2  {
3    "id": "philosophy_book",
4    "type": "BOOK",
5    "name": { "str": "book of philosophy", "str_pl": "books of philosophy" },
6    "description": "A deep discussion of morality with an emphasis on epistemology and logic.",
7    "snippet_category": [
8      {
9        "id": "philosophy1",
10        "text": "This is a copy of Nietzsche's \"Beyond Good and Evil\".  Its cover is dog-eared and creased."
11      },
12      {
13        "id": "philosophy2",
14        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Unique and Its Property\" by Max Stirner.  A modern translation by Wolfi Landstreicher."
15      },
16      {
17        "id": "philosophy4",
18        "text": "A large, extended version of \"Madness and Civilisation\" by Michel Foucault.  The cover features a striking image of a Panopticonic Prison."
19      },
20      {
21        "id": "philosophy5",
22        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge\" by Lyotard."
23      },
24      {
25        "id": "philosophy6",
26        "text": "A collection of texts and essays by Jacques Derrida.  Its pages are loose and yellowed - you should probably handle it with care."
27      },
28      {
29        "id": "philosophy7",
30        "text": "This is a copy of \"Society of the Spectacle\" by Guy Debord.  Its cover shows rows of adults staring placidly into a screen."
31      },
32      {
33        "id": "philosophy8",
34        "text": "This is a split copy of both \"An Ethic of Sexual Difference\" and \"This Sex Which Is Not One\" by Luce Irigaray."
35      },
36      {
37        "id": "philosophy9",
38        "text": "This is a copy of Baudrillard's \"Simulation and Simulacra\".  The cover contains an image of a man holding a colored pill in each hand, with the caption \"Welcome to the Desert of the Real.\".  You think you've seen this movie."
39      },
40      {
41        "id": "philosophy10",
42        "text": "This is a small, pocket version of Sartre's \"Existentialism and Humanism\".  It looks to have been used as a coaster in a past life."
43      },
44      {
45        "id": "philosophy11",
46        "text": "This is a copy of \"Practical Ethics\" by Peter Singer.  From the local university press."
47      },
48      {
49        "id": "philosophy12",
50        "text": "This is a photocopied spiral-bound copy of \"Industrial Society and Its Future\" by 'Freedom Club'.  The original looks to have been written on a typewriter before being copied."
51      },
52      {
53        "id": "philosophy13",
54        "text": "This is a copy of \"Industrial Society and Its Future\" by Ted Kaczynski.  Its cover is an image of a hand-crafted wooden box filled with wiring and an ominous looking metal tube.  Provocative."
55      },
56      { "id": "philosophy14", "text": "This is a small reader on Hegel's Dialectics." },
57      {
58        "id": "philosophy15",
59        "text": "This is a copy of \"The State and Revolution\" by Vladimir Lenin.  In English, thankfully."
60      },
61      { "id": "philosophy16", "text": "This is a copy of \"In Defense of Marxism\" by Leon Trotsky." },
62      {
63        "id": "philosophy17",
64        "text": "This is a copy of \"Steal This Book\" by Abbie Hoffman.  There is a security tag on the back cover.  It appears to still be active."
65      },
66      {
67        "id": "philosophy18",
68        "text": "This is a copy of \"Walden: Or Life In The Woods\" by Henry David Thoreau.  It contains a dried and pressed leaf as a bookmark."
69      },
70      {
71        "id": "philosophy19",
72        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Female Eunuch\" by Germaine Greer.  A child has scribbled over the contents page in red crayon."
73      },
74      { "id": "philosophy20", "text": "This is a copy of \"An Introduction to Metaphysics\" by Bergson." },
75      {
76        "id": "philosophy21",
77        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis\" by Jacques Lacan."
78      },
79      { "id": "philosophy22", "text": "This is a copy of Machiavelli's \"The Prince\".  With intro by Q. Skinner." },
80      { "id": "philosophy23", "text": "This is a copy of \"On The Revolution of Everyday Life\" by Raul Vangeigem." },
81      {
82        "id": "philosophy24",
83        "text": "This is a pocket copy of \"An Essay on Liberation\" by Herbert Marcuse.  The cover contains an image of a pelican."
84      },
85      { "id": "philosophy25", "text": "This is a copy of \"Either-Or\" by Søren Kierkegaard." },
86      { "id": "philosophy26", "text": "This is a copy of \"Allegory of the Cave\" by Plato." },
87      { "id": "philosophy27", "text": "This is a copy of \"Leviathan\" by Thomas Hobbes." },
88      { "id": "philosophy28", "text": "This is a copy of \"Critique Of Pure Reason\" by Immanuel Kant." },
89      { "id": "philosophy29", "text": "This is a copy of \"Principles of Philosophy\" by Descartes." },
90      {
91        "id": "philosophy30",
92        "text": "This is a copy of both \"On The Genealogy of Morals\" and \"The Gay Science\" by Friederich Nietzsche."
93      },
94      {
95        "id": "philosophy31",
96        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Myth of Sisyphus\", and other essays, by Albert Camus.  The cover depicts a bare-chested man and a large boulder."
