1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3# Copyright 2012-2021 The Meson development team
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17# Work around some pathlib bugs...
18from mesonbuild import _pathlib
19import sys
20sys.modules['pathlib'] = _pathlib
22from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, CancelledError
23from enum import Enum
24from io import StringIO
25from pathlib import Path, PurePath
26import argparse
27import functools
28import itertools
29import json
30import multiprocessing
31import os
32import re
33import shlex
34import shutil
35import signal
36import subprocess
37import tempfile
38import time
39import typing as T
40import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
41import collections
43from mesonbuild import build
44from mesonbuild import environment
45from mesonbuild import compilers
46from mesonbuild import mesonlib
47from mesonbuild import mlog
48from mesonbuild import mtest
49from mesonbuild.compilers import compiler_from_language, detect_objc_compiler, detect_objcpp_compiler
50from mesonbuild.build import ConfigurationData
51from mesonbuild.mesonlib import MachineChoice, Popen_safe, TemporaryDirectoryWinProof
52from mesonbuild.mlog import blue, bold, cyan, green, red, yellow, normal_green
53from mesonbuild.coredata import backendlist, version as meson_version
54from mesonbuild.mesonmain import setup_vsenv
55from mesonbuild.modules.python import PythonExternalProgram
56from run_tests import get_fake_options, run_configure, get_meson_script
57from run_tests import get_backend_commands, get_backend_args_for_dir, Backend
58from run_tests import ensure_backend_detects_changes
59from run_tests import guess_backend
62    from types import FrameType
63    from mesonbuild.environment import Environment
64    from mesonbuild._typing import Protocol
65    from concurrent.futures import Future
66    from mesonbuild.modules.python import PythonIntrospectionDict
68    class CompilerArgumentType(Protocol):
69        cross_file: str
70        native_file: str
71        use_tmpdir: bool
74    class ArgumentType(CompilerArgumentType):
76        """Typing information for command line arguments."""
78        extra_args: T.List[str]
79        backend: str
80        num_workers: int
81        failfast: bool
82        no_unittests: bool
83        only: T.List[str]
85ALL_TESTS = ['cmake', 'common', 'native', 'warning-meson', 'failing-meson', 'failing-build', 'failing-test',
86             'keyval', 'platform-osx', 'platform-windows', 'platform-linux',
87             'java', 'C#', 'vala', 'cython', 'rust', 'd', 'objective c', 'objective c++',
88             'fortran', 'swift', 'cuda', 'python3', 'python', 'fpga', 'frameworks', 'nasm', 'wasm',
89             ]
92class BuildStep(Enum):
93    configure = 1
94    build = 2
95    test = 3
96    install = 4
97    clean = 5
98    validate = 6
101class TestResult(BaseException):
102    def __init__(self, cicmds: T.List[str]) -> None:
103        self.msg    = ''  # empty msg indicates test success
104        self.stdo   = ''
105        self.stde   = ''
106        self.mlog   = ''
107        self.cicmds = cicmds
108        self.conftime:  float = 0
109        self.buildtime: float = 0
110        self.testtime:  float = 0
112    def add_step(self, step: BuildStep, stdo: str, stde: str, mlog: str = '', time: float = 0) -> None:
113        self.step = step
114        self.stdo += stdo
115        self.stde += stde
116        self.mlog += mlog
117        if step == BuildStep.configure:
118            self.conftime = time
119        elif step == BuildStep.build:
120            self.buildtime = time
121        elif step == BuildStep.test:
122            self.testtime = time
124    def fail(self, msg: str) -> None:
125        self.msg = msg
127python = PythonExternalProgram(sys.executable)
130class InstalledFile:
131    def __init__(self, raw: T.Dict[str, str]):
132        self.path = raw['file']
133        self.typ = raw['type']
134        self.platform = raw.get('platform', None)
135        self.language = raw.get('language', 'c')  # type: str
137        version = raw.get('version', '')  # type: str
138        if version:
139            self.version = version.split('.')  # type: T.List[str]
140        else:
141            # split on '' will return [''], we want an empty list though
142            self.version = []
144    def get_path(self, compiler: str, env: environment.Environment) -> T.Optional[Path]:
145        p = Path(self.path)
146        canonical_compiler = compiler
147        if ((compiler in ['clang-cl', 'intel-cl']) or
148                (env.machines.host.is_windows() and compiler in {'pgi', 'dmd', 'ldc'})):
149            canonical_compiler = 'msvc'
151        python_suffix = python.info['suffix']
153        has_pdb = False
154        if self.language in {'c', 'cpp'}:
155            has_pdb = canonical_compiler == 'msvc'
156        elif self.language == 'd':
157            # dmd's optlink does not genearte pdb iles
158            has_pdb = env.coredata.compilers.host['d'].linker.id in {'link', 'lld-link'}
160        # Abort if the platform does not match
161        matches = {
162            'msvc': canonical_compiler == 'msvc',
163            'gcc': canonical_compiler != 'msvc',
164            'cygwin': env.machines.host.is_cygwin(),
165            '!cygwin': not env.machines.host.is_cygwin(),
166        }.get(self.platform or '', True)
167        if not matches:
168            return None
170        # Handle the different types
171        if self.typ in {'py_implib', 'python_lib', 'python_file'}:
172            val = p.as_posix()
173            val = val.replace('@PYTHON_PLATLIB@', python.platlib)
174            val = val.replace('@PYTHON_PURELIB@', python.purelib)
175            p = Path(val)
176            if self.typ == 'python_file':
177                return p
178            if self.typ == 'python_lib':
179                return p.with_suffix(python_suffix)
180        if self.typ in ['file', 'dir']:
181            return p
182        elif self.typ == 'shared_lib':
183            if env.machines.host.is_windows() or env.machines.host.is_cygwin():
184                # Windows only has foo.dll and foo-X.dll
185                if len(self.version) > 1:
186                    return None
187                if self.version:
188                    p = p.with_name('{}-{}'.format(p.name, self.version[0]))
189                return p.with_suffix('.dll')
191            p = p.with_name(f'lib{p.name}')
192            if env.machines.host.is_darwin():
193                # MacOS only has libfoo.dylib and libfoo.X.dylib
194                if len(self.version) > 1:
195                    return None
197                # pathlib.Path.with_suffix replaces, not appends
198                suffix = '.dylib'
199                if self.version:
200                    suffix = '.{}{}'.format(self.version[0], suffix)
201            else:
202                # pathlib.Path.with_suffix replaces, not appends
203                suffix = '.so'
204                if self.version:
205                    suffix = '{}.{}'.format(suffix, '.'.join(self.version))
206            return p.with_suffix(suffix)
207        elif self.typ == 'exe':
208            if env.machines.host.is_windows() or env.machines.host.is_cygwin():
209                return p.with_suffix('.exe')
210        elif self.typ == 'pdb':
211            if self.version:
212                p = p.with_name('{}-{}'.format(p.name, self.version[0]))
213            return p.with_suffix('.pdb') if has_pdb else None
214        elif self.typ in {'implib', 'implibempty', 'py_implib'}:
215            if env.machines.host.is_windows() and canonical_compiler == 'msvc':
216                # only MSVC doesn't generate empty implibs
217                if self.typ == 'implibempty' and compiler == 'msvc':
218                    return None
219                return p.parent / (re.sub(r'^lib', '', p.name) + '.lib')
220            elif env.machines.host.is_windows() or env.machines.host.is_cygwin():
221                if self.typ == 'py_implib':
222                    p = p.with_suffix(python_suffix)
223                return p.with_suffix('.dll.a')
224            else:
225                return None
226        elif self.typ == 'expr':
227            return Path(platform_fix_name(p.as_posix(), canonical_compiler, env))
228        else:
229            raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid installed file type {self.typ}')
231        return p
233    def get_paths(self, compiler: str, env: environment.Environment, installdir: Path) -> T.List[Path]:
234        p = self.get_path(compiler, env)
235        if not p:
236            return []
237        if self.typ == 'dir':
238            abs_p = installdir / p
239            if not abs_p.exists():
240                raise RuntimeError(f'{p} does not exist')
241            if not abs_p.is_dir():
242                raise RuntimeError(f'{p} is not a directory')
243            return [x.relative_to(installdir) for x in abs_p.rglob('*') if x.is_file() or x.is_symlink()]
244        else:
245            return [p]
248class TestDef:
249    def __init__(self, path: Path, name: T.Optional[str], args: T.List[str], skip: bool = False):
250        self.category = path.parts[1]
251        self.path = path
252        self.name = name
253        self.args = args
254        self.skip = skip
255        self.env = os.environ.copy()
256        self.installed_files = []  # type: T.List[InstalledFile]
257        self.do_not_set_opts = []  # type: T.List[str]
258        self.stdout = [] # type: T.List[T.Dict[str, str]]
259        self.skip_expected = False
261        # Always print a stack trace for Meson exceptions
262        self.env['MESON_FORCE_BACKTRACE'] = '1'
264    def __repr__(self) -> str:
265        return '<{}: {:<48} [{}: {}] -- {}>'.format(type(self).__name__, str(self.path), self.name, self.args, self.skip)
267    def display_name(self) -> mlog.TV_LoggableList:
268        # Remove the redundant 'test cases' part
269        section, id = self.path.parts[1:3]
270        res: mlog.TV_LoggableList = [f'{section}:', bold(id)]
271        if self.name:
272            res += [f'   ({self.name})']
273        return res
275    def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool:
276        if isinstance(other, TestDef):
277            # None is not sortable, so replace it with an empty string
278            s_id = int(self.path.name.split(' ')[0])
279            o_id = int(other.path.name.split(' ')[0])
280            return (s_id, self.path, self.name or '') < (o_id, other.path, other.name or '')
281        return NotImplemented
283failing_logs: T.List[str] = []
284print_debug = 'MESON_PRINT_TEST_OUTPUT' in os.environ
285under_ci = 'CI' in os.environ
286ci_jobname = os.environ.get('MESON_CI_JOBNAME', None)
287do_debug = under_ci or print_debug
288no_meson_log_msg = 'No meson-log.txt found.'
