void                ReadMacro8( XclImpStream& rStrm );
146     /** Converts the passed line formatting to the passed SdrObject. */
147     void                ConvertLineStyle( SdrObject& rSdrObj, const XclObjLineData& rLineData ) const;
148     /** Converts the passed fill formatting to the passed SdrObject. */
149     void                ConvertFillStyle( SdrObject& rSdrObj, const XclObjFillData& rFillData ) const;
150     /** Converts the passed frame flags to the passed SdrObject. */
151     void                ConvertFrameStyle( SdrObject& rSdrObj, sal_uInt16 nFrameFlags ) const;
153     /** Returns a solid line color from the passed line data struct. */
154     Color               GetSolidLineColor( const XclObjLineData& rLineData ) const;
155     /** Returns a solid fill color from the passed fill data struct. */
156     Color               GetSolidFillColor( const XclObjFillData& rFillData ) const;
158     /** Derived classes read the contents of the a BIFF3 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
159     virtual void        DoReadObj3( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize );
160     /** Derived classes read the contents of the a BIFF4 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
161     virtual void        DoReadObj4( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize );
162     /** Derived classes read the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
163     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize );
164     /** Derived classes read the contents of the specified subrecord of a BIFF8 OBJ record from stream. */
165     virtual void        DoReadObj8SubRec( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, sal_uInt16 nSubRecSize );
167     /** Derived classes may return a progress bar size different from 1. */
168     virtual std::size_t DoGetProgressSize() const;
169     /** Derived classes create and return a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
170     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const;
171     /** Derived classes may perform additional processing for the passed SdrObject before insertion. */
172     virtual void        DoPreProcessSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrObject& rSdrObj ) const;
173     /** Derived classes may perform additional processing for the passed SdrObject after insertion. */
174     virtual void        DoPostProcessSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrObject& rSdrObj ) const;
176     /** Notify that the document contains a macro event handler */
177     void NotifyMacroEventRead();
178 private:
179     /** Reads the contents of a BIFF3 OBJ record. */
180     void                ImplReadObj3( XclImpStream& rStrm );
181     /** Reads the contents of a BIFF4 OBJ record. */
182     void                ImplReadObj4( XclImpStream& rStrm );
183     /** Reads the contents of a BIFF5 OBJ record. */
184     void                ImplReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm );
185     /** Reads the contents of a BIFF8 OBJ record. */
186     void                ImplReadObj8( XclImpStream& rStrm );
188 private:
189     XclObjAnchor        maAnchor;       /// The position of the object in its parent.
190     sal_uInt16          mnObjId;        /// The object identifier (unique per drawing).
191     SCTAB               mnTab;          /// Location of object
192     sal_uInt16          mnObjType;      /// The Excel object type from OBJ record.
193     sal_uInt32          mnDffShapeId;   /// Shape ID from DFF stream.
194     ShapeFlag           mnDffFlags;     /// Shape flags from DFF stream.
195     OUString       maObjName;      /// Name of the object.
196     OUString       maMacroName;    /// Name of an attached macro.
197     OUString       maHyperlink;    /// On-click hyperlink URL.
198     bool                mbHasAnchor;    /// true = maAnchor is initialized.
199     bool                mbHidden;       /// true = Object is hidden.
200     bool                mbVisible;      /// true = Object is visible.
201     bool                mbPrintable;    /// true = Object is printable.
202     bool                mbAreaObj;      /// true = Width and height must be greater than 0.
203     bool                mbAutoMargin;   /// true = Set automatic text margin.
204     bool                mbSimpleMacro;  /// true = Create simple macro link and hyperlink.
205     bool                mbProcessSdr;   /// true = Object is valid, do processing and insertion.
206     bool                mbInsertSdr;    /// true = Insert the SdrObject into draw page.
207     bool                mbCustomDff;    /// true = Recreate SdrObject in DFF import.
208     bool                mbNotifyMacroEventRead; /// true == If we have already seen a macro event
209 };
211 class XclImpDrawObjVector
212 {
213 private:
214     std::vector< XclImpDrawObjRef > mObjs;
216 public:
XclImpDrawObjVector()217     explicit     XclImpDrawObjVector() : mObjs() {}
begin() const219     std::vector< XclImpDrawObjRef >::const_iterator begin() const { return mObjs.begin(); }
end() const220     std::vector< XclImpDrawObjRef >::const_iterator end() const { return mObjs.end(); }
push_back(const XclImpDrawObjRef & rObj)221     void push_back(const XclImpDrawObjRef& rObj) { mObjs.push_back(rObj); }
223     /** Tries to insert the passed object into the last group or appends it. */
224     void                InsertGrouped( XclImpDrawObjRef const & xDrawObj );
226     /** Returns the needed size on the progress bar for all contained objects. */
227     std::size_t         GetProgressSize() const;
228 };
230 /** A placeholder object for unknown object types. */
231 class XclImpPhObj : public XclImpDrawObjBase
232 {
233 public:
234     explicit            XclImpPhObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
235 };
237 /** A group object. */
238 class XclImpGroupObj final : public XclImpDrawObjBase
239 {
240 public:
241     explicit            XclImpGroupObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
243     /** Tries to insert the drawing object into this or a nested group. */
244     bool                TryInsert( XclImpDrawObjRef const & xDrawObj );
246 private:
247     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF3 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
248     virtual void        DoReadObj3( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
249     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF4 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
250     virtual void        DoReadObj4( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
251     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
252     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
253     /** Returns a progress bar size that takes all group children into account. */
254     virtual std::size_t DoGetProgressSize() const override;
255     /** Creates and returns a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
256     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const override;
258     XclImpDrawObjVector maChildren;         /// Grouped objects.
259     sal_uInt16          mnFirstUngrouped;   /// Object identifier of first object not grouped into this group.
