1 /*
2   Hatari - m68000.c
4   This file is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2
5   or at your option any later version. Read the file gpl.txt for details.
7   These routines originally (in WinSTon) handled exceptions as well as some
8   few OpCode's such as Line-F and Line-A. In Hatari it has mainly become a
9   wrapper between the WinSTon sources and the UAE CPU code.
10 */
12 /* 2007/03/xx	[NP]	Possibility to add several wait states for the same instruction in		*/
13 /*			M68000_WaitState (e.g. clr.b $fa1b.w in Decade Demo Menu).			*/
14 /* 2007/04/14	[NP]	Add support for instruction pairing in M68000_AddCycles, using OpcodeFamily and	*/
15 /*			LastOpcodeFamily (No Cooper Loader, Oh Crickey ... Hidden Screen).		*/
16 /* 2007/04/24	[NP]	Add pairing for BCLR/Bcc.							*/
17 /* 2007/09/29	[NP]	Use the new int.c and INT_CONVERT_TO_INTERNAL.					*/
18 /* 2007/11/26	[NP]	We set BusErrorPC in m68k_run_1 instead of M68000_BusError, else the BusErrorPC	*/
19 /*			will not point to the opcode that generated the bus error.			*/
20 /*			In M68000_BusError, if we have 'move.l $0,$24', we need to generate a bus error	*/
21 /*			for the read, not for the write that should occur after (TransBeauce 2 Demo).	*/
22 /* 2008/01/07	[NP]	Function 'M68000_InitPairing' and 'PairingArray' as a lookup table for fast	*/
23 /*			determination of valid pairing combinations (replace lots of 'if' tests in	*/
24 /*			m68000.h).									*/
25 /* 2008/01/25	[NP]	Add pairing for LSR/MOVE (and all other bit shifting instr) (Anomaly Demo Intro)*/
26 /* 2008/02/02	[NP]	Add pairing for CMP/Bcc (Level 16 Fullscreen (1988)).				*/
27 /* 2008/02/08	[NP]	Add pairing for LSL/LEA (and all other bit shifting instr) (TVI 2 - The Year	*/
28 /*			After Demo).									*/
29 /* 2008/02/11	[NP]	Add pairing for MULS/MOVEA (Delirious Demo IV Loader).				*/
30 /* 2008/01/25	[NP]	Add pairing for LSR/MOVEA (and all other bit shifting instr) (Decade Demo Reset)*/
31 /* 2008/02/16	[NP]	Add pairing for MULS/DIVS (fixes e605 demo part 3).				*/
32 /* 2008/03/08	[NP]	In M68000_Exception, we need to know if the exception was triggered by an MFP	*/
33 /*			interrupt or by a video interrupt. In the case MFP vector base was changed in	*/
34 /*			fffa17 to an other value than the default $40, testing exceptionNr is not enough*/
35 /*			to correctly process the exception. For example, if vector base is set to $10	*/
36 /*			then MFP Timer A will call vector stored at address $74, which would be wrongly	*/
37 /*			interpreted as a level 5 int (which doesn't exist on Atari and will cause an	*/
38 /*			assert to fail in intlevel()). We use InterruptSource to correctly recognize the*/
39 /*			MFP interrupts (fix 'Toki' end part fullscreen which sets vector base to $10).	*/
40 /* 2008/04/14	[NP]	Add pairing for BTST/Bcc (eg btst #7,d0 + bne.s label  (with branch taken)).	*/
41 /* 2008/04/15	[NP]	As tested on a real STF :							*/
42 /*				- MUL/DIV can pair (but DIV/MUL can't)					*/
43 /*					(eg mulu d0,d0 + divs d1,d1 with d0=0 and d1=1)			*/
44 /*				- MUL/MOVE can pair, but not DIV/MOVE					*/
45 /*				- EXG/MOVE can pair (eg exg d3,d4 + move.l 0(a3,d1.w),a4)		*/
46 /*				- MOVE/DBcc can't pair							*/
47 /* 2008/04/16	[NP]	Functions 'M68000_InitPairing_BitShift' to ease code maintenance.		*/
48 /*			Tested on STF : add pairing between bit shift instr and ADD/SUB/OR/AND/EOR/NOT	*/
49 /*			CLR/NEG (certainly some more possible, haven't tested everything)		*/
50 /*			(fixes lsr.w #4,d4 + add.b $f0(a4,d4),d7 used in Zoolook part of ULM New Year).	*/
51 /* 2008/07/08	[NP]	Add pairing between bit shift instr and ADDX/SUBX/ABCD/SBCD (fixes lsl.l #1,d0	*/
52 /*			+ abcd d1,d1 used in Dragonnels - Rainbow Wall).				*/
53 /* 2008/10/05	[NP]	Pass the 'ExceptionSource' parameter to Exception() in uae-cpu/newcpu.c		*/
54 /* 2010/05/07	[NP]	Add pairing for ADD/MOVE ; such pairing should only be possible when combined	*/
55 /*			with d8(an,ix) address mode (eg: add.l (a5,d1.w),d0 + move.b 7(a5,d1.w),d5)	*/
56 /*			(fixes Sommarhack 2010 Invitation by DHS).					*/
57 /* 2010/11/07	[NP]	Add pairing between bit shift instr and JMP (fixes lsl.w #2,d0 + jmp 2(pc,d0)	*/
58 /*			used in Fullparts by Hemoroids).						*/
59 /* 2011/12/11	[NP]	Add pairing between MUL and JSR (fixes muls #52,d2 + jsr 0(a1,d2.w) used in	*/
60 /*			Lemmings Compilation 40's Intro).						*/
61 /* 2014/05/07	[NP]	In M68000_WaitEClock, use CyclesGlobalClockCounter instead of the VBL video	*/
62 /*			counter (else for a given position in a VBL we would always get the same value	*/
63 /*			for the E clock).								*/