290host_c_compiler: T.Optional[str]   = None
291compiler_id_map: T.Dict[str, str]  = {}
292tool_vers_map:   T.Dict[str, str]  = {}
294compile_commands:   T.List[str]
295clean_commands:     T.List[str]
296test_commands:      T.List[str]
297install_commands:   T.List[str]
298uninstall_commands: T.List[str]
300backend:      'Backend'
301backend_flags: T.List[str]
303stop: bool = False
304is_worker_process: bool = False
306# Let's have colors in our CI output
307if under_ci:
308    def _ci_colorize_console() -> bool:
309        return not is_worker_process
311    mlog.colorize_console = _ci_colorize_console
313class StopException(Exception):
314    def __init__(self) -> None:
315        super().__init__('Stopped by user')
317def stop_handler(signal: signal.Signals, frame: T.Optional['FrameType']) -> None:
318    global stop
319    stop = True
320signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, stop_handler)
321signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, stop_handler)
323def setup_commands(optbackend: str) -> None:
324    global do_debug, backend, backend_flags
325    global compile_commands, clean_commands, test_commands, install_commands, uninstall_commands
326    backend, backend_flags = guess_backend(optbackend, shutil.which('msbuild'))
327    compile_commands, clean_commands, test_commands, install_commands, \
328        uninstall_commands = get_backend_commands(backend, do_debug)
330# TODO try to eliminate or at least reduce this function
331def platform_fix_name(fname: str, canonical_compiler: str, env: environment.Environment) -> str:
332    if '?lib' in fname:
333        if env.machines.host.is_windows() and canonical_compiler == 'msvc':
334            fname = re.sub(r'lib/\?lib(.*)\.', r'bin/\1.', fname)
335            fname = re.sub(r'/\?lib/', r'/bin/', fname)
336        elif env.machines.host.is_windows():
337            fname = re.sub(r'lib/\?lib(.*)\.', r'bin/lib\1.', fname)
338            fname = re.sub(r'\?lib(.*)\.dll$', r'lib\1.dll', fname)
339            fname = re.sub(r'/\?lib/', r'/bin/', fname)
340        elif env.machines.host.is_cygwin():
341            fname = re.sub(r'lib/\?lib(.*)\.so$', r'bin/cyg\1.dll', fname)
342            fname = re.sub(r'lib/\?lib(.*)\.', r'bin/cyg\1.', fname)
343            fname = re.sub(r'\?lib(.*)\.dll$', r'cyg\1.dll', fname)
344            fname = re.sub(r'/\?lib/', r'/bin/', fname)
345        else:
346            fname = re.sub(r'\?lib', 'lib', fname)
348    if fname.endswith('?so'):
349        if env.machines.host.is_windows() and canonical_compiler == 'msvc':
350            fname = re.sub(r'lib/([^/]*)\?so$', r'bin/\1.dll', fname)
351            fname = re.sub(r'/(?:lib|)([^/]*?)\?so$', r'/\1.dll', fname)
352            return fname
353        elif env.machines.host.is_windows():
354            fname = re.sub(r'lib/([^/]*)\?so$', r'bin/\1.dll', fname)
355            fname = re.sub(r'/([^/]*?)\?so$', r'/\1.dll', fname)
356            return fname
357        elif env.machines.host.is_cygwin():
358            fname = re.sub(r'lib/([^/]*)\?so$', r'bin/\1.dll', fname)
359            fname = re.sub(r'/lib([^/]*?)\?so$', r'/cyg\1.dll', fname)
360            fname = re.sub(r'/([^/]*?)\?so$', r'/\1.dll', fname)
361            return fname
362        elif env.machines.host.is_darwin():
363            return fname[:-3] + '.dylib'
364        else:
365            return fname[:-3] + '.so'
367    return fname
369def validate_install(test: TestDef, installdir: Path, env: environment.Environment) -> str:
370    ret_msg = ''
371    expected_raw = []  # type: T.List[Path]
372    for i in test.installed_files:
373        try:
374            expected_raw += i.get_paths(host_c_compiler, env, installdir)
375        except RuntimeError as err:
376            ret_msg += f'Expected path error: {err}\n'
377    expected = {x: False for x in expected_raw}
378    found = [x.relative_to(installdir) for x in installdir.rglob('*') if x.is_file() or x.is_symlink()]
379    # Mark all found files as found and detect unexpected files
380    for fname in found:
381        if fname not in expected:
382            ret_msg += f'Extra file {fname} found.\n'
383            continue
384        expected[fname] = True
385    # Check if expected files were found
386    for p, f in expected.items():
387        if not f:
388            ret_msg += f'Expected file {p} missing.\n'
389    # List dir content on error
390    if ret_msg != '':
391        ret_msg += '\nInstall dir contents:\n'
392        for p in found:
393            ret_msg += f'  - {p}\n'
394    return ret_msg
396def log_text_file(logfile: T.TextIO, testdir: Path, result: TestResult) -> None:
397    logfile.write('%s\nstdout\n\n---\n' % testdir.as_posix())
398    logfile.write(result.stdo)
399    logfile.write('\n\n---\n\nstderr\n\n---\n')
400    logfile.write(result.stde)
401    logfile.write('\n\n---\n\n')
402    if print_debug:
403        try:
404            print(result.stdo)
405        except UnicodeError:
406            sanitized_out = result.stdo.encode('ascii', errors='replace').decode()
407            print(sanitized_out)
408        try:
409            print(result.stde, file=sys.stderr)
410        except UnicodeError:
411            sanitized_err = result.stde.encode('ascii', errors='replace').decode()
412            print(sanitized_err, file=sys.stderr)
415def _run_ci_include(args: T.List[str]) -> str:
416    if not args:
417        return 'At least one parameter required'
418    try:
419        data = Path(args[0]).read_text(errors='ignore', encoding='utf-8')
420        return 'Included file {}:\n{}\n'.format(args[0], data)
421    except Exception:
422        return 'Failed to open {}'.format(args[0])
424ci_commands = {
425    'ci_include': _run_ci_include
428def run_ci_commands(raw_log: str) -> T.List[str]:
429    res = []
430    for l in raw_log.splitlines():
431        if not l.startswith('!meson_ci!/'):
432            continue
433        cmd = shlex.split(l[11:])
434        if not cmd or cmd[0] not in ci_commands:
435            continue
436        res += ['CI COMMAND {}:\n{}\n'.format(cmd[0], ci_commands[cmd[0]](cmd[1:]))]
437    return res
439class OutputMatch:
440    def __init__(self, how: str, expected: str, count: int) -> None:
441        self.how = how
442        self.expected = expected
443        self.count = count
445    def match(self, actual: str) -> bool:
446        if self.how == "re":
447            return bool(re.match(self.expected, actual))
448        return self.expected == actual
450def _compare_output(expected: T.List[T.Dict[str, str]], output: str, desc: str) -> str:
451    if expected:
452        matches:   T.List[OutputMatch] = []
453        nomatches: T.List[OutputMatch] = []
454        for item in expected:
455            how = item.get('match', 'literal')
456            expected_line = item.get('line')
457            count = int(item.get('count', -1))
459            # Simple heuristic to automatically convert path separators for
460            # Windows:
461            #
462            # Any '/' appearing before 'WARNING' or 'ERROR' (i.e. a path in a
463            # filename part of a location) is replaced with '\' (in a re: '\\'
464            # which matches a literal '\')
465            #
466            # (There should probably be a way to turn this off for more complex
467            # cases which don't fit this)
468            if mesonlib.is_windows():
469                if how != "re":
470                    sub = r'\\'
471                else:
472                    sub = r'\\\\'
473                expected_line = re.sub(r'/(?=.*(WARNING|ERROR))', sub, expected_line)
475            m = OutputMatch(how, expected_line, count)
476            if count == 0:
477                nomatches.append(m)
478            else:
479                matches.append(m)
482        i = 0
483        for actual in output.splitlines():
484            # Verify this line does not match any unexpected lines (item.count == 0)
485            for match in nomatches:
486                if match.match(actual):
487                    return f'unexpected "{match.expected}" found in {desc}'
488            # If we matched all expected lines, continue to verify there are
489            # no unexpected line. If nomatches is empty then we are done already.
