1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Copyright: Ankitects Pty Ltd and contributors
3# License: GNU AGPL, version 3 or later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html
5import pprint
6import re
7import time
8import os
9import random
10import stat
11import datetime
12import copy
13import traceback
14import json
16from anki.lang import _, ngettext
17from anki.utils import ids2str, fieldChecksum, \
18    intTime, splitFields, joinFields, maxID, devMode, stripHTMLMedia
19from anki.hooks import  runFilter, runHook
20from anki.models import ModelManager
21from anki.media import MediaManager
22from anki.decks import DeckManager
23from anki.tags import TagManager
24from anki.consts import *
25from anki.errors import AnkiError
26from anki.sound import stripSounds
27import anki.latex # sets up hook
28import anki.cards
29import anki.notes
30import anki.template
31import anki.find
33defaultConf = {
34    # review options
35    'activeDecks': [1],
36    'curDeck': 1,
37    'newSpread': NEW_CARDS_DISTRIBUTE,
38    'collapseTime': 1200,
39    'timeLim': 0,
40    'estTimes': True,
41    'dueCounts': True,
42    # other config
43    'curModel': None,
44    'nextPos': 1,
45    'sortType': "noteFld",
46    'sortBackwards': False,
47    'addToCur': True, # add new to currently selected deck?
48    'dayLearnFirst': False,
49    'schedVer': 2,
52def timezoneOffset():
53    if time.localtime().tm_isdst:
54        return time.altzone//60
55    else:
56        return time.timezone//60
58# this is initialized by storage.Collection
59class _Collection:
61    def __init__(self, db, server=False, log=False):
62        self._debugLog = log
63        self.db = db
64        self.path = db._path
65        self._openLog()
66        self.log(self.path, anki.version)
67        self.server = server
68        self._lastSave = time.time()
69        self.clearUndo()
70        self.media = MediaManager(self, server)
71        self.models = ModelManager(self)
72        self.decks = DeckManager(self)
73        self.tags = TagManager(self)
74        self.load()
75        if not self.crt:
76            d = datetime.datetime.today()
77            d -= datetime.timedelta(hours=4)
78            d = datetime.datetime(d.year, d.month, d.day)
79            d += datetime.timedelta(hours=4)
80            self.crt = int(time.mktime(d.timetuple()))
81        self.conf['localOffset'] = timezoneOffset()
82        self._loadScheduler()
83        if not self.conf.get("newBury", False):
84            self.conf['newBury'] = True
85            self.setMod()
87    def name(self):
88        n = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.path))[0]
89        return n
91    # Scheduler
92    ##########################################################################
94    supportedSchedulerVersions = (1, 2)
96    def schedVer(self):
97        ver = self.conf.get("schedVer", 1)
98        if ver in self.supportedSchedulerVersions:
99            return ver
100        else:
101            raise Exception("Unsupported scheduler version")
103    def _loadScheduler(self):
104        ver = self.schedVer()
105        if ver == 1:
106            from anki.sched import Scheduler
107        elif ver == 2:
108            from anki.schedv2 import Scheduler
110        self.sched = Scheduler(self)
112    def changeSchedulerVer(self, ver):
113        if ver == self.schedVer():
114            return
115        if ver not in self.supportedSchedulerVersions:
116            raise Exception("Unsupported scheduler version")
118        self.modSchema(check=True)
119        self.clearUndo()
121        from anki.schedv2 import Scheduler
122        v2Sched = Scheduler(self)
124        if ver == 1:
125            v2Sched.moveToV1()
126        else:
127            v2Sched.moveToV2()
129        self.conf['schedVer'] = ver
130        self.setMod()
132        self._loadScheduler()
134    # DB-related
135    ##########################################################################
137    def load(self):
138        (self.crt,
139         self.mod,
140         self.scm,
141         self.dty, # no longer used
142         self._usn,
143         self.ls,
144         self.conf,
145         models,
146         decks,
147         dconf,
148         tags) = self.db.first("""
149select crt, mod, scm, dty, usn, ls,
150conf, models, decks, dconf, tags from col""")
151        self.conf = json.loads(self.conf)
152        self.models.load(models)
153        self.decks.load(decks, dconf)
154        self.tags.load(tags)
156    def setMod(self):
157        """Mark DB modified.
