1-- | Validation test suite.
2module Main (main) where
4import Control.Applicative
5import Control.Monad (unless)
7import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms
9import qualified Crypto.PubKey.DSA        as DSA
10import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types  as ECC
11import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PSS    as PSS
13import Data.Default.Class
14import Data.Monoid
15import Data.String (fromString)
16import Data.X509
17import Data.X509.CertificateStore
18import Data.X509.Validation
20import Data.Hourglass
21import System.Hourglass
23import Test.Tasty
24import Test.Tasty.HUnit
26import Certificate
29-- Runtime data, dynamically generated and shared by all test cases --
31data RData pub priv = RData
32    { rootStore           :: CertificateStore
33    , past                :: (DateTime, DateTime)
34    , present             :: (DateTime, DateTime)
35    , future              :: (DateTime, DateTime)
36    , pastDate            :: DateTime
37    , presentDate         :: DateTime
38    , futureDate          :: DateTime
39    , root                :: Pair pub priv
40    , intermediate        :: Pair pub priv
41    , intermediate0       :: Pair pub priv
42    , intermediatePast    :: Pair pub priv
43    , intermediateFuture  :: Pair pub priv
44    , keys1               :: Keys pub priv
45    , keys2               :: Keys pub priv
46    , keys3               :: Keys pub priv
47    }
49mkDateTime :: Date -> DateTime
50mkDateTime d = DateTime d (TimeOfDay 0 0 0 0)
52mkStore :: [Pair pub priv] -> CertificateStore
53mkStore ps = makeCertificateStore (map pairSignedCert ps)
55initData :: Alg pub priv -> IO (RData pub priv)
56initData alg = do
57    today <- timeGetDate <$> timeCurrent
59    let m3 = mkDateTime $ today `dateAddPeriod` mempty { periodYears = -3 }
60    let m2 = mkDateTime $ today `dateAddPeriod` mempty { periodYears = -2 }
61    let m1 = mkDateTime $ today `dateAddPeriod` mempty { periodYears = -1 }
62    let n1 = mkDateTime $ today `dateAddPeriod` mempty { periodYears =  1 }
63    let n2 = mkDateTime $ today `dateAddPeriod` mempty { periodYears =  2 }
64    let n3 = mkDateTime $ today `dateAddPeriod` mempty { periodYears =  3 }
66    -- two-year validity periods in past, present and future
67    let vPast    = (m3, m1) -- Year-3 .. Year-1
68    let vPresent = (m1, n1) -- Year-1 .. Year+1
69    let vFuture  = (n1, n3) -- Year+1 .. Year+3
71    -- CA basic constraints and key usage extensions
72    let bc  = Just $ ExtBasicConstraints True Nothing
73    let bc0 = Just $ ExtBasicConstraints True (Just 0)
74    let ku  = Nothing
76    -- Root CAs in past, present and future.  Need distinct DNs because the
77    -- certificate store contains all 3 simultaneously.
78    rootPast       <- generateKeys alg >>= mkCA 1  "RootCA - R1"    vPast    bc  ku Self
79    rootPresent    <- generateKeys alg >>= mkCA 2  "RootCA - R2"    vPresent bc  ku Self
80    rootFuture     <- generateKeys alg >>= mkCA 3  "RootCA - R3"    vFuture  bc  ku Self
82    -- Intermediate CAs in past, present and future.  Also includes a CA with
83    -- a depth constraint.
84    pIntermediateP <- generateKeys alg >>= mkCA 11 "IntermediateCA" vPast    bc  ku (CA rootPast)
85    pIntermediate  <- generateKeys alg >>= mkCA 12 "IntermediateCA" vPresent bc  ku (CA rootPresent)
86    pIntermediate0 <- generateKeys alg >>= mkCA 12 "IntermediateCA" vPresent bc0 ku (CA rootPresent)
87    pIntermediateF <- generateKeys alg >>= mkCA 13 "IntermediateCA" vFuture  bc  ku (CA rootFuture)
89    -- Additional keys to be reused in test cases.  This removes the cost of
90    -- generating individual keys.  A key should be used only once per case.
