1#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
2#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
3#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
4#  (at your option) any later version.
6#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
7#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
9#  GNU General Public License for more details.
11#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
12#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
14.rho <- function(x, lamb, derive = 0, type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "HD", "ETEL", "ETHD",
15                                          "RCUE"), k = 1)
16    {
17	type <- match.arg(type)
18        if (type == "RCUE")
19            type <- "CUE"
20	gml <- x%*%c(lamb)*k
21	if (derive == 0)
22            {
23		if (type == "EL")
24                    {
25			if (any(gml>=1))
26                            stop("Computation of Lambda fails because NAs produced by log(1-gt*l)")
27			rhomat <- log(1 - gml)
28                    }
29		if (type == "ET")
30                    rhomat <- -exp(gml)
31		if (type == "CUE")
32                    rhomat <- -gml -0.5*gml^2
33                if (type == "HD")
34                    rhomat <- -2/(1-gml/2)
35                if (type == "ETEL")
36                    {
37                        w <- -exp(gml)
38                        w <- w/sum(w)
39                        rhomat <- -log(w*NROW(gml))
40                    }
41                if (type == "ETHD")
42                    {
43                        w <- -exp(gml)
44                        w <- w/sum(w)
45                        rhomat <- (sqrt(w)-1/sqrt(NROW(gml)))^2
46                    }
47            }
48	if (derive==1)
49            {
50		if (type == "EL")
51                    rhomat <- -1/(1 - gml)
52		if (type == "ET")
53                    rhomat <- -exp(gml)
54		if (type == "CUE")
55                    rhomat <- -1 - gml
56                if (type == "HD")
57                    rhomat <- -1/((1-gml/2)^2)
58                if (any(type == c("ETEL","ETHD")))
59                    rhomat <- NULL
60            }
61	if (derive==2)
62            {
63		if (type == "EL")
64                    rhomat <- -1/(1 - gml)^2
65		if (type == "ET")
66                    rhomat <- -exp(gml)
67		if (type == "CUE")
68                    rhomat <- -rep(1,nrow(x))
69                if (type == "HD")
70                    rhomat <- -1/((1-gml/2)^3)
71                if (any(type == c("ETEL","ETHD")))
72                    rhomat <- NULL
73            }
74	return(c(rhomat))
75    }
77.getCgelLam <- function(gt, l0, type = c('EL', 'ET', 'CUE', "HD"),
78                        method = c("nlminb", "optim", "constrOptim"),
79                        control=list(), k = 1, alpha = 0.01)
80    {
81	type <- match.arg(type)
82	method <- match.arg(method)
83	fct <- function(l, X)
84            {
85		r1 <- colMeans(.rho(gt,l,derive=1,type=type,k=k)*X)
86		crossprod(r1) + alpha*crossprod(l)
87            }
88	Dfct <- function(l, X)
89            {
90		r2 <- .rho(X,l,derive=2,type=type,k=k)
91		r1 <- .rho(X,l,derive=1,type=type,k=k)
92		H <- t(X*r2)%*%X/nrow(X)
93		2*H%*%colMeans(r1*X) + 2*alpha*l
94            }
96	if (method == "nlminb")
97            res <- nlminb(l0, fct, Dfct, X = gt, control = control)
98	if (method == "optim")
99            res <- optim(l0, fct, Dfct, X = gt, method="BFGS", control = control)
100	if (method == "constrOptim")
101            {
102		ci <- -rep(1,nrow(gt))
103		res <- constrOptim(rep(0,ncol(gt)),fct,Dfct,-gt,ci,control=control,X=gt)
104            }
105	if (method == "optim")
106            {
107		conv <- list(convergence = res$convergence,
108                             counts = res$counts, message = res$message)
109            } else {
110		conv <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$evaluations,
111                             message = res$message)
112            }
114	return(list(lambda = res$par, convergence = conv,
115                    obj = mean(.rho(gt,res$par, derive=0,type=type,k=k)) -
116                        .rho(1,0, derive=0,type=type,k=k)))
117    }
119.Wu <- function(gt, tol_lam = 1e-8, maxiterlam = 50, K=1)
120    {
121        u <- as.matrix(gt)
122        n=length(nrow(u))
123        M=rep(0,ncol(u))
124        dif=1
125        tol=tol_lam
126        k=0
127        while(dif>tol & k<=maxiterlam)
128            {
129                D1=t(u)%*%((1/(1+u%*%M))*rep(1,n))
130                DD=-t(u)%*%(c((1/(1+u%*%M)^2))*u)
131                D2=solve(DD,D1,tol=1e-40)
132                dif=max(abs(D2))
133                rule=1
134                while(rule>0)
135                    {
136                        rule=0
137                        if(min(1+t(M-D2)%*%t(u))<=0) rule=rule+1
138                        if(rule>0) D2=D2/2
