1 /** EMULib Emulation Library *********************************/
2 /**                                                         **/
3 /**                        EMULib.h                         **/
4 /**                                                         **/
5 /** This file contains platform-independent definitions and **/
6 /** declarations for the emulation library.                 **/
7 /**                                                         **/
8 /** Copyright (C) Marat Fayzullin 1996-2009                 **/
9 /**     You are not allowed to distribute this software     **/
10 /**     commercially. Please, notify me, if you make any    **/
11 /**     changes to this file.                               **/
12 /*************************************************************/
13 #ifndef EMULIB_H
14 #define EMULIB_H
16 #ifdef WINDOWS
17 #include "LibWin.h"
18 #endif
19 #ifdef MSDOS
20 #include "LibMSDOS.h"
21 #endif
22 #ifdef UNIX
23 #include "LibUnix.h"
24 #endif
25 #ifdef MAEMO
26 #include "LibMaemo.h"
27 #endif
28 #ifdef NXC2600
29 #include "LibNXC2600.h"
30 #endif
31 #ifdef STMP3700
32 #include "LibSTMP3700.h"
33 #endif
34 #if defined(S60) || defined(UIQ)
35 #include "LibSym.h"
36 #include "LibSym.rh"
37 #endif
39 #ifdef __cplusplus
40 extern "C" {
41 #endif
43 /** ARMScaleImage() Attributes *******************************/
44 /** These values can be ORed and passed to ARMScaleImage(). **/
45 /*************************************************************/
46 #define ARMSI_VFILL  0x01
47 #define ARMSI_HFILL  0x02
49 /** Button Bits **********************************************/
50 /** Bits returned by GetJoystick() and WaitJoystick().      **/
51 /*************************************************************/
52 #define BTN_LEFT     0x0001
53 #define BTN_RIGHT    0x0002
54 #define BTN_UP       0x0004
55 #define BTN_DOWN     0x0008
56 #define BTN_FIREA    0x0010
57 #define BTN_FIREB    0x0020
58 #define BTN_FIREL    0x0040
59 #define BTN_FIRER    0x0080
60 #define BTN_START    0x0100
61 #define BTN_SELECT   0x0200
62 #define BTN_EXIT     0x0400
63 #define BTN_FIREX    0x0800
64 #define BTN_FIREY    0x1000
65 #define BTN_ALL      0x1FFF
66 #define BTN_OK       (BTN_FIREA|BTN_START)
68 #define BTN_SHIFT    CON_SHIFT
70 #define BTN_ALT      CON_ALT
73 /** Special Key Codes ****************************************/
74 /** Modifiers returned by GetKey() and WaitKey().           **/
75 /*************************************************************/
76 #define CON_KEYCODE  0x00FFFFFF /* Key code                  */
77 #define CON_MODES    0xFF000000 /* Mode bits, as follows:    */
78 #define CON_CLICK    0x04000000 /* Key click (LiteS60 only)  */
79 #define CON_CAPS     0x08000000 /* CapsLock held             */
80 #define CON_SHIFT    0x10000000 /* SHIFT held                */
81 #define CON_CONTROL  0x20000000 /* CONTROL held              */
82 #define CON_ALT      0x40000000 /* ALT held                  */
83 #define CON_RELEASE  0x80000000 /* Key released (going up)   */
85 #define CON_F1       0xEE
86 #define CON_F2       0xEF
87 #define CON_F3       0xF0
88 #define CON_F4       0xF1
89 #define CON_F5       0xF2
90 #define CON_F6       0xF3
91 #define CON_F7       0xF4
92 #define CON_F8       0xF5
93 #define CON_F9       0xF6
94 #define CON_F10      0xF7
95 #define CON_F11      0xF8
96 #define CON_F12      0xF9
97 #define CON_LEFT     0xFA
98 #define CON_RIGHT    0xFB
99 #define CON_UP       0xFC
100 #define CON_DOWN     0xFD
101 #define CON_OK       0xFE
102 #define CON_EXIT     0xFF
104 /** pixel ****************************************************/
105 /** Pixels may be either 8bit, or 16bit, or 32bit. When no  **/
106 /** BPP* specified, we assume the pixel to have the largest **/
107 /** size and default to GetColor().                         **/
108 /*************************************************************/
111 #if defined(BPP32) || defined(BPP24)
112 typedef unsigned int pixel;
113 #elif defined(BPP16)
114 typedef unsigned short pixel;
115 #elif defined(BPP8)
116 typedef unsigned char pixel;
117 #else
118 typedef unsigned int pixel;
119 #define PIXEL(R,G,B) GetColor(R,G,B)
120 #endif
121 #endif
123 /** sample ***************************************************/
124 /** Audio samples may be either 8bit or 16bit.              **/
125 /*************************************************************/