91    k1 <- generateKeys alg
92    k2 <- generateKeys alg
93    k3 <- generateKeys alg
95    return RData
96        { rootStore           = mkStore [ rootPast, rootPresent, rootFuture ]
97        , past                = vPast
98        , present             = vPresent
99        , future              = vFuture
100        , pastDate            = m2               -- Year-2
101        , presentDate         = mkDateTime today
102        , futureDate          = n2               -- Year+2
103        , root                = rootPresent
104        , intermediate        = pIntermediate
105        , intermediate0       = pIntermediate0
106        , intermediatePast    = pIntermediateP
107        , intermediateFuture  = pIntermediateF
108        , keys1               = k1
109        , keys2               = k2
110        , keys3               = k3
111        }
113freeData :: RData pub priv -> IO ()
114freeData _ = return ()
117-- Test utilities --
119-- | Asserts order-insensitive equality for lists.  This also ignores
120-- duplicate elements.
121assertEqualList :: (Eq a, Show a) => String -- ^ The message prefix
122                              -> [a]        -- ^ The expected value
123                              -> [a]        -- ^ The actual value
124                              -> Assertion
125assertEqualList preface expected actual =
126    unless (actual `same` expected) (assertFailure msg)
127 where
128    a `same` b = all (`elem` b) a && all (`elem` a) b
129    msg = (if null preface then "" else preface ++ "\n") ++
130          "    expected: " ++ show expected ++ "\n     but got: " ++ show actual
132-- | Asserts the validation result of a certificate chain.
133assertValidationResult :: RData pub priv   -- ^ Common test resources (CA store)
134                       -> ValidationChecks -- ^ Checks to do
135                       -> HostName         -- ^ Connection identification
136                       -> [Pair pub priv]  -- ^ Certificate chain to validate
137                       -> [FailedReason]   -- ^ Expected validation result
138                       -> Assertion
139assertValidationResult rd checks hostname ps expected = do
140    actual <- validate HashSHA256 defaultHooks checks store def ident chain
141    assertEqualList "Unexpected validation result" expected actual
142  where
143    store = rootStore rd
144    ident = (hostname, fromString ":443")
145    chain = CertificateChain (map pairSignedCert ps)
147-- | Simplified access to test resource from 'withResource'.
148testWithRes :: IO r -> TestName -> (r -> Assertion) -> TestTree
149testWithRes res caseName f = testCase caseName (res >>= f)
152-- Test cases --
154-- | Tests a leaf certificate signed by an intermediate CA, but using a chain
155-- where the intermediate CA may use a different key.  This tests the signature
156-- of the leaf certificate provided both CAs have the same subject DN.
157testSignature :: IO (RData pub priv)               -- ^ Common test resources
158              -> TestName                          -- ^ Case name
159              -> (RData pub priv -> Pair pub priv) -- ^ CA to use for signature
160              -> (RData pub priv -> Pair pub priv) -- ^ CA to use for validation
161              -> [FailedReason]                    -- ^ Expected validation result
162              -> TestTree
163testSignature res caseName f g expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
164    pair <- mkLeaf "signature" (present rd) (CA $ f rd) (keys1 rd)
165    assertValidationResult rd defaultChecks "signature" [pair, g rd] expected
167-- | Tests an empty certificate chain.
168testEmpty :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
169          -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
170          -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
171          -> TestTree
172testEmpty res caseName expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd ->
173    assertValidationResult rd defaultChecks "empty" [] expected
175-- | Tests a certificate chain where the intermediate CA is missing.
176testIncompleteChain :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
177                    -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
178                    -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
179                    -> TestTree
180testIncompleteChain res caseName expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
181    pair <- mkLeaf "incomplete" (present rd) (CA $ intermediate rd) (keys1 rd)
182    assertValidationResult rd defaultChecks "incomplete" [pair] expected
184-- | Tests a self-signed certificate.
185testSelfSigned :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
186               -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
187               -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
188               -> TestTree
189testSelfSigned res caseName expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
190    pair <- mkLeaf "self-signed" (present rd) Self (keys1 rd)
191    assertValidationResult rd defaultChecks "self-signed" [pair] expected
193-- | Tests key usage of intermediate CA, with or without 'checkCAConstraints'.
