1import logging
2import os
3import platform
4import subprocess
5import traceback
6from configparser import ConfigParser, NoSectionError
7from operator import attrgetter
9import fsboot
10from fsbc.util import Version
12from fsbc.system import System, windows, linux
13from fsgs.FSGSDirectories import FSGSDirectories
15X86_MACHINES = ["x86", "i386", "i486", "i586", "i686"]
16X86_64_MACHINES = ["x86_64", "x86-64", "amd64"]
19logger = logging.getLogger("PLUGINS")
21known_plugin_versions = {
22    "CAPSImg": "5.1fs3",
23    "Cheats": "1.0.0",
24    "DOSBox-FS": "0.74.4006fs7",
25    "Fuse-FS": "1.3.3fs5",
26    "GenesisPlusGX-LR": "1.7.4git",
27    "Hatari-FS": "2.0.0fs1",
28    "MAME-FS": "0.189fs1",
29    "Mednafen-FS": "1.22.2fs0",
30    "Mupen64Plus-LR": "2.5fs0git",
31    "Nestopia-LR": "1.49fs0wip",
32    "QEMU-UAE": "3.8.2qemu2.2.0",
33    "Regina-FS": "3.9.1fs0",
34    "RetroArch-FS": "1.6.7fs1",
35    "UADE-FS": "2.13fs1",
36    "Vice-FS": "3.3fs0",
40class BasePlugin:
41    def __init__(self, path, name, version="0.0.0"):
42        self.path = path
43        self.name = name
44        self.version = version
45        self.provides = {}
46        # outdated being None implies that it is unknown
47        self.outdated = None
48        known_version = known_plugin_versions.get(self.name, None)
49        if known_version:
50            try:
51                self.outdated = Version(self.version) < Version(known_version)
52            except ValueError:
53                pass
55    def add_provide(self, key, value):
56        logger.debug("%s -> %s", key, value)
57        self.provides[key] = value
59    def data_file_path(self, name):
60        return os.path.join(self.path, "Data", name)
63class Plugin(BasePlugin):
64    def __init__(self, path, name, version, cp):
65        super().__init__(path, name, version)
66        self.load_provides(cp)
68    def load_provides(self, cp):
69        logger.debug("loading provides for %s %s", self.path, self.platform())
70        try:
71            for key, value in cp.items(self.platform()):
72                self._provides[key] = value
73        except NoSectionError:
74            pass
76    def __str__(self):
77        return "<Plugin {0}".format(self.path)
79    @staticmethod
80    def os_name(pretty=False):
81        if windows:
82            if pretty:
83                return "Windows"
84            return "windows"
85        elif System.macos:
86            if pretty:
87                return "macOS"
88            return "macos"
89        elif linux:
90            # if os.environ.get("STEAM_RUNTIME", ""):
91            #     if pretty:
92            #         return "SteamOS"
93            #     return "steamos"
94            # else:
95            if pretty:
96                return "Linux"
97            return "linux"
98        else:
99            if pretty:
100                return "Unknown"
101            return "unknown"
103    @staticmethod
104    def arch_name(pretty=False):
105        if platform.machine().lower() in X86_ANY_MACHINES:
106            if platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit":
107                return "x86-64"
108            else:
109                return "x86"
110        else:
111            if pretty:
112                return "Unknown"
113            return "unknown"
115    @classmethod
116    def platform(cls):
117        return "{}_{}".format(cls.os_name(), cls.arch_name())
120class Expansion(BasePlugin):
121    def __init__(self, path, arch_path, version=None):
122        name = os.path.basename(path)
123        version_path = os.path.join(arch_path, "Version.txt")
124        if os.path.exists(version_path):
125            with open(version_path, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
126                version = f.read().strip()
127        else:
128            # version_path = os.path.join(path, "Data", "Version.txt")
129            version_path = os.path.join(path, "Version.txt")
130            with open(version_path, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
131                version = f.read().strip()
132        super().__init__(path, name, version)
133        self._arch_path = arch_path
135    def load_provides(self):
136        logger.debug("Loading provides for %s", repr(self.path))
137        if os.path.exists(self._arch_path):
138            self.load_arch_provides()
139        self.load_sha1_provides()
141    def load_sha1_provides(self):
142        data_dir = os.path.join(self.path, "Data")
143        sha1sums_file = os.path.join(data_dir, "SHA1SUMS")
144        if os.path.exists(sha1sums_file):
145            with open(sha1sums_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
146                for line in f.readlines():
147                    line = line.strip()
148                    if not line:
149                        continue
150                    sha1, relative_path = line.split(" ", 1)
151                    relative_path = relative_path.lstrip("*")
152                    path = os.path.join(data_dir, relative_path)
153                    self.add_provide("sha1:" + sha1, path)
155    def load_arch_provides(self):
156        for item in os.listdir(self._arch_path):
157            path = os.path.join(self._arch_path, item)
158            if windows:
159                if item.endswith(".exe"):
160                    self.add_provide("executable:" + item[:-4].lower(), path)
161                elif path.endswith(".dll"):
162                    self.add_provide("library:" + item.lower()[:-4], path)
163            else:
164                if path.endswith(".so"):
165                    self.add_provide("library:" + item.lower()[:-3], path)
166                elif os.access(path, os.X_OK):
167                    self.add_provide("executable:" + item.lower(), path)
168            if System.macos:
169                if path.endswith(".app"):
170                    app_path = os.path.join(path, "Contents", "MacOS")
171                    if os.path.exists(app_path):
172                        for app_item in os.listdir(app_path):
173                            p = os.path.join(app_path, app_item)
174                            if os.access(p, os.X_OK):
175                                self.add_provide(
176                                    "executable:" + app_item.lower(), p
177                                )
179    def executable(self, name):
180        path = self.provides["executable:" + name]
181        return PluginExecutable(self, path)
183    def library_path(self, name):
184        path = self.provides["library:" + name]
185        return path
187    def sha1_path(self, sha1):
188        path = self.provides["sha1:" + sha1]
189        return path
191    def __str__(self):
192        return "<Expansion {0}".format(self.path)
195class PluginResource:
196    def __init__(self, plugin, name):
197        self.plugin = plugin
198        self.name = name
200    @property
201    def path(self):
202        p = os.path.join(self.plugin.path, self.plugin.provides[self.name])
203        return p
206class Executable:
207    def __init__(self, path):
208        self.path = path
210    def popen(self, args, env=None, **kwargs):
211        logger.info("[EXECUTE] %s %s", self.path, repr(args))
212        # logger.debug("PluginExecutable.popen %s %s %s",
213        #              repr(args), repr(env), repr(kwargs))
214        args = [self.path] + args
215        if os.environ.get("FSGS_STRACE", "") == "1":
216            args.insert(0, "strace")
217        if env:
218            env = env.copy()
219        else:
220            env = os.environ.copy()
222        if os.environ.get("FS_PLUGINS_LD_LIBRARY_PATH") == "1":
223            env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = os.path.dirname(self.path)
225        return subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, **kwargs)
228class PluginExecutable(Executable):
229    def __init__(self, plugin, path):
230        super().__init__(path)
231        self.plugin = plugin
234class PluginManager:
235    @classmethod
236    def instance(cls):
237        if not hasattr(cls, "_instance") or cls._instance is None:
238            cls._instance = cls()
239        return cls._instance
241    @classmethod
242    def plugin_path(cls):
243        result = []
244        plugins_dir = FSGSDirectories.get_plugins_dir()
245        result.append(plugins_dir)
247        # Plugins dir location has changed, add several old and new paths here
248        # to find plugins in both places (FS-UAE and OpenRetro style).
249        plugins_dir = os.path.join(FSGSDirectories.get_base_dir(), "Plugins")
250        if plugins_dir not in result:
251            result.append(plugins_dir)
252        plugins_dir = os.path.join(FSGSDirectories.get_data_dir(), "Plugins")
253        if plugins_dir not in result:
254            result.append(plugins_dir)
256        # if plugins_dir and os.path.isdir(plugins_dir):
257        #     result.append(plugins_dir)
258        expansion_dir = os.path.join(
259            FSGSDirectories.get_base_dir(), "Workspace", "Expansion"
260        )
261        if expansion_dir and os.path.isdir(expansion_dir):
262            result.append(expansion_dir)
264        if System.macos:
265            system_plugins_dir = os.path.normpath(
266                os.path.join(
267                    fsboot.executable_dir(),
268                    "..",
269                    "..",
270                    "..",
271                    "..",
272                    "..",
273                    "..",
274                    "Plugins",
275                )
276            )
277            result.append(system_plugins_dir)
278        else:
279            system_plugins_dir = os.path.normpath(
280                os.path.join(
281                    fsboot.executable_dir(), "..", "..", "..", "Plugins"
282                )
283            )
284            result.append(system_plugins_dir)
285        # if os.path.isdir(system_plugins_dir):
286        #     result.append(system_plugins_dir)
288        return result
290    def __init__(self):
291        self._provides = {}
292        self._plugins = []
293        self._plugins_map = {}
294        self.load_plugins()
295        for plugin in self._plugins:
296            for key, value in plugin.provides.items():
297                self._provides[key] = plugin
299    def plugin(self, name):
300        return self._plugins_map[name]
302    def plugins(self):
303        return self._plugins.copy()
305    def provides(self):
306        return self._provides.copy()
308    def load_plugins(self):
309        plugin_path = self.plugin_path()
310        logger.info("Executable dir: %s", fsboot.executable_dir())
311        logger.info("Path: %s", plugin_path)
312        logger.info("Machine: %s", platform.machine().lower())
313        logger.info("Architecture: %s", platform.architecture()[0])
314        logger.info(
315            "Plugin OS/arch: %s/%s",
316            Plugin.os_name(True),
317            Plugin.arch_name(True),
318        )
320        # Reversing order so that later loaded plugins (earlier on path)
321        # takes precedence.
