1#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
2from math import floor
3from craft_world import World
4import Queue
5import SocketServer
6import datetime
7import random
8import re
9import requests
10import sqlite3
11import sys
12import threading
13import time
14import traceback
19DB_PATH = 'craft.db'
20LOG_PATH = 'log.txt'
23BUFFER_SIZE = 4096
26DAY_LENGTH = 600
27SPAWN_POINT = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
28RATE_LIMIT = False
32    0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
33    17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
34    32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
35    48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63])
38BLOCK = 'B'
39CHUNK = 'C'
41KEY = 'K'
42LIGHT = 'L'
43NICK = 'N'
45REDRAW = 'R'
46SIGN = 'S'
47TALK = 'T'
48TIME = 'E'
50YOU = 'U'
53    from config import *
54except ImportError:
55    pass
57def log(*args):
58    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
59    line = ' '.join(map(str, (now,) + args))
60    print line
61    with open(LOG_PATH, 'a') as fp:
62        fp.write('%s\n' % line)
64def chunked(x):
65    return int(floor(round(x) / CHUNK_SIZE))
67def packet(*args):
68    return '%s\n' % ','.join(map(str, args))
70class RateLimiter(object):
71    def __init__(self, rate, per):
72        self.rate = float(rate)
73        self.per = float(per)
74        self.allowance = self.rate
75        self.last_check = time.time()
76    def tick(self):
77        if not RATE_LIMIT:
78            return False
79        now = time.time()
80        elapsed = now - self.last_check
81        self.last_check = now
82        self.allowance += elapsed * (self.rate / self.per)
83        if self.allowance > self.rate:
84            self.allowance = self.rate
85        if self.allowance < 1:
86            return True # too fast
87        else:
88            self.allowance -= 1
89            return False # okay
91class Server(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer):
92    allow_reuse_address = True
93    daemon_threads = True
95class Handler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
96    def setup(self):
97        self.position_limiter = RateLimiter(100, 5)
98        self.limiter = RateLimiter(1000, 10)
99        self.version = None
100        self.client_id = None
101        self.user_id = None
102        self.nick = None
103        self.queue = Queue.Queue()
104        self.running = True
105        self.start()
106    def handle(self):
107        model = self.server.model
108        model.enqueue(model.on_connect, self)
109        try:
110            buf = []
111            while True:
112                data = self.request.recv(BUFFER_SIZE)
113                if not data:
114                    break
115                buf.extend(data.replace('\r\n', '\n'))
116                while '\n' in buf:
117                    index = buf.index('\n')
118                    line = ''.join(buf[:index])
119                    buf = buf[index + 1:]
120                    if not line:
121                        continue
122                    if line[0] == POSITION:
123                        if self.position_limiter.tick():
124                            log('RATE', self.client_id)
125                            self.stop()
126                            return
127                    else:
128                        if self.limiter.tick():
129                            log('RATE', self.client_id)
130                            self.stop()
131                            return
132                    model.enqueue(model.on_data, self, line)
133        finally:
134            model.enqueue(model.on_disconnect, self)
135    def finish(self):
136        self.running = False
137    def stop(self):
138        self.request.close()
139    def start(self):
140        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run)
141        thread.setDaemon(True)
142        thread.start()
143    def run(self):
144        while self.running:
145            try:
146                buf = []
147                try:
148                    buf.append(self.queue.get(timeout=5))
149                    try:
150                        while True:
151                            buf.append(self.queue.get(False))
152                    except Queue.Empty:
153                        pass
154                except Queue.Empty:
155                    continue
156                data = ''.join(buf)
157                self.request.sendall(data)
158            except Exception:
159                self.request.close()
160                raise
161    def send_raw(self, data):
162        if data:
163            self.queue.put(data)
164    def send(self, *args):
165        self.send_raw(packet(*args))
167class Model(object):
168    def __init__(self, seed):
169        self.world = World(seed)
170        self.clients = []
171        self.queue = Queue.Queue()
172        self.commands = {
173            AUTHENTICATE: self.on_authenticate,
174            CHUNK: self.on_chunk,
175            BLOCK: self.on_block,
176            LIGHT: self.on_light,
177            POSITION: self.on_position,
178            TALK: self.on_talk,
179            SIGN: self.on_sign,
180            VERSION: self.on_version,
181        }
182        self.patterns = [
183            (re.compile(r'^/spawn$'), self.on_spawn),
184            (re.compile(r'^/goto(?:\s+(\S+))?$'), self.on_goto),
185            (re.compile(r'^/pq\s+(-?[0-9]+)\s*,?\s*(-?[0-9]+)$'), self.on_pq),
186            (re.compile(r'^/help(?:\s+(\S+))?$'), self.on_help),
187            (re.compile(r'^/list$'), self.on_list),
188        ]
189    def start(self):
190        thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run)
191        thread.setDaemon(True)