194testCAKeyUsage :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
195               -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
196               -> Bool                -- ^ Value for 'checkCAConstraints'
197               -> ExtKeyUsageFlag     -- ^ Intermediate CA key usage
198               -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
199               -> TestTree
200testCAKeyUsage res caseName check flag expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
201    ca <- mkCA 20 "KeyUsageCA" (present rd) bc ku (CA $ root rd) (keys1 rd)
202    pair <- mkLeaf "ca-key-usage" (present rd) (CA ca) (keys2 rd)
203    assertValidationResult rd checks "ca-key-usage" [pair, ca] expected
204  where
205    checks = defaultChecks { checkCAConstraints = check }
206    bc = Just (ExtBasicConstraints True Nothing)
207    ku = Just (ExtKeyUsage [flag])
209-- | Tests CA flag of intermediate CA, with or without 'checkCAConstraints'.
210testNotCA :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
211          -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
212          -> Bool                -- ^ Value for 'checkCAConstraints'
213          -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
214          -> TestTree
215testNotCA res caseName check expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
216    ca <- mkCA 20 "NotCA" (present rd) bc Nothing (CA $ root rd) (keys1 rd)
217    pair <- mkLeaf "not-ca" (present rd) (CA ca) (keys2 rd)
218    assertValidationResult rd checks "not-ca" [pair, ca] expected
219  where
220    checks = defaultChecks { checkCAConstraints = check }
221    bc = Just (ExtBasicConstraints False Nothing)
223-- | Tests an intermediate CA without basic constraints, with or without
224-- 'checkCAConstraints'.
225testNoBasic :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
226            -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
227            -> Bool                -- ^ Value for 'checkCAConstraints'
228            -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
229            -> TestTree
230testNoBasic res caseName check expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
231    ca <- mkCA 20 "NoBC" (present rd) bc Nothing (CA $ root rd) (keys1 rd)
232    pair <- mkLeaf "no-bc" (present rd) (CA ca) (keys2 rd)
233    assertValidationResult rd checks "no-bc" [pair, ca] expected
234  where
235    checks = defaultChecks { checkCAConstraints = check }
236    bc = Nothing
238-- | Tests basic constraints depth, with or without 'checkCAConstraints'.
239testBadDepth :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
240             -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
241             -> Bool                -- ^ Value for 'checkCAConstraints'
242             -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
243             -> TestTree
244testBadDepth res caseName check expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
245    -- a new CA signed by intermediate0 should fail because of the depth limit
246    ca <- mkCA 20 "TooDeep" (present rd) bc Nothing (CA $ intermediate0 rd) (keys1 rd)
247    pair <- mkLeaf "bad-depth" (present rd) (CA ca) (keys2 rd)
248    assertValidationResult rd checks "bad-depth" [pair, ca, intermediate0 rd] expected
249  where
250    checks = defaultChecks { checkCAConstraints = check }
251    bc = Just (ExtBasicConstraints True Nothing)
253-- | Tests a non-V3 leaf certificate, with or without 'checkLeafV3'.
254testLeafNotV3 :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
255              -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
256              -> Bool                -- ^ Value for 'checkLeafV3'
257              -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
258              -> TestTree
259testLeafNotV3 res caseName check expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
260    pair <- mkCertificate 1 100 dn (present rd) leafStdExts (CA $ intermediate rd) (keys1 rd)
261    assertValidationResult rd checks "leaf-not-v3" [pair, intermediate rd] expected
262  where
263    checks = defaultChecks { checkLeafV3 = check }
264    dn = mkDn "leaf-not-v3"
266-- | Tests a certificate chain containing a non-related certificate, with or
267-- without 'checkStrictOrdering'.
268testStrictOrdering :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
269                   -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
270                   -> Bool                -- ^ Value for 'checkStrictOrdering'
271                   -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
272                   -> TestTree
273testStrictOrdering res caseName check expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
274    ca    <- mkCA 20 "CA"    (present rd) bc Nothing (CA $ intermediate rd) (keys1 rd)
275    extra <- mkCA 21 "Extra" (present rd) bc Nothing (CA $ intermediate rd) (keys2 rd)
276    pair  <- mkLeaf "strict-ordering" (present rd) (CA ca) (keys3 rd)
277    assertValidationResult rd checks "strict-ordering" [pair, ca, extra, intermediate rd] expected
278  where
279    checks = defaultChecks { checkStrictOrdering = check }
280    bc = Just (ExtBasicConstraints True Nothing)
282-- | Tests validity of leaf certificate.