322        # for dir_path in reversed(plugin_path):
323        # I guess we should sort the list by version number and only load the
324        # newest plugin per name.
325        for dir_path in plugin_path:
326            if not os.path.isdir(dir_path):
327                continue
328            # logger.debug(dir_path)
329            for name in os.listdir(dir_path):
330                plugin_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, name)
331                logger.debug(plugin_dir)
332                if not os.path.isdir(plugin_dir):
333                    continue
334                try:
335                    plugin = self.load_plugin(plugin_dir)
336                except Exception:
337                    logger.debug("Could not load %s", plugin_dir)
338                    traceback.print_exc()
339                    continue
340                if plugin is None:
341                    logger.debug("No plugin in %s", plugin_dir)
342                    continue
343                logger.debug("Found plugin in %s", plugin_dir)
344                self._plugins.append(plugin)
345                self._plugins_map[plugin.name] = plugin
346            self._plugins.sort(key=attrgetter("name"))
348    def load_plugin(self, plugin_dir):
349        return self.load_expansion(plugin_dir)
351        # logger.info("Load plugin %s", plugin_dir)
352        # plugin_ini = os.path.join(plugin_dir, "plugin.ini")
353        # name = os.path.basename(plugin_dir).split("_")[0]
354        # if not os.path.exists(plugin_ini):
355        #     return self.load_expansion(plugin_dir)
356        # cp = ConfigParser()
357        # with open(plugin_ini, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
358        #     cp.read_file(f)
359        # version = cp.get("plugin", "version")
360        # plugin = Plugin(os.path.join(plugin_dir, version), name, version, cp)
361        # return plugin
363    def load_expansion(self, path):
364        logger.info("Load expansion %s", path)
365        arch_path = os.path.join(
366            path, Plugin.os_name(pretty=True), Plugin.arch_name(pretty=True)
367        )
368        version_path = os.path.join(arch_path, "Version.txt")
369        if not os.path.exists(version_path):
370            # version_path = os.path.join(path, "Data", "Version.txt")
371            version_path = os.path.join(path, "Version.txt")
373        version = None
374        if not os.path.exists(version_path):
375            plugin_ini = os.path.join(path, "Plugin.ini")
376            if os.path.exists(plugin_ini):
377                cp = ConfigParser()
378                with open(plugin_ini, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
379                    cp.read_file(f)
380                version = cp.get("plugin", "version")
381            if not version:
382                plugin_ini = os.path.join(path, "plugin.ini")
383                if os.path.exists(plugin_ini):
384                    cp = ConfigParser()
385                    with open(plugin_ini, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
386                        cp.read_file(f)
387                    version = cp.get("plugin", "version")
388            if not version:
389                return None
391        expansion = Expansion(path, arch_path, version=version)
392        expansion.load_provides()
393        return expansion
395    def find_resource(self, name):
396        plugin = self._provides[name]
397        return PluginResource(plugin, name)
399    def find_executable(self, name):
400        logger.debug("PluginManager.find_executable %s", repr(name))
401        try:
402            plugin = self.provides()["executable:" + name]
403        except KeyError:
404            # Did not find executable in plugin, try to find executable
405            # bundled with the program.
406            if windows:
407                exe_name = name + ".exe"
408            else:
409                exe_name = name
410            path = os.path.join(fsboot.executable_dir(), exe_name)
411            logger.debug("Checking %s", path)
412            if os.path.exists(path):
413                logger.debug("Found non-plugin executable %s", path)
414                return Executable(path)
415            if fsboot.development():
416                if name == "x64sc-fs":
417                    logger.debug("Lookup hack for vice-fs/x64sc-fs")
418                    name = "vice-fs"
419                path = os.path.join(
420                    fsboot.executable_dir(), "..", name, exe_name
421                )
422                logger.debug("Checking %s", path)
423                if os.path.exists(path):
424                    logger.debug("Found non-plugin executable %s", path)
425                    return Executable(path)
426            return None
427        return plugin.executable(name)
429    def find_library_path(self, name):
430        logger.debug("PluginManager.find_library_path %s", repr(name))
431        try:
432            plugin = self.provides()["library:" + name]
433        except KeyError:
434            # Did not find module in plugin, try to find module
435            # bundled with the program.
436            if windows:
437                module_name = name + ".dll"
438            else:
439                module_name = name + ".so"
440            path = os.path.join(fsboot.executable_dir(), module_name)
441            if os.path.exists(path):
442                logger.debug("Found non-plugin module %s", path)
443                return path
444            return None
445        return plugin.library_path(name)
447    def find_file_by_sha1(self, sha1):
448        try:
449            plugin = self.provides()["sha1:" + sha1]
450        except KeyError:
451            path = None
452        else:
453            path = plugin.sha1_path(sha1)
454        logger.debug("PluginManager.find_file_by_sha1 %s -> %s", sha1, path)
455        return path