490            if i >= len(matches):
491                if not nomatches:
492                    break
493                continue
494            # Check if this line match current expected line
495            match = matches[i]
496            if match.match(actual):
497                if match.count < 0:
498                    # count was not specified, continue with next expected line,
499                    # it does not matter if this line will be matched again or
500                    # not.
501                    i += 1
502                else:
503                    # count was specified (must be >0), continue expecting this
504                    # same line. If count reached 0 we continue with next
505                    # expected line but remember that this one must not match
506                    # anymore.
507                    match.count -= 1
508                    if match.count == 0:
509                        nomatches.append(match)
510                        i += 1
512        if i < len(matches):
513            # reached the end of output without finding expected
514            return f'expected "{matches[i].expected}" not found in {desc}'
516    return ''
518def validate_output(test: TestDef, stdo: str, stde: str) -> str:
519    return _compare_output(test.stdout, stdo, 'stdout')
521# There are some class variables and such that cahce
522# information. Clear all of these. The better solution
523# would be to change the code so that no state is persisted
524# but that would be a lot of work given that Meson was originally
525# coded to run as a batch process.
526def clear_internal_caches() -> None:
527    import mesonbuild.interpreterbase
528    from mesonbuild.dependencies import CMakeDependency
529    from mesonbuild.mesonlib import PerMachine
530    mesonbuild.interpreterbase.FeatureNew.feature_registry = {}
531    CMakeDependency.class_cmakeinfo = PerMachine(None, None)
533def run_test_inprocess(testdir: str) -> T.Tuple[int, str, str, str]:
534    old_stdout = sys.stdout
535    sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
536    old_stderr = sys.stderr
537    sys.stderr = mystderr = StringIO()
538    old_cwd = os.getcwd()
539    os.chdir(testdir)
540    test_log_fname = Path('meson-logs', 'testlog.txt')
541    try:
542        returncode_test = mtest.run_with_args(['--no-rebuild'])
543        if test_log_fname.exists():
544            test_log = test_log_fname.open(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore').read()
545        else:
546            test_log = ''
547        returncode_benchmark = mtest.run_with_args(['--no-rebuild', '--benchmark', '--logbase', 'benchmarklog'])
548    finally:
549        sys.stdout = old_stdout
550        sys.stderr = old_stderr
551        os.chdir(old_cwd)
552    return max(returncode_test, returncode_benchmark), mystdout.getvalue(), mystderr.getvalue(), test_log
554# Build directory name must be the same so Ccache works over
555# consecutive invocations.
556def create_deterministic_builddir(test: TestDef, use_tmpdir: bool) -> str:
557    import hashlib
558    src_dir = test.path.as_posix()
559    if test.name:
560        src_dir += test.name
561    rel_dirname = 'b ' + hashlib.sha256(src_dir.encode(errors='ignore')).hexdigest()[0:10]
562    abs_pathname = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir() if use_tmpdir else os.getcwd(), rel_dirname)
563    if os.path.exists(abs_pathname):
564        mesonlib.windows_proof_rmtree(abs_pathname)
565    os.mkdir(abs_pathname)
566    return abs_pathname
568def format_parameter_file(file_basename: str, test: TestDef, test_build_dir: str) -> Path:
569    confdata = ConfigurationData()
570    confdata.values = {'MESON_TEST_ROOT': (str(test.path.absolute()), 'base directory of current test')}
572    template = test.path / (file_basename + '.in')
573    destination = Path(test_build_dir) / file_basename
574    mesonlib.do_conf_file(str(template), str(destination), confdata, 'meson')
576    return destination
578def detect_parameter_files(test: TestDef, test_build_dir: str) -> T.Tuple[Path, Path]:
579    nativefile = test.path / 'nativefile.ini'
580    crossfile = test.path / 'crossfile.ini'
582    if os.path.exists(str(test.path / 'nativefile.ini.in')):
583        nativefile = format_parameter_file('nativefile.ini', test, test_build_dir)
585    if os.path.exists(str(test.path / 'crossfile.ini.in')):
586        crossfile = format_parameter_file('crossfile.ini', test, test_build_dir)
588    return nativefile, crossfile
590# In previous python versions the global variables are lost in ProcessPoolExecutor.
591# So, we use this tuple to restore some of them
592class GlobalState(T.NamedTuple):
593    compile_commands:   T.List[str]
594    clean_commands:     T.List[str]
595    test_commands:      T.List[str]
596    install_commands:   T.List[str]
597    uninstall_commands: T.List[str]
599    backend:      'Backend'
600    backend_flags: T.List[str]
602    host_c_compiler: T.Optional[str]
604def run_test(test: TestDef,
605             extra_args: T.List[str],
606             should_fail: str,
607             use_tmp: bool,
608             state: T.Optional[GlobalState] = None) -> T.Optional[TestResult]:
609    # Unpack the global state
610    global compile_commands, clean_commands, test_commands, install_commands, uninstall_commands, backend, backend_flags, host_c_compiler
611    if state is not None:
612        compile_commands, clean_commands, test_commands, install_commands, uninstall_commands, backend, backend_flags, host_c_compiler = state
613    # Store that this is a worker process
614    global is_worker_process
615    is_worker_process = True
616    # Setup the test environment
617    assert not test.skip, 'Skipped thest should not be run'
618    build_dir = create_deterministic_builddir(test, use_tmp)
619    try:
620        with TemporaryDirectoryWinProof(prefix='i ', dir=None if use_tmp else os.getcwd()) as install_dir:
621            try:
622                return _run_test(test, build_dir, install_dir, extra_args, should_fail)
623            except TestResult as r:
624                return r
625            finally:
626                mlog.shutdown() # Close the log file because otherwise Windows wets itself.
