1 //! Quadratic Bézier segments.
3 use std::ops::{Mul, Range};
5 use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
7 use crate::common::solve_cubic;
8 use crate::MAX_EXTREMA;
9 use crate::{
10     Affine, CubicBez, Line, ParamCurve, ParamCurveArclen, ParamCurveArea, ParamCurveCurvature,
11     ParamCurveDeriv, ParamCurveExtrema, ParamCurveNearest, Point,
12 };
14 /// A single quadratic Bézier segment.
15 #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
16 #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
17 #[allow(missing_docs)]
18 pub struct QuadBez {
19     pub p0: Point,
20     pub p1: Point,
21     pub p2: Point,
22 }
24 impl QuadBez {
25     /// Create a new quadratic Bézier segment.
26     #[inline]
new<V: Into<Point>>(p0: V, p1: V, p2: V) -> QuadBez27     pub fn new<V: Into<Point>>(p0: V, p1: V, p2: V) -> QuadBez {
28         QuadBez {
29             p0: p0.into(),
30             p1: p1.into(),
31             p2: p2.into(),
32         }
33     }
35     /// Raise the order by 1.
36     ///
37     /// Returns a cubic Bézier segment that exactly represents this quadratic.
38     #[inline]
raise(&self) -> CubicBez39     pub fn raise(&self) -> CubicBez {
40         CubicBez::new(
41             self.p0,
42             self.p0 + (2.0 / 3.0) * (self.p1 - self.p0),
43             self.p2 + (2.0 / 3.0) * (self.p1 - self.p2),
44             self.p2,
45         )
46     }
48     /// Estimate the number of subdivisions for flattening.
estimate_subdiv(&self, sqrt_tol: f64) -> FlattenParams49     pub(crate) fn estimate_subdiv(&self, sqrt_tol: f64) -> FlattenParams {
50         // Determine transformation to $y = x^2$ parabola.
51         let d01 = self.p1 - self.p0;
52         let d12 = self.p2 - self.p1;
53         let dd = d01 - d12;
54         let cross = (self.p2 - self.p0).cross(dd);
55         let x0 = d01.dot(dd) * cross.recip();
56         let x2 = d12.dot(dd) * cross.recip();
57         let scale = (cross / (dd.hypot() * (x2 - x0))).abs();
59         // Compute number of subdivisions needed.
60         let a0 = approx_parabola_integral(x0);
61         let a2 = approx_parabola_integral(x2);
62         let val = if scale.is_finite() {
63             let da = (a2 - a0).abs();
64             let sqrt_scale = scale.sqrt();
65             if x0.signum() == x2.signum() {
66                 da * sqrt_scale
67             } else {
68                 // Handle cusp case (segment contains curvature maximum)
69                 let xmin = sqrt_tol / sqrt_scale;
70                 sqrt_tol * da / approx_parabola_integral(xmin)
71             }
72         } else {
73             0.0
74         };
75         let u0 = approx_parabola_inv_integral(a0);
76         let u2 = approx_parabola_inv_integral(a2);
77         let uscale = (u2 - u0).recip();
78         FlattenParams {
79             a0,
80             a2,
81             u0,
82             uscale,
83             val,
84         }
85     }
87     // Maps a value from 0..1 to 0..1.
determine_subdiv_t(&self, params: &FlattenParams, x: f64) -> f6488     pub(crate) fn determine_subdiv_t(&self, params: &FlattenParams, x: f64) -> f64 {
89         let a = params.a0 + (params.a2 - params.a0) * x;
90         let u = approx_parabola_inv_integral(a);
91         (u - params.u0) * params.uscale
92     }
93 }
95 pub(crate) struct FlattenParams {
96     a0: f64,
97     a2: f64,
98     u0: f64,
99     uscale: f64,
100     /// The number of subdivisions * 2 * sqrt_tol.
