1-- Copyright 2009-2010 Corey O'Connor
2{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
4-- | A Vty program makes 'Picture's from 'Image's. This module provides
5-- the core constructors for creating, combining, and modifying
6-- 'Image's.
7module Graphics.Vty.Image
8  (
9  -- * Images
10    Image
11  , imageWidth
12  , imageHeight
13  -- * Image constructors
14  , emptyImage
15  , char
16  , string
17  , iso10646String
18  , utf8String
19  , text
20  , text'
21  , backgroundFill
22  , utf8Bytestring
23  , utf8Bytestring'
24  , charFill
25  -- * Combinators
26  , horizJoin
27  , (<|>)
28  , vertJoin
29  , (<->)
30  , horizCat
31  , vertCat
32  -- * Image modifications
33  , crop
34  , cropRight
35  , cropLeft
36  , cropBottom
37  , cropTop
38  , pad
39  , resize
40  , resizeWidth
41  , resizeHeight
42  , translate
43  , translateX
44  , translateY
45  -- * Character width functions
46  , safeWcwidth
47  , safeWcswidth
48  , safeWctwidth
49  , safeWctlwidth
50  , wcwidth
51  , wcswidth
52  , wctwidth
53  , wctlwidth
54  -- * Display Regions
55  , DisplayText
56  , DisplayRegion
57  , regionWidth
58  , regionHeight
59  )
62import Graphics.Vty.Attributes
63import Graphics.Vty.Image.Internal
64import Graphics.Text.Width
66import qualified Data.ByteString as B
67import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
68import qualified Data.Text as T
69import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
70import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
71import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
72import Data.Word
74-- | A region of the display (first width, then height)
75type DisplayRegion = (Int,Int)
77regionWidth :: DisplayRegion -> Int
78regionWidth = fst
80regionHeight :: DisplayRegion -> Int
81regionHeight = snd
83infixr 5 <|>
84infixr 4 <->
86-- | An area of the picture's background (See 'Background').
87backgroundFill :: Int
88               -- ^ Fill width in columns
89               -> Int
90               -- ^ Fill height in rows
91               -> Image
92backgroundFill w h
93    | w == 0    = EmptyImage
94    | h == 0    = EmptyImage
95    | otherwise = BGFill w h
97-- | Combines two images horizontally. This is an alias for 'horizJoin'.
99-- infixr 5
100(<|>) :: Image -> Image -> Image
101(<|>) = horizJoin
103-- | Combines two images vertically. This is an alias for 'vertJoin'.
105-- infixr 4
106(<->) :: Image -> Image -> Image
107(<->) = vertJoin
109-- | Compose any number of images together horizontally, with the first
110-- in the list being leftmost.
111horizCat :: [Image] -> Image
112horizCat = foldr horizJoin EmptyImage
114-- | Compose any number of images vertically, with the first in the list
115-- being topmost.
116vertCat :: [Image] -> Image
117vertCat = foldr vertJoin EmptyImage
119-- | Make an 'Image' from a lazy text value. The text value should be
120-- sanitized of escape sequences (ASCII 27) and carriage returns;
121-- otherwise layout and attribute problems may result.
122text :: Attr -> TL.Text -> Image
123text a txt = let displayWidth = safeWctlwidth txt
124             in HorizText a txt displayWidth (fromIntegral $! TL.length txt)
126-- | Make an 'Image' from a text value. The text value should be
127-- sanitized of escape sequences (ASCII 27) and carriage returns;
128-- otherwise layout and attribute problems may result.
129text' :: Attr -> T.Text -> Image
130text' a txt = let displayWidth = safeWctwidth txt
131              in HorizText a (TL.fromStrict txt) displayWidth (T.length txt)
133-- | Make an image from a single character. This is a standard Haskell
134-- 31-bit character assumed to be in the ISO-10646 encoding.
135char :: Attr -> Char -> Image
136char a c =
137    let displayWidth = safeWcwidth c
138    in HorizText a (TL.singleton c) displayWidth 1
140-- | Make an image from a string of characters layed out on a single
141-- row with the same display attribute. The string is assumed to be a
142-- sequence of ISO-10646 characters. The input string should be
143-- sanitized of escape sequences (ASCII 27) and carriage returns;
144-- otherwise layout and attribute problems may result.
146-- Note: depending on how the Haskell compiler represents string
147-- literals, a string literal in a UTF-8 encoded source file, for
148-- example, may be represented as a ISO-10646 string. That is, I think,
149-- the case with GHC 6.10. This means, for the most part, you don't need
150-- to worry about the encoding format when outputting string literals.
151-- Just provide the string literal directly to iso10646String or string.