64 /* 2015/02/01	[NP]	When using the new WinUAE's cpu, don't handle MFP/DSP interrupts by calling	*/
65 /*			directly Exception(), we must set bit 6 in pendingInterrupts and use the IACK	*/
66 /*			sequence to get the exception's vector number.					*/
67 /* 2015/02/05	[NP]	For the new WinUAE's cpu, don't use ExceptionSource anymore when calling	*/
68 /*			Exception().									*/
69 /* 2015/02/11	[NP]	Replace BusErrorPC by regs.instruction_pc, to get similar code to WinUAE's cpu  */
70 /* 2015/10/08	[NP]	Add M68000_AddCycles_CE() to handle cycles when running with WinUAE's cpu in	*/
71 /*			'cycle exact' mode. In that case, instruction pairing don't have to be handled	*/
72 /*			with some tables/heuristics anymore.						*/
75 const char M68000_fileid[] = "Hatari m68000.c : " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
77 #include "main.h"
78 #include "configuration.h"
79 #include "gemdos.h"
80 #include "hatari-glue.h"
81 #include "cycInt.h"
82 #include "m68000.h"
83 #include "memorySnapShot.h"
84 #include "mfp.h"
85 #include "options.h"
86 #include "savestate.h"
87 #include "stMemory.h"
88 #include "tos.h"
89 #include "falcon/crossbar.h"
90 #include "cart.h"
93 #include "dsp.h"
94 #endif
97 #include "mmu_common.h"
98 #endif
100 /* information about current CPU instruction */
101 cpu_instruction_t CpuInstruction;
103 Uint32 BusErrorAddress;		/* Stores the offending address for bus-/address errors */
104 bool bBusErrorReadWrite;	/* 0 for write error, 1 for read error */
105 int nCpuFreqShift;		/* Used to emulate higher CPU frequencies: 0=8MHz, 1=16MHz, 2=32Mhz */
106 int WaitStateCycles = 0;	/* Used to emulate the wait state cycles of certain IO registers */
107 int BusMode = BUS_MODE_CPU;	/* Used to tell which part is owning the bus (cpu, blitter, ...) */
108 bool CPU_IACK = false;		/* Set to true during an exception when getting the interrupt's vector number */
109 static bool M68000_DebuggerFlag;/* Is debugger enabled or not ? */
111 int LastOpcodeFamily = i_NOP;	/* see the enum in readcpu.h i_XXX */
112 int LastInstrCycles = 0;	/* number of cycles for previous instr. (not rounded to 4) */
113 int Pairing = 0;		/* set to 1 if the latest 2 intr paired */
114 char PairingArray[ MAX_OPCODE_FAMILY ][ MAX_OPCODE_FAMILY ];
117 /* to convert the enum from OpcodeFamily to a readable value for pairing's debug */
118 const char *OpcodeName[] = { "ILLG",
119 	"OR","AND","EOR","ORSR","ANDSR","EORSR",
120 	"SUB","SUBA","SUBX","SBCD",
121 	"ADD","ADDA","ADDX","ABCD",
122 	"NEG","NEGX","NBCD","CLR","NOT","TST",
123 	"BTST","BCHG","BCLR","BSET",
124 	"CMP","CMPM","CMPA",
126 	"SWAP","EXG","EXT","MVMEL","MVMLE",
128 	"LINK","UNLK",
129 	"RTS","TRAPV","RTR",
130 	"JSR","JMP","BSR","Bcc",
131 	"LEA","PEA","DBcc","Scc",
132 	"DIVU","DIVS","MULU","MULS",
133 	"ASR","ASL","LSR","LSL","ROL","ROR","ROXL","ROXR",
135 	"CHK","CHK2",
136 	"MOVEC2","MOVE2C","CAS","CAS2","DIVL","MULL",
139 	"FPP","FDBcc","FScc","FTRAPcc","FBcc","FSAVE","FRESTORE",
141 	"MMUOP"
142 };
145 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
146 /**
147  * Add pairing between all the bit shifting instructions and a given Opcode
148  */
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift(int OpCode)150 static void M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( int OpCode )
151 {
152 	PairingArray[  i_ASR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
153 	PairingArray[  i_ASL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
154 	PairingArray[  i_LSR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
155 	PairingArray[  i_LSL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
156 	PairingArray[  i_ROL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
157 	PairingArray[  i_ROR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
158 	PairingArray[ i_ROXR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
159 	PairingArray[ i_ROXL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
160 }
163 /**
164  * Init the pairing matrix
165  * Two instructions can pair if PairingArray[ LastOpcodeFamily ][ OpcodeFamily ] == 1
166  */
M68000_InitPairing(void)167 static void M68000_InitPairing(void)
168 {
169 	/* First, clear the matrix (pairing is false) */
170 	memset(PairingArray , 0 , MAX_OPCODE_FAMILY * MAX_OPCODE_FAMILY);
172 	/* Set all valid pairing combinations to 1 */
173 	PairingArray[  i_EXG ][ i_DBcc ] = 1;
174 	PairingArray[  i_EXG ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
175 	PairingArray[  i_EXG ][ i_MOVEA] = 1;
177 	PairingArray[ i_CMPA ][  i_Bcc ] = 1;
178 	PairingArray[  i_CMP ][  i_Bcc ] = 1;
