1--[[ Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Manuel "Roujin" Wolf, Edvin "Lego3" Linge, lewri et al.
3Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
4this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
5the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
6use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
7of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
8so, subject to the following conditions:
10The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
11copies or substantial portions of the Software.
19SOFTWARE. --]]
21Language("English", "English", "en", "eng")
22Inherit("original_strings", 0)
24--Note: All strings should use a single space after full-stops. Only exception is level descriptions.
25-------------------------------  OVERRIDE  ----------------------------------
26adviser.warnings.money_low = "Your money is getting low!" -- Funny. Exists in German translation, but not existent in english?
27-- TODO: tooltip.graphs.reputation -- this tooltip talks about hospital value. Actually it should say reputation.
28-- TODO: tooltip.status.close -- it's called status window, not overview window.
30-- tooltip.staff_list.next_person, prev_person is rather next/prev page (also in german, maybe more languages?)
31tooltip.staff_list.next_person = "Show next page"
32tooltip.staff_list.prev_person = "Show previous page"
33tooltip.status.reputation = "Your Reputation should not be less than %d. Currently it's %d"
34tooltip.status.balance = "Your bank balance should not be less than %d. Currently it's %d"
36-- The originals of these two contain one space too much
37fax.emergency.cure_not_possible_build = "You will need to build a %s"
38fax.emergency.cure_not_possible_build_and_employ = "You will need to build a %s and employ a %s"
39fax.emergency.num_disease = "There are %d people with %s and they require immediate attention."
40adviser.goals.lose.kill = "Kill another %d patients to lose the level!"
42-- Improve tooltips in staff window to mention hidden features
43tooltip.staff_window.face = "This person's face - click to open management screen"
44tooltip.staff_window.center_view = "Left click to zoom to staff, right click to cycle through staff members"
46-- These strings are missing in some versions of TH (unpatched?)
47confirmation.restart_level = "Are you sure you want to restart the level?"
48-- TODO adviser.multiplayer.objective_completed
49-- TODO adviser.multiplayer.objective_failed
51-- Replace Billy Savile
52-- this is only relevant to the English game so does not need adding
53-- in other language files
54vip_names = {
55 [6] = "Sir Lancelot Spratt",
58-- An override for the squits becoming the the squits see issue 1646
59adviser.research.drug_improved_1 = "%s drug has been improved by your Research Department."
61-- Disease overrides where there are typos
62diseases.golf_stones.cure = "Cure - These must be removed by an operation requiring two Surgeons."
63diseases.ruptured_nodules.cure = "Cure - Two qualified Surgeons must remove the nodules using steady hands."
64diseases.slack_tongue.cause = "Cause - Chronic over-discussion of soap operas."
65diseases.slack_tongue.cure = "Cure - The tongue is placed in the Slicer Machine and removed quickly, efficiently, and painfully."
66diseases.the_squits.cure = "Cure - A glutinous mix of stringy pharmaceutical chemicals solidify the patient's innards."
67diseases.bloaty_head.cure = "Cure - The swollen head is popped, then re-inflated to the correct PSI using a clever machine."
69-- Rooms overrides where there are typos
70room_descriptions.inflation[2] = "Patients with the painful-yet-humorous condition of Bloaty Head must come to the Inflation Clinic, where the overlarge cranium will be popped and instantly re-inflated to the correct pressure.//"
71room_descriptions.staff_room[2] = "Your staff get tired as they carry out their jobs. They require this room to relax and refresh themselves. Tired staff slow down, demand more money, and will eventually quit. They also make more mistakes. Building a staff room with plenty for them to do is very worthwhile. Make sure there is room for several staff members at one time. "
73-- Staff description overrides where there are typos
74staff_descriptions.bad[14] = "Sly, cunning, and subversive. "
75staff_descriptions.misc[11] = "Distils whisky. "
77-- Correction to a pay rise prompt with typos
78pay_rise.regular[1] = "I'm totally frazzled. I need a good rest, plus a rise of %d if you don't want to see me jack in this poxy job."
80-- Level description overrides where there are typos. Note: This is the only portion of the game that SHOULD use double space after fullstops etc.
81introduction_texts.level17 = " Last word of warning - keep a keen eye on your Reputation - this is what will attract the patients from far and wide to your establishment.  If you don't kill too many people and keep them reasonably happy you shouldn't have too much trouble on this level!// You're on you own now.  Good luck and all that."
82introduction_texts.level11 = " You've been given the chance to build the ultimate in hospitals.  This is an exceedingly prestigious area, and the Ministry would like to see the best possible hospital.  We'll be expecting you to make big money, have a superbly high reputation and cover every possible eventuality.  It's an important job, this.  You'll have to be something special to pull it off.  Note, too, that there have sightings of UFOs in the area.  Make sure your staff are prepared for some unexpected visitors.  Your hospital will need to be worth $240,000, you'll need $500,000 in the bank, and your reputation will need to be 700."
83introduction_texts.level9 = " Having filled the Ministry's bank account and paid for a new limousine for the Minister himself, you can now get back to creating a caring, well-run hospital for the benefit of the unwell and needy.  You can expect a lot of different problems to crop up here.  If you have enough well-trained staff and rooms, you should have all the angles covered.  Your hospital will need to be worth $200,000, and you'll need $400,000 in the bank.  Any less and you won't be able to finish the level."
84introduction_texts.level16 = " Once you have diagnosed some of the patients you will need to build treatment facilities and clinics to cure them - a good one to start off with is the Pharmacy.  You'll also need a Nurse to dispense the various drugs in the Pharmacy."
85introduction_texts.level10 = " As well as covering all the illnesses which crop up in this neck of the woods, the Ministry request that you spend some time concentrating on the efficiency of your drugs.  There have been some complaints from Ofsick, the Health Watchdog, so in order to look good you must make sure all your drugs are extremely efficient.  Also, make sure your hospital is above reproach as well. Keep those deaths down.  As a hint, you might like to keep space free for a Jelly Vat.  Develop all your drugs to at least 80 per cent efficiency, get a reputation of 650 and stash $500,000 in the bank to win."