101     pub(crate) val: f64,
102 }
104 /// An approximation to $\int (1 + 4x^2) ^ -0.25 dx$
105 ///
106 /// This is used for flattening curves.
approx_parabola_integral(x: f64) -> f64107 fn approx_parabola_integral(x: f64) -> f64 {
108     const D: f64 = 0.67;
109     x / (1.0 - D + (D.powi(4) + 0.25 * x * x).sqrt().sqrt())
110 }
112 /// An approximation to the inverse parabola integral.
approx_parabola_inv_integral(x: f64) -> f64113 fn approx_parabola_inv_integral(x: f64) -> f64 {
114     const B: f64 = 0.39;
115     x * (1.0 - B + (B * B + 0.25 * x * x).sqrt())
116 }
118 impl ParamCurve for QuadBez {
119     #[inline]
eval(&self, t: f64) -> Point120     fn eval(&self, t: f64) -> Point {
121         let mt = 1.0 - t;
122         (self.p0.to_vec2() * (mt * mt)
123             + (self.p1.to_vec2() * (mt * 2.0) + self.p2.to_vec2() * t) * t)
124             .to_point()
125     }
127     #[inline]
start(&self) -> Point128     fn start(&self) -> Point {
129         self.p0
130     }
132     #[inline]
end(&self) -> Point133     fn end(&self) -> Point {
134         self.p2
135     }
137     /// Subdivide into halves, using de Casteljau.
138     #[inline]
subdivide(&self) -> (QuadBez, QuadBez)139     fn subdivide(&self) -> (QuadBez, QuadBez) {
140         let pm = self.eval(0.5);
141         (
142             QuadBez::new(self.p0, self.p0.midpoint(self.p1), pm),
143             QuadBez::new(pm, self.p1.midpoint(self.p2), self.p2),
144         )
145     }
subsegment(&self, range: Range<f64>) -> QuadBez147     fn subsegment(&self, range: Range<f64>) -> QuadBez {
148         let (t0, t1) = (range.start, range.end);
149         let p0 = self.eval(t0);
150         let p2 = self.eval(t1);
151         let p1 = p0 + (self.p1 - self.p0).lerp(self.p2 - self.p1, t0) * (t1 - t0);
152         QuadBez { p0, p1, p2 }
153     }
154 }
156 impl ParamCurveDeriv for QuadBez {
157     type DerivResult = Line;
159     #[inline]
deriv(&self) -> Line160     fn deriv(&self) -> Line {
161         Line::new(
162             (2.0 * (self.p1.to_vec2() - self.p0.to_vec2())).to_point(),
163             (2.0 * (self.p2.to_vec2() - self.p1.to_vec2())).to_point(),
164         )
165     }
166 }
168 impl ParamCurveArclen for QuadBez {
169     /// Arclength of a quadratic Bézier segment.
170     ///
171     /// This computation is based on an analytical formula. Since that formula suffers
172     /// from numerical instability when the curve is very close to a straight line, we
173     /// detect that case and fall back to Legendre-Gauss quadrature.
174     ///
175     /// Accuracy should be better than 1e-13 over the entire range.
176     ///
177     /// Adapted from <http://www.malczak.linuxpl.com/blog/quadratic-bezier-curve-length/>
178     /// with permission.
arclen(&self, _accuracy: f64) -> f64179     fn arclen(&self, _accuracy: f64) -> f64 {
180         let d2 = self.p0.to_vec2() - 2.0 * self.p1.to_vec2() + self.p2.to_vec2();
181         let a = d2.hypot2();
182         let d1 = self.p1 - self.p0;
183         let c = d1.hypot2();
184         if a < 5e-4 * c {
185             // This case happens for nearly straight Béziers.