159DB operations and the deck/tag/model managers do this automatically, so this
160is only necessary if you modify properties of this object or the conf dict."""
161        self.db.mod = True
163    def flush(self, mod=None):
164        "Flush state to DB, updating mod time."
165        self.mod = intTime(1000) if mod is None else mod
166        self.db.execute(
167            """update col set
168crt=?, mod=?, scm=?, dty=?, usn=?, ls=?, conf=?""",
169            self.crt, self.mod, self.scm, self.dty,
170            self._usn, self.ls, json.dumps(self.conf))
172    def save(self, name=None, mod=None):
173        "Flush, commit DB, and take out another write lock."
174        # let the managers conditionally flush
175        self.models.flush()
176        self.decks.flush()
177        self.tags.flush()
178        # and flush deck + bump mod if db has been changed
179        if self.db.mod:
180            self.flush(mod=mod)
181            self.db.commit()
182            self.lock()
183            self.db.mod = False
184        self._markOp(name)
185        self._lastSave = time.time()
187    def autosave(self):
188        "Save if 5 minutes has passed since last save. True if saved."
189        if time.time() - self._lastSave > 300:
190            self.save()
191            return True
193    def lock(self):
194        # make sure we don't accidentally bump mod time
195        mod = self.db.mod
196        self.db.execute("update col set mod=mod")
197        self.db.mod = mod
199    def close(self, save=True):
200        "Disconnect from DB."
201        if self.db:
202            if save:
203                self.save()
204            else:
205                self.db.rollback()
206            if not self.server:
207                self.db.setAutocommit(True)
208                self.db.execute("pragma journal_mode = delete")
209                self.db.setAutocommit(False)
210            self.db.close()
211            self.db = None
212            self.media.close()
213            self._closeLog()
215    def reopen(self):
216        "Reconnect to DB (after changing threads, etc)."
217        import anki.db
218        if not self.db:
219            self.db = anki.db.DB(self.path)
220            self.media.connect()
221            self._openLog()
223    def rollback(self):
224        self.db.rollback()
225        self.load()
226        self.lock()
228    def modSchema(self, check):
229        "Mark schema modified. Call this first so user can abort if necessary."
230        if not self.schemaChanged():
231            if check and not runFilter("modSchema", True):
232                raise AnkiError("abortSchemaMod")
233        self.scm = intTime(1000)
234        self.setMod()
236    def schemaChanged(self):
237        "True if schema changed since last sync."
238        return self.scm > self.ls
240    def usn(self):
241        return self._usn if self.server else -1
243    def beforeUpload(self):
244        "Called before a full upload."
245        tbls = "notes", "cards", "revlog"
246        for t in tbls:
247            self.db.execute("update %s set usn=0 where usn=-1" % t)
248        # we can save space by removing the log of deletions
249        self.db.execute("delete from graves")
250        self._usn += 1
251        self.models.beforeUpload()
252        self.tags.beforeUpload()
253        self.decks.beforeUpload()
254        self.modSchema(check=False)
255        self.ls = self.scm
256        # ensure db is compacted before upload
257        self.db.setAutocommit(True)
258        self.db.execute("vacuum")
259        self.db.execute("analyze")
260        self.close()
262    # Object creation helpers
263    ##########################################################################
265    def getCard(self, id):
266        return anki.cards.Card(self, id)
268    def getNote(self, id):
269        return anki.notes.Note(self, id=id)
271    # Utils
272    ##########################################################################
274    def nextID(self, type, inc=True):
275        type = "next"+type.capitalize()
276        id = self.conf.get(type, 1)
277        if inc:
278            self.conf[type] = id+1
279        return id
281    def reset(self):
282        "Rebuild the queue and reload data after DB modified."
