1" Vim syntax file for the D programming language (version 1.076 and 2.069).
3" Language:     D
4" Maintainer:   Jesse Phillips <Jesse.K.Phillips+D@gmail.com>
5" Last Change:  2016 Feb 2
6" Version:      0.28
8" Contributors:
9"   - Jason Mills: original Maintainer
10"   - Kirk McDonald
11"   - Tim Keating
12"   - Frank Benoit
13"   - Shougo Matsushita
14"   - Ellery Newcomer
15"   - Steven N. Oliver
16"   - Sohgo Takeuchi
17"   - Robert Clipsham
18"   - Petar Kirov
20" Please submit bugs/comments/suggestions to the github repo:
21" https://github.com/JesseKPhillips/d.vim
23" Options:
24"   d_comment_strings - Set to highlight strings and numbers in comments.
26"   d_hl_operator_overload - Set to highlight D's specially named functions
27"   that when overloaded implement unary and binary operators (e.g. opCmp).
29"   d_hl_object_types - Set to highlight some common types from object.di.
31" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
32if exists("b:current_syntax")
33  finish
36" Support cpoptions
37let s:cpo_save = &cpo
38set cpo&vim
40" Set the current syntax to be known as d
41let b:current_syntax = "d"
43" Keyword definitions
45syn keyword dExternal              contained import module
46syn keyword dAssert                assert
47syn keyword dConditional           if else switch
48syn keyword dBranch                goto break continue
49syn keyword dRepeat                while for do foreach foreach_reverse
50syn keyword dBoolean               true false
51syn keyword dConstant              null
52syn keyword dConstant              __FILE__ __LINE__ __EOF__ __VERSION__
53syn keyword dConstant              __DATE__ __TIME__ __TIMESTAMP__ __VENDOR__
54syn keyword dConstant              __MODULE__ __FUNCTION__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
55syn keyword dTypedef               alias typedef
56syn keyword dStructure             template interface class struct union
57syn keyword dEnum                  enum
58syn keyword dOperator              new delete typeof typeid cast align is
59syn keyword dOperator              this super
60if exists("d_hl_operator_overload")
61  syn keyword dOpOverload          opNeg opCom opPostInc opPostDec opCast opAdd
62  syn keyword dOpOverload          opSub opSub_r opMul opDiv opDiv_r opMod
63  syn keyword dOpOverload          opMod_r opAnd opOr opXor opShl opShl_r opShr
64  syn keyword dOpOverload          opShr_r opUShr opUShr_r opCat
65  syn keyword dOpOverload          opCat_r opEquals opCmp
66  syn keyword dOpOverload          opAssign opAddAssign opSubAssign opMulAssign
67  syn keyword dOpOverload          opDivAssign opModAssign opAndAssign
68  syn keyword dOpOverload          opOrAssign opXorAssign opShlAssign
69  syn keyword dOpOverload          opShrAssign opUShrAssign opCatAssign
70  syn keyword dOpOverload          opIndex opIndexAssign opIndexOpAssign
71  syn keyword dOpOverload          opCall opSlice opSliceAssign opSliceOpAssign
72  syn keyword dOpOverload          opPos opAdd_r opMul_r opAnd_r opOr_r opXor_r
73  syn keyword dOpOverload          opIn opIn_r opPow opDispatch opStar opDot
74  syn keyword dOpOverload          opApply opApplyReverse opDollar
75  syn keyword dOpOverload          opUnary opIndexUnary opSliceUnary
76  syn keyword dOpOverload          opBinary opBinaryRight
79syn keyword dType                  byte ubyte short ushort int uint long ulong cent ucent
80syn keyword dType                  void bool Object
81syn keyword dType                  float double real
82syn keyword dType                  ushort int uint long ulong float
83syn keyword dType                  char wchar dchar string wstring dstring
84syn keyword dType                  ireal ifloat idouble creal cfloat cdouble
85syn keyword dType                  size_t ptrdiff_t sizediff_t equals_t hash_t
86if exists("d_hl_object_types")
87  syn keyword dType                Object Throwable AssociativeArray Error Exception
88  syn keyword dType                Interface OffsetTypeInfo TypeInfo TypeInfo_Typedef
89  syn keyword dType                TypeInfo_Enum TypeInfo_Pointer TypeInfo_Array
90  syn keyword dType                TypeInfo_StaticArray TypeInfo_AssociativeArray
91  syn keyword dType                TypeInfo_Function TypeInfo_Delegate TypeInfo_Class
92  syn keyword dType                ClassInfo TypeInfo_Interface TypeInfo_Struct
93  syn keyword dType                TypeInfo_Tuple TypeInfo_Const TypeInfo_Invariant
94  syn keyword dType                TypeInfo_Shared TypeInfo_Inout MemberInfo
95  syn keyword dType                MemberInfo_field MemberInfo_function ModuleInfo
97syn keyword dDebug                 deprecated unittest invariant
