2  {
3    "type": "mutation_type",
4    "id": "MANA_ADD"
5  },
6  {
7    "type": "mutation_type",
8    "id": "MANA_MULT"
9  },
10  {
11    "type": "mutation_type",
12    "id": "MANA_REGEN"
13  },
14  {
15    "type": "mutation",
16    "id": "MANA_ADD1",
17    "name": "Lesser Mana Efficiency",
18    "points": 1,
19    "description": "You are able to store a little more mana in your body than usual.",
20    "cancels": [ "MANA_SUB1", "MANA_SUB2", "MANA_SUB3" ],
21    "changes_to": [ "MANA_ADD2" ],
22    "types": [ "MANA_ADD" ],
23    "starting_trait": true,
24    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
25    "mana_modifier": 500
26  },
27  {
28    "type": "mutation",
29    "id": "MANA_ADD2",
30    "name": "Mana Efficiency",
31    "points": 3,
32    "description": "You are able to store more mana in your body than usual.",
33    "cancels": [ "MANA_SUB1", "MANA_SUB2", "MANA_SUB3" ],
34    "changes_to": [ "MANA_ADD3" ],
35    "types": [ "MANA_ADD" ],
36    "starting_trait": true,
37    "prereqs": [ "MANA_ADD1" ],
38    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
39    "mana_modifier": 1000
40  },
41  {
42    "type": "mutation",
43    "id": "MANA_ADD3",
44    "name": "Greater Mana Efficiency",
45    "points": 8,
46    "description": "You are able to store a lot more mana in your body than usual.",
47    "cancels": [ "MANA_SUB1", "MANA_SUB2", "MANA_SUB3" ],
48    "types": [ "MANA_ADD" ],
49    "changes_to": [ "MANA_ADD_MANATOUCHED" ],
50    "prereqs": [ "MANA_ADD2" ],
51    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
52    "mana_modifier": 2000
53  },
54  {
55    "type": "mutation",
56    "id": "MANA_SUB1",
57    "name": "Lesser Mana Inefficiency",
58    "points": -1,
59    "description": "You are able to store a little less mana in your body than usual.",
60    "cancels": [ "MANA_ADD1", "MANA_ADD2", "MANA_ADD3" ],
61    "changes_to": [ "MANA_SUB2" ],
62    "types": [ "MANA_ADD" ],
63    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
64    "mana_modifier": -500
65  },
66  {
67    "type": "mutation",
68    "id": "MANA_SUB2",
69    "name": "Mana Inefficiency",
70    "points": -2,
71    "description": "You are able to store less mana in your body than usual.",
72    "cancels": [ "MANA_ADD1", "MANA_ADD2", "MANA_ADD3" ],
73    "changes_to": [ "MANA_SUB3" ],
74    "types": [ "MANA_ADD" ],
75    "prereqs": [ "MANA_SUB1" ],
76    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
77    "mana_modifier": -1000
78  },
79  {
80    "type": "mutation",
81    "id": "MANA_SUB3",
82    "name": "Greater Mana Inefficiency",
83    "points": -3,
84    "description": "You are able to store a lot less mana in your body than usual.",
85    "cancels": [ "MANA_ADD1", "MANA_ADD2", "MANA_ADD3" ],
86    "types": [ "MANA_ADD" ],
87    "prereqs": [ "MANA_SUB2" ],
88    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
89    "mana_modifier": -2000
90  },
91  {
92    "type": "mutation",
93    "id": "MANA_REGEN1",
94    "name": "Lesser Mana Regeneration",
95    "points": 1,
96    "description": "Your natural mana regeneration is slightly faster than normal.",
97    "cancels": [ "BAD_MANA_REGEN1", "BAD_MANA_REGEN2", "BAD_MANA_REGEN3" ],
98    "changes_to": [ "MANA_REGEN2" ],
99    "types": [ "MANA_REGEN" ],
100    "category": [ "FISH", "ELFA", "ALPHA", "PLANT", "CEPHALOPOD" ],
101    "starting_trait": true,
102    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
103    "mana_regen_multiplier": 1.1
104  },
105  {
106    "type": "mutation",
107    "id": "MANA_REGEN2",
108    "name": "Mana Regeneration",
109    "points": 3,
110    "description": "Your natural mana regeneration is faster than normal.",
111    "prereqs": [ "MANA_REGEN1" ],
112    "cancels": [ "BAD_MANA_REGEN1", "BAD_MANA_REGEN2", "BAD_MANA_REGEN3" ],
113    "changes_to": [ "MANA_REGEN3", "MANA_REGEN_MANATOUCHED" ],
114    "types": [ "MANA_REGEN" ],