283        self.sched.reset()
285    # Deletion logging
286    ##########################################################################
288    def _logRem(self, ids, type):
289        self.db.executemany("insert into graves values (%d, ?, %d)" % (
290            self.usn(), type), ([x] for x in ids))
292    # Notes
293    ##########################################################################
295    def noteCount(self):
296        return self.db.scalar("select count() from notes")
298    def newNote(self, forDeck=True):
299        "Return a new note with the current model."
300        return anki.notes.Note(self, self.models.current(forDeck))
302    def addNote(self, note):
303        "Add a note to the collection. Return number of new cards."
304        # check we have card models available, then save
305        cms = self.findTemplates(note)
306        if not cms:
307            return 0
308        note.flush()
309        # deck conf governs which of these are used
310        due = self.nextID("pos")
311        # add cards
312        ncards = 0
313        for template in cms:
314            self._newCard(note, template, due)
315            ncards += 1
316        return ncards
318    def remNotes(self, ids):
319        self.remCards(self.db.list("select id from cards where nid in "+
320                                   ids2str(ids)))
322    def _remNotes(self, ids):
323        "Bulk delete notes by ID. Don't call this directly."
324        if not ids:
325            return
326        strids = ids2str(ids)
327        # we need to log these independently of cards, as one side may have
328        # more card templates
329        runHook("remNotes", self, ids)
330        self._logRem(ids, REM_NOTE)
331        self.db.execute("delete from notes where id in %s" % strids)
333    # Card creation
334    ##########################################################################
336    def findTemplates(self, note):
337        "Return (active), non-empty templates."
338        model = note.model()
339        avail = self.models.availOrds(model, joinFields(note.fields))
340        return self._tmplsFromOrds(model, avail)
342    def _tmplsFromOrds(self, model, avail):
343        ok = []
344        if model['type'] == MODEL_STD:
345            for t in model['tmpls']:
346                if t['ord'] in avail:
347                    ok.append(t)
348        else:
349            # cloze - generate temporary templates from first
350            for ord in avail:
351                t = copy.copy(model['tmpls'][0])
352                t['ord'] = ord
353                ok.append(t)
354        return ok
356    def genCards(self, nids):
357        "Generate cards for non-empty templates, return ids to remove."
358        # build map of (nid,ord) so we don't create dupes
359        snids = ids2str(nids)
360        have = {}
361        dids = {}
362        dues = {}
363        for id, nid, ord, did, due, odue, odid, type in self.db.execute(
364            "select id, nid, ord, did, due, odue, odid, type from cards where nid in "+snids):
365            # existing cards
366            if nid not in have:
367                have[nid] = {}
368            have[nid][ord] = id
369            # if in a filtered deck, add new cards to original deck
370            if odid != 0:
371                did = odid
372            # and their dids
373            if nid in dids:
374                if dids[nid] and dids[nid] != did:
375                    # cards are in two or more different decks; revert to
376                    # model default
377                    dids[nid] = None
378            else:
379                # first card or multiple cards in same deck
380                dids[nid] = did
381            # save due
382            if odid != 0:
383                due = odue
384            if nid not in dues and type == 0:
385                # Add due to new card only if it's the due of a new sibling
386                dues[nid] = due
387        # build cards for each note
388        data = []
389        ts = maxID(self.db)
390        now = intTime()
391        rem = []
392        usn = self.usn()
393        for nid, mid, flds in self.db.execute(
394            "select id, mid, flds from notes where id in "+snids):
395            model = self.models.get(mid)
396            avail = self.models.availOrds(model, flds)
397            did = dids.get(nid) or model['did']
398            due = dues.get(nid)
399            # add any missing cards
400            for t in self._tmplsFromOrds(model, avail):
401                doHave = nid in have and t['ord'] in have[nid]
402                if not doHave:
403                    # check deck is not a cram deck
404                    did = t['did'] or did
405                    if self.decks.isDyn(did):
406                        did = 1
407                    # if the deck doesn't exist, use default instead
