1$self{texts} = {
2  'Account'                     => '勘定',
3  'Accounting Menu'             => '経理メニュー',
4  'Add Part'                    => '部品登録',
5  'Add Purchase Order'          => '購買発注登録',
6  'Add Quotation'               => '見積登録',
7  'Add Request for Quotation'   => '見積依頼登録',
8  'Add Sales Order'             => '販売注文登録',
9  'Add Service'                 => 'サービス登録',
10  'Address'                     => '所在地',
11  'All'                         => '全',
12  'Amount'                      => '金額',
13  'Apr'                         => '4月',
14  'April'                       => '4月',
15  'Are you sure you want to delete Order Number' => '注文番号本当に削除しますか?',
16  'Are you sure you want to delete Quotation Number' => '見積り番号本当に削除しますか?',
17  'Attachment'                  => '属性',
18  'Aug'                         => '8月',
19  'August'                      => '8月',
20  'Barcode'                     => 'バーコード',
21  'Bcc'                         => 'Bcc',
22  'Bin'                         => '箱',
23  'Bin List'                    => '箱一覧',
24  'Business'                    => 'ビジネス',
25  'C'                           => 'C',
26  'Cannot delete order!'        => '注文を削除出来ません',
27  'Cannot delete quotation!'    => '見積書を削除出来ません',
28  'Cannot save order!'          => '注文を保存出来ません',
29  'Cannot save quotation!'      => '見積書を保存出来ません',
30  'Cc'                          => 'Cc',
31  'City'                        => '市',
32  'Closed'                      => 'クローズ',
33  'Code'                        => 'コード',
34  'Confirm!'                    => '確認',
35  'Consolidate Orders'          => '連結注文',
36  'Consolidate Purchase Orders' => '連結購買発注',
37  'Consolidate Sales Orders'    => '連結受注伝票',
38  'Contact'                     => '連絡',
39  'Continue'                    => '続ける',
40  'Copies'                      => 'コピー数',
41  'Cost'                        => '経費',
42  'Could not save!'             => '保存出来ません',
43  'Country'                     => '国',
44  'Credit Invoice'              => 'クレジット請求',
45  'Credit Limit'                => '信用限度',
46  'Curr'                        => '通貨',
47  'Currency'                    => '通貨',
48  'Current'                     => '現在',
49  'Customer'                    => '得意先',
50  'Customer Number'             => '得意先番号',
51  'Customer missing!'           => '得意先なし',
52  'Customer not on file!'       => '得意先はファイルに登録されいない',
53  'DCN missing!'                => 'DCNが必要です',
54  'Date'                        => '日付',
55  'Date Received'               => '入金日付',
56  'Date received missing!'      => '入金日付が必要です',
57  'Day(s)'                      => '日',
58  'Debit Invoice'               => 'デビット請求',
59  'Dec'                         => '12月',
60  'December'                    => '12月',
61  'Delete'                      => '削除',
62  'Delete Schedule'             => 'ツケジュールの削除',
63  'Delivery Date'               => '納入日付',
64  'Department'                  => '部門',
65  'Description'                 => 'テキスト',
66  'Detail'                      => '詳細',
67  'Done'                        => '処理済',
68  'E-mail'                      => 'メール',
69  'E-mail address missing!'     => 'メールアドレスが必要です',
70  'E-mail message'              => 'メールメッセージ',
71  'E-mailed'                    => 'メールを送信済',
72  'Edit Purchase Order'         => '購買発注の編集',
73  'Edit Quotation'              => '見積の編集',
74  'Edit Request for Quotation'  => '見積依頼の編集',
75  'Edit Sales Order'            => '受注伝票の編集',
76  'Employee'                    => '従業員',
77  'Employee Number'             => '授業員番号',
78  'Error!'                      => 'エラー',
79  'Every'                       => '毎',
80  'Exch'                        => '為替',
81  'Exchange Rate'               => '為替レート',
82  'Exchange rate missing!'      => '為替日付が必要です',
83  'Extended'                    => '拡張化',
84  'Fax'                         => 'FAX',
85  'Feb'                         => '2月',
86  'February'                    => '2月',
87  'For'                         => '&nbsp',