260 };
262 /** A line object. */
263 class XclImpLineObj final : public XclImpDrawObjBase
264 {
265 public:
266     explicit            XclImpLineObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
268 private:
269     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF3 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
270     virtual void        DoReadObj3( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
271     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF4 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
272     virtual void        DoReadObj4( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
273     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
274     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
275     /** Creates and returns a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
276     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const override;
278     XclObjLineData      maLineData;     /// BIFF5 line formatting.
279     sal_uInt16          mnArrows;       /// Line arrows.
280     sal_uInt8           mnStartPoint;   /// Starting point.
281 };
283 /** A rectangle or oval object. */
284 class XclImpRectObj : public XclImpDrawObjBase
285 {
286 public:
287     explicit            XclImpRectObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
289 protected:
290     /** Reads fil data, line data, and frame flags. */
291     void                ReadFrameData( XclImpStream& rStrm );
293     /** Converts fill formatting, line formatting, and frame style. */
294     void                ConvertRectStyle( SdrObject& rSdrObj ) const;
296     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF3 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
297     virtual void        DoReadObj3( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
298     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF4 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
299     virtual void        DoReadObj4( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
300     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
301     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
302     /** Creates and returns a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
303     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const override;
305 protected:
306     XclObjFillData      maFillData;     /// BIFF5 fill formatting.
307     XclObjLineData      maLineData;     /// BIFF5 line formatting.
308     sal_uInt16          mnFrameFlags;   /// Additional flags.
309 };
311 /** An oval object. */
312 class XclImpOvalObj : public XclImpRectObj
313 {
314 public:
315     explicit            XclImpOvalObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
317 protected:
318     /** Creates and returns a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
319     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const override;
320 };
322 /** An arc object. */
323 class XclImpArcObj final : public XclImpDrawObjBase
324 {
325 public:
326     explicit            XclImpArcObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
328 private:
329     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF3 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
330     virtual void        DoReadObj3( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
331     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF4 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
332     virtual void        DoReadObj4( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
333     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
334     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
335     /** Creates and returns a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
336     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const override;
338     XclObjFillData      maFillData;     /// BIFF5 fill formatting.
339     XclObjLineData      maLineData;     /// BIFF5 line formatting.
340     sal_uInt8           mnQuadrant;     /// Visible quadrant of the circle.
341 };
343 /** A polygon object. */
344 class XclImpPolygonObj final : public XclImpRectObj
345 {
346 public:
347     explicit            XclImpPolygonObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
349 private:
350     /** Reads the COORDLIST record following the OBJ record. */
351     void                ReadCoordList( XclImpStream& rStrm );
353     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF4 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
354     virtual void        DoReadObj4( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
355     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
356     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
357     /** Creates and returns a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
358     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const override;
360     typedef std::vector< Point > PointVector;
361     PointVector         maCoords;       /// Coordinates relative to bounding rectangle.
362     sal_uInt16          mnPolyFlags;    /// Additional flags.
363     sal_uInt16          mnPointCount;   /// Polygon point count.
364 };
366 struct XclImpObjTextData
367 {
368     XclObjTextData      maData;         /// BIFF5 text data.
369     XclImpStringRef     mxString;       /// Plain or rich string.
371     /** Reads a byte string from the passed stream. */
372     void                ReadByteString( XclImpStream& rStrm );
373     /** Reads text formatting from the passed stream. */
374     void                ReadFormats( XclImpStream& rStrm );
375 };
377 /** A drawing object supporting text contents. Used for all simple objects in BIFF8. */
378 class XclImpTextObj : public XclImpRectObj
379 {
380 public:
381     explicit            XclImpTextObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
383     /** Stores the passed textbox data. */
SetTextData(const XclImpObjTextData & rTextData)384     void         SetTextData( const XclImpObjTextData& rTextData ) { maTextData = rTextData; }
386 protected:
387     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF3 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
388     virtual void        DoReadObj3( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
389     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF4 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
390     virtual void        DoReadObj4( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
391     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
392     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
393     /** Creates and returns a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
394     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const override;
395     /** Inserts the contained text data at the passed object. */
396     virtual void        DoPreProcessSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrObject& rSdrObj ) const override;
398 protected:
399     XclImpObjTextData   maTextData;     /// Textbox data from BIFF5 OBJ or BIFF8 TXO record.
400 };
402 /** A chart object. This is the drawing object wrapper for the chart data. */
403 class XclImpChartObj : public XclImpRectObj
404 {
405 public:
406     /** @param bOwnTab  True = chart is on an own sheet; false = chart is an embedded object. */
407     explicit            XclImpChartObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, bool bOwnTab = false );
409     /** Reads the complete chart substream (BOF/EOF block). */
410     void                ReadChartSubStream( XclImpStream& rStrm );
412 protected:
413     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF3 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
414     virtual void        DoReadObj3( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
415     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF4 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
416     virtual void        DoReadObj4( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
417     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
418     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
419     /** Reads the contents of the specified subrecord of a BIFF8 OBJ record from stream. */
420     virtual void        DoReadObj8SubRec( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, sal_uInt16 nSubRecSize ) override;
421     /** Returns the needed size on the progress bar. */
422     virtual std::size_t DoGetProgressSize() const override;
423     /** Creates and returns a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
424     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const override;
425     /** Converts the chart document. */
426     virtual void        DoPostProcessSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrObject& rSdrObj ) const override;
428 private:
429     /** Calculates the object anchor of a sheet chart (chart fills one page). */
430     void                FinalizeTabChart();
432 private:
433     typedef std::shared_ptr< XclImpChart > XclImpChartRef;
435     XclImpChartRef      mxChart;        /// The chart itself (BOF/EOF substream data).
436     bool const          mbOwnTab;       /// true = own sheet; false = embedded object.