98syn keyword dExceptions            throw try catch finally
99syn keyword dScopeDecl             public protected private export package
100syn keyword dStatement             debug return with
101syn keyword dStatement             function delegate __ctfe mixin macro __simd
102syn keyword dStatement             in out body
103syn keyword dStorageClass          contained in out scope
104syn keyword dStorageClass          inout ref lazy pure nothrow
105syn keyword dStorageClass          auto static override final abstract volatile
106syn keyword dStorageClass          __gshared __vector
107syn keyword dStorageClass          synchronized shared immutable const lazy
108syn keyword dIdentifier            _arguments _argptr __vptr __monitor
109syn keyword dIdentifier             _ctor _dtor __argTypes __overloadset
110syn keyword dScopeIdentifier       contained exit success failure
111syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained isAbstractClass isArithmetic
112syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained isAssociativeArray isFinalClass
113syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained isPOD isNested isFloating
114syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained isIntegral isScalar isStaticArray
115syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained isUnsigned isVirtualFunction
116syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained isVirtualMethod isAbstractFunction
117syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained isFinalFunction isStaticFunction
118syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained isOverrideFunction isTemplate
119syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained isRef isOut isLazy hasMember
120syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained identifier getAliasThis
121syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained getAttributes getFunctionAttributes getMember
122syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained getOverloads getPointerBitmap getProtection
123syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained getVirtualFunctions getVirtualIndex
124syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained getVirtualMethods getUnitTests
125syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained parent classInstanceSize allMembers
126syn keyword dTraitsIdentifier      contained derivedMembers isSame compiles
127syn keyword dPragmaIdentifier      contained inline lib mangle msg startaddress GNU_asm
128syn keyword dExternIdentifier      contained C C++ D Windows Pascal System Objective-C
129syn keyword dAttribute             contained safe trusted system
130syn keyword dAttribute             contained property disable nogc
131syn keyword dVersionIdentifier     contained DigitalMars GNU LDC SDC D_NET
132syn keyword dVersionIdentifier     contained X86 X86_64 ARM PPC PPC64 IA64 MIPS MIPS64 Alpha
133syn keyword dVersionIdentifier     contained SPARC SPARC64 S390 S390X HPPA HPPA64 SH SH64
134syn keyword dVersionIdentifier     contained linux Posix OSX FreeBSD Windows Win32 Win64
135syn keyword dVersionIdentifier     contained OpenBSD BSD Solaris AIX SkyOS SysV3 SysV4 Hurd
136syn keyword dVersionIdentifier     contained Cygwin MinGW
137syn keyword dVersionIdentifier     contained LittleEndian BigEndian
138syn keyword dVersionIdentifier     contained D_InlineAsm_X86 D_InlineAsm_X86_64
139syn keyword dVersionIdentifier     contained D_Version2 D_Coverage D_Ddoc D_LP64 D_PIC
140syn keyword dVersionIdentifier     contained unittest assert none all
142syn cluster dComment contains=dNestedComment,dBlockComment,dLineComment
144" Highlight the sharpbang
145syn match dSharpBang "\%^#!.*"     display
147" Attributes/annotations
148syn match dAnnotation	"@[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>" contains=dAttribute
150" Version Identifiers
151syn match dVersion      "\<version\>"
152syn match dVersion      "\<version\s*([_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\>"he=s+7 contains=dVersionIdentifier
154" Scope Identifiers
155syn match dStatement    "\<scope\>"
156syn match dStatement    "\<scope\s*([_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\>"he=s+5 contains=dScopeIdentifier
158" Traits Statement
159syn match dStatement    "\<__traits\>"
160syn match dStatement    "\<__traits\s*([_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\>"he=s+8 contains=dTraitsIdentifier
162" Pragma Statement
163syn match dPragma       "\<pragma\>"
164syn match dPragma       "\<pragma\s*([_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*\>"he=s+6 contains=dPragmaIdentifier
166" Necessary to highlight C++ in extern modifiers.