88  'From'                        => 'から',
89  'G.W.'                        => '総重量',
90  'Generate Orders'             => '注文の生成',
91  'Generate Purchase Orders'    => '購買発注の作成',
92  'Generate Purchase Orders from Sales Order' => '受注に会わせて購買発注の生成',
93  'Group'                       => 'グループ',
94  'Group by'                    => 'グループ化',
95  'Heading'                     => '見出し',
96  'ID'                          => 'ID',
97  'In-line'                     => 'インライン',
98  'Include Payment'             => '支払い込み',
99  'Include in Report'           => 'レポートに入れる',
100  'Internal Notes'              => '内部メモ',
101  'Inventory saved!'            => '在庫を保存しました',
102  'Invoice'                     => '請求書',
103  'Invoice Date missing!'       => '請求日付が必要です',
104  'Invoice Number missing!'     => '請求番号が必要です',
105  'Item'                        => '明細',
106  'Item not on file!'           => '項目はファイルに入っていない',
107  'Jan'                         => '1月',
108  'January'                     => '1月',
109  'Jul'                         => '7月',
110  'July'                        => '7月',
111  'Jun'                         => '6月',
112  'June'                        => '6月',
113  'Lead'                        => 'リード',
114  'Line Item'                   => '明細',
115  'Locked by'                   => '次の人がロックしています',
116  'Make'                        => 'メーク',
117  'Mar'                         => '3月',
118  'March'                       => '3月',
119  'May'                         => '5月',
120  'May '                        => '5月',
121  'Memo'                        => 'メモ',
122  'Message'                     => 'メッセージ',
123  'Method'                      => '種類',
124  'Model'                       => 'モデル',
125  'Month'                       => '月',
126  'Month(s)'                    => '月',
127  'N.W.'                        => '実量',
128  'Name'                        => '名字',
129  'Net'                         => '税別',
130  'Next Date'                   => '次日付',
131  'No.'                         => '番号',
132  'Notes'                       => 'メモ',
133  'Nothing entered!'            => 'なにも登録されていません',
134  'Nothing selected!'           => 'なにも選択されていません',
135  'Nov'                         => '11月',
136  'November'                    => '11月',
137  'Number'                      => '番号/数字',
138  'Number missing in Row'       => '行で数字が必要です',
139  'O'                           => 'O',
140  'OH'                          => '在数',
141  'Oct'                         => '10月',
142  'October'                     => '10月',
143  'On Hold'                     => '保留',
144  'Open'                        => 'オープン',
145  'Order'                       => '注文',
146  'Order Date'                  => '注文日付',
147  'Order Date missing!'         => '注文日が必要です',
148  'Order Number'                => '注文番号',
149  'Order Number missing!'       => '注文番号が必要です',
150  'Order deleted!'              => '注文の削除',
151  'Order saved!'                => '注文の保存',
152  'PDF'                         => 'PDF',
153  'PO Number'                   => '購買番号',
154  'Packaging'                   => '梱包',
155  'Packing List'                => '梱包一覧',
156  'Packing List Date missing!'  => '梱包一覧日付が必要です',
157  'Packing List Number missing!' => '梱包一覧番号が必要です',
158  'Part Number'                 => '部品番号',
159  'Payments'                    => '複数支払い',
160  'Period'                      => '期間',
161  'Phone'                       => '電話',
162  'Pick List'                   => 'ピッキングリスト',
163  'Postscript'                  => 'Postscript',
164  'Price'                       => '価格',
165  'Pricegroup'                  => '価格グループ',
166  'Print'                       => '印刷',
167  'Print and Save'              => '保存と印刷',
168  'Print and Save as new'       => '新規保存と印刷',
169  'Printed'                     => '印刷済',
170  'Project'                     => 'プロジェクト',
171  'Project not on file!'        => 'プロジェクトまだ登録されたいません',
172  'Purchase Order'              => '購買発注',