437 };
439 /** A note object, which is a specialized text box object. */
440 class XclImpNoteObj : public XclImpTextObj
441 {
442 public:
443     explicit            XclImpNoteObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
445     /** Sets note flags and the note position in the Calc sheet. */
446     void                SetNoteData( const ScAddress& rScPos, sal_uInt16 nNoteFlags );
448 protected:
449     /** Inserts the note into the document, sets visibility. */
450     virtual void        DoPreProcessSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrObject& rSdrObj ) const override;
452 private:
453     ScAddress           maScPos;        /// Cell position of the note object.
454     sal_uInt16          mnNoteFlags;    /// Flags from NOTE record.
455 };
457 /** Helper base class for TBX and OCX form controls to manage spreadsheet links. */
458 class XclImpControlHelper
459 {
460 public:
461     explicit            XclImpControlHelper( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, XclCtrlBindMode eBindMode );
462     virtual             ~XclImpControlHelper();
464     /** Returns true, if a linked cell address is present. */
HasCellLink() const465     bool         HasCellLink() const { return mxCellLink != nullptr; }
467     /** Returns the SdrObject from the passed control shape and sets the bounding rectangle. */
468     SdrObjectUniquePtr        CreateSdrObjectFromShape(
469                             const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape >& rxShape,
470                             const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const;
472     /** Sets additional properties to the form control model, calls virtual DoProcessControl(). */
473     void                ProcessControl( const XclImpDrawObjBase& rDrawObj ) const;
475 protected:
476     /** Reads the formula for the linked cell from the current position of the stream. */
477     void                ReadCellLinkFormula( XclImpStream& rStrm, bool bWithBoundSize );
478     /** Reads the formula for the source range from the current position of the stream. */
479     void                ReadSourceRangeFormula( XclImpStream& rStrm, bool bWithBoundSize );
481     /** Derived classes will set additional properties for the current form control. */
482     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const;
484     void ApplySheetLinkProps() const;
485     mutable css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape >
486                                    mxShape;        /// The UNO wrapper of the control shape.
487     std::shared_ptr< ScAddress > mxCellLink;     /// Linked cell in the Calc document.
488 private:
489     /** Reads a list of cell ranges from a formula at the current stream position. */
490     void                ReadRangeList( ScRangeList& rScRanges, XclImpStream& rStrm );
491     /** Reads leading formula size and a list of cell ranges from a formula if the leading size is not zero. */
492     void                ReadRangeList( ScRangeList& rScRanges, XclImpStream& rStrm, bool bWithBoundSize );
494 private:
495     const XclImpRoot&            mrRoot;     /// Not derived from XclImpRoot to allow multiple inheritance.
496     std::shared_ptr< ScRange >   mxSrcRange; /// Source data range in the Calc document.
497     XclCtrlBindMode const        meBindMode; /// Value binding mode.
498 };
500 /** Base class for textbox based form controls. */
501 class XclImpTbxObjBase : public XclImpTextObj, public XclImpControlHelper
502 {
503 public:
504     explicit            XclImpTbxObjBase( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
506     /** Sets line and fill formatting from the passed DFF property set. */
507     void                SetDffProperties( const DffPropSet& rDffPropSet );
509     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
GetServiceName() const510     OUString GetServiceName() const { return DoGetServiceName(); }
511     /** Fills the passed macro event descriptor. */
512     bool                FillMacroDescriptor(
513                             css::script::ScriptEventDescriptor& rDescriptor ) const;
515 protected:
516     /** Sets control text formatting. */
517     void                ConvertFont( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const;
518     /** Sets control label and text formatting. */
519     void                ConvertLabel( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const;
521     /** Creates and returns a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
522     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const override;
523     /** Additional processing on the SdrObject, calls new virtual function DoProcessControl(). */
524     virtual void        DoPreProcessSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrObject& rSdrObj ) const override;
526     /** Derived classes return the service name of the control component to be created. */
527     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const = 0;
528     /** Derived classes return the type of the macro event to be created. */
529     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const = 0;
530 };
532 /** A button control. */
533 class XclImpButtonObj : public XclImpTbxObjBase
534 {
535 public:
536     explicit            XclImpButtonObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
538 protected:
539     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
540     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
541     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
542     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
543     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
544     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
545 };
547 /** A checkbox control. */
548 class XclImpCheckBoxObj : public XclImpTbxObjBase
549 {
550 public:
551     explicit            XclImpCheckBoxObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
553 protected:
554     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
555     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
556     /** Reads the contents of the specified subrecord of a BIFF8 OBJ record from stream. */
557     virtual void        DoReadObj8SubRec( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, sal_uInt16 nSubRecSize ) override;
558     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
559     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
560     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
561     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
562     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
563     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
565 protected:
566     sal_uInt16          mnState;
567     sal_uInt16          mnCheckBoxFlags;
568 };
570 /** An option button control. */
571 class XclImpOptionButtonObj final : public XclImpCheckBoxObj
572 {
573 public:
574     explicit            XclImpOptionButtonObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
576 private:
577     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
578     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
579     /** Reads the contents of the specified subrecord of a BIFF8 OBJ record from stream. */
580     virtual void        DoReadObj8SubRec( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, sal_uInt16 nSubRecSize ) override;
581     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
582     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
583     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
584     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
585     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
586     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
588     sal_uInt16          mnNextInGroup;      /// Next option button in a group.
589     sal_uInt16          mnFirstInGroup;     /// 1 = Button is the first in a group.
