2  {
3    "id": "bot_EMP_hack",
4    "type": "TOOL",
5    "name": { "str": "inactive EMP hack" },
6    "description": "This is an inactive EMP hack.  EMP hacks are fist-sized robots that fly through the air.  This one contains an EMP grenade and attacks by flying at its target and detonating.  Use this item to reprogram and release the EMP hack.  Electronics and computer skill determines if the targeting matrix is reprogrammed successfully.",
7    "weight": "4700 g",
8    "volume": "750 ml",
9    "price": 64500,
10    "price_postapoc": 3000,
11    "to_hit": -3,
12    "bashing": 6,
13    "cutting": 6,
14    "material": [ "aluminum", "plastic" ],
15    "symbol": ",",
16    "color": "cyan",
17    "use_action": {
18      "type": "place_monster",
19      "monster_id": "mon_EMP_hack",
20      "friendly_msg": "The EMP hack flies from your hand and surveys the area!",
21      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the EMP hack; take cover!",
22      "difficulty": 4,
23      "moves": 60,
24      "place_randomly": true,
25      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
26    }
27  },
28  {
29    "id": "bot_c4_hack",
30    "type": "TOOL",
31    "name": { "str": "inactive C-4 hack" },
32    "description": "This is an inactive C-4 hack.  C-4 hacks are fist-sized robots that fly through the air.  This one contains some C-4 and attacks by flying at its target and detonating.  Use this item to reprogram and activate the C-4 hack.  Electronics and computer skill determines if the targeting matrix is reprogrammed successfully.",
33    "weight": "5870 g",
34    "volume": "250 ml",
35    "price": 67500,
36    "price_postapoc": 3000,
37    "to_hit": -3,
38    "bashing": 6,
39    "cutting": 6,
40    "material": [ "aluminum", "plastic" ],
41    "symbol": ",",
42    "color": "light_gray",
43    "use_action": {
44      "type": "place_monster",
45      "monster_id": "mon_c4_hack",
46      "friendly_msg": "The C-4 hack flies from your hand and surveys the area!",
47      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the C-4 hack; take cover!",
48      "difficulty": 4,
49      "moves": 60,
50      "place_randomly": true,
51      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
52    }
53  },
54  {
55    "id": "bot_flashbang_hack",
56    "type": "TOOL",
57    "name": { "str": "inactive flashbang hack" },
58    "description": "This is an inactive flashbang hack.  Flashbang hacks are fist-sized robots that fly through the air.  This one contains a flashbang and attacks by flying at its target and detonating.  Use this item to reprogram and activate the flashbang hack.  Electronics and computer skill determines if the targeting matrix is reprogrammed successfully.",
59    "weight": "4536 g",
60    "volume": "750 ml",
61    "price": 59500,
62    "price_postapoc": 500,
63    "to_hit": -3,
64    "bashing": 6,
65    "cutting": 6,
66    "material": [ "aluminum", "plastic" ],
67    "symbol": ",",
68    "color": "dark_gray",
69    "use_action": {
70      "type": "place_monster",
71      "monster_id": "mon_flashbang_hack",
72      "friendly_msg": "The flashbang hack flies from your hand and surveys the area!",
73      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the flashbang hack; take cover!",
74      "difficulty": 4,
75      "moves": 60,
76      "place_randomly": true,
77      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
78    }
79  },
80  {
81    "id": "bot_gasbomb_hack",
82    "type": "TOOL",
83    "name": { "str": "inactive tear gas hack" },
84    "description": "This is an inactive tear gas hack.  Tear gas hacks are fist-sized robots that fly through the air.  This one contains a tear gas canister and attacks by flying at its target and releasing tear gas.  Use this item to reprogram and activate the tear gas hack.  Electronics and computer skill determines if the targeting matrix is reprogrammed successfully.",
85    "weight": "5360 g",
86    "volume": "750 ml",
87    "price": 60500,
88    "price_postapoc": 500,
89    "to_hit": -3,
90    "bashing": 6,
91    "cutting": 6,
92    "material": [ "aluminum", "plastic" ],
93    "symbol": ",",
94    "color": "dark_gray",
95    "use_action": {
96      "type": "place_monster",
97      "monster_id": "mon_gasbomb_hack",