115    "category": [ "FISH", "ELFA", "PLANT", "MANATOUCHED" ],
116    "starting_trait": true,
117    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
118    "mana_regen_multiplier": 1.25
119  },
120  {
121    "type": "mutation",
122    "id": "MANA_REGEN3",
123    "name": "Greater Mana Regeneration",
124    "points": 8,
125    "description": "Your natural mana regeneration is much faster than normal.",
126    "prereqs": [ "MANA_REGEN2" ],
127    "cancels": [ "BAD_MANA_REGEN1", "BAD_MANA_REGEN2", "BAD_MANA_REGEN3" ],
128    "types": [ "MANA_REGEN" ],
129    "threshreq": [ "THRESH_PLANT", "THRESH_MANA" ],
130    "category": [ "PLANT" ],
131    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
132    "mana_regen_multiplier": 1.5
133  },
134  {
135    "type": "mutation",
136    "id": "BAD_MANA_REGEN1",
137    "name": "Poor Mana Regeneration",
138    "points": -1,
139    "description": "Your natural mana regeneration is slightly slower than normal.",
140    "cancels": [ "MANA_REGEN1", "MANA_REGEN2", "MANA_REGEN3" ],
141    "changes_to": [ "BAD_MANA_REGEN2" ],
142    "types": [ "MANA_REGEN" ],
143    "category": [ "LIZARD", "BEAST", "LUPINE", "URSINE", "CATTLE", "SLIME", "MEDICAL", "CHIMERA" ],
144    "starting_trait": true,
145    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
146    "mana_regen_multiplier": 0.9
147  },
148  {
149    "type": "mutation",
150    "id": "BAD_MANA_REGEN2",
151    "name": "Very Poor Mana Regeneration",
152    "points": -3,
153    "description": "Your natural mana regeneration is slower than normal.",
154    "prereqs": [ "BAD_MANA_REGEN1" ],
155    "cancels": [ "MANA_REGEN1", "MANA_REGEN2", "MANA_REGEN3" ],
156    "changes_to": [ "BAD_MANA_REGEN3" ],
157    "types": [ "MANA_REGEN" ],
158    "category": [ "BEAST", "CATTLE", "SLIME", "MEDICAL", "CHIMERA" ],
159    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
160    "mana_regen_multiplier": 0.75
161  },
162  {
163    "type": "mutation",
164    "id": "BAD_MANA_REGEN3",
165    "name": { "str": "Abysmal Mana Regeneration" },
166    "points": -6,
167    "description": "Your natural mana regeneration is much slower than normal.",
168    "prereqs": [ "BAD_MANA_REGEN2" ],
169    "cancels": [ "MANA_REGEN1", "MANA_REGEN2", "MANA_REGEN3" ],
170    "types": [ "MANA_REGEN" ],
171    "category": [ "BEAST", "MEDICAL" ],
172    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
173    "mana_regen_multiplier": 0.5
174  },
175  {
176    "type": "mutation",
177    "id": "MANA_MULT1",
178    "name": "Lesser Mana Sensitivity",
179    "points": 1,
180    "description": "You can sense the mana in your body slightly better than normal, allowing you to tap into more of your reserves.",
181    "cancels": [ "BAD_MANA_MULT1", "BAD_MANA_MULT2", "BAD_MANA_MULT3" ],
182    "changes_to": [ "MANA_MULT2" ],
183    "types": [ "MANA_MULT" ],
184    "category": [ "BIRD", "LIZARD", "SLIME", "FELINE", "CATTLE", "URSINE", "PLANT", "CEPHALOPOD", "ALPHA", "ELFA" ],
185    "starting_trait": true,
186    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
187    "mana_multiplier": 1.25
188  },
189  {
190    "type": "mutation",
191    "id": "MANA_MULT2",
192    "name": "Mana Sensitivity",
193    "points": 3,
194    "description": "You can sense the mana in your body better than normal, allowing you to tap into more of your reserves.",
195    "cancels": [ "BAD_MANA_MULT1", "BAD_MANA_MULT2", "BAD_MANA_MULT3" ],
196    "changes_to": [ "MANA_MULT3" ],
197    "types": [ "MANA_MULT" ],
198    "category": [ "BIRD", "SLIME", "CATTLE", "PLANT", "CEPHALOPOD", "ELFA" ],
199    "prereqs": [ "MANA_MULT1" ],
200    "starting_trait": true,
201    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
202    "mana_multiplier": 1.9
203  },
204  {
205    "type": "mutation",
206    "id": "MANA_MULT3",
207    "name": "Greater Mana Sensitivity",
208    "points": 8,