590 };
592 /** A label control. */
593 class XclImpLabelObj : public XclImpTbxObjBase
594 {
595 public:
596     explicit            XclImpLabelObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
598 protected:
599     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
600     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
601     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
602     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
603     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
604     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
605 };
607 /** A groupbox control. */
608 class XclImpGroupBoxObj final : public XclImpTbxObjBase
609 {
610 public:
611     explicit            XclImpGroupBoxObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
613 private:
614     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
615     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
616     /** Reads the contents of the specified subrecord of a BIFF8 OBJ record from stream. */
617     virtual void        DoReadObj8SubRec( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, sal_uInt16 nSubRecSize ) override;
618     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
619     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
620     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
621     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
622     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
623     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
625     sal_uInt16          mnGroupBoxFlags;
626 };
628 /** A dialog control. */
629 class XclImpDialogObj : public XclImpTbxObjBase
630 {
631 public:
632     explicit            XclImpDialogObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
634 protected:
635     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
636     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
637     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
638     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
639     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
640     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
641 };
643 /** An edit control. */
644 class XclImpEditObj final : public XclImpTbxObjBase
645 {
646 public:
647     explicit            XclImpEditObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
649 private:
650     /** REturns true, if the field type is numeric. */
651     bool                IsNumeric() const;
653     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
654     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
655     /** Reads the contents of the specified subrecord of a BIFF8 OBJ record from stream. */
656     virtual void        DoReadObj8SubRec( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, sal_uInt16 nSubRecSize ) override;
657     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
658     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
659     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
660     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
661     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
662     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
664     sal_uInt16          mnContentType;
665     sal_uInt16          mnMultiLine;
666     sal_uInt16          mnScrollBar;
667     sal_uInt16          mnListBoxObjId;
668 };
670 /** Base class of scrollable form controls (spin button, scrollbar, listbox, dropdown). */
671 class XclImpTbxObjScrollableBase : public XclImpTbxObjBase
672 {
673 public:
674     explicit            XclImpTbxObjScrollableBase( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
676 protected:
677     /** Reads scrollbar data. */
678     void                ReadSbs( XclImpStream& rStrm );
680     /** Reads the contents of the specified subrecord of a BIFF8 OBJ record from stream. */
681     virtual void        DoReadObj8SubRec( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, sal_uInt16 nSubRecSize ) override;
683 protected:
684     sal_uInt16          mnValue;
685     sal_uInt16          mnMin;
686     sal_uInt16          mnMax;
687     sal_uInt16          mnStep;
688     sal_uInt16          mnPageStep;
689     sal_uInt16          mnOrient;
690     sal_uInt16          mnThumbWidth;
691     sal_uInt16          mnScrollFlags;
692 };
694 /** A spinbutton control. */
695 class XclImpSpinButtonObj : public XclImpTbxObjScrollableBase
696 {
697 public:
698     explicit            XclImpSpinButtonObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
700 protected:
701     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
702     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
703     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
704     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
705     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
706     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
707     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
708     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
709 };
711 /** A scrollbar control. */
712 class XclImpScrollBarObj : public XclImpTbxObjScrollableBase
713 {
714 public:
715     explicit            XclImpScrollBarObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
717 protected:
718     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
719     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
720     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
721     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
722     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
723     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
724     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
725     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
726 };
728 /** Base class for list controls (listbox, dropdown). */
729 class XclImpTbxObjListBase : public XclImpTbxObjScrollableBase
730 {
731 public:
732     explicit            XclImpTbxObjListBase( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
734 protected:
735     /** Reads common listbox settings. */
736     void                ReadLbsData( XclImpStream& rStrm );
737     /** Sets common listbox/dropdown formatting attributes. */
738     void                SetBoxFormatting( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const;
740 protected:
741     sal_uInt16          mnEntryCount;
742     sal_uInt16          mnSelEntry;
743     sal_uInt16          mnListFlags;
744     sal_uInt16          mnEditObjId;
745     bool                mbHasDefFontIdx;
746 };
748 /** A listbox control. */
749 class XclImpListBoxObj final : public XclImpTbxObjListBase
750 {
751 public:
752     explicit            XclImpListBoxObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
754 private:
755     /** Reads listbox settings and selection. */
756     void                ReadFullLbsData( XclImpStream& rStrm, std::size_t nRecLeft );
758     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
759     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
760     /** Reads the contents of the specified subrecord of a BIFF8 OBJ record from stream. */
761     virtual void        DoReadObj8SubRec( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, sal_uInt16 nSubRecSize ) override;
762     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
763     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
764     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
765     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
766     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
767     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
769     ScfUInt8Vec         maSelection;
770 };