180 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_DBcc );
181 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_MOVE );
182 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_MOVEA );
183 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_LEA );
184 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_JMP );
186 	PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_MOVEA] = 1;
187 	PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_MOVEA] = 1;
188 	PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
189 	PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
191 	PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_DIVU ] = 1;
192 	PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_DIVS ] = 1;
193 	PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_DIVU ] = 1;
194 	PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_DIVS ] = 1;
196 	PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_JSR ] = 1;
197 	PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_JSR ] = 1;
199 	PairingArray[ i_BTST ][  i_Bcc ] = 1;
201 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_ADD );
202 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_SUB );
203 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_OR );
204 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_AND );
205 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_EOR );
206 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_NOT );
207 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_CLR );
208 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_NEG );
209 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_ADDX );
210 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_SUBX );
211 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_ABCD );
212 	M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_SBCD );
214 	PairingArray[ i_ADD ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;		/* when using xx(an,dn) addr mode */
215 	PairingArray[ i_SUB ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
217 	PairingArray[ i_ABCD ][ i_DBcc ] = 1;
218 	PairingArray[ i_SBCD ][ i_DBcc ] = 1;
219 }
222 /**
223  * One-time CPU initialization.
224  */
M68000_Init(void)225 void M68000_Init(void)
226 {
227 	/* Init UAE CPU core */
228 	Init680x0();
230 	/* Init the pairing matrix */
231 	M68000_InitPairing();
232 }
235 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
236 /**
237  * Reset CPU 68000 variables
238  */
M68000_Reset(bool bCold)239 void M68000_Reset(bool bCold)
240 {
241 //fprintf ( stderr,"M68000_Reset in cold=%d" , bCold );
243 	UAE_Set_Quit_Reset ( bCold );
244 	set_special(SPCFLAG_MODE_CHANGE);		/* exit m68k_run_xxx() loop and check for cpu changes / reset / quit */
246 #else /* UAE CPU core */
247 	if (bCold)
248 	{
249 		/* Clear registers */
250 		memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
251 	}
252 	/* Now reset the UAE CPU core */
253 	m68k_reset();
254 	Cart_PatchCpuTables();
255 #endif
257 	BusMode = BUS_MODE_CPU;
258 	CPU_IACK = false;
259 //fprintf ( stderr,"M68000_Reset out cold=%d\n" , bCold );
260 }
263 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
264 /**
265  * Enable/disable breakpoints in the debugger
266  */
M68000_SetDebugger(bool debug)267 void M68000_SetDebugger(bool debug)
268 {
269 	M68000_DebuggerFlag = debug;
271 	if ( debug )
272 		M68000_SetSpecial(SPCFLAG_DEBUGGER);
273 	else
274 		M68000_UnsetSpecial(SPCFLAG_DEBUGGER);
275 }
278 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
279 /**
280  * Restore debugger state (breakpoints)
281  * This is called from CPU core after a reset, because CPU core clears regs.spcflags
282  */
M68000_RestoreDebugger(void)283 void M68000_RestoreDebugger(void)
284 {
285 	if ( M68000_DebuggerFlag )
286 		M68000_SetSpecial(SPCFLAG_DEBUGGER);
287 	else
288 		M68000_UnsetSpecial(SPCFLAG_DEBUGGER);
289 }
293 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
294 /**
295  * Start 680x0 emulation
296  */
M68000_Start(void)297 void M68000_Start(void)
298 {
299 //fprintf (stderr, "M68000_Start\n" );
301 	/* Load initial memory snapshot */
302 	if (bLoadMemorySave)
303 	{
304 		MemorySnapShot_Restore(ConfigureParams.Memory.szMemoryCaptureFileName, false);
305 	}
306 	else if (bLoadAutoSave)
307 	{
308 		MemorySnapShot_Restore(ConfigureParams.Memory.szAutoSaveFileName, false);
309 	}
312 	UAE_Set_Quit_Reset ( false );
313 	m68k_go(true);
314 #else
315 	m68k_go(true);
316 #endif
317 }
320 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
321 /**
322  * Check whether CPU settings have been changed.
