1 // AsmJit - Machine code generation for C++
2 //
3 //  * Official AsmJit Home Page: https://asmjit.com
4 //  * Official Github Repository: https://github.com/asmjit/asmjit
5 //
6 // Copyright (c) 2008-2020 The AsmJit Authors
7 //
8 // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
9 // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
10 // arising from the use of this software.
11 //
12 // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
13 // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
14 // freely, subject to the following restrictions:
15 //
16 // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
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27 #include "../x86/x86instdb.h"
31 //! \cond INTERNAL
32 //! \addtogroup asmjit_x86
33 //! \{
35 namespace InstDB {
37 // ============================================================================
38 // [asmjit::x86::InstDB::Encoding]
39 // ============================================================================
41 //! Instruction encoding (X86).
42 //!
43 //! This is a specific identifier that is used by AsmJit to describe the way
44 //! each instruction is encoded. Some encodings are special only for a single
45 //! instruction as X86 instruction set contains a lot of legacy encodings, and
46 //! some encodings describe a group of instructions that share some commons,
47 //! like MMX, SSE, AVX, AVX512 instructions, etc...
48 enum EncodingId : uint32_t {
49   kEncodingNone = 0,                     //!< Never used.
50   kEncodingX86Op,                        //!< X86 [OP].
51   kEncodingX86Op_O,                      //!< X86 [OP] (opcode and /0-7).
52   kEncodingX86Op_O_I8,                   //!< X86 [OP] (opcode and /0-7 + 8-bit immediate).
53   kEncodingX86Op_xAddr,                  //!< X86 [OP] (implicit address in the first register operand).
54   kEncodingX86Op_xAX,                    //!< X86 [OP] (implicit or explicit '?AX' form).
55   kEncodingX86Op_xDX_xAX,                //!< X86 [OP] (implicit or explicit '?DX, ?AX' form).
56   kEncodingX86Op_MemZAX,                 //!< X86 [OP] (implicit or explicit '[EAX|RAX]' form).
57   kEncodingX86I_xAX,                     //!< X86 [I] (implicit or explicit '?AX' form).
58   kEncodingX86M,                         //!< X86 [M] (handles 2|4|8-bytes size).
59   kEncodingX86M_NoSize,                  //!< X86 [M] (doesn't handle any size).
60   kEncodingX86M_GPB,                     //!< X86 [M] (handles single-byte size).
61   kEncodingX86M_GPB_MulDiv,              //!< X86 [M] (like GPB, handles implicit|explicit MUL|DIV|IDIV).
62   kEncodingX86M_Only,                    //!< X86 [M] (restricted to memory operand of any size).
63   kEncodingX86M_Nop,                     //!< X86 [M] (special case of NOP instruction).
64   kEncodingX86R_Native,                  //!< X86 [R] (register must be either 32-bit or 64-bit depending on arch).
65   kEncodingX86Rm,                        //!< X86 [RM] (doesn't handle single-byte size).
66   kEncodingX86Rm_Raw66H,                 //!< X86 [RM] (used by LZCNT, POPCNT, and TZCNT).
67   kEncodingX86Rm_NoSize,                 //!< X86 [RM] (doesn't add REX.W prefix if 64-bit reg is used).
68   kEncodingX86Mr,                        //!< X86 [MR] (doesn't handle single-byte size).
69   kEncodingX86Mr_NoSize,                 //!< X86 [MR] (doesn't handle any size).
70   kEncodingX86Arith,                     //!< X86 adc, add, and, cmp, or, sbb, sub, xor.
71   kEncodingX86Bswap,                     //!< X86 bswap.
72   kEncodingX86Bt,                        //!< X86 bt, btc, btr, bts.
73   kEncodingX86Call,                      //!< X86 call.
74   kEncodingX86Cmpxchg,                   //!< X86 [MR] cmpxchg.
75   kEncodingX86Cmpxchg8b_16b,             //!< X86 [MR] cmpxchg8b, cmpxchg16b.
76   kEncodingX86Crc,                       //!< X86 crc32.
77   kEncodingX86Enter,                     //!< X86 enter.
78   kEncodingX86Imul,                      //!< X86 imul.
79   kEncodingX86In,                        //!< X86 in.
80   kEncodingX86Ins,                       //!< X86 ins[b|q|d].
81   kEncodingX86IncDec,                    //!< X86 inc, dec.
82   kEncodingX86Int,                       //!< X86 int (interrupt).
83   kEncodingX86Jcc,                       //!< X86 jcc.