627    finally:
628        mesonlib.windows_proof_rmtree(build_dir)
630def _run_test(test: TestDef,
631              test_build_dir: str,
632              install_dir: str,
633              extra_args: T.List[str],
634              should_fail: str) -> TestResult:
635    gen_start = time.time()
636    # Configure in-process
637    gen_args = []  # type: T.List[str]
638    if 'prefix' not in test.do_not_set_opts:
639        gen_args += ['--prefix', 'x:/usr'] if mesonlib.is_windows() else ['--prefix', '/usr']
640    if 'libdir' not in test.do_not_set_opts:
641        gen_args += ['--libdir', 'lib']
642    gen_args += [test.path.as_posix(), test_build_dir] + backend_flags + extra_args
644    nativefile, crossfile = detect_parameter_files(test, test_build_dir)
646    if nativefile.exists():
647        gen_args.extend(['--native-file', nativefile.as_posix()])
648    if crossfile.exists():
649        gen_args.extend(['--cross-file', crossfile.as_posix()])
650    (returncode, stdo, stde) = run_configure(gen_args, env=test.env, catch_exception=True)
651    try:
652        logfile = Path(test_build_dir, 'meson-logs', 'meson-log.txt')
653        mesonlog = logfile.open(errors='ignore', encoding='utf-8').read()
654    except Exception:
655        mesonlog = no_meson_log_msg
656    cicmds = run_ci_commands(mesonlog)
657    testresult = TestResult(cicmds)
658    testresult.add_step(BuildStep.configure, stdo, stde, mesonlog, time.time() - gen_start)
659    output_msg = validate_output(test, stdo, stde)
660    testresult.mlog += output_msg
661    if output_msg:
662        testresult.fail('Unexpected output while configuring.')
663        return testresult
664    if should_fail == 'meson':
665        if returncode == 1:
666            return testresult
667        elif returncode != 0:
668            testresult.fail(f'Test exited with unexpected status {returncode}.')
669            return testresult
670        else:
671            testresult.fail('Test that should have failed succeeded.')
672            return testresult
673    if returncode != 0:
674        testresult.fail('Generating the build system failed.')
675        return testresult
676    builddata = build.load(test_build_dir)
677    dir_args = get_backend_args_for_dir(backend, test_build_dir)
679    # Build with subprocess
680    def build_step() -> None:
681        build_start = time.time()
682        pc, o, e = Popen_safe(compile_commands + dir_args, cwd=test_build_dir)
683        testresult.add_step(BuildStep.build, o, e, '', time.time() - build_start)
684        if should_fail == 'build':
685            if pc.returncode != 0:
686                raise testresult
687            testresult.fail('Test that should have failed to build succeeded.')
688            raise testresult
689        if pc.returncode != 0:
690            testresult.fail('Compiling source code failed.')
691            raise testresult
693    # Touch the meson.build file to force a regenerate
694    def force_regenerate() -> None:
695        ensure_backend_detects_changes(backend)
696        os.utime(str(test.path / 'meson.build'))
698    # just test building
699    build_step()
701    # test that regeneration works for build step
702    force_regenerate()
703    build_step()  # TBD: assert nothing gets built after the regenerate?
705    # test that regeneration works for test step
706    force_regenerate()
708    # Test in-process
709    clear_internal_caches()
710    test_start = time.time()
711    (returncode, tstdo, tstde, test_log) = run_test_inprocess(test_build_dir)
712    testresult.add_step(BuildStep.test, tstdo, tstde, test_log, time.time() - test_start)
713    if should_fail == 'test':
714        if returncode != 0:
715            return testresult
716        testresult.fail('Test that should have failed to run unit tests succeeded.')
717        return testresult
718    if returncode != 0:
719        testresult.fail('Running unit tests failed.')
720        return testresult
722    # Do installation, if the backend supports it
723    if install_commands:
724        env = test.env.copy()
725        env['DESTDIR'] = install_dir
726        # Install with subprocess
727        pi, o, e = Popen_safe(install_commands, cwd=test_build_dir, env=env)
728        testresult.add_step(BuildStep.install, o, e)
729        if pi.returncode != 0:
730            testresult.fail('Running install failed.')
731            return testresult
733    # Clean with subprocess
734    env = test.env.copy()
735    pi, o, e = Popen_safe(clean_commands + dir_args, cwd=test_build_dir, env=env)
736    testresult.add_step(BuildStep.clean, o, e)
737    if pi.returncode != 0:
738        testresult.fail('Running clean failed.')
739        return testresult
741    # Validate installed files
742    testresult.add_step(BuildStep.install, '', '')
743    if not install_commands:
744        return testresult
745    install_msg = validate_install(test, Path(install_dir), builddata.environment)
746    if install_msg:
747        testresult.fail('\n' + install_msg)
748        return testresult
750    return testresult
753# processing of test.json 'skip_*' keys, which can appear at top level, or in
754# matrix:
755def _skip_keys(test_def: T.Dict) -> T.Tuple[bool, bool]:
756    skip_expected = False
758    # Test is expected to skip if MESON_CI_JOBNAME contains any of the list of
759    # substrings
760    if ('skip_on_jobname' in test_def) and (ci_jobname is not None):
761        skip_expected = any(s in ci_jobname for s in test_def['skip_on_jobname'])
763    # Test is expected to skip if os matches
764    if 'skip_on_os' in test_def:
765        mesonenv = environment.Environment(None, None, get_fake_options('/'))
766        for skip_os in test_def['skip_on_os']:
767            if skip_os.startswith('!'):
768                if mesonenv.machines.host.system != skip_os[1:]:
769                    skip_expected = True
770            else:
771                if mesonenv.machines.host.system == skip_os:
772                    skip_expected = True
774    # Skip if environment variable is present
775    skip = False
776    if 'skip_on_env' in test_def:
777        for skip_env_var in test_def['skip_on_env']:
778            if skip_env_var in os.environ:
779                skip = True
781    return (skip, skip_expected)
784def load_test_json(t: TestDef, stdout_mandatory: bool) -> T.List[TestDef]:
785    all_tests: T.List[TestDef] = []
786    test_def = {}
787    test_def_file = t.path / 'test.json'
788    if test_def_file.is_file():
789        test_def = json.loads(test_def_file.read_text(encoding='utf-8'))
791    # Handle additional environment variables
792    env = {}  # type: T.Dict[str, str]
793    if 'env' in test_def:
794        assert isinstance(test_def['env'], dict)
795        env = test_def['env']
796        for key, val in env.items():
797            val = val.replace('@ROOT@', t.path.resolve().as_posix())
798            val = val.replace('@PATH@', t.env.get('PATH', ''))
799            env[key] = val
801    # Handle installed files
802    installed = []  # type: T.List[InstalledFile]
803    if 'installed' in test_def:
804        installed = [InstalledFile(x) for x in test_def['installed']]
806    # Handle expected output
807    stdout = test_def.get('stdout', [])
808    if stdout_mandatory and not stdout:
809        raise RuntimeError(f"{test_def_file} must contain a non-empty stdout key")
811    # Handle the do_not_set_opts list
812    do_not_set_opts = test_def.get('do_not_set_opts', [])  # type: T.List[str]
814    (t.skip, t.skip_expected) = _skip_keys(test_def)
