2  {
3    "type": "terrain",
4    "id": "t_tree_worm",
5    "name": "leviathan annelids",
6    "description": "Several massive protusions emerge from the ground, coiled together into a tower.  At the top, blue and purple tentacles sway in the wind.",
7    "symbol": "I",
8    "color": "magenta",
9    "move_cost": 0,
10    "coverage": 80,
12    "//": [
13      "possibly in the future add that smashing this drops shells and tube worm flesh? maybe even an ability to cut it down for food"
14    ],
15    "bash": { "str_min": 80, "str_max": 180, "sound": "crunch!", "sound_fail": "whack!", "ter_set": "t_deaddirt" }
16  },
17  {
18    "type": "terrain",
19    "id": "t_tree_lichen",
20    "name": "lichen tree",
21    "description": "A massive corrugated body sprouts from the lichen here, branching out into mushroom-like limbs, dust filling the air as the wind meets it.",
22    "symbol": "7",
23    "color": "light_red",
24    "move_cost": 0,
25    "coverage": 80,
27    "bash": {
28      "str_min": 80,
29      "str_max": 180,
30      "sound": "crunch!",
31      "sound_fail": "squish!",
32      "ter_set": "t_lichendirt",
33      "items": [ { "item": "yum_lichen", "count": [ 3, 6 ] } ]
34    }
35  },
36  {
37    "type": "terrain",
38    "id": "t_tree_xeno",
39    "name": "fossilized conifer",
40    "description": "A long dead tree standing on spindly legs similar to a Cypress which tapers into a point until spreading out in a hollow dodecahedron.",
41    "symbol": "7",
42    "color": "brown",
43    "move_cost": 0,
44    "coverage": 80,
46    "bash": {
47      "str_min": 70,
48      "str_max": 180,
49      "sound": "crunch!",
50      "sound_fail": "whack!",
51      "ter_set": "t_deaddirt",
52      "items": [ { "item": "stick_long", "count": [ 3, 10 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 10, 25 ] } ]
53    }
54  },
55  {
56    "type": "terrain",
57    "id": "t_tree_xenoinfested",
58    "name": "infested fossilized conifer",
59    "description": "A long dead tree standing on spindly legs similar to a Cypress which tapers into a point until spreading out in a hollow dodecahedron.  The trunk seems to be splitting as tendrils of mold dig into it, clinging onto the tree like a frame.",
60    "symbol": "7",
61    "color": "light_cyan",
62    "move_cost": 0,
63    "coverage": 60,
65    "bash": {
66      "str_min": 80,
67      "str_max": 180,
68      "sound": "crunch!",
69      "sound_fail": "whack!",
70      "ter_set": "t_deaddirt",
71      "items": [ { "item": "stick_long", "count": [ 3, 10 ] }, { "item": "splinter", "count": [ 10, 25 ] } ]
72    }
73  },
74  {
75    "type": "terrain",
76    "id": "t_lichenyum",
77    "name": "lichen shrub",
78    "description": "A small mound of lichen grows here, noticeably bigger than the lichen and moss around it.",
79    "symbol": "i",
80    "color": "red",
81    "move_cost": 3,
82    "coverage": 20,
84    "examine_action": "harvest_ter_nectar",
85    "harvest_by_season": [ { "seasons": [ "spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter" ], "id": "yum_lichen_harv" } ],
86    "transforms_into": "t_lichen_harvested",
87    "bash": {
88      "str_min": 2,
89      "str_max": 6,
90      "sound": "crunch.",
91      "sound_fail": "squish.",
92      "ter_set": "t_lichendirt",
93      "items": [ { "item": "yum_lichen", "count": [ 1, 2 ] } ]
94    }
95  },
96  {
97    "type": "terrain",
98    "id": "t_lichen_harvested",
99    "name": "lichen shrub",
100    "description": "A small mound of lichen grows here, noticeably bigger than the lichen and moss around it.  A few clumps have been removed.",
101    "symbol": "i",
102    "color": "light_red",
103    "move_cost": 3,
104    "coverage": 20,
106    "transforms_into": "t_lichenyum",
107    "bash": {
108      "str_min": 2,
109      "str_max": 6,
110      "sound": "crunch.",
111      "sound_fail": "squish.",
112      "ter_set": "t_lichendirt",
113      "items": [ { "item": "yum_lichen", "prob": 50, "count": [ 1, 2 ] } ]
114    }
115  },
116  {