408                    did = self.decks.get(did)['id']
409                    # use sibling due# if there is one, else use a new id
410                    if due is None:
411                        due = self.nextID("pos")
412                    data.append((ts, nid, did, t['ord'],
413                                 now, usn, due))
414                    ts += 1
415            # note any cards that need removing
416            if nid in have:
417                for ord, id in list(have[nid].items()):
418                    if ord not in avail:
419                        rem.append(id)
420        # bulk update
421        self.db.executemany("""
422insert into cards values (?,?,?,?,?,?,0,0,?,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"")""",
423                            data)
424        return rem
426    # type 0 - when previewing in add dialog, only non-empty
427    # type 1 - when previewing edit, only existing
428    # type 2 - when previewing in models dialog, all templates
429    def previewCards(self, note, type=0, did=None):
430        if type == 0:
431            cms = self.findTemplates(note)
432        elif type == 1:
433            cms = [c.template() for c in note.cards()]
434        else:
435            cms = note.model()['tmpls']
436        if not cms:
437            return []
438        cards = []
439        for template in cms:
440            cards.append(self._newCard(note, template, 1, flush=False, did=did))
441        return cards
443    def _newCard(self, note, template, due, flush=True, did=None):
444        "Create a new card."
445        card = anki.cards.Card(self)
446        card.nid = note.id
447        card.ord = template['ord']
448        card.did = self.db.scalar("select did from cards where nid = ? and ord = ?", card.nid, card.ord)
449        # Use template did (deck override) if valid, otherwise did in argument, otherwise model did
450        if not card.did:
451            if template['did'] and str(template['did']) in self.decks.decks:
452                card.did = template['did']
453            elif did:
454                card.did = did
455            else:
456                card.did = note.model()['did']
457        # if invalid did, use default instead
458        deck = self.decks.get(card.did)
459        if deck['dyn']:
460            # must not be a filtered deck
461            card.did = 1
462        else:
463            card.did = deck['id']
464        card.due = self._dueForDid(card.did, due)
465        if flush:
466            card.flush()
467        return card
469    def _dueForDid(self, did, due):
470        conf = self.decks.confForDid(did)
471        # in order due?
472        if conf['new']['order'] == NEW_CARDS_DUE:
473            return due
474        else:
475            # random mode; seed with note ts so all cards of this note get the
476            # same random number
477            r = random.Random()
478            r.seed(due)
479            return r.randrange(1, max(due, 1000))
481    # Cards
482    ##########################################################################
484    def isEmpty(self):
485        return not self.db.scalar("select 1 from cards limit 1")
487    def cardCount(self):
488        return self.db.scalar("select count() from cards")
490    def remCards(self, ids, notes=True):
491        "Bulk delete cards by ID."
492        if not ids:
493            return
494        sids = ids2str(ids)
495        nids = self.db.list("select nid from cards where id in "+sids)
496        # remove cards
497        self._logRem(ids, REM_CARD)
498        self.db.execute("delete from cards where id in "+sids)
499        # then notes
500        if not notes:
501            return
502        nids = self.db.list("""
503select id from notes where id in %s and id not in (select nid from cards)""" %
504                     ids2str(nids))
505        self._remNotes(nids)
507    def emptyCids(self):
508        rem = []
509        for m in self.models.all():
510            rem += self.genCards(self.models.nids(m))
511        return rem
513    def emptyCardReport(self, cids):
514        rep = ""
515        for ords, cnt, flds in self.db.all("""
516select group_concat(ord+1), count(), flds from cards c, notes n
517where c.nid = n.id and c.id in %s group by nid""" % ids2str(cids)):
518            rep += _("Empty card numbers: %(c)s\nFields: %(f)s\n\n") % dict(
519                c=ords, f=flds.replace("\x1f", " / "))
520        return rep
522    # Field checksums and sorting fields
523    ##########################################################################
525    def _fieldData(self, snids):
526        return self.db.execute(
527            "select id, mid, flds from notes where id in "+snids)
529    def updateFieldCache(self, nids):
530        "Update field checksums and sort cache, after find&replace, etc."