192        thread.start()
193    def run(self):
194        self.connection = sqlite3.connect(DB_PATH)
195        self.create_tables()
196        self.commit()
197        while True:
198            try:
199                if time.time() - self.last_commit > COMMIT_INTERVAL:
200                    self.commit()
201                self.dequeue()
202            except Exception:
203                traceback.print_exc()
204    def enqueue(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
205        self.queue.put((func, args, kwargs))
206    def dequeue(self):
207        try:
208            func, args, kwargs = self.queue.get(timeout=5)
209            func(*args, **kwargs)
210        except Queue.Empty:
211            pass
212    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
213        return self.connection.execute(*args, **kwargs)
214    def commit(self):
215        self.last_commit = time.time()
216        self.connection.commit()
217    def create_tables(self):
218        queries = [
219            'create table if not exists block ('
220            '    p int not null,'
221            '    q int not null,'
222            '    x int not null,'
223            '    y int not null,'
224            '    z int not null,'
225            '    w int not null'
226            ');',
227            'create unique index if not exists block_pqxyz_idx on '
228            '    block (p, q, x, y, z);',
229            'create table if not exists light ('
230            '    p int not null,'
231            '    q int not null,'
232            '    x int not null,'
233            '    y int not null,'
234            '    z int not null,'
235            '    w int not null'
236            ');',
237            'create unique index if not exists light_pqxyz_idx on '
238            '    light (p, q, x, y, z);',
239            'create table if not exists sign ('
240            '    p int not null,'
241            '    q int not null,'
242            '    x int not null,'
243            '    y int not null,'
244            '    z int not null,'
245            '    face int not null,'
246            '    text text not null'
247            ');',
248            'create index if not exists sign_pq_idx on sign (p, q);',
249            'create unique index if not exists sign_xyzface_idx on '
250            '    sign (x, y, z, face);',
251            'create table if not exists block_history ('
252            '   timestamp real not null,'
253            '   user_id int not null,'
254            '   x int not null,'
255            '   y int not null,'
256            '   z int not null,'
257            '   w int not null'
258            ');',
259        ]
260        for query in queries:
261            self.execute(query)
262    def get_default_block(self, x, y, z):
263        p, q = chunked(x), chunked(z)
264        chunk = self.world.get_chunk(p, q)
265        return chunk.get((x, y, z), 0)
266    def get_block(self, x, y, z):
267        query = (
268            'select w from block where '
269            'p = :p and q = :q and x = :x and y = :y and z = :z;'
270        )
271        p, q = chunked(x), chunked(z)
272        rows = list(self.execute(query, dict(p=p, q=q, x=x, y=y, z=z)))
273        if rows:
274            return rows[0][0]
275        return self.get_default_block(x, y, z)
276    def next_client_id(self):
277        result = 1
278        client_ids = set(x.client_id for x in self.clients)
279        while result in client_ids:
280            result += 1
281        return result
282    def on_connect(self, client):
283        client.client_id = self.next_client_id()
284        client.nick = 'guest%d' % client.client_id
285        log('CONN', client.client_id, *client.client_address)
286        client.position = SPAWN_POINT
287        self.clients.append(client)
288        client.send(YOU, client.client_id, *client.position)
289        client.send(TIME, time.time(), DAY_LENGTH)
290        client.send(TALK, 'Welcome to Craft!')
291        client.send(TALK, 'Type "/help" for a list of commands.')
292        self.send_position(client)
293        self.send_positions(client)
294        self.send_nick(client)
295        self.send_nicks(client)
296    def on_data(self, client, data):
297        #log('RECV', client.client_id, data)
298        args = data.split(',')
299        command, args = args[0], args[1:]
300        if command in self.commands:
301            func = self.commands[command]
302            func(client, *args)
303    def on_disconnect(self, client):
304        log('DISC', client.client_id, *client.client_address)
305        self.clients.remove(client)
306        self.send_disconnect(client)
307        self.send_talk('%s has disconnected from the server.' % client.nick)
308    def on_version(self, client, version):
309        if client.version is not None:
310            return
311        version = int(version)
312        if version != 1:
313            client.stop()
314            return
315        client.version = version
316        # TODO: client.start() here
317    def on_authenticate(self, client, username, access_token):
318        user_id = None
319        if username and access_token:
320            url = 'https://craft.michaelfogleman.com/api/1/access'
321            payload = {
322                'username': username,
323                'access_token': access_token,
324            }
325            response = requests.post(url, data=payload)
326            if response.status_code == 200 and response.text.isdigit():
327                user_id = int(response.text)
328        client.user_id = user_id
329        if user_id is None:
330            client.nick = 'guest%d' % client.client_id
331            client.send(TALK, 'Visit craft.michaelfogleman.com to register!')
