1This is the Change Log for PHPlot.
2The project home page is http://sourceforge.net/projects/phplot/
52011-07-30 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.5.0 =====
6    * phplot.php: Updated version comment and version constant
7    * README.txt: Updated for new release
8    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
11    * Fixed problem found in testing with bubbles plot: data array
12      with no Y,Z values at all got undefined property warnings.
14    * Feature request #3352301 "Bubble plots":
15      + Added new data type 'data-data-xyz', which includes a Z value
16        for each Y.
17      + Extended CheckDataArray(), DecodeDataType() and
18        FindDataLimits() to understand new data type.
19      + Added new plot type 'bubbles' for bubble plots, using data
20        type 'data-data-xyz'. The Z value controls the bubble size.
21      + New internal function DrawBubbles() to draw bubble plot.
22      + New tunable parameters bubbles_min_size and bubbles_max_size.
25    * Feature request #3374495 "Data URL encoding":
26      + New function EncodeImage() returns the plot image as a string,
27        with 3 available encodings: raw, base64, and dataurl. The dataurl
28        encoding implements RFC2397 embedding of image data in a URL,
29        and allows a single PHP script to produce an HTML page with the
30        plot image embedded within.
31      + New internal function GetImageType() for code shared between
32        PrintImage() and EncodeImage().
33      + New function SetFailureImage() disables the normal behavior
34        where PHPlot produces an image containing an error message in
35        case of a fatal error. Suppressing this is necessary when using
36        the new EncodeImage(), to avoid unexpected image data on stdout.
37      + New member variable suppress_error_image, set by
38        SetFailureImage(), checked by PrintError() to not make an image.
41    Preparing for move from CVS to Subversion.
42    * Makefile: Remove 'tag' target. This was unused (and CVS-specific).
43    * phplot.php: Remove reference to CVS in comment and version const.
46    * Fixed bug #3370548 "Reverse legend line order for stackedbars":
47      New function SetLegendReverse(True) to draw lines in the legend
48      in order from the bottom up, rather than top down. This is
49      mostly intended for stackedbars and stackedarea plots.
52    * Code cleanup: Removed extra loop variable $cnt from plot drawing
53      functions, where it was either unused or redundant.
56    * Fixed bug 3312064 "PHP errors with invalid data arrays":
57      PHPlot now checks the data array more carefully, to reject invalid
58      arrays and prevent PHP warning or notice errors with bad data arrays.
59      + SetDataValues() checks the data array argument to make sure it uses
60        0-based, sequential integer indexes, and that each element is an array.
61      + CheckDataArray() (called early by DrawGraph()) uses the data type for
62        more specific checking.  It makes sure each row has the right number of
63        entries. (E.g. text-data >=1, data-data >=2, data-data-error =2+3N.)
64      + DrawArea() ('area' and 'stackedarea' plots) returns without drawing
65        anything if there are < 2 rows, to avoid a PHP warning from
66        ImageFilledPolygon(). The 2-row minimum requirement is now documented.
67      + DrawLines(), DrawLinesError(), and DrawSquared() return without
68        drawing anything if there are no data values at all, to avoid a PHP
69        warning from array_fill().
70      + DrawOHLC() ('ohlc', 'candlesticks', and 'candlesticks2' plots) now
71        checks early that there are 4 data columns, and fails if not.  This
72        is to avoid a PHP warning when assigning line thicknesses.
75    * Fixed bug 3312134 "Allow missing points in OHLC plots":
76      You can now skip points in the 3 OHLC plot types by using empty strings
77      ('') for the 4 values in the row. All rows must still have 4 values, but
78      if any is non-numeric the row will be skipped.
802011-05-27 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.4.0 =====
81    * phplot.php: Updated version comment and version constant
82    * README.txt: Updated for new release
83    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
86    * Added class constant PHPlot::version with the PHPlot release version.
89    * Fix bug 3296884 "Undefined variable with stackedbars":
90      This is part 2 of the fix. (Part 1 fixed the undefined variable error
91      when the first stack was all zeros, but did not fix related problems.)
93      Changed DrawStackedBars() and DrawHorizStackedBars():
94      + Do not ignore zero values. A leading zero value is significant if the
95        axis is moved in the direction opposite to the stack direction.  Now
96        PHPlot will draw a bar segment from the axis to zero in this case.
97        Also a trailing zero value will produce a color cap on shaded bars.
98      + Determine each stack direction before drawing it.  This is necessary
99        to be able to draw the leading 0 segment case correctly.
102    * Feature request #3303654 "Force tick mark at specific value":
103      + New functions SetXTickAnchor and SetYTickAnchor.
104      + CalcTicks() adjusts the starting tick point so that an anchor
105        point, if set, will coincide with a tick mark (or would, if the
106        data range were extended).
109    * Feature request #3291155 "More flexible legend positioning":
110      You can now position the legend by specifying that any point on the
111      legend box be placed at any point on the image, plot area, or relative
112      to the main title.  You can get the legend box size from PHPlot, and
113      use it (for example) to adjust the plot area margins.
114      + Added new public function SetLegendPosition() which provides
115        much move flexible control over the legend position.
116      + Re-implemented SetLegendPixels() and SetLegendWorld() by
117        just having them call SetLegendPosition().
118      + Added new public function GetLegendSize() which returns the
119        height and width of the legend box.
120      + New internal function GetLegendSizeParams() with code split
121        off from DrawLegend() and used by GetLegendSize() too.
122      + New internal function GetLegendPosition() calculates the legend
123        position. This implements all the new position modes.
124      + Removed internal class variables legend_x_pos, legend_y_pos,
125        and legend_xy_world. Replaced with an array: legend_pos, which
126        holds the legend position parameters set by SetLegendPosition().
129    * Merged 5.3.2 release changes. (The two entries below this, 2011-05-01
130      and 2011-04-26, came before 5.3.2, but 5.3.2 was a single patch applied
131      against 5.3.1 and not against current CVS.)
134    * Feature request #3292825 "Use point shape markers in legend box":
135      + Implement optional use of point shapes instead of color boxes in the
136        legend, for use with points and linepoints plots.
137      + Add new function SetLegendUseShapes() to enable use of point shapes
138        in the legend.
139      + New internal class variable legend_use_shapes.
140      + Removed optional never-used 3rd argument to SetLegendStyle().
141      + Add new internal function DrawShape() which now implements DrawDot()
142        but takes device coordinates, for use by DrawLegend().
144    * Fix bug #3294604 "Center vertical alignment for legend text":
145      + Legend text lines are now vertically centered on the middle of
146        the color box or marker shape, rather than using bottom alignment.
149    * Moved legend functions together into one section, and removed
150      commented-out public variable declarations for legend variables.
151      No functionality changes are introduced.
152      (This is being done in anticipation of two upcoming changes to
153      legend code. I dislike moving functions around because it makes it
154      hard to use 'diff' to check changes, but it is helpful to have
155      functions that work together placed together in the script. As
156      a compromise, do the re-arrangement in its own change.)
1582011-05-06 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.3.2 =====
159    * phplot.php: Updated version
160    * README.txt: Updated for new release
161    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
162   Note: This release was built off of the CVS branch tagged
163   rel5_3_1_patches, not HEAD.
166    * For bug 3296884 "Undefined variable with stackedbars":
167      A temporary fix was made against phplot-5.3.1 to avoid an undefined
168      variable error when the first stack in a stackedbars plot has all zero
169      values. The fix avoids the error message, and the plots are OK in most
170      cases. There are still issues with label position, and if the axis
171      is moved. These will be addressed in a future fix.
1732011-01-15 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.3.1 =====
174    * phplot.php: Updated version
175    * README.txt: Updated for new release
176    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
179    * Fixed some style / indent errors, and 1 redundant test.
182    * For bug 3143586 "Multiple plots per image - fixes & docs":
183      Make sure there is a documented way to reset PHPlot feature
184      settings, especially those for which the default settings result
185      in automatic calculated values. Where possible, calling a Set*()
186      function with no arguments should reset the feature to defaults.
188      + Changed SetLegendPixels() arguments to be optional with default
189        NULL meaning reset to automatic positioning.
191      + Fixed SetXAxisPosition() and SetYAxisPosition() to accept empty
192        string '' to mean reset to default automatic positioning.
193        Make arguments optional, defaulting to empty string.
195      + Changed SetNumXTicks() and SetNumYTicks() arguments to be
196        optional with default empty string '' meaning reset to
197        of automatic calculation.
199    * Changed SetPointShapes() to use CheckOptionArray(). This
200      simplifies the function with no change in operation.
202    * Extend copyright years to 2011.