84   kEncodingX86JecxzLoop,                 //!< X86 jcxz, jecxz, jrcxz, loop, loope, loopne.
85   kEncodingX86Jmp,                       //!< X86 jmp.
86   kEncodingX86JmpRel,                    //!< X86 xbegin.
87   kEncodingX86Lea,                       //!< X86 lea.
88   kEncodingX86Mov,                       //!< X86 mov (all possible cases).
89   kEncodingX86MovsxMovzx,                //!< X86 movsx, movzx.
90   kEncodingX86MovntiMovdiri,             //!< X86 movnti/movdiri.
91   kEncodingX86EnqcmdMovdir64b,           //!< X86 enqcmd/enqcmds/movdir64b.
92   kEncodingX86Out,                       //!< X86 out.
93   kEncodingX86Outs,                      //!< X86 out[b|w|d].
94   kEncodingX86Push,                      //!< X86 push.
95   kEncodingX86Pop,                       //!< X86 pop.
96   kEncodingX86Ret,                       //!< X86 ret.
97   kEncodingX86Rot,                       //!< X86 rcl, rcr, rol, ror, sal, sar, shl, shr.
98   kEncodingX86Set,                       //!< X86 setcc.
99   kEncodingX86ShldShrd,                  //!< X86 shld, shrd.
100   kEncodingX86StrRm,                     //!< X86 lods.
101   kEncodingX86StrMr,                     //!< X86 scas, stos.
102   kEncodingX86StrMm,                     //!< X86 cmps, movs.
103   kEncodingX86Test,                      //!< X86 test.
104   kEncodingX86Xadd,                      //!< X86 xadd.
105   kEncodingX86Xchg,                      //!< X86 xchg.
106   kEncodingX86Fence,                     //!< X86 lfence, mfence, sfence.
107   kEncodingX86Bndmov,                    //!< X86 [RM|MR] (used by BNDMOV).
108   kEncodingFpuOp,                        //!< FPU [OP].
109   kEncodingFpuArith,                     //!< FPU fadd, fdiv, fdivr, fmul, fsub, fsubr.
110   kEncodingFpuCom,                       //!< FPU fcom, fcomp.
111   kEncodingFpuFldFst,                    //!< FPU fld, fst, fstp.
112   kEncodingFpuM,                         //!< FPU fiadd, ficom, ficomp, fidiv, fidivr, fild, fimul, fist, fistp, fisttp, fisub, fisubr.
113   kEncodingFpuR,                         //!< FPU fcmov, fcomi, fcomip, ffree, fucom, fucomi, fucomip, fucomp, fxch.
114   kEncodingFpuRDef,                      //!< FPU faddp, fdivp, fdivrp, fmulp, fsubp, fsubrp.
115   kEncodingFpuStsw,                      //!< FPU fnstsw, Fstsw.
116   kEncodingExtRm,                        //!< EXT [RM].
117   kEncodingExtRm_XMM0,                   //!< EXT [RM<XMM0>].
118   kEncodingExtRm_ZDI,                    //!< EXT [RM<ZDI>].
119   kEncodingExtRm_P,                      //!< EXT [RM] (propagates 66H if the instruction uses XMM register).
120   kEncodingExtRm_Wx,                     //!< EXT [RM] (propagates REX.W if GPQ is used).
121   kEncodingExtRmRi,                      //!< EXT [RM|RI].
122   kEncodingExtRmRi_P,                    //!< EXT [RM|RI] (propagates 66H if the instruction uses XMM register).
123   kEncodingExtRmi,                       //!< EXT [RMI].
124   kEncodingExtRmi_P,                     //!< EXT [RMI] (propagates 66H if the instruction uses XMM register).
125   kEncodingExtPextrw,                    //!< EXT pextrw.
126   kEncodingExtExtract,                   //!< EXT pextrb, pextrd, pextrq, extractps.
127   kEncodingExtMov,                       //!< EXT mov?? - #1:[MM|XMM, MM|XMM|Mem] #2:[MM|XMM|Mem, MM|XMM].
128   kEncodingExtMovbe,                     //!< EXT movbe.
129   kEncodingExtMovd,                      //!< EXT movd.
130   kEncodingExtMovq,                      //!< EXT movq.
131   kEncodingExtExtrq,                     //!< EXT extrq (SSE4A).
132   kEncodingExtInsertq,                   //!< EXT insrq (SSE4A).
133   kEncodingExt3dNow,                     //!< EXT [RMI] (3DNOW specific).
134   kEncodingVexOp,                        //!< VEX [OP].
135   kEncodingVexKmov,                      //!< VEX [RM|MR] (used by kmov[b|w|d|q]).