86introduction_texts.level12 = " You've got the mother of all challenges now.  Impressed with your success, the Ministry has got the top job for you; they want someone to build another ultimate hospital, make a vast amount of dosh and have an incredible reputation.  You'll also be expected to buy all the land you can, cure everything (and we mean everything) and win all the awards.  Think you're up to it?  Earn $650,000, cure 750 people, and get a reputation of 800 to win this one."
87introduction_texts.level15 = " Okay that's the basic mechanics of putting a hospital together.// Your Doctors are going to need all the help they can get to diagnose some of these patients.  You can assist them by building another diagnosis facility such as the General Diagnosis Room."
88-- A small error in the introduction text of level 2
89introduction_texts.level2 = " There is a greater variety of ailments in this area.  Set up your hospital to deal with more patients, " ..
90                            "and plan to build a Research Department.  Remember to keep your establishment clean, and try to get your " ..
91                            "reputation as high as possible - you'll be dealing with diseases like Slack Tongue, so you'll need a Slack " ..
92                            "Tongue Clinic.  You can also build a Cardiogram to help you diagnose new illnesses.  Both these rooms will " ..
93                            "need to be researched before you can build them.  Now you can also buy extra plots of land to expand your " ..
94                            "hospital - use the Town map for this.  Aim for a reputation of 300 a bank balance of $10,000 and 40 people cured."
96-- Override for level progress typo
97level_progress.hospital_value_enough = "Keep the value of your hospital above %d and attend to your other problems to win the level."
98level_progress.cured_enough_patients = "You've cured enough of your patients, but you need to get your hospital in better order to win the level."
100-- Override for multiplayer typos
101multiplayer.players_failed = "The following player(s) failed to achieve the last objective:"
102multiplayer.everyone_failed = "Everyone failed to satisfy that last objective. So everyone gets to play on!"
104-- Override for a disease patient choice typo
105disease_discovered_patient_choice.need_to_employ = "Employ a %s to be able to handle this situation."
107-- Override for shorter messages and a typo in 12.2
108letter[9][2] = "You have proved yourself to be the best hospital administrator in medicine's long and chequered history. Such a momentous achievement cannot go unrewarded, so we would like to offer you the honorary post of Supreme Chief of All Hospitals. This comes with a salary of $%d. You will be given a tickertape parade, and people will show their appreciation wherever you go.//"
109letter[10][2] = "Congratulations on successfully running every hospital we assigned you to. Such a superb performance qualifies you for the freedom of all the world's cities. You are to be given a pension of $%d, and all we ask is that you travel, for free, around the nation, promoting the work of all hospitals to your adoring public.//"
110letter[11][2] = "Your career has been exemplary, and you are an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for running so many hospitals so well. We would like to grant you a lifetime salary of $%d, and would ask simply that you travel by official open-topped car from city to city, giving lectures about how you achieved so much so fast.//"
111letter[11][3] = "You are an example to every wise person, and without exception, everybody in the world regards you as a supreme asset.//"
112letter[12][2] = "Your successful career as the best hospital administrator since Moses is nearing an end. Befitting your impact on the nation, the Ministry would like to offer you a salary of $%d simply to appear on our behalf, opening fetes, launching ships, and doing chat shows. It would be great PR for us all!//"
114-------------------------------  NEW STRINGS  -------------------------------
115date_format = {
116  daymonth = "%1% %2:months%",
119object.litter = "Litter"
120tooltip.objects.litter = "Litter: Left on the floor by a patient because he did not find a bin to throw it in."
122object.rathole = "Rathole"
123tooltip.objects.rathole = "Home of a rat family that found your hospital dirty enough to live here."
125tooltip.fax.close = "Close this window without deleting the message"
126tooltip.message.button = "Left click to open message"
127tooltip.message.button_dismiss = "Left click to open message, right click to dismiss it"
128tooltip.casebook.cure_requirement.hire_staff = "You need to employ staff to handle this treatment"
129tooltip.casebook.cure_type.unknown = "You do not yet know how to treat this disease"
130tooltip.research_policy.no_research = "No research is being carried out in this category at the moment"
131tooltip.research_policy.research_progress = "Progress towards the next discovery in this category: %1%/%2%"
133menu["player_count"] = "PLAYER COUNT"
135menu_file = {
136  load =    "  (%1%) LOAD  ",
137  save =    "  (%1%) SAVE   ",
138  restart = "  (%1%) RESTART",
139  quit =    "  (%1%) QUIT   "
142menu_options = {
143  sound = "  (%1%) SOUND   ",
144  announcements = "  (%1%) ANNOUNCEMENTS   ",
145  music = "  (%1%) MUSIC   ",
146  jukebox = "  (%1%) JUKEBOX  ",
147  lock_windows = "  LOCK WINDOWS  ",
148  edge_scrolling = "  EDGE SCROLLING  ",
149  capture_mouse = "  CAPTURE MOUSE  ",
150  adviser_disabled = "  (%1%) ADVISER  ",
151  warmth_colors = "  WARMTH COLOURS  ",
152  wage_increase = "  WAGE REQUESTS  ",
153  twentyfour_hour_clock = "  24 HOUR CLOCK  "
156menu_options_game_speed = {
157  pause               = "  (%1%) PAUSE  ",
158  slowest             = "  (%1%) SLOWEST  ",
159  slower              = "  (%1%) SLOWER  ",
160  normal              = "  (%1%) NORMAL  ",
161  max_speed           = "  (%1%) MAX SPEED  ",
162  and_then_some_more  = "  (%1%) AND THEN SOME MORE  ",
165menu_options_warmth_colors = {
166  choice_1 = "  RED  ",
167  choice_2 = "  BLUE GREEN RED  ",
168  choice_3 = "  YELLOW ORANGE RED  ",
171menu_options_wage_increase = {
172  grant = "    GRANT ",
173  deny =  "    DENY ",
176-- Add F-keys to entries in charts menu (except briefing), also town_map was added.