98      "friendly_msg": "The tear gas hack flies from your hand and surveys the area!",
99      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the tear gas hack; take cover!",
100      "difficulty": 4,
101      "moves": 60,
102      "place_randomly": true,
103      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
104    }
105  },
106  {
107    "id": "bot_grenade_hack",
108    "type": "TOOL",
109    "name": { "str": "inactive grenade hack" },
110    "description": "This is an inactive grenade hack.  Grenade hacks are fist-sized robots that fly through the air.  This one contains a grenade and attacks by flying at its target and detonating.  Use this item to reprogram and activate the grenade hack.  Electronics and computer skill determines if the targeting matrix is reprogrammed successfully.",
111    "weight": "4480 g",
112    "volume": "250 ml",
113    "price": 60000,
114    "price_postapoc": 1000,
115    "to_hit": -3,
116    "bashing": 6,
117    "cutting": 6,
118    "material": [ "aluminum", "plastic" ],
119    "symbol": ",",
120    "color": "green",
121    "use_action": {
122      "type": "place_monster",
123      "monster_id": "mon_grenade_hack",
124      "friendly_msg": "The grenade hack flies from your hand and surveys the area!",
125      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the grenade hack; take cover!",
126      "difficulty": 4,
127      "moves": 60,
128      "place_randomly": true,
129      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
130    }
131  },
132  {
133    "id": "bot_antimateriel",
134    "type": "TOOL",
135    "name": { "str": "inactive M2HB autonomous CROWS II", "str_pl": "inactive M2HB autonomous CROWS II turrets" },
136    "description": "This is an inactive turret.  Using this item involves loading the unit with the factory-loaded .50 BMG rounds in your inventory (if you wish to divide your ammunition, set aside whatever .50 BMG rounds you do NOT want to give the turret) turning it on, and placing it on the ground, where it will attach itself.  If programmed successfully the turret will then identify you as a friendly, and attack all enemies with its M2HB.",
137    "weight": "172 kg",
138    "volume": "30 L",
139    "price": 500500,
140    "price_postapoc": 8000,
141    "to_hit": -3,
142    "bashing": 8,
143    "material": [ "steel", "plastic" ],
144    "symbol": ";",
145    "color": "red",
146    "use_action": {
147      "type": "place_monster",
148      "monster_id": "mon_turret_bmg",
149      "difficulty": 6,
150      "moves": 100,
151      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
152    }
153  },
154  {
155    "id": "bot_manhack",
156    "type": "TOOL",
157    "name": { "str": "inactive manhack" },
158    "description": "This is an inactive manhack.  Manhacks are fist-sized robots that fly through the air.  They are covered with whirring blades and attack by throwing themselves against their target.  Use this item to reprogram and activate the manhack.  Electronics and computer skill determines if the targeting matrix is reprogrammed successfully.",
159    "weight": "5400 g",
160    "volume": "750 ml",
161    "price": 60000,
162    "price_postapoc": 500,
163    "to_hit": -3,
164    "bashing": 6,
165    "cutting": 6,
166    "material": [ "aluminum", "plastic" ],
167    "symbol": ",",
168    "color": "light_green",
169    "use_action": {
170      "type": "place_monster",
171      "monster_id": "mon_manhack",
172      "friendly_msg": "The manhack flies from your hand and surveys the area!",
173      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the manhack; it's hostile!",
174      "difficulty": 4,
175      "moves": 60,
176      "place_randomly": true,
177      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
178    }
179  },
180  {
181    "id": "bot_mininuke_hack",
182    "type": "TOOL",
183    "name": { "str": "inactive mininuke hack" },
184    "description": "This is an inactive mininuke hack.  Many times as large as a normal manhack, a mininuke hack contains a mininuke and attack by flying at their target and detonating.  Use this item to reprogram and activate the mininuke hack.  Electronics and computer skill determines if the targeting matrix is reprogrammed successfully.",
