2 /******************************************************************************
3 * MODULE     : archiver.cpp
4 * DESCRIPTION: manage undo/redo history
5 * COPYRIGHT  : (C) 2009  Joris van der Hoeven
6 *******************************************************************************
7 * This software falls under the GNU general public license version 3 or later.
8 * It comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. For details, see the file LICENSE
9 * in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
10 ******************************************************************************/
12 #include "archiver.hpp"
13 #include "hashset.hpp"
14 #include "iterator.hpp"
16 extern tree the_et;
17 array<patch> singleton (patch p);
18 static patch make_compound (array<patch> a);
19 static patch make_branches (array<patch> a);
20 static hashset<double> genuine_authors;
21 static hashset<pointer> archs;
22 static hashset<pointer> pending_archs;
24 /******************************************************************************
25 * Constructors, destructors, printing and announcements
26 ******************************************************************************/
archiver_rep(double author,path rp2)28 archiver_rep::archiver_rep (double author, path rp2):
29   archive (make_branches (0)),
30   current (make_compound (0)),
31   depth (0),
32   last_save (0),
33   last_autosave (0),
34   the_author (author),
35   the_owner (0),
36   rp (rp2),
37   undo_obs (undo_observer (this)),
38   versioning (false)
39 {
40   archs->insert ((pointer) this);
41   attach_observer (subtree (the_et, rp), undo_obs);
42   genuine_authors->insert (the_author);
43 }
~archiver_rep()45 archiver_rep::~archiver_rep () {
46   genuine_authors->remove (the_author);
47   detach_observer (subtree (the_et, rp), undo_obs);
48   archs->remove ((pointer) this);
49   pending_archs->remove ((pointer) this);
50 }
archiver(double author,path rp)52 archiver::archiver (double author, path rp):
53   rep (tm_new<archiver_rep> (author, rp)) {}
55 void
clear()56 archiver_rep::clear () {
57   archive= make_branches (0);
58   current= make_compound (0);
59   the_owner= 0;
60   depth= 0;
61   last_save= -1;
62   last_autosave= -1;
63 }
65 void
show_all()66 archiver_rep::show_all () {
67   cout << HRULE << archive << LF << HRULE << LF;
68 }
70 ////extern tree the_et;
72 void
archive_announce(archiver_rep * arch,modification mod)73 archive_announce (archiver_rep* arch, modification mod) {
74   //cout << "Archive " << mod << "\n";
75   ////stretched_print (the_et, true);
76   if (DEBUG_HISTORY) debug_history << "Archive " << mod << "\n";
77   ASSERT (arch->rp <= mod->p, "invalid modification");
78   if (!arch->versioning) {
79     arch->add (mod);
80     pending_archs->insert ((pointer) arch);
81   }
82 }
84 void
global_clear_history()85 global_clear_history () {
86   iterator<pointer> it = iterate (archs);
87   while (it->busy()) {
88     archiver_rep* arch= (archiver_rep*) it->next();
89     arch->clear ();
90   }
91 }
93 void
global_confirm()94 global_confirm () {
95   iterator<pointer> it = iterate (pending_archs);
96   while (it->busy()) {
97     archiver_rep* arch= (archiver_rep*) it->next();
98     arch->confirm ();
99     arch->simplify ();
100   }
101   pending_archs= hashset<pointer> ();
102 }
104 void
global_cancel()105 global_cancel () {
106   iterator<pointer> it = iterate (pending_archs);
107   while (it->busy()) {
108     archiver_rep* arch= (archiver_rep*) it->next();
109     arch->cancel ();
110     arch->simplify ();
111   }
112   pending_archs= hashset<pointer> ();
113 }
115 /******************************************************************************
116 * Useful subroutines
117 ******************************************************************************/
119 static patch
make_compound(array<patch> a)120 make_compound (array<patch> a) {
121   if (N(a) == 1) return a[0];
122   else return patch (false, a);
123 }
125 static patch
make_branches(array<patch> a)126 make_branches (array<patch> a) {
127   if (N(a) == 1) return a[0];
128   else return patch (true, a);
129 }
131 static patch
append_branches(patch p1,patch p2)132 append_branches (patch p1, patch p2) {