186             //
187             // Calculate arclength using Legendre-Gauss quadrature using formula from Behdad
188             // in https://github.com/Pomax/BezierInfo-2/issues/77
189             let v0 = (-0.492943519233745 * self.p0.to_vec2()
190                 + 0.430331482911935 * self.p1.to_vec2()
191                 + 0.0626120363218102 * self.p2.to_vec2())
192             .hypot();
193             let v1 = ((self.p2 - self.p0) * 0.4444444444444444).hypot();
194             let v2 = (-0.0626120363218102 * self.p0.to_vec2()
195                 - 0.430331482911935 * self.p1.to_vec2()
196                 + 0.492943519233745 * self.p2.to_vec2())
197             .hypot();
198             return v0 + v1 + v2;
199         }
200         let b = 2.0 * d2.dot(d1);
202         let sabc = (a + b + c).sqrt();
203         let a2 = a.powf(-0.5);
204         let a32 = a2.powi(3);
205         let c2 = 2.0 * c.sqrt();
206         let ba_c2 = b * a2 + c2;
208         let v0 = 0.25 * a2 * a2 * b * (2.0 * sabc - c2) + sabc;
209         // TODO: justify and fine-tune this exact constant.
210         if ba_c2 < 1e-13 {
211             // This case happens for Béziers with a sharp kink.
212             v0
213         } else {
214             v0 + 0.25
215                 * a32
216                 * (4.0 * c * a - b * b)
217                 * (((2.0 * a + b) * a2 + 2.0 * sabc) / ba_c2).ln()
218         }
219     }
220 }
222 impl ParamCurveArea for QuadBez {
223     #[inline]
signed_area(&self) -> f64224     fn signed_area(&self) -> f64 {
225         (self.p0.x * (2.0 * self.p1.y + self.p2.y) + 2.0 * self.p1.x * (self.p2.y - self.p0.y)
226             - self.p2.x * (self.p0.y + 2.0 * self.p1.y))
227             * (1.0 / 6.0)
228     }
229 }
231 impl ParamCurveNearest for QuadBez {
232     /// Find nearest point, using analytical algorithm based on cubic root finding.
nearest(&self, p: Point, _accuracy: f64) -> (f64, f64)233     fn nearest(&self, p: Point, _accuracy: f64) -> (f64, f64) {
234         fn eval_t(p: Point, t_best: &mut f64, r_best: &mut Option<f64>, t: f64, p0: Point) {
235             let r = (p0 - p).hypot2();
236             if r_best.map(|r_best| r < r_best).unwrap_or(true) {
237                 *r_best = Some(r);
238                 *t_best = t;
239             }
240         }
241         fn try_t(
242             q: &QuadBez,
243             p: Point,
244             t_best: &mut f64,
245             r_best: &mut Option<f64>,
246             t: f64,
247         ) -> bool {
248             if t < 0.0 || t > 1.0 {
249                 return true;
250             }
251             eval_t(p, t_best, r_best, t, q.eval(t));
252             false
253         }
254         let d0 = self.p1 - self.p0;
255         let d1 = self.p0.to_vec2() + self.p2.to_vec2() - 2.0 * self.p1.to_vec2();
256         let d = self.p0 - p;
257         let c0 = d.dot(d0);
258         let c1 = 2.0 * d0.hypot2() + d.dot(d1);
259         let c2 = 3.0 * d1.dot(d0);
260         let c3 = d1.hypot2();
261         let roots = solve_cubic(c0, c1, c2, c3);
262         let mut r_best = None;
263         let mut t_best = 0.0;
264         let mut need_ends = false;
265         for &t in &roots {
266             need_ends |= try_t(self, p, &mut t_best, &mut r_best, t);
267         }
268         if need_ends {
269             eval_t(p, &mut t_best, &mut r_best, 0.0, self.p0);
270             eval_t(p, &mut t_best, &mut r_best, 1.0, self.p2);
271         }
272         (t_best, r_best.unwrap())
273     }
274 }
276 impl ParamCurveCurvature for QuadBez {}
278 impl ParamCurveExtrema for QuadBez {
extrema(&self) -> ArrayVec<[f64; MAX_EXTREMA]>279     fn extrema(&self) -> ArrayVec<[f64; MAX_EXTREMA]> {