323  * Possible values for WinUAE :
324  *	cpu_model : 68000 , 68010, 68020, 68030, 68040, 68060
325  *	cpu_level : not used anymore
326  *	cpu_compatible : 0/false (no prefetch for 68000/20/30)  1/true (prefetch opcode for 68000/20/30)
327  *	cpu_cycle_exact : 0/false   1/true (most accurate, implies cpu_compatible)
328  *	cpu_memory_cycle_exact : 0/false   1/true (less accurate than cpu_cycle_exact)
329  *	cpu_data_cache : 0/false (don't emulate caches)   1/true (emulate instr/data caches for 68020/30/40/60)
330  *	address_space_24 : 1 (68000/10 and 68030 LC for Falcon), 0 (68020/30/40/60)
331  *	fpu_model : 0, 68881 (external), 68882 (external), 68040 (cpu) , 68060 (cpu)
332  *	fpu_strict : true/false (more accurate rounding)
333  *	fpu_mode :  0  faster but less accurate, use host's cpu/fpu with 64 bit precision)
334  *		    1  most accurate but slower, use softfloat library)
335  *		   -1  similar to 0 but with extended 80 bit precision, only for x86 CPU)
336  *		       (TODO [NP] not in Hatari for now, require fpp_native_msvc_80bit.cpp / fpux64_80.asm / fpux86_80.asm)
337  *	mmu_model : 0, 68030, 68040, 68060
338  *
339  *	m68k_speed : -1=don't adjust cycle  >=0 use m68k_speed_throttle to precisely adjust cycles
340  *	m68k_speed_throttle : if not 0, used to set cycles_mult. In Hatari, set it to 0
341  *	cpu_frequency : in CE mode, fine control of cpu freq, set it to freq/2. Not used in Hatari, set it to 0.
342  *	cpu_clock_multiplier : used to speed up/slow down clock by multiple of 2 in CE mode. In Hatari
343  *			we use nCpuFreqShift, so this should always be set to 2<<8 = 512 to get the same
344  *			cpucycleunit as in non CE mode.
345  *	cachesize : size of cache in MB when using JIT. Not used in Hatari at the moment, set it to 0
346  */
M68000_CheckCpuSettings(void)347 void M68000_CheckCpuSettings(void)
348 {
349 //fprintf ( stderr,"M68000_CheckCpuSettings in\n" );
350 	changed_prefs.cpu_level = ConfigureParams.System.nCpuLevel;
353 	/* WinUAE core uses cpu_model instead of cpu_level, so we've got to
354 	 * convert these values here: */
355 	switch (changed_prefs.cpu_level) {
356 		case 0 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68000; break;
357 		case 1 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68010; break;
358 		case 2 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68020; break;
359 		case 3 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68030; break;
360 		case 4 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68040; break;
361 		case 5 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68060; break;
362 		default: fprintf (stderr, "M68000_CheckCpuSettings() : Error, cpu_level unknown\n");
363 	}
364 	currprefs.cpu_level = changed_prefs.cpu_level;			/* TODO remove, not used anymore */
366 	/* Only 68040/60 can have 'internal' FPU */
367 	if ( ( ConfigureParams.System.n_FPUType == FPU_CPU ) && ( changed_prefs.cpu_model < 68040 ) )
368 		ConfigureParams.System.n_FPUType = FPU_NONE;
370 	/* 68000/10 can't have an FPU */
371 	if ( ( ConfigureParams.System.n_FPUType != FPU_NONE ) && ( changed_prefs.cpu_model < 68020 ) )
372 	{
373 		Log_Printf(LOG_WARN, "FPU is not supported in 68000/010 configurations, disabling FPU\n");
374 		ConfigureParams.System.n_FPUType = FPU_NONE;
375 	}
377 	changed_prefs.int_no_unimplemented = true;
378 	changed_prefs.fpu_no_unimplemented = true;
379 	changed_prefs.cpu_compatible = ConfigureParams.System.bCompatibleCpu;
380 	changed_prefs.cpu_cycle_exact = ConfigureParams.System.bCycleExactCpu;
381 	changed_prefs.cpu_memory_cycle_exact = ConfigureParams.System.bCycleExactCpu;
382 	changed_prefs.address_space_24 = ConfigureParams.System.bAddressSpace24;
383 	changed_prefs.fpu_model = ConfigureParams.System.n_FPUType;
384 	changed_prefs.fpu_strict = ConfigureParams.System.bCompatibleFPU;
385 	changed_prefs.fpu_mode = ( ConfigureParams.System.bSoftFloatFPU ? 1 : 0 );
387 	/* Update the MMU model by taking the same value as CPU model */
388 	/* MMU is only supported for CPU >=68030, this is later checked in custom.c fixup_cpu() */
389 	if ( !ConfigureParams.System.bMMU )
390 		changed_prefs.mmu_model = 0;				/* MMU disabled */
391 	else
392 		changed_prefs.mmu_model = changed_prefs.cpu_model;	/* MMU enabled */
394 	/* Set cpu speed to default values (only used in WinUAE, not in Hatari) */
395 	changed_prefs.m68k_speed = 0;
396 	changed_prefs.cpu_clock_multiplier = 2 << 8;
398 	/* We don't use JIT */
399 	changed_prefs.cachesize = 0;
401 	/* Always emulate instr/data caches for cpu >= 68020 */
402 	/* Cache emulation requires cpu_compatible or cpu_cycle_exact mode */
403 	if ( ( changed_prefs.cpu_model < 68020 ) ||
404 	     ( ( changed_prefs.cpu_compatible == false ) && ( changed_prefs.cpu_cycle_exact == false ) ) )
405 		changed_prefs.cpu_data_cache = false;
406 	else
407 		changed_prefs.cpu_data_cache = true;
409 	/* Update SPCFLAG_MODE_CHANGE flag if needed */
410 	check_prefs_changed_cpu();