133   return make_branches (append (branches (p1), branches (p2)));
134 }
136 static patch
make_history(patch undo,patch redo)137 make_history (patch undo, patch redo) {
138   array<patch> a;
139   a << undo << branches (redo);
140   return make_branches (a);
141 }
143 static int
nr_undo(patch p)144 nr_undo (patch p) {
145   if (nr_branches (p) == 0 || nr_children (branch (p, 0)) != 2) return 0;
146   return 1;
147 }
149 static int
nr_redo(patch p)150 nr_redo (patch p) {
151   return max (0, nr_branches (p) - 1);
152 }
154 static patch
get_undo(patch p)155 get_undo (patch p) {
156   ASSERT (nr_branches (p) > 0, "undo part unavailable");
157   return branch (p, 0);
158 }
160 static patch
get_redo(patch p)161 get_redo (patch p) {
162   if (nr_branches (p) == 0) return make_branches (array<patch> ());
163   return make_branches (branches (p, 1, nr_branches (p)));
164 }
166 static patch
car(patch p)167 car (patch p) {
168   ASSERT (nr_children (branch (p, 0)) == 2, "car unavailable")
169   return child (p, 0);
170 }
172 static patch
cdr(patch p)173 cdr (patch p) {
174   ASSERT (nr_children (branch (p, 0)) == 2, "cdr unavailable")
175   return child (p, 1);
176 }
178 /******************************************************************************
179 * Internal subroutines
180 ******************************************************************************/
182 void
apply(patch p)183 archiver_rep::apply (patch p) {
184   // apply a patch, while disabling versioning during the modifications
185   // cout << "Apply " << p << "\n";
186   ASSERT (is_applicable (p, the_et), "invalid history");
187   bool old= versioning;
188   bool global_old= busy_versioning;
189   versioning= true;
190   busy_versioning= true;
191   ::apply (p, the_et);
192   versioning= old;
193   busy_versioning= global_old;
194 }
196 void
split(patch p1,patch p2,patch & re1,patch & re2)197 archiver_rep::split (patch p1, patch p2, patch& re1, patch& re2) {
198   //cout << "p1= " << p1 << "\n";
199   //cout << "p2= " << p2 << "\n";
200   array<patch> a= branches (p2);
201   array<patch> a1;
202   array<patch> a2;
203   for (int i=0; i<N(a); i++) {
204     patch q1= p1;
205     patch q2= car (a[i]);
206     if (get_author (q2) != the_author || !swap (q1, q2)) a1 << a[i];
207     else a2 << patch (q1, make_future (q2, cdr (a[i])));
208   }
209   re1= make_branches (a1);
210   re2= make_branches (a2);
211   //cout << "re1= " << re1 << "\n";
212   //cout << "re2= " << re2 << "\n";
213 }
215 patch
make_future(patch p1,patch p2)216 archiver_rep::make_future (patch p1, patch p2) {
217   if (nr_branches (p2) == 0 || get_author (p1) == the_author)
218     return patch (p1, p2);
219   patch re1, re2;
220   split (p1, p2, re1, re2);
221   if (nr_branches (re1) != 0) re1= patch (p1, re1);
222   return append_branches (re1, re2);
223 }
225 patch
expose(patch archive)226 archiver_rep::expose (patch archive) {
227   if (nr_undo (archive) != 0 &&
228       get_author (car (get_undo (archive))) != the_author &&
229       nr_undo (cdr (get_undo (archive))) != 0)
230     {
231       patch nx1= expose (cdr (get_undo (archive)));
232       if (get_author (car (get_undo (nx1))) != the_author) return archive;
233       patch un1= car (get_undo (archive));
234       patch un2= car (get_undo (nx1));
235       patch re1= get_redo (archive);
236       patch re2= get_redo (nx1);
237       patch nx2= cdr (get_undo (nx1));
238       patch fut= make_branches (0);
239       if (nr_branches (re2) != 0) fut= make_future (un1, re2);
240       if (!swap (un1, un2)) return archive;
241       patch nx= make_history (patch (un2, nx2), make_branches (0));
242       patch un= patch (un1, nx);
243       patch re= append_branches (re1, fut);
244       last_save= last_autosave= -1;
245       return make_history (un, re);
246     }
247   else return archive;
248 }
250 void
expose()251 archiver_rep::expose () {
252   archive= expose (archive);
253 }
255 void
normalize()256 archiver_rep::normalize () {
257   if (nr_undo (archive) != 0 && nr_redo (cdr (get_undo (archive))) != 0) {
258     patch un1= get_undo (archive);
259     patch re1= get_redo (archive);
260     patch p1 = car (un1);
261     patch nx1= cdr (un1);
262     patch un2= get_undo (nx1);