205    * Fix for bug 3147397 "Data colors missing with multiple plots":
206      + Do not truncate the data_colors and related arrays, so the full
207        set of colors will be available for subsequent plots on the image.
208        (Color indexes are still allocated in the image only as needed.)
209      + New internal functions GetColorIndexArray() and
210        GetDarkColorIndexArray(), replacing previous use of array_map().
211      + Removed internal function truncate_array() - no longer used.
212      + Changed SetColorIndexes(), NeedDataDarkColors(), and
213        NeedErrorBarColors() to only allocate the color indexes that will
214        be needed (instead of allocating all colors in the truncated color
215        descriptor arrays).
218    * Instead of throwing an error, SetLegend(NULL) now clears the legend
219      array. This can be useful with multiple plots on an image. Before
220      this change, only SetLegend(array()) did that (possibly by accident).
223    * Do not have SetDefaultStyles() call deprecated SetLabelColor().
225    * Fixes for bug 3143586 "Multiple plots per image - fixes & docs":
226      + Fix DrawLegend so it doesn't forget that the legend position
227        was specified in world coordinates. This fixes the legend
228        position for plots after the first.
229      + Don't draw the image border more than once (although this would
230        probably have no impact on the resulting image). This parallels
231        the behavior for the main plot title and the image background.
232        Replaced member variables background_done and title_done with a new
233        member array done[] which will track when these elements were done.
236    * Fix comments above CalcPlotAreaWorld(). Deleted incorrect information
237      from before data-data-yx existed, and before DecodeDataType rewrite.
2392010-12-04 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.3.0 =====
240    * phplot.php: Updated version
241    * README.txt: Updated for new release
242    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
245    * Feature request 3127005 "Ability to suppress X/Y axis lines":
246      Added SetDrawXAxis() and SetDrawYAxis() to control flags which
247      will suppress drawing the X or Y axis lines. (These lines were
248      probably the only PHPlot elements that could not be turned off.)
249      Changed DrawXAxis() and DrawYAxis() to conditionally draw the
250      axis lines.
253    * Feature request 3117873 "Data value labels in more plot types":
254      Implemented Data Value Labels for plot types points, lines,
255      linepoints, and squared.  Added 2 class variables which can be
256      set to control the distance and angle of the labels from points.
257      New internal function CheckDataValueLabels() calculates position
258      and text alignment for these labels.
260    * Updated comments for Set[XY]DataLabelPos to match the text in
261      the manual, which was rewritten to clarify label types.
264    * Code cleanup. Moved some functions around to group "plot drawing
265      helpers" separately from "plot drawing". No changes to operation.
268    * Feature request 3111166 "Control legend colorbox width":
269      Added a class variable legend_colorbox_width which can be changed
270      to make the colorboxes wider or narrower.
273    * Feature request 3093483 "Investing support chart types":
274      Added 3 new plot types: Basic OHLC (Open/High/Low/Close), Candlesticks,
275      and Filled Candlesticks. Implemented with one new function to handle the
276      3 new plot types: ohlc, candlesticks, and candlesticks2.
279    * Moved information about plot types into a new static member array
280      plots[]. (This is an internal change with no impact on usage, but will
281      make it easier to add new plot types.) SetPlotType() no longer needs a
282      list of plot types to check, FindDataLimits() does not need to check for
283      specific plot types to to process the data array, and DrawGraph() uses
284      data from the array rather than knowing about all the plot types.
287    * Changed internal CalcBarWidths() to take two arguments which indicate
288      how it should calculate bar widths, rather than having it check the
289      plot_type directly. (Taken from another, experimental change. This
290      minimizes places where plot_type is directly used.)
2922010-10-03 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.2.0 =====
293    * phplot.php: Updated version
294    * README.txt: Updated for new release
295    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
296    * Makefile: Removed HorizontalBars.txt from release. This is now all
297          documented in the reference manual.
300    * Rewrite color handling. Default and specified colors are now validated,
301      converted to RGBA arrays, and saved. The colors indexes are not
302      allocated until graph drawing time. Unneeded colors are not allocated.
304      Fix bug 3045131 "SetTransparentColor problems": Transparency setup is
305      deferred to graph drawing time, after most other colors are allocated.
306      Fixes SetTransparentColor order dependency, and works with data colors.
308      Fix bug 3049726 "Optimize color allocation": Colors allocation is
309      deferred to graph drawing time, and colors for most elements are only
310      allocated if needed. In particular, the data colors and dark colors,
311      which used 32 slots, now only get defined as needed.
313      Feature request (partial) 3077554 "Finer control over plot element
314      colors": The colors of the main, X, and Y titles can now be controlled
315      separately.
317      Change details:
318      New internal functions:
319          GetColorIndex(), GetDarkColorIndex()
320              Allocate pre-parsed colors for elements.
321          SetColorIndexes()
322              Does the deferred color allocation and defaults.
323          NeedDataDarkColors(), NeedErrorBarColors()
324              Called by graph drawing functions if those colors are needed.
325          GetDataColor(), GetDataErrorColors(), GetBarColors()
326              Custom or standard data color assignment for most plot types.
327          truncate_array()
328             Shorten an array. Used to limit data color allocation.
330      Removed internal functions:
331          SetIndexColor(), SetIndexDarkColor()
332              Unneeded. Color handling is now in two separate phases.
334      Removed internal member variable:
335          data_colors_alpha
336              PHPlot no longer calls SetDataColors before plotting, so this
337              variable is not needed to preserve the default alpha.
339      New internal member variables:
340          transparent_color
341              Saves color value from SetTransparentColor. For bug 3045131.
342          x_title_color, y_title_color, ndx_x_title_color, ndx_y_title_color
343              For title colors. DrawXTitle and DrawYTitle use them now.
345      Changed internal member variables:
346          i_border, plot_bg_color, bg_color, label_color, text_color, etc.
347              All variables for colors now always hold a parsed 4-component
348              (RGBA) color specification as an array, and are no longer
349              statically initialized to a color name.
351      New public functions:
352          SetXTitleColor(), SetYTitleColor()
353              These can be used to make the 3 titles have different colors.
356    * Don't let SetXDataLabelPos() accept 'xaxis' or 'all' as valid.
357      Don't let SetXTickLabelPos(), SetYTickLabelPos() accept 'all' as valid.
358      These were never implemented and never documented.
361    * Feature request #3073679 "Stacked bar plots with negative values":
362      Allow stacked bar plots (vertical and horizontal) to work with negative
363      values.  Changed FindDataLimits() to not take abs() values for
364      stackedbar when calculating the data range.  Changed DrawStackedBars()
365      and DrawHorizStackedBars() to handle negative values, including proper
366      label positions.  The first non-zero value in a row sets the direction
367      of the bar. Mixing positive and negative values within a row works but
368      the results are not useful.
370    * New internal DrawBar() moves common code from 4 bars and stackedbars
371      drawing functions and makes it easier to deal with shading vs bar
372      direction.
375    * Fix bug 3074402 "Fix Y axis default for horizontal plots":
376      Make the default axis positions symmetrical for vertical plots
377      (X and Y) and horizontal plots (Y and X). This fixes the problem
378      with horizontal bar/thinbarline plots that have negative data,
379      where the Y axis stayed on the left and the bars went rightward.
382    * Fix bug 3056991 "Internal methods should be 'protected'":
383      Changed CheckDataArray(), number_format(), FindDataLimits(), and
384      DrawBackground() to be 'protected'. The test suite no longer calls
385      these directly. For SetIndexColor(), SetRGBColor(), DrawText(),
386      SizeText(), xtr(), and ytr(), left these as public with a comment
387      indicating they should be treated as protected.
389    * Fix bug 3057000 "Review 'deprecated' methods":
390      + Changed deprecated method SetNewPlotAreaPixels() to just call
391      SetPlotAreaPixels(). It was suspicious as coded, and was found
392      to be equivalent to SetPlotAreaPixels().
393      +  Removed SetColor(), which didn't do anything. It was calling
394      SetRGBColor and discarding the result. After reviewing the
395      history of this in all CVS versions, it does not seem to have
396      ever been coded correctly, so there is no harm in removing it.
397      + All other deprecated methods seem OK and are left as is.
3992010-08-30 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.1.3 =====
400    * phplot.php: Updated version
401    * README.txt: Updated for new release
402    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
405    * Fix bug 3051832 "Let PHP/GD find the font file":
406      Instead of checking for file existence, PHPlot now uses a non-drawing GD
407      operation to validate a TrueType font in SetFontTTF(). This allows GD to
408      use its internal search path, making it likely that fonts can be found
409      without needing a platform-dependent path in your script.  Full paths
410      will still work, so there is no compatibility issue.
