1* PL_SQL.KLD - KEDIT Language Definition for PL/SQL programs
2* Version 1.0 - June 1997
4* PLSQL.KLD created by Bryan Barbeau (bbarbeau@ix.netcom.com)
7*  case is not significant, so ignore it
9 ignore
12  function ( blank default alt 4
14* Identifiers consist of a letter optionally followed by more letters,
15* numbers, dollar sign, underscores, or number signs.
17 [a-zA-Z]  [a-zA-Z0-9$_#]
19* Comment lines can be paired /* */ symbols or where -- is found
21 line -- any
22 paired /* */ nonest
23 line rem column 1
26 single
28* use C like language rules for number coloring
30 C
32* block and loop labels look like this <<example>>
34* Delimiter >> any
37* match labels
38* these statements need to be in this order or else the matching won't work right
39(     )
40<<  >>
41if end+if then,else,elsif
42loop end+loop
43begin end
46* Oracle 7 keywords only
47 abort
48 accept alt 7
49 access
50 add
51 all
52 alter
53 and
54 any
55 array
56 arraylen
57 as
58 asc
59 assert
60 assign
61 at
62 authorization
63 avg
64 base_table
65 begin
66 between
67 binary_integer
68 body
69 boolean
70 by
71 cache
72 cascade
73 case
74 char
75 char_base
76 check
77 close
78 cluster
79 colauth
80 column alt 7
81 columns
82 commit
83 compress
84 connect
85 constant
86 constraint
87 constraints
88 count
89 crash
90 create
91 current
92 cursor
93 currval
94 database
95 data_base
96 date
97 dba
98 debugoff
99 debugon
100 declare
101 decimal
102 default
103 definition
104 delay
105 delete
106 delta
107 desc
108 digits
109 disable
110 dispose
111 distinct
112 do
113 drop
114 else
115 elsif
116 end
117 entry
118 exception
119 exception_init
120 exists
121 exit
122 false
123 fetch
124 float
125 for
126 foreign
127 form
128 found
129 freelist
130 freelists
131 from
132 function alt e
133 generic
134 goto
135 grant
136 group
137 groups
138 having
139 identified
140 if
141 in
142 increment
143 index
144 indexes
145 indicator
146 initial
147 initrans
148 insert
149 integer
150 intersect
151 into
152 is
153 key
154 level
155 like
156 limited
157 loop
158 max
159 maxextents
160 maxtrans
161 min
162 minextents
163 minus
164 minvalue
165 mlslabel
166 mod
167 modify
168 natural
169 new
170 next
171 nextval
172 nocache
173 nocompress
174 nocycle
175 noorder
176 not
177 notfound
178 null
179 number
180 number_base
181 of
182 on
183 open
184 option
185 or
186 order
187 others
188 out
189 package
190 partition
191 pctfree
192 pctincrease
193 pctused
194 positive
195 pragma
196 primary
197 prior
198 private
199 procedure alt e
200 prompt alt 7
201 public
202 raise
203 range
204 real
205 record
206 references
207 release
208 rem
209 rename
210 replace
211 resource
212 return
213 reverse
214 revoke
215 rollback
216 rowid
217 rowlabel
218 rownum
219 rowtype
220 run
221 savepoint
222 schema
223 select
224 separate
225 sequence
226 set alt 7
227 show alt 7
228 size
229 smallint
230 space
231 spool alt 7
232 sql
233 sqlcode
234 sqlerrm
235 start
236 statement
237 stddev
238 subtype
239 sum
240 synonym
241 sysdate
242 tabauth
243 table
244 tables
245 tablespace
246 task
247 terminate
248 text
249 then
250 to
251 true
252 type
253 union
254 unique
255 update
256 use
257 using
258 values
259 varchar
260 varchar2
261 variance
262 view
264 when
265 where
266 while
267 with
268 work
269 xor
272 substr
273 upper
274 length
275 nvl
276 rtrim
277 to_char
278 to_number
279 to_date
282CLASS [+-=/*<>&%@!~^|.;]