177menu_charts = {
178  bank_manager  = "  (%1%) BANK MANAGER  ",
179  statement     = "  (%1%) STATEMENT  ",
180  staff_listing = "  (%1%) STAFF LISTING  ",
181  town_map      = "  (%1%) TOWN MAP  ",
182  casebook      = "  (%1%) CASEBOOK  ",
183  research      = "  (%1%) RESEARCH  ",
184  status        = "  (%1%) STATUS  ",
185  graphs        = "  (%1%) GRAPHS  ",
186  policy        = "  (%1%) POLICY  ",
189menu_debug = {
190  jump_to_level               = "  JUMP TO LEVEL  ",
191  connect_debugger            = "  (%1%) CONNECT LUA DBGp SERVER  ",
192  transparent_walls           = "  (%1%) TRANSPARENT WALLS  ",
193  limit_camera                = "  LIMIT CAMERA  ",
194  disable_salary_raise        = "  DISABLE SALARY RAISE  ",
195  allow_blocking_off_areas    = "  ALLOW BLOCKING OFF AREAS  ",
196  make_debug_fax              = "  MAKE DEBUG FAX  ",
197  make_debug_patient          = "  MAKE DEBUG PATIENT  ",
198  cheats                      = "  (%1%) CHEATS  ",
199  lua_console                 = "  (%1%) LUA CONSOLE  ",
200  debug_script                = "  (%1%) RUN DEBUG SCRIPT  ",
201  calls_dispatcher            = "  CALLS DISPATCHER  ",
202  dump_strings                = "  (%1%) DUMP STRINGS  ",
203  dump_gamelog                = "  (%1%) DUMP GAME LOG  ",
204  map_overlay                 = "  MAP OVERLAY  ",
205  sprite_viewer               = "  SPRITE VIEWER  ",
207menu_debug_overlay = {
208  none                        = "  NONE  ",
209  flags                       = "  FLAGS  ",
210  positions                   = "  POSITIONS  ",
211  heat                        = "  TEMPERATURE  ",
212  byte_0_1                    = "  BYTE 0 & 1  ",
213  byte_floor                  = "  BYTE FLOOR  ",
214  byte_n_wall                 = "  BYTE N WALL  ",
215  byte_w_wall                 = "  BYTE W WALL  ",
216  byte_5                      = "  BYTE 5  ",
217  byte_6                      = "  BYTE 6  ",
218  byte_7                      = "  BYTE 7  ",
219  parcel                      = "  PARCEL  ",
221menu_player_count = {
222	players_1 = "  1 PLAYER  ",
223	players_2 = "  2 PLAYERS  ",
224	players_3 = "  3 PLAYERS  ",
225	players_4 = "  4 PLAYERS  ",
227adviser = {
228  room_forbidden_non_reachable_parts = "Placing the room in this location would result in parts of the hospital not being reachable.",
229  warnings = {
230    no_desk = "You should build a reception desk and hire a receptionist at some point!",
231    no_desk_1 = "If you want patients to come to your hospital, you will need to hire a receptionist and build her a desk to work at!",
232    no_desk_2 = "Well done, that must be a world record: nearly a year and no patients! If you want to continue as Manager of this hospital, you will need to hire a receptionist and build a reception desk for her to work from!",
233    no_desk_3 = "That's just brilliant, nearly a year and you don't have a staffed reception! How do you expect to get any patients? Now get it sorted out and stop messing around!",
234    no_desk_4 = "A Receptionist needs to have her own work station to greet your patients as they arrive.",
235    no_desk_5 = "Well it's about time, you should start to see some patients arriving soon!",
236    no_desk_6 = "You have a receptionist, so how about building a reception desk for her to work from?",
237    no_desk_7 = "You've built the reception desk, so how about hiring a receptionist? You won't see any patients until you get this sorted out you know!",
238    another_desk = "You'll need to build another desk for that new receptionist.",
239    cannot_afford = "You don't have enough money in the bank to hire that person!", -- I can't see anything like this in the original strings
240    cannot_afford_2 = "You don't have enough money in the bank to make that purchase!",
241    falling_1 = "Hey! That is not funny, watch where you click that mouse; someone could get hurt!",
242    falling_2 = "Stop messing about, how would you like it?",
243    falling_3 = "Ouch, that had to hurt, someone call a Doctor!",
244    falling_4 = "This is a Hospital, not a Theme Park!",
245    falling_5 = "This is not the place for knocking people over, they're ill you know!",
246    falling_6 = "This is not a bowling alley, sick people should not be treated like that!",
247    research_screen_open_1 = "You have to build a Research Department before you can access the Research screen.",
248    research_screen_open_2 = "Research is disabled for the current level.",
249    researcher_needs_desk_1 = "A Researcher needs to have a desk to work at.",
250    researcher_needs_desk_2 = "Your Researcher is pleased that you have allowed him to have a break. If you were intending to have more staff researching, then you need to provide them each with a desk to work from.",
251    researcher_needs_desk_3 = "Each Researcher needs to have his own desk to work from.",
252    nurse_needs_desk_1 = "Each Nurse needs to have her own desk to work from.",
253    nurse_needs_desk_2 = "Your Nurse is pleased that you have allowed her to have a break. If you were intending to have more than one working in the ward, then you need to provide them each with a desk to work from.",
254    low_prices = "You're charging too little for %s. This will bring people to your hospital, but you won't make a lot of profit from each one.",
255    high_prices = "Your charges for %s are high. This will make big profits in the short-term, but ultimately you'll start to drive people away.",
256    fair_prices = "Your charges for %s seem fair and balanced.",
257    patient_not_paying = "A patient left without paying for %s because it's too expensive!",
258  },
259  cheats = {
260    th_cheat = "Congratulations, you have unlocked cheats!",
261    roujin_on_cheat = "Roujin's challenge activated! Good luck in the coming months...",
262    roujin_off_cheat = "Roujin's challenge deactivated. Everything will be back to normal soon.",
263  },
266dynamic_info.patient.actions.no_gp_available = "Waiting for you to build a GP's office"