816    # Skip tests if the tool requirements are not met
817    if 'tools' in test_def:
818        assert isinstance(test_def['tools'], dict)
819        for tool, vers_req in test_def['tools'].items():
820            if tool not in tool_vers_map:
821                t.skip = True
822            elif not mesonlib.version_compare(tool_vers_map[tool], vers_req):
823                t.skip = True
825    # Skip the matrix code and just update the existing test
826    if 'matrix' not in test_def:
827        t.env.update(env)
828        t.installed_files = installed
829        t.do_not_set_opts = do_not_set_opts
830        t.stdout = stdout
831        return [t]
833    new_opt_list: T.List[T.List[T.Tuple[str, bool, bool]]]
835    # 'matrix; entry is present, so build multiple tests from matrix definition
836    opt_list = []  # type: T.List[T.List[T.Tuple[str, bool, bool]]]
837    matrix = test_def['matrix']
838    assert "options" in matrix
839    for key, val in matrix["options"].items():
840        assert isinstance(val, list)
841        tmp_opts = []  # type: T.List[T.Tuple[str, bool, bool]]
842        for i in val:
843            assert isinstance(i, dict)
844            assert "val" in i
846            (skip, skip_expected) = _skip_keys(i)
848            # Only run the test if all compiler ID's match
849            if 'compilers' in i:
850                for lang, id_list in i['compilers'].items():
851                    if lang not in compiler_id_map or compiler_id_map[lang] not in id_list:
852                        skip = True
853                        break
855            # Add an empty matrix entry
856            if i['val'] is None:
857                tmp_opts += [(None, skip, skip_expected)]
858                continue
860            tmp_opts += [('{}={}'.format(key, i['val']), skip, skip_expected)]
862        if opt_list:
863            new_opt_list = []
864            for i in opt_list:
865                for j in tmp_opts:
866                    new_opt_list += [[*i, j]]
867            opt_list = new_opt_list
868        else:
869            opt_list = [[x] for x in tmp_opts]
871    # Exclude specific configurations
872    if 'exclude' in matrix:
873        assert isinstance(matrix['exclude'], list)
874        new_opt_list = []
875        for i in opt_list:
876            exclude = False
877            opt_names = [x[0] for x in i]
878            for j in matrix['exclude']:
879                ex_list = [f'{k}={v}' for k, v in j.items()]
880                if all([x in opt_names for x in ex_list]):
881                    exclude = True
882                    break
884            if not exclude:
885                new_opt_list += [i]
887        opt_list = new_opt_list
889    for i in opt_list:
890        name = ' '.join([x[0] for x in i if x[0] is not None])
891        opts = ['-D' + x[0] for x in i if x[0] is not None]
892        skip = any([x[1] for x in i])
893        skip_expected = any([x[2] for x in i])
894        test = TestDef(t.path, name, opts, skip or t.skip)
895        test.env.update(env)
896        test.installed_files = installed
897        test.do_not_set_opts = do_not_set_opts
898        test.stdout = stdout
899        test.skip_expected = skip_expected or t.skip_expected
900        all_tests.append(test)
902    return all_tests
905def gather_tests(testdir: Path, stdout_mandatory: bool, only: T.List[str]) -> T.List[TestDef]:
906    all_tests: T.List[TestDef] = []
907    for t in testdir.iterdir():
908        # Filter non-tests files (dot files, etc)
909        if not t.is_dir() or t.name.startswith('.'):
910            continue
911        if only and not any(t.name.startswith(prefix) for prefix in only):
912            continue
913        test_def = TestDef(t, None, [])
914        all_tests.extend(load_test_json(test_def, stdout_mandatory))
915    return sorted(all_tests)
918def have_d_compiler() -> bool:
919    if shutil.which("ldc2"):
920        return True
921    elif shutil.which("ldc"):
922        return True
923    elif shutil.which("gdc"):
924        return True
925    elif shutil.which("dmd"):
926        # The Windows installer sometimes produces a DMD install
927        # that exists but segfaults every time the compiler is run.
928        # Don't know why. Don't know how to fix. Skip in this case.
929        cp = subprocess.run(['dmd', '--version'],
930                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
931                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
932        if cp.stdout == b'':
933            return False
934        return True
935    return False
937def have_objc_compiler(use_tmp: bool) -> bool:
938    with TemporaryDirectoryWinProof(prefix='b ', dir=None if use_tmp else '.') as build_dir:
939        env = environment.Environment(None, build_dir, get_fake_options('/'))
940        try:
941            objc_comp = detect_objc_compiler(env, MachineChoice.HOST)
942        except mesonlib.MesonException:
943            return False
944        if not objc_comp:
945            return False
946        env.coredata.process_new_compiler('objc', objc_comp, env)
947        try:
948            objc_comp.sanity_check(env.get_scratch_dir(), env)
949        except mesonlib.MesonException:
950            return False
951    return True
953def have_objcpp_compiler(use_tmp: bool) -> bool:
954    with TemporaryDirectoryWinProof(prefix='b ', dir=None if use_tmp else '.') as build_dir:
955        env = environment.Environment(None, build_dir, get_fake_options('/'))
956        try:
957            objcpp_comp = detect_objcpp_compiler(env, MachineChoice.HOST)
958        except mesonlib.MesonException:
959            return False
960        if not objcpp_comp:
961            return False
962        env.coredata.process_new_compiler('objcpp', objcpp_comp, env)
963        try:
964            objcpp_comp.sanity_check(env.get_scratch_dir(), env)
965        except mesonlib.MesonException:
966            return False
967    return True
969def have_java() -> bool:
970    if shutil.which('javac') and shutil.which('java'):
971        return True
972    return False
974def skip_dont_care(t: TestDef) -> bool:
975    # Everything is optional when not running on CI
976    if not under_ci:
977        return True
979    # Non-frameworks test are allowed to determine their own skipping under CI (currently)
980    if not t.category.endswith('frameworks'):
981        return True
983    if mesonlib.is_osx() and '6 gettext' in str(t.path):
984        return True
986    return False
988def skip_csharp(backend: Backend) -> bool:
989    if backend is not Backend.ninja:
990        return True
991    if not shutil.which('resgen'):
992        return True
993    if shutil.which('mcs'):
994        return False
995    if shutil.which('csc'):
996        # Only support VS2017 for now. Earlier versions fail
997        # under CI in mysterious ways.
998        try:
999            stdo = subprocess.check_output(['csc', '/version'])
1000        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
1001            return True
1002        # Having incrementing version numbers would be too easy.
1003        # Microsoft reset the versioning back to 1.0 (from 4.x)
1004        # when they got the Roslyn based compiler. Thus there
1005        # is NO WAY to reliably do version number comparisons.
1006        # Only support the version that ships with VS2017.
1007        return not stdo.startswith(b'2.')
1008    return True
1010# In Azure some setups have a broken rustc that will error out
1011# on all compilation attempts.