136   kEncodingVexR_Wx,                      //!< VEX|EVEX [R] (propagatex VEX.W if GPQ used).
137   kEncodingVexM,                         //!< VEX|EVEX [M].
138   kEncodingVexM_VM,                      //!< VEX|EVEX [M] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L, VSIB support).
139   kEncodingVexMr_Lx,                     //!< VEX|EVEX [MR] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
140   kEncodingVexMr_VM,                     //!< VEX|EVEX [MR] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L, VSIB support).
141   kEncodingVexMri,                       //!< VEX|EVEX [MRI].
142   kEncodingVexMri_Lx,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [MRI] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
143   kEncodingVexRm,                        //!< VEX|EVEX [RM].
144   kEncodingVexRm_ZDI,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RM<ZDI>].
145   kEncodingVexRm_Wx,                     //!< VEX|EVEX [RM] (propagates VEX|EVEX.W if GPQ used).
146   kEncodingVexRm_Lx,                     //!< VEX|EVEX [RM] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
147   kEncodingVexRm_Lx_Bcst,                //!< VEX|EVEX [RM] (can handle broadcast r32/r64).
148   kEncodingVexRm_VM,                     //!< VEX|EVEX [RM] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L, VSIB support).
149   kEncodingVexRm_T1_4X,                  //!<     EVEX [RM] (used by NN instructions that use RM-T1_4X encoding).
150   kEncodingVexRmi,                       //!< VEX|EVEX [RMI].
151   kEncodingVexRmi_Wx,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RMI] (propagates VEX|EVEX.W if GPQ used).
152   kEncodingVexRmi_Lx,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RMI] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
153   kEncodingVexRvm,                       //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM].
154   kEncodingVexRvm_Wx,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM] (propagates VEX|EVEX.W if GPQ used).
155   kEncodingVexRvm_ZDX_Wx,                //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM<ZDX>] (propagates VEX|EVEX.W if GPQ used).
156   kEncodingVexRvm_Lx,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
157   kEncodingVexRvmr,                      //!< VEX|EVEX [RVMR].
158   kEncodingVexRvmr_Lx,                   //!< VEX|EVEX [RVMR] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
159   kEncodingVexRvmi,                      //!< VEX|EVEX [RVMI].
160   kEncodingVexRvmi_Lx,                   //!< VEX|EVEX [RVMI] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
161   kEncodingVexRmv,                       //!< VEX|EVEX [RMV].
162   kEncodingVexRmv_Wx,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RMV] (propagates VEX|EVEX.W if GPQ used).
163   kEncodingVexRmv_VM,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RMV] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L, VSIB support).
164   kEncodingVexRmvRm_VM,                  //!< VEX|EVEX [RMV|RM] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L, VSIB support).
165   kEncodingVexRmvi,                      //!< VEX|EVEX [RMVI].
166   kEncodingVexRmMr,                      //!< VEX|EVEX [RM|MR].
167   kEncodingVexRmMr_Lx,                   //!< VEX|EVEX [RM|MR] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
168   kEncodingVexRvmRmv,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM|RMV].
169   kEncodingVexRvmRmi,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM|RMI].
170   kEncodingVexRvmRmi_Lx,                 //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM|RMI] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
171   kEncodingVexRvmRmvRmi,                 //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM|RMV|RMI].
172   kEncodingVexRvmMr,                     //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM|MR].
173   kEncodingVexRvmMvr,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM|MVR].
174   kEncodingVexRvmMvr_Lx,                 //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM|MVR] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
175   kEncodingVexRvmVmi,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM|VMI].
176   kEncodingVexRvmVmi_Lx,                 //!< VEX|EVEX [RVM|VMI] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
177   kEncodingVexVm,                        //!< VEX|EVEX [VM].
178   kEncodingVexVm_Wx,                     //!< VEX|EVEX [VM] (propagates VEX|EVEX.W if GPQ used).
179   kEncodingVexVmi,                       //!< VEX|EVEX [VMI].
180   kEncodingVexVmi_Lx,                    //!< VEX|EVEX [VMI] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
181   kEncodingVexVmi4_Wx,                   //!< VEX|EVEX [VMI] (propagates VEX|EVEX.W if GPQ used, DWORD Immediate).
182   kEncodingVexEvexVmi_Lx,                //!< VEX|EVEX [VMI] (special, used by vpsrldq and vpslldq)
183   kEncodingVexRvrmRvmr,                  //!< VEX|EVEX [RVRM|RVMR].
