1 /* -*- mode: c++; c-file-style: raknet; tab-always-indent: nil; -*- */
2 /**
3  * @file
4  * @brief RakNet::BitStream: packet encoding and decoding
5  *
6  * Copyright (c) 2003, Rakkarsoft LLC and Kevin Jenkins
7  * All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
10  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
11  *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
12  *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
13  *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
14  *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
15  *       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
16  *     * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
17  *       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
18  *       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
19  *
30  */
32 #ifndef  __BITSTREAM_H
33 #define __BITSTREAM_H
35 #include "../BlobbyDebug.h"
36 // Arbitrary size, just picking something likely to be larger than most packets
39 /**
40  * @brief This namespace only contains a  few utility class used in
41  * RakNet.
42  *
43  * RakNet namespace is the not really in use currently.
44  */
46 /** \note  If you want the default network byte stream to be
47     in Network Byte Order (Big Endian) then #define __BITSTREAM_BIG_END
48     otherwise the default is 'Little Endian'.   If your CPU has the same
49     Byte Order as your network stream, you can cut out some overheads
50     using #define __BITSTREAM_NATIVE_END --- if this is defined,
51     the __BITSTREAM_BIG_END flag becomes ineffective.
52  */
54 namespace RakNet
55 {
56 	/**
57 	 * This macro transform a bit in byte
58 	 * @param x Transform a bit to a byte
59 	 */
60 #define BITS_TO_BYTES(x) (((x)+7)>>3)
62 	/**
63 	 * @brief Packets encoding and decoding facilities
64 	 *
65 	 * Helper class to encode and decode packets.
66 	 *
67 	 */
69 	class BitStream : public ObjectCounter<BitStream>
70 	{
72 	public:
73 		/**
74 		 * Default Constructor
75 		 */
76 		BitStream();
77 		/**
78 		 * Preallocate some memory for the construction of the packet
79 		 * @param initialBytesToAllocate the amount of byte to pre-allocate.
80 		 */
81 		BitStream( int initialBytesToAllocate );
83 		/**
84 		 * Initialize the BitStream object using data from the network.
85 		 * Set _copyData to true if you want to make an internal copy of
86 		 * the data you are passing. You can then Write and do all other
87 		 * operations Set it to false if you want to just use a pointer to
88 		 * the data you are passing, in order to save memory and speed.
89 		 * You should only then do read operations.
90 		 * @param _data An array of bytes.
91 		 * @param lengthInBytes Size of the @em _data.
92 		 * @param _copyData Does a copy of the input data.
93 		 */
94 		BitStream( char* _data, unsigned int lengthInBytes, bool _copyData );
95 		/**
96 		 * Destructor
97 		 */
98 		~BitStream();
99 		/**
100 		 * Reset the bitstream for reuse
101 		 */
102 		void Reset( void );
103 		/**
104 		 * Write the native types to the end of the buffer
105 		 * without any compression mecanism.
106 		 * @param input The data
107 		 */
108 		void Write( const bool input );
109 		/**
110 		 * Write the native types to the end of the buffer
111 		 * without any compression mecanism.
112 		 * @param input The data
113 		 */
114 		void Write( const unsigned char input );
115 		/**
116 		 * Write the native types to the end of the buffer
117 		 * without any compression mecanism.
118 		 * @param input The data
119 		 */
120 		void Write( const char input );
121 		/**
122 		 * Write the native types to the end of the buffer
123 		 * without any compression mecanism.
124 		 * @param input The data
125 		 */
126 		void Write( const unsigned short input );
127 		/**
128 		 * Write the native types to the end of the buffer
129 		 * without any compression mecanism.
130 		 * @param input The data
131 		 */
132 		void Write( const short input );
133 		/**
134 		 * Write the native types to the end of the buffer
135 		 * without any compression mecanism.
136 		 * @param input The data
137 		 */
138 		void Write( const unsigned int input );
139 		/**
140 		 * Write the native types to the end of the buffer
141 		 * without any compression mecanism.
142 		 * @param input The data
143 		 */
144 		void Write( const int input );
146 		/**
147 		 * Write the native types to the end of the buffer
148 		 * without any compression mecanism.
149 		 * @param input The data
150 		 */
151 		void Write( const float input );
152 		/**
153 		 * Write the native types to the end of the buffer
154 		 * without any compression mecanism.
155 		 * @param input The data
156 		 */
157 		void Write( const double input );
158 		/**
159 		 * Write an array or casted stream. It is supossed to
160 		 * be raw data. It is also not possible to deal with endian problem
161 		 * @param input a byte buffer
162 		 * @param numberOfBytes the size of the byte buffer
163 		 */
164 		void Write( const char* input, const int numberOfBytes );
165 		/**
166 		 * Write the native types with simple compression.