185    "weight": "25000 g",
186    "volume": "18750 ml",
187    "price": 2677500,
188    "price_postapoc": 10000,
189    "to_hit": -3,
190    "bashing": 6,
191    "cutting": 6,
192    "material": [ "aluminum", "plastic" ],
193    "symbol": ",",
194    "color": "magenta",
195    "use_action": {
196      "type": "place_monster",
197      "monster_id": "mon_mininuke_hack",
198      "friendly_msg": "The mininuke hack floats from your hand and surveys the area!",
199      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the mininuke hack.  Pray.",
200      "difficulty": 5,
201      "moves": 60,
202      "place_randomly": true,
203      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
204    }
205  },
206  {
207    "id": "bot_rifleturret",
208    "type": "TOOL",
209    "name": { "str": "inactive autonomous M249 CROWS II", "str_pl": "inactive autonomous M249 CROWS II turrets" },
210    "description": "This is an inactive turret.  Using this item involves loading the unit with the factory-loaded 5.56x45mm rounds in your inventory (if you wish to divide your ammunition, set aside whatever 5.56x45mm rounds you do NOT want to give the turret) turning it on, and placing it on the ground, where it will attach itself.  If programmed successfully the turret will then identify you as a friendly, and attack all enemies with its M249.",
211    "weight": "172 kg",
212    "volume": "30 L",
213    "price": 500000,
214    "to_hit": -3,
215    "price_postapoc": 5000,
216    "bashing": 8,
217    "material": [ "steel", "plastic" ],
218    "symbol": ";",
219    "color": "green",
220    "use_action": {
221      "type": "place_monster",
222      "monster_id": "mon_turret_rifle",
223      "difficulty": 6,
224      "moves": 100,
225      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
226    }
227  },
228  {
229    "id": "bot_crows_m240",
230    "type": "TOOL",
231    "name": { "str": "inactive autonomous M240 CROWS II", "str_pl": "inactive autonomous M240 CROWS II turrets" },
232    "description": "This is an inactive turret.  Using this item involves loading the unit with the factory-loaded 7.62x51mm rounds in your inventory (if you wish to divide your ammunition, set aside whatever 7.62x51mm rounds you do NOT want to give the turret) turning it on, and placing it on the ground, where it will attach itself.  If programmed successfully the turret will then identify you as a friendly, and attack all enemies with its M240.",
233    "weight": "172 kg",
234    "volume": "30 L",
235    "price": 500000,
236    "price_postapoc": 6000,
237    "to_hit": -3,
238    "bashing": 8,
239    "material": [ "steel", "plastic" ],
240    "symbol": ";",
241    "color": "green",
242    "use_action": {
243      "type": "place_monster",
244      "monster_id": "mon_crows_m240",
245      "difficulty": 6,
246      "moves": 100,
247      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
248    }
249  },
250  {
251    "id": "bot_turret_riot",
252    "type": "TOOL",
253    "name": { "str": "inactive riot control turret" },
254    "description": "This is an inactive riot control turret.  Using this item involves loading the unit with the 40x46mm M1006 sponge rounds in your inventory (if you wish to divide your ammunition, set aside whatever beanbag rounds you do NOT want to give the turret) turning it on, and placing it on the ground, where it will attach itself.  If programmed successfully the turret will then identify you as a friendly, and attack all enemies with its riot control gun.",
255    "weight": "125000 g",
256    "volume": "60 L",
257    "price": 200500,
258    "price_postapoc": 2000,
259    "to_hit": -3,
260    "bashing": 8,
261    "material": [ "steel", "plastic" ],
262    "symbol": ";",
263    "color": "red",
264    "use_action": {
265      "type": "place_monster",
266      "monster_id": "mon_turret_riot",
267      "difficulty": 6,
268      "moves": 100,
269      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
270    }
271  },
272  {
273    "id": "bot_turret",
274    "type": "TOOL",
275    "name": { "str": "inactive turret" },