1013def has_broken_rustc() -> bool:
1014    dirname = Path('brokenrusttest')
1015    if dirname.exists():
1016        mesonlib.windows_proof_rmtree(dirname.as_posix())
1017    dirname.mkdir()
1018    sanity_file = dirname / 'sanity.rs'
1019    sanity_file.write_text('fn main() {\n}\n', encoding='utf-8')
1020    pc = subprocess.run(['rustc', '-o', 'sanity.exe', 'sanity.rs'],
1021                        cwd=dirname.as_posix(),
1022                        stdout = subprocess.DEVNULL,
1023                        stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL)
1024    mesonlib.windows_proof_rmtree(dirname.as_posix())
1025    return pc.returncode != 0
1027def should_skip_rust(backend: Backend) -> bool:
1028    if not shutil.which('rustc'):
1029        return True
1030    if backend is not Backend.ninja:
1031        return True
1032    if mesonlib.is_windows():
1033        if has_broken_rustc():
1034            return True
1035    return False
1037def detect_tests_to_run(only: T.Dict[str, T.List[str]], use_tmp: bool) -> T.List[T.Tuple[str, T.List[TestDef], bool]]:
1038    """
1039    Parameters
1040    ----------
1041    only: dict of categories and list of test cases, optional
1042        specify names of tests to run
1044    Returns
1045    -------
1046    gathered_tests: list of tuple of str, list of TestDef, bool
1047        tests to run
1048    """
1050    skip_fortran = not(shutil.which('gfortran') or
1051                       shutil.which('flang') or
1052                       shutil.which('pgfortran') or
1053                       shutil.which('nagfor') or
1054                       shutil.which('ifort'))
1056    class TestCategory:
1057        def __init__(self, category: str, subdir: str, skip: bool = False, stdout_mandatory: bool = False):
1058            self.category = category                  # category name
1059            self.subdir = subdir                      # subdirectory
1060            self.skip = skip                          # skip condition
1061            self.stdout_mandatory = stdout_mandatory  # expected stdout is mandatory for tests in this category
1063    all_tests = [
1064        TestCategory('cmake', 'cmake', not shutil.which('cmake') or (os.environ.get('compiler') == 'msvc2015' and under_ci)),
1065        TestCategory('common', 'common'),
1066        TestCategory('native', 'native'),
1067        TestCategory('warning-meson', 'warning', stdout_mandatory=True),
1068        TestCategory('failing-meson', 'failing', stdout_mandatory=True),
1069        TestCategory('failing-build', 'failing build'),
1070        TestCategory('failing-test',  'failing test'),
1071        TestCategory('keyval', 'keyval'),
1072        TestCategory('platform-osx', 'osx', not mesonlib.is_osx()),
1073        TestCategory('platform-windows', 'windows', not mesonlib.is_windows() and not mesonlib.is_cygwin()),
1074        TestCategory('platform-linux', 'linuxlike', mesonlib.is_osx() or mesonlib.is_windows()),
1075        TestCategory('java', 'java', backend is not Backend.ninja or mesonlib.is_osx() or not have_java()),
1076        TestCategory('C#', 'csharp', skip_csharp(backend)),
1077        TestCategory('vala', 'vala', backend is not Backend.ninja or not shutil.which(os.environ.get('VALAC', 'valac'))),
1078        TestCategory('cython', 'cython', backend is not Backend.ninja or not shutil.which(os.environ.get('CYTHON', 'cython'))),
1079        TestCategory('rust', 'rust', should_skip_rust(backend)),
1080        TestCategory('d', 'd', backend is not Backend.ninja or not have_d_compiler()),
1081        TestCategory('objective c', 'objc', backend not in (Backend.ninja, Backend.xcode) or not have_objc_compiler(options.use_tmpdir)),
1082        TestCategory('objective c++', 'objcpp', backend not in (Backend.ninja, Backend.xcode) or not have_objcpp_compiler(options.use_tmpdir)),
1083        TestCategory('fortran', 'fortran', skip_fortran or backend != Backend.ninja),
1084        TestCategory('swift', 'swift', backend not in (Backend.ninja, Backend.xcode) or not shutil.which('swiftc')),
1085        # CUDA tests on Windows: use Ninja backend:  python run_project_tests.py --only cuda --backend ninja
1086        TestCategory('cuda', 'cuda', backend not in (Backend.ninja, Backend.xcode) or not shutil.which('nvcc')),
1087        TestCategory('python3', 'python3', backend is not Backend.ninja),
1088        TestCategory('python', 'python'),
1089        TestCategory('fpga', 'fpga', shutil.which('yosys') is None),
1090        TestCategory('frameworks', 'frameworks'),
1091        TestCategory('nasm', 'nasm'),
1092        TestCategory('wasm', 'wasm', shutil.which('emcc') is None or backend is not Backend.ninja),
1093    ]
1095    categories = [t.category for t in all_tests]
1096    assert categories == ALL_TESTS, 'argparse("--only", choices=ALL_TESTS) need to be updated to match all_tests categories'
1098    if only:
1099        for key in only.keys():
1100            assert key in categories, f'key `{key}` is not a recognized category'
1101        all_tests = [t for t in all_tests if t.category in only.keys()]
1103    gathered_tests = [(t.category, gather_tests(Path('test cases', t.subdir), t.stdout_mandatory, only[t.category]), t.skip) for t in all_tests]
1104    return gathered_tests
1106def run_tests(all_tests: T.List[T.Tuple[str, T.List[TestDef], bool]],
1107              log_name_base: str,
1108              failfast: bool,
1109              extra_args: T.List[str],
1110              use_tmp: bool,
1111              num_workers: int) -> T.Tuple[int, int, int]:
1112    txtname = log_name_base + '.txt'
1113    with open(txtname, 'w', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as lf:
1114        return _run_tests(all_tests, log_name_base, failfast, extra_args, use_tmp, num_workers, lf)
1116class TestStatus(Enum):
1117    OK = normal_green(' [SUCCESS] ')
1118    SKIP = yellow(' [SKIPPED] ')
1119    ERROR = red('  [ERROR]  ')
1120    UNEXSKIP = red('[UNEXSKIP] ')
1121    UNEXRUN = red(' [UNEXRUN] ')
1122    CANCELED = cyan('[CANCELED] ')
1123    RUNNING = blue(' [RUNNING] ')  # Should never be actually printed
1124    LOG = bold('   [LOG]   ')      # Should never be actually printed
1126def default_print(*args: mlog.TV_Loggable, sep: str = ' ') -> None:
1127    print(*args, sep=sep)
1129safe_print = default_print
1131class TestRunFuture:
1132    def __init__(self, name: str, testdef: TestDef, future: T.Optional['Future[T.Optional[TestResult]]']) -> None:
1133        super().__init__()
1134        self.name = name
1135        self.testdef = testdef
1136        self.future = future
1137        self.status = TestStatus.RUNNING if self.future is not None else TestStatus.SKIP
1139    @property
1140    def result(self) -> T.Optional[TestResult]:
1141        return self.future.result() if self.future else None
1143    def log(self) -> None:
1144        without_install = '' if install_commands else '(without install)'
1145        safe_print(self.status.value, without_install, *self.testdef.display_name())
1147    def update_log(self, new_status: TestStatus) -> None:
1148        self.status = new_status
1149        self.log()
1151    def cancel(self) -> None:
1152        if self.future is not None and self.future.cancel():
1153            self.status = TestStatus.CANCELED
1155class LogRunFuture:
1156    def __init__(self, msgs: mlog.TV_LoggableList) -> None:
1157        self.msgs = msgs
1158        self.status = TestStatus.LOG
1160    def log(self) -> None:
1161        safe_print(*self.msgs, sep='')
1163    def cancel(self) -> None:
1164        pass
1166RunFutureUnion = T.Union[TestRunFuture, LogRunFuture]
1168def _run_tests(all_tests: T.List[T.Tuple[str, T.List[TestDef], bool]],
1169               log_name_base: str,
1170               failfast: bool,
1171               extra_args: T.List[str],
1172               use_tmp: bool,
1173               num_workers: int,
1174               logfile: T.TextIO) -> T.Tuple[int, int, int]:
1175    global stop, host_c_compiler
1176    xmlname = log_name_base + '.xml'
1177    junit_root = ET.Element('testsuites')
1178    conf_time:  float = 0
1179    build_time: float = 0
1180    test_time:  float = 0
1181    passing_tests = 0
1182    failing_tests = 0
1183    skipped_tests = 0
1185    print(f'\nRunning tests with {num_workers} workers')
1187    # Pack the global state
1188    state = (compile_commands, clean_commands, test_commands, install_commands, uninstall_commands, backend, backend_flags, host_c_compiler)
1189    executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers)
1191    futures: T.List[RunFutureUnion] = []
1193    # First, collect and start all tests and also queue log messages
1194    for name, test_cases, skipped in all_tests:
1195        current_suite = ET.SubElement(junit_root, 'testsuite', {'name': name, 'tests': str(len(test_cases))})
1196        if skipped:
1197            futures += [LogRunFuture(['\n', bold(f'Not running {name} tests.'), '\n'])]
1198        else:
1199            futures += [LogRunFuture(['\n', bold(f'Running {name} tests.'), '\n'])]
1201        for t in test_cases:
1202            # Jenkins screws us over by automatically sorting test cases by name
1203            # and getting it wrong by not doing logical number sorting.