283testLeafDates :: IO (RData pub priv)                      -- ^ Common test resources
284              -> TestName                                 -- ^ Case name
285              -> Bool                                     -- ^ Value for 'checkTimeValidity'
286              -> (RData pub priv -> (DateTime, DateTime)) -- ^ Validity period to use
287              -> [FailedReason]                           -- ^ Expected validation result
288              -> TestTree
289testLeafDates res caseName check f expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
290    pair <- mkLeaf "leaf-dates" (f rd) (CA $ intermediate rd) (keys1 rd)
291    assertValidationResult rd checks "leaf-dates" [pair, intermediate rd] expected
292  where
293    checks = defaultChecks { checkTimeValidity = check }
295-- | Tests validity of intermediate CA.
296testIntermediateDates :: IO (RData pub priv)               -- ^ Common test resources
297                      -> TestName                          -- ^ Case name
298                      -> Bool                              -- ^ Value for 'checkTimeValidity'
299                      -> (RData pub priv -> Pair pub priv) -- ^ Intermediate CA to use
300                      -> [FailedReason]                    -- ^ Expected validation result
301                      -> TestTree
302testIntermediateDates res caseName check f expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
303    pair <- mkLeaf "intermediate-dates" (present rd) (CA $ f rd) (keys1 rd)
304    assertValidationResult rd checks "intermediate-dates" [pair, f rd] expected
305  where
306    checks = defaultChecks { checkTimeValidity = check }
308-- | Tests validity of leaf certificate and intermediate CA,
309-- using 'checkAtTime'.
310testTimeshift :: IO (RData pub priv)                      -- ^ Common test resources
311              -> TestName                                 -- ^ Case name
312              -> (RData pub priv -> (DateTime, DateTime)) -- ^ Leaf validity period
313              -> (RData pub priv -> Pair pub priv)        -- ^ Intermediate CA to use
314              -> (RData pub priv -> DateTime)             -- ^ Value for 'checkAtTime'
315              -> [FailedReason]                           -- ^ Expected validation result
316              -> TestTree
317testTimeshift res caseName f g h expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
318    let checks = defaultChecks { checkAtTime = Just $ h rd }
319    pair <- mkLeaf "timeshift" (f rd) (CA $ g rd) (keys1 rd)
320    assertValidationResult rd checks "timeshift" [pair, g rd] expected
322-- | Tests an empty DistinguishedName.
323testNoCommonName :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
324                 -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
325                 -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
326                 -> TestTree
327testNoCommonName res caseName expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
328    pair <- mkCertificate 2 100 dn (present rd) leafStdExts (CA $ intermediate rd) (keys1 rd)
329    assertValidationResult rd defaultChecks "no-cn" [pair, intermediate rd] expected
330  where
331    dn = DistinguishedName []
333-- | Tests certificate CommonName against expected hostname, with or without
334-- 'checkFQHN'.
335testCommonName :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
336               -> String              -- ^ Certificate CommonName
337               -> HostName            -- ^ Connection identification
338               -> Bool                -- ^ Value for 'checkFQHN'
339               -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
340               -> TestTree
341testCommonName res cn hostname check expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
342    pair <- mkLeaf cn (present rd) (CA $ intermediate rd) (keys1 rd)
343    assertValidationResult rd checks hostname [pair, intermediate rd] expected
344  where
345    caseName = if null hostname then "empty" else hostname
346    checks = defaultChecks { checkFQHN = check }
348-- | Tests certificate SubjectAltName against expected hostname, with or
349-- without 'checkFQHN'.
350testSubjectAltName :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
351                   -> String              -- ^ Certificate SubjectAltName
352                   -> HostName            -- ^ Connection identification
353                   -> Bool                -- ^ Value for 'checkFQHN'
354                   -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
355                   -> TestTree
356testSubjectAltName res san hostname check expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
357    pair <- mkCertificate 2 100 dn (present rd) (ext:leafStdExts) (CA $ intermediate rd) (keys1 rd)
358    assertValidationResult rd checks hostname [pair, intermediate rd] expected
359  where
360    caseName = if null hostname then "empty" else hostname
361    checks = defaultChecks { checkFQHN = check }
362    dn = mkDn "cn-not-used" -- this CN value is to be tested too
363                            -- (to make sure CN is *not* considered when a
364                            -- SubjectAltName exists)
365    ext = mkExtension False $
366            -- wraps test value with other values
367            ExtSubjectAltName [ AltNameDNS    "dummy1"
368                              , AltNameRFC822 "test@example.com"
369                              , AltNameDNS    san
370                              , AltNameDNS    "dummy2"
371                              ]
373-- | Tests 'checkLeafKeyUsage'.