412 #else
413 	if (ConfigureParams.System.nCpuLevel > 4)
414 		ConfigureParams.System.nCpuLevel = 4;
416 	changed_prefs.cpu_compatible = ConfigureParams.System.bCompatibleCpu;
417 	changed_prefs.cpu_cycle_exact = 0;				/* With old UAE CPU, cycle_exact is always false */
419 	if (table68k)
420 		check_prefs_changed_cpu();
421 #endif
422 //fprintf ( stderr, "M68000_CheckCpuSettings out\n" );
423 }
426 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
427 /**
428  * Save/Restore snapshot of CPU variables ('MemorySnapShot_Store' handles type)
429  */
M68000_MemorySnapShot_Capture(bool bSave)430 void M68000_MemorySnapShot_Capture(bool bSave)
431 {
433 	int len;
434 	uae_u8 chunk[ 1000 ];
436 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&pendingInterrupts, sizeof(pendingInterrupts));	/* for intlev() */
438 	if (bSave)
439 	{
440 		//m68k_dumpstate_file(stderr, NULL);
441 		save_cpu (&len,chunk);
442 		//printf ( "save cpu done\n"  );
443 		save_cpu_extra (&len,chunk);
444 		//printf ( "save cpux done\n" );
445 		save_fpu (&len,chunk);
446 		//printf ( "save fpu done\n"  );
447 		save_mmu (&len,chunk);
448 		//printf ( "save mmu done\n"  );
449 		//m68k_dumpstate_file(stderr, NULL);
450 	}
451 	else
452 	{
453 		//m68k_dumpstate_file(stderr, NULL);
454 		restore_cpu (chunk);
455 		//printf ( "restore cpu done\n" );
456 		restore_cpu_extra (chunk);
457 		//printf ( "restore cpux done\n" );
458 		restore_fpu (chunk);
459 		//printf ( "restore fpu done\n"  );
460 		restore_mmu (chunk);
461 		//printf ( "restore mmu done\n"  );
462 		//m68k_dumpstate_file(stderr, NULL);
463 	}
465 #else /* UAE CPU core */
466 	Uint32 savepc;
468 	/* For the UAE CPU core: */
469 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&pendingInterrupts, sizeof(pendingInterrupts));	/* for intlev() */
471 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&currprefs.address_space_24,
472 	                     sizeof(currprefs.address_space_24));
473 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.regs[0], sizeof(regs.regs));       /* D0-D7 A0-A6 */
475 	if (bSave)
476 	{
477 		savepc = M68000_GetPC();
478 		MemorySnapShot_Store(&savepc, sizeof(savepc));            /* PC */
479 	}
480 	else
481 	{
482 		MemorySnapShot_Store(&savepc, sizeof(savepc));            /* PC */
483 		regs.pc = savepc;
484 		regs.prefetch_pc = regs.pc + 128;
485 	}
487 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.prefetch, sizeof(regs.prefetch));  /* prefetch */
489 	if (bSave)
490 	{
491 		MakeSR();
492 		if (regs.s)
493 		{
494 			MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.usp, sizeof(regs.usp));    /* USP */
495 			MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.regs[15], sizeof(regs.regs[15]));  /* ISP */
496 		}
497 		else
498 		{
499 			MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.regs[15], sizeof(regs.regs[15]));  /* USP */
500 			MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.isp, sizeof(regs.isp));    /* ISP */
501 		}
502 		MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.sr, sizeof(regs.sr));          /* SR/CCR */
503 	}
504 	else
505 	{
506 		MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.usp, sizeof(regs.usp));
507 		MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.isp, sizeof(regs.isp));
508 		MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.sr, sizeof(regs.sr));
509 	}
510 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.opcode, sizeof(regs.opcode));
511 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.instruction_pc, sizeof(regs.instruction_pc));
512 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.stopped, sizeof(regs.stopped));
513 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.dfc, sizeof(regs.dfc));            /* DFC */
514 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.sfc, sizeof(regs.sfc));            /* SFC */
515 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.vbr, sizeof(regs.vbr));            /* VBR */
516 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.caar, sizeof(regs.caar));          /* CAAR */
517 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.cacr, sizeof(regs.cacr));          /* CACR */
518 	MemorySnapShot_Store(&regs.msp, sizeof(regs.msp));            /* MSP */
520 	if (!bSave)
521 	{
522 		Cart_PatchCpuTables();
524 		M68000_SetPC(regs.pc);
525 		/* MakeFromSR() must not swap stack pointer */
526 		regs.s = (regs.sr >> 13) & 1;
527 		MakeFromSR();
528 		/* set stack pointer */
529 		if (regs.s)
530 			m68k_areg(regs, 7) = regs.isp;
531 		else
532 			m68k_areg(regs, 7) = regs.usp;
533 	}
535 	if (bSave)
536 		save_fpu();
537 	else
538 		restore_fpu();
539 #endif
540 }
543 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
544 /**
545  * Check whether bus error reporting should be reported or not.
546  * We do not want to print messages when TOS is testing for available HW
547  * or when a program just checks for the floating point co-processor.