772 /** A dropdown listbox control. */
773 class XclImpDropDownObj final : public XclImpTbxObjListBase
774 {
775 public:
776     explicit            XclImpDropDownObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
778 private:
779     /** Returns the type of the dropdown control. */
780     sal_uInt16          GetDropDownType() const;
782     /** Reads dropdown box settings. */
783     void                ReadFullLbsData( XclImpStream& rStrm );
785     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
786     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
787     /** Reads the contents of the specified subrecord of a BIFF8 OBJ record from stream. */
788     virtual void        DoReadObj8SubRec( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, sal_uInt16 nSubRecSize ) override;
789     /** Sets additional properties for the current form control. */
790     virtual void        DoProcessControl( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ) const override;
791     /** Returns the service name of the control component to be created. */
792     virtual OUString DoGetServiceName() const override;
793     /** Returns the type of the macro event to be created. */
794     virtual XclTbxEventType DoGetEventType() const override;
796     sal_uInt16          mnLeft;
797     sal_uInt16          mnTop;
798     sal_uInt16          mnRight;
799     sal_uInt16          mnBottom;
800     sal_uInt16          mnDropDownFlags;
801     sal_uInt16          mnLineCount;
802     sal_uInt16          mnMinWidth;
803 };
805 /** A picture, an embedded or linked OLE object, or an OCX form control. */
806 class XclImpPictureObj : public XclImpRectObj, public XclImpControlHelper
807 {
808 public:
809     explicit            XclImpPictureObj( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
810     /** Returns the ObjectName - can use non-obvious lookup for override in the associated vba document module stream**/
811     virtual OUString GetObjName() const override;
812     /** Returns the graphic imported from the IMGDATA record. */
GetGraphic() const813     const Graphic& GetGraphic() const { return maGraphic; }
815     /** Returns true, if the OLE object will be shown as symbol. */
IsSymbol() const816     bool         IsSymbol() const { return mbSymbol; }
817     /** Returns the storage name for the OLE object. */
818     OUString            GetOleStorageName() const;
820     /** Returns true, if this object is an OCX form control. */
IsOcxControl() const821     bool         IsOcxControl() const { return mbEmbedded && mbControl && mbUseCtlsStrm; }
822     /** Returns the position in the 'Ctls' stream for additional form control data. */
GetCtlsStreamPos() const823     std::size_t  GetCtlsStreamPos() const { return mnCtlsStrmPos; }
824     /** Returns the size in the 'Ctls' stream for additional form control data. */
GetCtlsStreamSize() const825     std::size_t  GetCtlsStreamSize() const { return mnCtlsStrmSize; }
827 protected:
828     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF3 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
829     virtual void        DoReadObj3( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
830     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF4 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
831     virtual void        DoReadObj4( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
832     /** Reads the contents of the a BIFF5 OBJ record from the passed stream. */
833     virtual void        DoReadObj5( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nNameLen, sal_uInt16 nMacroSize ) override;
834     /** Reads the contents of the specified subrecord of a BIFF8 OBJ record from stream. */
835     virtual void        DoReadObj8SubRec( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nSubRecId, sal_uInt16 nSubRecSize ) override;
836     /** Creates and returns a new SdrObject from the contained data. Caller takes ownership! */
837     virtual SdrObjectUniquePtr DoCreateSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect ) const override;
838     /** Override to do additional processing on the SdrObject. */
839     virtual void        DoPreProcessSdrObj( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrObject& rSdrObj ) const override;
841 private:
842     /** Reads and sets the picture flags from a BIFF3-BIFF5 OBJ picture record. */
843     void                ReadFlags3( XclImpStream& rStrm );
844     /** Reads the contents of the OBJFLAGS subrecord. */
845     void                ReadFlags8( XclImpStream& rStrm );
846     /** Reads the contents of the OBJPICTFMLA subrecord. */
847     void                ReadPictFmla( XclImpStream& rStrm, sal_uInt16 nLinkSize );
849 private:
850     Graphic             maGraphic;      /// Picture or OLE placeholder graphic.
851     OUString            maClassName;    /// Class name of embedded OLE object.
852     sal_uInt32          mnStorageId;    /// Identifier of the storage for this object.
853     std::size_t         mnCtlsStrmPos;  /// Position in 'Ctls' stream for this control.
854     std::size_t         mnCtlsStrmSize; /// Size in 'Ctls' stream for this control.
855     bool                mbEmbedded;     /// true = Embedded OLE object.
856     bool                mbLinked;       /// true = Linked OLE object.
857     bool                mbSymbol;       /// true = Show as symbol.
858     bool                mbControl;      /// true = Form control, false = OLE object.
859     bool                mbUseCtlsStrm;  /// true = Form control data in 'Ctls' stream, false = Own storage.
860 };
862 // DFF stream conversion ======================================================
864 /** The solver container collects all connector rules for connected objects. */
865 class XclImpSolverContainer : public SvxMSDffSolverContainer
866 {
867 public:
869     /** Inserts information about a new SdrObject. */
870     void                InsertSdrObjectInfo( SdrObject& rSdrObj, sal_uInt32 nDffShapeId, ShapeFlag nDffFlags );
871     /** Removes information of an SdrObject (and all child objects if it is a group). */
872     void                RemoveSdrObjectInfo( SdrObject& rSdrObj );
874     /** Inserts the SdrObject pointers into all connector rules. */
875     void                UpdateConnectorRules();
876     /** Removes all contained connector rules. */
877     void                RemoveConnectorRules();
879 private:
880     /** Updates the data of a connected shape in a connector rule. */
881     void                UpdateConnection( sal_uInt32 nDffShapeId, SdrObject*& rpSdrObj, ShapeFlag* pnDffFlags = nullptr );
883 private:
884     /** Stores data about an SdrObject processed during import. */
885     struct XclImpSdrInfo
886     {
887         SdrObject*          mpSdrObj;       /// Pointer to an SdrObject.
888         ShapeFlag           mnDffFlags;     /// Shape flags from DFF stream.
XclImpSdrInfoXclImpSolverContainer::XclImpSdrInfo889         explicit     XclImpSdrInfo() : mpSdrObj( nullptr ), mnDffFlags( ShapeFlag::NONE ) {}
SetXclImpSolverContainer::XclImpSdrInfo890         void         Set( SdrObject* pSdrObj, ShapeFlag nDffFlags )
891                                 { mpSdrObj = pSdrObj; mnDffFlags = nDffFlags; }
892     };
893     typedef std::map< sal_uInt32, XclImpSdrInfo > XclImpSdrInfoMap;
894     typedef std::map< SdrObject*, sal_uInt32 >    XclImpSdrObjMap;
896     XclImpSdrInfoMap    maSdrInfoMap;   /// Maps shape IDs to SdrObjects and flags.
897     XclImpSdrObjMap     maSdrObjMap;    /// Maps SdrObjects to shape IDs.
898 };
900 /** Simple implementation of the SVX DFF manager. Implements resolving palette
901     colors. Used by XclImpDffPropSet (as is), extended by XclImpDffConverter.