531        snids = ids2str(nids)
532        r = []
533        for (nid, mid, flds) in self._fieldData(snids):
534            fields = splitFields(flds)
535            model = self.models.get(mid)
536            if not model:
537                # note points to invalid model
538                continue
539            r.append((stripHTMLMedia(fields[self.models.sortIdx(model)]),
540                      fieldChecksum(fields[0]),
541                      nid))
542        # apply, relying on calling code to bump usn+mod
543        self.db.executemany("update notes set sfld=?, csum=? where id=?", r)
545    # Q/A generation
546    ##########################################################################
548    def renderQA(self, ids=None, type="card"):
549        # gather metadata
550        if type == "card":
551            where = "and c.id in " + ids2str(ids)
552        elif type == "note":
553            where = "and f.id in " + ids2str(ids)
554        elif type == "model":
555            where = "and m.id in " + ids2str(ids)
556        elif type == "all":
557            where = ""
558        else:
559            raise Exception()
560        return [self._renderQA(row)
561                for row in self._qaData(where)]
563    def _renderQA(self, data, qfmt=None, afmt=None):
564        "Returns hash of id, question, answer."
565        # data is [cid, nid, mid, did, ord, tags, flds, cardFlags]
566        # unpack fields and create dict
567        flist = splitFields(data[6])
568        fields = {}
569        model = self.models.get(data[2])
570        for (name, (idx, conf)) in list(self.models.fieldMap(model).items()):
571            fields[name] = flist[idx]
572        fields['Tags'] = data[5].strip()
573        fields['Type'] = model['name']
574        fields['Deck'] = self.decks.name(data[3])
575        fields['Subdeck'] = fields['Deck'].split('::')[-1]
576        fields['CardFlag'] = self._flagNameFromCardFlags(data[7])
577        if model['type'] == MODEL_STD:
578            template = model['tmpls'][data[4]]
579        else:
580            template = model['tmpls'][0]
581        fields['Card'] = template['name']
582        fields['c%d' % (data[4]+1)] = "1"
583        # render q & a
584        d = dict(id=data[0])
585        qfmt = qfmt or template['qfmt']
586        afmt = afmt or template['afmt']
587        for (type, format) in (("q", qfmt), ("a", afmt)):
588            if type == "q":
589                format = re.sub("{{(?!type:)(.*?)cloze:", r"{{\1cq-%d:" % (data[4]+1), format)
590                format = format.replace("<%cloze:", "<%%cq:%d:" % (
591                    data[4]+1))
592            else:
593                format = re.sub("{{(.*?)cloze:", r"{{\1ca-%d:" % (data[4]+1), format)
594                format = format.replace("<%cloze:", "<%%ca:%d:" % (
595                    data[4]+1))
596                fields['FrontSide'] = stripSounds(d['q'])
597            fields = runFilter("mungeFields", fields, model, data, self)
598            html = anki.template.render(format, fields)
599            d[type] = runFilter(
600                "mungeQA", html, type, fields, model, data, self)
601            # empty cloze?