152iso10646String :: Attr -> String -> Image
153iso10646String a str =
154    let displayWidth = safeWcswidth str
155    in HorizText a (TL.pack str) displayWidth (length str)
157-- | Make an 'Image' from a 'String'.
159-- This is an alias for iso10646String since the usual case is that a
160-- literal string like "foo" is represented internally as a list of ISO
161-- 10646 31 bit characters.
163-- Note: Keep in mind that GHC will compile source encoded as UTF-8
164-- but the literal strings, while UTF-8 encoded in the source, will be
165-- transcoded to a ISO 10646 31 bit characters runtime representation.
166string :: Attr -> String -> Image
167string = iso10646String
169-- | Make an 'Image' from a string of characters layed out on a single
170-- row. The input is assumed to be the bytes for UTF-8 encoded text.
171utf8String :: Attr -> [Word8] -> Image
172utf8String a bytes = utf8Bytestring a (BL.pack bytes)
174-- | Make an 'Image' from a UTF-8 encoded lazy bytestring.
175utf8Bytestring :: Attr -> BL.ByteString -> Image
176utf8Bytestring a bs = text a (TL.decodeUtf8 bs)
178-- | Make an 'Image' from a UTF-8 encoded strict bytestring.
179utf8Bytestring' :: Attr -> B.ByteString -> Image
180utf8Bytestring' a bs = text' a (T.decodeUtf8 bs)
182-- | Make an image filling a region with the specified character.
184-- If either the width or height are less than or equal to 0, then
185-- the result is the empty image.
186charFill :: Integral d
187         => Attr
188         -- ^ The attribute to use.
189         -> Char
190         -- ^ The character to use in filling the region.
191         -> d
192         -- ^ The region width.
193         -> d
194         -- ^ The region height.
195         -> Image
196charFill a c w h
197  | w <= 0 || h <= 0 = EmptyImage
198  | otherwise        = vertCat
199                     $ replicate (fromIntegral h)
200                     $ HorizText a txt displayWidth charWidth
201  where
202    txt          = TL.replicate charWidth (TL.singleton c)
203    displayWidth = safeWcwidth c * charWidth
205    charWidth   :: Num a => a
206    charWidth    = fromIntegral w
208-- | The empty image. Useful for fold combinators. These occupy no space
209-- and do not affect display attributes.
210emptyImage :: Image
211emptyImage = EmptyImage
213-- | Pad the given image. This adds background character fills to the
214-- left, top, right, bottom.
215pad :: Int
216    -- ^ How much padding to add to the left side of the image.
217    -> Int
218    -- ^ How much padding to add to the top of the image.
219    -> Int
220    -- ^ How much padding to add to the right side of the image.
221    -> Int
222    -- ^ How much padding to add to the bottom of the image.
223    -> Image
224    -- ^ The image to pad.
225    -> Image
226pad 0 0 0 0 i = i
227pad inL inT inR inB inImage
228    | inL < 0 || inT < 0 || inR < 0 || inB < 0 = error "cannot pad by negative amount"
229    | otherwise = go inL inT inR inB inImage
230        where
231            go 0 0 0 0 i = i
232            go 0 0 0 b i = VertJoin i (BGFill w b) w h
233                where w = imageWidth  i
234                      h = imageHeight i + b
235            go 0 0 r b i = go 0 0 0 b $ HorizJoin i (BGFill r h) w h
236                where w = imageWidth  i + r
237                      h = imageHeight i
238            go 0 t r b i = go 0 0 r b $ VertJoin (BGFill w t) i w h
239                where w = imageWidth  i
240                      h = imageHeight i + t
241            go l t r b i = go 0 t r b $ HorizJoin (BGFill l h) i w h
242                where w = imageWidth  i + l
243                      h = imageHeight i
245-- | Translates an image by padding or cropping the left and top.
247-- If translation offsets are negative then the image is cropped.
248translate :: Int
249          -- ^ The horizontal translation offset (can be negative)
250          -> Int
251          -- ^ The vertical translation offset (can be negative)
252          -> Image
253          -- ^ The image to translate.
254          -> Image
255translate x y i = translateX x (translateY y i)
257-- | Translates an image by padding or cropping its left side.
258translateX :: Int -> Image -> Image
259translateX x i
260    | x < 0 && (abs x > imageWidth i) = emptyImage
261    | x < 0     = let s = abs x in CropLeft i s (imageWidth i - s) (imageHeight i)
262    | x == 0    = i
263    | otherwise = let h = imageHeight i in HorizJoin (BGFill x h) i (imageWidth i + x) h
265-- | Translates an image by padding or cropping its top.
