1import asyncio
2import mimetypes
3import os
4import pathlib
5import sys
6from typing import (  # noqa
7    IO,
9    Any,
10    Awaitable,
11    Callable,
12    List,
13    Optional,
14    Union,
15    cast,
18from . import hdrs
19from .abc import AbstractStreamWriter
20from .typedefs import LooseHeaders
21from .web_exceptions import (
22    HTTPNotModified,
23    HTTPPartialContent,
24    HTTPPreconditionFailed,
25    HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable,
27from .web_response import StreamResponse
29__all__ = ("FileResponse",)
31if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
32    from .web_request import BaseRequest
35_T_OnChunkSent = Optional[Callable[[bytes], Awaitable[None]]]
38NOSENDFILE = bool(os.environ.get("AIOHTTP_NOSENDFILE"))
41class FileResponse(StreamResponse):
42    """A response object can be used to send files."""
44    def __init__(
45        self,
46        path: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
47        chunk_size: int = 256 * 1024,
48        status: int = 200,
49        reason: Optional[str] = None,
50        headers: Optional[LooseHeaders] = None,
51    ) -> None:
52        super().__init__(status=status, reason=reason, headers=headers)
54        if isinstance(path, str):
55            path = pathlib.Path(path)
57        self._path = path
58        self._chunk_size = chunk_size
60    async def _sendfile_fallback(
61        self, writer: AbstractStreamWriter, fobj: IO[Any], offset: int, count: int
62    ) -> AbstractStreamWriter:
63        # To keep memory usage low,fobj is transferred in chunks
64        # controlled by the constructor's chunk_size argument.
66        chunk_size = self._chunk_size
67        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
69        await loop.run_in_executor(None, fobj.seek, offset)
71        chunk = await loop.run_in_executor(None, fobj.read, chunk_size)
72        while chunk:
73            await writer.write(chunk)
74            count = count - chunk_size
75            if count <= 0:
76                break
77            chunk = await loop.run_in_executor(None, fobj.read, min(chunk_size, count))
79        await writer.drain()
80        return writer
82    async def _sendfile(
83        self, request: "BaseRequest", fobj: IO[Any], offset: int, count: int
84    ) -> AbstractStreamWriter:
85        writer = await super().prepare(request)
86        assert writer is not None
88        if NOSENDFILE or sys.version_info < (3, 7) or self.compression:
89            return await self._sendfile_fallback(writer, fobj, offset, count)
91        loop = request._loop
92        transport = request.transport
93        assert transport is not None
95        try:
96            await loop.sendfile(transport, fobj, offset, count)
97        except NotImplementedError:
98            return await self._sendfile_fallback(writer, fobj, offset, count)
100        await super().write_eof()
101        return writer
103    async def prepare(self, request: "BaseRequest") -> Optional[AbstractStreamWriter]:
104        filepath = self._path
106        gzip = False
107        if "gzip" in request.headers.get(hdrs.ACCEPT_ENCODING, ""):
108            gzip_path = filepath.with_name(filepath.name + ".gz")
110            if gzip_path.is_file():
111                filepath = gzip_path
112                gzip = True
114        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
115        st = await loop.run_in_executor(None, filepath.stat)
117        modsince = request.if_modified_since
118        if modsince is not None and st.st_mtime <= modsince.timestamp():
119            self.set_status(HTTPNotModified.status_code)
120            self._length_check = False
121            # Delete any Content-Length headers provided by user. HTTP 304
122            # should always have empty response body
123            return await super().prepare(request)
125        unmodsince = request.if_unmodified_since
126        if unmodsince is not None and st.st_mtime > unmodsince.timestamp():
127            self.set_status(HTTPPreconditionFailed.status_code)
128            return await super().prepare(request)
130        if hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self.headers:
131            ct, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(str(filepath))
132            if not ct:
133                ct = "application/octet-stream"
134            should_set_ct = True
135        else:
136            encoding = "gzip" if gzip else None
137            should_set_ct = False
139        status = self._status
140        file_size = st.st_size
141        count = file_size
143        start = None
145        ifrange = request.if_range
146        if ifrange is None or st.st_mtime <= ifrange.timestamp():
147            # If-Range header check:
148            # condition = cached date >= last modification date
149            # return 206 if True else 200.
150            # if False:
151            #   Range header would not be processed, return 200
152            # if True but Range header missing
153            #   return 200
154            try:
155                rng = request.http_range
156                start = rng.start
157                end = rng.stop
158            except ValueError:
159                # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233:
160                # A server generating a 416 (Range Not Satisfiable) response to
161                # a byte-range request SHOULD send a Content-Range header field
162                # with an unsatisfied-range value.
163                # The complete-length in a 416 response indicates the current
164                # length of the selected representation.
165                #
166                # Will do the same below. Many servers ignore this and do not
167                # send a Content-Range header with HTTP 416
168                self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_RANGE] = f"bytes */{file_size}"
169                self.set_status(HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable.status_code)
170                return await super().prepare(request)
172            # If a range request has been made, convert start, end slice
173            # notation into file pointer offset and count
174            if start is not None or end is not None:
175                if start < 0 and end is None:  # return tail of file
176                    start += file_size
177                    if start < 0:
178                        # if Range:bytes=-1000 in request header but file size
179                        # is only 200, there would be trouble without this
180                        start = 0
181                    count = file_size - start
182                else:
183                    # rfc7233:If the last-byte-pos value is
184                    # absent, or if the value is greater than or equal to
185                    # the current length of the representation data,
186                    # the byte range is interpreted as the remainder
187                    # of the representation (i.e., the server replaces the
188                    # value of last-byte-pos with a value that is one less than
189                    # the current length of the selected representation).
190                    count = (
191                        min(end if end is not None else file_size, file_size) - start
192                    )
194                if start >= file_size:
195                    # HTTP 416 should be returned in this case.
196                    #
197                    # According to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7233:
198                    # If a valid byte-range-set includes at least one
199                    # byte-range-spec with a first-byte-pos that is less than
200                    # the current length of the representation, or at least one
201                    # suffix-byte-range-spec with a non-zero suffix-length,
202                    # then the byte-range-set is satisfiable. Otherwise, the
203                    # byte-range-set is unsatisfiable.
204                    self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_RANGE] = f"bytes */{file_size}"
205                    self.set_status(HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable.status_code)
206                    return await super().prepare(request)
208                status = HTTPPartialContent.status_code
209                # Even though you are sending the whole file, you should still
210                # return a HTTP 206 for a Range request.
211                self.set_status(status)
213        if should_set_ct:
214            self.content_type = ct  # type: ignore
215        if encoding:
216            self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_ENCODING] = encoding
217        if gzip:
218            self.headers[hdrs.VARY] = hdrs.ACCEPT_ENCODING
219        self.last_modified = st.st_mtime  # type: ignore
220        self.content_length = count
222        self.headers[hdrs.ACCEPT_RANGES] = "bytes"
224        real_start = cast(int, start)
226        if status == HTTPPartialContent.status_code:
227            self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_RANGE] = "bytes {}-{}/{}".format(
228                real_start, real_start + count - 1, file_size
229            )
231        if request.method == hdrs.METH_HEAD or self.status in [204, 304]:
232            return await super().prepare(request)
234        fobj = await loop.run_in_executor(None, filepath.open, "rb")
235        if start:  # be aware that start could be None or int=0 here.
236            offset = start
237        else:
238            offset = 0
240        try:
241            return await self._sendfile(request, fobj, offset, count)
242        finally:
243            await loop.run_in_executor(None, fobj.close)