173  'Purchase Orders'             => '購買発注',
174  'Qty'                         => '数量',
175  'Quarter'                     => '四半期',
176  'Queue'                       => 'キュー',
177  'Queued'                      => 'キューする',
178  'Quotation'                   => '見積書',
179  'Quotation '                  => '見積書',
180  'Quotation Date'              => '見積日付',
181  'Quotation Date missing!'     => '見積日付が入力されていない',
182  'Quotation Number'            => '見積番号',
183  'Quotation Number missing!'   => '見積番号が入力されていない',
184  'Quotation deleted!'          => '見積書を削除した',
185  'Quotations'                  => '見積書',
186  'RFQ'                         => '見積依頼',
187  'RFQ '                        => '見積依頼',
188  'RFQ Number'                  => '見積依頼番号',
189  'RVC missing!'                => 'RVCが必要です',
190  'Recd'                        => '受',
191  'Receive Merchandise'         => '商品の受領',
192  'Recurring Transaction'       => '繰返トランザクション',
193  'Reference'                   => '参照',
194  'Remaining'                   => '残高',
195  'Remittance Voucher'          => '振替伝票',
196  'Repeat'                      => '繰返',
197  'Req'                         => '要求',
198  'Request for Quotation'       => '見積りの依頼',
199  'Request for Quotations'      => '見積りの依頼',
200  'Required by'                 => '要求者',
201  'SKU'                         => 'SKU',
202  'Sales Invoice'               => '販売請求書',
203  'Sales Order'                 => '受注伝票',
204  'Sales Orders'                => '受注伝票',
205  'Salesperson'                 => '営業者',
206  'Save'                        => '保存',
207  'Save Schedule'               => 'スケジュールの保存',
208  'Save as new'                 => '新規登録する',
209  'Schedule'                    => 'スケジュール',
210  'Scheduled'                   => '計画済',
211  'Screen'                      => '画面',
212  'Select Vendor'               => '仕入先の選択',
213  'Select a Printer!'           => 'プリンタの選択',
214  'Select from one of the names below' => '下記の名前の中に一つを選択して下さい',
215  'Select from one of the projects below' => '下記のプロジェクトの中に一つを選択して下さい',
216  'Select items'                => 'アイテムの選択',
217  'Sep'                         => '9月',
218  'September'                   => '9月',
219  'Serial No.'                  => 'シリアル番号',
220  'Ship'                        => '出荷',
221  'Ship Merchandise'            => '商品の出荷',
222  'Ship all'                    => '全出荷',
223  'Ship to'                     => '出荷先',
224  'Ship via'                    => '出荷経由地',
225  'Shipping Address'            => '出荷先',
226  'Shipping Date'               => '出荷日付',
227  'Shipping Date missing!'      => '出荷日付が必要です',
228  'Shipping Point'              => '出荷場所',
229  'Sort by'                     => '順番',
230  'Source'                      => '支払元',
231  'Startdate'                   => '開始日付',
232  'State/Province'              => '都道府県',
233  'Subject'                     => '件名',
234  'Subtotal'                    => '小計',
235  'Summary'                     => '合計',
236  'Tax'                         => '税金',
237  'Tax Included'                => '税込',
238  'Terms'                       => '条件',
239  'Text'                        => 'テキスト',
240  'To'                          => 'まで',
241  'Total'                       => '合計',
242  'Trade Discount'              => '貿易値引',
243  'Translation not on file!'    => '翻訳はファイルではありません',
244  'Unit'                        => '単位',
245  'Update'                      => '更新',
246  'Valid until'                 => '有効日付',
247  'Vendor'                      => '仕入先',
248  'Vendor Invoice'              => '仕入先請求',
249  'Vendor Number'               => '仕入先番号',
250  'Vendor missing!'             => '仕入先が必要です',
251  'Vendor not on file!'         => '仕入先ではありません',
252  'Volume'                      => '量',
253  'Warehouse'                   => '倉庫',
254  'Warning!'                    => '警告',
255  'Waybill'                     => '運送状',
256  'Week(s)'                     => '週',