267dynamic_info.staff.actions.heading_for = "Heading for %s"
268dynamic_info.staff.actions.fired = "Fired"
269dynamic_info.staff.actions.vaccine = "Vaccinating a patient"
270dynamic_info.patient.actions.epidemic_vaccinated = "I am no longer contagious"
272progress_report.free_build = "FREE BUILD"
274fax = {
275  choices = {
276    return_to_main_menu = "Return to the main menu",
277    accept_new_level = "Move on to the next level",
278    decline_new_level = "Continue playing a while longer",
279  },
280  emergency = {
281    num_disease_singular = "There is 1 person with %s and they require immediate attention.",
282    free_build = "If you are successful your reputation will increase but if you fail your reputation will be seriously dented.",
283  },
284  vip_visit_result = {
285    remarks = {
286      free_build = {
287        "It is a very nice hospital you have there! Not very hard to get it working without money limitations though, eh?",
288        "I'm no economist, but I think I could run this hospital too if you know what I mean...",
289        "A very well run hospital. Watch out for the recession though! Right... you don't have to worry about that.",
290      }
291    }
292  }
295letter = {
296  dear_player = "Dear %s\n",
297  custom_level_completed = "Well done! You've completed all goals on this custom level!",
298  return_to_main_menu = "Would you like to return to the main menu or continue playing?",
299  campaign_level_completed = "Good job! You beat the level. But it's not over yet!\n Would you like a position at %s Hospital?",
300  campaign_completed = "Incredible! You managed to finish all the levels. You can now relax and enjoy filling forums across the Internet of your achievements. Good luck!",
301  campaign_level_missing = "Sorry, but the next level of this campaign seems to be missing. (Name: %s)",
304install = {
305  title = "--------------------------------- CorsixTH Setup ---------------------------------",
306  th_directory = "CorsixTH needs a copy of the data files from the original Theme Hospital game (or demo) in order to run. Please use the below selector to locate the Theme Hospital install directory.",
307  ok = "OK",
308  exit = "Exit",
309  cancel = "Cancel",
312misc.not_yet_implemented = "(not yet implemented)"
313misc.no_heliport = "Either no diseases have been discovered yet, or there is no heliport on this map. It might be that you need to build a reception desk and hire a receptionist"
314misc.cant_treat_emergency = "Your hospital cannot treat this emergency because its disease has not been discovered. Feel free to try again."
316main_menu = {
317  new_game = "Campaign",
318  custom_campaign = "Custom Campaign",
319  custom_level = "Single Scenario",
320  continue = "Continue Game",
321  load_game = "Load Game",
322  options = "Settings",
323  map_edit = "Map Editor",
324  savegame_version = "Savegame version: ",
325  version = "Version: ",
326  exit = "Exit",
329tooltip.main_menu = {
330  new_game = "Start the first level on the campaign",
331  custom_campaign = "Play a campaign created by the community",
332  custom_level = "Build your hospital in a single scenario",
333  continue = "Continue your latest saved game",
334  load_game = "Load a saved game",
335  options = "Tweak various settings",
336  map_edit = "Create a custom map",
337  exit = "No, no, please don't leave!",
338  quit = "You are about to quit from CorsixTH. Are you sure this is what you want to do?",
341load_game_window = {
342  caption = "Load Game (%1%)",
345tooltip.load_game_window = {
346  load_game = "Load game %s",
347  load_game_number = "Load game %d",
348  load_autosave = "Load autosave",
351custom_game_window = {
352  caption = "Custom Game",
353  free_build = "Free Build",
354  load_selected_level = "Start",
357tooltip.custom_game_window = {
358  choose_game = "Click a level to read more about it",
359  free_build = "Tick this box if you want to play without money or winning and losing conditions",
360  load_selected_level = "Load and play the selected level",
363custom_campaign_window = {
364  caption = "Custom Campaign",
365  start_selected_campaign = "Start campaign",
368tooltip.custom_campaign_window = {
369  choose_campaign = "Choose a campaign to read more about it",
370  start_selected_campaign = "Load the first level of this campaign",
373save_game_window = {
374  caption = "Save Game (%1%)",
375  new_save_game = "New Savegame",
378tooltip.save_game_window = {
379  save_game = "Overwrite savegame %s",
380  new_save_game = "Enter name for a new savegame",
383save_map_window = {
384  caption = "Save Map (%1%)",
385  new_map = "New Map",
388tooltip.save_map_window = {
389  map = "Overwrite map %s",
390  new_map = "Enter name for a map savegame",
393menu_list_window = {
394  name = "Name",
395  save_date = "Modified",
396  back = "Back",
399tooltip.menu_list_window = {
400  name = "Click here to sort the list by name",
401  save_date = "Click here to sort the list by last modification date",
402  back = "Close this window",
405options_window = {
406  caption = "Settings",
407  option_on = "On",
408  option_off = "Off",
409  fullscreen = "Fullscreen",
410  resolution = "Resolution",
411  capture_mouse = "Capture Mouse",
412  custom_resolution = "Custom...",
413  width = "Width",
414  height = "Height",
415  audio = "Global Audio",
416  customise = "Customise",
417  folder = "Folders",
418  language = "Game Language",
419  apply = "Apply",
420  cancel = "Cancel",
421  back = "Back",
422  scrollspeed = "Scroll Speed",
423  shift_scrollspeed = "Shift Scroll Speed",
424  zoom_speed = "Zoom Speed",
425  hotkey = "Hotkeys",
428tooltip.options_window = {
429  fullscreen = "Whether the game should run in fullscreen or windowed mode",
430  fullscreen_button = "Click to toggle fullscreen mode",
431  resolution = "The resolution the game should run in",
432  select_resolution = "Select a new resolution",
433  capture_mouse = "Click to toggle capturing the cursor in the game window",
