2  {
3    "type": "npc",
4    "id": "refugee_JohnClemens",
5    "name_unique": "John Clemens",
6    "gender": "male",
7    "name_suffix": "refugee",
8    "class": "NC_REFUGEE_John",
9    "attitude": 0,
10    "mission": 7,
11    "chat": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_1",
12    "faction": "free_merchants"
13  },
14  {
15    "type": "npc_class",
16    "id": "NC_REFUGEE_John",
17    "name": { "str": "Refugee" },
18    "job_description": "I'm just trying to survive.",
19    "common": false,
20    "//": "John is a pseudonym.  This guy probably lived in a city before the Cataclysm, but now he either thinks or pretends to be a cowboy..",
21    "bonus_str": { "rng": [ -1, 2 ] },
22    "bonus_dex": { "rng": [ -3, 2 ] },
23    "bonus_int": { "rng": [ -2, 1 ] },
24    "bonus_per": { "rng": [ -1, 3 ] },
25    "worn_override": "REFUGEE_John_worn",
26    "carry_override": "REFUGEE_John_carried",
27    "weapon_override": "REFUGEE_John_wield",
28    "traits": [ { "group": "NPC_starting_traits" }, { "group": "Appearance_Caucasian" } ],
29    "skills": [
30      { "skill": "ALL", "level": { "mul": [ { "one_in": 3 }, { "sum": [ { "dice": [ 2, 2 ] }, { "rng": [ 0, -4 ] } ] } ] } },
31      { "skill": "fabrication", "bonus": { "rng": [ 0, 1 ] } },
32      { "skill": "swimming", "bonus": { "rng": [ 0, 2 ] } }
33    ]
34  },
35  {
36    "type": "item_group",
37    "id": "REFUGEE_John_worn",
38    "subtype": "collection",
39    "entries": [
40      { "item": "briefs" },
41      { "item": "socks" },
42      { "item": "flag_shirt" },
43      { "item": "jeans" },
44      { "item": "leather_belt" },
45      { "item": "bandana" },
46      { "item": "holster" },
47      { "item": "duster_leather" },
48      { "item": "sunglasses" },
49      { "item": "cowboy_hat" },
50      { "item": "boots_western" }
51    ]
52  },
53  {
54    "type": "item_group",
55    "id": "REFUGEE_John_carried",
56    "subtype": "collection",
57    "entries": [ { "item": "novel_western" } ]
58  },
59  {
60    "type": "item_group",
61    "id": "REFUGEE_John_wield",
62    "subtype": "collection",
63    "entries": [ { "item": "colt_army" } ]
64  },
65  {
66    "type": "talk_topic",
67    "//": "common talk responses",
68    "id": [
69      "TALK_REFUGEE_John_2",
70      "TALK_REFUGEE_John_Background",
71      "TALK_REFUGEE_John_Background_cataclysm",
72      "TALK_REFUGEE_John_Situation"
73    ],
74    "responses": [
75      {
76        "text": "I'm trying to put a cleanup crew together to tidy up the back room.  Can you help?",
77        "condition": {
78          "and": [
79            { "u_has_mission": "MISSION_REFUGEE_Boris_CLEANUP" },
80            {
81              "not": { "npc_has_var": "cleanup_asked", "type": "mission", "context": "Boris_mission_1", "value": "yes" }
82            }
83          ]
84        },
85        "topic": "TALK_REFUGEE_Refuse_Boris_Mission_1"
86      },
87      { "text": "What's your story?", "topic": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_Background" },
88      { "text": "How are things here?", "topic": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_Situation" }
89    ]
90  },
91  {
92    "type": "talk_topic",
93    "id": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_1",
94    "dynamic_line": {
95      "u_has_var": "u_met_John_Clemens",
96      "type": "general",
97      "context": "meeting",
98      "value": "yes",
99      "yes": "Howdy, pardner.",
100      "no": "Howdy, pardner.  They call me Clemens.  John Clemens.  I'm an ol' cowhand."
101    },
102    "responses": [
103      {
104        "text": "Nice to meet you, John.",
105        "effect": { "u_add_var": "u_met_John_Clemens", "type": "general", "context": "meeting", "value": "yes" },
106        "condition": { "not": { "u_has_var": "u_met_John_Clemens", "type": "general", "context": "meeting", "value": "yes" } },
107        "topic": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_1_firstmeet"
108      },
109      {
110        "text": "Hi, John.  Got a minute?",
111        "topic": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_2",
112        "condition": { "u_has_var": "u_met_John_Clemens", "type": "general", "context": "meeting", "value": "yes" }
113      },
114      {
115        "text": "Hi John, nice to meet you.  I gotta go though.",
116        "effect": { "u_add_var": "u_met_John_Clemens", "type": "general", "context": "meeting", "value": "yes" },
117        "condition": { "not": { "u_has_var": "u_met_John_Clemens", "type": "general", "context": "meeting", "value": "yes" } },
118        "topic": "TALK_DONE"
119      },
120      {
121        "text": "Hi John.  I can't stay to talk.",
122        "condition": { "u_has_var": "u_met_John_Clemens", "type": "general", "context": "meeting", "value": "yes" },
123        "topic": "TALK_DONE"
124      }
125    ]
126  },
127  {
128    "type": "talk_topic",
129    "id": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_1_firstmeet",
130    "dynamic_line": "Nice to meet you too.  I reckon' you got some questions 'bout this place.",
131    "responses": [
132      { "text": "Yeah, I sure do.", "topic": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_2" },
133      { "text": "Actually I'm just heading out.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
134    ]
135  },
136  {
137    "type": "talk_topic",
138    "id": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_2",
139    "dynamic_line": "What can I do ya for?",
140    "responses": [ { "text": "I'd better get going.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ]
141  },
142  {
143    "type": "talk_topic",
144    "id": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_Background",
145    "dynamic_line": "My story?  Just a wanderin' cowhand, eatin' dust on the trail.  I settled here for a spell after I came upon some hard times.",
146    "responses": [
147      {
148        "text": "You… you do know what's going on here, right?  With the evacuation and stuff?",
149        "topic": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_Background_cataclysm"
150      },
151      { "text": "What were you saying before?", "topic": "TALK_NONE" },
152      { "text": "I'd better get going.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
153    ]
154  },
155  {
156    "type": "talk_topic",
157    "id": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_Background_cataclysm",
158    "dynamic_line": "Course I do, I ain't an idjit.  It's all the folks here c'n talk about.",
159    "responses": [
160      { "text": "What were you saying before?", "topic": "TALK_NONE" },
161      { "text": "I'd better get going.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
162    ]
163  },
164  {
165    "type": "talk_topic",
166    "id": "TALK_REFUGEE_John_Situation",
167    "dynamic_line": "Folks don't like bein' kept from the blue sky for too long.  Cooped up like cattle in a barn… we need pastures to run free, if'n y'get my drift.  'Til we got 'em, it's gonna be tense in here.",
168    "responses": [
169      { "text": "What were you saying before?", "topic": "TALK_NONE" },
170      { "text": "I'd better get going.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
171    ]
172  }