167syn match dExternIdentifier "C\(++\)\?" contained
169" Extern Identifiers
170syn match dExternal     "\<extern\>"
171syn match dExtern       "\<extern\s*([_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9\+]*\>"he=s+6 contains=dExternIdentifier
173" Make import a region to prevent highlighting keywords
174syn region dImport start="\<import\_s" end=";" contains=dExternal,@dComment
176" Make module a region to prevent highlighting keywords
177syn region dImport start="\<module\_s" end=";" contains=dExternal,@dComment
179" dTokens is used by the token string highlighting
180syn cluster dTokens contains=dExternal,dConditional,dBranch,dRepeat,dBoolean
181syn cluster dTokens add=dConstant,dTypedef,dStructure,dOperator,dOpOverload
182syn cluster dTokens add=dType,dDebug,dExceptions,dScopeDecl,dStatement
183syn cluster dTokens add=dStorageClass,dPragma,dAssert,dAnnotation,dEnum
184syn cluster dTokens add=dParenString,dBrackString,dAngleString,dCurlyString
185syn cluster dTokens add=dTokenString,dDelimString,dHereString
187" Create a match for parameter lists to identify storage class
188syn region paramlist start="(" end=")" contains=@dTokens
190" Labels
192" We contain dScopeDecl so public: private: etc. are not highlighted like labels
193syn match dUserLabel    "^\s*[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*:"he=e-1 contains=dLabel,dScopeDecl,dEnum
194syn keyword dLabel      case default
196syn cluster dTokens add=dUserLabel,dLabel
198" Comments
200syn match	dCommentError	display "\*/"
201syn match	dNestedCommentError	display "+/"
203syn keyword dTodo                                                                contained TODO FIXME TEMP REFACTOR REVIEW HACK BUG XXX
204syn match dCommentStar	contained "^\s*\*[^/]"me=e-1
205syn match dCommentStar	contained "^\s*\*$"
206syn match dCommentPlus	contained "^\s*+[^/]"me=e-1
207syn match dCommentPlus	contained "^\s*+$"
208if exists("d_comment_strings")
209  syn region dBlockCommentString	contained start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+\*/+me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=dCommentStar,dUnicode,dEscSequence,@Spell
210  syn region dNestedCommentString	contained start=+"+ end=+"+ end="+"me=s-1,he=s-1 contains=dCommentPlus,dUnicode,dEscSequence,@Spell
211  syn region dLineCommentString		contained start=+"+ end=+$\|"+ contains=dUnicode,dEscSequence,@Spell
214syn region dBlockComment	start="/\*"  end="\*/" contains=dBlockCommentString,dTodo,dCommentStartError,@Spell fold
215syn region dNestedComment	start="/+"  end="+/" contains=dNestedComment,dNestedCommentString,dTodo,@Spell fold
216syn match  dLineComment	"//.*" contains=dLineCommentString,dTodo,@Spell
218hi link dLineCommentString	dBlockCommentString
219hi link dBlockCommentString	dString
220hi link dNestedCommentString	dString
221hi link dCommentStar		dBlockComment
222hi link dCommentPlus		dNestedComment
224syn cluster dTokens add=dBlockComment,dNestedComment,dLineComment
226" /+ +/ style comments and strings that span multiple lines can cause
227" problems. To play it safe, set minlines to a large number.
228syn sync minlines=200
229" Use ccomment for /* */ style comments
230syn sync ccomment dBlockComment
232" Characters
234syn match dSpecialCharError contained "[^']"
236" Escape sequences (oct,specal char,hex,wchar, character entities \&xxx;)
237" These are not contained because they are considered string literals.
238syn match dEscSequence	"\\\(\o\{1,3}\|[\"\\'\\?ntbrfva]\|u\x\{4}\|U\x\{8}\|x\x\x\)"
239syn match dEscSequence	"\\&[^;& \t]\+;"
240syn match dCharacter	"'[^']*'" contains=dEscSequence,dSpecialCharError
241syn match dCharacter	"'\\''" contains=dEscSequence
242syn match dCharacter	"'[^\\]'"
244syn cluster dTokens add=dEscSequence,dCharacter
246" Unicode characters
248syn match dUnicode "\\u\d\{4\}"
250" String.