139                    }
140                M=M-D2
141                k=k+1
142            }
143        if(k>=maxiterlam)
144            {
145                M=rep(0,ncol(u))
146                conv = list(convergence=1)
147            } else {
148                conv = list(convergence=0)
149            }
150	return(list(lambda = c(-M), convergence = conv, obj =
151                        mean(.rho(gt,-M,derive=0,type="EL",k=K))))
152    }
154.Wu2 <- function(gt, tol_lam = 1e-8, maxiter = 50, K = 1)
155    {
156        gt <- as.matrix(gt)
157        res <- .Fortran(F_wu, as.double(gt), as.double(tol_lam),
158                        as.integer(maxiter), as.integer(nrow(gt)),
159                        as.integer(ncol(gt)), as.double(K),
160                        conv=integer(1), obj=double(1),
161                        lambda=double(ncol(gt)))
162        list(lambda=res$lambda, convergence=list(convergence=res$conv),
163             obj = res$obj)
164    }
166.CUE_lam <- function(gt, K=1)
167    {
168        q <- qr(gt)
169        n <- nrow(gt)
170        l0 <- -qr.coef(q, rep(1,n))
171        conv <- list(convergence=0)
172        list(lambda = l0, convergence = conv, obj =
173                 mean(.rho(gt,l0,derive=0,type="CUE",k=K)))
174    }
176.CUE_lamPos <- function(gt, K=1, control=list())
177    {
178        getpt <- function(gt,lam)
179            {
180                gl <- c(gt%*%lam)
181                pt <- 1 + gl
182                pt/sum(pt)
183            }
184        maxit <- ifelse("maxit" %in% names(control),
185                        control$maxit, 50)
186        res <-.CUE_lam(gt, K)
187        n <- nrow(gt)
188        i <- 1
189        pt <- getpt(gt, res$lambda)
190        w <- pt<0
191        while (TRUE)
192            {
193                gt2 <- gt[!w,]
194                n1 <- nrow(gt2)
195                if (n1 == n)
196                    break
197                res <-  try(.CUE_lam(gt2), silent=TRUE)
198                if (i > maxit)
199                    return(list(lambda=rep(0,ncol(gt)), obj=0, pt=rep(1/n,n),
200                                convergence=list(convergence=1)))
201                if (any(class(res) == "try-error"))
202                    return(list(lambda=rep(0,ncol(gt)), obj=0, pt=rep(1/n,n),
203                                convergence=list(convergence=2)))
204                pt[!w] <- getpt(gt2, res$lambda)
205                pt[w] <- 0
206                if (all(pt>=0))
207                    break
208                i <- i+1
209                w[!w] <- pt[!w]<0
210            }
211        n0 <- n-n1
212        res$obj <- res$obj*n1/n + n0/(2*n)
213        res
214    }
216.CUE_lamPos2 <- function(gt, K=1, control=list())
217    {
218        gt <- as.matrix(gt)
219        n <- nrow(gt)
220        q <- ncol(gt)
221        maxit <- ifelse("maxit" %in% names(control),
222                        control$maxit, 50)
223        res <- try(.Fortran(F_lamcuep, as.double(gt),
224                        as.integer(n), as.integer(q), as.double(K),
225                        as.integer(maxit),conv=integer(1),
226                        lam=double(q),pt=double(n),
227                        obj=double(1)
228                            ), silent=TRUE)
229        if (any(class(res) == "try-error"))
230            return(list(lambda=rep(0,q), obj=0, pt=rep(1/n,n),
231                        convergence=list(convergence=3)))
232        list(lambda=res$lam, obj=res$obj, pt=res$pt,
233             convergence=list(convergence=res$conv))
234    }
236getLamb <- function(gt, l0, type = c('EL', 'ET', 'CUE', "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD", "RCUE"),
237                    tol_lam = 1e-7, maxiterlam = 100, tol_obj = 1e-7,
238                    k = 1, method = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu"),
239                    control=list())
240    {
241	method <- match.arg(method)
242        type <- match.arg(type)
243        gt <- as.matrix(gt)
244        if (method == "Wu" & type != "EL")
245            stop("Wu (2005) method to compute Lambda is for EL only")
246        if (method == "Wu")
247            return(.Wu2(gt, tol_lam, maxiterlam, k))
248        if (type == "CUE")
249            return(.CUE_lam(gt, k))
250        if (type == "RCUE")
251            return(.CUE_lamPos2(gt, k, control))
252	if (method == "iter")
253            {
254		if ((type == "ETEL") | (type == "ETHD"))
255                    type = "ET"
256		for (i in 1:maxiterlam)
257                    {
258			r1 <- .rho(gt,l0,derive=1,type=type,k=k)
259			r2 <- .rho(gt,l0,derive=2,type=type,k=k)
260			F <- -colMeans(r1*gt)
261			J <- crossprod(r2*gt,gt)
262			if (sum(abs(F))<tol_obj)
263                            {
264				conv <- list(convergence="Tolerance for the FOC reached")