332        else:
333            client.nick = username
334        self.send_nick(client)
335        # TODO: has left message if was already authenticated
336        self.send_talk('%s has joined the game.' % client.nick)
337    def on_chunk(self, client, p, q, key=0):
338        packets = []
339        p, q, key = map(int, (p, q, key))
340        query = (
341            'select rowid, x, y, z, w from block where '
342            'p = :p and q = :q and rowid > :key;'
343        )
344        rows = self.execute(query, dict(p=p, q=q, key=key))
345        max_rowid = 0
346        blocks = 0
347        for rowid, x, y, z, w in rows:
348            blocks += 1
349            packets.append(packet(BLOCK, p, q, x, y, z, w))
350            max_rowid = max(max_rowid, rowid)
351        query = (
352            'select x, y, z, w from light where '
353            'p = :p and q = :q;'
354        )
355        rows = self.execute(query, dict(p=p, q=q))
356        lights = 0
357        for x, y, z, w in rows:
358            lights += 1
359            packets.append(packet(LIGHT, p, q, x, y, z, w))
360        query = (
361            'select x, y, z, face, text from sign where '
362            'p = :p and q = :q;'
363        )
364        rows = self.execute(query, dict(p=p, q=q))
365        signs = 0
366        for x, y, z, face, text in rows:
367            signs += 1
368            packets.append(packet(SIGN, p, q, x, y, z, face, text))
369        if blocks:
370            packets.append(packet(KEY, p, q, max_rowid))
371        if blocks or lights or signs:
372            packets.append(packet(REDRAW, p, q))
373        packets.append(packet(CHUNK, p, q))
374        client.send_raw(''.join(packets))
375    def on_block(self, client, x, y, z, w):
376        x, y, z, w = map(int, (x, y, z, w))
377        p, q = chunked(x), chunked(z)
378        previous = self.get_block(x, y, z)
379        message = None
380        if client.user_id is None:
381            message = 'Only logged in users are allowed to build.'
382        elif y <= 0 or y > 255:
383            message = 'Invalid block coordinates.'
384        elif w not in ALLOWED_ITEMS:
385            message = 'That item is not allowed.'
386        elif w and previous:
387            message = 'Cannot create blocks in a non-empty space.'
388        elif not w and not previous:
389            message = 'That space is already empty.'
390        elif previous in INDESTRUCTIBLE_ITEMS:
391            message = 'Cannot destroy that type of block.'
392        if message is not None:
393            client.send(BLOCK, p, q, x, y, z, previous)
394            client.send(REDRAW, p, q)
395            client.send(TALK, message)
396            return
397        query = (
398            'insert into block_history (timestamp, user_id, x, y, z, w) '
399            'values (:timestamp, :user_id, :x, :y, :z, :w);'
400        )
401        if RECORD_HISTORY:
402            self.execute(query, dict(timestamp=time.time(),
403                user_id=client.user_id, x=x, y=y, z=z, w=w))
404        query = (
405            'insert or replace into block (p, q, x, y, z, w) '
406            'values (:p, :q, :x, :y, :z, :w);'
407        )
408        self.execute(query, dict(p=p, q=q, x=x, y=y, z=z, w=w))
409        self.send_block(client, p, q, x, y, z, w)
410        for dx in range(-1, 2):
411            for dz in range(-1, 2):
412                if dx == 0 and dz == 0:
413                    continue
414                if dx and chunked(x + dx) == p:
415                    continue
416                if dz and chunked(z + dz) == q:
417                    continue
418                np, nq = p + dx, q + dz
419                self.execute(query, dict(p=np, q=nq, x=x, y=y, z=z, w=-w))
420                self.send_block(client, np, nq, x, y, z, -w)
421        if w == 0:
422            query = (
423                'delete from sign where '
424                'x = :x and y = :y and z = :z;'
425            )
426            self.execute(query, dict(x=x, y=y, z=z))
427            query = (
428                'update light set w = 0 where '
429                'x = :x and y = :y and z = :z;'
430            )
431            self.execute(query, dict(x=x, y=y, z=z))
432    def on_light(self, client, x, y, z, w):
433        x, y, z, w = map(int, (x, y, z, w))
434        p, q = chunked(x), chunked(z)
435        block = self.get_block(x, y, z)
436        message = None
437        if client.user_id is None:
438            message = 'Only logged in users are allowed to build.'