128 #ifdef BPS16
129 typedef signed short sample;
130 #else
131 typedef signed char sample;
132 #endif
133 #endif
135 /** Image ****************************************************/
136 /** This data type encapsulates a bitmap.                   **/
137 /*************************************************************/
138 typedef struct
139 {
140   pixel *Data;               /* Buffer containing WxH pixels */
141   int W,H,L,D;               /* Image size, pitch, depth     */
142   char Cropped;              /* 1: Cropped, do not free()    */
143 #ifdef WINDOWS
144   HDC hDC;                   /* Handle to device context     */
145   HBITMAP hBMap;             /* Handle to bitmap             */
146 #endif
147 #ifdef MAEMO
148   GdkImage *GImg;            /* Pointer to GdkImage object   */
149 #endif
150 #ifdef UNIX
151   XImage *XImg;              /* Pointer to XImage structure  */
152   int Attrs;                 /* USE_SHM and other attributes */
153 #ifdef MITSHM
154   XShmSegmentInfo SHMInfo;   /* Shared memory information    */
155 #endif
156 #endif
157 } Image;
159 /** Current Video Image **************************************/
160 /** These parameters are set with SetVideo() and used by    **/
161 /** ShowVideo() to show a WxH fragment from <X,Y> of Img.   **/
162 /*************************************************************/
163 extern Image *VideoImg;        /* Current ShowVideo() image  */
164 extern int VideoX;             /* X for ShowVideo()          */
165 extern int VideoY;             /* Y for ShowVideo()          */
166 extern int VideoW;             /* Width for ShowVideo()      */
167 extern int VideoH;             /* Height for ShowVideo()     */
169 /** KeyHandler ***********************************************/
170 /** This function receives key presses and releases.        **/
171 /*************************************************************/
172 extern void (*KeyHandler)(unsigned int Key);
174 /** MouseHandler *********************************************/
175 /** This function receives mouse clicks and unclicks.       **/
176 /*************************************************************/
177 extern void (*MouseHandler)(int X,int Y,int State);
179 /** NewImage() ***********************************************/
180 /** Create a new image of the given size. Returns pointer   **/
181 /** to the image data on success, 0 on failure.             **/
182 /*************************************************************/
183 pixel *NewImage(Image *Img,int Width,int Height);
185 /** FreeImage() **********************************************/
186 /** Free previously allocated image.                        **/
187 /*************************************************************/
188 void FreeImage(Image *Img);
190 /** CropImage() **********************************************/
191 /** Create a subimage Dst of the image Src. Returns Dst.    **/
192 /*************************************************************/
193 Image *CropImage(Image *Dst,const Image *Src,int X,int Y,int W,int H);
195 #if defined(WINDOWS) || defined(UNIX) || defined(MAEMO)
196 Image *GenericCropImage(Image *Dst,const Image *Src,int X,int Y,int W,int H);
197 #endif
199 /** ScaleImage() *********************************************/
200 /** Copy Src into Dst, scaling as needed.                   **/
201 /*************************************************************/
202 void ScaleImage(Image *Dst,const Image *Src,int X,int Y,int W,int H);
204 /** ARMScaleImage() ******************************************/
205 /** Copy Src into Dst using ARM-optimized assembly code.    **/
206 /** Returns 0 if this function is not supported or there is **/
207 /** an alignment problem. Returns destination height and    **/
208 /** width on success in <Height 31:16><Width 15:0> format.  **/
209 /*************************************************************/
210 int ARMScaleImage(Image *Dst,Image *Src,int X,int Y,int W,int H,int Attrs);
212 /** TelevizeImage() ******************************************/
213 /** Create televizion effect on the image.                  **/
214 /*************************************************************/
215 void TelevizeImage(Image *Img,int X,int Y,int W,int H);
217 /** SoftenImage() ********************************************/
218 /** Uses softening algorithm to interpolate image Src into  **/