209    "description": "You can sense the mana in your body much better than normal, allowing you to tap into more of your reserves.",
210    "cancels": [ "BAD_MANA_MULT1", "BAD_MANA_MULT2", "BAD_MANA_MULT3" ],
211    "types": [ "MANA_MULT" ],
212    "changes_to": [ "MANA_MULT_MANATOUCHED" ],
213    "category": [ "SLIME", "CATTLE", "CEPHALOPOD" ],
214    "prereqs": [ "MANA_MULT2" ],
215    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
216    "mana_multiplier": 2.5
217  },
218  {
219    "type": "mutation",
220    "id": "BAD_MANA_MULT1",
221    "name": "Poor Mana Sensitivity",
222    "points": -1,
223    "description": "You have a hard time sensing the mana in your body, making less of your reserves available for use.",
224    "cancels": [ "MANA_MULT1", "MANA_MULT2", "MANA_MULT3" ],
225    "changes_to": [ "BAD_MANA_MULT2" ],
226    "types": [ "MANA_MULT" ],
227    "category": [ "BEAST", "FISH", "LUPINE", "INSECT", "TROGLOBITE", "SPIDER", "RAT", "MOUSE", "MEDICAL", "CHIMERA", "RAPTOR" ],
228    "starting_trait": true,
229    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
230    "mana_multiplier": 0.85
231  },
232  {
233    "type": "mutation",
234    "id": "BAD_MANA_MULT2",
235    "name": "Very Poor Mana Sensitivity",
236    "points": -3,
237    "description": "You have a hard time sensing the mana in your body, making less of your reserves available for use.",
238    "cancels": [ "MANA_MULT1", "MANA_MULT2", "MANA_MULT3" ],
239    "changes_to": [ "BAD_MANA_MULT3" ],
240    "types": [ "MANA_MULT" ],
241    "category": [ "BEAST", "INSECT", "TROGLOBITE", "MOUSE", "MEDICAL", "CHIMERA", "RAPTOR" ],
242    "prereqs": [ "BAD_MANA_MULT1" ],
243    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
244    "mana_multiplier": 0.65
245  },
246  {
247    "type": "mutation",
248    "id": "BAD_MANA_MULT3",
249    "name": { "str": "Abysmal Mana Sensitivity" },
250    "points": -6,
251    "description": "You have a hard time sensing the mana in your body, making less of your reserves available for use.",
252    "cancels": [ "MANA_MULT1", "MANA_MULT2", "MANA_MULT3" ],
253    "types": [ "MANA_MULT" ],
254    "category": [ "INSECT", "MEDICAL", "CHIMERA" ],
255    "prereqs": [ "BAD_MANA_MULT2" ],
256    "flags": [ "NON_THRESH" ],
257    "mana_multiplier": 0.35
258  },
259  {
260    "type": "mutation",
261    "id": "DEBUG_spell_mutation",
262    "name": "Debug Spell Mutation",
263    "points": 20,
264    "valid": false,
265    "description": "Gives all of the debug spells at max level.",
266    "debug": true,
267    "spells_learned": [ [ "example_template", 10 ], [ "debug_stamina", 0 ], [ "debug_hp", 0 ], [ "debug_bionic", 0 ], [ "debug_effect", 0 ] ]
268  },
269  {
270    "type": "mutation",
271    "id": "WILDSHAPE:FISH",
272    "name": { "str": "Wildshape: Fish" },
273    "points": 0,
274    "valid": false,
275    "description": "You are fish-like, making dexterous manipulation with your hands extremely difficult.",
276    "encumbrance_always": [ [ "hand_r", 50 ], [ "hand_l", 50 ], [ "arm_r", 50 ], [ "arm_l", 50 ] ]
277  },
278  {
279    "type": "mutation",
280    "id": "WILDSHAPE:BEAR",
281    "name": { "str": "Wildshape: Bear" },
282    "points": 0,
283    "valid": false,
284    "description": "You are bear-like, granting you raw power in exchange for intelligence.  Also, using a gun is extremely difficult.",
285    "encumbrance_always": [ [ "eyes", 200 ] ]
286  },
287  {
288    "type": "mutation",
289    "id": "WILDSHAPE:DEER",
290    "name": { "str": "Wildshape: Deer" },
291    "points": 0,
292    "valid": false,
293    "description": "You are deer-like, giving you the ability to move quickly and escape danger.  However, this takes a great toll on your body, and you don't think you should maintain this form for long.",
294    "encumbrance_always": [ [ "hand_r", 50 ], [ "hand_l", 50 ], [ "arm_r", 50 ], [ "arm_l", 50 ] ],
295    "healing_awake": -500.0
296  }