1204            (testnum, testbase) = t.path.name.split(' ', 1)
1205            testname = '%.3d %s' % (int(testnum), testbase)
1206            if t.name:
1207                testname += f' ({t.name})'
1208            should_fail = ''
1209            suite_args = []
1210            if name.startswith('failing'):
1211                should_fail = name.split('failing-')[1]
1212            if name.startswith('warning'):
1213                suite_args = ['--fatal-meson-warnings']
1214                should_fail = name.split('warning-')[1]
1216            if skipped or t.skip:
1217                futures += [TestRunFuture(testname, t, None)]
1218                continue
1219            result_future = executor.submit(run_test, t, extra_args + suite_args + t.args, should_fail, use_tmp, state=state)
1220            futures += [TestRunFuture(testname, t, result_future)]
1222    # Ensure we only cancel once
1223    tests_canceled = False
1225    # Optionally enable the tqdm progress bar
1226    global safe_print
1227    futures_iter: T.Iterable[RunFutureUnion] = futures
1228    try:
1229        from tqdm import tqdm
1230        futures_iter = tqdm(futures, desc='Running tests', unit='test')
1232        def tqdm_print(*args: mlog.TV_Loggable, sep: str = ' ') -> None:
1233            tqdm.write(sep.join([str(x) for x in args]))
1235        safe_print = tqdm_print
1236    except ImportError:
1237        pass
1239    # Wait and handle the test results and print the stored log output
1240    for f in futures_iter:
1241        # Just a log entry to print something to stdout
1242        sys.stdout.flush()
1243        if isinstance(f, LogRunFuture):
1244            f.log()
1245            continue
1247        # Acutal Test run
1248        testname = f.name
1249        t        = f.testdef
1250        try:
1251            result = f.result
1252        except (CancelledError, KeyboardInterrupt):
1253            f.status = TestStatus.CANCELED
1255        if stop and not tests_canceled:
1256            num_running = sum([1 if f2.status is TestStatus.RUNNING  else 0 for f2 in futures])
1257            for f2 in futures:
1258                f2.cancel()
1259            executor.shutdown()
1260            num_canceled = sum([1 if f2.status is TestStatus.CANCELED else 0 for f2 in futures])
1261            safe_print(f'\nCanceled {num_canceled} out of {num_running} running tests.')
1262            safe_print(f'Finishing the remaining {num_running - num_canceled} tests.\n')
1263            tests_canceled = True
1265        # Handle canceled tests
1266        if f.status is TestStatus.CANCELED:
1267            f.log()
1268            continue
1270        # Handle skipped tests
1271        if result is None:
1272            # skipped due to skipped category skip or 'tools:' or 'skip_on_env:'
1273            is_skipped = True
1274            skip_as_expected = True
1275        else:
1276            # skipped due to test outputting 'MESON_SKIP_TEST'
1277            is_skipped = 'MESON_SKIP_TEST' in result.stdo
1278            if not skip_dont_care(t):
1279                skip_as_expected = (is_skipped == t.skip_expected)
1280            else:
1281                skip_as_expected = True
1283        if is_skipped:
1284            skipped_tests += 1
1286        if is_skipped and skip_as_expected:
1287            f.update_log(TestStatus.SKIP)
1288            current_test = ET.SubElement(current_suite, 'testcase', {'name': testname, 'classname': t.category})
1289            ET.SubElement(current_test, 'skipped', {})
1290            continue
1292        if not skip_as_expected:
1293            failing_tests += 1
1294            if is_skipped:
1295                skip_msg = 'Test asked to be skipped, but was not expected to'
1296                status = TestStatus.UNEXSKIP
1297            else:
1298                skip_msg = 'Test ran, but was expected to be skipped'
1299                status = TestStatus.UNEXRUN
1300            result.msg = "%s for MESON_CI_JOBNAME '%s'" % (skip_msg, ci_jobname)
1302            f.update_log(status)
1303            current_test = ET.SubElement(current_suite, 'testcase', {'name': testname, 'classname': t.category})
1304            ET.SubElement(current_test, 'failure', {'message': result.msg})
1305            continue
1307        # Handle Failed tests
1308        if result.msg != '':
1309            f.update_log(TestStatus.ERROR)
1310            safe_print(bold('During:'), result.step.name)
1311            safe_print(bold('Reason:'), result.msg)
1312            failing_tests += 1
1313            # Append a visual seperator for the different test cases
1314            cols = shutil.get_terminal_size((100, 20)).columns
1315            name_str = ' '.join([str(x) for x in f.testdef.display_name()])
1316            name_len = len(re.sub(r'\x1B[^m]+m', '', name_str))  # Do not count escape sequences
1317            left_w = (cols // 2) - (name_len // 2) - 1
1318            left_w = max(3, left_w)
1319            right_w = cols - left_w - name_len - 2
1320            right_w = max(3, right_w)
1321            failing_logs.append(f'\n\x1b[31m{"="*left_w}\x1b[0m {name_str} \x1b[31m{"="*right_w}\x1b[0m\n')
1322            if result.step == BuildStep.configure and result.mlog != no_meson_log_msg:
1323                # For configure failures, instead of printing stdout,
1324                # print the meson log if available since it's a superset
1325                # of stdout and often has very useful information.
1326                failing_logs.append(result.mlog)
1327            elif under_ci:
1328                # Always print the complete meson log when running in
1329                # a CI. This helps debugging issues that only occur in
1330                # a hard to reproduce environment
1331                failing_logs.append(result.mlog)
1332                failing_logs.append(result.stdo)
1333            else:
1334                failing_logs.append(result.stdo)
1335            for cmd_res in result.cicmds:
1336                failing_logs.append(cmd_res)
1337            failing_logs.append(result.stde)
1338            if failfast:
1339                safe_print("Cancelling the rest of the tests")
1340                for f2 in futures:
1341                    f2.cancel()
1342        else:
1343            f.update_log(TestStatus.OK)
1344            passing_tests += 1
1345        conf_time += result.conftime
1346        build_time += result.buildtime
1347        test_time += result.testtime
1348        total_time = conf_time + build_time + test_time
1349        log_text_file(logfile, t.path, result)
1350        current_test = ET.SubElement(
1351            current_suite,
1352            'testcase',
1353            {'name': testname, 'classname': t.category, 'time': '%.3f' % total_time}
1354        )
1355        if result.msg != '':
1356            ET.SubElement(current_test, 'failure', {'message': result.msg})
1357        stdoel = ET.SubElement(current_test, 'system-out')
1358        stdoel.text = result.stdo
1359        stdeel = ET.SubElement(current_test, 'system-err')
1360        stdeel.text = result.stde
1362    # Reset, just in case
1363    safe_print = default_print
1365    print()
1366    print("Total configuration time: %.2fs" % conf_time)
1367    print("Total build time:         %.2fs" % build_time)
1368    print("Total test time:          %.2fs" % test_time)
1369    ET.ElementTree(element=junit_root).write(xmlname, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8')
1370    return passing_tests, failing_tests, skipped_tests
1372def check_meson_commands_work(use_tmpdir: bool, extra_args: T.List[str]) -> None:
1373    global backend, compile_commands, test_commands, install_commands
1374    testdir = PurePath('test cases', 'common', '1 trivial').as_posix()
1375    meson_commands = mesonlib.python_command + [get_meson_script()]
1376    with TemporaryDirectoryWinProof(prefix='b ', dir=None if use_tmpdir else '.') as build_dir:
1377        print('Checking that configuring works...')
1378        gen_cmd = meson_commands + [testdir, build_dir] + backend_flags + extra_args
1379        pc, o, e = Popen_safe(gen_cmd)
1380        if pc.returncode != 0:
1381            raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to configure {testdir!r}:\n{e}\n{o}')
1382        print('Checking that introspect works...')
1383        pc, o, e = Popen_safe(meson_commands + ['introspect', '--targets'], cwd=build_dir)
1384        json.loads(o)
1385        if pc.returncode != 0:
1386            raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to introspect --targets {testdir!r}:\n{e}\n{o}')
1387        print('Checking that building works...')
1388        dir_args = get_backend_args_for_dir(backend, build_dir)
1389        pc, o, e = Popen_safe(compile_commands + dir_args, cwd=build_dir)
1390        if pc.returncode != 0:
1391            raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to build {testdir!r}:\n{e}\n{o}')
1392        print('Checking that testing works...')