412    * Fix bug 3051906 "Better choice for default TT font":
413      Removed "benjamingothic.ttf" as the default TT font setting. This has
414      not been included in PHPlot since 2004. Changed SetFontTTF() to call
415      new GetDefaultFontTTF(), which will try a number of sans-serif font
416      names the first time it needs a default TT font. Considering the above
417      fix to finding fonts, this has a good chance of finding a working
418      font. It is known to work on Windows and some Linux distributions.
421    * Makefile: Removed phplot_data.php from list of files to release.
422      Reference bug report 3048267. This file has not been maintained or
423      tested, and has bugs.  It will remain in CVS, but not be included
424      in PHPlot releases.
427    * Change new DrawLinePoints(). It does not have to check and
428      handle error bar plots, as DrawDots and DrawLines will do that.
431    * Rewrote DecodeDataType(). Previous implementation was hard to
432      extend and inefficient. Now it uses new class variables (not a
433      returned array) and is only called once, by DrawGraph. Changed all
434      users of data_type to use the new variables.
436      In CheckDataArray(), calculate data_columns properly for
437      text-data-single data type (pie chart) too. Simplify DrawPie
438      to use this, and merge 2 of the 3 cases.
440      Have a single function handle each plot type, so it can properly
441      check the data type and report a correct error message showing
442      all supported types. For example, DrawBars is now the entry point
443      for both bars and horizontal bars; DrawGraph does not directly
444      call DrawHorizBars. Similar for DrawStackedBars and
445      DrawHorizStackedBars.  Lines, Points, and Linepoints also now
446      have a single function each, dispatching to others as needed.
447      (These changes were split off from an upcoming, larger change.)
450    * Fixes to SetDataValues: need to clear out the 2 arrays before
451      setting values in a loop, else if the function is used more than
452      once then old values will remain.
453      Move records_per_group calculation outside the loop.
454      (These were split off from upcoming, larger changes.)
456    * Part 4 of horizontal plots: implement horizontal thinbarline plots.
457      Added new data type 'data-data-yx' (label, Y, X1, X2, ...).
458      DrawThinBarLines() now draws either vertical or horizontal plots, and
459      supports data types text-data, data-data, text-data-yx, data-data-yx.
461      Fixed DecodeDataType() to handle text-data-single too, for completeness.
463    * Fix for over-padding style and color arrays. These were padded to
464      records_per_group, but that is the maximum data array row size.
465      The number of actual data sets is less, and depends on the data type.
466      Calculate the correct number as data_columns at the top of DrawGraph,
467      and use that to pad the arrays. Also moved early error checking in
468      DrawGraph() into new CheckDataArray().
471    * Code cleanup. This is a large change to unify the comment and
472      coding stye used in PHPlot. The PEAR style guide is being used
473      as a reference, but PHPlot will never be 100% compliant.
474      This patch introduces no functional changes at all.
475        - Limit line length to 110.
476        - Remove obsolete, partially implemented Doxygen comments.
477        - Add descriptive comment above functions where missing.
478        - Use consistent comment markers and control structure spacing.
479        - Remove ctags-confusing end of function comments.
480        - Rewrote a few if/else blocks for cleaner logic.
481        - Re-order some functions for consistency (X, then Y).
484    * Implemented horizontal stacked bar plots:
485      Use the same data type introduced for horizontal bars, 'text-data-yx',
486      and the same plot type 'stackedbars', to make a horizontal stacked bar
487      plot.  Data value labels, both at the ends of the bars and within the
488      bars ('plotstack' labels) are available with horizontal stacked bars.
490    * Internal function DrawDataLabel() is replaced by DrawDataValueLabel(),
491      with different usage. The new function can also check to see if a label
492      fits in the allocated space.
494    * Fixed the text size check in stacked bar plots for data value labels
495      within the bars. The check only worked correctly for 0 degree labels. It
496      now works with any text angle. It suppresses the label if it is too high
497      (for vertical stacked bar plots) or too wide (for horizontal stacked bar
498      plots) to fit in the bar segment to which it belongs. Note that it only
499      checks in the bar direction. If the text is too wide (for vertical bars),
500      or too high (for horizontal bars), it will still be plotted, but will
501      cross the sides of the bar.
504    * Allow callbacks to return a value (to support new data_color callback).
505    * Feature request 3034164 "Extended control of data colors":
506      Define new callback 'data_color' for picking the data color.
507      Changed internal plot drawing functions DrawDots, DrawLines, DrawSquared,
508      DrawBars, DrawStackedBars, DrawDotsError, DrawThinBarLines,
509      DrawLinesError, and DrawHorizBars to use the data_color callback
510      (if defined) to select the data colors.
511    * SetRGBArray code cleanup (no functional changes).
514    * Fixes for error bars:
515      Code cleanup in DrawYErrorBar(), with no functional change.
516      Suppress duplicate drawing of error bars with 'linepoints' error plots.
517      This was already fixed for data labels. Now error bars will only be
518      drawn by the 'points' part, not the 'lines' part. There should be no
519      visible changes to plots. (This is needed for a future change).
522    * Horizontal bar charts (still an experimental feature) can now have data
523      value labels.
524    * HorizontalBars.txt: Fix incorrect description of bar direction. Add
525      text explaining the new data value labels.
5272010-06-29 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.1.2 =====
528    * phplot.php: Updated version
529    * README.txt: Updated for new release
530    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
533   * Feature request 2885930 "Horizontal Bars":
534     Horizontal bar charts are implemented, as an experimental feature.
535     A new data type 'text-data-yx' was added, which works with
536     'bars' plot type to produce a horizontal bar chart from a data
537     array with X values for each Y value. Changes were made to
538     FindDataLimits, CalcMargins, CalcPlotAreaWorld, CalcBarWidths,
539     and CalcMaxDataLabelSize to handle the new data type. Other
540     changes were made to handle label position defaults and grid
541     defaults. New drawing functions were added for horizontal bars.
543   * HorizontalBars.txt: new documentation file for experimental feature.
544   * Makefile: List new documentation file.
547   * Each plot-type drawing function now checks that it is getting a data
548     type that it knows how to handle. A new internal function unifies the
549     checking and error message. (This is associated with an upcoming,
550     bigger change.)
552     Compatibility: If you were using an invalid data type for a plot type
553     whose function did not check, will now get an error.
555   * Removed some dubious code from DrawLines() and DrawSquared() and
556     rewrote comments there. The code initialized lastx[0] and lasty[0],
557     but lasty was mapped using the X (rather than Y) function.  This was
558     obviously wrong, but closer inspection showed that the values were
559     never, used so the code was removed.
562   * Truecolor.txt: removed
563   * Makefile, README.txt: Removed reference to Truecolor.txt. Full
564     documentation for truecolor images is now in the Reference Manual.
567   * Fix bug 3010116 "Bad rendering of title in multi-plot image
568     when using TTF":
569     Make sure the main title is drawn only once. (If drawn multiple
570     times with TrueType font text, the anti-aliasing effects result
571     in poor quality text.)
574   * Improvements to truecolor support (from feature request 2947679):
575     Truecolor support is now better integrated. The derived class only
576     has the constructor now, and the base class itself provides the alpha
577     color component support through the internal functions SetIndexColor(),
578     SetIndexDarkColor(), and SetRGBColor(). This means alpha channel
579     works with palette images too (in so far as GD supports this).
581   * Truecolor.txt: Updated per changes to truecolor support.
583   * Image tiling with mode 'scale' in tile_img(), used with image and
584     plot area backgrounds, now uses imagecopyresampled() rather than
585     imagecopyresized(). They are the same with palette images, but the
586     resampled copy gets better results with truecolor images.
589    * Feature request 3002606 "Add to plot and image border options":
590        Added options 'right', 'top', and 'bottom' to SetPlotBorderType()
591      (existing options are 'left', 'sides', 'none', and 'full'). This
592      now also accepts an array of the above options, giving complete
593      control over which sides to draw.
594        Added option 'solid' to SetImageBorderType() to use the actual
595      color set with SetImageBorderColor(), rather than the darker
596      shade as type 'plain' does (for some reason).
597        New function SetImageBorderWidth() sets the width of the image
598      border. The image border width is now accounted for in margin
599      calculations, although existing plots will not change.
6012010-04-04 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.1.1 =====
602    * phplot.php: Updated version
603    * README.txt: Updated for new release
604    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
607    * Remove & from argument in SetDataValues(). The data array is not
608      modified and does not need to be passed by reference. (There is
609      no performance advantage, either.)