280         let mut result = ArrayVec::new();
281         let d0 = self.p1 - self.p0;
282         let d1 = self.p2 - self.p1;
283         let dd = d1 - d0;
284         if dd.x != 0.0 {
285             let t = -d0.x / dd.x;
286             if t > 0.0 && t < 1.0 {
287                 result.push(t);
288             }
289         }
290         if dd.y != 0.0 {
291             let t = -d0.y / dd.y;
292             if t > 0.0 && t < 1.0 {
293                 result.push(t);
294                 if result.len() == 2 && result[0] > t {
295                     result.swap(0, 1);
296                 }
297             }
298         }
299         result
300     }
301 }
303 impl Mul<QuadBez> for Affine {
304     type Output = QuadBez;
306     #[inline]
mul(self, other: QuadBez) -> QuadBez307     fn mul(self, other: QuadBez) -> QuadBez {
308         QuadBez {
309             p0: self * other.p0,
310             p1: self * other.p1,
311             p2: self * other.p2,
312         }
313     }
314 }
316 #[cfg(test)]
317 mod tests {
318     use crate::{
319         Affine, ParamCurve, ParamCurveArclen, ParamCurveArea, ParamCurveDeriv, ParamCurveExtrema,
320         ParamCurveNearest, Point, QuadBez,
321     };
assert_near(p0: Point, p1: Point, epsilon: f64)323     fn assert_near(p0: Point, p1: Point, epsilon: f64) {
324         assert!((p1 - p0).hypot() < epsilon, "{:?} != {:?}", p0, p1);
325     }
327     #[test]
quadbez_deriv()328     fn quadbez_deriv() {
329         let q = QuadBez::new((0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0));
330         let deriv = q.deriv();
332         let n = 10;
333         for i in 0..=n {
334             let t = (i as f64) * (n as f64).recip();
335             let delta = 1e-6;
336             let p = q.eval(t);
337             let p1 = q.eval(t + delta);
338             let d_approx = (p1 - p) * delta.recip();
339             let d = deriv.eval(t).to_vec2();
340             assert!((d - d_approx).hypot() < delta * 2.0);
341         }
342     }
344     #[test]
quadbez_arclen()345     fn quadbez_arclen() {
346         let q = QuadBez::new((0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0));
347         let true_arclen = 0.5 * 5.0f64.sqrt() + 0.25 * (2.0 + 5.0f64.sqrt()).ln();
348         for i in 0..12 {
349             let accuracy = 0.1f64.powi(i);
350             let est = q.arclen(accuracy);
351             let error = est - true_arclen;
352             assert!(error.abs() < accuracy, "{} != {}", est, true_arclen);
353         }
354     }
356     #[test]
quadbez_arclen_pathological()357     fn quadbez_arclen_pathological() {
358         let q = QuadBez::new((-1.0, 0.0), (1.03, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0));
359         let true_arclen = 2.0008737864167325; // A rough empirical calculation
360         let accuracy = 1e-11;
361         let est = q.arclen(accuracy);
362         assert!(
363             (est - true_arclen).abs() < accuracy,
364             "{} != {}",
365             est,
366             true_arclen
367         );
368     }
370     #[test]
quadbez_subsegment()371     fn quadbez_subsegment() {
372         let q = QuadBez::new((3.1, 4.1), (5.9, 2.6), (5.3, 5.8));
373         let t0 = 0.1;
374         let t1 = 0.8;
375         let qs = q.subsegment(t0..t1);
376         let epsilon = 1e-12;
377         let n = 10;
378         for i in 0..=n {
379             let t = (i as f64) * (n as f64).recip();
380             let ts = t0 + t * (t1 - t0);
381             assert_near(q.eval(ts), qs.eval(t), epsilon);
382         }
383     }
385     #[test]
quadbez_raise()386     fn quadbez_raise() {
387         let q = QuadBez::new((3.1, 4.1), (5.9, 2.6), (5.3, 5.8));
