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Makefile.amH A D02-May-201999 92

Makefile.inH A D26-Jun-201914.3 KiB502434

PORTINGH A D02-May-20192.4 KiB5147

README.videoH A D02-May-20191.5 KiB3628

dosbox.1H A D03-May-202212.3 KiB378375


1Starting with version 0.65, DOSBox allows you to create movies out of screen
4To record a movie, you have to press CTRL-ALT-F5.
5To stop/end the recording, you have to press CTRL-ALT-F5 again.
7To play the recorded movie, you need a movie player which can handle the
8ZMBV codec. MS Windows users can find this codec in the start menu entry of
9DOSBox. Users of Linux and other OSes should look for a movie player that
10uses the ffmpeg libary (you may need to update or ask your distribution to
14Q: During the display of the movies the sound is lagging.
15A: Check your display properties to see whether your refresh rate is set to
16at least 70 hz. Try playing the movie in virtualdub (http://virtualdub.sf.net)
18Q: Why does the resulting movie consist of multiple files?
19A: Each time the game changes resolution, DOSBox creates a new movie file,
20because a movie file can only contain one resolution.
22Q: Can I set the cycles higher than my PC can handle during recording?
23A: Yes. During recording, the game might play slowly and stuttering, but the
24resulting movie should play at the intended speed and have no stuttering.
26Q: CTRL-ALT-F5 switches to the console under linux.
27A: 1. Start DOSBox like this: dosbox -startmapper
28   2. Click on Video, click on Add
29   3. Press the key you want (for example scroll lock or printscreen)
30   4. Click exit.
31   5. You can make movies by pressing scroll lock or whichever key you
32      selected.
34Q: The colours are wrong and I'm using 64 bit windows
35A: Look here: http://vogons.zetafleet.com/viewtopic.php?t=12133