1-- |
2-- Module      : Crypto.KDF.BCryptPBKDF
3-- License     : BSD-style
4-- Stability   : experimental
5-- Portability : Good
7-- Port of the bcrypt_pbkdf key derivation function from OpenBSD
8-- as described at <http://man.openbsd.org/bcrypt_pbkdf.3>.
9module Crypto.KDF.BCryptPBKDF
10    ( Parameters (..)
11    , generate
12    , hashInternal
13    )
16import           Basement.Block                   (MutableBlock)
17import qualified Basement.Block                   as Block
18import qualified Basement.Block.Mutable           as Block
19import           Basement.Monad                   (PrimState)
20import           Basement.Types.OffsetSize        (CountOf (..), Offset (..))
21import           Control.Exception                (finally)
22import           Control.Monad                    (when)
23import qualified Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.Box       as Blowfish
24import qualified Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.Primitive as Blowfish
25import           Crypto.Hash.Algorithms           (SHA512 (..))
26import           Crypto.Hash.Types                (Context,
27                                                   hashDigestSize,
28                                                   hashInternalContextSize,
29                                                   hashInternalFinalize,
30                                                   hashInternalInit,
31                                                   hashInternalUpdate)
32import           Crypto.Internal.Compat           (unsafeDoIO)
33import           Data.Bits
34import qualified Data.ByteArray                   as B
35import           Data.Foldable                    (forM_)
36import           Data.Memory.PtrMethods           (memCopy, memSet, memXor)
37import           Data.Word
38import           Foreign.Ptr                      (Ptr, castPtr)
39import           Foreign.Storable                 (peekByteOff, pokeByteOff)
41data Parameters = Parameters
42  { iterCounts   :: Int -- ^ The number of user-defined iterations for the algorithm
43                        --   (must be > 0)
44  , outputLength :: Int -- ^ The number of bytes to generate out of BCryptPBKDF
45                        --   (must be in 1..1024)
46  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
48-- | Derive a key of specified length using the bcrypt_pbkdf algorithm.
49generate :: (B.ByteArray pass, B.ByteArray salt, B.ByteArray output)
50       => Parameters
51       -> pass
52       -> salt
53       -> output
54generate params pass salt
55    | iterCounts params < 1       = error "BCryptPBKDF: iterCounts must be > 0"
56    | keyLen < 1 || keyLen > 1024 = error "BCryptPBKDF: outputLength must be in 1..1024"
57    | otherwise                   = B.unsafeCreate keyLen deriveKey
58  where
59    outLen, tmpLen, blkLen, keyLen, passLen, saltLen, ctxLen, hashLen, blocks :: Int
60    outLen  = 32
61    tmpLen  = 32
62    blkLen  = 4
63    passLen = B.length pass
64    saltLen = B.length salt
65    keyLen  = outputLength params
66    ctxLen  = hashInternalContextSize SHA512
67    hashLen = hashDigestSize SHA512 -- 64
68    blocks  = (keyLen + outLen - 1) `div` outLen
70    deriveKey :: Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
71    deriveKey keyPtr = do
72        -- Allocate all necessary memory. The algorihm shall not allocate
73        -- any more dynamic memory after this point. Blocks need to be pinned
74        -- as pointers to them are passed to the SHA512 implementation.
75        ksClean        <- Blowfish.createKeySchedule
76        ksDirty        <- Blowfish.createKeySchedule
77        ctxMBlock      <- Block.newPinned (CountOf ctxLen  :: CountOf Word8)
78        outMBlock      <- Block.newPinned (CountOf outLen  :: CountOf Word8)
79        tmpMBlock      <- Block.newPinned (CountOf tmpLen  :: CountOf Word8)
80        blkMBlock      <- Block.newPinned (CountOf blkLen  :: CountOf Word8)
81        passHashMBlock <- Block.newPinned (CountOf hashLen :: CountOf Word8)
82        saltHashMBlock <- Block.newPinned (CountOf hashLen :: CountOf Word8)
83        -- Finally erase all memory areas that contain information from
84        -- which the derived key could be reconstructed.
85        -- As all MutableBlocks are pinned it shall be guaranteed that
86        -- no temporary trampoline buffers are allocated.
87        finallyErase outMBlock $ finallyErase passHashMBlock $
88            B.withByteArray pass                $ \passPtr->
89            B.withByteArray salt                $ \saltPtr->
90            Block.withMutablePtr ctxMBlock      $ \ctxPtr->
91            Block.withMutablePtr outMBlock      $ \outPtr->
92            Block.withMutablePtr tmpMBlock      $ \tmpPtr->
93            Block.withMutablePtr blkMBlock      $ \blkPtr->
94            Block.withMutablePtr passHashMBlock $ \passHashPtr->
95            Block.withMutablePtr saltHashMBlock $ \saltHashPtr-> do
96                -- Hash the password.
97                let shaPtr = castPtr ctxPtr :: Ptr (Context SHA512)
98                hashInternalInit     shaPtr
99                hashInternalUpdate   shaPtr passPtr (fromIntegral passLen)
100                hashInternalFinalize shaPtr (castPtr passHashPtr)
101                passHashBlock <- Block.unsafeFreeze passHashMBlock
102                forM_ [1..blocks] $ \block-> do
103                    -- Poke the increased block counter.
