1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
4 ** Contact: Qt Software Information (qt-info@nokia.com)
5 **
6 ** This file is part of the Graphics Dojo project on Qt Labs.
7 **
8 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
9 ** License version 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
10 ** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of
11 ** this file.  Please review the following information to ensure GNU
12 ** General Public Licensing requirements will be met:
13 ** http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/info/GPLv2.html and
14 ** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
15 **
16 ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
17 ** contact the sales department at qt-sales@nokia.com.
18 **
19 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
21 **
22 ****************************************************************************/
25 #ifndef HTML_EDITOR_H
26 #define HTML_EDITOR_H
28 #include <QMainWindow>
29 #include <QFrame>
30 #include <QProgressBar>
31 #include <QToolButton>
32 #include <QMenu>
33 #include <QAction>
34 #include <QBuffer>
35 #include <QByteArray>
36 #include <QXmlQuery>
37 #include <QStringList>
38 #include "highlighter.h"
40 class Ui_HTMLEditorMainWindow;
41 class Ui_InsertHtmlDialog;
42 class Ui_TablePropertyDialog;
44 class QLabel;
45 class QSlider;
46 class QUrl;
48 class HtmlEditor : public QMainWindow
49 {
52 	public:
53 		QMap<QString, QString> templateMap;
54 		QString myEditorName;
55 		bool isEmbeddedEditor;
56 		QString loadedContent;
57 		QFrame *frameCornerWidget;
58 		QMenu *menuSettings;
59 		QToolButton *toolButtonSettings;
60 		QAction *actionHideMenu;
61 		QAction *actionReadOnly;
62 		QAction *actionShowHTML;
63 		QProgressBar *loadProgress;
64 		bool loadActive;
65 		bool stopLoading;
66 		bool loadSuccess;
67 		QStringList imageTypes;
68 		QBuffer *xmlQueryBuffer;
69 		QByteArray *xmlDocument;
70 		QXmlQuery xmlQuery;
71 		QStringList xmlResult;
73 		HtmlEditor(QString, bool embedded = false, QWidget *parent = 0);
74 		~HtmlEditor();
76 		static QUrl guessUrlFromString(const QString &string);
77 		QString &noScript(QString &);
79 	protected:
80 		virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e);
82 	private:
83 		void execCommand(const QString&);
84 		void execCommand(const QString &cmd, const QString &arg);
85 		bool queryCommandState(const QString&);
87 	public slots:
88 		void loadStarted();
89 		void loadProgressed(int);
90 		void loadFinished(bool);
91 		void fileNew();
92 		void fileNewFromTemplate();
93 		void fileRevert();
94 		void fileOpen();
95 		bool fileSave();
96 		bool fileSaveAs();
97 		void fileOpenInBrowser();
98 		void editSelectAll();
99 		void styleParagraph();
100 		void styleHeading1();
101 		void styleHeading2();
102 		void styleHeading3();
103 		void styleHeading4();
104 		void styleHeading5();
105 		void styleHeading6();
106 		void stylePreformatted();
107 		void styleAddress();
108 		void formatStrikeThrough();
109 		void formatAlignLeft();
110 		void formatAlignCenter();
111 		void formatAlignRight();
112 		void formatAlignJustify();
113 		void formatIncreaseIndent();
114 		void formatDecreaseIndent();
115 		void formatNumberedList();
116 		void formatBulletedList();
117 		void formatFontName();
118 		void formatFontSize();
119 		void formatTextColor();
120 		void formatBackgroundColor();
121 		void insertImageFromFile();
122 		void insertImageFromUrl();
123 		void createLink();
124 		void insertHtml();
125 		void insertTable();
126 		void zoomOut();
127 		void zoomIn();
128 		void adjustActions();
129 		void adjustWYSIWYG();
130 		void adjustHTML();
131 		void changeTab(int);
132 		void openLink(const QUrl&);
133 		void changeZoom(int);
134 		void linkHovered(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &);
135 		void adjustIconSizes();
136 		bool load(const QString &f);
137 		bool loadCurrent();
138 		bool loadTemplate(const QString &f);
139 		bool save();
140 		void setCurrentFileName(const QString &fileName);
141 		void setCurrentTemplateName(const QString &templateName);
142 		void hideTearOffMenus();
143 		void enableFileNewFromTemplateAction(bool enable = true);
144 		void checkRevertStatus();
145 		void setContentEditable(bool);
setLoadActive()146 		void setLoadActive() { loadActive = true; }
setLoadInactive()147 		void setLoadInactive() { loadActive = false; }
setLoadSuccess(bool success)148 		void setLoadSuccess(bool success) { loadSuccess = success; }
149 		void javaScriptWindowObjectCleared();
150 		void showHtmlTab(bool enable = true);
151 		void closeXmlBuffer();
152 		void clearContent();
154 		// helper functions (not only) for template use
155 		bool loadCurrentTemplate();
reloadTemplate()156 		bool reloadTemplate() { return loadCurrentTemplate(); }
157 		QString getIconData();
158 		QString getColor(QString currentColor = QString());
159 		QString getImage(QString currentImage = QString());
160 		bool isZippedImage(QString imageType);
161 		QString getImageData(QString imageType);
162 		bool queryXml(QString id, QString queryString, bool sort = true, QString systemEntityName = QString()) { return queryLocalXml(id, queryString, sort, systemEntityName); }
163 		bool queryLocalXml(QString id, QString queryString, bool sort = true, QString systemEntityName = QString());
getXmlResult()164 		QStringList getXmlResult() { return xmlResult; }
165 		bool isBios(QString id);
166 		bool isDevice(QString id);
167 		QString romStatus(QString id, bool translated = false);
168 		int rank(QString id);
169 		QString comment(QString id);
170 		QString systemInfo(QString id);
171 		QString emuInfo(QString id);
172 		QStringList videoSnapUrls(QString id);
173 		QString softwareInfo(QString list, QString id);
174 		void openLinkInDefaultBrowser(QString linkUrl);
175 		QStringList customSystemArtwork();
176 		QStringList customSoftwareArtwork();
177 		bool customArtworkZipped(QString artworkName);
178 		QString customSystemArtworkUrl(QString id, QString artworkName);
179 		QString customSystemArtworkData(QString id, QString artworkName);
180 		QString customSoftwareArtworkUrl(QString listName, QString softwareName, QString artworkName);
181 		QString customSoftwareArtworkData(QString listName, QString softwareName, QString artworkName);
182 		bool systemManualExists(const QString &id);
183 		QStringList systemManualPaths(const QString &id);
184 		QStringList systemManualUrls(const QString &id);
185 		void openSystemManual(const QString &id);
186 		bool softwareManualExists(const QString &list, const QString &id);
187 		QStringList softwareManualPaths(const QString &list, const QString &id);
188 		QStringList softwareManualUrls(const QString &list, const QString &id);
189 		void openSoftwareManual(const QString &list, const QString &id);
190 		QString operatingSystemName();
192 	private:
193 		Ui_HTMLEditorMainWindow *ui;
194 		QString fileName;
195 		QString templateName;
196 		bool htmlDirty;
197 		bool wysiwygDirty;
198 		bool generateEmptyContent;
199 		bool localModified;
200 		QString emptyContent;
201 		QLabel *zoomLabel;
202 		QSlider *zoomSlider;
203 		Highlighter *highlighter;
204 		Ui_InsertHtmlDialog *ui_dialog;
205 		QDialog *insertHtmlDialog;
206 		Ui_TablePropertyDialog *ui_tablePropertyDialog;
207 		QDialog *tablePropertyDialog;
208 };
210 #endif // HTML_EDITOR_H