2  {
3    "id": "emp_gun",
4    "looks_like": "ar15",
5    "type": "GUN",
6    "reload_noise_volume": 10,
7    "name": { "str": "XM34 EMP projector" },
8    "description": "A powerful electrolaser developed by the R&D outfit \"Aerial Labs\".  Especially effective against electronic targets.",
9    "weight": "2950 g",
10    "volume": "3 L",
11    "longest_side": "965 mm",
12    "price": 1600000,
13    "price_postapoc": 6500,
14    "to_hit": -1,
15    "bashing": 12,
16    "material": [ "steel", "plastic" ],
17    "symbol": "(",
18    "color": "cyan",
19    "skill": "rifle",
20    "range": 35,
21    "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "electric", "amount": 45, "armor_penetration": 4 },
22    "dispersion": 10,
23    "durability": 10,
24    "modes": [ [ "DEFAULT", "semi-auto", 1 ], [ "AUTO", "auto", 3 ] ],
25    "loudness": 23,
26    "ups_charges": 60,
27    "reload": 0,
28    "valid_mod_locations": [
29      [ "accessories", 4 ],
30      [ "emitter", 1 ],
31      [ "grip", 1 ],
32      [ "rail", 1 ],
33      [ "sights", 1 ],
34      [ "sling", 1 ],
35      [ "stock", 1 ],
36      [ "underbarrel", 1 ]
37    ],
38    "ammo_effects": [ "DRAW_LASER_BEAM", "EMP" ],
39    "flags": [ "NEVER_JAMS", "NO_UNLOAD", "NON_FOULING", "NEEDS_NO_LUBE" ]
40  },
41  {
42    "id": "gatling_mech_laser",
43    "type": "GUN",
44    "reload_noise_volume": 20,
45    "name": { "str": "CMES laser cannon" },
46    "description": "This is the integral weapon system for the CMES exoskeleton mech-suit, a rotating-barrel actively-cooled rapid-fire laser system.",
47    "weight": "39500 g",
48    "volume": "11 L",
49    "price": 9500000,
50    "price_postapoc": 8000,
51    "to_hit": -4,
52    "bashing": 8,
53    "material": [ "superalloy", "plastic" ],
54    "symbol": "(",
55    "color": "blue",
56    "skill": "rifle",
57    "range": 30,
58    "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "heat", "amount": 20, "armor_penetration": 4 },
59    "dispersion": 100,
60    "durability": 8,
61    "loudness": 12,
62    "ups_charges": 20,
63    "reload": 0,
64    "modes": [ [ "DEFAULT", "3 rd.", 3 ], [ "BURST", "5 rd.", 5 ], [ "AUTO", "high auto", 15 ] ],
65    "ammo_effects": [ "LASER", "PLASMA_BUBBLE", "INCENDIARY" ],
67  },
68  {
69    "id": "recon_mech_laser",
70    "type": "GUN",
71    "reload_noise_volume": 2,
72    "name": { "str": "RMES marksman system" },
73    "description": "This is the integral weapon system for the RMES exoskeleton mech-suit, a quiet and accurate marksman laser rifle.",
74    "weight": "12500 g",
75    "volume": "5500 ml",
76    "price": 9500000,
77    "price_postapoc": 8000,
78    "to_hit": -2,
79    "bashing": 6,
80    "material": [ "superalloy", "plastic" ],
81    "symbol": "(",
82    "color": "blue",
83    "skill": "rifle",
84    "range": 45,
85    "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "heat", "amount": 30, "armor_penetration": 4 },
86    "dispersion": 15,
87    "durability": 8,
88    "loudness": 1,
89    "ups_charges": 50,
90    "reload": 0,
91    "ammo_effects": [ "LASER", "PLASMA_BUBBLE", "INCENDIARY" ],
92    "flags": [
93      "NO_UNLOAD",
94      "NEVER_JAMS",
95      "NO_UNWIELD",
96      "NO_SALVAGE",
97      "NO_REPAIR",
99      "NON_FOULING",
100      "NEEDS_NO_LUBE"
101    ]
102  },
103  {
104    "id": "laser_rifle",
105    "looks_like": "ar15",
106    "type": "GUN",
107    "reload_noise_volume": 10,
