2  {
3    "id": "shot_buck",
4    "copy-from": "shot_00",
5    "type": "AMMO",
6    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, buckshot" },
7    "ammo_type": "ammo_shot"
8  },
9  {
10    "id": "shot_bean",
11    "copy-from": "shot_buck",
12    "type": "AMMO",
13    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, beanbag" },
14    "description": "A beanbag round for shotguns, not deadly but designed to disable.",
15    "proportional": {
16      "price": 0.5,
17      "price_postapoc": 0.5,
18      "count": 0.5,
19      "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.1 },
20      "recoil": 0.4,
21      "loudness": 0.6
22    },
23    "extend": { "effects": [ "BEANBAG", "NOGIB" ] }
24  },
25  {
26    "id": "shot_fowl",
27    "copy-from": "shot_buck",
28    "type": "AMMO",
29    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, birdshot" },
30    "description": "A shotshell filled with numerous small pellets.  Designed for hunting birds and other small game, its applications in combat are very limited.",
31    "price_postapoc": 2400,
32    "proportional": { "price": 0.2, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.3 }, "recoil": 0.6, "loudness": 0.8 },
33    "extend": { "effects": [ "NOGIB" ] }
34  },
35  {
36    "id": "shot_foster",
37    "copy-from": "shot_buck",
38    "type": "AMMO",
39    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, slug" },
40    "description": "A shotshell with a single projectile, shaped somewhat like a shuttlecock.  Slugs are used with shotguns to give them extra range, allowing them to stand in for a rifle.  Extremely damaging but rather inaccurate.",
41    "dispersion": 100,
42    "relative": { "range": 12, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "armor_penetration": 6 } },
43    "proportional": { "price": 1.4, "price_postapoc": 1.4, "recoil": 1.4 },
44    "delete": { "effects": [ "SHOT" ] }
45  },
46  {
47    "id": "shot_pyro",
48    "copy-from": "shot_buck",
49    "type": "AMMO",
50    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, pyrotechnical" },
51    "description": "A novelty shotgun shell filled with a simple pyrotechnical charge.  The payload is light and won't wound very well, but the flash and sparks will certainly be impressive, in addition to being an extreme fire hazard.",
52    "proportional": {
53      "price": 2,
54      "price_postapoc": 2,
55      "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.2 },
56      "recoil": 0.6,
57      "loudness": 0.8,
58      "dispersion": 1.2,
59      "range": 0.5
60    },
61    "extend": { "effects": [ "INCENDIARY", "STREAM", "NOGIB" ] }
62  },
63  {
64    "id": "shot_explosive",
65    "copy-from": "shot_he",
66    "type": "AMMO",
67    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, explosive" },
68    "ammo_type": "ammo_shot"
69  },
70  {
71    "id": "reloaded_shot_junk",
72    "copy-from": "shot_buck",
73    "type": "AMMO",
74    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, junk" },
75    "description": "A shotgun shell filled with whatever was lying around.  They are more damaging than birdshot, but fairly inaccurate.",
76    "proportional": { "price": 0.4, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.6 }, "dispersion": 1.2 },
77    "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] },
78    "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }
79  },
80  {
81    "id": "reloaded_shot_buck",
82    "copy-from": "shot_buck",
83    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, buckshot (reloaded)" },
84    "type": "AMMO",
85    "proportional": { "price": 0.7, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.9 }, "dispersion": 1.1 },
86    "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] },
87    "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }
88  },
89  {
90    "id": "reloaded_shot_fowl",
91    "copy-from": "shot_fowl",
92    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, birdshot (reloaded)" },
93    "type": "AMMO",
94    "proportional": { "price": 0.7, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.9 }, "dispersion": 1.1 },
95    "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] },
96    "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }
97  },
98  {
99    "id": "reloaded_shot_foster",
100    "copy-from": "shot_foster",
101    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, slug (reloaded)" },
102    "type": "AMMO",
103    "proportional": { "price": 0.7, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.9 }, "dispersion": 1.1 },
104    "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] },
105    "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }
106  },
107  {
108    "id": "reloaded_shot_pyro",
109    "copy-from": "shot_pyro",
110    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, pyrotechnical (reloaded)" },
111    "type": "AMMO",
112    "proportional": { "price": 0.7, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.9 }, "dispersion": 1.1 },
113    "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] },
114    "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }
115  },
116  {
117    "id": "reloaded_shot_dart",
118    "copy-from": "shot_buck",
119    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, flechette (reloaded)" },
120    "//": "intentionally reload only because flechette shot is not available commercially or used by the military",
121    "type": "AMMO",
122    "description": "A shotgun shell filled with tiny steel darts, definitely not a factory loading.  Flechettes won't pattern as well as normal shot, and they'll likely do less damage.  However, they may fare better against armor than other shotgun loads.",
123    "relative": { "pierce": 12 },
124    "proportional": { "price": 2, "price_postapoc": 2, "count": 0.5, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.8 } },
125    "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] }
126  },
127  {
128    "id": "bp_shot_buck",
129    "copy-from": "shot_buck",
130    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, buckshot (black powder)" },
131    "type": "AMMO",
132    "proportional": { "price": 0.6, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.8 }, "dispersion": 1.2 },
133    "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED", "MUZZLE_SMOKE", "BLACKPOWDER" ] },
134    "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }
135  },
136  {
137    "id": "bp_shot_fowl",
138    "copy-from": "shot_fowl",
139    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, birdshot (black powder)" },
140    "type": "AMMO",
141    "proportional": { "price": 0.6, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.8 }, "dispersion": 1.2 },
142    "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED", "MUZZLE_SMOKE", "BLACKPOWDER" ] },
143    "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }
144  },
145  {
146    "id": "bp_shot_foster",
147    "copy-from": "shot_foster",
148    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, slug (black powder)" },
149    "type": "AMMO",
150    "proportional": { "price": 0.6, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.8 }, "dispersion": 1.2 },
151    "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED", "MUZZLE_SMOKE", "BLACKPOWDER" ] },
152    "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }
153  },
154  {
155    "id": "bp_shot_pyro",
156    "copy-from": "shot_pyro",
157    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, pyrotechnical (black powder)" },
158    "type": "AMMO",
159    "proportional": { "price": 0.6, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.8 }, "dispersion": 1.2 },
160    "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED", "MUZZLE_SMOKE", "BLACKPOWDER" ] },
161    "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }
162  },
163  {
164    "id": "bp_shot_dart",
165    "copy-from": "reloaded_shot_dart",
166    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, flechette (black powder)" },
167    "type": "AMMO",
168    "proportional": { "price": 0.86, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.88 }, "dispersion": 1.09 },
169    "extend": { "effects": [ "MUZZLE_SMOKE", "BLACKPOWDER" ] }
170  },
171  {
172    "id": "bp_shot_junk",
173    "copy-from": "reloaded_shot_junk",
174    "type": "AMMO",
175    "name": { "str_sp": "shotshell, junk (black powder)" },
176    "proportional": { "price": 0.6, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.8 } },
177    "extend": { "effects": [ "MUZZLE_SMOKE" ] }
178  }