1 use core::mem::size_of;
3 use bytemuck::*;
5 #[test]
test_try_cast_slice()6 fn test_try_cast_slice() {
7   // some align4 data
8   let u32_slice: &[u32] = &[4, 5, 6];
9   // the same data as align1
10   let the_bytes: &[u8] = try_cast_slice(u32_slice).unwrap();
12   assert_eq!(
13     u32_slice.as_ptr() as *const u32 as usize,
14     the_bytes.as_ptr() as *const u8 as usize
15   );
16   assert_eq!(
17     u32_slice.len() * size_of::<u32>(),
18     the_bytes.len() * size_of::<u8>()
19   );
21   // by taking one byte off the front, we're definitely mis-aligned for u32.
22   let mis_aligned_bytes = &the_bytes[1..];
23   assert_eq!(
24     try_cast_slice::<u8, u32>(mis_aligned_bytes),
25     Err(PodCastError::TargetAlignmentGreaterAndInputNotAligned)
26   );
28   // by taking one byte off the end, we're aligned but would have slop bytes for u32
29   let the_bytes_len_minus1 = the_bytes.len() - 1;
30   let slop_bytes = &the_bytes[..the_bytes_len_minus1];
31   assert_eq!(
32     try_cast_slice::<u8, u32>(slop_bytes),
33     Err(PodCastError::OutputSliceWouldHaveSlop)
34   );
36   // if we don't mess with it we can up-alignment cast
37   try_cast_slice::<u8, u32>(the_bytes).unwrap();
38 }
40 #[test]
test_try_cast_slice_mut()41 fn test_try_cast_slice_mut() {
42   // some align4 data
43   let u32_slice: &mut [u32] = &mut [4, 5, 6];
44   let u32_len = u32_slice.len();
45   let u32_ptr = u32_slice.as_ptr();
47   // the same data as align1
48   let the_bytes: &mut [u8] = try_cast_slice_mut(u32_slice).unwrap();
49   let the_bytes_len = the_bytes.len();
50   let the_bytes_ptr = the_bytes.as_ptr();
52   assert_eq!(
53     u32_ptr as *const u32 as usize,
54     the_bytes_ptr as *const u8 as usize
55   );
56   assert_eq!(u32_len * size_of::<u32>(), the_bytes_len * size_of::<u8>());
58   // by taking one byte off the front, we're definitely mis-aligned for u32.
59   let mis_aligned_bytes = &mut the_bytes[1..];
60   assert_eq!(
61     try_cast_slice_mut::<u8, u32>(mis_aligned_bytes),
62     Err(PodCastError::TargetAlignmentGreaterAndInputNotAligned)
63   );
65   // by taking one byte off the end, we're aligned but would have slop bytes for u32
66   let the_bytes_len_minus1 = the_bytes.len() - 1;
67   let slop_bytes = &mut the_bytes[..the_bytes_len_minus1];
68   assert_eq!(
69     try_cast_slice_mut::<u8, u32>(slop_bytes),
70     Err(PodCastError::OutputSliceWouldHaveSlop)
71   );
73   // if we don't mess with it we can up-alignment cast
74   try_cast_slice_mut::<u8, u32>(the_bytes).unwrap();
75 }
77 #[test]
test_types()78 fn test_types() {
79   let _: i32 = cast(1.0_f32);
80   let _: &mut i32 = cast_mut(&mut 1.0_f32);
81   let _: &i32 = cast_ref(&1.0_f32);
82   let _: &[i32] = cast_slice(&[1.0_f32]);
83   let _: &mut [i32] = cast_slice_mut(&mut [1.0_f32]);
84   //
85   let _: Result<i32, PodCastError> = try_cast(1.0_f32);
86   let _: Result<&mut i32, PodCastError> = try_cast_mut(&mut 1.0_f32);
87   let _: Result<&i32, PodCastError> = try_cast_ref(&1.0_f32);
88   let _: Result<&[i32], PodCastError> = try_cast_slice(&[1.0_f32]);
89   let _: Result<&mut [i32], PodCastError> = try_cast_slice_mut(&mut [1.0_f32]);
90 }