97      },
98      {
99        "id": "philosophy32",
100        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Sickness Unto Death\" by Søren Kierkegaard.  The pages are dotted with post-it notes."
101      },
102      {
103        "id": "philosophy33",
104        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Defence of Terrorism\" by Leon Trotsky.  Despite the title, it does not actually appear to be defending terrorism."
105      },
106      {
107        "id": "philosophy34",
108        "text": "This is a copy of \"Enquiry Concerning Political Justice\" by William Godwin.  This thick book is filled with antiquated phrases."
109      },
110      {
111        "id": "philosophy35",
112        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Abolition of Work and Other Essays\" by Bob Black.  It is likely that \"The Abolition of Work\" is the most famous essay in this book."
113      },
114      {
115        "id": "philosophy36",
116        "text": "This is a copy of \"What is Property?\" by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.  It looks like this book has a surprisingly long track record of owners."
117      },
118      {
119        "id": "philosophy37",
120        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Conquest of Bread\" by Peter Kropotkin.  There is a picture of an old philosopher with magnificent beard, instead of bread, on the cover."
121      },
122      {
123        "id": "philosophy38",
124        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Trouble with Being Born\" by Emil Cioran.  This book might have been printed decades before the Cataclysm since the cover is quite weathered."
125      },
126      {
127        "id": "philosophy39",
128        "text": "This is a copy of \"The World as Will and Representation\" by Arthur Schopenhauer.  It contains a few undecipherable notes and scribbles."
129      },
130      {
131        "id": "philosophy40",
132        "text": "This is a copy of \"Up-Wingers: A Futurist Manifesto\" by FM-2030.  It seems that the author's real name is Fereidoun M. Esfandiary."
133      },
134      {
135        "id": "philosophy41",
136        "text": "This is a copy of \"The Bastiat Collection\", a large collection of essays by Frederic Bastiat."
137      },
138      {
139        "id": "philosophy42",
140        "text": "This is a copy of \"Anarchy, State, and Utopia\" by Robert Nozick, one of the most influential books of modern libertarianism."
141      },
142      {
143        "id": "philosophy43",
144        "text": "This is a copy of \"Socialism\" by Ludwig von Mises, a critical examination of socialism."
145      },
146      {
147        "id": "philosophy44",
148        "text": "This is a copy of \"The ABC of Communism\" by Nikolai Bukharin, one of the most influential books of early Marxism-Leninism."
149      },
150      { "id": "philosophy45", "text": "This is a copy of \"Anti-Capitalist Mentality\" by Ludwig von Mises." }
151    ],
152    "chapters": 44,
153    "copy-from": "book_nonf_soft_phil_tpl"
154  },
155  {
156    "id": "book_nonf_hard_phil_mdlogic",
157    "type": "BOOK",
158    "name": { "str": "Modal Logic as Metaphysics", "str_pl": "copies of Modal Logic" },
159    "description": "A treatise on applying logical tools to questions about that nature of reality, this book contains detailed discussion of metaphysical issues.",
160    "//isbn13": 9780199552078,
161    "weight": "834 g",
162    "volume": "1249 ml",
163    "longest_side": "24 cm",
164    "price": 4895,
165    "copy-from": "book_nonf_hard_phil_tpl"
166  },
167  {
168    "id": "book_nonf_hard_phil_aesth",
169    "type": "BOOK",
170    "name": { "str": "Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology", "str_pl": "copies of Aesthetics" },
171    "description": "This hardbound anthology presents a collection of readings, scholarly works, and critical analyses on the subject of beauty.",
172    "//isbn13": 9780312003098,
173    "weight": "1139 g",
174    "volume": "1625 ml",
175    "longest_side": "24 cm",
176    "price": 6499,
177    "chapters": 48,
178    "copy-from": "book_nonf_hard_phil_tpl"
179  },
180  {
181    "id": "book_nonf_hard_phil_phinfo",
182    "type": "BOOK",
183    "name": { "str": "The Philosophy of Information", "str_pl": "copies of The Philosophy of Information" },
184    "description": "This university text details a critical investigation of the conceptual nature and basic principles of information.  The student will gain a thorough appreciation of the conceptual frameworks commonly used to describe and advance semantic investigations.",
185    "//isbn13": 9780199232383,
186    "weight": "800 g",
187    "volume": "1425 ml",
188    "longest_side": "24 cm",
189    "price": 8391,
190    "copy-from": "book_nonf_hard_phil_tpl",
191    "relative": { "intelligence": 1, "fun": -2 }
192  },
193  {
194    "id": "book_nonf_soft_phil_benoth",
195    "type": "BOOK",
196    "name": { "str": "Being and Nothingness", "str_pl": "copies of Being and Nothingness" },
197    "description": "This paperback is a copy of Jean-Paul Sartre's \"Being and Nothingness\".  A key work in the existentialist tradition.",
198    "//isbn13": 9780415278485,
199    "weight": "794 g",
200    "volume": "1 L",
201    "longest_side": "21 cm",
202    "price": 3400,
203    "price_postapoc": 50,
204    "copy-from": "book_nonf_soft_phil_tpl"
205  }