612    * Feature request 2947679 "Support for alpha blending/Truecolor":
613      Implemented truecolor image support with a new class
614      PHPlot_truecolor, extended color specifications to allow
615      specification of an alpha value, and added a new optional parameter
616      to SetDataColors for a default alpha value for all data colors.
617      This feature is *EXPERIMENTAL* (see next item).
619    * Truecolor.txt: New file, documentation for the new truecolor capability.
620      (The Truecolor feature is experimental, which means it is subject to
621      change in incompatible ways and the documentation has not yet been
622      incorporated into the PHPlot Reference Manual.)
624    * Makefile: Include new documentation file in release.
627    Fixed bug 2976735 "Improvements and fixes for 'area' plots":
628    Rewrote DrawArea() function which handles 'area' plot.
629        Part 1: This is related to feature request 2947679, Truecolor support
630    with transparency. The area plot function was filling each area from the X
631    axis up to the Y value, resulting in area overlaps. This wasn't a problem
632    with opaque colors, but with transparency, the overlapping areas resulted
633    in changed colors. The rewritten function fills the area between each line
634    instead of from each line down to the X axis. Plots with opaque colors
635    will not change.
636        Part 2: Area plots now work when the X axis is moved up with
637    SetXAxisPosition().
638        Part 3: Fixed FindDataLimits() for area (and stackedbars too) to
639    take absolute values of Y values. The drawing function was doing this,
640    but not FindDataLimits, resulting in incorrect limits if any Y<0.
641        Part 4: The rewritten DrawArea() also handles a new plot type
642    'stackedarea'.  This is an area plot where the Y values are stacked,
643    similar to 'stackedbars'.
644        Note: As part of the changes, it is now an error to try an area plot
645    with an unequal number of Y points for each X.
648    * Feature request 2973995 "Add y-Data to Stackedbars":
649      Implemented Y Data Labels for Stacked Bar charts (stackedbars).
650      The labels are enabled with SetYDataLabelPos, same as with bar charts.
651      There are two types of labels: above the stack with the total, and
652      within the bars at each segment. 'plotin' turns on the upper ones, and
653      'plotstack' turns both on.
655    * Other changes:
656      + Removed unimplemented second argument to SetYDataLabelPos.
657      + Fixed questionable logic in SetYDataLabelPos when given an argument
658        that belongs with SetYTickLabelPos.
659      + Fix comments at top of plot-type Draw functions.
661    * Fix for bug 2974639 "Stacked bars plot breaks with X axis != 0":
662      Stacked bar plots with non-zero X axis position no longer break apart
663      into segments with gaps. The bars are drawn up from the X axis, and
664      any segments or partial segments below the X axis are not drawn.
667    * Change related to feature request 2947679 - Fix 'dot' point shape:
668      Use imagefilledellipse(), not imagefilledarc(), when drawing the 'dot'
669      point shape. The fix was needed for future support of truecolor images
670      with transparency, but filled dots from imagefilledellipse() look
671      better (rounder) with regular images and opaque colors.
672      Credit to mvaldez for identifying the problem and providing the fix.
675    * Fix for bug 2963757 "point_counts undefined error in 5.1.0":
676      Fixed CheckPointParams so it sets point_counts even when the point shape
677      and point size arrays are already the same size and do not need padding.
680    * Fix for bug 2938219 "Bars go in wrong direction":
681      Fixed CalcAxisPositions() to be consistent in positioning the X axis.
682      When all Y values are <0 and the Y=0 line is not part of the plot range,
683      PHPlot will now default the X axis to the top of the plot, not the
684      bottom.  This fixes the problem with bars to negative Y values being
685      drawn downward if Y=0 is visible, but upward if Y=0 is not visible.
686      This also affects thinbarline plots.
687      Credit to lauryn1298 for finding the bug.
6892009-12-24 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.1.0 =====
692    * Change for bug 1795971 "Fix default data colors":
693      The default Data Color and Error Bar Color arrays now have 16
694      different colors, no duplicates, and nothing so light that it
695      is invisible.
696      Using '' or False as the argument to SetDataColors, SetErrorBarColors,
697      and SetDataBorderColors now re-initializes the map to the defaults.
698      This was previously undocumented, and in some cases set the map to
699      something different from the default.
702    * Cleanup: Remove DrawAxisLegend() - empty function marked TODO,
703      not really clear what it was meant to do.
706    * Fix for bug 2914403 "Pie + X/Y titles: Undefined property error":
707      In DrawGraph(), don't try to draw X or Y titles for pie charts.
709    * Feature request 2899921: "allow different format for data and tick
710      labels"; Bug 2906436: "Fixes for X Tick Labels vs X Data Labels",
711      and partial implementation of changes from user 'adoll' regarding
712      tick vs data labels:
714      New public functions:
715      + SetXDataLabelType() : Sets formatting for X Data Labels
716      + SetYDataLabelType() : Sets formatting for Y Data Labels (bar charts)
717      + SetXDataLabelAngle() : Sets text angle for X Data Labels
718      + SetYDataLabelAngle() : Sets text angle for Y Data Label (bar charts)
719      The defaults for these are set up to be fully backward compatible
720      with previous releases of PHPlot (except see the next item).
722      Re-used function name SetXDataLabelAngle():
723      + This has been deprecated and undocumented since 2003-12-07, and
724        used to just call SetXLabelAngle(). For new behavior, see above.
726      Changes to public functions:
727      + SetXDataLabelPos() and SetXTickLabelPos() no longer cancel each
728        other out (set the other control variable to 'none'). Instead,
729        they are both considered before plot drawing.
731      Changes to internal functions:
732      + DrawDataLabel() now uses the font, angle, and color arguments as
733        provided, and does not substitute values if they are empty.
734      + SetLabelType() now takes mode='xd' and 'yd' for X Data and Y Data
735        label formatting; 'x' and 'y' are for tick labels only now.
736      + Functions that work on Data labels now call FormatLabel() with the
737        new mode parameter value 'xd' or 'yd, and use the new
738        data_label_angle variables.
739      + New CheckLabels(), used by DrawGraph to process label parameters.
740      + CalcMargins() - Rewritten to handle changes to Tick and Data labels.
742      Changes to internal class variables:
743      + New: x_data_label_angle, y_data_label_angle
744      + Do not initialize x_tick_label_pos or x_data_label_pos, so that
745        CheckLabels() can tell if they were set or not and apply defaults.
746      + Initialize y_data_label_pos to 'none', not 'plotleft'.
747      + Add 2 more indexes to label_format[] array: 'xd' and 'yd'.
749    * Cleanup:
750      + Delete unused internal class variable: draw_y_data_label_lines
751      + Delete unused function SetDrawYDataLabelLines()
754    * Fix bug 1795972 "Fix default point shapes":
755      +  Added 10 new point shapes to the existing 10 shapes.
756      +  Changed the default point shape from all 'diamond' to a
757         selection of up to 10 different shapes.
758      +  Fixed bug in the code that tried to set the point shapes
759         and sizes arrays to be the same size. This was not working,
760         resulting in unexpected point sizes.
761      +  Changed default point size to 6 for all shapes. It was trying
762         to be "5, 5, 3" but due to several bugs this was not working.
763      +  Do not adjust shape sizes to even numbers (was done for only two
764         shapes).  Instead, consistently truncate size/2 when needed.
765      NOTE: These may change the look of 'points' and 'linepoints' plots.
767    * Changed startup initialization code:
768      +  SetDefaultStyles() was doing some odd things using a variable
769         called "session_set", with comments referring to non-existent
770         session support code. This has been removed. There should be
771         no visible changes from this. PHPlot does not use PHP sessions.
774    * Fix for bug 2908256, errors in pie charts with bad data array:
775      (From a Drupal contrib module report by thekevinday.)
776      With pie charts only, a data array with no valid Y values resulted
777      in PHP error messages. All other plot types handle this by producing
778      an image without a graph.
779      Fixed DrawPieChart to behave this way too. If there are no valid Y
780      values, or if the sum of all Y values is 0, do not error out, but
781      don't draw a pie chart either.
782      Also, pie charts now ignore non-numeric Y values, like other plot types.
7842009-11-20 (lbayuk)
785    * Fix for bug 2900914 "Problem with display of 0 on Y axis":
786      Changed how X and Y values are stepped by tick intervals, to avoid
787      cumulative round-off error. This fixes the problem when Y crosses 0 with
788      a tick step such as 0.1 resulting in a long label for a very small but
789      non-zero number. Fixed DrawXTicks, DrawYTicks, and CalcMaxTickLabelSize.