548  */
M68000_IsVerboseBusError(uint32_t pc,uint32_t addr)549 bool M68000_IsVerboseBusError(uint32_t pc, uint32_t addr)
550 {
551 	const uint32_t nTosProbeAddrs[] =
552 	{
553 		0xf00039, 0xff8900, 0xff8a00, 0xff8c83,
554 		0xff8e0d, 0xff8e09, 0xfffa40
555 	};
556 	const uint32_t nEmuTosProbeAddrs[] =
557 	{
558 		0xf0001d, 0xf0005d, 0xf0009d, 0xf000dd, 0xff8006, 0xff8282,
559 		0xff8400, 0xff8701, 0xff8901, 0xff8943, 0xff8961, 0xff8c80,
560 		0xff8a3c, 0xff9201, 0xfffa81, 0xfffe00
561 	};
562 	int idx;
564 	if (ConfigureParams.Log.nTextLogLevel == LOG_DEBUG)
565 		return true;
567 	if (ConfigureParams.System.bAddressSpace24
568 	    || (addr & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000)
569 	{
570 		addr &= 0xffffff;
571 	}
573 	/* Program just probing for FPU? A lot of C startup code is always
574 	 * doing this, so reporting bus errors here would be annoying */
575 	if (addr == 0xfffa42)
576 		return false;
578 	/* Always report other bus errors from normal programs */
579 	if (pc < TosAddress || pc > TosAddress + TosSize)
580 		return true;
582 	for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(nTosProbeAddrs); idx++)
583 	{
584 		if (nTosProbeAddrs[idx] == addr)
585 			return false;
586 	}
588 	if (bIsEmuTOS)
589 	{
590 		for (idx = 0; idx < ARRAY_SIZE(nEmuTosProbeAddrs); idx++)
591 		{
592 			if (nEmuTosProbeAddrs[idx] == addr)
593 				return false;
594 		}
595 	}
597 	return true;
598 }
600 /**
601  * BUSERROR - Access outside valid memory range.
602  * Use bRead = 0 for write errors and bRead = 1 for read errors!
603  */
M68000_BusError(Uint32 addr,int ReadWrite,int Size,int AccessType)604 void M68000_BusError ( Uint32 addr , int ReadWrite , int Size , int AccessType )
605 {
606 	LOG_TRACE(TRACE_CPU_EXCEPTION, "Bus error %s at address $%x PC=$%x.\n",
607 	          ReadWrite ? "reading" : "writing", addr, M68000_InstrPC);
610 	if ((regs.spcflags & SPCFLAG_BUSERROR) == 0)		/* [NP] Check that the opcode has not already generated a read bus error */
611 	{
612 		BusErrorAddress = addr;				/* Store for exception frame */
613 		bBusErrorReadWrite = ReadWrite;
614 		M68000_SetSpecial(SPCFLAG_BUSERROR);		/* The exception will be done in newcpu.c */
615 	}
616 #else
617 	/* With WinUAE's cpu, on a bus error instruction will be correctly aborted before completing, */
618 	/* so we don't need to check if the opcode already generated a bus error or not */
619 	exception2 ( addr , ReadWrite , Size , AccessType );
620 #endif
621 }
624 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
625 /**
626  * Exception handler
627  */
M68000_Exception(Uint32 ExceptionNr,int ExceptionSource)628 void M68000_Exception(Uint32 ExceptionNr , int ExceptionSource)
629 {
631 	if ((ExceptionSource == M68000_EXC_SRC_AUTOVEC)
632 		&& (ExceptionNr>24 && ExceptionNr<32))		/* 68k autovector interrupt? */
633 	{
634 		/* Handle autovector interrupts the UAE's way
635 		 * (see intlev() and do_specialties() in UAE CPU core) */
636 		/* In our case, this part is only called for HBL and VBL interrupts */
637 		int intnr = ExceptionNr - 24;
638 		pendingInterrupts |= (1 << intnr);
639 		M68000_SetSpecial(SPCFLAG_INT);
640 	}
642 	else							/* MFP or direct CPU exceptions */
643 	{
644 		Uint16 SR;
646 		/* Was the CPU stopped, i.e. by a STOP instruction? */
647 		if (regs.spcflags & SPCFLAG_STOP)
648 		{
649 			regs.stopped = 0;
650 			M68000_UnsetSpecial(SPCFLAG_STOP);    /* All is go,go,go! */
651 		}
653 		/* 68k exceptions are handled by Exception() of the UAE CPU core */
654 		Exception(ExceptionNr, m68k_getpc(), ExceptionSource);
656 		/* Set Status Register so interrupt can ONLY be stopped by another interrupt
657 		 * of higher priority */
658 		if ( (ExceptionSource == M68000_EXC_SRC_INT_MFP)
659 		  || (ExceptionSource == M68000_EXC_SRC_INT_DSP) )
660 		{
661 			SR = M68000_GetSR();
662 			SR = (SR&SR_CLEAR_IPL)|0x0600;		/* MFP or DSP, level 6 */
663 			M68000_SetSR(SR);
664 		}
665 	}
667 #else
668 	if ( ExceptionNr > 24 && ExceptionNr < 32 )		/* Level 1-7 interrupts */
669 	{
670 		/* In our case, this part is called for HBL, VBL and MFP/DSP interrupts */
671 		/* For WinUAE CPU, we must call M68000_Update_intlev after changing pendingInterrupts */
672 		/* (in order to call doint() and to update regs.ipl with regs.ipl_pin, else */
673 		/* the exception might be delayed by one instruction in do_specialties()) */
674 		pendingInterrupts |= (1 << ( ExceptionNr - 24 ));
675 		M68000_Update_intlev();
676 	}
678 	else							/* direct CPU exceptions */
679 	{
680 		Exception(ExceptionNr);
681 	}
682 #endif
683 }
688 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
689 /**
690  * Update the list of pending interrupts.
