1 /*
2  *  This file is part of Dune Legacy.
3  *
4  *  Dune Legacy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7  *  (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  *  Dune Legacy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  *  along with Dune Legacy.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16  */
18 #ifndef DUNESTYLE_H
19 #define DUNESTYLE_H
21 #include <GUI/GUIStyle.h>
23 class DuneStyle : public GUIStyle {
24 public:
25     /// default constructor
DuneStyle()26     DuneStyle() : GUIStyle() {
27     }
29     /// destructor
~DuneStyle()30     virtual ~DuneStyle() {
31     }
34     /**
35         Returns the minimum size of a label with this text
36         \param  text    The text for the label
37         \param  fontID  The ID of the font to use
38         \return the mimimum size of this label
39     */
40     virtual Point getMinimumLabelSize(const std::string& text, int fontID);
42     /**
43         Creates the surface for a label with TextLines as content.
44         \param  width           the width of the label
45         \param  height          the height of the label
46         \param  textLines       a vector of text lines for this label
47         \param  fontID          the ID of the font to use
48         \param  alignment       the alignment for this label
49         \param  textcolor       the color of the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
50         \param  textshadowcolor the color of the shadow under the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
51         \param  backgroundcolor the background color (default is transparent)
52         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
53     */
54     virtual SDL_Surface* createLabelSurface(Uint32 width, Uint32 height, const std::vector<std::string>& textLines, int fontID, Alignment_Enum alignment = Alignment_HCenter, Uint32 textcolor = COLOR_DEFAULT, Uint32 textshadowcolor = COLOR_DEFAULT, Uint32 backgroundcolor = COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
59     /**
60         Returns the minimum size of a checkbox with this text
61         \param  text    The text for the checkbox
62         \return the mimimum size of this checkbox
63     */
64     virtual Point getMinimumCheckboxSize(const std::string& text);
66     /**
67         Creates the surface for a checkbox with text as content.
68         \param  width           the width of the checkbox
69         \param  height          the height of the checkbox
70         \param  text            the text for this checkbox
71         \param  checked         true, if the checkbox is checked, false otherwise
72         \param  activated       true if the checkbox is activated (e.g. mouse hover)
73         \param  textcolor       the color of the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
74         \param  textshadowcolor the color of the shadow under the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
75         \param  backgroundcolor the background color (default is transparent)
76         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
77     */
78     virtual SDL_Surface* createCheckboxSurface(Uint32 width, Uint32 height, const std::string& text, bool checked, bool activated, Uint32 textcolor = COLOR_DEFAULT, Uint32 textshadowcolor = COLOR_DEFAULT, Uint32 backgroundcolor = COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
83     /**
84         Returns the minimum size of a radio button with this text
85         \param  text    The text for the radio button
86         \return the mimimum size of this radio button
87     */
88     virtual Point getMinimumRadioButtonSize(const std::string& text);
90     /**
91         Creates the surface for a radio button with text as content.
92         \param  width           the width of the radio button
93         \param  height          the height of the radio button
94         \param  text            the text for this radio button
95         \param  checked         true, if the radio button is checked, false otherwise
96         \param  activated       true if the radio button is activated (e.g. mouse hover)
97         \param  textcolor       the color of the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
98         \param  textshadowcolor the color of the shadow under the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
99         \param  backgroundcolor the background color (default is transparent)
100         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
101     */
102     virtual SDL_Surface* createRadioButtonSurface(Uint32 width, Uint32 height, const std::string& text, bool checked, bool activated, Uint32 textcolor = COLOR_DEFAULT, Uint32 textshadowcolor = COLOR_DEFAULT, Uint32 backgroundcolor = COLOR_TRANSPARENT);
107     /**
108         Creates the surface for a drop down box
109         \param  size        the width and height of the drop down button
110         \param  pressed     true if the button should be pressed
111         \param  activated   true if the button is activated (e.g. mouse hover)
112         \param  color       the color of the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
113         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
114     */
115     virtual SDL_Surface* createDropDownBoxButton(Uint32 size, bool pressed, bool activated, Uint32 color = COLOR_DEFAULT);
120     /**
121         Returns the minumum size of a button with this text
122         \param  text    The text for the button
123         \return the mimimum size of this button
124     */
125     virtual Point getMinimumButtonSize(const std::string& text);
127     /**
128         Creates the surface for a button with text as content.
129         \param  width           the width of the button
130         \param  height          the height of the button
131         \param  text            the text for this button
132         \param  pressed         true if the button should be pressed
133         \param  activated       true if the button is activated (e.g. mouse hover)
134         \param  textcolor       the color of the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
135         \param  textshadowcolor the color of the shadow under the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
136         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
137     */
138     virtual SDL_Surface* createButtonSurface(Uint32 width, Uint32 height, const std::string& text, bool pressed, bool activated, Uint32 textcolor = COLOR_DEFAULT, Uint32 textshadowcolor = COLOR_DEFAULT);
143     /**
144         Returns the minumum size of a text box
145         \param  fontID  The ID of the font to use
146         \return the mimimum size of a text box
147     */
148     virtual Point getMinimumTextBoxSize(int fontID);