790      (Originally reported by cncnet)
7922009-11-19 (lbayuk)
793    * Improve support for using callbacks to annotate plots:
794      Added new callback 'draw_all', called after all drawing.
795      Supply plot_area[] as argument to some drawing callbacks.
796      Added new method GetDeviceXY() to translate from world coordinates.
797      Allow NULL or '' for $font in DrawText() internal method, meaning to
798          use the generic font. If callbacks want to use DrawText, this
799          avoids them having to reference the internal fonts[] array.
8012009-11-01 (lbayuk)
802    * Address bug report 2886365 "Declare all functions and variables in
803      PHP5 style"
804      PHP5 deprecates the use of 'var' to declare a class member variable.
805      All initialized class member variables are now declared 'public'.
806      (It was tempting to make most or all 'protected' or 'private', but
807      that would likely break too much, including the PHPlot Test Suite.)
809      Most class member functions which are meant for internal use only are
810      now declared 'protected', so they cannot be called from scripts
811      (except in child classes). (Note PHP5 does not deprecate the use of
812      just 'function' to mean public, so public functions were not changed.)
813      Internal functions are those documented in the manual under Developer's
814      Guide, Internal Functions. If your code breaks because you are using
815      a method which is now protected, please post the details on the help
816      forum.
818      Some member variables which were set in the constructor are now
819      initialized with the class instead. (No impact.)
821      Removed commented-out, FIXME-noted code for interim labels.
8232009-10-12 (lbayuk)
824    * Bug report 2839547, allow SetImageBorderType('none') to reset the image
825      border type.  Also checked for other cases where there is no reset;
826      found one that exists (Set[XY]LabelType) but needs to be documented.
8282009-07-09 (lbayuk)
829    * Added a hook $plot->locale_override which can be set to True to prevent
830      PHPlot from loading locale settings from the environment with
831      setlocale(LC_ALL, ''). This is necessary for testing PHPlot on Windows,
832      where you cannot force a locale with an environment variable. It might
833      also be needed for people who want PHPlot's locale to differ from the
834      web server's locale.
8362009-06-12 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.0.7 =====
8382009-06-11 (lbayuk)
839    * Change PHPlot license to LGPL, per Afan.
840        phplot.php, phplot_data.php - Change license notice.
841        rgb.inc.php - Change top comments and remove bottom marker.
842        COPYING - new file, text of LGPL.
843        LICENSE.* - removed files - old licenses.
844        Makefile - change list of distributed files.
846    * Fix for bug 2803900: SetRGBArray('large') does not work. The include
847      file defined a different array name than the main script expected.
848      (This bug seems to have happened over 8 years ago.) Fixed the array
849      names to match. Also removed the ./ prefix from the included filename
850      so it will be found if on the include path but not in the script
851      directory.  Also added error check if the rgb.inc.php include file
852      is needed and not found.
8542009-05-25 (lbayuk)
855    * Added new feature to allow partial margin or plot area specification.
856      You can omit, or specify as NULL, any of the 4 arguments to
857      SetMarginsPixels() or SetPlotAreaPixels(), and this means PHPlot
858      should use the automatically calculated margin on that side.
859      Credit to adoll for this feature.
8612009-05-17 (lbayuk)
862    * Fix for bug 2791502 "Error plots treat missing Y values as 0":
863      Plots with data type data-data-error now support missing Y values,
864      instead of treating them as 0. This works with lines, points,
865      and linepoints plot types, and also honors SetDrawBrokenLines.
868    * Fix for bug 2792860 "Wrong DataLabelLines with missing Y":
869      Do not draw X Data Label Lines at points with missing Y values.
872    * Fix for bug 2786350 "Missing Y data results in bad auto-range":
873      Rewrote FindDataLimits to ignore missing Y values, rather than
874      treating them as if 0, for calculating range.
875      Bug report and analysis by mrten.
877    * Fix for bug 2786354 "Incorrect auto-range for data-data-error":
878      For data-data-error data type, apply the positive and negative error
879      amounts for each Y point to that point only, rather than applying the
880      largest errors to the overall minimum and maximum Y value for the row.
882    Note: The two fixes above can change existing plots which rely on
883      automatic Y range calculation. The first fix affects plots with
884      missing Y values and min(Y)>0. The second fix can affect plots using
885      data-data-error data type and different error values for different
886      points. In both cases the new Y range can be smaller than before.
8882009-01-20 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.0.6 =====
8902009-01-18 (lbayuk)
891    * Fix for bug 1891636 "Misaligned TTF X Labels":
892	  PHPlot was using the actual bounding box of each line of text
893      to allocate space and set the text positioning, but was ignoring the
894      fact that the text baseline is not the same as the bottom of the
895      bounding box. This resulted in uneven alignment of the X labels if
896      they had different heights (for example, month names Jul and Aug).
898      PHPlot now calculates the size of text for allocation (SizeText) using
899      the descenders on the last line, and calculates the size for drawing
900      (DrawText) only to the baseline. PHPlot also now uses a fixed line
901      spacing for each line of text in a font, rather than the actual text
902      height. This allows separately drawn multi-line labels to align.
904    * Changes to line spacing when using multi-line labels:
905	  PHPlot was using the class variable line_spacing to mean the
906      number of pixels between lines of multi-line labels. This made the
907      spacing too small for larger fonts, and it was not possible to adjust
908      line spacing for different types of text.
910	  PHPlot now interprets line_spacing as the number of pixels only
911      for GD text, and as a scale factor for the font's built-in line
912      spacing for TrueType text. In addition, a new optional argument is
913      added to SetFont, SetFontGD, and SetFontTTF to set a line spacing
914      specific to that type of text.
916    * Changes had to be made to the legend drawing code to accommodate the
917      changes to font handling.
919      Note: The line spacing change results in slightly looser spacing on
920      multi-line TrueType text labels, and slightly taller legends, compared
921      to version 5.0.5.
9232008-09-21 (lbayuk)
924    * Interim fix for bug 1932571 "Data-Data Plot fails with same X values".
925      PHPlot will no longer hang when the range of X values is 0 (that is, when
926      x_min == x_max). It will arbitrarily set an X range of 1, so the
927      calculated tick step is not 0. This is a temporary fix. Work on a smarter
928      X and Y range calculation is in progress, which will handle edge cases
929      like this better, but it isn't ready and this bug has been open too long.
930      Credit to andyl for finding the bug.
932    * Fix font path: Use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant not '/'.
934    Extended the label formatting capabilities, adding 'printf' and 'custom'
935    types, added a prefix and suffix for 'data' type, and allow format controls
936    to be included in SetXLabelType and SetYLabelType.
938    External changes:
939    * Added 'printf' label type. The caller specifies the print format as the
940      2nd argument to SetXLabelType or SetYLabelType (default '%e').
941             $plot->SetXLabelType('printf', '%5.2f');
943    * Added 'custom' label type. The caller supplies a callback (typically a
944      function name) and optional pass-through argument as the 2nd and 3rd
945      arguments to Set[XY]LabelType.  The function is called as $f($value, $arg)
946      to return the formatted $value.
947             $plot->SetXLabelType('custom', 'myfunction', $arg_value);
949    * In addition to Set[XY]TimeFormat, the format string for type 'time' can
950      now be set as the 2nd argument to Set[XY]LabelType.
951             $plot->SetXLabelType('time', '%H:%M');
953    * In addition to SetPrecision[XY], the precision for type 'data' can now be
954      set as the 2nd argument to Set[XY]LabelType. A 3rd and 4th argument
955      can supply a prefix and suffix for 'data' formatting. (All optional)
956             $plot->SetXLabelType('data', 2, '$', 'US');
958    Internal changes:
959    * Class variables x_precision, y_precision, x_label_type, y_label_type,
960      x_time_format, and y_time_format have been removed.
962    * New class array variable label_format[], with elements 'x' and 'y' which
963      are arrays for label formatting. Elements in the sub-arrays are not
964      initialized until needed.
966    * New function SetLabelType, which implements Set[XY]LabelType now.
968    * FormatLabel() was rewritten to support the new label formatting.
970    Compatibility:
971    * Any code that directly references class variables related to label
972      formatting will break, except for data_units_text. Use the documented
973      function methods instead.  Setting data_units_text as a suffix is
974      deprecated but still works.
976    * The 'data' type precision for 'Y' is still used for pie chart labels.
9782008-07-12 (lbayuk)
979    Multiple comment spelling error fixes. No functional changes.
9812008-07-06 (lbayuk)
982    Changes to allow mixing GD fixed-font text and TrueType Font (TTF) text
983    on the same plot.
984    (This change came from work done trying to fix TTF text positioning,
985    where it looks like additional information needs to be stored for TrueType
986    fonts. The old font data structure was awkward to extend, and allowing
987    mixed GD/TTF text was on the to-do list anyway.)
989    External changes:
990    * SetFontGD(), SetFontTTF(): New functions to set a font, with type.
991    * SetFont(): Now calls SetFontGD or SetFontTTF depending on $use_ttf.
992    These changes should be fully compatible with existing programs.
994    Internal changes:
995    * Updated comments explaining SetUseTTF() now sets the default type
996      (not the only type) of text used.
997    * Put all the font data into a class array. (Replaces $this->generic_font
998      with $this->fonts['generic'], etc.)
999    * ProcessTextGD() and ProcessTextTTF() now take the font array as one
1000      argument, rather than separate arguments for font path and size.
10022008-01-13 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.0.5 =====
1003    * phplot.php: Updated version
1004    * README.txt: Updated for new release
1005    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
1006    * Makefile: Remove 'Callbacks' from release target, as this material is
1007      now in the reference manual.
10092008-01-07 (lbayuk)
1010    Copyright updated to 2008 and PHP4 no longer listed as supported.
1012    Major rewrite of the margin calculation functions to address multiple
1013    problems.  Fixes for bugs 1856207 "Margin error with 'xaxis'/'yaxis'
1014    position, 1843012 "Make margins, drawing consistent", and 945439
1015    "x_tick_label_height not set correctly".
1017    Note: These changes are inter-dependent and cannot be split up.
1019    * Defer all calculations to DrawGraph time, to eliminate order dependencies.
1020      These functions now just store their arguments in the object, and all
1021      calculations happen later:
1022    + SetXAxisPosition, SetYAxisPosition
1023    + SetMarginsPixels
1024    + SetPlotAreaPixels (Stores margins, not area, now.)
1025    + SetPlotAreaWorld
1026    + SetXTickIncrement, SetYTickIncrement
1028    * A new callback 'debug_scale' was added to trace the margin and scale
1029      calculations.
1031    * CalcMargins was rewritten. Actual sizes of tick and data labels are now
1032      used, rather than guesses like "use size of biggest Y value". A minimum
1033      value (3 x safe_margin, or 15 pixels) applies to each margin.
1035    * FindDataLimits no longer needs to find the longest data label, since
1036      CalcMargins now does that more precisely.
1038    * DrawXTitle and DrawYTitle now use position offsets calculated by
1039      CalcMargins. Note: These titles are now offset from the plot area,
1040      not the image area. The titles will move if you had set the plot area
1041      or margins.
1043    * DrawYTick, DrawXTick rewritten to use pre-calculated offsets, and common
1044      code moved to new CalcTicks().
1046    * DrawXDataLabel: Use pre-calculated offsets for text.
1048    * DrawGraph: Rewrote top section (before drawing anything) to do the
1049      calculations in the proper order, unconditionally.
1051    * Class variables removed:
1052      x_label_inc, y_label_inc, _x_label_cnt : These were never used.
1053      title_height, x_title_height, y_title_width : Now internal to CalcMargins.
1054      data_limits_done : No more need to remember if FindDataLimits called.
1056    * New class variables added:
1057      plot_margins_set : Keeps track of user-set plot area or automatic.
1058      x_label_top_offset, x_label_bot_offset, x_offset_axis_offset,
1059          y_label_left_offset, y_label_right_offset, y_label_axis_offset,
1060          x_title_top_offset, x_title_bot_offset,
1061          y_title_left_offset, y_title_left_offset : Label offsets
1063    * New internal functions:
1064      CalcPlotAreaPixels : Deferred calculations taken out of SetPlotAreaPixels
1065        and SetMarginsPixels.
1066      CalcPlotAreaWorld : Deferred calculations taken out of SetPlotAreaWorld.
1067      CalcAxisPositions : Calculate axis positions, moved from CalcTranslation.
1068      CalcTicks : Calculate X and Y tick interval. This still uses the
1069        same simple method (basically range/10), but now we could drop in a new
1070        algorithm much more easily. This is now also used by CalcMargins.
1071        Code taken out of DrawXTicks and DrawYTicks.
1072      CalcMaxTickLabelSize : So CalcMargins can use the exact tick label sizes.
1073      CalcMaxDataLabelSize : So CalcMargins can use the exact data label sizes.
1074      DrawXTick : Code split out from DrawXTicks for symmetry with DrawYTick.
10772007-12-13 (lbayuk)
1078    * Changed ProcessTextTTF() so SizeText() will return integers. It rounds
1079      the calculated values up, so the bounding box really contains the text.
1080      This also prevents unneeded float calculations in derived values.
10822007-12-09 (lbayuk)
1083    Major rewrite of the text drawing functions to address multiple problems.
1084    Note: These changes are inter-dependent and cannot be split up.
1086    * Fixed bug 1813070 "Bad position for multi-line TrueType text":
1087      TTF text is now drawn line-by-line, not as a block, for proper
1088      alignment and positioning.
1090    * Fixed bug 1813071 "Wrong title height for multi-line TTF text":
1091      Corrected miscalculation of overall height of multi-line TTF titles.
1092      This bug resulted in over-sized margins.
1093      The height is now computed line-by-line, including the inter-line spacing.
1095    * Fixed bug 1813474 "DrawText alignment arguments wrong":
1096      Corrected meaning of 'top' vs 'bottom' alignment. PHPlot now follows
1097      the usual conventions: 'top' alignment means top of text to reference.
1098      DrawText default for vertical alignment is still 'bottom', but the
1099      meaning was corrected.  All callers of DrawText were fixed.
1101    * Fixed bug 1816844 "Fix order dependency for setting titles":
1102      Defer processing titles strings until DrawGraph(), so there is no
1103      more order dependency (no need to set font before setting title strings).
1105    * Fixed bug 1819668 "Horiz. align multi-line text: GD vs TTF":
1106      The new text routines draw TTF text line-by-line and correctly do
1107      right-, center-, and left- alignment of each line within a text block.
1109    * Fixed bug 1826513 "FIXME in DrawLegend: Max label length":
1110      Use actual width of widest legend line to calculate legend box size.
1112    * Partial fix for bug 945439 "x_tick_label_height not set correctly":
1113      In FindDataLimits(), save the longest data label, not just its length,
1114      and use the actual rendered size of that string in CalcMargins() for
1115      the margin calculations.
1116      Also take into account which of the tick or data labels are visible.
1117      This is not a complete fix, but is a significant improvement.
1119    The following changes were made related to the above fixes:
1121    + Replaced internal function TTFBBoxSize(), which didn't work right, with
1122      SizeText(). It returns the orthogonal bounding box of a block of text,
1123      and works with both GD and TTF text.
1125    + DrawText() and SizeText() call a single function ProcessText(), which is
1126      the only place GD text and TTF text are distinguished. (So eventually
1127      we will be able to mix GD and TTF text on a plot.)
1129    + New internal functions ProcessTextGD() and ProcessTextTTF() draw (or size)
1130      GD and TTF text respectively. These are only called by ProcessText().
1131      These are re-implementations which properly position and align text.
1133    + Removed class variables title_angle, x_title_angle, and y_title_angle. The
1134      titles only work at their fixed angles anyway (0, 0, and 90 respectively).
1136    + Line spacing set with SetLineSpacing() now affects TTF text as well as
1137      GD text. Previously, it only affected GD text. The default line spacing
1138      happens to be usable for TTF text.
1140    + Added new callback hook 'debug_textbox' for developing, testing, and
1141      documenting. It provides access to the text area bounding box.
1143    + Removed unneeded class variables x_tick_label_height, y_tick_label_width,
1144      x_tot_margin, y_tot_margin.
1147    * Improve error handling:
1148      Internal functions PrintError() and DrawError() are now the same. Both
1149      will draw the error message into the image and output it, and then
1150      trigger a user-level error. If no error handler has been set, it will
1151      exit, as before. But now the error message should also get logged, or
1152      written to the standard error stream, depending on the SAPI in use.
1153      You can now establish an error handler to catch most PHPlot errors and
1154      do some cleanup before exit.
1156      This fix also covers bug #1823774 "Default Font Path and Error Message
1157      Output".
1159      Fixed the return value of most PHPlot functions, to return False on
1160      error, else True. Since uncaught errors are fatal anyway, this only
1161      affects code with an error handler that returns, which is not
1162      recommended and unsupported at this time. These changes are for
1163      possible future error handling options.
1166    * Fix bug 1836528 "Insufficient checking of parameter values":
1167      Rewrote CheckOption to correctly validate option choices.
1168      (It previously accepted substrings and other incorrect values.)