276    "description": "This is an inactive turret.  Using this item involves loading the unit with the factory-loaded 9x19mm rounds in your inventory (if you wish to divide your ammunition, set aside whatever 9x19mm you do NOT want to give the turret) turning it on, and placing it on the ground.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the turret will then identify you as a friendly, and attack all enemies with its SMG.",
277    "weight": "40750 g",
278    "volume": "30 L",
279    "price": 400000,
280    "price_postapoc": 3000,
281    "to_hit": -3,
282    "bashing": 8,
283    "material": [ "steel", "plastic" ],
284    "symbol": ";",
285    "color": "light_green",
286    "use_action": {
287      "type": "place_monster",
288      "monster_id": "mon_turret",
289      "difficulty": 6,
290      "moves": 100,
291      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
292    }
293  },
294  {
295    "id": "bot_secubot",
296    "type": "TOOL",
297    "name": { "str": "inactive TALON UGV" },
298    "description": "This is an inactive TALON UGV equipped with an M16A4.  Using this item involves loading the unit with the factory-loaded 5.56x45mm rounds in your inventory (if you wish to divide your ammunition, set aside whatever 5.56x45mm you do NOT want to give the robot) turning it on, and placing it on the ground.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the security bot will then identify you as a friendly, roam around or follow you, and attack all enemies with its rifle.",
299    "weight": "40750 g",
300    "volume": "30 L",
301    "price": 750000,
302    "price_postapoc": 4000,
303    "to_hit": -3,
304    "bashing": 8,
305    "material": [ "steel" ],
306    "symbol": ";",
307    "color": "light_green",
308    "use_action": {
309      "type": "place_monster",
310      "monster_id": "mon_secubot",
311      "friendly_msg": "The security bot beeps affirmatively and begins scanning for hostiles.",
312      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the security bot and it trains its gun on you.  RUN!",
313      "difficulty": 6,
314      "moves": 150,
315      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
316    }
317  },
318  {
319    "id": "bot_talon_m202a1",
320    "type": "TOOL",
321    "name": { "str": "inactive M202A1 TALON UGV" },
322    "description": "This is an inactive TALON UGV equipped with an M202A1.  Using this item involves loading the unit with the M235 rockets in your inventory (if you wish to divide your ammunition, set aside whatever M235 rockets you do NOT want to give the robot) turning it on, and placing it on the ground.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the security bot will then identify you as a friendly, roam around or follow you, and attack all enemies with its M202A1.",
323    "weight": "40750 g",
324    "volume": "30 L",
325    "price": 750000,
326    "price_postapoc": 3000,
327    "to_hit": -3,
328    "bashing": 8,
329    "material": [ "steel" ],
330    "symbol": ";",
331    "color": "light_green",
332    "use_action": {
333      "type": "place_monster",
334      "monster_id": "mon_talon_m202a1",
335      "friendly_msg": "The security bot beeps affirmatively and begins scanning for hostiles.",
336      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the security bot and it trains its gun on you.  RUN!",
337      "difficulty": 6,
338      "moves": 150,
339      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
340    }
341  },
342  {
343    "id": "bot_nursebot",
344    "type": "TOOL",
345    "name": { "str": "inactive nurse bot" },
346    "description": "This is an inactive nurse bot.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and reactivating its mechanical body.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the nurse bot will then identify you as a friendly, roam around or follow you, and assist you in surgeries.",
347    "volume": "62500 ml",
348    "weight": "81500 g",
349    "price": 750000,
350    "price_postapoc": 2000,
351    "to_hit": -3,
352    "bashing": 8,
353    "material": [ "steel" ],
354    "symbol": ";",
355    "color": "light_blue",
356    "use_action": {
357      "type": "place_monster",
358      "monster_id": "mon_nursebot",
359      "friendly_msg": "The nurse bot beeps affirmatively and awaits orders.",
360      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the nurse bot.  It's looking at you funny.",
361      "difficulty": 6,