150     /**
151         Creates the surface for a text box with text as content.
152         \param  width           the width of the text box
153         \param  height          the height of the text box
154         \param  text            the text for this text box
155         \param  carret          true if a carret should be shown
156         \param  fontID          the ID of the font to use
157         \param  alignment       the alignment for this text box
158         \param  textcolor       the color of the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
159         \param  textshadowcolor the color of the shadow under the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
160         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
161     */
162     virtual SDL_Surface* createTextBoxSurface(Uint32 width, Uint32 height, const std::string& text, bool carret, int fontID, Alignment_Enum alignment = Alignment_Left, Uint32 textcolor = COLOR_DEFAULT, Uint32 textshadowcolor = COLOR_DEFAULT);
167     /**
168         Returns the minumum size of a scroll bar arrow button.
169         \return the mimimum size of a scroll bar arrow
170     */
171     virtual Point getMinimumScrollBarArrowButtonSize();
173     /**
174         Creates the surface for a scroll bar arrow button.
175         \param  down        true = downward arrow, false = upward arrow
176         \param  pressed     true if the button should be pressed
177         \param  activated   true if the button is activated (e.g. mouse hover)
178         \param  color       the color of the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
179         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
180     */
181     virtual SDL_Surface* createScrollBarArrowButton(bool down, bool pressed, bool activated, Uint32 color = COLOR_DEFAULT);
186     /**
187         Returns the minumum height of a list box entry.
188         \return the mimimum height of a list box entry
189     */
190     virtual Uint32 getListBoxEntryHeight();
192     /**
193         Creates the surface for a list box entry with text as content.
194         \param  width       the width of the entry
195         \param  text        the text for this entry
196         \param  selected    true if a entry should be highlighted
197         \param  color       the color of the text (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
198         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
199     */
200     virtual SDL_Surface* createListBoxEntry(Uint32 width, const std::string& text, bool selected, Uint32 color = COLOR_DEFAULT);
205     /**
206         Creates the overlay surface for a progress bar widget. This surface is then drawn
207         above the progress bar widget.
208         \param  width       the width of the progress bar
209         \param  height      the height of the progress bar
210         \param  percent     a value between 0.0 and 100.0
211         \param  color       the color of the overlay (COLOR_DEFAULT = default color for this style)
212         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
213     */
214     virtual SDL_Surface* createProgressBarOverlay(Uint32 width, Uint32 height, double percent, Uint32 color = COLOR_DEFAULT);
217     /**
218         Creates a tool tip surface.
219         \param  text        the tool tip text
220         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
221     */
222     virtual SDL_Surface* createToolTip(const std::string& text);
224     /**
225         Creates a simple background for e.g. a window
226         \param  width       the width of the surface
227         \param  height      the height of the surface
228         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
229     */
230     virtual SDL_Surface* createBackground(Uint32 width, Uint32 height);
232     /**
233         Creates a simple background for widgets
234         \param  width       the width of the surface
235         \param  height      the height of the surface
236         \return the new surface (has to be freed by the caller)
237     */
238     virtual SDL_Surface* createWidgetBackground(Uint32 width, Uint32 height);
240     /**
241         Get the height of the font specified by fontnum
242         \param  FontNum     the font
243         \return the height of the font
244     */
245     virtual unsigned int getTextHeight(unsigned int FontNum);
247     /**
248         Get the weidth of the text with the font specified by fontnum
249         \param  text        the text to get the width from
250         \param  FontNum     the font
251         \return the width of the text
252     */
253     virtual unsigned int getTextWidth(const std::string& text, unsigned int FontNum);
255 public:
256     static const Uint32 defaultForegroundColor = COLOR_RGB(125,0,0);
257     static const Uint32 defaultShadowColor = COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW;
259     static const Uint32 buttonBackgroundColor = COLOR_RGB(202,141,16);
260     static const Uint32 pressedButtonBackgroundColor = COLOR_RGB(182,125,12);
261     static const Uint32 buttonBorderColor = COLOR_RGB(60,36,0);
262     static const Uint32 buttonEdgeBottomRightColor = COLOR_RGB(153,105,0);
263     static const Uint32 buttonEdgeTopLeftColor = COLOR_RGB(255,190,76);
265 private:
267     /**
268         Creates a surface with text on it
269         \param  text        text to draw
270         \param  color       the color of the text
271         \param  fontsize    the size of the text
272         \return the new created surface (the caller of this method is responsible of freeing it)
273     */
274     SDL_Surface* createSurfaceWithText(const std::string& text, Uint32 color, unsigned int fontsize);
brightenUp(Uint32 color)276     Uint32 brightenUp(Uint32 color) {
277         Uint32 r = (color & RMASK) >> RSHIFT;
278         Uint32 g = (color & GMASK) >> GSHIFT;
279         Uint32 b = (color & BMASK) >> BSHIFT;
280         Uint32 a = (color & AMASK) >> ASHIFT;
282         r = std::min(255U, (r*3)/2);
283         g = std::min(255U, (g*3)/2);
284         b = std::min(255U, (b*3)/2);
286         return COLOR_RGBA(r,g,b,a);
287     }
288 };
290 #endif // DUNESTYLEBASE_H