265				break
266                            }
267			P <- solve(J,F)
268			if (sum(abs(P))<tol_lam)
269                            {
270				conv <- list(convergence="Tolerance on lambda reached")
271				break
272                            }
273			l0 <- l0 + P
274			conv <- list(convergence="maxiterlam reached")
275                    }
276            } else {
277		fct <- function(l,X,type,k)
278                    {
279			r0 <- .rho(X,l,derive=0,type=type,k=k)
280			-mean(r0)
281                    }
282		Dfct <- function(l,X,type,k)
283                    {
284			r1 <- .rho(X,l,derive=1,type=type,k=k)
285		        -colMeans(r1*X)
286                    }
287		DDfct <- function(l,X,type,k)
288                    {
289			r2 <- .rho(X,l,derive=2,type=type,k=k)
290			-t(X*r2)%*%X/nrow(X)
291                    }
292		if ((type == "ETEL")|(type=="ETHD"))
293                    type = "ET"
294		if (method=="optim")
295                    {
296                        if (type != "EL")
297                            {
298                                res <- optim(rep(0,ncol(gt)),fct,gr=Dfct,X=gt,type=type,
299                                             k=k,method="BFGS",control=control)
300                            } else {
301                                ci <- -rep(1,nrow(gt))
302                                res <- constrOptim(rep(0,ncol(gt)),fct,Dfct,-gt,ci,
303                                                   control=control,X=gt,type=type,k=k)
304                            }
305                    } else {
306                        res <- nlminb(rep(0,ncol(gt)), fct, gradient = Dfct,
307                                      hessian = DDfct, X = gt, type=type, k=k,
308                                      control = control)
309                    }
310		l0 <- res$par
311		if (method == "optim" | method == "constrOptim")
312                    conv <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts = res$counts,
313                                 message = res$message)
314		if(method == "nlminb")
315                    conv <- list(convergence = res$convergence, counts =
316                                     res$evaluations, message = res$message)
317            }
318	return(list(lambda = l0, convergence = conv, obj =
319                        mean(.rho(gt,l0,derive=0,type=type,k=k))-
320                            .rho(1, 0, type = type, derive = 0, k = k)))
321    }
323smoothG <- function (x, bw = bwAndrews, prewhite = 1, ar.method = "ols",
324                     weights = weightsAndrews,
325                     kernel = c("Bartlett", "Parzen", "Truncated", "Tukey-Hanning"),
326                     approx = c("AR(1)", "ARMA(1,1)"),
327                     tol = 1e-7)
328    {
329	kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
330	approx <- match.arg(approx)
332	n <- nrow(x)
333	if (is.function(weights))
334            {
335                class(x) <- "gmmFct"
336                w <- weights(x, bw = bw, kernel = kernel,
337                             prewhite = prewhite, ar.method = ar.method, tol = tol,
338                             verbose = FALSE, approx = approx)
339            } else {
340                w <- weights
341            }
342        if (is.numeric(w))
343            {
344                rt <- length(w)
345                if (rt >= 2)
346                    {
347                        w <- c(w[rt:2], w)
348                        w <- w / sum(w)
349                        w <- kernel(w[rt:length(w)])
350                    } else {
351                        w <- kernel(1)
352                    }
353            } else {
354                if (class(w)[1] != "tskernel")
355                    stop("Provided weights must be a numeric vector or an object of class 'tskernel'")
356            }
357        if (length(w$coef)>1)
358            x <- kernapply(x, w)
359        sx <- list("smoothx" = x, "kern_weights" = w, bw = bw)
360        return(sx)
361    }
363gel <- function(g, x, tet0 = NULL, gradv = NULL, smooth = FALSE,
364                type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD","RCUE"),
365                kernel = c("Truncated", "Bartlett"), bw = bwAndrews,
366                approx = c("AR(1)", "ARMA(1,1)"), prewhite = 1, ar.method = "ols",
367                tol_weights = 1e-7, tol_lam = 1e-9, tol_obj = 1e-9,
368		tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 100, constraint = FALSE,
369                optfct = c("optim", "optimize", "nlminb"),
370                optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu"), data,
371                Lambdacontrol = list(),
372                model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, TypeGel = "baseGel", alpha = NULL,
373                eqConst = NULL, eqConstFullVcov = FALSE, onlyCoefficients=FALSE, ...)