1169      PHPlot methods that use CheckOption now must be called with valid option
1170      values. Empty strings are also no longer accepted.
11722007-11-17 (lbayuk)
1173    * Change to callbacks to support extra arguments.
1174      The PHPlot class can now pass extra arguments to a callback function.
1175      Callback functions now take the following form:
1176          my_callback($img, $passthru_arg, ...)
1177      Where '...' is zero or more additional arguments supplied by PHPlot to
1178      the callback. Each implemented callback reason will define any
1179      additional arguments it uses. The existing defined callbacks have not
1180      changed and do not currently pass any extra arguments.
11822007-11-10 (lbayuk)
1183    * Fix bug 1827263 "Spoiled up pie-chart if $val is close to zero":
1184      Skip pie slices which would result in an integer angle of zero
1185      degrees, because the GD arc filling function will draw a complete
1186      circle for that case.
1187      Credit to Viacheslav <webdeveloper.ua at gmail.com> for finding this.
1189    * Removed 8 of the functions (class methods) marked 'deprecated'.  Only
1190      deprecated functions which seem to have been for internal use have
1191      been removed. Even old scripts shouldn't be using them, and they are
1192      becoming a problem to maintain.
1193      Removed: SetImageArea() DrawDotSeries() DrawLineSeries() CalcXHeights()
1194      CalcYWidths() DrawLabels() InitImage() DrawDashedLine().
11962007-10-20 (lbayuk)     ===== Released as 5.0.4 =====
1197    * phplot.php: Updated copyright, version, and authors comments at top.
1198    * README.txt: Updated for new release
1199    * NEWS.txt: Add text for new release
12012007-10-18 (lbayuk)
1202    * Add callbacks - experimental feature:
1203      New functions SetCallback, GetCallback, RemoveCallback.
1204      New internal function DoCallback.
1205      Added callback hooks to DrawGraph.
1207      Re-arranged code in DrawGraph to bring pie chart drawing into the main
1208      switch on plot type, rather than a special case in its own block. This
1209      makes it easier to follow and easier to add callback hooks.
1211    * Callbacks: New file, documentation for the new callbacks feature.
1212      (This won't be in the manual while it is an experimental feature.)
12142007-10-15 (lbayuk)
1215    * Fix for bug 1813021: Miss-positioned right-justified vertical GD text.
1216      Fixed DrawText() to correctly position 90 degree right-justified text
1217      drawn in a fixed GD font. This could be seen with 90 degree Y tick
1218      labels. (Found by accident while working on TrueType text problems.)
1219      Also some code cleanup in DrawText: use elseif where appropriate.
12212007-10-09 (lbayuk)
1222    * Code cleanup: Simplify SetIndexColor() and SetIndexDarkColor().
1223      There is no need to first try ImageColorExact, then ImageColorResolve
1224      if that fails. ImageColorResolve does all that for us.
1226      Code cleanup: Rewrite SetRGBColor(). It now detects if an unrecognized
1227      color name or color value form is used, and draws an error message.
1228      Before this it would get a PHP index error and "headers already sent"
1229      condition.
1231    * Code cleanup: Remove duplicated code for loading image files.
1232      Added new class-private function GetImage() which loads an image based
1233      on the image type, and also returns the image size. This replaces
1234      duplicated code in tile_img() and SetInputFile().
1235      Also fixed comment at top of SetImageFile which said it was deprecated.
1236      It isn't - it is used by the constructor. Moved the function out of the
1237      'deprecated' area up to below where it is used.
1239    * Code cleanup: PHPlot should not define or affect anything outside its
1240      own class.
1241      - Removed the check for __FUNCTION__ (PHP 4.3 and up). This is obsolete.
1242      - Do not set error_reporting to E_ALL. Although it is recommended that
1243      scripts do this, it is not the place of loaded classes to do it.
1244      - Remove unused global constant TOTY.
1245      - Removed constants MAXY and MINY. Global constants like this are bad.
1246      These were used as magic index values into data[] to hold min and max Y
1247      values for the row. Instead, put them in separate arrays which are
1248      named data_miny[] and data_maxy[]. (This seems to be only used by the
1249      data line drawing function.)
1251      Comment cleanup: Remove one commented-out partial function DrawPlotLabel,
1252      and fix another commented-out code fragment in DrawYErrorBar. Both of
1253      these had unmatched braces in them which caused a balance-braces check
1254      to fail.
1256    * Code cleanup, array padding: Get rid of functions outside the class
1257      and remove the interim fix for PHP 5 (which changed the behavior of
1258      array_merge).  Rewrote external function array_pad_array() as a new
1259      class function pad_array().  It does not need access to the class,
1260      but I don't think PHPlot should add to the global namespace more
1261      than necessary.  The third argument (array to use for padding) was
1262      never used, so it was removed. It always pads the array with itself.
1263      It now only works on 'usual integer indexed' arrays (0-based
1264      sequential integer index). The was previously required but
1265      undocumented for some of the arrays (like line_widths); now it is
1266      required for all style arrays and will be documented. Now we can pad
1267      the array to the required length, not just N times its previous
1268      length, and we don't need array_merge.  Deleted external function
1269      array_merge_php4() as it is no longer used.
1271      Deleted PHP end marker ?>. You don't need this and it can cause
1272      problems with extra whitespace in your output.
12742007-09-24 (lbayuk)
1275    * Code cleanup: Fix ternary operator misuse.  This doesn't change
1276      behavior, but it was annoying me so I fixed it.
1277      Replaced all cases of code like this: $a = ($a > $b) ? $b : $a
1278      With just: if ($a > $b) $a = $b
1280    * Fix Makefile 'release' target to set owner/group when creating
1281      the tar file. This avoids having to run it as root, but it needs
1282      GNU tar to work.
12842007-09-08 (lbayuk)
1285    * Fix for bug 1790441: Removed the PHPlot quasi-destructor function and
1286      the register_shutdown_function() call which arranged for it to be used.
1287      This was preventing release of memory when a PHPlot object was unset,
1288      because the registered shutdown function held a reference to it.
1289      So rather than improving memory use, it had the opposite effect.
1290        Note: It is no longer necessary or recommended to use reference
1291        assignment ($plot =& new PHPlot) for PHPlot object creation.
1292      Thanks to annajilly for the thorough analysis, bug report, and fix.
12942007-09-05 (lbayuk)
1295    * Rewrote FormatLabel() to ignore blank label values. Adapted from a
1296      patch and feature request submitted by Gerhard Reithofer (exgerhardr).
1297      Blank labels used to produce an error if the LabelType was set to
1298      'time', and zero if set to 'data'. Now they are just ignored. This
1299      provides a simple way to have labels only at selected intervals when
1300      using time or data formats. For example, you can have a date/time
1301      label at every 10th data point by setting the labels for the other 9
1302      to be empty strings. Also: Removed $which_pos values 'plotx' and
1303      'ploty'.  These were unused by PHPlot and this is an internal-only
1304      function so there is no compatibility issue. Removed error checking on
1305      $which_pos for the same reason; the error message used an undefined
1306      variable anyway so it wouldn't have worked.
13082007-08-26 (lbayuk)
1309    * Allow SetLegendStyle colorbox_align argument to be 'none', to suppress
1310      the colorboxes in the legend.
1312      Fix comment on $legend_text_align: empty means right, not left.
1314      Rewrote DrawLegend layout code to make it easier to understand. The
1315      result should be within 1 or 2 pixels of the previous size and position.
1317    * Fixes for bug 1779115: SetLegendWorld() fails on undefined vars
1318      Store the given coordinates and remember that they need to be converted
1319      from world to pixel coordinates, but defer trying to actually convert
1320      them until it is time to draw the legend. This way, there are no
1321      problems with the scale having to being set up first (which is nearly
1322      impossible to do).  Made the following changes:
1324        Changed legend class variables to be uninitialized, and unset (rather
1325        than empty string) means use the defaults. Added a new variable:
1326        $legend_xy_world. If it is set, (legend_x_pos, legend_y_pos) need to
1327        be converted to pixel coords. If it is unset, they are already pixel
1328        coords (or undefined, meaning defaults).
1330        Changed usage of internal function DrawLegend(): removed all arguments.
1331        X and Y were always the class variables anyway, and now it needs to
1332        also use the new flag to tell it if X and Y are world or pixel coords.
1333        The third argument was unused.
1335        Removed third, unused, default NULL argument from SetLegendPixels and
1336        SetLegendWorld.
1338        Changes to DrawLegend to convert x, y coords to pixel coordinates
1339        if they came from SetLegendWorld. Also account for new usage of
1340        the class variables: Test for unset to mean use default.