602            if type == 'q' and model['type'] == MODEL_CLOZE:
603                if not self.models._availClozeOrds(model, data[6], False):
604                    d['q'] += ("<p>" + _(
605                "Please edit this note and add some cloze deletions. (%s)") % (
606                "<a href=%s#cloze>%s</a>" % (HELP_SITE, _("help"))))
607        return d
609    def _qaData(self, where=""):
610        "Return [cid, nid, mid, did, ord, tags, flds, cardFlags] db query"
611        return self.db.execute("""
612select c.id, f.id, f.mid, c.did, c.ord, f.tags, f.flds, c.flags
613from cards c, notes f
614where c.nid == f.id
615%s""" % where)
617    def _flagNameFromCardFlags(self, flags):
618        flag = flags & 0b111
619        if not flag:
620            return ""
621        return "flag%d" % flag
623    # Finding cards
624    ##########################################################################
626    def findCards(self, query, order=False):
627        return anki.find.Finder(self).findCards(query, order)
629    def findNotes(self, query):
630        return anki.find.Finder(self).findNotes(query)
632    def findReplace(self, nids, src, dst, regex=None, field=None, fold=True):
633        return anki.find.findReplace(self, nids, src, dst, regex, field, fold)
635    def findDupes(self, fieldName, search=""):
636        return anki.find.findDupes(self, fieldName, search)
638    # Stats
639    ##########################################################################
641    def cardStats(self, card):
642        from anki.stats import CardStats
643        return CardStats(self, card).report()
645    def stats(self):
646        from anki.stats import CollectionStats
647        return CollectionStats(self)
649    # Timeboxing
650    ##########################################################################
652    def startTimebox(self):
653        self._startTime = time.time()
654        self._startReps = self.sched.reps
656    def timeboxReached(self):
657        "Return (elapsedTime, reps) if timebox reached, or False."
658        if not self.conf['timeLim']:
659            # timeboxing disabled
660            return False
661        elapsed = time.time() - self._startTime
662        if elapsed > self.conf['timeLim']:
663            return (self.conf['timeLim'], self.sched.reps - self._startReps)
665    # Undo
666    ##########################################################################
668    def clearUndo(self):
669        # [type, undoName, data]
670        # type 1 = review; type 2 = checkpoint
671        self._undo = None
673    def undoName(self):
674        "Undo menu item name, or None if undo unavailable."
675        if not self._undo:
676            return None
677        return self._undo[1]
679    def undo(self):
680        if self._undo[0] == 1:
681            return self._undoReview()
682        else:
683            self._undoOp()
685    def markReview(self, card):
686        old = []
687        if self._undo:
688            if self._undo[0] == 1:
689                old = self._undo[2]
690            self.clearUndo()
691        wasLeech = card.note().hasTag("leech") or False
692        self._undo = [1, _("Review"), old + [copy.copy(card)], wasLeech]
694    def _undoReview(self):
695        data = self._undo[2]
696        wasLeech = self._undo[3]
697        c = data.pop()
698        if not data:
699            self.clearUndo()
700        # remove leech tag if it didn't have it before
701        if not wasLeech and c.note().hasTag("leech"):
702            c.note().delTag("leech")
703            c.note().flush()
704        # write old data
705        c.flush()
706        # and delete revlog entry
707        last = self.db.scalar(
708            "select id from revlog where cid = ? "
709            "order by id desc limit 1", c.id)
710        self.db.execute("delete from revlog where id = ?", last)
711        # restore any siblings
712        self.db.execute(
713            "update cards set queue=type,mod=?,usn=? where queue=-2 and nid=?",
714            intTime(), self.usn(), c.nid)
715        # and finally, update daily counts
716        n = 1 if c.queue == 3 else c.queue
717        type = ("new", "lrn", "rev")[n]
718        self.sched._updateStats(c, type, -1)
719        self.sched.reps -= 1
720        return c.id
722    def _markOp(self, name):
723        "Call via .save()"
724        if name:
725            self._undo = [2, name]
726        else:
727            # saving disables old checkpoint, but not review undo
728            if self._undo and self._undo[0] == 2:
729                self.clearUndo()
731    def _undoOp(self):
732        self.rollback()
733        self.clearUndo()
735    # DB maintenance
736    ##########################################################################
738    def basicCheck(self):
739        "Basic integrity check for syncing. True if ok."
740        # cards without notes
741        if self.db.scalar("""
742select 1 from cards where nid not in (select id from notes) limit 1"""):
743            return
744        # notes without cards or models
745        if self.db.scalar("""
746select 1 from notes where id not in (select distinct nid from cards)
747or mid not in %s limit 1""" % ids2str(self.models.ids())):
748            return
749        # invalid ords
750        for m in self.models.all():
751            # ignore clozes
752            if m['type'] != MODEL_STD:
753                continue
754            if self.db.scalar("""
755select 1 from cards where ord not in %s and nid in (
756select id from notes where mid = ?) limit 1""" %
757                               ids2str([t['ord'] for t in m['tmpls']]),
758                               m['id']):
759                return
760        return True
762    def fixIntegrity(self):
763        "Fix possible problems and rebuild caches."