434  width = "Enter desired screen width",
435  height = "Enter desired screen height",
436  apply = "Apply the entered resolution",
437  cancel = "Return without changing the resolution",
438  audio_button = "Turn on or off all game audio",
439  audio_toggle = "Toggle on or off",
440  customise_button = "More settings you can change to customise your game play experience",
441  folder_button = "Folder Options",
442  language = "The language texts in the game will appear in",
443  select_language = "Select the game language",
444  language_dropdown_item = "Choose %s as language",
445  back = "Close the Settings window",
446  scrollspeed = "Set the scroll speed between 1 (slowest) to 10 (fastest). The default is 2.",
447  shift_scrollspeed = "Set the speed of scrolling while the shift key is pressed. 1 (slowest) to 10 (fastest). The default is 4.",
448  zoom_speed = "Set the camera zoom speed from 10 (slowest) to 1000 (fastest). The default is 80.",
449  apply_scrollspeed = "Apply the entered scroll speed.",
450  cancel_scrollspeed = "Return without changing the scroll speed.",
451  apply_shift_scrollspeed = "Apply the entered shift scroll speed.",
452  cancel_shift_scrollspeed = "Return without changing the shift scroll speed.",
453  apply_zoomspeed = "Apply the entered zoom speed.",
454  cancel_zoomspeed = "Return without changing the zoom speed.",
455  hotkey = "Change keyboard hotkeys.",
458customise_window = {
459  caption = "Custom Settings",
460  option_on = "On",
461  option_off = "Off",
462  back = "Back",
463  movies = "Global Movie Control",
464  intro = "Play Intro Movie",
465  paused = "Build on Paused",
466  volume = "Volume Down Hotkey",
467  aliens = "Alien Patients",
468  fractured_bones = "Fractured Bones",
469  average_contents = "Average Contents",
470  remove_destroyed_rooms = "Remove destroyed rooms",
473tooltip.customise_window = {
474  movies = "Global movie control, this will allow you to disable all the movies",
475  intro = "Turn off or on the intro movie, global movies will need to be on if you want the intro movie to play each time you load CorsixTH",
476  paused = "In Theme Hospital the player would only be allowed to use the top menu if the game was paused. That is the default setting in CorsixTH too, but by turning this on everything is allowed while the game is paused",
477  volume = "If the volume down button is also opening the casebook, turn this on to change the hotkey for the casebook to Shift + C",
478  aliens = "Because of the lack of proper animations we have by default made patients with Alien DNA only come from an emergency. To allow patients with Alien DNA to visit your hospital, other than by an emergency, turn this off",
479  fractured_bones = "Because of a poor animation we have by default made it so there are no female patients with Fractured Bones. To allow female patients with Fractured Bones to visit your hospital, turn this off",
480  average_contents = "If you would like the game to remember what extra objects you usually add when you build rooms, then turn this option on",
481  remove_destroyed_rooms = "If you would like to be able to remove destroyed rooms, for a fee, turn this option on",
482  back = "Close this menu and go back to the Settings Menu",
485folders_window = {
486  caption = "Folder Locations",
487  data_label = "TH Data",
488  font_label = "Font",
489  music_label = "Music",
490  savegames_label = "Saves",
491  screenshots_label = "Screenshots",
492  -- next four are the captions for the browser window, which are called from the folder setting menu
493  new_th_location = "Here you can specify a new Theme Hospital installation directory or ISO file. As soon as you choose the new directory the game will be restarted. Note that file extensions are not currently shown.",
494  savegames_location = "Select the directory you want to use for Saves",
495  music_location = "Select the directory you want to use for your Music",
496  screenshots_location = "Select the directory you want to use for Screenshots",
497  back  = "Back",
500tooltip.folders_window = {
501  browse = "Browse for folder location",
502  data_location = "The directory or ISO file of the original Theme Hospital installation, which is required to run CorsixTH",
503  font_location = "Location of a font file that is capable of displaying Unicode characters required by your language. If this is not specified you will not be able to choose languages that need more characters than the original game can supply. Example: Russian and Chinese",
504  savegames_location = "By default, the Saves directory is alongside the config file and will be used for storing saved games in. Alternatively, you can choose your own by browsing to the directory that you want to use.",
505  screenshots_location = "By default, the Screenshots are stored in a folder alongside the config file. Alternatively, you can choose your own by browsing to the directory that you want to use.",
506  music_location = "Select a location for your music files by browsing to the directory you want to use (directory must already exist beforehand).",
507  browse_data = "Browse for another location for your Theme Hospital installation ( Current location: %1% ) ",
508  browse_font = "Browse for another font file ( Current location: %1% ) ",
509  browse_saves = "Browse for another location for your Saves directory ( Current location: %1% ) ",
510  browse_screenshots = "Browse for another location for your Screenshots directory ( Current location: %1% ) ",
511  browse_music = "Browse for another location for your Music directory ( Current location: %1% ) ",
512  no_font_specified = "No font location specified yet!",
513  not_specified = "No folder location specified yet!",
514  default = "Default location",
515  reset_to_default = "Reset the directory to its default location",
516 -- original_path = "The currently chosen directory of the original Theme Hospital installation", -- where is this used, I have left if for the time being?