902  */
903 class XclImpSimpleDffConverter : public SvxMSDffManager, protected XclImpRoot
904 {
905 public:
906     explicit            XclImpSimpleDffConverter( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, SvStream& rDffStrm );
907     virtual             ~XclImpSimpleDffConverter() override;
909 protected:
910     /** Returns a color from the Excel color palette. */
911     virtual bool        GetColorFromPalette( sal_uInt16 nIndex, Color& rColor ) const override;
912 };
914 /** This is the central instance for converting binary DFF data into shape
915     objects. Used for all sheet shapes and shapes embedded in chart objects.
917     The class derives from SvxMSDffManager and SvxMSConvertOCXControls and
918     contains core implementation of DFF stream import and OCX form control
919     import.
920  */
921 class XclImpDffConverter : public XclImpSimpleDffConverter, private oox::ole::MSConvertOCXControls
922 {
923 public:
924     explicit            XclImpDffConverter( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, SvStream& rDffStrm );
925     virtual             ~XclImpDffConverter() override;
927     /** Initializes the internal progress bar with the passed size and starts it. */
928     void                StartProgressBar( std::size_t nProgressSize );
929     /** Increase the progress bar by the passed value. */
930     void                Progress( std::size_t nDelta = 1 );
932     /** Initially called before the objects of the passed drawing manager are converted. */
933     void                InitializeDrawing( XclImpDrawing& rDrawing, SdrModel& rSdrModel, SdrPage& rSdrPage );
934     /** Processes BIFF5 drawing objects without DFF data, inserts into the passed object list. */
935     void                ProcessObject( SdrObjList& rObjList, XclImpDrawObjBase& rDrawObj );
936     /** Processes all objects in the passed list. */
937     void                ProcessDrawing( const XclImpDrawObjVector& rDrawObjs );
938     /** Processes a drawing container in the passed DFF stream, converts all objects. */
939     void                ProcessDrawing( SvStream& rDffStrm );
940     /** Finally called after the objects of the passed drawing manager have been converted. */
941     void                FinalizeDrawing();
943     /** Creates the SdrObject for the passed Excel TBX form control object. */
944     SdrObjectUniquePtr        CreateSdrObject( const XclImpTbxObjBase& rTbxObj, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect );
945     /** Creates the SdrObject for the passed Excel OLE object or OCX form control object. */
946     SdrObjectUniquePtr        CreateSdrObject( const XclImpPictureObj& rPicObj, const tools::Rectangle& rAnchorRect );
948     /** Returns true, if the conversion of OLE objects is supported. */
949     bool                SupportsOleObjects() const;
950     /** Returns the default text margin in drawing layer units. */
GetDefaultTextMargin() const951     sal_Int32    GetDefaultTextMargin() const { return mnDefTextMargin; }
953 private:
954     // virtual functions of SvxMSDffManager
956     /** Reads the client anchor from the DFF stream and sets it at the correct object. */
957     virtual void        ProcessClientAnchor2(
958                             SvStream& rDffStrm,
959                             DffRecordHeader& rHeader,
960                             DffObjData& rObjData ) override;
961     /** Processes a DFF object, reads properties from DFF stream. */
962     virtual SdrObject*  ProcessObj(
963                             SvStream& rDffStrm,
964                             DffObjData& rDffObjData,
965                             SvxMSDffClientData& rClientData,
966                             tools::Rectangle& rTextRect,
967                             SdrObject* pOldSdrObj ) override;
969     /** Finalize a DFF object, sets anchor after nested objs have been loaded. */
970     virtual SdrObject*  FinalizeObj(
971                             DffObjData& rDffObjData,
972                             SdrObject* pOldSdrObj ) override;
974     // virtual functions of SvxMSConvertOCXControls
976     /** Inserts the passed control rxFComp into the form. Needs call to SetCurrentForm() before. */
977     virtual bool    InsertControl(
978                             const css::uno::Reference<
979                                 css::form::XFormComponent >& rxFormComp,
980                             const css::awt::Size& rSize,
981                             css::uno::Reference<
982                                 css::drawing::XShape >* pxShape,
983                             bool bFloatingCtrl ) override;
985 private:
986     /** Data per registered drawing manager, will be stacked for recursive calls. */
987     struct XclImpDffConvData
988     {
989         XclImpDrawing&      mrDrawing;          /// Current drawing container with all drawing objects.
990         SdrModel&           mrSdrModel;         /// The SdrModel of the drawing manager.
991         SdrPage&            mrSdrPage;          /// The SdrPage of the drawing manager.
992         XclImpSolverContainer maSolverCont;     /// The solver container for connector rules.
993         css::uno::Reference< css::form::XForm >
994                             mxCtrlForm;         /// Controls form of current drawing page.
995         sal_Int32           mnLastCtrlIndex;    /// Last insertion index of a form control (for macro events).
996         bool                mbHasCtrlForm;      /// True = mxCtrlForm is initialized (but maybe still null).