691  * Level 2 (HBL) and 4 (VBL) are only cleared when the interrupt is processed,
692  * but level 6 is shared between MFP and DSP and can be cleared by MFP or DSP
693  * before being processed.
694  * So, we need to check which IRQ are set/cleared at the same time
695  * and update level 6 accordingly : level 6 = MFP_IRQ OR DSP_IRQ
696  *
697  * [NP] NOTE : temporary case for interrupts with WinUAE CPU in cycle exact mode
698  * In CE mode, interrupt state should be updated on each subcycle of every opcode
699  * then ipl_fetch() is called in each opcode.
700  * For now, Hatari with WinUAE CPU in CE mode only evaluates the interrupt state
701  * after the end of each opcode. So we need to call ipl_fetch() ourselves at the moment.
702  */
M68000_Update_intlev(void)703 void	M68000_Update_intlev ( void )
704 {
706 	Uint8	Level6_IRQ;
709 	Level6_IRQ = MFP_GetIRQ_CPU() | DSP_GetHREQ();
710 #else
711 	Level6_IRQ = MFP_GetIRQ_CPU();
712 #endif
713 	if ( Level6_IRQ == 1 )
714 		pendingInterrupts |= (1 << 6);
715 	else
716 		pendingInterrupts &= ~(1 << 6);
718 	if ( pendingInterrupts )
719 		doint();
720 	else
721 		M68000_UnsetSpecial ( SPCFLAG_INT | SPCFLAG_DOINT );
723 	/* Temporary case for WinUAE CPU in CE mode */
724 	/* doint() will update regs.ipl_pin, so copy it into regs.ipl */
725 	if ( ConfigureParams.System.bCycleExactCpu )
726 		regs.ipl = regs.ipl_pin;			/* See ipl_fetch() in cpu/cpu_prefetch.h */
727 #endif
728 }
733 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
734 /**
735  * There are some wait states when accessing certain hardware registers on the ST.
736  * This function simulates these wait states and add the corresponding cycles.
737  *
738  * [NP] with some instructions like CLR, we have a read then a write at the
739  * same location, so we may have 2 wait states (read and write) to add
740  * (WaitStateCycles should be reset to 0 after all the cycles were added
741  * in run_xx() in newcpu.c).
742  *
743  * - When CPU runs in cycle exact mode, wait states are added immediately.
744  * - For other less precise modes, all the wait states are cumulated and added
745  *   after the instruction was processed.
746  */
M68000_WaitState(int WaitCycles)747 void M68000_WaitState(int WaitCycles)
748 {
750 	WaitStateCycles += WaitCycles;				/* Cumulate all the wait states for this instruction */
752 #else
753 	if ( ConfigureParams.System.bCycleExactCpu )
754 		currcycle += ( WaitCycles * CYCLE_UNIT / 2 );	/* Add wait states immediately to the CE cycles counter */
755 	else
756 	{
757 		WaitStateCycles += WaitCycles;			/* Cumulate all the wait states for this instruction */
758 	}
759 #endif
760 }
764 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
765 /**
766  * Some components (HBL/VBL interrupts, access to the ACIA) require an
767  * extra delay to be synchronized with the E Clock.
768  * E Clock's frequency is 1/10th of the CPU, ie 0.8 MHz in an STF/STE
769  * This delay is a multiple of 2 and will follow the pattern [ 0 8 6 4 2 ]
770  */
M68000_WaitEClock(void)771 int	M68000_WaitEClock ( void )
772 {
773 	int	CyclesToNextE;
775 	/* We must wait for the next multiple of 10 cycles to be synchronised with E Clock */
776 	CyclesToNextE = 10 - CyclesGlobalClockCounter % 10;
777 	if ( CyclesToNextE == 10 )		/* we're already synchronised with E Clock */
778 		CyclesToNextE = 0;
779 	return CyclesToNextE;
780 }
785 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
786 /**
787  * Some hardware registers can only be accessed on a 4 cycles boundary
788  * (shifter color regs and shifter res reg).
789  * An extra delay should be added when needed if current cycle
790  * count is not multiple of 4.
791  */
M68000_SyncCpuBus(bool read)792 static void	M68000_SyncCpuBus ( bool read )
793 {
794 	Uint64	Cycles;
795 	int	CyclesToNextBus;
797 	if ( read )
798 		Cycles = Cycles_GetClockCounterOnReadAccess();
799 	else
800 		Cycles = Cycles_GetClockCounterOnWriteAccess();
802 	CyclesToNextBus = Cycles & 3;
803 //fprintf ( stderr , "sync bus %lld %d\n" , Cycles, CyclesToNextBus );
804 	if ( CyclesToNextBus != 0 )
805 	{
806 //fprintf ( stderr , "sync bus wait %lld %d\n" ,Cycles, 4-CyclesToNextBus );
807 		M68000_WaitState ( 4 - CyclesToNextBus );
808 	}
809 }
M68000_SyncCpuBus_OnReadAccess(void)812 void	M68000_SyncCpuBus_OnReadAccess ( void )
813 {
814 	M68000_SyncCpuBus ( true );
815 }
M68000_SyncCpuBus_OnWriteAccess(void)818 void	M68000_SyncCpuBus_OnWriteAccess ( void )
819 {
820 	M68000_SyncCpuBus ( false );
821 }
826 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
827 /**
828  * In case we modified the memory by accessing it directly (and bypassing
829  * the CPU's cache mechanism), we need to flush the instruction and data
830  * caches to force an update of the caches on the next accesses.