764        problems = []
765        curs = self.db.cursor()
766        self.save()
767        oldSize = os.stat(self.path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
768        if self.db.scalar("pragma integrity_check") != "ok":
769            return (_("Collection is corrupt. Please see the manual."), False)
770        # note types with a missing model
771        ids = self.db.list("""
772select id from notes where mid not in """ + ids2str(self.models.ids()))
773        if ids:
774            problems.append(
775                ngettext("Deleted %d note with missing note type.",
776                         "Deleted %d notes with missing note type.", len(ids))
777                         % len(ids))
778            self.remNotes(ids)
779        # for each model
780        for m in self.models.all():
781            for t in m['tmpls']:
782                if t['did'] == "None":
783                    t['did'] = None
784                    problems.append(_("Fixed AnkiDroid deck override bug."))
785                    self.models.save(m)
786            if m['type'] == MODEL_STD:
787                # model with missing req specification
788                if 'req' not in m:
789                    self.models._updateRequired(m)
790                    problems.append(_("Fixed note type: %s") % m['name'])
791                # cards with invalid ordinal
792                ids = self.db.list("""
793select id from cards where ord not in %s and nid in (
794select id from notes where mid = ?)""" %
795                                   ids2str([t['ord'] for t in m['tmpls']]),
796                                   m['id'])
797                if ids:
798                    problems.append(
799                        ngettext("Deleted %d card with missing template.",
800                                 "Deleted %d cards with missing template.",
801                                 len(ids)) % len(ids))
802                    self.remCards(ids)
803            # notes with invalid field count
804            ids = []
805            for id, flds in self.db.execute(
806                    "select id, flds from notes where mid = ?", m['id']):
807                if (flds.count("\x1f") + 1) != len(m['flds']):
808                    ids.append(id)
809            if ids:
810                problems.append(
811                    ngettext("Deleted %d note with wrong field count.",
812                             "Deleted %d notes with wrong field count.",
813                             len(ids)) % len(ids))
814                self.remNotes(ids)
815        # delete any notes with missing cards
816        ids = self.db.list("""
817select id from notes where id not in (select distinct nid from cards)""")
818        if ids:
819            cnt = len(ids)
820            problems.append(
821                ngettext("Deleted %d note with no cards.",
822                         "Deleted %d notes with no cards.", cnt) % cnt)
823            self._remNotes(ids)
824        # cards with missing notes
825        ids = self.db.list("""
826select id from cards where nid not in (select id from notes)""")
827        if ids:
828            cnt = len(ids)
829            problems.append(
830                ngettext("Deleted %d card with missing note.",
831                         "Deleted %d cards with missing note.", cnt) % cnt)
832            self.remCards(ids)
833        # cards with odue set when it shouldn't be
834        ids = self.db.list("""
835select id from cards where odue > 0 and (type=1 or queue=2) and not odid""")
836        if ids:
837            cnt = len(ids)
838            problems.append(
839                ngettext("Fixed %d card with invalid properties.",
840                         "Fixed %d cards with invalid properties.", cnt) % cnt)
841            self.db.execute("update cards set odue=0 where id in "+
842                ids2str(ids))
843        # cards with odid set when not in a dyn deck
844        dids = [id for id in self.decks.allIds() if not self.decks.isDyn(id)]
845        ids = self.db.list("""
846select id from cards where odid > 0 and did in %s""" % ids2str(dids))
847        if ids:
848            cnt = len(ids)
849            problems.append(
850                ngettext("Fixed %d card with invalid properties.",
851                         "Fixed %d cards with invalid properties.", cnt) % cnt)
852            self.db.execute("update cards set odid=0, odue=0 where id in "+
853                ids2str(ids))
854        # tags
855        self.tags.registerNotes()
856        # field cache
857        for m in self.models.all():
858            self.updateFieldCache(self.models.nids(m))
859        # new cards can't have a due position > 32 bits, so wrap items over
860        # 2 million back to 1 million
861        curs.execute("""
862update cards set due=1000000+due%1000000,mod=?,usn=? where due>=1000000
863and type=0""", [intTime(), self.usn()])
864        if curs.rowcount:
865            problems.append("Found %d new cards with a due number >= 1,000,000 - consider repositioning them in the Browse screen." % curs.rowcount)
866        # new card position
867        self.conf['nextPos'] = self.db.scalar(
868            "select max(due)+1 from cards where type = 0") or 0
869        # reviews should have a reasonable due #
870        ids = self.db.list(
871            "select id from cards where queue = 2 and due > 100000")
872        if ids:
873            problems.append("Reviews had incorrect due date.")