998         explicit            XclImpDffConvData( XclImpDrawing& rDrawing,
999                                 SdrModel& rSdrModel, SdrPage& rSdrPage );
1000     };
1002     /** Returns the current drawing manager data struct from top of the stack. */
1003     XclImpDffConvData&      GetConvData();
1004     /** Returns the current drawing manager data struct from top of the stack. */
1005     const XclImpDffConvData& GetConvData() const;
1007     /** Reads contents of a hyperlink property and returns the extracted URL. */
1008     OUString            ReadHlinkProperty( SvStream& rDffStrm ) const;
1010     /** Processes a drawing container (all drawing data of a sheet). */
1011     bool                ProcessDgContainer( SvStream& rDffStrm, const DffRecordHeader& rDgHeader );
1012     /** Processes the global shape group container (all shapes of a sheet). */
1013     bool                ProcessShGrContainer( SvStream& rDffStrm, const DffRecordHeader& rShGrHeader );
1014     /** Processes the solver container (connectors of a sheet). */
1015     bool                ProcessSolverContainer( SvStream& rDffStrm, const DffRecordHeader& rSolverHeader );
1016     /** Processes a shape or shape group container (one top-level shape). */
1017     bool                ProcessShContainer( SvStream& rDffStrm, const DffRecordHeader& rShHeader );
1019     /** Inserts the passed SdrObject into the document. This function takes ownership of pSdrObj! */
1020     void                InsertSdrObject( SdrObjList& rObjList, const XclImpDrawObjBase& rDrawObj, SdrObject* pSdrObj );
1021     /** Initializes the mxCtrlForm referring to the standard controls form. */
1022     void                InitControlForm();
1023     /** Notify that this document contains a macro event handler */
1024     void                NotifyMacroEventRead();
1026 private:
1027     typedef std::shared_ptr< ScfProgressBar >     ScfProgressBarRef;
1028     typedef std::shared_ptr< XclImpDffConvData >  XclImpDffConvDataRef;
1029     typedef std::vector< XclImpDffConvDataRef >   XclImpDffConvDataStack;
1031     tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> mxCtlsStrm;         /// The 'Ctls' stream for OCX form controls.
1032     ScfProgressBarRef   mxProgress;         /// The progress bar used in ProcessObj().
1033     XclImpDffConvDataStack maDataStack;     /// Stack for registered drawing managers.
1034     sal_uInt32          mnOleImpFlags;      /// Application OLE import settings.
1035     sal_Int32           mnDefTextMargin;    /// Default margin in text boxes.
1036     bool mbNotifyMacroEventRead;            /// If we have already seen a macro event
1037 };
1039 // Drawing manager ============================================================
1041 /** Base class for a container for all objects on a drawing (spreadsheet or
1042     embedded chart object). */
1043 class XclImpDrawing : protected XclImpRoot
1044 {
1045 public:
1046     explicit            XclImpDrawing( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, bool bOleObjects );
1047     virtual             ~XclImpDrawing() override;
1049     /** Reads and returns a bitmap from the IMGDATA record. */
1050     static Graphic      ReadImgData( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, XclImpStream& rStrm );
1052     /** Reads a plain OBJ record (without leading DFF data). */
1053     void                ReadObj( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1054     /** Reads the MSODRAWING or MSODRAWINGSELECTION record. */
1055     void                ReadMsoDrawing( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1057     /** Returns true, if the conversion of OLE objects is supported. */
SupportsOleObjects() const1058     bool         SupportsOleObjects() const { return mbOleObjs; }
1059     /** Finds the OBJ record data related to the DFF shape at the passed position. */
1060     XclImpDrawObjRef    FindDrawObj( const DffRecordHeader& rHeader ) const;
1061     /** Finds the OBJ record data specified by the passed object identifier. */
1062     XclImpDrawObjRef    FindDrawObj( sal_uInt16 nObjId ) const;
1063     /** Finds the textbox data related to the DFF shape at the passed position. */
1064     const XclImpObjTextData* FindTextData( const DffRecordHeader& rHeader ) const;
1066     /** Sets the object with the passed identification to be skipped on import. */
1067     void                SetSkipObj( sal_uInt16 nObjId );
1068     /** Returns the size of the progress bar shown while processing all objects. */
1069     std::size_t         GetProgressSize() const;
1071     /** Derived classes calculate the resulting rectangle of the passed anchor. */
1072     virtual tools::Rectangle   CalcAnchorRect( const XclObjAnchor& rAnchor, bool bDffAnchor ) const = 0;
1073     /** Called whenever an object has been inserted into the draw page. */
1074     virtual void        OnObjectInserted( const XclImpDrawObjBase& rDrawObj ) = 0;
1076 protected:
1077     /** Appends a new drawing object to the list of raw objects (without DFF data). */
1078     void                AppendRawObject( const XclImpDrawObjRef& rxDrawObj );
1079     /** Converts all objects and inserts them into the current drawing page. */
1080     void                ImplConvertObjects( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv, SdrModel& rSdrModel, SdrPage& rSdrPage );
1082 private:
1083     /** Reads and returns a bitmap from WMF/PICT format. */
1084     static void         ReadWmf( Graphic& rGraphic, XclImpStream& rStrm );
1085     /** Reads and returns a bitmap from BMP format. */
1086     static void         ReadBmp( Graphic& rGraphic, const XclImpRoot& rRoot, XclImpStream& rStrm );
1088     /** Reads contents of a DFF record and append data to internal DFF stream. */
1089     void                ReadDffRecord( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1090     /** Reads a BIFF8 OBJ record following an MSODRAWING record. */
1091     void                ReadObj8( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1092     /** Reads the TXO record and following CONTINUE records containing string and formatting. */
1093     void                ReadTxo( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1095 private:
1096     typedef std::map< std::size_t, XclImpDrawObjRef > XclImpObjMap;
1097     typedef std::map< sal_uInt16, XclImpDrawObjRef >  XclImpObjMapById;
1098     typedef std::shared_ptr< XclImpObjTextData >      XclImpObjTextRef;
1099     typedef std::map< std::size_t, XclImpObjTextRef > XclImpObjTextMap;
1101     XclImpDrawObjVector maRawObjs;          /// BIFF5 objects without DFF data.
1102     SvMemoryStream      maDffStrm;          /// Copy of the DFF page stream in memory.
1103     XclImpObjMap        maObjMap;           /// Maps BIFF8 drawing objects to DFF stream position.
1104     XclImpObjMapById    maObjMapId;         /// Maps BIFF8 drawing objects to object ID.
1105     XclImpObjTextMap    maTextMap;          /// Maps BIFF8 TXO textbox data to DFF stream position.
1106     ScfUInt16Vec        maSkipObjs;         /// IDs of all objects to be skipped.
1107     bool const          mbOleObjs;          /// True = draw model supports OLE objects.