167 		 * Best used with  negatives and positives close to 0
168 		 * @param input The data.
169 		 */
170 		void WriteCompressed( const unsigned char input );
171 		/**
172 		 * Write the native types with simple compression.
173 		 * Best used with  negatives and positives close to 0
174 		 * @param input The data.
175 		 */
176 		void WriteCompressed( const char input );
177 		/**
178 		 * Write the native types with simple compression.
179 		 * Best used with  negatives and positives close to 0
180 		 * @param input The data.
181 		 */
182 		void WriteCompressed( const unsigned short input );
183 		/**
184 		 * Write the native types with simple compression.
185 		 * Best used with  negatives and positives close to 0
186 		 * @param input The data.
187 		 */
188 		void WriteCompressed( const short input );
189 		/**
190 		 * Write the native types with simple compression.
191 		 * Best used with  negatives and positives close to 0
192 		 * @param input The data.
193 		 */
194 		void WriteCompressed( const unsigned int input );
195 		/**
196 		 * Write the native types with simple compression.
197 		 * Best used with  negatives and positives close to 0
198 		 * @param input The data.
199 		 */
200 		void WriteCompressed( const int input );
202 		/**
203 		 * Read the native types from the front of the buffer
204 		 * @param output The readed value.
205 		 * @return true on success false otherwise. The result of a reading
206 		 * can only be wrong in the case we reach the end of the BitStream
207 		 * with some missing bits.
208 		 */
209 		bool Read( bool &output );
210 		/**
211 		 * Read the native types from the front of the buffer
212 		 * @param output The readed value.
213 		 * @return true on success false otherwise. The result of a reading
214 		 * can only be wrong in the case we reach the end of the BitStream
215 		 * with some missing bits.
216 		 */
217 		bool Read( unsigned char &output );
218 		/**
219 		 * Read the native types from the front of the buffer
220 		 * @param output The readed value.
221 		 * @return true on success false otherwise. The result of a reading
222 		 * can only be wrong in the case we reach the end of the BitStream
223 		 * with some missing bits.
224 		 */
225 		bool Read( char &output );
226 		/**
227 		 * Read the native types from the front of the buffer
228 		 * @param output The readed value.
229 		 * @return true on success false otherwise. The result of a reading
230 		 * can only be wrong in the case we reach the end of the BitStream
231 		 * with some missing bits.
232 		 */
233 		bool Read( unsigned short &output );
234 		/**
235 		 * Read the native types from the front of the buffer
236 		 * @param output The readed value.
237 		 * @return true on success false otherwise. The result of a reading
238 		 * can only be wrong in the case we reach the end of the BitStream
239 		 * with some missing bits.
240 		 */
241 		bool Read( short &output );
242 		/**
243 		 * Read the native types from the front of the buffer
244 		 * @param output The readed value.
245 		 * @return true on success false otherwise. The result of a reading
246 		 * can only be wrong in the case we reach the end of the BitStream
247 		 * with some missing bits.
248 		 */
249 		bool Read( unsigned int &output );
250 		/**
251 		 * Read the native types from the front of the buffer
252 		 * @param output The readed value.
253 		 * @return true on success false otherwise. The result of a reading
254 		 * can only be wrong in the case we reach the end of the BitStream
255 		 * with some missing bits.
256 		 */
257 		bool Read( int &output );
259 		/**
260 		 * Read the native types from the front of the buffer
261 		 * @param output The readed value.
262 		 * @return true on success false otherwise. The result of a reading
263 		 * can only be wrong in the case we reach the end of the BitStream
264 		 * with some missing bits.
265 		 */
266 		bool Read( float &output );
267 		/**
268 		 * Read the native types from the front of the buffer
269 		 * @param output The readed value.
270 		 * @return true on success false otherwise. The result of a reading
271 		 * can only be wrong in the case we reach the end of the BitStream
272 		 * with some missing bits.
273 		 */
274 		bool Read( double &output );
275 		/**
276 		 * Read an array or casted stream of byte. The array
277 		 * is raw data. There is no automatic conversion on
278 		 * big endian arch
279 		 * @param output The result byte array. It should be larger than @em numberOfBytes.
280 		 * @param numberOfBytes The number of byte to read
281 		 * @return true on success false if there is some missing bytes.