439        elif block == 0:
440            message = 'Lights must be placed on a block.'
441        elif w < 0 or w > 15:
442            message = 'Invalid light value.'
443        if message is not None:
444            # TODO: client.send(LIGHT, p, q, x, y, z, previous)
445            client.send(REDRAW, p, q)
446            client.send(TALK, message)
447            return
448        query = (
449            'insert or replace into light (p, q, x, y, z, w) '
450            'values (:p, :q, :x, :y, :z, :w);'
451        )
452        self.execute(query, dict(p=p, q=q, x=x, y=y, z=z, w=w))
453        self.send_light(client, p, q, x, y, z, w)
454    def on_sign(self, client, x, y, z, face, *args):
455        if client.user_id is None:
456            client.send(TALK, 'Only logged in users are allowed to build.')
457            return
458        text = ','.join(args)
459        x, y, z, face = map(int, (x, y, z, face))
460        if y <= 0 or y > 255:
461            return
462        if face < 0 or face > 7:
463            return
464        if len(text) > 48:
465            return
466        p, q = chunked(x), chunked(z)
467        if text:
468            query = (
469                'insert or replace into sign (p, q, x, y, z, face, text) '
470                'values (:p, :q, :x, :y, :z, :face, :text);'
471            )
472            self.execute(query,
473                dict(p=p, q=q, x=x, y=y, z=z, face=face, text=text))
474        else:
475            query = (
476                'delete from sign where '
477                'x = :x and y = :y and z = :z and face = :face;'
478            )
479            self.execute(query, dict(x=x, y=y, z=z, face=face))
480        self.send_sign(client, p, q, x, y, z, face, text)
481    def on_position(self, client, x, y, z, rx, ry):
482        x, y, z, rx, ry = map(float, (x, y, z, rx, ry))
483        client.position = (x, y, z, rx, ry)
484        self.send_position(client)
485    def on_talk(self, client, *args):
486        text = ','.join(args)
487        if text.startswith('/'):
488            for pattern, func in self.patterns:
489                match = pattern.match(text)
490                if match:
491                    func(client, *match.groups())
492                    break
493            else:
494                client.send(TALK, 'Unrecognized command: "%s"' % text)
495        elif text.startswith('@'):
496            nick = text[1:].split(' ', 1)[0]
497            for other in self.clients:
498                if other.nick == nick:
499                    client.send(TALK, '%s> %s' % (client.nick, text))
500                    other.send(TALK, '%s> %s' % (client.nick, text))
501                    break
502            else:
503                client.send(TALK, 'Unrecognized nick: "%s"' % nick)
504        else:
505            self.send_talk('%s> %s' % (client.nick, text))
506    def on_spawn(self, client):
507        client.position = SPAWN_POINT
508        client.send(YOU, client.client_id, *client.position)
509        self.send_position(client)
510    def on_goto(self, client, nick=None):
511        if nick is None:
512            clients = [x for x in self.clients if x != client]
513            other = random.choice(clients) if clients else None
514        else:
515            nicks = dict((client.nick, client) for client in self.clients)
516            other = nicks.get(nick)
517        if other:
518            client.position = other.position
519            client.send(YOU, client.client_id, *client.position)
520            self.send_position(client)
521    def on_pq(self, client, p, q):
522        p, q = map(int, (p, q))
523        if abs(p) > 1000 or abs(q) > 1000:
524            return
525        client.position = (p * CHUNK_SIZE, 0, q * CHUNK_SIZE, 0, 0)
526        client.send(YOU, client.client_id, *client.position)
527        self.send_position(client)
528    def on_help(self, client, topic=None):
529        if topic is None:
530            client.send(TALK, 'Type "t" to chat. Type "/" to type commands:')
531            client.send(TALK, '/goto [NAME], /help [TOPIC], /list, /login NAME, /logout')
532            client.send(TALK, '/offline [FILE], /online HOST [PORT], /pq P Q, /spawn, /view N')
533            return
534        topic = topic.lower().strip()
535        if topic == 'goto':
536            client.send(TALK, 'Help: /goto [NAME]')
537            client.send(TALK, 'Teleport to another user.')
538            client.send(TALK, 'If NAME is unspecified, a random user is chosen.')
539        elif topic == 'list':
540            client.send(TALK, 'Help: /list')
541            client.send(TALK, 'Display a list of connected users.')
542        elif topic == 'login':
543            client.send(TALK, 'Help: /login NAME')
544            client.send(TALK, 'Switch to another registered username.')
545            client.send(TALK, 'The login server will be re-contacted. The username is case-sensitive.')
546        elif topic == 'logout':
547            client.send(TALK, 'Help: /logout')
548            client.send(TALK, 'Unauthenticate and become a guest user.')
549            client.send(TALK, 'Automatic logins will not occur again until the /login command is re-issued.')
550        elif topic == 'offline':
551            client.send(TALK, 'Help: /offline [FILE]')
552            client.send(TALK, 'Switch to offline mode.')
553            client.send(TALK, 'FILE specifies the save file to use and defaults to "craft".')
554        elif topic == 'online':
555            client.send(TALK, 'Help: /online HOST [PORT]')
556            client.send(TALK, 'Connect to the specified server.')
557        elif topic == 'pq':
558            client.send(TALK, 'Help: /pq P Q')
559            client.send(TALK, 'Teleport to the specified chunk.')
560        elif topic == 'spawn':
561            client.send(TALK, 'Help: /spawn')
562            client.send(TALK, 'Teleport back to the spawn point.')
563        elif topic == 'view':
564            client.send(TALK, 'Help: /view N')
565            client.send(TALK, 'Set viewing distance, 1 - 24.')
566    def on_list(self, client):
567        client.send(TALK,
568            'Players: %s' % ', '.join(x.nick for x in self.clients))
569    def send_positions(self, client):
570        for other in self.clients:
571            if other == client:
572                continue
573            client.send(POSITION, other.client_id, *other.position)
574    def send_position(self, client):
575        for other in self.clients:
576            if other == client:
577                continue
578            other.send(POSITION, client.client_id, *client.position)
579    def send_nicks(self, client):
580        for other in self.clients:
581            if other == client:
582                continue
583            client.send(NICK, other.client_id, other.nick)
584    def send_nick(self, client):
585        for other in self.clients:
586            other.send(NICK, client.client_id, client.nick)
587    def send_disconnect(self, client):
588        for other in self.clients:
589            if other == client:
590                continue
591            other.send(DISCONNECT, client.client_id)
592    def send_block(self, client, p, q, x, y, z, w):
593        for other in self.clients:
594            if other == client:
595                continue
596            other.send(BLOCK, p, q, x, y, z, w)
597            other.send(REDRAW, p, q)
598    def send_light(self, client, p, q, x, y, z, w):
599        for other in self.clients:
600            if other == client:
601                continue
602            other.send(LIGHT, p, q, x, y, z, w)
603            other.send(REDRAW, p, q)
604    def send_sign(self, client, p, q, x, y, z, face, text):
605        for other in self.clients:
606            if other == client:
607                continue
608            other.send(SIGN, p, q, x, y, z, face, text)
609    def send_talk(self, text):
610        log(text)
611        for client in self.clients:
612            client.send(TALK, text)
614def cleanup():
615    world = World(None)
616    conn = sqlite3.connect(DB_PATH)
617    query = 'select x, y, z from block order by rowid desc limit 1;'
618    last = list(conn.execute(query))[0]
619    query = 'select distinct p, q from block;'
620    chunks = list(conn.execute(query))
621    count = 0
622    total = 0
623    delete_query = 'delete from block where x = %d and y = %d and z = %d;'
624    print 'begin;'
625    for p, q in chunks:
626        chunk = world.create_chunk(p, q)
627        query = 'select x, y, z, w from block where p = :p and q = :q;'
628        rows = conn.execute(query, {'p': p, 'q': q})
629        for x, y, z, w in rows:
630            if chunked(x) != p or chunked(z) != q:
631                continue
632            total += 1
633            if (x, y, z) == last:
634                continue
635            original = chunk.get((x, y, z), 0)
636            if w == original or original in INDESTRUCTIBLE_ITEMS:
637                count += 1
638                print delete_query % (x, y, z)
639    conn.close()
640    print 'commit;'
641    print >> sys.stderr, '%d of %d blocks will be cleaned up' % (count, total)
643def main():
644    if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'cleanup':
645        cleanup()
646        return
647    host, port = DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT
648    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
649        host = sys.argv[1]
650    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
651        port = int(sys.argv[2])
652    log('SERV', host, port)
653    model = Model(None)
654    model.start()
655    server = Server((host, port), Handler)
656    server.model = model
657    server.serve_forever()
659if __name__ == '__main__':
660    main()