517  back  = "Close this menu and go back to the Settings Menu",
520hotkey_window = {
521  caption_main = "Hotkey Assignment",
522  caption_panels = "Panel Keys",
523  button_accept = "Accept",
524  button_defaults = "Reset to Defaults",
525  button_cancel = "Cancel",
526  button_back = "Back",
527  button_toggleKeys = "Toggle Keys",
528  button_recallPosKeys = "Recall Position Keys",
529  panel_globalKeys = "Global Keys",
530  panel_generalInGameKeys = "General In-Game Keys",
531  panel_scrollKeys = "Scroll Keys",
532  panel_zoomKeys = "Zoom Keys",
533  panel_gameSpeedKeys = "Game Speed Keys",
534  panel_miscInGameKeys = "Misc. In-Game Keys",
535  panel_toggleKeys = "Toggle Keys",
536  panel_debugKeys = "Debug Keys",
537  panel_storePosKey = "Store Position Keys",
538  panel_recallPosKeys = "Recall Position Keys",
539  panel_altPanelKeys = "Alternate Panel Keys",
540  global_confirm = "Confirm",
541  global_confirm_alt = "Confirm Alt",
542  global_cancel = "Cancel",
543  global_cancel_alt = "Cancel Alt",
544  global_fullscreen_toggle = "Fullscreen",
545  global_exitApp = "Exit App",
546  global_resetApp = "Reset App",
547  global_releaseMouse = "Release Mouse",
548  global_connectDebugger = "Debugger",
549  global_showLuaConsole = "Lua Console",
550  global_runDebugScript = "Debug Script",
551  global_screenshot = "Screenshot",
552  global_stop_movie_alt = "Stop Movie",
553  global_window_close_alt = "Close Window",
554  ingame_scroll_up = "Scroll Up",
555  ingame_scroll_down = "Scroll Down",
556  ingame_scroll_left = "Scroll Left",
557  ingame_scroll_right = "Scroll Right",
558  ingame_scroll_shift = "Speed Shift",
559  ingame_zoom_in = "Zoom In",
560  ingame_zoom_in_more = "Zoom In More",
561  ingame_zoom_out = "Zoom Out",
562  ingame_zoom_out_more = "Zoom Out More",
563  ingame_showmenubar = "Show Menu Bar",
564  ingame_showCheatWindow = "Cheat Menu",
565  ingame_loadMenu = "Load Game",
566  ingame_saveMenu = "Save Game",
567  ingame_jukebox = "Jukebox",
568  ingame_openFirstMessage = "Level Message",
569  ingame_pause = "Pause",
570  ingame_gamespeed_slowest = "Slowest",
571  ingame_gamespeed_slower = "Slower",
572  ingame_gamespeed_normal = "Normal",
573  ingame_gamespeed_max = "Max",
574  ingame_gamespeed_thensome = "Then Some",
575  ingame_gamespeed_speedup = "Speed Up",
576  ingame_panel_bankManager = "Bank Manager",
577  ingame_panel_bankStats = "Bank Status",
578  ingame_panel_staffManage = "Manage Staff",
579  ingame_panel_townMap = "Town Map",
580  ingame_panel_casebook = "Casebook",
581  ingame_panel_research = "Research",
582  ingame_panel_status = "Status",
583  ingame_panel_charts = "Charts",
584  ingame_panel_policy = "Policy",
585  ingame_panel_map_alt = "Town Map 2",
586  ingame_panel_research_alt = "Research 2",
587  ingame_panel_casebook_alt = "Casebook 2",
588  ingame_panel_casebook_alt02 = "Casebook 3",
589  ingame_panel_buildRoom = "Build Room",
590  ingame_panel_furnishCorridor = "Furnish Corridor",
591  ingame_panel_editRoom = "Edit Room",
592  ingame_panel_hireStaff = "Hire Staff",
593  ingame_rotateobject = "Rotate Object",
594  ingame_quickSave = "Quick Save",
595  ingame_quickLoad = "Quick Load",
596  ingame_restartLevel = "Restart Level",
597  ingame_quitLevel = "Quit Level",
598  ingame_setTransparent = "Transparent",
599  ingame_toggleAnnouncements = "Announcements",
600  ingame_toggleSounds = "Sounds",
601  ingame_toggleMusic = "Music",
602  ingame_toggleAdvisor = "Advisor",
603  ingame_toggleInfo = "Info",
604  ingame_poopLog = "Dump Log",
605  ingame_poopStrings = "Dump Strings",
606  ingame_patient_gohome = "Send Home",
607  ingame_storePosition_1 = "1",
608  ingame_storePosition_2 = "2",
609  ingame_storePosition_3 = "3",
610  ingame_storePosition_4 = "4",
611  ingame_storePosition_5 = "5",
612  ingame_storePosition_6 = "6",
613  ingame_storePosition_7 = "7",
614  ingame_storePosition_8 = "8",
615  ingame_storePosition_9 = "9",
616  ingame_storePosition_0 = "10",
617  ingame_recallPosition_1 = "1",
618  ingame_recallPosition_2 = "2",
619  ingame_recallPosition_3 = "3",
620  ingame_recallPosition_4 = "4",
621  ingame_recallPosition_5 = "5",
622  ingame_recallPosition_6 = "6",
623  ingame_recallPosition_7 = "7",
624  ingame_recallPosition_8 = "8",
625  ingame_recallPosition_9 = "9",
626  ingame_recallPosition_0 = "10",
629tooltip.hotkey_window = {
630  button_accept = "Accept and save hotkey assignments",
631  button_defaults = "Reset all hotkeys to the program's defaults",
632  button_cancel = "Cancel the assignment and go back to the options menu",
633  caption_panels = "Open window to assign panel keys",
634  button_recallPosKeys = "Open window to set keys to store and recall camera positions",
635  button_back_02 = "Go back to the main hotkey window. Hotkeys changed in this window can be accepted there",
638font_location_window = {
639  caption = "Choose font (%1%)",
642handyman_window = {
643  all_parcels = "All plots",
644  parcel = "Plot"
647tooltip.handyman_window = {
648  parcel_select = "The plot where the handyman accepts tasks, click to change setting"
651new_game_window = {
652  caption = "Campaign",
653  player_name = "Player name",
654  option_on = "On",
655  option_off = "Off",
656  difficulty = "Difficulty",
657  easy = "Junior (Easy)",
658  medium = "Doctor (Medium)",
659  hard = "Consultant (Hard)",
660  tutorial = "Tutorial",
661  start = "Start",
662  cancel = "Cancel",
665tooltip.new_game_window = {
666  player_name = "Enter the name you wish to be referred to as in the game",
667  difficulty = "Select the difficulty level you want to play the game in",
668  easy = "If you are new to simulation games this is the option for you",
669  medium = "This is the middle way to go if you are unsure what to choose",
670  hard = "If you are used to this kind of game and want more of a challenge, pick this option",
671  tutorial = "Click here to turn on some help to get you started once in the game",
672  start = "Start the game with the chosen settings",
673  cancel = "Oh, I didn't really mean to start a new game!",
676lua_console = {
677  execute_code = "Execute",
678  close = "Close",
681tooltip.lua_console = {
682  textbox = "Enter Lua code to run here",
683  execute_code = "Run the code you have entered",
684  close = "Close the console",
687errors = {
688  dialog_missing_graphics = "Sorry, the demo data files don't contain this dialog.",
689  save_prefix = "Error while saving game: ",
690  load_prefix = "Error while loading game: ",
691  compatibility_error = "Sorry, this save was created with a newer version of CorsixTH and is not compatible. Please update to a more recent version.",
692  no_games_to_contine = "There are no saved games.",
693  load_quick_save = "Error, cannot load the quicksave as it does not exist, not to worry as we have now created one for you!",
694  map_file_missing = "Could not find the map file %s for this level!",
695  minimum_screen_size = "Please enter a screen size of at least 640x480.",
696  unavailable_screen_size = "The screen size you requested is not available in fullscreen mode.",
697  alien_dna = "NOTE: There are no animations for Alien patients for sitting down, opening or knocking on doors etc. Like with Theme Hospital, performing those actions will change the patient to normal then back to Alien. Patients with Alien DNA will only appear if they are set to in the level file.",
698  fractured_bones = "NOTE: The animation for female patients with Fractured Bones is not perfect",
699  could_not_load_campaign = "Failed to load the campaign: %s",
700  could_not_find_first_campaign_level = "Could not find the first level of this campaign: %s",
701  save_to_tmp = "The file at %s could not be used. The game has been saved to %s. Error: %s",
704warnings = {
705  levelfile_variable_is_deprecated = "Notice: The level '%s' contains a deprecated variable definition in the level file." ..
706                                     "'%LevelFile' has been renamed to '%MapFile'. Please advise the map creator to update the level.",
707  newersave = "Warning, you have loaded a save from a newer version of CorsixTH. It is not recommended to continue as crashes may occur. Play at your own risk."
710confirmation = {
711  needs_restart = "Changing this setting requires CorsixTH to restart. Any unsaved progress will be lost. Are you sure you want to do this?",
712  abort_edit_room = "You are currently building or editing a room. If all required objects are placed it will be finished, but otherwise it will be deleted. Continue?",
713  maximum_screen_size = "The screen size you have entered is greater than 3000 x 2000. Larger resolutions are possible but will require better hardware in order to maintain a playable frame rate. Are you sure you want to continue?",
714  remove_destroyed_room = "Would you like to remove the room for $%d?",
717information = {
718  custom_game = "Welcome to CorsixTH. Have fun with this custom map!",
719  no_custom_game_in_demo = "Sorry, but in the demo version you can't play any custom maps.",
720  cannot_restart = "Unfortunately this custom game was saved before the restart feature was implemented.",
721  very_old_save = "There have been a lot of updates to the game since you started this level. To be sure that all features work as intended please consider restarting it.",
722  level_lost = {
723    "Bummer! You failed the level. Better luck next time!",
724    "The reason you lost:",
725    reputation = "Your reputation fell below %d.",
726    balance = "Your bank balance fell below %d.",
727    percentage_killed = "You killed more than %d percent of the patients.",
728    cheat = "This was your choice or did you select the wrong button? So you can't even cheat correctly, not that funny huh?",
729  },
730  cheat_not_possible = "Cannot use that cheat on this level. You even fail to cheat, not that funny huh?",
733tooltip.information = {
734  close = "Close the information dialog",
737totd_window = {
738  tips = {
739    "Every hospital needs a reception desk and a GP's office to get going. After that, it depends on what kind of patients are visiting your hospital. A pharmacy is always a good choice, though.",
740    "Machines such as the Inflator need maintenance. Employ a handyman or two to repair your machines, or you'll risk your staff and patients getting hurt.",
741    "After a while, your staff will get tired. Be sure to build a staff room, so they can relax.",
742    "Place enough radiators to keep your staff and patients warm, or they will become unhappy. Use the town map to locate any spots in your hospital that need more heating.",
743    "A doctor's skill level greatly influences the quality and speed of his diagnoses. Place a skilled doctor in your GP's office, and you won't need as many additional diagnosis rooms.",
744    "Juniors and doctors can improve their skills by learning from a consultant in the training room. If the consultant has a special qualification (surgeon, psychiatrist, or researcher), he will also pass on this knowledge to his pupil(s).",
745    "Did you try to enter the European emergency number (112) into the fax machine? Make sure your sound is on!",
746    "You can adjust some settings such as the resolution and language in the options window found both in the main menu and ingame.",
747    "You selected a language other than English, but there's English text all over the place? Help us by translating missing texts into your language!",
748    "The CorsixTH team is looking for reinforcements! Are you interested in coding, translating or creating graphics for CorsixTH? Contact us at our Forum, Mailing List or IRC Channel (corsix-th at freenode).",
749    "If you find a bug, please report it at our bugtracker: th-issues.corsix.org",
750    "Each level has certain requirements to fulfill before you can move on to the next one. Check the status window to see your progression towards the level goals.",
751    "If you want to edit or remove an existing room, you can do so with the edit room button found in the bottom toolbar.",
752    "In a horde of waiting patients, you can quickly find out which ones are waiting for a particular room by hovering over that room with your mouse cursor.",
753    "Click on the door of a room to see its queue. You can do useful fine tuning here, such as reordering the queue or sending a patient to another room.",
754    "Unhappy staff will ask for salary rises frequently. Make sure your staff is working in a comfortable environment to keep that from happening.",
755    "Patients will get thirsty while waiting in your hospital, even more so if you turn up the heating! Place vending machines in strategic positions for some extra income.",
756    "You can abort the diagnosis progress for a patient prematurely and guess the cure, if you already encountered the disease. Beware that this may increase the risk of a wrong cure, resulting in death for the patient.",
757    "Emergencies can be a good source for some extra cash, provided that you have enough capacities to handle the emergency patients in time.",
758  },
759  previous = "Previous Tip",
760  next = "Next Tip",
763tooltip.totd_window = {
764  previous = "Display the previous tip",
765  next = "Display the next tip",
768debug_patient_window = {
769  caption = "Debug Patient",
772cheats_window = {
773  caption = "Cheats",
774  warning = "Warning: You will not get any bonus points at the end of the level if you cheat!",
775  cheated = {
776    no = "Cheats used: No",
777    yes = "Cheats used: Yes",
778  },
779  cheats = {
780    money = "Money Cheat",
781    all_research = "All Research Cheat",
782    emergency = "Create Emergency",
783    vip = "Create VIP",
784    earthquake = "Create Earthquake",
785    epidemic = "Spawn contagious patient",
786    toggle_infected = "Toggle infected icons",
787    create_patient = "Create Patient",
788    end_month = "End of Month",
789    end_year = "End of Year",
790    lose_level = "Lose Level",
791    win_level = "Win Level",
792    increase_prices = "Increase prices",
793    decrease_prices = "Decrease prices",
794  },
795  close = "Close",
798tooltip.cheats_window = {
799  close = "Close the cheats dialog",
800  cheats = {
801    money = "Adds $10,000 to your bank balance",
802    all_research = "Completes all research",
803    emergency = "Creates an emergency",
804    vip = "Creates a VIP",
805    earthquake = "Creates an earthquake",
806    epidemic = "Creates a contagious patient who may cause an epidemic to happen",
807    toggle_infected = "Toggle the infected icons for the active, discovered epidemic",
808    create_patient = "Creates a Patient at the map border",
809    end_month = "Jumps to the end of the month",
810    end_year = "Jumps to the end of the year",
811    lose_level = "Lose the current level",
812    win_level = "Win the current level",
813    increase_prices = "Increase all prices by 50% (max. 200%)",
814    decrease_prices = "Decrease all prices by 50% (min. 50%)",
815  }
818--Level description, can be double spaced after full-stop
819introduction_texts = {
820  demo =
821    "Welcome to the demo hospital!//" ..