362      "moves": 150,
363      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
364    }
365  },
366  {
367    "id": "bot_grocerybot",
368    "type": "TOOL",
369    "name": { "str": "inactive grocery bot" },
370    "description": "This is an inactive grocery bot.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and reactivating its mechanical body.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the grocery bot will then identify you as a friendly, roam around or follow you.",
371    "volume": "62500 ml",
372    "weight": "81500 g",
373    "price": 750000,
374    "price_postapoc": 250,
375    "to_hit": -3,
376    "bashing": 8,
377    "material": [ "steel" ],
378    "symbol": ";",
379    "color": "white",
380    "use_action": {
381      "type": "place_monster",
382      "monster_id": "mon_grocerybot",
383      "friendly_msg": "The grocery bot beeps affirmatively and awaits orders.",
384      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the grocery bot.  It's looking at you funny.",
385      "difficulty": 6,
386      "moves": 150,
387      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
388    }
389  },
390  {
391    "id": "bot_grocerybot_busted",
392    "type": "TOOL",
393    "name": { "str": "inactive busted grocery bot" },
394    "description": "This is an inactive grocery bot.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and reactivating its mechanical body.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the grocery bot will then identify you as a friendly, roam around or follow you.",
395    "volume": "62500 ml",
396    "weight": "81500 g",
397    "price": 750000,
398    "price_postapoc": 100,
399    "to_hit": -3,
400    "bashing": 8,
401    "material": [ "steel" ],
402    "symbol": ";",
403    "color": "white",
404    "use_action": {
405      "type": "place_monster",
406      "monster_id": "mon_grocerybot_busted",
407      "friendly_msg": "The grocery bot beeps affirmatively and awaits orders.",
408      "hostile_msg": "You misprogram the grocery bot.  It's looking at you funny.",
409      "difficulty": 4,
410      "moves": 150,
411      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
412    }
413  },
414  {
415    "id": "bot_broken_cyborg",
416    "type": "TOOL",
417    "name": { "str": "inactive broken cyborg" },
418    "description": "This is a deactivated broken cyborg, the last shreds of its humanity still rotting away.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and reactivating its mechanical body.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the cyborg will then follow you and attack enemies.  You monster.",
419    "weight": "81500 g",
420    "volume": "62500 ml",
421    "//": "It is a disgusting mass of rotting flesh and jagged metal pieces, no one will buy it.",
422    "price": 0,
423    "price_postapoc": 0,
424    "to_hit": -3,
425    "bashing": 8,
426    "material": [ "steel", "flesh" ],
427    "symbol": ";",
428    "color": "light_green",
429    "use_action": {
430      "type": "place_monster",
431      "monster_id": "mon_broken_cyborg",
432      "friendly_msg": "The broken cyborg rises to the sound of screeching metal and peers around for hostiles.",
433      "hostile_msg": "The broken cyborg lets out a howl of agony and attacks you!",
434      "//": "Very difficult due to organic interference and failed components",
435      "difficulty": 9,
436      "moves": 250,
437      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
438    }
439  },
440  {
441    "id": "bot_prototype_cyborg",
442    "type": "TOOL",
443    "name": { "str": "inactive prototype cyborg" },
444    "description": "This is a deactivated prototype cyborg, glimpses of humanity can still be seen in its empty eyes.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and reactivating its mechanical body.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the cyborg will then follow you and attack enemies.  You monster.",
445    "weight": "81500 g",
446    "volume": "62500 ml",
447    "//": "It is an affront to humanity, no one will buy it.",
448    "price": 0,
449    "price_postapoc": 0,
450    "to_hit": -3,
451    "bashing": 8,
452    "material": [ "steel", "flesh" ],
453    "symbol": ";",
454    "color": "light_green",
455    "use_action": {
