1 // license:BSD-3-Clause
2 // copyright-holders:Juergen Buchmueller,Ernesto Corvi
3 /*****************************************************************************
4  *
5  *   z8000cpu.h
6  *   Portable Z8000(2) emulator
7  *   Macros and types used in z8000.c / z8000ops.inc / z8000tbl.inc
8  *
9  *****************************************************************************/
11 /**************************************************************************
12  * This is the register file layout:
13  *
14  * BYTE        WORD         LONG           QUAD
15  * msb   lsb       bits           bits           bits
16  * RH0 - RL0   R 0 15- 0    RR 0  31-16    RQ 0  63-48
17  * RH1 - RL1   R 1 15- 0          15- 0          47-32
18  * RH2 - RL2   R 2 15- 0    RR 2  31-16          31-16
19  * RH3 - RL3   R 3 15- 0          15- 0          15- 0
20  * RH4 - RL4   R 4 15- 0    RR 4  31-16    RQ 4  63-48
21  * RH5 - RL5   R 5 15- 0          15- 0          47-32
22  * RH6 - RL6   R 6 15- 0    RR 6  31-16          31-16
23  * RH7 - RL7   R 7 15- 0          15- 0          15- 0
24  *             R 8 15- 0    RR 8  31-16    RQ 8  63-48
25  *             R 9 15- 0          15- 0          47-32
26  *             R10 15- 0    RR10  31-16          31-16
27  *             R11 15- 0          15- 0          15- 0
28  *             R12 15- 0    RR12  31-16    RQ12  63-48
29  *             R13 15- 0          15- 0          47-32
30  *             R14 15- 0    RR14  31-16          31-16
31  *             R15 15- 0          15- 0          15- 0
32  *
33  * Note that for LSB_FIRST machines we have the case that the RR registers
34  * use the lower numbered R registers in the higher bit positions.
35  * And also the RQ registers use the lower numbered RR registers in the
36  * higher bit positions.
37  * That's the reason for the ordering in the following pointer table.
38  **************************************************************************/
39 #define RB(n)   m_regs.B[BYTE8_XOR_BE((((n) & 7) << 1) | (((n) & 8) >> 3))]
40 #define RW(n)   m_regs.W[BYTE4_XOR_BE(n)]
41 #define RL(n)   m_regs.L[BYTE_XOR_BE((n) >> 1)]
42 #define RQ(n)   m_regs.Q[(n) >> 2]
44 /* the register used as stack pointer */
45 #define SP      (get_segmented_mode() ? 14 : 15)
47 /* these vectors are based on m_psap */
48 #define RST     (PSA_ADDR() + 0)  /* start up m_fcw and m_pc */
49 #define EPU     (PSA_ADDR() + m_vector_mult * 0x0004)  /* extension processor unit? trap */
50 #define TRAP    (PSA_ADDR() + m_vector_mult * 0x0008)  /* privilege violation trap */
51 #define SYSCALL (PSA_ADDR() + m_vector_mult * 0x000c)  /* system call SC */
52 #define SEGTRAP (PSA_ADDR() + m_vector_mult * 0x0010)  /* segment trap */
53 #define NMI     (PSA_ADDR() + m_vector_mult * 0x0014)  /* non maskable interrupt */
54 #define NVI     (PSA_ADDR() + m_vector_mult * 0x0018)  /* non vectored interrupt */
55 #define VI      (PSA_ADDR() + m_vector_mult * 0x001c)  /* vectored interrupt */
56 #define VEC00   (PSA_ADDR() + m_vector_mult * 0x001e)  /* vector n m_pc value */
58 /* bits of the m_fcw */
59 #define F_SEG   0x8000              /* segmented mode (Z8001 only) */
60 #define F_S_N   0x4000              /* system / normal mode */
61 #define F_EPU   0x2000              /* extension processor unit? */
62 #define F_VIE   0x1000              /* vectored interrupt enable */
63 #define F_NVIE  0x0800              /* non vectored interrupt enable */
64 #define F_10    0x0400              /* unused */
65 #define F_9     0x0200              /* unused */
66 #define F_8     0x0100              /* unused */
67 #define F_C     0x0080              /* carry flag */
68 #define F_Z     0x0040              /* zero flag */
69 #define F_S     0x0020              /* sign flag */
70 #define F_PV    0x0010              /* parity/overflow flag */
71 #define F_DA    0x0008              /* decimal adjust flag (0 add/adc, 1 sub/sbc) */
72 #define F_H     0x0004              /* half carry flag (byte arithmetic only) */
73 #define F_1     0x0002              /* unused */
74 #define F_0     0x0001              /* unused */
76 /* opcode word numbers in m_op[] array */
77 #define OP0     0
78 #define OP1     1
79 #define OP2     2
81 /* nibble shift factors for an opcode word */
82 /* left to right: 0x1340 -> NIB0=1, NIB1=3, NIB2=4, NIB3=0 */
83 #define NIB0    12