831  *
832  * [NP] NOTE : for now, flush_instr_caches and flush_dcache flush
833  * the whole caches, not just 'addr'
834  */
M68000_Flush_All_Caches(uaecptr addr,int size)835 void	M68000_Flush_All_Caches ( uaecptr addr , int size )
836 {
837 //fprintf ( stderr , "M68000_Flush_All_Caches\n" );
839 	flush_cpu_caches(true);
840 	invalidate_cpu_data_caches();
841 #endif
842 }
M68000_Flush_Instr_Cache(uaecptr addr,int size)845 void	M68000_Flush_Instr_Cache ( uaecptr addr , int size )
846 {
847 //fprintf ( stderr , "M68000_Flush_Instr_Cache\n" );
849 	/* Instruction cache for cpu >= 68020 */
850 	flush_cpu_caches(true);
851 #endif
852 }
M68000_Flush_Data_Cache(uaecptr addr,int size)855 void	M68000_Flush_Data_Cache ( uaecptr addr , int size )
856 {
857 //fprintf ( stderr , "M68000_Flush_Data_Cache\n" );
859 	/* Data cache for cpu >= 68030 */
860 	invalidate_cpu_data_caches();
861 #endif
862 }
866 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
867 /**
868  * When running in 68000 CE mode, allow to change the "do_cycles" functions
869  * in the cpu emulation depending on the blitter state.
870  *  - if the blitter is not busy, we keep the 'normal' 68000 CE "do_cycles" functions
871  *  - if the blitter is busy, we use a slightly slower "do_cycles" to accurately
872  *    count bus accesses made by the blitter and the CPU
873  *
874  * This limits the overhead of emulating cycle exact blitter bus accesses when blitter is OFF.
875  */
M68000_SetBlitter_CE(bool state)876 void	M68000_SetBlitter_CE ( bool state )
877 {
879 //fprintf ( stderr , "M68000_SetBlitter_CE state=%s\n" , state ? "on" : "off" );
880 	if ( state )
881 	{
882 		set_x_funcs_hatari_blitter ( 1 );		/* on */
883 	}
884 	else
885 	{
886 		set_x_funcs_hatari_blitter ( 0 );		/* off */
887 	}
888 #endif
889 }
892 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
893 /**
894  * On real STF/STE hardware, DMA accesses are restricted to 4 MB (video addresses,
895  * FDC, STE DMA sound) in the range 0 - $3fffff (22 bits of address)
896  * When STF/STE are expanded beyond 4 MB, some special '_FRB' cookies variables
897  * need to be set in TOS to allocate an intermediate buffer in lower 4 MB
898  * that will be used to transfer data in RAM between 4 MB and 16 MB.
899  * This buffer is needed because real HW can't access RAM beyond 4 MB.
900  *
901  * In Hatari, we allow DMA addresses to use 24 bits when RAM size is set
902  * to 8 or 16 MB. This way any program / TOS version can make use of extra
903  * RAM beyond 4 MB without requiring an intermediate buffer.
904  *
905  * But it should be noted that programs using 24 bits of DMA addresses would
906  * not work on real HW ; this is just to make RAM expansion more transparent
907  * under emulation.
908  *
909  * We return a mask for bits 16-23 :
910  *  - 0x3f for compatibility with real HW and limit of 4 MB
911  *  - 0xff to allow DMA addresses beyond 4 MB (or for Falcon / TT)
912  */
DMA_MaskAddressHigh(void)913 int	DMA_MaskAddressHigh ( void )
914 {
915 	if (Config_IsMachineTT() || Config_IsMachineFalcon())
916 		return 0xff;					/* Falcon / TT can access 24 bits with DMA */
918 	else if (ConfigureParams.Memory.STRamSize_KB > 4*1024)	/* ST/STE with more than 4 MB */
919 		return 0xff;					/* Allow 'fake' 24 bits for DMA */
921 	else							/* ST/STE with <= 4 MB */
922 		return 0x3f;					/* Limit DMA range to 22 bits (same as real HW) */
923 }
928 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
929 /**
930  * This function should be called when the cpu freq is changed, to update
931  * other components that depend on it.
932  *
933  * For now, only Falcon mode requires some updates for the crossbar
934  */
M68000_ChangeCpuFreq(void)935 void	M68000_ChangeCpuFreq ( void )
936 {
937 	if ( Config_IsMachineFalcon() )
938 	{
939 		Crossbar_Recalculate_Clocks_Cycles();
940 	}
941 }
946 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
947 /**
948  * Some CPU registers can't be read or modified directly, some additional
949  * actions are required.
950  */
M68000_GetSR(void)951 Uint16	M68000_GetSR ( void )
952 {
953 	MakeSR();
954 	return regs.sr;
955 }
M68000_SetSR(Uint16 v)957 void	M68000_SetSR ( Uint16 v )
958 {
959 	regs.sr = v;
960 	MakeFromSR();
961 }
M68000_SetPC(uaecptr v)963 void	M68000_SetPC ( uaecptr v )
964 {
965 	m68k_setpc ( v );
967 	fill_prefetch();
968 #else
969 	refill_prefetch (m68k_getpc(), 0);
970 #endif
971 }