282 		 */
283 		bool Read( char* output, const int numberOfBytes );
284 		/**
285 		 * Read the types you wrote with WriteCompressed
286 		 * @param output The read value
287 		 * @return true on success, false on not enough data to read
288 		 */
289 		bool ReadCompressed( unsigned char & output );
290 		/**
291 		 * Read the types you wrote with WriteCompressed
292 		 * @param output The read value
293 		 * @return true on success, false on not enough data to read
294 		 */
295 		bool ReadCompressed( char &output );
296 		/**
297 		 * Read the types you wrote with WriteCompressed
298 		 * @param output The read value
299 		 * @return true on success, false on not enough data to read
300 		 */
301 		bool ReadCompressed( unsigned short &output );
302 		/**
303 		 * Read the types you wrote with WriteCompressed
304 		 * @param output The read value
305 		 * @return true on success, false on not enough data to read
306 		 */
307 		bool ReadCompressed( short &output );
308 		/**
309 		 * Read the types you wrote with WriteCompressed
310 		 * @param output The read value
311 		 * @return true on success, false on not enough data to read
312 		 */
313 		bool ReadCompressed( unsigned int &output );
314 		/**
315 		 * Read the types you wrote with WriteCompressed
316 		 * @param output The read value
317 		 * @return true on success, false on not enough data to read
318 		 */
319 		bool ReadCompressed( int &output );
321 		/**
322 		 * Sets the read pointer back to the beginning of your data.
323 		 */
324 		void ResetReadPointer( void );
325 		/**
326 		* Sets the write pointer back to the beginning of your data.
327 		*/
328 		void ResetWritePointer( void );
329 		/**
330 		 * This is good to call when you are done with the stream to make
331 		 * sure you didn't leave any data left over void
332 		 */
333 		void AssertStreamEmpty( void );
334 		/**
335 		 * print to the standard output the state of the stream bit by bit
336 		 */
337 		void PrintBits( void ) const;
339 		/**
340 		 * Ignore data we don't intend to read
341 		 * @param numberOfBits The number of bits to ignore
342 		 */
343 		void IgnoreBits( const int numberOfBits );
345 		/**
346 		 * Ignore data we don't intend to read
347 		 * @param numberOfBytes The number of bytes to ignore
348 		 */
349 		void IgnoreBytes( const int numberOfBytes );
351 		/**
352 		 * Move the write pointer to a position on the array.
353 		 * @param offset the offset from the start of the array.
354 		 * @attention
355 		 * Dangerous if you don't know what you are doing!
356 		 *
357 		 */
358 		void SetWriteOffset( const int offset );
359 		/**
360 		 * Returns the length in bits of the stream
361 		 */
362 		int GetNumberOfBitsUsed( void ) const;
363 		/**
364 		 * Returns the length in bytes of the stream
365 		 */
366 		int GetNumberOfBytesUsed( void ) const;
367 		/**
368 		 * Returns the number of bits into the stream that we have read
369 		 */
370 		int GetReadOffset( void ) const;
371 		/**
372 		 * Returns the number of bits left in the stream that haven't been read
373 		 */
374 		int GetNumberOfUnreadBits( void ) const;
375 		/**
376 		 * Makes a copy of the internal data for you Data will point to
377 		 * the stream. Returns the length in bits of the stream. Partial
378 		 * bytes are left aligned
379 		 * @param _data the resulting byte copy of the internal state.
380 		 */
381 		int CopyData( unsigned char** _data ) const;
382 		/**
383 		 * Set the stream to some initial data.  For internal use
384 		 * Partial bytes are left aligned
385 		 * @param input The data
386 		 * @param numberOfBits the number of bits set in the data buffer
387 		 */
388 		void SetData( const unsigned char* input, const int numberOfBits );
389 		/**
390 		 * Exposes the internal data.
391 		 * Partial bytes are left aligned.
392 		 * @return A pointer to the internal state
393 		 */
394 		unsigned char* GetData( void ) const;
395 		/**
396 		 * Write numberToWrite bits from the input source Right aligned
397 		 * data means in the case of a partial byte, the bits are aligned
398 		 * from the right (bit 0) rather than the left (as in the normal
399 		 * internal representation) You would set this to true when
400 		 * writing user data, and false when copying bitstream data, such
401 		 * as writing one bitstream to another
402 		 * @param input The data
403 		 * @param numberOfBitsToWrite The number of bits to write
404 		 * @param rightAlignedBits if true data will be right aligned
405 		 */
406 		void WriteBits( const unsigned char* input,
407 			int numberOfBitsToWrite, const bool rightAlignedBits = true );
408 		/**
409 		 * Align the bitstream to the byte boundary and then write the
410 		 * specified number of bits.  This is faster than WriteBits but
411 		 * wastes the bits to do the alignment and requires you to call
412 		 * ReadAlignedBits at the corresponding read position.
413 		 * @param input The data
414 		 * @param numberOfBytesToWrite The size of data.