388         let c = q.raise();
389         let qd = q.deriv();
390         let cd = c.deriv();
391         let epsilon = 1e-12;
392         let n = 10;
393         for i in 0..=n {
394             let t = (i as f64) * (n as f64).recip();
395             assert_near(q.eval(t), c.eval(t), epsilon);
396             assert_near(qd.eval(t), cd.eval(t), epsilon);
397         }
398     }
400     #[test]
quadbez_signed_area()401     fn quadbez_signed_area() {
402         // y = 1 - x^2
403         let q = QuadBez::new((1.0, 0.0), (0.5, 1.0), (0.0, 1.0));
404         let epsilon = 1e-12;
405         assert!((q.signed_area() - 2.0 / 3.0).abs() < epsilon);
406         assert!(((Affine::rotate(0.5) * q).signed_area() - 2.0 / 3.0).abs() < epsilon);
407         assert!(((Affine::translate((0.0, 1.0)) * q).signed_area() - 3.5 / 3.0).abs() < epsilon);
408         assert!(((Affine::translate((1.0, 0.0)) * q).signed_area() - 3.5 / 3.0).abs() < epsilon);
409     }
411     #[test]
quadbez_nearest()412     fn quadbez_nearest() {
413         fn verify(result: (f64, f64), expected: f64) {
414             assert!(
415                 (result.0 - expected).abs() < 1e-6,
416                 "got {:?} expected {}",
417                 result,
418                 expected
419             );
420         }
421         // y = x^2
422         let q = QuadBez::new((-1.0, 1.0), (0.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0));
423         verify(q.nearest((0.0, 0.0).into(), 1e-3), 0.5);
424         verify(q.nearest((0.0, 0.1).into(), 1e-3), 0.5);
425         verify(q.nearest((0.0, -0.1).into(), 1e-3), 0.5);
426         verify(q.nearest((0.5, 0.25).into(), 1e-3), 0.75);
427         verify(q.nearest((1.0, 1.0).into(), 1e-3), 1.0);
428         verify(q.nearest((1.1, 1.1).into(), 1e-3), 1.0);
429         verify(q.nearest((-1.1, 1.1).into(), 1e-3), 0.0);
430         let a = Affine::rotate(0.5);
431         verify((a * q).nearest(a * Point::new(0.5, 0.25), 1e-3), 0.75);
432     }
434     // This test exposes a degenerate case in the solver used internally
435     // by the "nearest" calculation - the cubic term is zero.
436     #[test]
quadbez_nearest_low_order()437     fn quadbez_nearest_low_order() {
438         fn verify(result: (f64, f64), expected: f64) {
439             assert!(
440                 (result.0 - expected).abs() < 1e-6,
441                 "got {:?} expected {}",
442                 result,
443                 expected
444             );
445         }
447         let q = QuadBez::new((-1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0));
449         verify(q.nearest((0.0, 0.0).into(), 1e-3), 0.5);
450         verify(q.nearest((0.0, 1.0).into(), 1e-3), 0.5);
451     }
453     #[test]
quadbez_extrema()454     fn quadbez_extrema() {
455         // y = x^2
456         let q = QuadBez::new((-1.0, 1.0), (0.0, -1.0), (1.0, 1.0));
457         let extrema = q.extrema();
458         assert_eq!(extrema.len(), 1);
459         assert!((extrema[0] - 0.5).abs() < 1e-6);
461         let q = QuadBez::new((0.0, 0.5), (1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.0));
462         let extrema = q.extrema();
463         assert_eq!(extrema.len(), 2);
464         assert!((extrema[0] - 1.0 / 3.0).abs() < 1e-6);
465         assert!((extrema[1] - 2.0 / 3.0).abs() < 1e-6);
467         // Reverse direction
468         let q = QuadBez::new((0.5, 0.0), (1.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.5));
469         let extrema = q.extrema();
470         assert_eq!(extrema.len(), 2);
471         assert!((extrema[0] - 1.0 / 3.0).abs() < 1e-6);
472         assert!((extrema[1] - 2.0 / 3.0).abs() < 1e-6);
473     }
474 }