117    "type": "furniture",
118    "id": "f_shrub_moss",
119    "name": "moss bush",
120    "description": "A mound of moss, with large colorful stems protruding out of it.",
121    "symbol": "#",
122    "color": "magenta",
123    "move_cost_mod": 8,
124    "coverage": 40,
125    "required_str": -1,
127    "bash": {
128      "str_min": 4,
129      "str_max": 61,
130      "sound": "crunch.",
131      "sound_fail": "squish.",
132      "items": [ { "item": "withered", "prob": 50, "count": [ 1, 2 ] } ]
133    }
134  },
135  {
136    "type": "furniture",
137    "id": "f_geo_mox",
138    "name": "geothermal bladder",
139    "description": "Black veins support a large formation of bleached coral as it grows around the rim of this geothermal vent.  Above it, red and purple tentacles caress a balloon-shaped organ as it breathes.",
140    "symbol": "^",
141    "color": "light_gray",
142    "move_cost_mod": -1,
143    "coverage": 65,
144    "required_str": -1,
145    "flags": [ "NOITEM", "MINEABLE", "BASHABLE", "BLOCK_WIND", "EMITTER" ],
146    "emissions": [ "emit_smoke_plume", "emit_hot_air_migo_seep" ],
147    "bash": {
148      "str_min": 65,
149      "str_max": 160,
150      "sound": "smash!",
151      "sound_fail": "thump.",
152      "items": [
153        { "item": "rock", "count": [ 10, 22 ] },
154        { "item": "sharp_rock", "count": [ 3, 7 ] },
155        { "item": "material_limestone", "charges": [ 2, 5 ], "prob": 30 },
156        { "item": "material_rocksalt", "count": [ 0, 1 ], "prob": 10 },
157        { "item": "material_rhodonite", "count": [ 0, 1 ], "prob": 1 },
158        { "item": "material_zincite", "count": [ 0, 5 ], "prob": 2 },
159        { "item": "alien_flesh", "count": [ 2, 5 ], "prob": 50 },
160        { "item": "alien_fat", "count": [ 1, 3 ], "prob": 30 },
161        { "item": "endochitin", "count": [ 2, 5 ], "prob": 30 },
162        { "item": "alien_lung", "count": [ 0, 2 ], "prob": 10 },
163        { "item": "alien_organs", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 5 },
164        { "item": "chitin_piece", "count": [ 2, 5 ], "prob": 10 }
165      ]
166    }
167  },
168  {
169    "type": "furniture",
170    "id": "f_moxie_tube",
171    "name": "breather",
172    "description": "On the ground here lays several colorless coral reefs, the black veins are noticeably more engorged as they breathe.",
173    "symbol": "+",
174    "color": "light_gray",
175    "move_cost_mod": 8,
176    "coverage": 40,
177    "required_str": -1,
178    "flags": [ "TRANSPARENT", "THIN_OBSTACLE", "SHORT" ],
179    "bash": {
180      "str_min": 4,
181      "str_max": 61,
182      "sound": "crunch.",
183      "sound_fail": "squish.",
184      "items": [
185        { "item": "chitin_piece", "count": [ 2, 5 ], "prob": 10 },
186        { "item": "alien_organs", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 5 },
187        { "item": "endochitin", "count": [ 2, 5 ], "prob": 30 },
188        { "item": "alien_lung", "count": [ 0, 2 ], "prob": 10 }
189      ]
190    }
191  },
192  {
193    "type": "furniture",
194    "id": "f_moxie_vent",
195    "name": "overgrown vent",
196    "description": "The coral and veins on the ground here have fused into a sea anemone-like structure; pufts of smoke and hot air emit from its mouth.",
197    "symbol": "o",
198    "color": "light_gray",
199    "move_cost_mod": 10,
200    "coverage": 40,
201    "required_str": -1,
202    "emissions": [ "emit_smoke_plume", "emit_hot_air_migo_seep" ],
203    "flags": [ "TRANSPARENT", "THIN_OBSTACLE", "SHORT" ],
204    "bash": {
205      "str_min": 4,
206      "str_max": 61,
207      "sound": "crunch.",
208      "sound_fail": "squish.",
209      "items": [
210        { "item": "chitin_piece", "count": [ 2, 5 ], "prob": 10 },
211        { "item": "alien_organs", "count": [ 1, 2 ], "prob": 5 },
212        { "item": "endochitin", "count": [ 2, 5 ], "prob": 30 },
213        { "item": "alien_lung", "count": [ 0, 2 ], "prob": 10 }
214      ]
215    }
216  }