415 		 */
416 		void WriteAlignedBytes( const unsigned char* input,
417 			const int numberOfBytesToWrite );
418 		/**
419 		 * Read bits, starting at the next aligned bits. Note that the
420 		 * modulus 8 starting offset of the sequence must be the same as
421 		 * was used with WriteBits. This will be a problem with packet
422 		 * coalescence unless you byte align the coalesced packets.
423 		 * @param output The byte array larger than @em numberOfBytesToRead
424 		 * @param numberOfBytesToRead The number of byte to read from the internal state
425 		 * @return true if there is enough byte.
426 		 */
427 		bool ReadAlignedBytes( unsigned char* output,
428 			const int numberOfBytesToRead );
429 		/**
430 		 * Align the next write and/or read to a byte boundary.  This can
431 		 * be used to 'waste' bits to byte align for efficiency reasons It
432 		 * can also be used to force coalesced bitstreams to start on byte
433 		 * boundaries so so WriteAlignedBits and ReadAlignedBits both
434 		 * calculate the same offset when aligning.
435 		 */
436 		void AlignWriteToByteBoundary( void );
437 		/**
438 		 * Align the next write and/or read to a byte boundary.  This can
439 		 * be used to 'waste' bits to byte align for efficiency reasons It
440 		 * can also be used to force coalesced bitstreams to start on byte
441 		 * boundaries so so WriteAlignedBits and ReadAlignedBits both
442 		 * calculate the same offset when aligning.
443 		 */
444 		void AlignReadToByteBoundary( void );
446 		/**
447 		 * Read numberOfBitsToRead bits to the output source
448 		 * alignBitsToRight should be set to true to convert internal
449 		 * bitstream data to userdata It should be false if you used
450 		 * WriteBits with rightAlignedBits false
451 		 * @param output The resulting bits array
452 		 * @param numberOfBitsToRead The number of bits to read
453 		 * @param alignsBitsToRight if true bits will be right aligned.
454 		 * @return true if there is enough bits to read
455 		 */
456 		bool ReadBits( unsigned char* output, int numberOfBitsToRead,
457 			const bool alignBitsToRight = true );
459 		/**
460 		 * --- Low level functions ---
461 		 * These are for when you want to deal
462 		 * with bits and don't care about type checking
463 		 * Write a 0
464 		 */
465 		void Write0( void );
466 		/**
467 		 * --- Low level functions ---
468 		 * These are for when you want to deal
469 		 * with bits and don't care about type checking
470 		 * Write a 1
471 		 */
472 		void Write1( void );
473 		/**
474 		 * --- Low level functions ---
475 		 * These are for when you want to deal
476 		 * with bits and don't care about type checking
477 		 * Reads 1 bit and returns true if that bit is 1 and false if it is 0
478 		 */
479 		bool ReadBit( void );
480 		/**
481 		 * If we used the constructor version with copy data off, this
482 		 * makes sure it is set to on and the data pointed to is copied.
483 		 */
484 		void AssertCopyData( void );
485 		/**
486 		 * Use this if you pass a pointer copy to the constructor
487 		 * (_copyData==false) and want to overallocate to prevent
488 		 * reallocation
489 		 */
490 		void SetNumberOfBitsAllocated( const unsigned int lengthInBits );
492 	private:
493 		/**
494 		 * Assume the input source points to a native type, compress and write it.
495 		 */
496 		void WriteCompressed( const unsigned char* input,
497 			const int size, const bool unsignedData );
499 		/**
500 		 * Assume the input source points to a compressed native type.
501 		 * Decompress and read it.
502 		 */
503 		bool ReadCompressed( unsigned char* output,
504 			const int size, const bool unsignedData );
506 		/**
507 		 * Reallocates (if necessary) in preparation of writing
508 		 * numberOfBitsToWrite
509 		 */
510 		void AddBitsAndReallocate( const int numberOfBitsToWrite );
512 		/**
513 		 * Number of bits currently used
514 		 */
515 		int numberOfBitsUsed;
516 		/**
517 		 * Number of bits currently allocated
518 		 */
519 		int numberOfBitsAllocated;
520 		/**
521 		 * Current readOffset
522 		 */
523 		int readOffset;
524 		/**
525 		 * array of byte storing the data.  Points to stackData or if is bigger than that then is allocated
526 		 */
527 		unsigned char *data;
528 		/**
529 		 * true if the internal buffer is copy of the data passed to the
530 		 * constructor
531 		 */
532 		bool copyData;
534 		unsigned char stackData[BITSTREAM_STACK_ALLOCATION_SIZE];
535 	};
536 }
538 #endif