1 // Copyright © 2015, Peter Atashian
2 // Licensed under the MIT License <LICENSE.md>
3 //! Macro APIs, window message crackers, and control APIs
4 //1233
GET_X_LPARAM(lp: ::LPARAM) -> ::c_int5 pub fn GET_X_LPARAM(lp: ::LPARAM) -> ::c_int {
6     ::LOWORD(lp as ::DWORD) as ::c_short as ::c_int
7 }
GET_Y_LPARAM(lp: ::LPARAM) -> ::c_int8 pub fn GET_Y_LPARAM(lp: ::LPARAM) -> ::c_int {
9     ::HIWORD(lp as ::DWORD) as ::c_short as ::c_int
10 }
11 #[test]
test_get_x_lparam()12 fn test_get_x_lparam() {
13     assert_eq!(GET_X_LPARAM(0xDEAD1234u32 as ::LPARAM), 0x1234);
14     assert_eq!(GET_X_LPARAM(0xBEEFffffu32 as ::LPARAM), -1);
15     assert_eq!(GET_X_LPARAM(0xCAFEFB2Eu32 as ::LPARAM), -1234);
16 }
17 #[test]
test_get_y_lparam()18 fn test_get_y_lparam() {
19     assert_eq!(GET_Y_LPARAM(0x1234DEADu32 as ::LPARAM), 0x1234);
20     assert_eq!(GET_Y_LPARAM(0xffffBEEFu32 as ::LPARAM), -1);
21     assert_eq!(GET_Y_LPARAM(0xFB2ECAFEu32 as ::LPARAM), -1234);
22 }