2/* Based on parts of Example.php from SmartIRC
3 * Example.php Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Mirco "MEEBEY" Bauer <mail@meebey.net> <http://www.meebey.net>
4 * SRB2MS.php Copyright (c) 2004 by Logan Arias of Sonic Team JR.
5 *
6 * the Rest is Copyright (c) 2004 Logan Arias <Logan.GBA@gmail.net>
7 * This is LGPL! that means you can change and use as you like
8 *
9 * Full LGPL License: <http://www.meebey.net/lgpl.txt>
10 *
11 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
13 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 *
16 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
20 *
21 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
22 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
23 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
24 */
26define('MAGPIE_DIR', './magpierss/');
27// define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 30); // half-min
30$today = getdate();
31$lastupdatetime = mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes']-6,0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year']);
32$lastlisttime = mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes']-1,0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year']);
34class SRB2MS_BOT
37	function ListUsersPM(&$irc, &$data)
38	{
39		global $rssdatabase;
40		if ($rssdatabase->users[0])
41		{
42			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, 'List of RSS users');
43			foreach ($rssdatabase->users as $users)
44			{
45				$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "$users");
46			}
47		}
48		else
49		{
50			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, 'there are no RSS users');
51		}
52	}
54	function RSSupdateuser(&$irc, &$data)
55	{
56		global $rssdatabase;
57		if ($rssdatabase->OnList("$data->nick"))
58		{
59			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->message, "I am trying to update $data->nick to $data->message from the list");
60			if ($rssdatabase->ReplaceUser("$data->nick","$data->message"))
61			{
62				$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->message, "I have changed $data->nick to $data->message on the list");
63			}
64			else
65			{
66				$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->message, "$data->nick was not on the list");
67			}
68		}
69	}
71	function RSScheckuser(&$irc, &$data)
72	{
73		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "I going to check if you are on the list");
74		global $rssdatabase;
75		if ($rssdatabase->OnList("$data->nick"))
76		{
77		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "you are on the list");
78		}
79		else
80		{
81		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "you are not on the list");
82		}
83	}
85	function RSSremoveuser(&$irc, &$data)
86	{
87		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "I am trying to remove $data->nick from the list");
88		global $rssdatabase;
89		if ($rssdatabase->DeleteUser("$data->nick"))
90		{
91		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "I have removed $data->nick from the list");
92		}
93		else
94		{
95		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "$data->nick is not on the list");
96		}
97	}
99	function RSSadduser(&$irc, &$data)
100	{
101		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "I am trying to add you $data->nick to the list");
102		global $rssdatabase;
103		if ($rssdatabase->AddUser("$data->nick"))
104		{
105		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "I have added $data->nick to the list");
106		}
107		else
108		{
109		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "$data->nick is already on the list");
110		}
111	}
113	function RSSListGamesPM(&$irc, &$data)
114	{
115		$content = $this->GenFeed();
116		$SRB2MSRSS10 = new MagpieRSS( $content );
117		if ($SRB2MSRSS10)
118		{
119			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, 'Running SRB2 netgames ');
120			foreach ($SRB2MSRSS10->items as $item)
121			{
122				$description = $item['dc']['description'];
123				$title = $item['title'];
124				$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "Name: $title $description");
125			}
126		}
127		else
128		{
129			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, '.magpie_error()');
130			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, 'The SRB2 MasterServer RSS feed is not up');
131		}
132	}
134	function RSSListUpdate(&$irc)
135	{
136		global $lastupdatetime;
137		global $SRB2MS_mute;
138		if ($SRB2MS_mute)
139		{
140			return;
141		}
142		$RSS10content = $this->GenFeed();
143		$SRB2MSRSS10 = new MagpieRSS( $RSS10content );
144		if ($SRB2MSRSS10)
145		{
146			//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun', 'Running SRB2 netgames ');
147			foreach ($SRB2MSRSS10->items as $item)
148			{
149				if ( $item['title'] == "No servers" )
150				{
151					// NOP
152				}
153				elseif ( $item['title'] == "No master server" )
154				{
155					// NOP
156				}
157				else
158				{
159					$published = parse_w3cdtf($item['dc']['date']);
160					if ( $published >= $lastupdatetime )
161					{
162						$title = $item['title'];
163						$serveraddress = $item['srb2ms']['address'];
164						$serverport = $item['srb2ms']['port'];
165						$serverversion = $item['srb2ms']['version'];
166						//if ( $serverversion == "1.09.3" )
167						//{
168						//	$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun'    , "New Server, $serveraddress:$serverport Name: $title");
169						//}
170						//else
171						{
172							$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun'    , "New Server, $serveraddress:$serverport Name: $title Version: $serverversion");
173						}
174						//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2general', "New Server, Name: $title $description");
175					}
176					else
177					{
178						// NOP
179					}
180				}
182			}
183			$today = getdate();
184			// update time
185			$lastupdatetime = mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes'],0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year']);
186		}
187		else
188		{
189			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun', '.magpie_error()');
190			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun', 'The SRB2 MasterServer RSS feed is not up');
191		}
192	}
194	function Mute(&$irc, &$data)
195	{
196		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->ops as $nick => $key )
197		{
198			if ($data->nick == $nick || $data->nick == 'Logan_GBA')
199			{
200				global $lastupdatetime;
201				$today = getdate();
202				// update time
203				$lastupdatetime = mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes'],0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year']);
204				$GLOBALS['SRB2MS_mute'] = TRUE;
205				return;
206			}
207		}
208	}
210	function Unmute(&$irc, &$data)
211	{
212		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->ops as $nick => $key )
213		{
214			if ($data->nick == $nick || $data->nick == 'Logan_GBA')
215			{
216				$GLOBALS['SRB2MS_mute'] = FALSE;
217				return;
218			}
219		}
220	}
223	function Mute2(&$irc, &$data)
224	{
225		if ($data->nick == 'Logan_GBA')
226		{
227			global $lastupdatetime;
228			$today = getdate();
229			// update time
230			$lastupdatetime = mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes'],0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year']);
231			$GLOBALS['SRB2MS_mute'] = TRUE;
232		}
233	}
235	function Unmute2(&$irc, &$data)
236	{
237		if ($data->nick == 'Logan_GBA')
238		{
239			$GLOBALS['SRB2MS_mute'] = FALSE;
240		}
241	}
243	function RSSListGames(&$irc, &$data)
244	{
245		global $lastlisttime;
246		$content = $this->GenFeed();
247		$today = getdate();
248		//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, 'testing feed');
249		//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "$content");
250		//$content1 = $this->Gettextfromserver();
251		//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "$content1");
252		$SRB2MSRSS10 = new MagpieRSS( $content );
253		if ($SRB2MSRSS10)
254		{
255			if ((mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes']-2,0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year'])) >= $lastlisttime)
256			{
257					//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun', 'Running SRB2 netgames ');
258					foreach ($SRB2MSRSS10->items as $item)
259					{
260						if ( $item['title'] == "No servers" )
261						{
262							//0$description = $item['dc']['description'];
263							$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "No SRB2 Games are running, so why don't you start one?");
264						}
265						elseif ( $item['title'] == "No master server" )
266						{
267							$description = $item['dc']['description'];
268							$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "$description");
269						}
270						else
271						{
272							$title = $item['title'];
273							$serveraddress = $item['srb2ms']['address'];
274							$serverport = $item['srb2ms']['port'];
275							$serverversion = $item['srb2ms']['version'];
276							//if ( $serverport == " 5029" )
277							//{
278							//	$serverport = "5029";
279							//}
280							//if ( $serverversion == "1.09.3" )
281							//{
282							//	$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun'    , "$serveraddress:$serverport Name: $title");
283							//}
284							//else
285							{
286								$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun'    , "$serveraddress:$serverport Name: $title  Version: $serverversion");
287							}
289						}
291				}
292				$today = getdate();
293				$lastlisttime = mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes'],0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year']);
294			}
296		}
297		else
298		{
299			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, ".magpie_error()");
300			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, 'The SRB2 MasterServer RSS feed is not up');
301		}
302	}
304	function RSSListGamesPM(&$irc, &$data)
305	{
306		global $lastlisttime;
307		$content = $this->GenFeed();
308		$today = getdate();
309		//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, 'testing feed');
310		//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "$content");
311		//$content1 = $this->Gettextfromserver();
312		//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "$content1");
313		$SRB2MSRSS10 = new MagpieRSS( $content );
314		if ($SRB2MSRSS10)
315		{
316			//if ((mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes']-2,0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year'])) >= $lastlisttime)
317			{
318					//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun', 'Running SRB2 netgames ');
319					$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "Running SRB2 netgames from http://srb2.servegame.org/");
320					foreach ($SRB2MSRSS10->items as $item)
321					{
322						if ( $item['title'] == "No servers" )
323						{
324							//0$description = $item['dc']['description'];
325							//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "No SRB2 Games are running, so why don't you start one?");
326						}
327						elseif ( $item['title'] == "No master server" )
328						{
329							$description = $item['dc']['description'];
330							//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "$description");
331						}
332						else
333						{
334							$title = $item['title'];
335							$serveraddress = $item['srb2ms']['address'];
336							$serverport = $item['srb2ms']['port'];
337							$serverversion = $item['srb2ms']['version'];
338							//if ( $serverport == " 5029" )
339							//{
340							//	$serverport = "5029";
341							//}
342							//if ( $serverversion == "1.09.3" )
343							//{
344							//	$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun'    , "$serveraddress:$serverport Name: $title");
345							//}
346							//else
347							{
348								$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "$serveraddress:$serverport Name: $title  Version: $serverversion");
349							}
351						}
353				}
354				$today = getdate();
355				$lastlisttime = mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes'],0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year']);
356			}
358		}
359		else
360		{
361			//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, ".magpie_error()");
362			//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, 'The SRB2 MasterServer RSS feed is not up');
363		}
364	}
366	function ListGamesPM(&$irc, &$data)
367	{
368		$fd = fsockopen("srb2.servegame.org", 28900, $errno, $errstr, 5);
369		if ($fd)
370		{
371			$buff = "000012360000";
372			fwrite($fd, $buff);
373			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, 'Running SRB2 netgames ');
374			while (1)
375			{
376				$content=fgets($fd, 13); // skip 13 first bytes
377				$content=fgets($fd, 1024);
378				$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "$content");
379				//echo "$content";
380				if (feof($fd)) break;
381			}
382		}
383		else
384		{
385			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, 'The SRB2 MasterServer is not up');
386		}
387	}
389	function ListGamesChan(&$irc, &$data)
390	{
391		global $lastlisttime;
392		$today = getdate();
393		$fd = fsockopen("srb2.servegame.org", 28900, $errno, $errstr, 5);
394		if ($fd)
395		{
396			stream_set_timeout ($fd, 5);
397			$buff = "000012360000";
398			fwrite($fd, $buff);
399			if ( (mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes']-5,0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year'])) >= $lastlisttime )
400			{
401				$content = "";
402				while (1)
403				{
404					fgets($fd, 13); // skip 13 first bytes
405					$content = fgets($fd, 1024);
406					$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "$content");
407					$today = getdate();
408					$lastlisttime = mktime($today['hours'],$today['minutes'],0,$today['mon'], $today['mday'], $today['year']);
409					if (feof($fd)) break;
410				}
411			}
412		}
413		else
414		{
415			$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, 'The SRB2 MasterServer is not up');
416		}
417	}
419	function byebye(&$irc, &$data)
420	{
421		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->ops as $quitnick => $key )
422		{
423			if ($data->nick == $quitnick)
424			{
425				$irc->setAutoReconnect(FALSE);
426				$irc->setAutoRetry(FALSE);
427				$irc->quit('This quit was done by' + "$data->nick");
428				return;
429			}
430		}
431	}
433	function BeenInvited(&$irc, &$data)
434	{
435		if ($data->message == '#srb2fun')
436			$irc->join($data->message);
438		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->ops as $invitenick => $key )
439		{
440			if ($data->nick == $invitenick)
441			{
442				$irc->join($data->message);
443				return;
444			}
445		}
446		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->users as $nick => $key )
447		{
448			if ($data->nick == $nick)
449			{
450				$irc->kick('#srb2fun', $data->nick, "Sorry, but I don't like you, or your channel, $data->message");
451				return;
452			}
453		}
454		//$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "Sorry, but I don't like you, or your channel, $data->message");
455	}
457	function Talk(&$irc, &$data)
458	{
459		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->ops as $nick => $key)
460		{
461			if ($data->nick == $nick)
462			{
463				$msg = str_replace("!talk ", '', "$data->message");
464				$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '#srb2fun', $msg);
465				return;
466			}
467		}
468		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->users as $nick => $key)
469		{
470			if ($data->nick == $nick)
471			{
472				$irc->kick('#srb2fun', $data->nick, 'Stop talking to me!');
473				return;
474			}
475		}
476	}
478	function Action(&$irc, &$data)
479	{
480		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->ops as $nick => $key)
481		{
482			if ($data->nick == $nick)
483			{
484				$msg = str_replace("!action ", '', "$data->message");
485				$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_ACTION, '#srb2fun', $msg);
486				return;
487			}
488		}
489		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->users as $nick => $key)
490		{
491			if ($data->nick == $nick)
492			{
493				$irc->kick('#srb2fun', $data->nick, 'Stop talking to me!');
494				return;
495			}
496		}
497	}
499	function Kick(&$irc, &$data)
500	{
501		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->ops as $nick => $key)
502		{
503			if ($data->nick == $nick)
504			{
505				$msg = str_replace("!kick ", '', "$data->message");
506				$irc->kick('#srb2fun', $msg);
507				return;
508			}
509		}
510		foreach ($irc->channel['#srb2fun']->users as $nick => $key)
511		{
512			if ($data->nick == $nick)
513			{
514				$irc->kick('#srb2fun', $data->nick, 'Stop talking to me!');
515				return;
516			}
517		}
518	}
520	function DebugPM(&$irc, &$data)
521	{
522//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "from:");
523//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "$data->from");
524//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "nick:");
525//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "$data->nick");
526//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "ident:");
527//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "$data->ident");
528//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "host:");
529//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "$data->host");
530//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "channel:");
531//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "$data->channel");
532//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "message:");
533//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "$data->message");
534//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "type:");
535//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "$data->type");
536//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "rawmessage:");
537//		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "$data->rawmessage");
539		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, "Alam_GBC", "from: $data->from");
540		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, "Alam_GBC", "nick: $data->nick");
541		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, "Alam_GBC", "ident: $data->ident");
542		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, "Alam_GBC", "host: $data->host");
543		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, "Alam_GBC", "channel: $data->channel");
544		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, "Alam_GBC", "message: $data->message");
545		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, "Alam_GBC", "type: $data->type");
546		$irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, "Alam_GBC", "rawmessage: $data->rawmessage");
547	}
549	function GetRSS10datafromserver()
550	{
551		$content = "";
552		$fd = fsockopen("srb2.servegame.org", 28900, $errno, $errstr, 5);
553		if ($fd)
554		{
555			$buff = "000012400000";
556			fwrite($fd, $buff);
557			while (1)
558			{
559				fgets($fd, 13); // skip 13 first bytes
560				$content .= fgets($fd, 1024);
561				if (feof($fd)) break;
562			}
563			fclose($fd);
564		}
565		else
566		{
567			$content = '<items>';
568			$content .= '<rdf:Seq>';
569			$content .= '<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://srb2.servegame.org/" />';
570			$content .= '</rdf:Seq>';
571			$content .= '</items>';
572			$content .= '</channel>';
573			$content .= "\n";
574			$content .= '<item rdf:about="http://srb2.servegame.org/"> ';
575			$content .= '<title>No master server</title><dc:description>The master server is not running</dc:description></item>';
576		}
577		return "$content";
578	}
580	function GenFeed()
581	{
582		$content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>';
583		$content .= "\n";
584		$content .= '<rdf:RDF';
585		$content .= '  xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"';
586		$content .= "\n";
587		$content .= '  xmlns="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/"';
588		$content .= "\n";
589		$content .= '  xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"';
590		$content .= "\n";
591		$content .= '  xmlns:srb2ms="http://srb2.servegame.org/SRB2MS/elements/"';
592		$content .= "\n";
593		$content .= '>';
594		$content .= "\n";
595		$content .= "\n";
596		$content .= '  <channel rdf:about="http://srb2.servegame.org/srb2ms_status.php">';
597		$content .= "\n";
598		$content .= '    <title>SRB2 Master Server RSS Feed</title>';
599		$content .= "\n";
600		$content .= '    <link>http://srb2.servegame.org/srb2ms_status.php</link>';
601		$content .= "\n";
602		$content .= '    <description>Playing around with RSS</description>';
603		$content .= "\n";
604		$content .= '    <language>en-us</language>';
605		$content .= "\n";
606		$feed = $this->GetRSS10datafromserver();
607		$content .= "$feed";
608		$content .= '</rdf:RDF>';
609		return $content;
610	}
613class RSSDataBase_Class
615	var $users = array();
617	function OnList($User)
618	{
619		$userbeenfound = FALSE;
620		foreach ($this->users as $Userlist)
621		{
622			if ($Userlist == $User) {
623			$userbeenfound = TRUE; }
624		}
625		return $userbeenfound;
626	}
628	function AddUser($User)
629	{
630		$userbeenfound = FALSE;
631		foreach ($this->users as $Userlist)
632		{
633			if ($Userlist == $User) {
634			$userbeenfound = TRUE; }
635		}
636		if (!$userbeenfound) {
637		$this->users[] = $User;
638		}
639		return !$userbeenfound;
640	}
642	function DeleteUser($User)
643	{
644		$userbeenfound = FALSE;
645		foreach ($this->users as $index => $Userlist)
646		{
647			if ($Userlist == $User)
648			{
649			$userbeenfound = TRUE;
650			$id = $index;
651			}
652		}
653		if ($userbeenfound)
654		{
655			unset($this->users[$id]);
656			$this->users = array_values($this->users);
657		}
658		return $userbeenfound;
659	}
660	function ReplaceUser($oldUser,$newUser)
661	{
662		$userbeenfound = FALSE;
663		foreach ($this->users as $index => $Userlist)
664		{
665			if ($Userlist == $oldUser)
666			{
667			$userbeenfound = TRUE;
668			$id = $index;
669			}
670		}
671		if ($userbeenfound)
672		{
673			$this->users[$id] = $newUser;
674		}
675		return $userbeenfound;
676	}
678// gobal var for muting the Bot
679$SRB2MS_mute = FALSE;
680//$SRB2MSRSS10 = fetch_rss( 'http://srb2.servegame.org/RSS1.0.php' );
681// thing to hold RSS stuff
682$rssdatabase = &new RSSDataBase_Class();
683// PHP error reporting
685// the Bot is the Class SRB2MS_BOT
686$bot = &new SRB2MS_BOT();
687// Create SmartIRC, and name it as <network>irc for use to, well, do irc stuff ^_^
688$esperirc = &new Net_SmartIRC();
689// To Debug or Not
691// Do connect to the Internet
693// kep a list of all the users in the channel
695// Register the triggers with the class of SRB2MS_BOT
696//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!gamelist$', $bot, 'ListGamesChan');
697//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, '^!gamelist$', $bot, 'ListGamesPM');
698//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, '^!RSSgamelist$', $bot, 'RSSListGamesPM');
699//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!gamelist0$', $bot, 'RSSListGames');
700$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!gamelist$', $bot, 'RSSListGamesPM');
701//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, '^!gamelist$', $bot, 'RSSListGamesPM');
702//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!addme$', $bot, 'RSSadduser');
703//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!removeme$', $bot, 'RSSremoveuser');
704//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!listusers$', $bot, 'ListUsersPM');
705//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NICKCHANGE, '', $bot, 'RSSupdateuser');
706//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!checkme$', $bot, 'RSScheckuser');
707//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!shutdown$', $bot, 'byebye');
708$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!mute$', $bot, 'Mute');
709$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!unmute$', $bot, 'Unmute');
710$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!shutup$', $bot, 'Mute2');
711$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!talktome$', $bot, 'Unmute2');
712$esperirc->registerTimehandler(120000, $bot, 'RSSListUpdate');
713//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, '^!gamelist$', $bot, 'ListGamesChan');
714$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_INVITE, '', $bot, 'BeenInvited');
715//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, '^!talk', $bot, 'Talk');
716//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, '^!action', $bot, 'Action');
717//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, '^!kick', $bot, 'Kick');
718//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, '^!ban', $bot, 'Ban');
719//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_ALL, '', $bot, 'DebugPM');
720//$esperirc->registerActionhandler(SMARTIRC_TYPE_KICK | SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUIT | SMARTIRC_TYPE_PART, '', $bot, 'DebugPM');
721// If you fail once, try agian
723// Connect to EsperNet
724//$esperirc->connect('irc.esper.net', 6667);
725$esperirc->connect('excalibur.esper.net', 6667);
726// Reconnect as needed
728// Use the name SRB2MS, and set other stuff
729$esperirc->login('SRB2MS', 'Net_SmartIRC Client '.SMARTIRC_VERSION.' (SRB2MS_Bot.php)', 0, 'Net_SmartIRC');
730// Join #srb2fun
732// SRB2MS_Pass.php have "$esperirc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, 'nickserv', 'identify <password>');"
734// Idle
736// Rejoin?