1393        pc, o, e = Popen_safe(test_commands, cwd=build_dir)
1394        if pc.returncode != 0:
1395            raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to test {testdir!r}:\n{e}\n{o}')
1396        if install_commands:
1397            print('Checking that installing works...')
1398            pc, o, e = Popen_safe(install_commands, cwd=build_dir)
1399            if pc.returncode != 0:
1400                raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to install {testdir!r}:\n{e}\n{o}')
1403def detect_system_compiler(options: 'CompilerArgumentType') -> None:
1404    global host_c_compiler, compiler_id_map
1406    fake_opts = get_fake_options('/')
1407    if options.cross_file:
1408        fake_opts.cross_file = [options.cross_file]
1409    if options.native_file:
1410        fake_opts.native_file = [options.native_file]
1412    env = environment.Environment(None, None, fake_opts)
1414    print_compilers(env, MachineChoice.HOST)
1415    if options.cross_file:
1416        print_compilers(env, MachineChoice.BUILD)
1418    for lang in sorted(compilers.all_languages):
1419        try:
1420            comp = compiler_from_language(env, lang, MachineChoice.HOST)
1421            # note compiler id for later use with test.json matrix
1422            compiler_id_map[lang] = comp.get_id()
1423        except mesonlib.MesonException:
1424            comp = None
1426        # note C compiler for later use by platform_fix_name()
1427        if lang == 'c':
1428            if comp:
1429                host_c_compiler = comp.get_id()
1430            else:
1431                raise RuntimeError("Could not find C compiler.")
1434def print_compilers(env: 'Environment', machine: MachineChoice) -> None:
1435    print()
1436    print(f'{machine.get_lower_case_name()} machine compilers')
1437    print()
1438    for lang in sorted(compilers.all_languages):
1439        try:
1440            comp = compiler_from_language(env, lang, machine)
1441            details = '{:<10} {} {}'.format('[' + comp.get_id() + ']', ' '.join(comp.get_exelist()), comp.get_version_string())
1442        except mesonlib.MesonException:
1443            details = '[not found]'
1444        print(f'{lang:<7}: {details}')
1446class ToolInfo(T.NamedTuple):
1447    tool: str
1448    args: T.List[str]
1449    regex: T.Pattern
1450    match_group: int
1452def print_tool_versions() -> None:
1453    tools: T.List[ToolInfo] = [
1454        ToolInfo(
1455            'ninja',
1456            ['--version'],
1457            re.compile(r'^([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(-[a-z0-9]+)?)$'),
1458            1,
1459        ),
1460        ToolInfo(
1461            'cmake',
1462            ['--version'],
1463            re.compile(r'^cmake version ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(-[a-z0-9]+)?)$'),
1464            1,
1465        ),
1466        ToolInfo(
1467            'hotdoc',
1468            ['--version'],
1469            re.compile(r'^([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(-[a-z0-9]+)?)$'),
1470            1,
1471        ),
1472    ]
1474    def get_version(t: ToolInfo) -> str:
1475        exe = shutil.which(t.tool)
1476        if not exe:
1477            return 'not found'
1479        args = [t.tool] + t.args
1480        pc, o, e = Popen_safe(args)
1481        if pc.returncode != 0:
1482            return '{} (invalid {} executable)'.format(exe, t.tool)
1483        for i in o.split('\n'):
1484            i = i.strip('\n\r\t ')
1485            m = t.regex.match(i)
1486            if m is not None:
1487                tool_vers_map[t.tool] = m.group(t.match_group)
1488                return '{} ({})'.format(exe, m.group(t.match_group))
1490        return f'{exe} (unknown)'
1492    print()
1493    print('tools')
1494    print()
1496    max_width = max([len(x.tool) for x in tools] + [7])
1497    for tool in tools:
1498        print('{0:<{2}}: {1}'.format(tool.tool, get_version(tool), max_width))
1499    print()
1501def clear_transitive_files() -> None:
1502    a = Path('test cases/common')
1503    for d in a.glob('*subproject subdir/subprojects/subsubsub*'):
1504        if d.is_dir():
1505            mesonlib.windows_proof_rmtree(str(d))
1506        else:
1507            mesonlib.windows_proof_rm(str(d))
1509if __name__ == '__main__':
1510    if under_ci and not ci_jobname:
1511        raise SystemExit('Running under CI but MESON_CI_JOBNAME is not set')
1513    setup_vsenv()
1515    try:
1516        # This fails in some CI environments for unknown reasons.
1517        num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
1518    except Exception as e:
1519        print('Could not determine number of CPUs due to the following reason:' + str(e))
1520        print('Defaulting to using only two processes')
1521        num_workers = 2
1523    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run the test suite of Meson.")
1524    parser.add_argument('extra_args', nargs='*',
1525                        help='arguments that are passed directly to Meson (remember to have -- before these).')
1526    parser.add_argument('--backend', dest='backend', choices=backendlist)
1527    parser.add_argument('-j', dest='num_workers', type=int, default=num_workers,
1528                        help=f'Maximum number of parallel tests (default {num_workers})')
1529    parser.add_argument('--failfast', action='store_true',
1530                        help='Stop running if test case fails')
1531    parser.add_argument('--no-unittests', action='store_true',
1532                        help='Not used, only here to simplify run_tests.py')
1533    parser.add_argument('--only', default=[],
1534                        help='name of test(s) to run, in format "category[/name]" where category is one of: ' + ', '.join(ALL_TESTS), nargs='+')
1535    parser.add_argument('--cross-file', action='store', help='File describing cross compilation environment.')
1536    parser.add_argument('--native-file', action='store', help='File describing native compilation environment.')
1537    parser.add_argument('--use-tmpdir', action='store_true', help='Use tmp directory for temporary files.')
1538    options = T.cast('ArgumentType', parser.parse_args())
1540    if options.cross_file:
1541        options.extra_args += ['--cross-file', options.cross_file]
1542    if options.native_file:
1543        options.extra_args += ['--native-file', options.native_file]
1545    clear_transitive_files()
1547    print('Meson build system', meson_version, 'Project Tests')
1548    print('Using python', sys.version.split('\n')[0])
1549    if 'VSCMD_VER' in os.environ:
1550        print('VSCMD version', os.environ['VSCMD_VER'])
1551    setup_commands(options.backend)
1552    detect_system_compiler(options)
1553    print_tool_versions()
1554    script_dir = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
1555    if script_dir != '':
1556        os.chdir(script_dir)
1557    check_meson_commands_work(options.use_tmpdir, options.extra_args)
1558    only = collections.defaultdict(list)
1559    for i in options.only:
1560        try:
1561            cat, case = i.split('/')
1562            only[cat].append(case)
1563        except ValueError:
1564            only[i].append('')
1565    try:
1566        all_tests = detect_tests_to_run(only, options.use_tmpdir)
1567        res = run_tests(all_tests, 'meson-test-run', options.failfast, options.extra_args, options.use_tmpdir, options.num_workers)
1568        (passing_tests, failing_tests, skipped_tests) = res
1569    except StopException:
1570        pass
1571    print()
1572    print('Total passed tests: ', green(str(passing_tests)))
1573    print('Total failed tests: ', red(str(failing_tests)))
1574    print('Total skipped tests:', yellow(str(skipped_tests)))
1575    if failing_tests > 0:
1576        print('\nMesonlogs of failing tests\n')
1577        for l in failing_logs:
1578            try:
1579                print(l, '\n')
1580            except UnicodeError:
1581                print(l.encode('ascii', errors='replace').decode(), '\n')
1582    for name, dirs, _ in all_tests:
1583        dir_names = list({x.path.name for x in dirs})
1584        for k, g in itertools.groupby(dir_names, key=lambda x: x.split()[0]):
1585            tests = list(g)
1586            if len(tests) != 1:
1587                print('WARNING: The {} suite contains duplicate "{}" tests: "{}"'.format(name, k, '", "'.join(tests)))
1588    clear_transitive_files()
1589    raise SystemExit(failing_tests)