104                    Block.unsafeWrite blkMBlock 0 (fromIntegral $ block `shiftR` 24)
105                    Block.unsafeWrite blkMBlock 1 (fromIntegral $ block `shiftR` 16)
106                    Block.unsafeWrite blkMBlock 2 (fromIntegral $ block `shiftR`  8)
107                    Block.unsafeWrite blkMBlock 3 (fromIntegral $ block `shiftR`  0)
108                    -- First round (slightly different).
109                    hashInternalInit     shaPtr
110                    hashInternalUpdate   shaPtr saltPtr (fromIntegral saltLen)
111                    hashInternalUpdate   shaPtr blkPtr  (fromIntegral blkLen)
112                    hashInternalFinalize shaPtr (castPtr saltHashPtr)
113                    Block.unsafeFreeze saltHashMBlock >>= \x-> do
114                        Blowfish.copyKeySchedule ksDirty ksClean
115                        hashInternalMutable ksDirty passHashBlock x tmpMBlock
116                    memCopy outPtr tmpPtr outLen
117                    -- Remaining rounds.
118                    forM_ [2..iterCounts params] $ const $ do
119                        hashInternalInit     shaPtr
120                        hashInternalUpdate   shaPtr tmpPtr (fromIntegral tmpLen)
121                        hashInternalFinalize shaPtr (castPtr saltHashPtr)
122                        Block.unsafeFreeze saltHashMBlock >>= \x-> do
123                            Blowfish.copyKeySchedule ksDirty ksClean
124                            hashInternalMutable ksDirty passHashBlock x tmpMBlock
125                        memXor outPtr outPtr tmpPtr outLen
126                    -- Spread the current out buffer evenly over the key buffer.
127                    -- After both loops have run every byte of the key buffer
128                    -- will have been written to exactly once and every byte
129                    -- of the output will have been used.
130                    forM_ [0..outLen - 1] $ \outIdx-> do
131                        let keyIdx = outIdx * blocks + block - 1
132                        when (keyIdx < keyLen) $ do
133                            w8 <- peekByteOff outPtr outIdx :: IO Word8
134                            pokeByteOff keyPtr keyIdx w8
136-- | Internal hash function used by `generate`.
138-- Normal users should not need this.
139hashInternal :: (B.ByteArrayAccess pass, B.ByteArrayAccess salt, B.ByteArray output)
140    => pass
141    -> salt
142    -> output
143hashInternal passHash saltHash
144    | B.length passHash /= 64 = error "passHash must be 512 bits"
145    | B.length saltHash /= 64 = error "saltHash must be 512 bits"
146    | otherwise = unsafeDoIO $ do
147        ks0 <- Blowfish.createKeySchedule
148        outMBlock <- Block.newPinned 32
149        hashInternalMutable ks0 passHash saltHash outMBlock
150        B.convert `fmap` Block.freeze outMBlock
152hashInternalMutable :: (B.ByteArrayAccess pass, B.ByteArrayAccess salt)
153    => Blowfish.KeySchedule
154    -> pass
155    -> salt
156    -> MutableBlock Word8 (PrimState IO)
157    -> IO ()
158hashInternalMutable bfks passHash saltHash outMBlock = do
159    Blowfish.expandKeyWithSalt bfks passHash saltHash
160    forM_ [0..63 :: Int] $ const $ do
161        Blowfish.expandKey bfks saltHash
162        Blowfish.expandKey bfks passHash
163    -- "OxychromaticBlowfishSwatDynamite" represented as 4 Word64 in big-endian.
164    store  0 =<< cipher 64 0x4f78796368726f6d
165    store  8 =<< cipher 64 0x61746963426c6f77
166    store 16 =<< cipher 64 0x6669736853776174
167    store 24 =<< cipher 64 0x44796e616d697465
168    where
169        store :: Offset Word8 -> Word64 -> IO ()
170        store o w64 = do
171            Block.unsafeWrite outMBlock (o + 0) (fromIntegral $ w64 `shiftR` 32)
172            Block.unsafeWrite outMBlock (o + 1) (fromIntegral $ w64 `shiftR` 40)
173            Block.unsafeWrite outMBlock (o + 2) (fromIntegral $ w64 `shiftR` 48)
174            Block.unsafeWrite outMBlock (o + 3) (fromIntegral $ w64 `shiftR` 56)
175            Block.unsafeWrite outMBlock (o + 4) (fromIntegral $ w64 `shiftR`  0)
176            Block.unsafeWrite outMBlock (o + 5) (fromIntegral $ w64 `shiftR`  8)
177            Block.unsafeWrite outMBlock (o + 6) (fromIntegral $ w64 `shiftR` 16)
178            Block.unsafeWrite outMBlock (o + 7) (fromIntegral $ w64 `shiftR` 24)
179        cipher :: Int -> Word64 -> IO Word64
180        cipher 0 block = return block
181        cipher i block = Blowfish.cipherBlockMutable bfks block >>= cipher (i - 1)
183finallyErase :: MutableBlock Word8 (PrimState IO) -> IO () -> IO ()
184finallyErase mblock action =
185    action `finally` Block.withMutablePtr mblock (\ptr-> memSet ptr 0 len)
186    where
187        CountOf len = Block.mutableLengthBytes mblock