252syn match	dFormat		display "%\(\d\+\$\)\=[-+' #0*]*\(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\(\.\(\d*\|\*\|\*\d\+\$\)\)\=\([hlL]\|ll\)\=\([bdiuoxXDOUfeEgGcCsSpn]\|\[\^\=.[^]]*\]\)" contained
253syn match	dFormat		display "%%" contained
255syn region dString	start=+"+ end=+"[cwd]\=+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ contains=dFormat,dEscSequence,@Spell
256syn region dRawString	start=+`+ end=+`[cwd]\=+ contains=@Spell
257syn region dRawString	start=+r"+ end=+"[cwd]\=+ contains=@Spell
258syn region dHexString	start=+x"+ end=+"[cwd]\=+ contains=@Spell
259syn region dDelimString	start=+q"\z(.\)+ end=+\z1"+ contains=@Spell
260syn region dHereString	start=+q"\z(\I\i*\)\n+ end=+^\z1"+ contains=@Spell
263" Nesting delimited string contents
265syn region dNestParenString start=+(+ end=+)+ contained transparent contains=dNestParenString,@Spell
266syn region dNestBrackString start=+\[+ end=+\]+ contained transparent contains=dNestBrackString,@Spell
267syn region dNestAngleString start=+<+ end=+>+ contained transparent contains=dNestAngleString,@Spell
268syn region dNestCurlyString start=+{+ end=+}+ contained transparent contains=dNestCurlyString,@Spell
270" Nesting delimited strings
272syn region dParenString	matchgroup=dParenString start=+q"(+ end=+)"+ contains=dNestParenString,@Spell
273syn region dBrackString	matchgroup=dBrackString start=+q"\[+ end=+\]"+ contains=dNestBrackString,@Spell
274syn region dAngleString	matchgroup=dAngleString start=+q"<+ end=+>"+ contains=dNestAngleString,@Spell
275syn region dCurlyString	matchgroup=dCurlyString start=+q"{+ end=+}"+ contains=dNestCurlyString,@Spell
277hi link dParenString dNestString
278hi link dBrackString dNestString
279hi link dAngleString dNestString
280hi link dCurlyString dNestString
282syn cluster dTokens add=dString,dRawString,dHexString,dDelimString,dNestString
284" Token strings
286syn region dNestTokenString start=+{+ end=+}+ contained contains=dNestTokenString,@dTokens,dFormat
287syn region dTokenString matchgroup=dTokenStringBrack transparent start=+q{+ end=+}+ contains=dNestTokenString,@dTokens,dFormat
289syn cluster dTokens add=dTokenString
291" Numbers
293syn case ignore
295syn match dDec		display "\<\d[0-9_]*\(u\=l\=\|l\=u\=\)\>"
297" Hex number
298syn match dHex		display "\<0x[0-9a-f_]\+\(u\=l\=\|l\=u\=\)\>"
300syn match dOctal	display "\<0[0-7_]\+\(u\=l\=\|l\=u\=\)\>"
301" flag an octal number with wrong digits
302syn match dOctalError	display "\<0[0-7_]*[89][0-9_]*"
304" binary numbers
305syn match dBinary	display "\<0b[01_]\+\(u\=l\=\|l\=u\=\)\>"
307"floating point without the dot
308syn match dFloat	display "\<\d[0-9_]*\(fi\=\|l\=i\)\>"
309"floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
310syn match dFloat	display "\<\d[0-9_]*\.[0-9_]*\(e[-+]\=[0-9_]\+\)\=[fl]\=i\="
311"floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent
312syn match dFloat	display "\(\.[0-9_]\+\)\(e[-+]\=[0-9_]\+\)\=[fl]\=i\=\>"
313"floating point number, without dot, with exponent
314"syn match dFloat	display "\<\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+[fl]\=\>"
315syn match dFloat	display "\<\d[0-9_]*e[-+]\=[0-9_]\+[fl]\=\>"
317"floating point without the dot
318syn match dHexFloat	display "\<0x[0-9a-f_]\+\(fi\=\|l\=i\)\>"
319"floating point number, with dot, optional exponent
320syn match dHexFloat	display "\<0x[0-9a-f_]\+\.[0-9a-f_]*\(p[-+]\=[0-9_]\+\)\=[fl]\=i\="
321"floating point number, without dot, with exponent
322syn match dHexFloat	display "\<0x[0-9a-f_]\+p[-+]\=[0-9_]\+[fl]\=i\=\>"
324syn cluster dTokens add=dDec,dHex,dOctal,dOctalError,dBinary,dFloat,dHexFloat
326syn case match
328" Pragma (preprocessor) support
329" TODO: Highlight following Integer and optional Filespec.