263     patch re2= get_redo (nx1);
264     patch Re1, Re2;
265     if (get_author (p1) == the_author) return;
266     split (p1, re2, Re1, Re2);
267     patch ar2= make_history (un2, Re1);
268     archive= make_history (patch (p1, ar2), append_branches (re1, Re2));
269     last_save= last_autosave= -1;
270   }
271 }
273 /******************************************************************************
274 * Routines concerning the current modifications
275 ******************************************************************************/
277 void
add(modification m)278 archiver_rep::add (modification m) {
279   m= copy (m);
280   if (the_owner != 0 && the_owner != get_author ()) {
281     //cout << "Change " << the_owner << " -> " << get_author () << "\n";
282     confirm ();
283   }
284   else the_owner= get_author ();
285   modification i= invert (m, the_et);
286   patch q (i, m);
287   //cout << "Add [" << the_owner << "] " << q << "\n";
288   current= patch (q, current);
289 }
291 void
start_slave(double a)292 archiver_rep::start_slave (double a) {
293   if (the_owner != 0 && the_owner != get_author ()) {
294     //cout << "Change " << the_owner << " -> " << get_author () << "\n";
295     confirm ();
296   }
297   else the_owner= get_author ();
298   patch q (a, false);
299   //cout << "Add [" << the_owner << "] " << q << "\n";
300   current= patch (q, current);
301 }
303 bool
active()304 archiver_rep::active () {
305   return nr_children (current) != 0;
306 }
308 bool
has_history()309 archiver_rep::has_history () {
310   return nr_undo (archive) == 1;
311 }
313 void
cancel()314 archiver_rep::cancel () {
315   if (active ()) {
316     //cout << "Cancel " << current << "\n";
317     apply (current);
318     current= make_compound (0);
319     the_owner= 0;
320   }
321 }
323 void
confirm()324 archiver_rep::confirm () {
325   if (active ()) {
326     current= patch (the_owner, compactify (current));
327     if (nr_children (remove_set_cursor (current)) == 0)
328       current= make_compound (0);
329     if (active ()) {
330       //cout << "Confirm " << current << "\n";
331       archive= patch (current, archive);
332       current= make_compound (0);
333       the_owner= 0;
334       depth++;
335       if (depth <= last_save) last_save= -1;
336       if (depth <= last_autosave) last_autosave= -1;
337       normalize ();
338       //show_all ();
339     }
340   }
341 }
343 bool
retract()344 archiver_rep::retract () {
345   if (!has_history ()) return false;
346   if (the_owner != 0 && the_owner != the_author) return false;
347   expose ();
348   patch un= car (get_undo (archive));
349   if (get_author (un) != the_author) return false;
350   patch re= get_redo (archive);
351   patch nx= cdr (get_undo (archive));
352   //cout << "Retract " << un << "\n";
353   if (active ()) current= compactify (patch (current, un));
354   else current= un;
355   the_owner= the_author;
356   if (nr_branches (re) != 0) {
357     patch q= invert (current, the_et);
358     re= patch (q, re);
359   }
360   if (nr_branches (nx) != 0) nx= get_undo (nx);
361   archive= make_history (nx, append_branches (re, get_redo (nx)));
362   depth--;
363   //show_all ();
364   return true;
365 }
367 bool
forget()368 archiver_rep::forget () {
369   cancel ();
370   bool r= retract ();
371   if (r) cancel ();
372   return r;
373 }
375 void
forget_cursor()376 archiver_rep::forget_cursor () {
377   current= remove_set_cursor (current);
378 }
380 /******************************************************************************
381 * Simplification of the history
382 ******************************************************************************/
384 void
simplify()385 archiver_rep::simplify () {
386   if (has_history () &&
387       nr_undo (cdr (get_undo (archive))) == 1 &&
388       nr_redo (cdr (get_undo (archive))) == 0 &&
389       depth != last_save + 1)
390     {
391       patch p1= car (get_undo (archive));
392       patch p2= car (get_undo (cdr (get_undo (archive))));
393       ////show_all ();
394       ////stretched_print (the_et, true);
395       //cout << "p1= " << p1 << "\n";
396       //cout << "p2= " << p2 << "\n";
397       bool r= join (p1, p2, the_et);
398       //cout << "pr= " << p1 << "\n";