374    {
375	type <- match.arg(type)
376	optfct <- match.arg(optfct)
377	optlam <- match.arg(optlam)
378	weights <- weightsAndrews
379	approx <- match.arg(approx)
380	kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
381        if (!is.null(eqConst))
382            TypeGel <- "constGel"
384	if(missing(data))
385            data<-NULL
386	all_args <- list(g = g, x = x, tet0 = tet0, gradv = gradv, smooth = smooth,
387                         type = type, kernel = kernel, bw = bw, approx = approx,
388                         prewhite = prewhite, ar.method = ar.method,
389                         tol_weights = tol_weights, tol_lam = tol_lam,
390                         tol_obj = tol_obj, tol_mom = tol_mom, maxiterlam = maxiterlam,
391                         constraint = constraint, optfct = optfct, weights = weights,
392                         optlam = optlam, model = model, X = X, Y = Y,
393                         TypeGel = TypeGel, call = match.call(),
394                         Lambdacontrol = Lambdacontrol, alpha = alpha, data = data,
395                         eqConst = eqConst, eqConstFullVcov = eqConstFullVcov,
396                         onlyCoefficients=onlyCoefficients)
397	class(all_args)<-TypeGel
398	Model_info<-getModel(all_args)
399	z <- momentEstim(Model_info, ...)
400        if (!onlyCoefficients)
401            class(z) <- "gel"
402	return(z)
403	}
405evalGel <- function(g, x, tet0, gradv = NULL, smooth = FALSE,
406                    type = c("EL", "ET", "CUE", "ETEL", "HD", "ETHD","RCUE"),
407                    kernel = c("Truncated", "Bartlett"), bw = bwAndrews,
408                    approx = c("AR(1)", "ARMA(1,1)"), prewhite = 1,
409                    ar.method = "ols", tol_weights = 1e-7, tol_lam = 1e-9,
410                    tol_obj = 1e-9, tol_mom = 1e-9, maxiterlam = 100,
411                    optlam = c("nlminb", "optim", "iter", "Wu"), data,
412                    Lambdacontrol = list(),
413                    model = TRUE, X = FALSE, Y = FALSE, alpha = NULL, ...)
414    {
415	type <- match.arg(type)
416	optlam <- match.arg(optlam)
417	weights <- weightsAndrews
418	approx <- match.arg(approx)
419	kernel <- match.arg(kernel)
420        TypeGel <- "baseGel"
422	if(missing(data))
423            data<-NULL
424	all_args <- list(g = g, x = x, tet0 = tet0, gradv = gradv, smooth = smooth,
425                         type = type, kernel = kernel, bw = bw, approx = approx,
426                         prewhite = prewhite, ar.method = ar.method,
427                         tol_weights = tol_weights, tol_lam = tol_lam,
428                         tol_obj = tol_obj, tol_mom = tol_mom, maxiterlam = maxiterlam,
429                         weights = weights, optlam = optlam, model = model, X = X,
430                         Y = Y, call = match.call(), Lambdacontrol = Lambdacontrol,
431                         alpha = alpha, data = data, optfct="optim")
432	class(all_args)<-TypeGel
433	Model_info<-getModel(all_args)
434        class(Model_info) <- "baseGel.eval"
435	z <- momentEstim(Model_info, ...)