84 #define NIB1    8
85 #define NIB2    4
86 #define NIB3    0
88 /* sign bit masks for byte, word and long */
89 #define S08 0x80
90 #define S16 0x8000
91 #define S32 0x80000000
93 /* get a single flag bit 0/1 */
94 #define GET_C       ((m_fcw >> 7) & 1)
95 #define GET_Z       ((m_fcw >> 6) & 1)
96 #define GET_S       ((m_fcw >> 5) & 1)
97 #define GET_PV      ((m_fcw >> 4) & 1)
98 #define GET_DA      ((m_fcw >> 3) & 1)
99 #define GET_H       ((m_fcw >> 2) & 1)
101 /* clear a single flag bit */
102 #define CLR_C       m_fcw &= ~F_C
103 #define CLR_Z       m_fcw &= ~F_Z
104 #define CLR_S       m_fcw &= ~F_S
105 #define CLR_P       m_fcw &= ~F_PV
106 #define CLR_V       m_fcw &= ~F_PV
107 #define CLR_DA      m_fcw &= ~F_DA
108 #define CLR_H       m_fcw &= ~F_H
110 /* clear a flag bit combination */
111 #define CLR_CZS     m_fcw &= ~(F_C|F_Z|F_S)
112 #define CLR_CZSP    m_fcw &= ~(F_C|F_Z|F_S|F_PV)
113 #define CLR_CZSV    m_fcw &= ~(F_C|F_Z|F_S|F_PV)
114 #define CLR_CZSVH   m_fcw &= ~(F_C|F_Z|F_S|F_PV|F_H)
115 #define CLR_ZS      m_fcw &= ~(F_Z|F_S)
116 #define CLR_ZSV     m_fcw &= ~(F_Z|F_S|F_PV)
117 #define CLR_ZSP     m_fcw &= ~(F_Z|F_S|F_PV)
119 /* set a single flag bit */
120 #define SET_C       m_fcw |= F_C
121 #define SET_Z       m_fcw |= F_Z
122 #define SET_S       m_fcw |= F_S
123 #define SET_P       m_fcw |= F_PV
124 #define SET_V       m_fcw |= F_PV
125 #define SET_DA      m_fcw |= F_DA
126 #define SET_H       m_fcw |= F_H
128 /* set a flag bit combination */
129 #define SET_SC      m_fcw |= F_C | F_S
131 /* check condition codes */
132 #define CC0 (0)                         /* always false */
133 #define CC1 (GET_PV^GET_S)              /* less than */
134 #define CC2 (GET_Z|(GET_PV^GET_S))      /* less than or equal */
135 #define CC3 (GET_Z|GET_C)               /* unsigned less than or equal */
136 #define CC4 GET_PV                      /* parity even / overflow */
137 #define CC5 GET_S                       /* minus (signed) */
138 #define CC6 GET_Z                       /* zero / equal */
139 #define CC7 GET_C                       /* carry / unsigned less than */
141 #define CC8 (1)                         /* always true */
142 #define CC9 !(GET_PV^GET_S)             /* greater than or equal */
143 #define CCA !(GET_Z|(GET_PV^GET_S))     /* greater than */
144 #define CCB !(GET_Z|GET_C)              /* unsigned greater than */
145 #define CCC !GET_PV                     /* parity odd / no overflow */
146 #define CCD !GET_S                      /* plus (not signed) */
147 #define CCE !GET_Z                      /* not zero / not equal */
148 #define CCF !GET_C                      /* not carry / unsigned greater than */
150 /* get data from the opcode words */
151 /* o is the opcode word offset    */
152 /* s is a nibble shift factor     */
153 #define GET_BIT(o)      uint16_t bit = 1 << (get_operand(o) & 15)
154 #define GET_CCC(o,s)    uint8_t cc = (get_operand(o) >> (s)) & 15
156 #define GET_DST(o,s)    uint8_t dst = (get_operand(o) >> (s)) & 15
157 #define GET_SRC(o,s)    uint8_t src = (get_operand(o) >> (s)) & 15
158 #define GET_IDX(o,s)    uint8_t idx = (get_operand(o) >> (s)) & 15
159 #define GET_CNT(o,s)    int8_t cnt = (get_operand(o) >> (s)) & 15
160 #define GET_IMM4(o,s)   uint8_t imm4 = (get_operand(o) >> (s)) & 15
162 #define GET_I4M1(o,s)   uint8_t i4p1 = ((get_operand(o) >> (s)) & 15) + 1
163 #define GET_IMM1(o,s)   uint8_t imm1 = (get_operand(o) >> (s)) & 2
164 #define GET_IMM2(o,s)   uint8_t imm2 = (get_operand(o) >> (s)) & 3
165 #define GET_IMM3(o,s)   uint8_t imm3 = (get_operand(o) >> (s)) & 7
167 #define GET_IMM8(o)     uint8_t imm8 = (uint8_t)get_operand(o)
169 // Be very careful with order of operations since get_operand has side effects
170 #define GET_IMM16(o)    uint16_t imm16 = get_operand(o)
171 #define GET_IDX16(o)    uint32_t idx16 = get_operand(o)
172 #define GET_IMM32       uint32_t imm32 = get_operand(1); imm32 = (imm32 << 16) + get_operand(2)
173 #define GET_DSP7        uint8_t dsp7 = get_operand(0) & 127
174 #define GET_DSP8        int8_t dsp8 = (int8_t)get_operand(0)
175 #define GET_DSP16       uint16_t tmp16 = get_operand(1); uint32_t dsp16 = addr_add(m_pc, (int16_t)tmp16)
176 #define GET_ADDR(o)     uint32_t addr = (uint32_t)get_addr_operand(o)
177 #define GET_ADDR_RAW(o)     uint32_t addr = (uint32_t)get_raw_addr_operand(o)