374testLeafKeyUsage :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
375                 -> TestName            -- ^ Case name
376                 -> [ExtKeyUsageFlag]   -- ^ Certificate flags
377                 -> [ExtKeyUsageFlag]   -- ^ Flags required for validation
378                 -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
379                 -> TestTree
380testLeafKeyUsage res caseName cFlags vFlags expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
381    pair <- mkCertificate 2 100 dn (present rd) exts (CA $ intermediate rd) (keys1 rd)
382    assertValidationResult rd checks "key-usage" [pair, intermediate rd] expected
383  where
384    checks = defaultChecks { checkLeafKeyUsage = vFlags }
385    dn = mkDn "key-usage"
386    exts = if null cFlags then [] else [mkExtension False (ExtKeyUsage cFlags)]
388-- | Tests 'checkLeafKeyPurpose'.
389testLeafKeyPurpose :: IO (RData pub priv)  -- ^ Common test resources
390                   -> TestName             -- ^ Case name
391                   -> [ExtKeyUsagePurpose] -- ^ Certificate flags
392                   -> [ExtKeyUsagePurpose] -- ^ Flags required for validation
393                   -> [FailedReason]       -- ^ Expected validation result
394                   -> TestTree
395testLeafKeyPurpose res caseName cFlags vFlags expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
396    pair <- mkCertificate 2 100 dn (present rd) exts (CA $ intermediate rd) (keys1 rd)
397    assertValidationResult rd checks "key-purpose" [pair, intermediate rd] expected
398  where
399    checks = defaultChecks { checkLeafKeyPurpose = vFlags }
400    dn = mkDn "key-purpose"
401    exts = if null cFlags then [] else [mkExtension False (ExtExtendedKeyUsage cFlags)]
403-- | Tests validation with multiple failure reasons in exhaustive mode.
404testExhaustive :: IO (RData pub priv) -- ^ Common test resources
405               -> String              -- ^ Certificate CommonName
406               -> HostName            -- ^ Connection identification
407               -> [FailedReason]      -- ^ Expected validation result
408               -> TestTree
409testExhaustive res cn hostname expected = testWithRes res caseName $ \rd -> do
410    -- build an expired self-signed certificate with an invalid signature:
411    -- the certificate is actually signed by a clone using a different key
412    p1 <- mkLeaf cn (past rd) Self    (keys1 rd)
413    p2 <- mkLeaf cn (past rd) (CA p1) (keys2 rd)
414    assertValidationResult rd checks hostname [p2] expected
415  where
416    caseName = if null hostname then "empty" else hostname
417    checks = defaultChecks { checkExhaustive = True }
420-- | All validation test cases.
421treeWithAlg :: TestName -> Alg pub priv -> TestTree
422treeWithAlg groupName alg = withResource (initData alg) freeData $ \res ->
423    testGroup groupName
424      [ testGroup "signature"
425          [ testSignature res "valid"   intermediate intermediate  []
426          , testSignature res "invalid" intermediate intermediate0 [InvalidSignature SignatureInvalid]
427          ]
428      , testGroup "chain"
429          [ testEmpty           res "empty"       [EmptyChain]
430          , testIncompleteChain res "incomplete"  [UnknownCA]
431          , testSelfSigned      res "self-signed" [SelfSigned]
432          , testGroup "leaf-not-v3"
433              [ testLeafNotV3       res "v3-disallowed" True  [LeafNotV3]
434              , testLeafNotV3       res "v3-allowed"    False []
435              ]
436          , testGroup "strict-ordering"
437              [ testStrictOrdering  res "enabled"  True  [UnknownCA]
438              , testStrictOrdering  res "disabled" False []
439              ]
440          ]
441      , testGroup "ca-constraints"
442          [ testGroup "enabled"
443              [ testCAKeyUsage res "cert-sign" True  KeyUsage_keyCertSign []
444              , testCAKeyUsage res "crl-sign"  True  KeyUsage_cRLSign     [NotAllowedToSign]
445              , testNotCA      res "not-ca"    True                       [NotAnAuthority]
446              , testNoBasic    res "no-basic"  True                       [NotAnAuthority]
447              , testBadDepth   res "bad-depth" True                       [AuthorityTooDeep]
448              ]
449          , testGroup "disabled"
450              [ testCAKeyUsage res "cert-sign" False KeyUsage_keyCertSign []
451              , testCAKeyUsage res "crl-sign"  False KeyUsage_cRLSign     []
452              , testNotCA      res "not-ca"    False                      []
453              , testNoBasic    res "no-basic"  False                      []