13422007-08-04 (lbayuk)
1343    * New feature: control legend text and color box alignment.
1344      Adds a new function SetLegendStyle to adjust the alignment of the
1345      text and the color boxes inside the legend.
1346      Based on part of bug 1208054, contributed by David Hern�ndez Sanz.
13482006-12-02 (lbayuk)
1349    * Fixes for bug 1605555: Y Data Labels use wrong font and not formatted.
1350      Use y_label_font (not x_label_font) for Y Data Labels.
1351      Use the formatted value for the label, not the original text.
1352      (This applies to bar charts only, with the new Y data labels.)
1354    * One fix for bug 1208054: Localization of number format.
1355      If number formatting is enabled with 'data' format type, PHPlot previously
1356      used dot for decimal point and comma for thousands separator, and there
1357      was no way to change it.
1359      This fix adds a new function:
1360               SetNumberFormat($decimal_point, $thousands_separator)
1361      to set the separators.  In addition, if that function is not used,
1362      PHPlot will now try to use locale-dependent separators. If locale
1363      information is not available, it will fall back to the old defaults
1364      of dot and comma.
1366      Note: This change may have some negative effects. 1) If your locale is
1367      "C" or "Posix", you might not get a thousands separator now by default.
1368      You should be using a more specific locale. 2) If your PHP script is
1369      forcing a specific locale with setlocale(), PHPlot will probably undo
1370      that because it uses setlocale(LC_ALL, '') to import locale information
1371      from the environment.  We have to do that, or a locale set through
1372      the environment is ignored. But it will override a manually set locale.
1374    * Fix for bug 937944: X/Y Tick Counts
1375      PHPlot could draw one too few Y tick marks, and one too many X tick marks.
1377      Changed the code to stop drawing X (Y) tick marks when the current X (Y)
1378      value exceeds the maximum X (Y) value plus a small fudge factor. The fudge
1379      factor accounts for cumulative error when repeatedly adding a delta to
1380      the X (Y) value.
1382      Notes: The bug report was writing about Y tick counts only, but X tick
1383      counts can also be wrong. The proposed fix in the bug report does not
1384      work in all cases.
1386      This fix changes the appearance of many plots which were missing the
1387      top-most Y tick mark. The extra X-tick mark problem is less common.
1389===== Released as 5.0rc3 =====
13912006-11-13 (lbayuk)
1392    * Fix for bug 1437912: x-axis label misalignment [bar charts]
1393      The calculations were redone from scratch.
1394      New control variable 'bar_extra_space', which works in addition to
1395      'group_frac_width' to control how much extra space is around the bars.
1396      Made bar widths match for 'stackedbars' and 1-bar-per-group 'bars'.
1398      NOTE: This changes the appearance of charts. bars in 'stackedbars'
1399      will now be thinner, and bars in 'bars' graphs will be thicker. I
1400      saw no reason for them being different before.
1402      This fix required fixing the positioning on the new bar data labels,
1403      which was off before.  The bar data labels will now be centered.
1404      Additional fixes to bar chart data labels:
1405         For negative values, the label will center under the bar.
1406         Fixed X-adjustment to account for shading.
1407         Fixed to not suppress the data label if the value is 0.
14102006-11-10 (lbayuk)
1411    * Fix for bug 1594457: DrawError text wrap and background fix
1412      Do error image white background correctly, and word-wrap the text.
1414    * Fix for bug 1594458: Suppress lines or points in 'linepoints'
1415      Don't draw X data labels twice for 'linepoints'.
1416      Allow SetPointShapes value 'none' to suppress points, and allow
1417      SetLineStyles value 'none' to suppress lines. This allows a 'linepoints'
1418      graph to mix lines only, points only, and both on the same graph.
14212006-11-09 (lbayuk)
1422    * Fixes for bug 1446523:
1423      + Wrong variable name in deprecated SetAxisFontSize()
1424      + Fails to properly handle error if SetDataValues() was never
1425        called, or not called with a data array.
1427    * Fix for bug 1117122: Pie Chart ignores SetPlotAreaPixels
1428      Don't let DrawGraph recalculate the plot area for pie charts if the
1429      user already set it with SetPlotAreaPixels.
1431      NOTE: This fix may slightly change the appearance of some pie charts,
1432      whether or not they use SetPlotAreaPixels.
1434    * Fix for bug 1103992: Wrong max Y calculated for stackedbars
1435      Changes FindDataLimits to calculate max Y correctly. It was counting
1436      the first Y value in each record twice, which is always wrong but
1437      only affected stackedbars because the Y values are summed.
1439    * Fix for bug 1096199: Wrong error bar colors in DrawDotsError.
1440      Rewrites DrawDotsError to make it work like DrawLinesError to
1441      correctly increment the record and color indexes.
1442      Also fixes uninitialized x_now_pixels.
1444    * Fix for bug 1096197: No borders on unshaded Draw[Stacked]Bars
1445      Unshaded Bars and StackedBars covered the border with the rectangle.
1446      The fix is to draw the rectangle, then the border.
1448      NOTE: This fix changes chart appearance. Bars and Stacked Bars
1449      will now get a black border around each bar by default, if you
1450      turn off the 3D-shading. If you want borderless, unshaded bars
1451      you need to use SetDataBorderColors to set the data border colors
1452      to be the same as the data colors.
1454    * Fix for bug 1333164: Negative data values, if string variables, result
1455      in unfilled bars. The problem was a string-to-string compare of a
1456      negative number with the empty string x_axis_position. Fixed by
1457      initializing x_axis_y_pixels to 0 if SetXAxisPosition was not used.
14602005-04-17 (afan)
1461    * Fix for bug [ 1161072 ] SetInputFile warning, background overwrite
1463    * Bug 1182672 fixed
14652005-04-15 (afan)
1466    * fix for bug: [ 1182666 ] Y Auto-scale rounds in wrong direction
1468    * Fix for bugs 1144644 TrueType font path problems and 1106328 TTF
1469      path/filename inconsistency
1471    * Fix Bug: [ 1117120 ] X Title sizing uses Y Title font height
14732005-04-13 (afan)
1474    * Error in SetLineStyles() - does not accept an array argument
14772005-03-29 (afan)
1478    * Small typo fixed in SetYDataLabelPos
1480    * Update SetDataLabelPos: For past compatibility we accept plotleft,
1481      ...but pass it to SetTickLabelPos
14832005-03-26 (afan)
1484    * Change to line 3802: data lables now work with multiple bars with *$idx
14862005-03-25 (afan)
1487    * Added Function DrawDataLabels to put data labels in world coords,
1488      added call from DrawBars and modified SetYDataLabelPos to flag
1489      whether or not to call DrawDataLabels.
14912005-01-20 (migueldb)
1492    * Many bugfixes reported and solved by L. J. Bayuk. Thanks!
1493      + fixed bug #1096190
1494      + FindDataLimits(): fixed bug #1096192
1495      + CalcTranslation(): fixed bug #1101317
1496      + DrawImageBorder(): fixed bug 1096200
1497      + DrawXDataLabel(): fixed bug 1099879
1498      + DrawDots(): fixed bug #1096194
1500===== Released as 5.0rc2 =====
15022004-10-24 (migueldb)
1503    * array_merge_php4(): added to cope with the bug introduced by
1504        the change in array_merge() from PHP4 to PHP5 (I haven't verified this)
1505    * Fixed some divisions by zero, thanks to an old bug report.
15072004-09-09 (migueldb)
1508    * SetPointSize(): deprecated
1509    * SetPointSizes(): added as replacement for SetPointSize().
1510      Now able to set point sizes on a per line basis.
1511    * SetPointShape(): deprecated.
1512    * SetPointShapes(): added as replacement for SetPointShape().
1513      Now able to set point shape on a per line basis.
1514    * DrawDot(): now needs record number to decide which dot shape and
1515      size to draw.
1516    * CalcMargins(): dirty fix for x data label placing.
1517    * tile_img(): fixed tile placement.
15192004-06-14 (migueldb)
1520    * SetXTickLabelPos() and others: more on the bug reported by Jo Demol.
1521    * Fixed bug reported by Jo Demol.
15232004-05-11 (migueldb)
1524    * SetBgImage(): added.
1525    * SetPlotAreaBgImage(): added.
1526    * SetInputFile(): deprecated.
1527    * DrawBackground(): now accepts images as backgrounds.
1528    * DrawPlotAreaBackground(): now accepts images as backgrounds.
1529    * tile_img(): internal method added.
1532Editor's Note: For older changes to PHPlot, please see the CVS logs.