456      "type": "place_monster",
457      "monster_id": "mon_prototype_cyborg",
458      "friendly_msg": "The prototype cyborg rises to the sound of screeching metal and peers around for hostiles.",
459      "hostile_msg": "The prototype cyborg lets out a howl of agony and attacks you!",
460      "//": "Very difficult due to organic interference and failed components",
461      "difficulty": 9,
462      "moves": 250,
463      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
464    }
465  },
466  {
467    "id": "bot_copbot",
468    "looks_like": "broken_copbot",
469    "type": "TOOL",
470    "name": { "str": "inactive police bot" },
471    "description": "This is an inactive police robot.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and turning it on.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the police bot will then identify you as law enforcement, roam around or follow you, and attempt to detain lawbreakers.",
472    "weight": "81500 g",
473    "volume": "62500 ml",
474    "price": 100000,
475    "price_postapoc": 500,
476    "to_hit": -3,
477    "bashing": 8,
478    "material": [ "steel" ],
479    "symbol": ";",
480    "color": "light_green",
481    "use_action": {
482      "type": "place_monster",
483      "monster_id": "mon_copbot",
484      "friendly_msg": "The police bot rolls into action ready to pursue criminals.",
485      "hostile_msg": "A siren howls and lights flash as the police bot prepares to arrest you!",
486      "//": "Wheeled and must be easy-to-use for police deployment",
487      "difficulty": 3,
488      "moves": 100,
489      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
490    }
491  },
492  {
493    "id": "bot_eyebot",
494    "looks_like": "broken_eyebot",
495    "type": "TOOL",
496    "name": { "str": "inactive eyebot" },
497    "description": "This is an inactive eyebot.  Using this item involves turning it on and launching the UAV.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the eyebot will then keep watch for intruders.",
498    "weight": "40750 g",
499    "volume": "30 L",
500    "price": 10000,
501    "price_postapoc": 500,
502    "to_hit": -3,
503    "bashing": 8,
504    "material": [ "steel" ],
505    "symbol": ";",
506    "color": "light_green",
507    "use_action": {
508      "type": "place_monster",
509      "monster_id": "mon_eyebot",
510      "friendly_msg": "The eyebot hums and takes to the sky.",
511      "hostile_msg": "The eyebot beeps disapprovingly and focuses its camera on your face.  Say cheese!",
512      "//": "Like most surveillance tech these likely have poor security. Secure the wifi!",
513      "difficulty": 1,
514      "moves": 100,
515      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
516    }
517  },
518  {
519    "id": "bot_hazmatbot",
520    "type": "TOOL",
521    "name": { "str": "inactive cleaner bot" },
522    "description": "This is an inactive cleaner bot.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and turning it on.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the cleaner bot will respond to future commands.",
523    "weight": "81500 g",
524    "volume": "62500 ml",
525    "price": 10000,
526    "price_postapoc": 500,
527    "to_hit": -3,
528    "bashing": 8,
529    "material": [ "steel" ],
530    "symbol": ";",
531    "color": "light_green",
532    "use_action": {
533      "type": "place_monster",
534      "monster_id": "mon_hazmatbot",
535      "friendly_msg": "The cleaner bot emits a friendly beep and starts scrubbing.",
536      "hostile_msg": "The cleaner bot plays an error sound, but starts cleaning anyway.",
537      "//": "Currently has no higher functions",
538      "difficulty": 1,
539      "moves": 100,
540      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
541    }
542  },
543  {
544    "id": "bot_molebot",
545    "looks_like": "broken_molebot",
546    "type": "TOOL",
547    "name": { "str": "inactive miner bot" },
548    "description": "This is an inactive mining robot.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and turning it on.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the miner bot will respond to future commands.",
549    "weight": "81500 g",
550    "volume": "62500 ml",
551    "price": 25000,
552    "price_postapoc": 1000,
553    "to_hit": -3,
554    "bashing": 8,
555    "material": [ "steel" ],
556    "symbol": ";",
557    "color": "light_green",
558    "use_action": {
559      "type": "place_monster",
560      "monster_id": "mon_molebot",
561      "friendly_msg": "The miner bot whirrs and tunnels into the ground.",
562      "hostile_msg": "The miner bot spins out of control and lunges at you.  Make way!",
563      "//": "Digging parameters need special attention but no (intentional) lethal weapons",
564      "difficulty": 3,
565      "moves": 100,
566      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
567    }
568  },
569  {
570    "id": "bot_riotbot",
571    "looks_like": "broken_riotbot",
572    "type": "TOOL",
573    "name": { "str": "inactive riot control bot" },
574    "description": "This is an inactive riot control bot.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and turning it on.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the robot will bring order and peace to the horde.",
575    "weight": "81500 g",
576    "volume": "62500 ml",
577    "price": 35000,
578    "price_postapoc": 1500,
579    "to_hit": -3,
580    "bashing": 8,
581    "material": [ "steel" ],
582    "symbol": ";",
583    "color": "light_green",
584    "use_action": {
585      "type": "place_monster",
586      "monster_id": "mon_riotbot",
587      "friendly_msg": "The riot control bot rolls into action.",
588      "hostile_msg": "The riot control bot gases you and approaches with a pair of handcuffs.",
589      "//": "Pretty easy but you want to be careful with the gas",
590      "difficulty": 4,
591      "moves": 150,
592      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
593    }
594  },
595  {
596    "id": "bot_skitterbot",
597    "looks_like": "broken_skitterbot",
598    "type": "TOOL",
599    "name": { "str": "inactive skitterbot" },
600    "description": "This is an inactive skitterbot.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and turning it on.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the robot will race towards enemies and shock them.",
601    "weight": "40750 g",
602    "volume": "30 L",
603    "price": 80000,
604    "price_postapoc": 1000,
605    "to_hit": -3,
606    "bashing": 8,
607    "material": [ "steel" ],
608    "symbol": ";",
609    "color": "light_green",
610    "use_action": {
611      "type": "place_monster",
612      "monster_id": "mon_skitterbot",
613      "friendly_msg": "The skitterbot gives a quick bow and scurries away.",
614      "hostile_msg": "The skitterbot darts around you and menacingly clicks its tazers.",
615      "//": "Same as hacks",
616      "difficulty": 4,
617      "moves": 100,
618      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
619    }
620  },
621  {
622    "id": "bot_science_bot",
623    "looks_like": "broken_science_bot",
624    "type": "TOOL",
625    "name": { "str": "inactive lab defense bot" },
626    "description": "This is an inactive experimental robot plundered from a science lab.  It resembles a human-sized spider and was designed to deploy manhacks.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and turning it on.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the robot will race towards enemies and deploy a variety of experimental devices.",
627    "weight": "100000 g",
628    "volume": "65000 ml",
629    "price": 80000,
630    "price_postapoc": 1500,
631    "to_hit": -3,
632    "bashing": 8,
633    "material": [ "steel" ],
634    "symbol": ";",
635    "color": "light_green",
636    "use_action": {
637      "type": "place_monster",
638      "monster_id": "mon_science_bot",
639      "friendly_msg": "The lab defense bot shudders briefly and skitters away.",
640      "hostile_msg": "The lab defense bot raises its front legs and shines a multitude of colored lights in your face!",
641      "//": "Not as lethal as a secubot but far more fiddly and complex with its implied assembly and sub-deployment systems",
642      "difficulty": 6,
643      "moves": 100,
644      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
645    }
646  },
647  {
648    "id": "bot_turret_searchlight",
649    "type": "TOOL",
650    "name": { "str": "inactive milspec searchlight" },