436	class(z) <- "gel"
437	return(z)
438      }
440.thetf <- function(tet, P, output=c("obj","all"), l0Env)
441    {
442        output <- match.arg(output)
443        gt <- P$g(tet, P$x)
444        l0 <- get("l0",envir=l0Env)
445        if (((P$type=="ETEL")|(P$type=="ETHD"))&(!is.null(P$CGEL)))
446            {
447                P$CGEL <- NULL
448                warning("CGEL not implemented for ETEL or for ETHD")
449            }
450        if (is.null(P$CGEL))
451            {
452                if (P$optlam != "optim" & P$type == "EL")
453                    {
454                        lamb <- try(getLamb(gt, l0, type = P$type, tol_lam = P$tol_lam,
455                                            maxiterlam = P$maxiterlam,
456                                            tol_obj = P$tol_obj, k = P$k1/P$k2,
457                                            control = P$Lambdacontrol,
458                                            method = P$optlam), silent = TRUE)
459                        if(any(class(lamb) == "try-error"))
460                            lamb <- getLamb(gt, l0, type = P$type, tol_lam = P$tol_lam,
461                                            maxiterlam = P$maxiterlam,
462                                            tol_obj = P$tol_obj, k = P$k1/P$k2,
463                                            control = P$Lambdacontrol, method = "optim")
464                    } else {
465                        lamb <- getLamb(gt, l0, type = P$type,  tol_lam = P$tol_lam,
466                                        maxiterlam = P$maxiterlam, tol_obj = P$tol_obj,
467                                        k = P$k1/P$k2, control = P$Lambdacontrol,
468                                        method = P$optlam)
469                    }
470            } else {
471                lamb <- try(.getCgelLam(gt, l0, type = P$type, method = "nlminb",
472                                        control=P$Lambdacontrol, k = P$k1/P$k2,
473                                        alpha = P$CGEL),silent=TRUE)
474                if (any(class(lamb) == "try-error"))
475                    lamb <- try(.getCgelLam(gt, l0, type = P$type,
476                                            method = "constrOptim",
477                                            control=P$Lambdacontrol,
478                                            k = P$k1/P$k2, alpha = P$CGEL),silent=TRUE)
479            }
480            if (P$type == "ETEL")
481                obj <- mean(.rho(gt, lamb$lambda, type = P$type, derive = 0,
482                                 k = P$k1/P$k2) - .rho(1, 0, type = P$type,
483                                     derive = 0, k = P$k1/P$k2))
484            else if (P$type == "ETHD")
485                obj <- sum(.rho(gt, lamb$lambda, type = P$type, derive = 0,
486                                k = P$k1/P$k2) - .rho(1, 0, type = P$type, derive = 0,
487                                    k = P$k1/P$k2))
488            else
489                obj <- lamb$obj
490        assign("l0",lamb$lambda,envir=l0Env)
491        if(output == "obj")
492	    return(obj)
493        else
494	    return(list(obj = obj, lambda = lamb, gt = gt))
495    }
497.getImpProb <- function(gt, lambda, type, k1, k2)
498    {
499        if ((type == "ETEL")|(type=="ETHD"))
500            type <- "ET"
501        n <- NROW(gt)
502        pt <- -.rho(gt, lambda, type = type, derive = 1, k = k1/k2)/n
503        # Making sure pt>0
504        if (type=="CUE")
505            {
506                eps <- -length(pt)*min(min(pt),0)
507                pt <- (pt+eps/length(pt))/(1+eps)
508            }
509        if (type=="RCUE")
510            pt[pt<0] <- 0
511        ###################
512        conv_moment <- colSums(pt*gt)
513        conv_pt <- sum(as.numeric(pt))
514        pt <- pt/sum(pt)
515        attr(pt, "conv_moment") <- conv_moment
516        attr(pt, "conv_pt") <- conv_pt
517        pt
518    }
520.vcovGel <- function(gt, G, k1, k2, bw, pt=NULL,tol=1e-16)
521    {
522        q <- NCOL(gt)
523        n <- NROW(gt)
524        if (is.null(pt))
525            pt <- 1/n
526        G <- G/k1
527        gt <- gt*sqrt(pt*bw/k2)
528        qrGt <- qr(gt)
529        piv <- sort.int(qrGt$pivot, index.return=TRUE)$ix
530        R <- qr.R(qrGt)[,piv]
531        X <- forwardsolve(t(R), G)
532        Y <- forwardsolve(t(R), diag(q))
533        res <- lm.fit(X,Y)
534        u <- res$residuals
535        Sigma <- chol2inv(res$qr$qr)/n
536        diag(Sigma)[diag(Sigma)<0] <- tol
537        if (q==ncol(G))
538            {
539                SigmaLam <- matrix(0, q, q)
540            } else {
541                SigmaLam <- backsolve(R, u)/n*bw^2
542                diag(SigmaLam)[diag(SigmaLam)<0] <- tol
543            }
544        khat <- crossprod(R)
545        list(vcov_par=Sigma, vcov_lambda=SigmaLam,khat=khat)
546    }