219 /** a bigger image Dst.                                     **/
220 /*************************************************************/
221 void SoftenImage(Image *Dst,const Image *Src,int X,int Y,int W,int H);
223 /** ClearImage() *********************************************/
224 /** Clear image with a given color.                         **/
225 /*************************************************************/
226 void ClearImage(Image *Img,pixel Color);
228 /** IMGCopy() ************************************************/
229 /** Copy one image into another. Skips pixels of given      **/
230 /** color unless TColor=-1.                                 **/
231 /*************************************************************/
232 void IMGCopy(Image *Dst,int DX,int DY,const Image *Src,int SX,int SY,int W,int H,int TColor);
234 /** IMGDrawRect()/IMGFillRect() ******************************/
235 /** Draw filled/unfilled rectangle in a given image.        **/
236 /*************************************************************/
237 void IMGDrawRect(Image *Img,int X,int Y,int W,int H,pixel Color);
238 void IMGFillRect(Image *Img,int X,int Y,int W,int H,pixel Color);
240 /** IMGPrint() ***********************************************/
241 /** Print text in a given image.                            **/
242 /*************************************************************/
243 //@@@ NOT YET
244 //void IMGPrint(Image *Img,const char *S,int X,int Y,int FG,int BG);
246 /** SetVideo() ***********************************************/
247 /** Set part of the image as "active" for display.          **/
248 /*************************************************************/
249 void SetVideo(Image *Img,int X,int Y,int W,int H);
251 #if defined(MAEMO)
252 void GenericSetVideo(Image *Img,int X,int Y,int W,int H);
253 #endif
255 /** ShowVideo() **********************************************/
256 /** Show "active" image at the actual screen or window.     **/
257 /*************************************************************/
258 int ShowVideo(void);
260 /** GetColor() ***********************************************/
261 /** Return pixel corresponding to the given <R,G,B> value.  **/
262 /** This only works for non-palletized modes.               **/
263 /*************************************************************/
264 pixel GetColor(unsigned char R,unsigned char G,unsigned char B);
266 /** SetPalette() *********************************************/
267 /** Set color N to the given <R,G,B> value. This only works **/
268 /** for palette-based modes.                                **/
269 /*************************************************************/
270 void SetPalette(pixel N,unsigned char R,unsigned char G,unsigned char B);
272 /** GetFreeAudio() *******************************************/
273 /** Get the amount of free samples in the audio buffer.     **/
274 /*************************************************************/
275 unsigned int GetFreeAudio(void);
277 /** WriteAudio() *********************************************/
278 /** Write up to a given number of samples to audio buffer.  **/
279 /** Returns the number of samples written.                  **/
280 /*************************************************************/
281 unsigned int WriteAudio(sample *Data,unsigned int Length);
283 /** PauseAudio() *********************************************/
284 /** Pause/resume audio playback. Returns current playback   **/
285 /** state.                                                  **/
286 /************************************************* OPTIONAL **/
287 int PauseAudio(int Switch);
289 /** GetJoystick() ********************************************/
290 /** Get the state of joypad buttons (1="pressed"). Refer to **/
291 /** the BTN_* #defines for the button mappings. Notice that **/
292 /** on Windows this function calls WinProcessMsgs() thus    **/
293 /** automatically handling all Windows messages.            **/
294 /*************************************************************/
295 unsigned int GetJoystick(void);
297 /** WaitJoystick() *******************************************/
298 /** Wait until one or more of the given buttons have been   **/
299 /** pressed. Returns the bitmask of pressed buttons. Refer  **/
300 /** to BTN_* #defines for the button mappings.              **/