651    "description": "This is an inactive military-grade automated searchlight.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and turning it on.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the searchlight will then identify you as an ally, survey the area, and illuminate approaching hostiles.  Seems to have an unhealthy fascination with you.",
652    "weight": "120000 g",
653    "volume": "92500 ml",
654    "price": 500000,
655    "price_postapoc": 1000,
656    "to_hit": -3,
657    "bashing": 8,
658    "material": [ "steel" ],
659    "symbol": ";",
660    "color": "light_green",
661    "use_action": {
662      "type": "place_monster",
663      "monster_id": "mon_turret_searchlight",
664      "friendly_msg": "The searchlight flares up and establishes a perimeter.",
665      "hostile_msg": "A bright light blinds you as the searchlight refuses to turn away from you.",
666      "//": "Milspec but immobile and no lethal weaponry",
667      "difficulty": 4,
668      "moves": 150,
669      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
670    }
671  },
672  {
673    "id": "bot_dispatch",
674    "type": "TOOL",
675    "name": { "str": "inactive dispatch", "str_pl": "inactive dispatches" },
676    "description": "An inactive Northrop Dispatch, guard model, serving as a mobile assembler and deployer of kamikaze manhacks for defense.  Activate it to place it onto the ground; due to a one-way switch triggered during deactivation, however, it will be nonaggressive, and serves only as a distraction.",
677    "volume": "95 L",
678    "weight": "250 kg",
679    "price": 10000000,
680    "price_postapoc": 10000,
681    "to_hit": -3,
682    "bashing": 6,
683    "material": [ "steel" ],
684    "symbol": ";",
685    "color": "yellow",
686    "use_action": {
687      "type": "place_monster",
688      "monster_id": "mon_dispatch",
689      "friendly_msg": "The dispatch whirrs onto its legs and searches for a target.",
690      "hostile_msg": "The dispatch turns on you, whacking at you with its arms!",
691      "difficulty": 1,
692      "moves": 300,
693      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
694    }
695  },
696  {
697    "id": "bot_dispatch_military",
698    "type": "TOOL",
699    "name": { "str": "inactive military dispatch", "str_pl": "inactive military dispatches" },
700    "description": "An inactive Northrop Dispatch, military model, serving as a mobile assembler and deployer of lethal manhacks for combat situations.  Activate it to place it onto the ground; due to a one-way switch triggered during deactivation, however, it will be nonaggressive, and serves only as a distraction.",
701    "volume": "95 L",
702    "weight": "300 kg",
703    "price": 100000000,
704    "price_postapoc": 25000,
705    "to_hit": -3,
706    "bashing": 6,
707    "material": [ "steel" ],
708    "symbol": ";",
709    "color": "green",
710    "use_action": {
711      "type": "place_monster",
712      "monster_id": "mon_dispatch_military",
713      "friendly_msg": "The dispatch whirrs onto its legs and searches for a target.",
714      "hostile_msg": "The dispatch turns on you, slashing at you with its arms!",
715      "difficulty": 1,
716      "moves": 300,
717      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
718    }
719  },
720  {
721    "id": "bot_turret_speaker",
722    "type": "TOOL",
723    "name": { "str": "inactive loudspeaker" },
724    "description": "This is an inactive automated loudspeaker.  Using this item involves placing it on the ground and turning it on.  If reprogrammed and rewired successfully the loudspeaker will continuously shout pre-recorded messages.",
725    "weight": "100 kg",
726    "volume": "50500 ml",
727    "price": 500000,
728    "price_postapoc": 10000,
729    "to_hit": -3,
730    "bashing": 8,
731    "material": [ "steel" ],
732    "symbol": ";",
733    "color": "light_green",
734    "use_action": {
735      "type": "place_monster",
736      "monster_id": "mon_turret_speaker",
737      "friendly_msg": "The loudspeaker activates and begins his non-stopping shouts.",
738      "hostile_msg": "The loudspeaker activates and begins his non-stopping shouts.",
739      "difficulty": 2,
740      "moves": 150,
741      "skills": [ "electronics", "computer" ]
742    }
743  }