257  'Work Order'                  => '製造指図',
258  'Year'                        => '年',
259  'Year(s)'                     => '年',
260  'Yes'                         => 'はい',
261  'You are posting an existing transaction!' => '既存トランザクションを記録する!',
262  'You are printing and posting an existing transaction!' => '既存トランザクションを記録と印刷する!',
263  'You are printing and saving an existing order' => '既存注文を印刷と保存する!',
264  'You are printing and saving an existing quotation' => '既存見積りを印刷と保存する!',
265  'You are saving an existing order' => '既存注文を保存する!',
266  'You are saving an existing quotation' => '既存見積りを保存する!',
267  'Zip/Postal Code'             => '郵便番号',
268  'days'                        => '日',
269  'ea'                          => '例',
270  'for'                         => ':',
271  'html'                        => 'html',
272  'sent'                        => '送信済',
273  'time(s)'                     => '回',
276$self{subs} = {
277  'acc_menu'                    => 'acc_menu',
278  'add'                         => 'add',
279  'add_column'                  => 'add_column',
280  'add_transaction'             => 'add_transaction',
281  'all_references'              => 'all_references',
282  'ap_transaction'              => 'ap_transaction',
283  'ar_transaction'              => 'ar_transaction',
284  'calc_markup'                 => 'calc_markup',
285  'calendar'                    => 'calendar',
286  'change_report'               => 'change_report',
287  'check_all'                   => 'check_all',
288  'check_form'                  => 'check_form',
289  'check_name'                  => 'check_name',
290  'check_project'               => 'check_project',
291  'clock'                       => 'clock',
292  'consolidate_orders'          => 'consolidate_orders',
293  'consolidate_orders_to_invoice' => 'consolidate_orders_to_invoice',
294  'continue'                    => 'continue',
295  'create_backorder'            => 'create_backorder',
296  'create_form'                 => 'create_form',
297  'credit_invoice_'             => 'credit_invoice_',
298  'debit_invoice_'              => 'debit_invoice_',
299  'delete'                      => 'delete',
300  'delete_column'               => 'delete_column',
301  'delete_report'               => 'delete_report',
302  'delete_schedule'             => 'delete_schedule',
303  'display'                     => 'display',
304  'display_form'                => 'display_form',
305  'display_row'                 => 'display_row',
306  'display_ship_receive'        => 'display_ship_receive',
307  'do_save_report'              => 'do_save_report',
308  'done'                        => 'done',
309  'e_mail'                      => 'e_mail',
310  'edit'                        => 'edit',
311  'edit_column'                 => 'edit_column',
312  'form_footer'                 => 'form_footer',
313  'form_header'                 => 'form_header',
314  'generate_orders'             => 'generate_orders',
315  'generate_purchase_orders'    => 'generate_purchase_orders',
316  'generate_sales_invoices'     => 'generate_sales_invoices',
317  'gl_transaction'              => 'gl_transaction',
318  'invoice'                     => 'invoice',
319  'invoicetotal'                => 'invoicetotal',
320  'islocked'                    => 'islocked',
321  'item_selected'               => 'item_selected',
322  'js_calendar'                 => 'js_calendar',
323  'jsmenu'                      => 'jsmenu',
324  'jsmenu_frame'                => 'jsmenu_frame',
325  'lookup_order'                => 'lookup_order',
326  'menubar'                     => 'menubar',
327  'name_selected'               => 'name_selected',
328  'new_item'                    => 'new_item',
329  'new_number'                  => 'new_number',
330  'order_links'                 => 'order_links',
331  'pickvalue'                   => 'pickvalue',
332  'po_orderitems'               => 'po_orderitems',
333  'post_as_new'                 => 'post_as_new',