108    "name": { "str": "A7 laser rifle" },
109    "description": "A state-of-the-art laser rifle developed by the R&D outfit \"Aerial Labs\".  Initial performance rivaled Rivtech's finest, with rumors flying about corporate skulduggery.  Though the Cataclysm put that on the ash heap of history, this weapon can still do the same to your foes.",
110    "weight": "2950 g",
111    "volume": "3 L",
112    "longest_side": "900 mm",
113    "price": 1600000,
114    "price_postapoc": 7500,
115    "to_hit": -1,
116    "bashing": 12,
117    "material": [ "steel", "plastic" ],
118    "symbol": "(",
119    "color": "yellow",
120    "skill": "rifle",
121    "range": 30,
122    "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "heat", "amount": 25, "armor_penetration": 4 },
123    "dispersion": 10,
124    "durability": 8,
125    "modes": [ [ "DEFAULT", "semi-auto", 1 ], [ "AUTO", "auto", 4 ] ],
126    "loudness": 12,
127    "ups_charges": 40,
128    "reload": 0,
129    "valid_mod_locations": [
130      [ "accessories", 4 ],
131      [ "emitter", 1 ],
132      [ "grip", 1 ],
133      [ "lens", 1 ],
134      [ "rail", 1 ],
135      [ "sights", 1 ],
136      [ "sling", 1 ],
137      [ "stock", 1 ],
138      [ "underbarrel", 1 ]
139    ],
140    "ammo_effects": [ "LASER", "INCENDIARY" ],
141    "flags": [ "NEVER_JAMS", "NO_UNLOAD", "NON_FOULING", "NEEDS_NO_LUBE" ]
142  },
143  {
144    "id": "hm12",
145    "type": "GUN",
146    "copy-from": "laser_rifle",
147    "name": { "str": "hm12 dazzle rifle" },
148    "description": "This prototype 'energy weapon' was apparently manufactured by Hub 01.  It somewhat resembles an oversize radar gun, mounted on a rectangular frame of white sheet metal.  It will temporarily stun robots, if you manage to hit their sensors with a clean shot.",
149    "price_postapoc": 15000,
150    "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "pure", "amount": 1 },
151    "ups_charges": 1,
152    "ammo_effects": [ "LASER", "ROBOT_DAZZLE" ],
153    "flags": [ "NEVER_JAMS", "NO_UNLOAD", "NON_FOULING", "NEEDS_NO_LUBE" ]
154  },
155  {
156    "id": "v29",
157    "looks_like": "glock_17",
158    "type": "GUN",
159    "reload_noise_volume": 10,
160    "name": { "str": "V29 laser pistol" },
161    "description": "This V29 laser pistol was one of the first handheld laser weapons.  It is larger than most traditional handguns, but has no recoil whatsoever.",
162    "weight": "680 g",
163    "volume": "1 L",
164    "longest_side": "233 mm",
165    "//": "copy-from'd Glock 17, since this looks_like it",
166    "price": 720000,
167    "price_postapoc": 5500,
168    "to_hit": -2,
169    "bashing": 5,
170    "material": [ "steel", "plastic" ],
171    "symbol": "(",
172    "color": "magenta",
173    "skill": "pistol",
174    "range": 30,
175    "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "heat", "amount": 10, "armor_penetration": 4 },
176    "dispersion": 180,
177    "durability": 8,
178    "loudness": 7,
179    "ups_charges": 10,
180    "reload": 200,
181    "valid_mod_locations": [
182      [ "accessories", 2 ],
183      [ "emitter", 1 ],
184      [ "grip", 1 ],
185      [ "lens", 1 ],
186      [ "rail", 1 ],
187      [ "sights", 1 ],
188      [ "stock", 1 ],
189      [ "underbarrel", 1 ]
190    ],
191    "ammo_effects": [ "LASER", "INCENDIARY" ],
192    "flags": [ "NEVER_JAMS", "NO_UNLOAD", "NON_FOULING", "NEEDS_NO_LUBE" ]
193  }