454              , testBadDepth   res "bad-depth" False                      []
455              ]
456          ]
457      , testGroup "dates"
458          [ testGroup "leaf"
459              [ testGroup "enabled"
460                  [ testLeafDates res "past"    True  past    [Expired]
461                  , testLeafDates res "present" True  present []
462                  , testLeafDates res "future"  True  future  [InFuture]
463                  ]
464              , testGroup "disabled"
465                  [ testLeafDates res "past"    False past    []
466                  , testLeafDates res "present" False present []
467                  , testLeafDates res "future"  False future  []
468                  ]
469              ]
470          , testGroup "intermediate"
471              [ testGroup "enabled"
472                  [ testIntermediateDates res "past"    True  intermediatePast    [Expired]
473                  , testIntermediateDates res "present" True  intermediate        []
474                  , testIntermediateDates res "future"  True  intermediateFuture  [InFuture]
475                  ]
476              , testGroup "disabled"
477                  [ testIntermediateDates res "past"    False intermediatePast    []
478                  , testIntermediateDates res "present" False intermediate        []
479                  , testIntermediateDates res "future"  False intermediateFuture  []
480                  ]
481              ]
482          , testGroup "timeshift"
483              [ testGroup "at-past"
484                  [ testTimeshift res "past"    past    intermediatePast    pastDate    []
485                  , testTimeshift res "present" present intermediate        pastDate    [InFuture]
486                  , testTimeshift res "future"  future  intermediateFuture  pastDate    [InFuture]
487                  ]
488              , testGroup "at-present"
489                  [ testTimeshift res "past"    past    intermediatePast    presentDate [Expired]
490                  , testTimeshift res "present" present intermediate        presentDate []
491                  , testTimeshift res "future"  future  intermediateFuture  presentDate [InFuture]
492                  ]
493              , testGroup "in-future"
494                  [ testTimeshift res "past"    past    intermediatePast    futureDate  [Expired]
495                  , testTimeshift res "present" present intermediate        futureDate  [Expired]
496                  , testTimeshift res "future"  future  intermediateFuture  futureDate  []
497                  ]
498              ]
499          ]
500      , testGroup "CommonName"
501          [ testNoCommonName res "no-common-name" [NoCommonName]
502          , testGroup "simple"
503              [ testCommonName res "www.example.com"  "www.example.com"  True []
504              , testCommonName res "www.example.com"  "www2.example.com" True [NameMismatch "www2.example.com"]
505              , testCommonName res "www.example.com"  "WWW.EXAMPLE.COM"  True []
506              , testCommonName res "www.example.com"  "www.EXAMPLE.COM"  True []
507              , testCommonName res "www.example.com"  "WWW.example.com"  True []
508              , testCommonName res "www..example.com" "www..example.com" True [NameMismatch "www..example.com"] -- InvalidName "www..example.com"
509              , testCommonName res ""                 ""                 True [NameMismatch ""] -- InvalidName ""
510              ]
511          , testGroup "wildcard"
512              [ testCommonName res "*.example.com" "example.com"       True [NameMismatch "example.com"]
513              , testCommonName res "*.example.com" "www.example.com"   True []
514              , testCommonName res "*.example.com" "www.EXAMPLE.com"   True []
515              , testCommonName res "*.example.com" "www2.example.com"  True []
516              , testCommonName res "*.example.com" "www.m.example.com" True [NameMismatch "www.m.example.com"]
517              , testCommonName res "*"             "single"            True [NameMismatch "single"] -- InvalidWildcard
518              ]
519          , testGroup "disabled"
520              [ testCommonName res "www.example.com"  "www.example.com"  False []
521              , testCommonName res "www.example.com"  "www2.example.com" False []
522              , testCommonName res "www.example.com"  "WWW.EXAMPLE.COM"  False []
523              , testCommonName res "www.example.com"  "www.EXAMPLE.COM"  False []
524              , testCommonName res "www.example.com"  "WWW.example.com"  False []