399       if (r) {
400 	//cout << "\n\nSimplify\n";
401 	//show_all ();
402 	patch un= patch (p1, cdr (get_undo (cdr (get_undo (archive)))));
403 	patch re= get_redo (archive);
404 	archive= make_history (un, re);
405 	//show_all ();
406 	//cout << "\n";
407 	if (depth == last_autosave + 1) last_autosave= -1;
408 	depth--;
409 	simplify ();
410       }
411     }
412 }
414 /******************************************************************************
415 * Undo and redo
416 ******************************************************************************/
418 int
undo_possibilities()419 archiver_rep::undo_possibilities () {
420   return nr_undo (archive);
421 }
423 int
redo_possibilities()424 archiver_rep::redo_possibilities () {
425   return nr_redo (archive);
426 }
428 path
undo_one(int i)429 archiver_rep::undo_one (int i) {
430   if (active ()) return path ();
431   if (undo_possibilities () != 0) {
432     ASSERT (i == 0, "index out of range");
433     patch p= car (get_undo (archive));
434     ASSERT (is_applicable (p, the_et), "history corrupted");
435     patch q= invert (p, the_et);
436     apply (p);
437     patch re1= patch (q, get_redo (archive));
438     patch nx = cdr (get_undo (archive));
439     patch re2= get_redo (nx);
440     patch re = append_branches (re1, re2);
441     patch un = (nr_branches (nx) == 0? nx: get_undo (nx));
442     archive= make_history (un, re);
443     depth--;
444     //show_all ();
445     return cursor_hint (q, the_et);
446   }
447   return path ();
448 }
450 path
redo_one(int i)451 archiver_rep::redo_one (int i) {
452   if (active ()) return path ();
453   int n= redo_possibilities ();
454   if (n != 0) {
455     ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < n, "index out of range");
456     patch un= get_undo (archive);
457     patch re= get_redo (archive);
458     patch p= car (branch (re, i));
459     //cout << "p= " << p << "\n";
460     ASSERT (is_applicable (p, the_et), "future corrupted");
461     patch q= invert (p, the_et);
462     //cout << "q= " << q << "\n";
463     apply (p);
464     patch other= make_branches (append (branches (re, 0, i),
465 					branches (re, i+1, n)));
466     //cout << "other= " << other << "\n";
467     patch nx= make_history (un, other);
468     archive= make_history (patch (q, nx), cdr (branch (re, i)));
469     if (depth <= last_save && i != 0) last_save= -1;
470     if (depth <= last_autosave && i != 0) last_autosave= -1;
471     depth++;
472     normalize ();
473     //show_all ();
474     return cursor_hint (q, the_et);
475   }
476   return path ();
477 }
479 path
undo(int i)480 archiver_rep::undo (int i) {
481   if (active ()) return path ();
482   path r;
483   while (undo_possibilities () != 0) {
484     ASSERT (i == 0, "index out of range");
485     expose ();
486     if (get_author (car (get_undo (archive))) == the_author)
487       return undo_one (i);
488     else {
489       r= undo_one (i);
490       i= 0;
491     }
492   }
493   return r;
494 }
496 path
redo(int i)497 archiver_rep::redo (int i) {
498   if (active ()) return path ();
499   path r;
500   bool first= true;
501   while (redo_possibilities () != 0) {
502     ASSERT (i >= 0 && i < redo_possibilities (), "index out of range");
503     patch re= branch (get_redo (archive), i);
504     bool done= (get_author (car (re)) == the_author);
505     r= redo_one (i);
506     if (done && !first) break;
507     if (nr_redo (archive) != 1) break;
508     i= 0;
509     first= false;
510     re= branch (get_redo (archive), i);
511     if (get_author (car (re)) == the_author) break;
512     if (done && genuine_authors->contains (get_author (car (re)))) break;
513   }
514   return r;
515 }
517 /******************************************************************************
518 * Marking blocks for grouped modifications or canceling
519 ******************************************************************************/
521 static bool
is_marker(patch p,double m,bool birth)522 is_marker (patch p, double m, bool birth) {
523   if (get_type (p) == PATCH_AUTHOR)
524     return is_marker (p[0], m, birth);
525   else if (get_type (p) == PATCH_BIRTH)
526     return get_author (p) == m && get_birth (p) == birth;