330syn region  dPragma start="#\s*\(line\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$"
332" Block
334syn region dBlock	start="{" end="}" transparent fold
337" The default highlighting.
339hi def link dBinary              Number
340hi def link dDec                 Number
341hi def link dHex                 Number
342hi def link dOctal               Number
343hi def link dFloat               Float
344hi def link dHexFloat            Float
345hi def link dDebug               Debug
346hi def link dBranch              Conditional
347hi def link dConditional         Conditional
348hi def link dLabel               Label
349hi def link dUserLabel           Label
350hi def link dRepeat              Repeat
351hi def link dExceptions          Exception
352hi def link dAssert              Statement
353hi def link dStatement           Statement
354hi def link dScopeDecl           dStorageClass
355hi def link dStorageClass        StorageClass
356hi def link dBoolean             Boolean
357hi def link dUnicode             Special
358hi def link dTokenStringBrack    String
359hi def link dHereString          String
360hi def link dNestString          String
361hi def link dDelimString         String
362hi def link dRawString           String
363hi def link dString              String
364hi def link dHexString           String
365hi def link dCharacter           Character
366hi def link dEscSequence         SpecialChar
367hi def link dFormat              SpecialChar
368hi def link dSpecialCharError    Error
369hi def link dOctalError          Error
370hi def link dOperator            Operator
371hi def link dOpOverload          Identifier
372hi def link dConstant            Constant
373hi def link dTypedef             Typedef
374hi def link dEnum                Structure
375hi def link dStructure           Structure
376hi def link dTodo                Todo
377hi def link dType                Type
378hi def link dLineComment         Comment
379hi def link dBlockComment        Comment
380hi def link dNestedComment       Comment
381hi def link dCommentError        Error
382hi def link dNestedCommentError  Error
383hi def link dCommentStartError   Error
384hi def link dExternal            Include
385hi def link dAnnotation          PreProc
386hi def link dSharpBang           PreProc
387hi def link dAttribute           StorageClass
388hi def link dIdentifier          Identifier
389hi def link dVersion             dStatement
390hi def link dVersionIdentifier   Identifier
391hi def link dScopeIdentifier     Identifier
392hi def link dTraitsIdentifier    Identifier
393hi def link dPragma              PreProc
394hi def link dPragmaIdentifier    Identifier
395hi def link dExtern              dExternal
396hi def link dExternIdentifier    Identifier
398" Marks contents of the asm statement body as special
400syn match dAsmStatement "\<asm\>"
401syn region dAsmBody start="asm[\n]*\s*{"hs=e+1 end="}"he=e-1 contains=dAsmStatement,dAsmOpCode,@dComment,DUserLabel
403hi def link dAsmBody dUnicode
404hi def link dAsmStatement dStatement
405hi def link dAsmOpCode Identifier
407syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	aaa		aad		aam		aas
408syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	add		addpd		addps		addsd
409syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	and		andnpd		andnps		andpd
410syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	arpl		bound		bsf		bsr
411syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	bt		btc		btr		bts
412syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	call		bswap		andps		addss
413syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cbw		cdq		clc		cld
414syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cli		clts		cmc		cmova
415syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cmovb		cmovbe		cmovc		cmove
416syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cmovge		cmovl		cmovle		cmovna
417syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cmovnae		cmovg		cmovae		clflush
418syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cmovnb		cmovnbe		cmovnc		cmovne
419syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cmovnge		cmovnl		cmovnle		cmovno
420syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cmovns		cmovnz		cmovo		cmovp
421syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cmovpo		cmovs		cmovz		cmp
422syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cmppd		cmovpe		cmovnp		cmovng
423syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cmpps		cmps		cmpsb		cmpsd
424syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cmpsw		cmpxch8b	cmpxchg		comisd
425syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cpuid		cvtdq2pd	cvtdq2ps	cvtpd2dq
426syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cvtpd2ps	cvtpi2pd	cvtpi2ps	cvtps2dq
427syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cvtps2pd	cvtpd2pi	comiss		cmpss
428syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cvtps2pi	cvtsd2si	cvtsd2ss	cvtsi2sd
429syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cvtss2sd	cvtss2si	cvttpd2dq	cvttpd2pi
430syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	cvttps2pi	cvttsd2si	cvttss2si	cwd
431syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	da		daa		das		db
432syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	dd		cwde		cvttps2dq	cvtsi2ss
433syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	de		dec		df		di
434syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	divpd		divps		divsd		divss
435syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	dq		ds		dt		dw
436syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	enter		f2xm1		fabs		fadd
437syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	faddp		emms		dl		div
438syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fbld		fbstp		fchs		fclex
439syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fcmovbe		fcmove		fcmovnb		fcmovnbe
440syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fcmovnu		fcmovu		fcom		fcomi
441syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fcomp		fcompp		fcos		fdecstp
442syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fdisi		fcomip		fcmovne		fcmovb
443syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fdiv		fdivp		fdivr		fdivrp
444syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	ffree		fiadd		ficom		ficomp
445syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fidivr		fild		fimul		fincstp
446syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fist		fistp		fisub		fisubr
447syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fld		finit		fidiv		feni
448syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fld1		fldcw		fldenv		fldl2e
449syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fldlg2		fldln2		fldpi		fldz
450syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fmulp		fnclex		fndisi		fneni
451syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fnop		fnsave		fnstcw		fnstenv
452syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fnstsw		fninit		fmul		fldl2t
453syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fpatan		fprem		fprem1		fptan
454syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	frstor		fsave		fscale		fsetpm
455syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fsincos		fsqrt		fst		fstcw
456syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fstp		fstsw		fsub		fsubp
457syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fsubr		fstenv		fsin		frndint
458syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fsubrp		ftst		fucom		fucomi
459syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fucomp		fucompp		fwait		fxam
460syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	fxrstor		fxsave		fxtract		fyl2x
461syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	hlt		idiv		imul		in
462syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	inc		fyl2xp1		fxch		fucomip
463syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	ins		insb		insd		insw
464syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	into		invd		invlpg		iret
465syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	ja		jae		jb		jbe
466syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	jcxz		je		jecxz		jg
467syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	jge		jc		iretd		int
468syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	jl		jle		jmp		jna
469syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	jnb		jnbe		jnc		jne
470syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	jnge		jnl		jnle		jno
471syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	jns		jnz		jo		jp
472syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	jpe		jnp		jng		jnae
473syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	jpo		js		jz		lahf
474syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	ldmxcsr		lds		lea		leave
475syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	lfence		lfs		lgdt		lgs
476syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	lldt		lmsw		lock		lods
477syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	lodsb		lidt		les		lar
478syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	lodsd		lodsw		loop		loope
479syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	loopnz		loopz		lsl		lss
480syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	maskmovdqu	maskmovq	maxpd		maxps
481syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	maxss		mfence		minpd		minps
482syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	minsd		maxsd		ltr		loopne
483syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	minss		mov		movapd		movaps
484syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	movdq2q		movdqa		movdqu		movhlps
485syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	movhps		movlhps		movlpd		movlps
486syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	movmskps	movntdq		movnti		movntpd
487syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	movntps		movmskpd	movhpd		movd
488syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	movntq		movq		movq2dq		movs
489syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	movsd		movss		movsw		movsx
490syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	movups		movzx		mul		mulpd
491syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	mulsd		mulss		neg		nop
492syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	not		mulps		movupd		movsb
493syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	or		orpd		orps		out
494syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	outsb		outsd		outsw		packssdw
495syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	packuswb	paddb		paddd		paddq
496syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	paddsw		paddusb		paddusw		paddw
497syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pand		paddsb		packsswb	outs
498syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pandn		pavgb		pavgw		pcmpeqb
499syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pcmpeqw		pcmpgtb		pcmpgtd		pcmpgtw
500syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pinsrw		pmaddwd		pmaxsw		pmaxub
501syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pminub		pmovmskb	pmulhuw		pmulhw
502syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pmullw		pminsw		pextrw		pcmpeqd
503syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pmuludq		pop		popa		popad
504syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	popfd		por		prefetchnta	prefetcht0
505syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	prefetcht2	psadbw		pshufd		pshufhw
506syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pshufw		pslld		pslldq		psllq
507syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	psllw		pshuflw		prefetcht1	popf
508syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	psrad		psraw		psrld		psrldq
509syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	psrlw		psubb		psubd		psubq
510syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	psubsw		psubusb		psubusw		psubw
511syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	punpckhdq	punpckhqdq	punpckhwd	punpcklbw
512syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	punpckldq	punpckhbw	psubsb		psrlq
513syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	punpcklqdq	punpcklwd	push		pusha
514syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pushf		pushfd		pxor		rcl
515syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	rcpss		rcr		rdmsr		rdpmc
516syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	rep		repe		repne		repnz
517syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	repz		rdtsc		rcpps		pushad
518syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	ret		retf		rol		ror
519syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	rsqrtps		rsqrtss		sahf		sal
520syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	sbb		scas		scasb		scasd
521syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	seta		setae		setb		setbe
522syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	setc		scasw		sar		rsm
523syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	sete		setg		setge		setl
524syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	setna		setnae		setnb		setnbe
525syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	setne		setng		setnge		setnl
526syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	setno		setnp		setns		setnz
527syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	seto		setnle		setnc		setle
528syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	setp		setpe		setpo		sets
529syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	sfence		sgdt		shl		shld
530syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	shrd		shufpd		shufps		sidt
531syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	smsw		sqrtpd		sqrtps		sqrtsd
532syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	sqrtss		sldt		shr		setz
533syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	stc		std		sti		stmxcsr
534syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	stosb		stosd		stosw		str
535syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	subpd		subps		subsd		subss
536syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	sysexit		test		ucomisd		ucomiss
537syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	ud2		sysenter	sub		stos
538syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	unpckhpd	unpckhps	unpcklpd	unpcklps
539syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	verw		wbinvd		wrmsr		xadd
540syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	xchg		xlatb		xor		xorpd
541syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	xorps		pfrcpit1	pfmin		movddup
542syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	addsubpd	addsubps	fisttp		haddps
543syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	hsubpd		hsubps		lddqu		monitor
544syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	haddpd		xlat		wait		verr
545syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	movshdup	movsldup	mwait		pfcmpeq
546syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pavgusb		pf2id		pfacc		pfadd
547syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pfcmpge		pfcmpgt		pfmax		pfmul
548syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pfnacc		pfpnacc		pfrcp		pfrcpit1
549syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pfrsqit1	pfrsqrt		pfsub		pfsubr
550syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pmulhrw 	pswapd		syscall		sysret
551syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	vpmuldq		xgetbv		cmpxchg8b	cmpxchg16b
552syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pabsb		pabsd		pabsw		palignr
553syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	phaddd		phaddsw		phaddw		phsubd
554syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	phsubsw		phsubw		pmaddubsw	pmulhrsw
555syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pshufb		psignb		psignd		psignw
556syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	popfq		pushfq		blendpd		blendps
557syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	blendvpd	blendvps	extractps	insertps
558syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	movntdqa	mpsadbw		packusdw	pblendvb
559syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pblendw		pcmpeqq		pextrb		pextrd
560syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pextrq		phminposuw	pinsrb		pinsrd
561syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pinsrq		pmaxsb		pmaxsd		pmaxud
562syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pmaxuw		pminsb		pminsd		pminud
563syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pminuw		pmulld		ptest		roundpd
564syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	roundps		roundsd		roundss		pmuldq
565syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pmovsxbd	pmovsxdq	pmovzxbq	pmovzxdq
566syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pmovsxbq	pmovsxwd	pmovzxbq	pmovzxwd
567syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pmovsxbw	pmovsxwq	pmovzxbw	pmovzxwq
568syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	crc32		pcmpestri	pcmpestrm	pcmpgtq
569syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	pcmpistri	pcmpistrm	popcnt		pi2fd
570syn keyword dAsmOpCode contained	adc
572let &cpo = s:cpo_save
573unlet s:cpo_save