822    "Unfortunately the demo version only contains this level.  However, there is more than enough to do here to keep you busy for a while!  " ..
823    "You will encounter various diseases that require different rooms to cure.  From time to time, emergencies may occur.  And you will need to research additional rooms using a research room.  " ..
824    "Your goal is to earn $100,000, have a hospital value of $70,000 and a reputation of 700, while having cured at least 75% of your patients.  " ..
825    "Make sure your reputation does not fall below 300 and that you don't kill off more than 40% of your patients, or you will lose.//" ..
826    "Good luck!",
829calls_dispatcher = {
830  -- Dispatcher description message. Visible in Calls Dispatcher dialog
831  summary = "%d calls; %d assigned",
832  staff = "%s - %s",
833  watering = "Watering @ %d,%d",
834  repair = "Repair %s",
835  close = "Close",
838tooltip.calls_dispatcher = {
839  task = "List of tasks - click task to open assigned staff's window and scroll to location of task",
840  assigned = "This box is marked if someone is assigned to the corresponding task.",
841  close = "Close the calls dispatcher dialog",
844update_window = {
845  caption = "Update Available!",
846  new_version = "New Version:",
847  current_version = "Current Version:",
848  download = "Go to download page",
849  ignore = "Skip and go to main menu",
852tooltip.update_window = {
853  download = "Go to the download page for the very latest version of CorsixTH",
854  ignore = "Ignore this update for now. You will be notified again when you next open CorsixTH",
857map_editor_window = {
858  pages = {
859    inside = "Inside",
860    outside = "Outside",
861    foliage = "Foliage",
862    hedgerow = "Hedgerow",
863    pond = "Pond",
864    road = "Road",
865    north_wall = "North wall",
866    west_wall = "West wall",
867    helipad = "Helipad",
868    delete_wall = "Delete walls",
869    parcel_0 = "Parcel 0",
870    parcel_1 = "Parcel 1",
871    parcel_2 = "Parcel 2",
872    parcel_3 = "Parcel 3",
873    parcel_4 = "Parcel 4",
874    parcel_5 = "Parcel 5",
875    parcel_6 = "Parcel 6",
876    parcel_7 = "Parcel 7",
877    parcel_8 = "Parcel 8",
878    parcel_9 = "Parcel 9",
879    camera_1 = "Camera 1",
880    camera_2 = "Camera 2",
881    camera_3 = "Camera 3",
882    camera_4 = "Camera 4",
883    heliport_1 = "Heliport 1",
884    heliport_2 = "Heliport 2",
885    heliport_3 = "Heliport 3",
886    heliport_4 = "Heliport 4",
887    paste = "Paste area",
888  }
891fax = {
892vip_visit_result = {
893  ordered_remarks = {
894    [1] = "What a storming hospital. When I'm next seriously ill, take me there.",
895    [2] = "Now that's what I call a hospital.",
896    [3] = "That's a super hospital. And I should know; I've been in a few.",
897    [4] = "What a well-run hospital. Thanks for inviting me to it.",
898    [5] = "Hmm. Not a bad medical establishment, certainly.",
899    [6] = "I did enjoy your charming hospital. Now, anyone fancy a curry at the Taj?",
900    [7] = "Well, I've seen worse. But you should make some improvements.",
901    [8] = "Oh dear. Not a nice place to go if you're feeling peaky.",
902    [9] = "It's a standard hospital, to be honest. Frankly, I expected more.",
903    [10] = "Why did I bother? It was worse than going to see a four-hour opera!",
904    [11] = "I'm disgusted by what I saw. Call that a hospital? Pig-sty, more like!",
905    [12] = "I'm fed up of being in the public spotlight and visiting smelly holes like this! I resign.",
906    [13] = "What a dump. I'm going to try and get it closed down.",
907    [14] = "I have never seen such a dreadful hospital. What a disgrace!",
908    [15] = "I'm shocked. You can't call that a hospital! I'm off for a pint.",
909    }
910  }
913hotkeys_file_err = {
914  file_err_01 = "Unable to load hotkeys.txt file. Please ensure that CorsixTH " ..
915        "has permission to read/write ",
916  file_err_02 = ", or use the --hotkeys-file=filename command line option to specify a writable file. " ..
917        "For reference, the error loading the hotkeys file was: ",
920transactions.remove_room = "Build: Remove destroyed room"
921--------------------------------  UNUSED  -----------------------------------
922------------------- (kept for backwards compatibility) ----------------------
924options_window.change_resolution = "Change resolution"
925tooltip.options_window.change_resolution = "Change the window resolution to the dimensions entered on the left"