525              , testCommonName res "www..example.com" "www..example.com" False []
526              , testCommonName res ""                 ""                 False []
527              ]
528          ]
529      , testGroup "SubjectAltName"
530          [ testGroup "simple"
531              [ testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "www.example.com"  True []
532              , testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "www2.example.com" True [NameMismatch "www2.example.com"]
533              , testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "WWW.EXAMPLE.COM"  True []
534              , testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "www.EXAMPLE.COM"  True []
535              , testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "WWW.example.com"  True []
536              , testSubjectAltName res "www..example.com" "www..example.com" True [NameMismatch "www..example.com"] -- InvalidName "www..example.com"
537              , testSubjectAltName res ""                 ""                 True [NameMismatch ""] -- InvalidName ""
538              ]
539          , testGroup "wildcard"
540              [ testSubjectAltName res "*.example.com" "example.com"       True [NameMismatch "example.com"]
541              , testSubjectAltName res "*.example.com" "www.example.com"   True []
542              , testSubjectAltName res "*.example.com" "www.EXAMPLE.com"   True []
543              , testSubjectAltName res "*.example.com" "www2.example.com"  True []
544              , testSubjectAltName res "*.example.com" "www.m.example.com" True [NameMismatch "www.m.example.com"]
545              , testSubjectAltName res "*"             "single"            True [NameMismatch "single"] -- InvalidWildcard
546              ]
547          , testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "cn-not-used" True [NameMismatch "cn-not-used"]
548          , testGroup "disabled"
549              [ testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "www.example.com"  False []
550              , testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "www2.example.com" False []
551              , testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "WWW.EXAMPLE.COM"  False []
552              , testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "www.EXAMPLE.COM"  False []
553              , testSubjectAltName res "www.example.com"  "WWW.example.com"  False []
554              , testSubjectAltName res "www..example.com" "www..example.com" False []
555              , testSubjectAltName res ""                 ""                 False []
556              ]
557          ]
558      , testGroup "key-usage"
559          [ testLeafKeyUsage res "none"    []           [u2, u3] []
560          , testLeafKeyUsage res "valid"   [u1, u2, u3] [u2, u3] []
561          , testLeafKeyUsage res "invalid" [u1, u3]     [u2, u3] [LeafKeyUsageNotAllowed]
562          ]
563      , testGroup "key-purpose"
564          [ testLeafKeyPurpose res "none"    []           [p2, p3] []
565          , testLeafKeyPurpose res "valid"   [p1, p2, p3] [p2, p3] []
566          , testLeafKeyPurpose res "invalid" [p1, p3]     [p2, p3] [LeafKeyPurposeNotAllowed]
567          ]
568      , testExhaustive res "exhaustive2" "exhaustive"
569          [ SelfSigned
570          , Expired
571          , InvalidSignature SignatureInvalid
572          , NameMismatch "exhaustive"
573          ]
574      ]
575  where
576    (u1, u2, u3) = (KeyUsage_keyEncipherment, KeyUsage_dataEncipherment, KeyUsage_keyAgreement)
577    (p1, p2, p3) = (KeyUsagePurpose_ClientAuth, KeyUsagePurpose_CodeSigning, KeyUsagePurpose_EmailProtection)
579-- | Runs the test suite.
580main :: IO ()
581main = defaultMain $ testGroup "Validation"
582    [ treeWithAlg "RSA"    (AlgRSA    2048           hashSHA256)
583    , treeWithAlg "RSAPSS" (AlgRSAPSS 2048 pssParams hashSHA224)
584    , treeWithAlg "DSA"    (AlgDSA    dsaParams      hashSHA1)
585    , treeWithAlg "ECDSA"  (AlgEC     curveName      hashSHA512)
586    , treeWithAlg "Ed25519" AlgEd25519
587    , treeWithAlg "Ed448"   AlgEd448
588    ]
589  where
590    pssParams = PSS.defaultPSSParams SHA224
591    -- DSA parameters were generated using 'openssl dsaparam -C 2048'
592    dsaParams = DSA.Params
593        { DSA.params_p = 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
594        , DSA.params_g = 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
595        , DSA.params_q = 0xE1FDFADD32F46B5035EEB3DB81F9974FBCA69BE2223E62FCA8C77989B2AACDF7
596        }
597    curveName = ECC.SEC_p384r1