1108 };
1110 /** Drawing manager of a single sheet. */
1111 class XclImpSheetDrawing : public XclImpDrawing
1112 {
1113 public:
1114     explicit            XclImpSheetDrawing( const XclImpRoot& rRoot, SCTAB nScTab );
1116     /** Reads the NOTE record. */
1117     void                ReadNote( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1118     /** Inserts a new chart object and reads the chart substream (BOF/EOF block).
1119         @descr  Used to import chart sheets, which do not have a corresponding OBJ record. */
1120     void                ReadTabChart( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1122     /** Returns the total cell range covered by any shapes in the sheet. */
GetUsedArea() const1123     const ScRange& GetUsedArea() const { return maScUsedArea; }
1124     /** Converts all objects and inserts them into the sheet drawing page. */
1125     void                ConvertObjects( XclImpDffConverter& rDffConv );
1127     /** Calculate the resulting rectangle of the passed anchor. */
1128     virtual tools::Rectangle   CalcAnchorRect( const XclObjAnchor& rAnchor, bool bDffAnchor ) const override;
1129     /** On call, updates the used area of the sheet. */
1130     virtual void        OnObjectInserted( const XclImpDrawObjBase& rDrawObj ) override;
1132 private:
1133     /** Reads a BIFF3-BIFF5 NOTE record. */
1134     void                ReadNote3( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1135     /** Reads a BIFF8 NOTE record. */
1136     void                ReadNote8( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1138 private:
1139     ScRange             maScUsedArea;       /// Sheet index and used area in this sheet.
1140 };
1142 // The object manager =========================================================
1144 /** Stores all drawing and OLE objects and additional data related to these objects. */
1145 class XclImpObjectManager : protected XclImpRoot
1146 {
1147 public:
1148     explicit            XclImpObjectManager( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
1149     virtual             ~XclImpObjectManager() override;
1151     /** Reads the MSODRAWINGGROUP record. */
1152     void                ReadMsoDrawingGroup( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1154     /** Returns (initially creates) the drawing manager of the specified sheet. */
1155     XclImpSheetDrawing& GetSheetDrawing( SCTAB nScTab );
1156     /** Inserts all objects into the Calc document. */
1157     void                ConvertObjects();
1159     /** Returns the default name for the passed object. */
1160     OUString       GetDefaultObjName( const XclImpDrawObjBase& rDrawObj ) const;
1161     /** Returns the used area in the sheet with the passed index. */
1162     ScRange             GetUsedArea( SCTAB nScTab ) const;
1163     /** Sets the container to receive overridden shape/ctrl names from
1164         the filter. */
SetOleNameOverrideInfo(const css::uno::Reference<css::container::XNameContainer> & rxOverrideInfo)1165     void SetOleNameOverrideInfo( const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer >& rxOverrideInfo ) {  mxOleCtrlNameOverride = rxOverrideInfo; }
1166     /** Returns the name of overridden name ( or zero length string ) for
1167         associated object id. */
1168     OUString GetOleNameOverride( SCTAB nTab, sal_uInt16 nObjId );
1170 private:
1171     typedef std::map< sal_uInt16, OUString >          DefObjNameMap;
1172     typedef std::shared_ptr< XclImpSheetDrawing >     XclImpSheetDrawingRef;
1173     typedef std::map< SCTAB, XclImpSheetDrawingRef >  XclImpSheetDrawingMap;
1175     css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameContainer > mxOleCtrlNameOverride;
1176     DefObjNameMap       maDefObjNames;      /// Default base names for all object types.
1177     SvMemoryStream      maDggStrm;          /// Copy of global DFF data (DGG container) in memory.
1178     XclImpSheetDrawingMap maSheetDrawings;  /// Drawing managers of all sheets.
1179 };
1181 // DFF property set helper ====================================================
1183 /** This class reads a DFF property set (msofbtOPT record).
1185     It can return separate property values or an item set which contains items
1186     translated from these properties.
1187  */
1188 class XclImpDffPropSet : protected XclImpRoot
1189 {
1190 public:
1191     explicit            XclImpDffPropSet( const XclImpRoot& rRoot );
1193     /** Reads a DFF property set from the stream.
1194         @descr  The stream must point to the start of a DFF record containing properties. */
1195     void                Read( XclImpStream& rStrm );
1197     /** Returns the specified property or zero, if not extant. */
1198     sal_uInt32          GetPropertyValue( sal_uInt16 nPropId ) const;
1200     /** Translates the properties and fills the item set. */
1201     void                FillToItemSet( SfxItemSet& rItemSet ) const;
1203 private:
1204     typedef std::unique_ptr<SvMemoryStream> SvMemoryStreamPtr;
1206     SvMemoryStream      maDummyStrm;    /// Dummy DGG stream for DFF manager.
1207     XclImpSimpleDffConverter const maDffConv; /// DFF converter used to resolve palette colors.
1208     SvMemoryStreamPtr   mxMemStrm;      /// Helper stream.
1209 };
1211 XclImpStream& operator>>( XclImpStream& rStrm, XclImpDffPropSet& rPropSet );
1213 #endif
1215 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */