1 use super::*;
2 use core::mem::{size_of, transmute_copy};
4 /// A trait indicating that:
5 ///
6 /// 1. A type has an equivalent representation to some known integral type.
7 /// 2. All instances of this type fall in a fixed range of values.
8 /// 3. Within that range, there are no gaps.
9 ///
10 /// This is generally useful for fieldless enums (aka "c-style" enums), however
11 /// it's important that it only be used for those with an explicit `#[repr]`, as
12 /// `#[repr(Rust)]` fieldess enums have an unspecified layout.
13 ///
14 /// Additionally, you shouldn't assume that all implementations are enums. Any
15 /// type which meets the requirements above while following the rules under
16 /// "Safety" below is valid.
17 ///
18 /// # Example
19 ///
20 /// ```
21 /// # use bytemuck::Contiguous;
22 /// #[repr(u8)]
23 /// #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
24 /// enum Foo {
25 ///   A = 0,
26 ///   B = 1,
27 ///   C = 2,
28 ///   D = 3,
29 ///   E = 4,
30 /// }
31 /// unsafe impl Contiguous for Foo {
32 ///   type Int = u8;
33 ///   const MIN_VALUE: u8 = Foo::A as u8;
34 ///   const MAX_VALUE: u8 = Foo::E as u8;
35 /// }
36 /// assert_eq!(Foo::from_integer(3).unwrap(), Foo::D);
37 /// assert_eq!(Foo::from_integer(8), None);
38 /// assert_eq!(Foo::C.into_integer(), 2);
39 /// ```
40 /// # Safety
41 ///
42 /// This is an unsafe trait, and incorrectly implementing it is undefined
43 /// behavior.
44 ///
45 /// Informally, by implementing it, you're asserting that `C` is identical to
46 /// the integral type `C::Int`, and that every `C` falls between `C::MIN_VALUE`
47 /// and `C::MAX_VALUE` exactly once, without any gaps.
48 ///
49 /// Precisely, the guarantees you must uphold when implementing `Contiguous` for
50 /// some type `C` are:
51 ///
52 /// 1. The size of `C` and `C::Int` must be the same, and neither may be a ZST.
53 ///    (Note: alignment is explicitly allowed to differ)
54 ///
55 /// 2. `C::Int` must be a primitive integer, and not a wrapper type. In the
56 ///    future, this may be lifted to include cases where the behavior is
57 ///    identical for a relevant set of traits (Ord, arithmetic, ...).
58 ///
59 /// 3. All `C::Int`s which are in the *inclusive* range between `C::MIN_VALUE`
60 ///    and `C::MAX_VALUE` are bitwise identical to unique valid instances of
61 ///    `C`.
62 ///
63 /// 4. There exist no instances of `C` such that their bitpatterns, when
64 ///    interpreted as instances of `C::Int`, fall outside of the `MAX_VALUE` /
65 ///    `MIN_VALUE` range -- It is legal for unsafe code to assume that if it
66 ///    gets a `C` that implements `Contiguous`, it is in the appropriate range.
67 ///
68 /// 5. Finally, you promise not to provide overridden implementations of
69 ///    `Contiguous::from_integer` and `Contiguous::into_integer`.
70 ///
71 /// For clarity, the following rules could be derived from the above, but are
72 /// listed explicitly:
73 ///
74 /// - `C::MAX_VALUE` must be greater or equal to `C::MIN_VALUE` (therefore, `C`
75 ///   must be an inhabited type).
76 ///
77 /// - There exist no two values between `MIN_VALUE` and `MAX_VALUE` such that
78 ///   when interpreted as a `C` they are considered identical (by, say, match).
79 pub unsafe trait Contiguous: Copy + 'static {
80   /// The primitive integer type with an identical representation to this
81   /// type.
82   ///
83   /// Contiguous is broadly intended for use with fieldless enums, and for
84   /// these the correct integer type is easy: The enum should have a
85   /// `#[repr(Int)]` or `#[repr(C)]` attribute, (if it does not, it is
86   /// *unsound* to implement `Contiguous`!).
87   ///
88   /// - For `#[repr(Int)]`, use the listed `Int`. e.g. `#[repr(u8)]` should
89   ///   use `type Int = u8`.
90   ///
91   /// - For `#[repr(C)]`, use whichever type the C compiler will use to
92   ///   represent the given enum. This is usually `c_int` (from `std::os::raw`
93   ///   or `libc`), but it's up to you to make the determination as the
94   ///   implementer of the unsafe trait.
95   ///
96   /// For precise rules, see the list under "Safety" above.
97   type Int: Copy + Ord;
99   /// The upper *inclusive* bound for valid instances of this type.
100   const MAX_VALUE: Self::Int;
102   /// The lower *inclusive* bound for valid instances of this type.
103   const MIN_VALUE: Self::Int;
105   /// If `value` is within the range for valid instances of this type,
106   /// returns `Some(converted_value)`, otherwise, returns `None`.
107   ///
108   /// This is a trait method so that you can write `value.into_integer()` in
109   /// your code. It is a contract of this trait that if you implement
110   /// `Contiguous` on your type you **must not** override this method.
111   ///
112   /// # Panics
113   ///
114   /// We will not panic for any correct implementation of `Contiguous`, but
115   /// *may* panic if we detect an incorrect one.
116   ///
117   /// This is undefined behavior regardless, so it could have been the nasal
118   /// demons at that point anyway ;).
119   #[inline]
from_integer(value: Self::Int) -> Option<Self>120   fn from_integer(value: Self::Int) -> Option<Self> {
121     // Guard against an illegal implementation of Contiguous. Annoyingly we
122     // can't rely on `transmute` to do this for us (see below), but
123     // whatever, this gets compiled into nothing in release.
124     assert!(size_of::<Self>() == size_of::<Self::Int>());
125     if Self::MIN_VALUE <= value && value <= Self::MAX_VALUE {
126       // SAFETY: We've checked their bounds (and their size, even though
127       // they've sworn under the Oath Of Unsafe Rust that that already
128       // matched) so this is allowed by `Contiguous`'s unsafe contract.
129       //
130       // So, the `transmute_copy`. ideally we'd use transmute here, which
131       // is more obviously safe. Sadly, we can't, as these types still
132       // have unspecified sizes.
133       Some(unsafe { transmute_copy::<Self::Int, Self>(&value) })
134     } else {
135       None
136     }
137   }
139   /// Perform the conversion from `C` into the underlying integral type. This
140   /// mostly exists otherwise generic code would need unsafe for the `value as
141   /// integer`
142   ///
143   /// This is a trait method so that you can write `value.into_integer()` in
144   /// your code. It is a contract of this trait that if you implement
145   /// `Contiguous` on your type you **must not** override this method.
146   ///
147   /// # Panics
148   ///
149   /// We will not panic for any correct implementation of `Contiguous`, but
150   /// *may* panic if we detect an incorrect one.
151   ///
152   /// This is undefined behavior regardless, so it could have been the nasal
153   /// demons at that point anyway ;).
154   #[inline]
into_integer(self) -> Self::Int155   fn into_integer(self) -> Self::Int {
156     // Guard against an illegal implementation of Contiguous. Annoyingly we
157     // can't rely on `transmute` to do the size check for us (see
158     // `from_integer's comment`), but whatever, this gets compiled into
159     // nothing in release. Note that we don't check the result of cast
160     assert!(size_of::<Self>() == size_of::<Self::Int>());
162     // SAFETY: The unsafe contract requires that these have identical
163     // representations, and that the range be entirely valid. Using
164     // transmute_copy instead of transmute here is annoying, but is required
165     // as `Self` and `Self::Int` have unspecified sizes still.
166     unsafe { transmute_copy::<Self, Self::Int>(&self) }
167   }
168 }
170 macro_rules! impl_contiguous {
171   ($($src:ty as $repr:ident in [$min:expr, $max:expr];)*) => {$(
172     unsafe impl Contiguous for $src {
173       type Int = $repr;
174       const MAX_VALUE: $repr = $max;
175       const MIN_VALUE: $repr = $min;
176     }
177   )*};
178 }
180 impl_contiguous! {
181   bool as u8 in [0, 1];
183   u8 as u8 in [0, u8::max_value()];
184   u16 as u16 in [0, u16::max_value()];
185   u32 as u32 in [0, u32::max_value()];
186   u64 as u64 in [0, u64::max_value()];
187   u128 as u128 in [0, u128::max_value()];
188   usize as usize in [0, usize::max_value()];
190   i8 as i8 in [i8::min_value(), i8::max_value()];
191   i16 as i16 in [i16::min_value(), i16::max_value()];
192   i32 as i32 in [i32::min_value(), i32::max_value()];
193   i64 as i64 in [i64::min_value(), i64::max_value()];
194   i128 as i128 in [i128::min_value(), i128::max_value()];
195   isize as isize in [isize::min_value(), isize::max_value()];
197   NonZeroU8 as u8 in [1, u8::max_value()];
198   NonZeroU16 as u16 in [1, u16::max_value()];
199   NonZeroU32 as u32 in [1, u32::max_value()];
200   NonZeroU64 as u64 in [1, u64::max_value()];
201   NonZeroU128 as u128 in [1, u128::max_value()];
202   NonZeroUsize as usize in [1, usize::max_value()];
203 }