301 /*************************************************************/
302 unsigned int WaitJoystick(unsigned int Mask);
304 /** GetMouse() ***********************************************/
305 /** Get mouse position and button states in the following   **/
306 /** format: RMB.LMB.Y[29-16].X[15-0]                        **/
307 /*************************************************************/
308 unsigned int GetMouse(void);
310 /** GetKey() *************************************************/
311 /** Get currently pressed key or 0 if none pressed. Returns **/
312 /** CON_* definitions for arrows and special keys.          **/
313 /*************************************************************/
314 unsigned int GetKey(void);
316 /** WaitKey() ************************************************/
317 /** Wait for a key to be pressed. Returns CON_* definitions **/
318 /** for arrows and special keys.                            **/
319 /*************************************************************/
320 unsigned int WaitKey(void);
322 /** WaitKeyOrMouse() *****************************************/
323 /** Wait for a key or a mouse button to be pressed. Returns **/
324 /** the same result as GetMouse(). If no mouse buttons      **/
325 /** reported to be pressed, call GetKey() to fetch a key.   **/
326 /*************************************************************/
327 unsigned int WaitKeyOrMouse(void);
329 /** SetKeyHandler() ******************************************/
330 /** Attach keyboard handler that will be called when a key  **/
331 /** is pressed or released.                                 **/
332 /*************************************************************/
333 void SetKeyHandler(void (*Handler)(unsigned int Key));
335 /** WaitSyncTimer() ******************************************/
336 /** Wait for the timer to become ready.                     **/
337 /*************************************************************/
338 void WaitSyncTimer(void);
340 /** SyncTimerReady() *****************************************/
341 /** Return 1 if sync timer ready, 0 otherwise.              **/
342 /*************************************************************/
343 int SyncTimerReady(void);
345 /** SetSyncTimer() *******************************************/
346 /** Set synchronization timer to a given frequency in Hz.   **/
347 /*************************************************************/
348 int SetSyncTimer(int Hz);
350 /** GetFilePath() ********************************************/
351 /** Extracts pathname from filename and returns a pointer   **/
352 /** to the internal buffer containing just the path name    **/
353 /** ending with "\".                                        **/
354 /*************************************************************/
355 const char *GetFilePath(const char *Name);
357 /** NewFile() ************************************************/
358 /** Given pattern NAME.EXT, generates a new filename in the **/
359 /** NAMEnnnn.EXT (nnnn = 0000..9999) format and returns a   **/
360 /** pointer to the internal buffer containing new filename. **/
361 /*************************************************************/
362 const char *NewFile(const char *Pattern);
364 /** ChangeDir() **********************************************/
365 /** This function is a wrapper for chdir(). Unlike chdir(), **/
366 /** it changes *both* the drive and the directory in MSDOS, **/
367 /** exactly like the "normal" chdir() should. Returns 0 on  **/
368 /** success, -1 on failure, just like chdir().              **/
369 /*************************************************************/
370 int ChangeDir(const char *Name);
372 #ifdef GIFLIB
373 /** LoadGIF() ************************************************/
374 /** Load screen from .GIF file. Returns the number of used  **/
375 /** colors or 0 if failed.                                  **/
376 /*************************************************************/
377 int LoadGIF(const char *File);
379 /** SaveGIF() ************************************************/
380 /** Save screen to .GIF file. Returns the number of written **/
381 /** scanlines or 0 if failed.                               **/
382 /*************************************************************/
383 int SaveGIF(const char *File);
384 #endif /* GIFLIB */
386 #ifdef __cplusplus
387 }
388 #endif
389 #endif /* EMULIB_H */