527   else return false;
528 }
530 static patch
compress(patch archive1)531 compress (patch archive1) {
532   if (nr_undo (archive1) == 0) return archive1;
533   patch un1= get_undo (archive1);
534   patch re1= get_redo (archive1);
535   if (!is_author (car (un1))) return archive1;
536   if (is_birth (car (un1) [0])) return archive1;
537   if (!is_branch (re1) || N(re1) != 0) return archive1;
538   patch archive2= compress (cdr (un1));
539   if (nr_undo (archive2) == 0) return archive1;
540   patch un2= get_undo (archive2);
541   patch re2= get_redo (archive2);
542   if (!is_author (car (un2))) return archive1;
543   if (is_birth (car (un2) [0])) return archive1;
544   if (!is_branch (re2) || N(re2) != 0) return archive1;
545   if (get_author (car (un1)) != get_author (car (un2))) return archive1;
546   //cout << "cun1= " << car (un1) << LF;
547   //cout << "cun2= " << car (un2) << LF;
548   patch cun= compactify (patch (car (un1), car (un2)));
549   //cout << "cun = " << cun << LF;
550   //return archive1;
551   return make_history (patch (cun, cdr (un2)), re2);
552 }
554 static patch
remove_marker_bis(patch archive,double m)555 remove_marker_bis (patch archive, double m) {
556   ASSERT (nr_undo (archive) != 0, "marker not found");
557   if (is_marker (car (get_undo (archive)), m, false)) {
558     ASSERT (nr_redo (archive) == 0, "cannot remove marker");
559     return cdr (get_undo (archive));
560   }
561   else {
562     patch un= get_undo (archive);
563     patch re= get_redo (archive);
564     patch rem= remove_marker_bis (cdr (un), m);
565     return make_history (patch (car (un), rem), re);
566   }
567 }
569 static patch
remove_marker(patch archive,double m)570 remove_marker (patch archive, double m) {
571   return remove_marker_bis (compress (archive), m);
572 }
574 void
mark_start(double m)575 archiver_rep::mark_start (double m) {
576   //cout << "Mark start " << m << "\n";
577   confirm ();
578   start_slave (m);
579   confirm ();
580   //show_all ();
581 }
583 void
mark_end(double m)584 archiver_rep::mark_end (double m) {
585   //cout << "Mark end " << m << "\n";
586   if (active ()) {
587     //if (does_modify (current))
588     //  cout << "CONFIRM: " << current << "\n";
589     confirm ();
590   }
591   archive= remove_marker (archive, m);
592   depth--;
593   simplify ();
594   //show_all ();
595 }
597 bool
mark_cancel(double m)598 archiver_rep::mark_cancel (double m) {
599   //cout << "Mark cancel " << m << "\n";
600   cancel ();
601   while (nr_undo (archive) != 0) {
602     expose ();
603     if (is_marker (car (get_undo (archive)), m, false)) {
604       archive= remove_marker (archive, m);
605       depth--;
606       simplify ();
607       return true;
608     }
609     if (get_author (car (get_undo (archive))) != the_author) {
610       archive= remove_marker (archive, m);
611       depth--;
612       return false;
613     }
614     retract ();
615     cancel ();
616   }
617   return false;
618 }
620 /******************************************************************************
621 * Check changes since last save/autosave
622 ******************************************************************************/
624 int
corrected_depth()625 archiver_rep::corrected_depth () {
626   // NOTE : fix depth due to presence of marker
627   // FIXME: implement a more robust check for conformity with saved state
628   if (nr_undo (archive) == 0) return depth;
629   patch p= car (get_undo (archive));
630   if (get_type (p) == PATCH_AUTHOR) p= p[0];
631   if (get_type (p) == PATCH_BIRTH && get_birth (p) == false) return depth - 1;
632   return depth;
633 }
635 void
require_save()636 archiver_rep::require_save () {
637   last_save= -1;
638 }
640 void
notify_save()641 archiver_rep::notify_save () {
642   last_save= corrected_depth ();
643 }
645 bool
conform_save()646 archiver_rep::conform_save () {
647   return last_save == corrected_depth ();
648 }
650 void
require_autosave()651 archiver_rep::require_autosave () {
652   last_autosave= -1;
653 }
655 void
notify_autosave()656 archiver_rep::notify_autosave () {
657   last_autosave= depth;
658 }
660 bool
conform_autosave()661 archiver_rep::conform_autosave () {
662   return last_autosave == depth;
663 }