184   kEncodingVexRvrmRvmr_Lx,               //!< VEX|EVEX [RVRM|RVMR] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
185   kEncodingVexRvrmiRvmri_Lx,             //!< VEX|EVEX [RVRMI|RVMRI] (propagates VEX|EVEX.L if YMM used).
186   kEncodingVexMovdMovq,                  //!< VEX|EVEX vmovd, vmovq.
187   kEncodingVexMovssMovsd,                //!< VEX|EVEX vmovss, vmovsd.
188   kEncodingFma4,                         //!< FMA4 [R, R, R/M, R/M].
189   kEncodingFma4_Lx,                      //!< FMA4 [R, R, R/M, R/M] (propagates AVX.L if YMM used).
190   kEncodingCount                         //!< Count of instruction encodings.
191 };
193 // ============================================================================
194 // [asmjit::x86::InstDB - CommonInfoTableB]
195 // ============================================================================
197 //! CPU extensions required to execute instruction.
198 struct CommonInfoTableB {
199   //! Features vector.
200   uint8_t _features[6];
201   //! Index to `_rwFlagsTable`.
202   uint8_t _rwFlagsIndex;
203   //! Reserved for future use.
204   uint8_t _reserved;
206   inline const uint8_t* featuresBegin() const noexcept { return _features; }
207   inline const uint8_t* featuresEnd() const noexcept { return _features + ASMJIT_ARRAY_SIZE(_features); }
208 };
210 // ============================================================================
211 // [asmjit::x86::InstDB - InstNameIndex]
212 // ============================================================================
214 // ${NameLimits:Begin}
215 // ------------------- Automatically generated, do not edit -------------------
216 enum : uint32_t { kMaxNameSize = 17 };
217 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 // ${NameLimits:End}
220 struct InstNameIndex {
221   uint16_t start;
222   uint16_t end;
223 };
225 // ============================================================================
226 // [asmjit::x86::InstDB - RWInfo]
227 // ============================================================================
229 struct RWInfo {
230   enum Category : uint8_t {
231     kCategoryGeneric,
232     kCategoryMov,
233     kCategoryImul,
234     kCategoryMovh64,
235     kCategoryVmaskmov,
236     kCategoryVmovddup,
237     kCategoryVmovmskpd,
238     kCategoryVmovmskps,
239     kCategoryVmov1_2,
240     kCategoryVmov1_4,
241     kCategoryVmov1_8,
242     kCategoryVmov2_1,
243     kCategoryVmov4_1,
244     kCategoryVmov8_1
245   };
247   uint8_t category;
248   uint8_t rmInfo;
249   uint8_t opInfoIndex[6];
250 };
252 struct RWInfoOp {
253   uint64_t rByteMask;
254   uint64_t wByteMask;
255   uint8_t physId;
256   uint8_t reserved[3];
257   uint32_t flags;
258 };
260 //! R/M information.
261 //!
262 //! This data is used to replace register operand by a memory operand reliably.
263 struct RWInfoRm {
264   enum Category : uint8_t {
265     kCategoryNone = 0,
266     kCategoryFixed,
267     kCategoryConsistent,
268     kCategoryHalf,
269     kCategoryQuarter,
270     kCategoryEighth
271   };
273   enum Flags : uint8_t {
274     kFlagAmbiguous = 0x01
275   };
277   uint8_t category;
278   uint8_t rmOpsMask;
279   uint8_t fixedSize;
280   uint8_t flags;
281   uint8_t rmFeature;
282 };
284 struct RWFlagsInfoTable {
285   //! CPU/FPU flags read.
286   uint32_t readFlags;
287   //! CPU/FPU flags written or undefined.
288   uint32_t writeFlags;
289 };
291 extern const uint8_t rwInfoIndex[Inst::_kIdCount * 2];
292 extern const RWInfo rwInfo[];
293 extern const RWInfoOp rwInfoOp[];
294 extern const RWInfoRm rwInfoRm[];
295 extern const RWFlagsInfoTable _rwFlagsInfoTable[];
297 // ============================================================================
298 // [asmjit::x86::InstDB::Tables]
299 // ============================================================================
301 extern const uint32_t _mainOpcodeTable[];
302 extern const uint32_t _altOpcodeTable[];
304 #ifndef ASMJIT_NO_TEXT
305 extern const char _nameData[];
306 extern const InstNameIndex instNameIndex[26];
307 #endif // !ASMJIT_NO_TEXT
309 extern const CommonInfoTableB _commonInfoTableB[];
311 } // {InstDB}
313 //! \}
314 //! \endcond