266translateY :: Int -> Image -> Image
267translateY y i
268    | y < 0 && (abs y > imageHeight i) = emptyImage
269    | y < 0     = let s = abs y in CropTop i s (imageWidth i) (imageHeight i - s)
270    | y == 0    = i
271    | otherwise = let w = imageWidth i in VertJoin (BGFill w y) i w (imageHeight i + y)
273-- | Ensure an image is no larger than the provided size. If the image
274-- is larger then crop the right or bottom.
276-- This is equivalent to a vertical crop from the bottom followed by
277-- horizontal crop from the right.
278crop :: Int
279     -- ^ Cropping width
280     -> Int
281     -- ^ Cropping height
282     -> Image
283     -- ^ The image to crop
284     -> Image
285crop 0 _ _ = EmptyImage
286crop _ 0 _ = EmptyImage
287crop w h i = cropBottom h (cropRight w i)
289-- | Crop an image's height. If the image's height is less than or equal
290-- to the specified height then this operation has no effect. Otherwise
291-- the image is cropped from the bottom.
292cropBottom :: Int -> Image -> Image
293cropBottom 0 _ = EmptyImage
294cropBottom h inI
295    | h < 0     = error "cannot crop height to less than zero"
296    | otherwise = go inI
297        where
298            go EmptyImage = EmptyImage
299            go i@(CropBottom {croppedImage, outputWidth, outputHeight})
300                | outputHeight <= h = i
301                | otherwise          = CropBottom croppedImage outputWidth h
302            go i
303                | h >= imageHeight i = i
304                | otherwise           = CropBottom i (imageWidth i) h
306-- | Crop an image's width. If the image's width is less than or equal
307-- to the specified width then this operation has no effect. Otherwise
308-- the image is cropped from the right.
309cropRight :: Int -> Image -> Image
310cropRight 0 _ = EmptyImage
311cropRight w inI
312    | w < 0     = error "cannot crop width to less than zero"
313    | otherwise = go inI
314        where
315            go EmptyImage = EmptyImage
316            go i@(CropRight {croppedImage, outputWidth, outputHeight})
317                | outputWidth <= w = i
318                | otherwise         = CropRight croppedImage w outputHeight
319            go i
320                | w >= imageWidth i = i
321                | otherwise          = CropRight i w (imageHeight i)
323-- | Crop an image's width. If the image's width is less than or equal
324-- to the specified width then this operation has no effect. Otherwise
325-- the image is cropped from the left.
326cropLeft :: Int -> Image -> Image
327cropLeft 0 _ = EmptyImage
328cropLeft w inI
329    | w < 0     = error "cannot crop the width to less than zero"
330    | otherwise = go inI
331        where
332            go EmptyImage = EmptyImage
333            go i@(CropLeft {croppedImage, leftSkip, outputWidth, outputHeight})
334                | outputWidth <= w = i
335                | otherwise         =
336                    let leftSkip' = leftSkip + outputWidth - w
337                    in CropLeft croppedImage leftSkip' w outputHeight
338            go i
339                | imageWidth i <= w = i
340                | otherwise          = CropLeft i (imageWidth i - w) w (imageHeight i)
342-- | Crop an image's height. If the image's height is less than or equal
343-- to the specified height then this operation has no effect. Otherwise
344-- the image is cropped from the top.
345cropTop :: Int -> Image -> Image
346cropTop 0 _ = EmptyImage
347cropTop h inI
348    | h < 0  = error "cannot crop the height to less than zero"
349    | otherwise = go inI
350        where
351            go EmptyImage = EmptyImage
352            go i@(CropTop {croppedImage, topSkip, outputWidth, outputHeight})
353                | outputHeight <= h = i
354                | otherwise         =
355                    let topSkip' = topSkip + outputHeight - h
356                    in CropTop croppedImage topSkip' outputWidth h
357            go i
358                | imageHeight i <= h = i
359                | otherwise          = CropTop i (imageHeight i - h) (imageWidth i) h
361-- | Generic resize. Pads and crops are added to ensure that the
362-- resulting image matches the specified dimensions. This is biased to
363-- pad/crop the right and bottom.
364resize :: Int -> Int -> Image -> Image
365resize w h i = resizeHeight h (resizeWidth w i)
367-- | Resize the width. Pads and crops as required to assure the given
368-- display width. This is biased to pad/crop on the right.
369resizeWidth :: Int -> Image -> Image
370resizeWidth w i = case w `compare` imageWidth i of
371    LT -> cropRight w i
372    EQ -> i
373    GT -> i <|> BGFill (w - imageWidth i) (imageHeight i)
375-- | Resize the height. Pads and crops as required to assure the given
376-- display height. This is biased to pad/crop on the bottom.
377resizeHeight :: Int -> Image -> Image
378resizeHeight h i = case h `compare` imageHeight i of
379    LT -> cropBottom h i
380    EQ -> i
381    GT -> i <-> BGFill (imageWidth i) (h - imageHeight i)