334  'prepare_order'               => 'prepare_order',
335  'preview'                     => 'preview',
336  'print'                       => 'print',
337  'print_and_post_as_new'       => 'print_and_post_as_new',
338  'print_and_save'              => 'print_and_save',
339  'print_and_save_as_new'       => 'print_and_save_as_new',
340  'print_form'                  => 'print_form',
341  'print_options'               => 'print_options',
342  'project_selected'            => 'project_selected',
343  'purchase_order'              => 'purchase_order',
344  'quotation'                   => 'quotation',
345  'quotation_'                  => 'quotation_',
346  'rebuild_departments'         => 'rebuild_departments',
347  'rebuild_formnames'           => 'rebuild_formnames',
348  'rebuild_vc'                  => 'rebuild_vc',
349  'references'                  => 'references',
350  'repost'                      => 'repost',
351  'reprint'                     => 'reprint',
352  'resize'                      => 'resize',
353  'rfq'                         => 'rfq',
354  'rfq_'                        => 'rfq_',
355  'sales_invoice'               => 'sales_invoice',
356  'sales_invoice_'              => 'sales_invoice_',
357  'sales_order'                 => 'sales_order',
358  'save'                        => 'save',
359  'save_as_new'                 => 'save_as_new',
360  'save_column'                 => 'save_column',
361  'save_report'                 => 'save_report',
362  'save_schedule'               => 'save_schedule',
363  'schedule'                    => 'schedule',
364  'search'                      => 'search',
365  'section_menu'                => 'section_menu',
366  'select_item'                 => 'select_item',
367  'select_name'                 => 'select_name',
368  'select_project'              => 'select_project',
369  'select_vendor'               => 'select_vendor',
370  'send_email'                  => 'send_email',
371  'ship_all'                    => 'ship_all',
372  'ship_receive'                => 'ship_receive',
373  'ship_to'                     => 'ship_to',
374  'shipto_selected'             => 'shipto_selected',
375  'show_progress'               => 'show_progress',
376  'subtotal'                    => 'subtotal',
377  'transactions'                => 'transactions',
378  'update'                      => 'update',
379  'validate_items'              => 'validate_items',
380  'vendor_invoice'              => 'vendor_invoice',
381  'vendor_invoice_'             => 'vendor_invoice_',
382  'vendor_selected'             => 'vendor_selected',
383  'yes'                         => 'yes',
384  '部品登録'                => 'add_part',
385  'サービス登録'          => 'add_service',
386  '連結注文'                => 'consolidate_orders',
387  '続ける'                   => 'continue',
388  '削除'                      => 'delete',
389  'ツケジュールの削除' => 'delete_schedule',
390  '処理済'                   => 'done',
391  'メール'                   => 'e_mail',
392  '注文の生成'             => 'generate_orders',
393  '購買発注の作成'       => 'generate_purchase_orders',
394  '印刷'                      => 'print',
395  '保存と印刷'             => 'print_and_save',
396  '新規保存と印刷'       => 'print_and_save_as_new',
397  '購買発注'                => 'purchase_order',
398  '見積書'                   => 'quotation',
399  '見積書'                   => 'quotation_',
400  '見積依頼'                => 'rfq',
401  '見積依頼'                => 'rfq_',
402  '販売請求書'             => 'sales_invoice',
403  '受注伝票'                => 'sales_order',
404  '保存'                      => 'save',
405  'スケジュールの保存' => 'save_schedule',
406  '新規登録する'          => 'save_as_new',
407  'スケジュール'          => 'schedule',
408  '仕入先の選択'          => 'select_vendor',
409  '全出荷'                   => 'ship_all',
410  '出荷先'                   => 'ship_to',
411  '更新'                      => 'update',
412  '仕入先請求'             => 'vendor_invoice',
413  'はい'                      => 'yes',