874            self.db.execute(
875                "update cards set due = ?, ivl = 1, mod = ?, usn = ? where id in %s"
876                % ids2str(ids), self.sched.today, intTime(), self.usn())
877        # v2 sched had a bug that could create decimal intervals
878        curs.execute("update cards set ivl=round(ivl),due=round(due) where ivl!=round(ivl) or due!=round(due)")
879        if curs.rowcount:
880            problems.append("Fixed %d cards with v2 scheduler bug." % curs.rowcount)
882        curs.execute("update revlog set ivl=round(ivl),lastIvl=round(lastIvl) where ivl!=round(ivl) or lastIvl!=round(lastIvl)")
883        if curs.rowcount:
884            problems.append("Fixed %d review history entries with v2 scheduler bug." % curs.rowcount)
885        # models
886        if self.models.ensureNotEmpty():
887            problems.append("Added missing note type.")
888        # and finally, optimize
889        self.optimize()
890        newSize = os.stat(self.path)[stat.ST_SIZE]
891        txt = _("Database rebuilt and optimized.")
892        ok = not problems
893        problems.append(txt)
894        # if any problems were found, force a full sync
895        if not ok:
896            self.modSchema(check=False)
897        self.save()
898        return ("\n".join(problems), ok)
900    def optimize(self):
901        self.db.setAutocommit(True)
902        self.db.execute("vacuum")
903        self.db.execute("analyze")
904        self.db.setAutocommit(False)
905        self.lock()
907    # Logging
908    ##########################################################################
910    def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
911        if not self._debugLog:
912            return
913        def customRepr(x):
914            if isinstance(x, str):
915                return x
916            return pprint.pformat(x)
917        path, num, fn, y = traceback.extract_stack(
918            limit=2+kwargs.get("stack", 0))[0]
919        buf = "[%s] %s:%s(): %s" % (intTime(), os.path.basename(path), fn,
920                                     ", ".join([customRepr(x) for x in args]))
921        self._logHnd.write(buf + "\n")
922        if devMode:
923            print(buf)
925    def _openLog(self):
926        if not self._debugLog:
927            return
928        lpath = re.sub(r"\.anki2$", ".log", self.path)
929        if os.path.exists(lpath) and os.path.getsize(lpath) > 10*1024*1024:
930            lpath2 = lpath + ".old"
931            if os.path.exists(lpath2):
932                os.unlink(lpath2)
933            os.rename(lpath, lpath2)
934        self._logHnd = open(lpath, "a", encoding="utf8")
936    def _closeLog(self):
937        if not self._debugLog:
938            return
939        self._logHnd.close()
940        self._logHnd = None
942    # Card Flags
943    ##########################################################################
945    def setUserFlag(self, flag, cids):
946        assert 0 <= flag <= 7
947        self.db.execute("update cards set flags = (flags & ~?) | ?, usn=?, mod=? where id in %s" %
948                        ids2str(cids), 0b111, flag, self.usn(), intTime())